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Sex ratio theory proposes that the equal sex ratio typically observed in birds and mammals is the result of natural selection. However, in species with chromosomal sex determination, the same 1 : 1 sex ratio is expected under random Mendelian segregation. Here, we present an analysis of 14 years of sex ratio data for a population of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) on Mandarte Island, at the nestling stage and at independence from parental care. We test for the presence of variance in sex ratio over and above the binomial variance expected under Mendelian segregation, and thereby quantify the potential for selection to shape sex ratio. Furthermore, if sex ratio variation is to be shaped by selection, we expect some of this extra-binomial variation to have a genetic basis. Despite ample statistical power, we find no evidence for the existence of either genetic or environmentally induced variation in sex ratio, in the nest or at independence. Instead, the sex ratio variation observed matches that expected under random Mendelian segregation. Using one of the best datasets of its kind, we conclude that female song sparrows do not, and perhaps cannot, adjust the sex of their offspring. We discuss the implications of this finding and make suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Male calls of the katydid Neoconocephalus triops exhibit substantial developmental plasticity in two parameters: (i) calls of winter males are continuous and lack the verse structure of summer calls and (ii) at equal temperatures, summer males produce calls with a substantially higher pulse rate than winter males. We raised female N. triops under conditions that reliably induced either summer or winter phenotype and tested their preferences for the call parameters that differ between summer and winter males.Neither generation was selective for the presence of verses, but females had strong preferences for pulse rates: only a narrow range of pulse rates was attractive. The attractive ranges did not differ between summer and winter females. Both male pulse rate and female preference for pulse rate changed with ambient temperature, but female preference changed more than the male calls.As a result, the summer call was attractive only at 25 degrees C, whereas the slower winter call was attractive only at 20 degrees C. Thus, developmental plasticity of male calls compensates for differences in temperature dependency between calls and preferences and enables the communication system to function in heterogeneous environments. The potential role of call plasticity during the invasion of new habitats is discussed.  相似文献   

The present experiments were conducted to determine (1) which basal forebrain regions and/or their peptidergic components are responsive to social challenge and nonsocial stress, and (2) the influence of an arginine vasopressin V(1) antagonist (AVPa) on these responses. Experiments were conducted in wild-caught male song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) that were housed on seminatural territories (field-based flight cages). Subjects were each fitted with a chronic guide cannula directed at the lateral ventricle and exposed to one of five conditions before sacrifice and histochemistry: saline + simulated territorial intrusion (STI; consisting of song playback and presentation of a caged conspecific male), AVPa + STI, saline + empty cage, AVPa + empty cage, unhandled. Two tissue series were prepared and immunofluorescently double-labeled for ZENK (egr-1) protein and either arginine vasotocin (AVT; avian homologue of AVP) or corticotropin releasing factor (CRF). The results indicate that the neuronal populations that are sensitive to nonsocial stress (capture, handling and infusion) and STI are at least partially segregated. Increases in ZENK-immunoreactive (-ir) nuclei following handling and infusion were observed in a large number of areas, whereas neural responses that were specific to STI were more limited. However, multiple areas showed responses to both handling and STI. AVPa infusions significantly reduced or eliminated most experimental increases in ZENK-ir, suggesting a broad role for endogenous AVT in the modulation of baseline activity and/or stress responsivity, and a much more limited role in the specific response to social challenge. Particular attention is given to the numerous zones of the lateral septum (LS), which are differentially responsive to handling, STI, and V(1)-like receptor blockade. These data suggest that septal AVT modulates neural responses to general stressors, not social stimuli specifically. Thus, species differences in septal AVT function (as previously described in songbirds) likely reflect differences in the relationship of stress or anxiety to species-specific behaviors, or to behavior in species-typical contexts.  相似文献   

李乐  万冬梅  刘鹤  殷江霞  李其久  霍雅鹏 《生态学报》2011,31(24):7492-7499
杂色山雀(Parus varius)是一种分布区域极其狭窄的小型森林洞巢鸟类,种群数量稀少,在中国大陆仅见繁殖于辽宁省的东南部山区和毗邻辽宁的吉林省西南部山区,为当地留鸟.为了探讨巢址选择对杂色山雀繁殖的影响,找出影响杂色山雀繁殖成功率的巢址选择方面的主要因子,于2009-2011年3-7月,在辽宁省仙人洞国家级自然保护区通过悬挂人工巢箱,进行杂色山雀对人工巢箱的巢址选择以及不同的巢址对杂色山雀繁殖成功率的影响研究.研究表明:杂色山雀多在针阔混交林中活动和繁殖,对位于赤松与蒙古栎混交林中的巢箱有一定偏好.野外共发现24巢杂色山雀在人工巢箱中繁殖,其中15巢繁殖成功,9巢繁殖失败.对杂色山雀利用的巢址样方主成分分析表明,巢位因子( 19.826%)、乔木因子(17.571%)、灌木因子(13.11%)、光照因子(11.587%)、隐蔽因子(10.562%)和边缘效应因子(7.572%)是影响杂色山雀对人工巢箱选择的重要因子.利用巢箱与对照巢箱相比,两者在距水源距离、距路距离、乔木平均高度、灌木平均高度和植被类型这5个环境变量上存在显著差异.繁殖成功巢与繁殖失败巢相比,繁殖成功的巢箱所在位置距路稍远,坡度较高,乔木最大高度较高,灌木盖度略低于繁殖失败巢箱.人为干扰和天敌捕食是造成杂色山雀繁殖失败的主要原因.以上研究结果表明,巢向偏南、距地面2 m以上、周围乔木高大、灌木平均高度大于1.5m、盖度在45%-55%之间、距水源20 m左右、距路20 m以外的位于针阔混交林边缘的巢箱是杂色山雀繁殖的最优巢址.目前杂色山雀的种群数量还很稀少,希望本研究能对这一珍稀鸟类的保护提供重要参考.  相似文献   

Summary Previous investigations have shown that malemale interactions over territory boundaries result in an increase in plasma levels of testosterone (T). In order to determine the time course of this increase following an agonistic challenge, male song sparrows, Zonotrichia (= Melospiza) melodia, were exposed to simulated territorial intrusions. Responding males were captured at intervals after onset of the intrusion for up to 60 min. Plasma levels of T were elevated by 10 min after onset of the challenge, and remained high in birds sampled 10–60 min after onset of the intrusion. In addition, plasma levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) increased and were significantly elevated after 10 min of stimulation. The results suggest that at least the prolonged elevation of T secretion precipitated by a male-male interaction was mediated via an increase in LH release. However, the initial surge of T levels in plasma may be LH independent. p Investigations of captive birds confirmed that circulating LH and T levels increased when male song sparrows were challenged by a conspecific male. Challenges involving a male house sparrow, Passer domesticus, had no effect suggesting that responses to male intrusions were species characteristic and not a result of general arousal. Further, auditory stimuli (vocalizations) alone, and visual stimuli (a devocalized male) alone were less effective in stimulating an increase in secretion of T than a combination of auditory and visual stimuli.Abbreviations DHT dihydrotestosterone - LH luteinizing hormon; - T testosterone  相似文献   

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