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Geographical variation in behaviour within species is common. However, how behavioural plasticity varies between and within locally adapted populations is less studied. Here, we studied behavioural plasticity induced by perceived predation risk and food availability in pond (low predation - high competition) vs. coastal marine (high predation - low competition) nine-spined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius) reared in a common garden experiment. Pond sticklebacks were more active feeders, more risk-taking, aggressive and explorative than marine sticklebacks. Perceived predation risk decreased aggression and risk-taking of all fish. Food restriction increased feeding activity and risk-taking. Pond sticklebacks became more risk-taking than marine sticklebacks under food shortage, whereas well-fed fish behaved similarly. Among poorly fed fish, males showed higher drive to feed, whereas among well-fed fish, females did. Apart from showing how evolutionary history, ontogenetic experience and sex influence behaviour, the results provide evidence for habitat-dependent expression of adaptive phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer is accepted as an important evolutionary force modulating the evolution of prokaryote genomes. However, it is thought that horizontal gene transfer plays only a minor role in metazoan evolution. In this paper, I critically review the rising evidence on horizontally transferred genes and on the acquisition of novel traits in metazoans. In particular, I discuss suspected examples in sponges, cnidarians, rotifers, nematodes, molluscs and arthropods which suggest that horizontal gene transfer in metazoans is not simply a curiosity. In addition, I stress the scarcity of studies in vertebrates and other animal groups and the importance of forthcoming studies to understand the importance and extent of horizontal gene transfer in animals.  相似文献   

Individual differences in behaviour, referred to as animal personality, are consistent across time and contexts. Nevertheless, personality traits show behavioural plasticity, much like many other phenotypic traits. In the present study, we examined the relationship between personality traits and behavioural plasticity in the common vole (Microtus arvalis) under stable, long-lasting laboratory conditions. A total of 94 voles were tested in the classic open field test, designed to measure seven behavioural parameters (distance moved, grooming, immobility, rearing, running, scanning and walking duration) during a three-minute test. A total of 60 voles formed the experimental group and were tested at four different time points over their lifetime (1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th month); 34 voles formed the control group and were tested only once at the 7th month. All voles were of the same age. Based on principal component analysis (PCA), two ordination axes were determined: “exploration” and “activity.” For further analyses, “distance moved” and “scanning duration” were selected from the first axis and “walking duration” from the second. Using linear mixed-effect models (LMMs), we found highly significant random intercepts (i.e. personality traits) in all three behavioural parameters. However, evidence for behavioural plasticity was only found in the distance moved parameter, as determined from the random slope, and correlations between personality trait (intercept) and plasticity (slope) were not significant for any trait. During the experiment, variances of random effects were high and remained essentially the same, whilst the rank order of many individuals changed. Based on fixed effect slopes and a comparison with the control group, habituation was only significant for “walking duration.” The observed low behavioural plasticity could mirror stable (laboratory) conditions that result in the manifestation of original trait settings (genetic, early postnatal) or their gradual overcoming. These findings provide a starting point for further tests on free-living voles.  相似文献   

Responses to novel threats (e.g. invasive species) can involve genetic changes or plastic shifts in phenotype. There is controversy over the relative importance of these processes for species survival of such perturbations, but we are realizing they are not mutually exclusive. Native eastern fence lizards (Sceloporus undulatus) have adapted to top-down predation pressure imposed by the invasive red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) via changes in adult (but not juvenile) lizard antipredator behaviour. Here, we examine the largely ignored, but potentially equally important, bottom-up effect of fire ants as toxic prey for lizards. We test how fire ant consumption (or avoidance) is affected by lifetime (via plasticity) and evolutionary (via natural selection) exposure to fire ants by comparing field-caught and laboratory-reared lizards, respectively, from fire ant-invaded and uninvaded populations. More naive juveniles from invaded populations ate fire ants than did adults, reflecting a natural ontogenetic dietary shift away from ants. Laboratory-reared lizards from the invaded site were less likely to eat fire ants than were those from the uninvaded site, suggesting a potential evolutionary shift in feeding behaviour. Lifetime and evolutionary exposure interacted across ontogeny, however, and field-caught lizards from the invaded site exhibited opposite ontogenetic trends; adults were more likely to eat fire ants than were juveniles. Our results suggest that plastic and evolutionary processes may both play important roles in permitting species survival of novel threats. We further reveal how complex interactions can shape adaptive responses to multimodal impacts imposed by invaders: in our system, fire ants impose stronger bottom-up selection than top-down selection, with each selection regime changing differently across lizard ontogeny.  相似文献   

Eight mutants of Drosophila m. have been isolated that fail to display longlasting modification of “choice tube phototaxis”. Two different classes of stocks defective in plasticity of phototaxis (dipp) can be discriminated: (1) Mutants which are affected in the stability of the Prolonged Depolarising Afterpotential (PDA) in the peripheral retinula cells R1–R6. (2) Mutants with normal PDA but abnormalities in fast escape phototaxis especially under conditions where only receptor cells R7–R8 serve as input for this behavioural trait.  相似文献   

Competition for shared resources represents a fundamental driver of biological diversity. However, the tempo and mode of phenotypic evolution in deep-time has been predominantly investigated using trait evolutionary models which assume that lineages evolve independently from each other. Consequently, the role of species interactions in driving macroevolutionary dynamics remains poorly understood. Here, we quantify the prevalence for signatures of competition between related species in the evolution of ecomorphological traits across the bird radiation. We find that mechanistic trait models accounting for the effect of species interactions on phenotypic divergence provide the best fit for the data on at least one trait axis in 27 out of 59 clades ranging between 21 and 195 species. Where it occurs, the signature of competition generally coincides with positive species diversity-dependence, driven by the accumulation of lineages with similar ecologies, and we find scarce evidence for trait-dependent or negative diversity-dependent phenotypic evolution. Overall, our results suggest that the footprint of interspecific competition is often eroded in long-term patterns of phenotypic diversification, and that other selection pressures may predominantly shape ecomorphological diversity among extant species at macroevolutionary scales.  相似文献   

Environmental contamination by pharmaceuticals is global, substantially altering crucial behaviours in animals and impacting on their reproduction and survival. A key question is whether the consequences of these pollutants extend beyond mean behavioural changes, restraining differences in behaviour between individuals. In a controlled, two-year, multigenerational experiment with independent mesocosm populations, we exposed guppies (Poecilia reticulata) to environmentally realistic levels of the ubiquitous pollutant fluoxetine (Prozac). Fish (unexposed: n = 59, low fluoxetine: n = 57, high fluoxetine: n = 58) were repeatedly assayed on four separate occasions for activity and risk-taking behaviour. Fluoxetine homogenized individuals'' activity, with individual variation in populations exposed to even low concentrations falling to less than half that in unexposed populations. To understand the proximate mechanism underlying these changes, we tested the relative contribution of variation within and between individuals to the overall decline in individual variation. We found strong evidence that fluoxetine erodes variation in activity between but not within individuals, revealing the hidden consequences of a ubiquitous contaminant on phenotypic variation in fish—likely to impair adaptive potential to environmental change.  相似文献   

One of the central but yet unresolved problems in evolutionary biology concerns the origin of novel complex traits. One hypothesis is that complex traits derive from pre‐existing gene regulatory networks (GRNs) reused and modified to specify a novel trait somewhere else in the body. This simple explanation encounters problems when the novel trait that emerges in a body is in a region that is known to harbor a latent or repressed trait that has been silent for millions of years. Is the novel trait merely a re‐emerged de‐repressed trait or a truly novel trait that emerged via a novel deployment of an old GRN? A couple of new studies sided on opposite sides of this question when investigating the origin of horns in dung beetles and helmets in treehoppers that develop in the first thoracic segment (T1) of their bodies, a segment known to harbor a pair of repressed/modified wings in close relatives. Here, I point to some key limitations of the experimental approaches used and highlight additional experiments that could be done in future to resolve the developmental origin of these and other traits.  相似文献   

There is now abundant evidence that propagule pressure, a composite measure of the number of individuals released into the nonnative location that varies between introduction events, is the most consistent predictor of success in the establishment of exotic species. However, the reasons why we expect propagule pressure to be important – because larger propagules ameliorate the effects of demographic, environmental or genetic stochasticity, or of Allee effects – also predict an influence of species traits on success. Here, we use a quantitative meta-analytical approach to assess the effect of three categories of species-level traits in the successful establishment of nonnative bird species: traits relating to population growth rates, traits that predispose species to Allee effects, and traits that enable a species to cope with novel environments. Traits that predispose species to Allee effects tend to decrease introduction success, whereas traits that enable a species to cope with novel environments tend to increase success. The breadth of habitats a species uses has the strongest mean effect of all variables analysed here. Mean effects for traits relating to population growth rates conflict in sign: in general, success is greater for species with large body mass whereas clutch size is not consistently related to establishment success. These results suggest a likely influence of some species-level traits on exotic bird establishment success, especially traits that enable a species to cope with novel environments. We suggest that considering such traits in terms of the small-population paradigm from conservation biology may be a productive avenue for future research.  相似文献   

The evolutionary origin of innovativeness remains puzzling because innovating means responding to novel or unusual problems and hence is unlikely to be selected by itself. A plausible alternative is considering innovativeness as a co-opted product of traits that have evolved for other functions yet together predispose individuals to solve problems by adopting novel behaviours. However, this raises the question of why these adaptations should evolve together in an animal. Here, we develop the argument that the adaptations enabling animals to innovate evolve together because they are jointly part of a life-history strategy for coping with environmental changes. In support of this claim, we present comparative evidence showing that in birds, (i) innovative propensity is linked to life histories that prioritize future over current reproduction, (ii) the link is in part explained by differences in brain size, and (iii) innovative propensity and life-history traits may evolve together in generalist species that frequently expose themselves to novel or unusual conditions. Combined with previous evidence, these findings suggest that innovativeness is not a specialized adaptation but more likely part of a broader general adaptive system to cope with changes in the environment.  相似文献   

Species inhabit complex environments and respond to selection imposed by numerous abiotic and biotic conditions that vary in both space and time. Environmental heterogeneity strongly influences trait evolution and patterns of adaptive population differentiation. For example, heterogeneity can favor local adaptation, or can promote the evolution of plastic genotypes that alter their phenotypes based on the conditions they encounter. Different abiotic and biotic agents of selection can act synergistically to either accelerate or constrain trait evolution. The environmental context has profound effects on quantitative genetic parameters. For instance, heritabilities measured in controlled conditions often exceed those measured in the field; thus, laboratory experiments could overestimate the potential for a population to respond to selection. Nevertheless, most studies of the genetic basis of ecologically relevant traits are conducted in simplified laboratory environments, which do not reflect the complexity of nature. Here, we advocate for manipulative field experiments in the native ranges of plant species that differ in mating system, life-history strategy and growth form. Field studies are vital to evaluate the roles of disparate agents of selection, to elucidate the targets of selection and to develop a nuanced perspective on the evolution of quantitative traits. Quantitative genetics field studies will also shed light on the potential for natural populations to adapt to novel climates in highly fragmented landscapes. Drawing from our experience with the ecological model system Boechera (Brassicaceae), we discuss advancements possible through dedicated field studies, highlight future research directions and examine the challenges associated with field studies.  相似文献   

The role of cotyledons in seedling establishment of the euhalophyte Suaeda physophora under non-saline and saline conditions (addition of 1 mM or 400 mM NaCl) was investigated. Survival and fresh and dry weights were greater for seedlings grown in the light (12-h light/12-h dark) than in the dark (24-h dark). The shading of cotyledons tended to decrease shoot height, shoot organic dry weight, number of leaves, and survival of seedlings regardless of NaCl treatment, but the effect of cotyledon shading was greater with 400 mM NaCl. Concentrations of Na+ were higher in cotyledons than in leaves, regardless of NaCl treatment. The K+/Na+ ratio was lower in cotyledons than in leaves for seedlings treated with 1 mM NaCl but not for seedlings treated with 400 mM NaCl. Addition of 400 mM NaCl decreased oxygen production in cotyledons but especially in leaves. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that, by generating oxygen via photosynthesis and by compartmentalizing Na+, cotyledons are crucial for the establishment of S. physophora seedlings in saline environments.  相似文献   

Behaviour is typically regarded as among the most flexible of animal phenotypic traits. In particular, expression of cooperative behaviour is often assumed to be conditional upon the behaviours of others. This flexibility is a key component of many hypothesized mechanisms favouring the evolution of cooperative behaviour. However, evidence shows that cooperative behaviours are often less flexible than expected and that, in many species, individuals show consistent differences in the amount and type of cooperative and non-cooperative behaviours displayed. This phenomenon is known as ‘animal personality’ or a ‘behavioural syndrome’. Animal personality is evolutionarily relevant, as it typically shows heritable variation and can entail fitness consequences, and hence, is subject to evolutionary change. Here, we review the empirical evidence for individual variation in cooperative behaviour across taxa, we examine the evolutionary processes that have been invoked to explain the existence of individual variation in cooperative behaviour and we discuss the consequences of consistent individual differences on the evolutionary stability of cooperation. We highlight that consistent individual variation in cooperativeness can both stabilize or disrupt cooperation in populations. We conclude that recognizing the existence of consistent individual differences in cooperativeness is essential for an understanding of the evolution and prevalence of cooperation.  相似文献   

Feeding behaviour and diet of Bryconamericus microcephalus differed between canopy conditions. At the open canopy site, a behavioural modification, grazing on algae, was observed. This was also reflected in gut content analysis and suggests behavioural plasticity in response to resource availability.  相似文献   

MethodsMonocultures of the grass species were grown in a fully factorial block design combining plant species, cutting frequency and N supply as factors.ConclusionsVariations in ANPP of species in response to an increase in cutting frequency and a decrease in N supply are controlled by a group of traits, rather than by one individual trait. Incorporating plasticity of the individual traits into these trait combinations was the key to explaining species'' productivity responses, accounting for up to 89 % of the total variability in response to the changes in N supply.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity in rates of trait evolution is widespread, but it remains unclear which processes drive fast and slow character divergence across global radiations. Here, we test multiple hypotheses for explaining rate variation in an ecomorphological trait (beak shape) across a globally distributed group (birds). We find low support that variation in evolutionary rates of species is correlated with life history, environmental mutagenic factors, range size, number of competitors, or living on islands. Indeed, after controlling for the negative effect of species' age, 80% of variation in species‐specific evolutionary rates remains unexplained. At the clade level, high evolutionary rates are associated with unusual phenotypes or high species richness. Taken together, these results imply that macroevolutionary rates of ecomorphological traits are governed by both ecological opportunity in distinct adaptive zones and niche differentiation among closely related species.  相似文献   

Environmental shifts and life‐history changes may result in formerly adaptive traits becoming non‐functional or maladaptive. In the absence of pleiotropy and other constraints, such traits may decay as a consequence of neutral mutation accumulation or selective processes, highlighting the importance of natural selection for adaptations. A suite of traits are expected to lose their adaptive function in asexual organisms derived from sexual ancestors, and the many independent transitions to asexuality allow for comparative studies of parallel trait maintenance versus decay. In addition, because certain traits, notably male‐specific traits, are usually not exposed to selection under asexuality, their decay would have to occur as a consequence of drift. Selective processes could drive the decay of traits associated with costs, which may be the case for the majority of sexual traits expressed in females. We review the fate of male and female sexual traits in 93 animal lineages characterized by asexual reproduction, covering a broad taxon range including molluscs, arachnids, diplopods, crustaceans and eleven different hexapod orders. Many asexual lineages are still able occasionally to produce males. These asexually produced males are often largely or even fully functional, revealing that major developmental pathways can remain quiescent and functional over extended time periods. By contrast, for asexual females, there is a parallel and rapid decay of sexual traits, especially of traits related to mate attraction and location, as expected given the considerable costs often associated with the expression of these traits. The level of decay of female sexual traits, in addition to asexual females being unable to fertilize their eggs, would severely impede reversals to sexual reproduction, even in recently derived asexual lineages. More generally, the parallel maintenance versus decay of different trait types across diverse asexual lineages suggests that neutral traits display little or no decay even after extended periods under relaxed selection, while extensive decay for selected traits occurs extremely quickly. These patterns also highlight that adaptations can fix rapidly in natural populations of asexual organisms, in spite of their mode of reproduction.  相似文献   

Ecological factors can have profound effects on mating system and mating behaviour. We investigated the effect of altered ecological conditions, following colonization of a novel habitat, on precopulatory mate guarding in a freshwater isopod (Asellus aquaticus). This isopod occurs in two different ecotypes, which coexist within several different lakes in Sweden but which utilize different habitats. These ecotypes have rapidly (ca. 40 generations) diverged in parallel among lakes in several phenotypic characters, presumably as a response to different predatory pressures. Here, we demonstrate that also mate guarding characteristics have diverged in parallel between the ecotypes in different lakes. This is one of the few studies reporting parallel evolution of mating behaviour. Furthermore, our results also indicate a potential sexual conflict, as the length of mate guarding appears to lower components of female fitness. We discuss how novel environments might have strong and rapid effects on mate guarding dynamics and mating behaviour.  相似文献   

The long trend towards analysis at lower and lower levels is starting to reverse. The new integrative studies must make use of the resources uncovered by molecular biology but should also use the characteristics of whole organisms to measure the outcomes of developmental processes. Two examples are given of how movement between levels of analysis is being used with increasing power and promise. The first is the study of behavioural imprinting in birds where many of the molecular and neural mechanisms involved have been uncovered and are now being integrated to explain the behaviour of the whole animal. The second is the triggering during sensitive periods in early life by environmental events of one of several alternative modes of development leading to different phenotypes. A renewed focus on the whole organism is also starting to change the face of evolutionary biology. The decision-making and adaptability of the organism is recognized an important driver of evolution and is increasingly seen as an alternative to the gene-focused views.  相似文献   

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