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The mechanisms behind the evolution and maintenance of conspicuous visible polymorphisms comprising tens of morphs present a challenge to evolutionary theory. However, for cryptic forms Endler (Evol. Biol., 11, 1978, 319) conjectured that complex backgrounds facilitate polymorphism because in such habitats there are several ways to resemble the resting surface. We use computer simulation to explore the evolution of cryptic morphs on increasingly complex backgrounds under regimes that include selection for crypsis, apostatic predation and dietary wariness. We show that there is a monotonic increase in the number of morphs evolving in a population as the potential number of cryptic morphs increases. The relationship is very weak with selection for crypsis alone, but much stronger with the addition of apostatic selection. In contrast, when dietary wariness is added to the model the plot of number of morphs maintained, as a function of the potential number of cryptic forms available, is minimized at an intermediate number of cryptic forms, i.e. is V-shaped. These counter-intuitive patterns are robust to varying strengths of apostatic selection and different implementations of dietary wariness, and are more pronounced when predator and prey generation lengths are similar.  相似文献   

When a forager encounters an unfamiliar type of food, it mustdecide whether to eat it and risk being poisoned or avoid eatingit and risk forfeiting a potentially valuable resource. Birdstypically respond to such situations with "dietary wariness";they show a transient aversion to approaching new food (neophobia),and many individuals also show a much longer lasting reluctanceto consume the new food (dietary conservatism), even once neophobiahas waned. Very little is known about how these processes, togethertermed "wariness," are controlled. We therefore present a seriesof experiments investigating how wariness of novel foods indomestic chicks, Gallus gallus domesticus, can be deactivatedand reactivated by different experiences of colored foods, varyingin their degree of novelty and palatability. We found that priorexperience of a single novel color of palatable chick crumbswas sufficient to deactivate both neophobia and dietary conservatismof any other novel color of crumbs tested. Relatively littleprior experience of a novel training food was needed to deactivateneophobia, after which the birds would peck at any other novelfood. In contrast, much more extensive experience of eatinga novel training food was needed before the birds would incorporateother novel foods into their diet. Chicks needed direct physicalcontact with the training food before they overcame their warinessto eat another novel food. However, observational learning wassufficient to encourage them to peck at the food (overcomingtheir neophobia). Reinstating wariness was much more easilyachieved than its deactivation. We discuss these surprisingresults in relation to the foraging behavior of wild and domesticbirds.  相似文献   

In fish of the family Cyprinidae extensive polymorphism and heterogeneity of serum transferrins were found. Ten variants of transferrins were detected in barbel, 9 in dace and bleak, 7 in chub and bream, 6 in rudd, 5 in roach, white bream, silver carp, big head and crucian carp, 3 in tench, and 2 variants in nase, ide and goldfish. All the variants observed bound radioactive iron. The phenotype patterns indicated a simple genetic determination, by a set of codominant alleles at one locus, and this even in tetraploid species. Transferrins of some species were partly isolated. The transferrins of all 22 species analysed were heterogeneous and homozygous pheno-types had 1 to 6 zones of various intensities, binding 59Fe. In barbel both single-zone and two-zone variants were present and transferrins of roach had variable heterogeneity. Sialic acid was found only in transferrins of silver carp, big head and in the two-zone variants of barbel. The occurrence of phenotypes with single and double zones of transferrins in barbel indicates the possibility of genetic determination of the inability of single-zone variants to bind sialic acid.  相似文献   

Losos JB 《Ecology letters》2008,11(10):995-1003
Ecologists are increasingly adopting an evolutionary perspective, and in recent years, the idea that closely related species are ecologically similar has become widespread. In this regard, phylogenetic signal must be distinguished from phylogenetic niche conservatism. Phylogenetic niche conservatism results when closely related species are more ecologically similar that would be expected based on their phylogenetic relationships; its occurrence suggests that some process is constraining divergence among closely related species. In contrast, phylogenetic signal refers to the situation in which ecological similarity between species is related to phylogenetic relatedness; this is the expected outcome of Brownian motion divergence and thus is necessary, but not sufficient, evidence for the existence of phylogenetic niche conservatism. Although many workers consider phylogenetic niche conservatism to be common, a review of case studies indicates that ecological and phylogenetic similarities often are not related. Consequently, ecologists should not assume that phylogenetic niche conservatism exists, but rather should empirically examine the extent to which it occurs.  相似文献   

We examined factors maintaining extreme diet specialization in the snail kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis), a medium-sized hawk which feed almost exclusively on Pomacea snails, by determining why during some months kites eat crabs (Dilocarcinus dentatus) in the Ilanos of Venezuela. We offered snails and crabs of different sizes to wild free-flying birds to develop estimates for a prey choice model. Handling times of Pomacea doliodes snails averaged 90±39 s and were positively correlated with snail size. Handling times for crabs (x=353±130 s) were significantly longer and exhibited greater variation than for snails, and were not correlated with crab size. Edible crab tissues had greater dry weights and contained more energy (25.37 kJ/g) than tissues of snails (16.91 kJ/g). Total energy of crabs was much greater than that of snails, and total energy of both foods was highly related to body length. We constructed an allometric equation for profitability of snails and crabs. Snails were more profitable than all but the largest crabs, but estimates of variance in profitability were greater for crabs. Predictions from the model were tested by offering crabs that represented equal, greater and much greater profitability than snails, to determine whether kites chose prey according to profitability. Only 15.6% of 289 food items chosen were crabs. Half of the 18 kites tested did not eat crabs and only 3 birds switched from snails to more profitable crabs. Four fledglings showed no preference for snails. The role of neophobia in food choice was investigated by offering unfamiliar snails (Pomacea urceus) to kites. Kites exhibited neophobic behaviors, and 5 of 12 birds chose not to capture P. urceus. Two-thirds of the 12 snails chosen were rejected immediately, but the others were handled efficiently (x=133±89 s). Although morphological adaptations allow kites to specialize on snails, the costs of specialization were overcome for kites when the profitability of alternative food increased sufficiently. Our results suggest a role for behavioral conservatism, in the form of risk-averse foraging and neophobia, in maintaining severe diet specialization in the snail kite.  相似文献   

Niche expansion and shifts are involved in the response and adaptation to environmental changes. However, it is unclear how niche breadth evolves and changes toward higher‐quality resources. Myotis pilosus is both an insectivore and a piscivore. We examined the dietary composition and seasonality in M. pilosus and the closely related Myotis fimbriatus using next‐generation DNA sequencing. We tested whether resource variation or resource partitioning help explain the dietary expansion from insects to fish in M. pilosus. While diet composition and diversity varied significantly between summer and autumn, the proportion of fish‐eating individuals did not significantly change between seasons in M. pilosus. Dietary overlap between M. pilosus and M. fimbriatus during the same seasons was much higher than within individual species across seasons. We recorded a larger body size, hind foot length, and body mass in M. pilosus than in M. fimbriatus and other insectivorous trawling bats from China. Similar morphological differences were found between worldwide fishing bats and nonfishing trawling bats. Our results suggest that variation in insect availability or interspecific competition may not play important roles in the dietary expansion from insects to fish in M. pilosus. Myotis pilosus has morphological advantages that may help it use fish as a diet component. The morphological advantage promoting dietary niche evolution toward higher quality resources may be more important than variation in the original resource and the effects of interspecific competition.  相似文献   

Aim We explore the potential role of the ‘tropical conservatism hypothesis’ in explaining the butterfly species richness gradient in North America. Its applicability can be derived from the tropical origin of butterflies and the presumed difficulties in evolving the cold tolerance required to permit the colonization and permanent occupation of the temperate zone. Location North America. Methods Digitized range maps for butterfly species north of Mexico were used to map richness for all species, species with distributions north of the Tropic of Capricorn (Extratropicals), and species that also occupy the tropics (Tropicals). A phylogeny resolved to subfamily was used to map the geographical pattern of mean root distance, a metric of the evolutionary development of assemblages. Regression models and general linear models examined environmental correlates of overall richness and for Extratropicals vs. Tropicals, patterns in summer vs. winter, and patterns in northern vs. southern North America. Results Species in more basal subfamilies dominate the south, whereas more derived clades occupy the north. There is also a ‘latitudinal’ richness gradient in Canada/Alaska, whereas in the conterminous USA richness primarily varies longitudinally. Overall richness is associated with broad‐ and mesoscale temperature gradients. The richness of Tropicals is strongly associated with temperature and distance from winter population sources. The richness of Extratropicals in the north is most strongly correlated with the pattern of glacial retreat since the more recent Ice Age, whereas in the south, richness is positively associated with the range of temperatures in mountains and the presence of forests but is negatively correlated with the broad‐scale temperature gradient. Main conclusions The tropical conservatism hypothesis provides a possible explanation for the complex structure of the species richness gradient. The Canada/Alaska fauna comprises temperate, boreal and tundra species that are nevertheless constrained by cold climates and limited vegetation, coupled with possible post‐Pleistocene recolonization lags. In the USA tropical species are constrained by temperature in winter as well as recolonization distances in summer, whereas temperate‐zone groups are richer in cooler climates in mountains and forests, where winter conditions are more suitable for diapause. The evolution of cold tolerance is key to both the evolutionary and ecological patterns.  相似文献   

The short-lived annual fish Nothobranchius furzeri shows extremely short captive life span and accelerated expression of age markers, making it an interesting model system to investigate the effects of experimental manipulations on longevity and age-related pathologies. Here, we tested the effects of dietary restriction (DR) on mortality and age-related markers in N. furzeri . DR was induced by every other day feeding and the treatment was performed both in an inbred laboratory line and a longer-lived wild-derived line. In the inbred laboratory line, DR reduced age-related risk and prolonged maximum life span. In the wild-derived line, DR induced early mortality, did not reduce general age-related risk and caused a small but significant extension of maximum life span. Analysis of age-dependent mortality revealed that DR reduced demographic rate of aging, but increased baseline mortality in the wild-derived strain. In both inbred- and wild-derived lines, DR prevented the expression of the age markers lipofuscin in the liver and Fluoro-Jade B (neurodegeneration) in the brain. DR also improved performance in a learning test based on conditioning (active avoidance in a shuttle box). Finally, DR induced a paradoxical up-regulation of glial fibrillary acidic protein in the brain.  相似文献   

Estimating species phylogeny from a single gene tree can be especially problematic for studies of species flocks in which diversification has been rapid. Here we compare a phylogenetic hypothesis derived from cytochrome b (cyt b) sequences with another based on amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) for 60 specimens of a monophyletic riverine species flock of mormyrid electric fishes collected in Gabon, west-central Africa. We analyze the aligned cyt b sequences by Wagner parsimony and AFLP data generated from 10 primer combinations using neighbor-joining from a Nei-Li distance matrix, Wagner parsimony, and Dollo parsimony. The different analysis methods yield AFLP tree topologies with few conflicting nodes. Recovered basal relationships in the group are similar between cyt b and AFLP analyses, but differ substantially at many of the more derived nodes. More of the clades recovered with the AFLP characters are consistent with the morphological characters used to designate operational taxonomic units in this group. These results support our hypothesis that the mitochondrial gene tree differs from the overall species phylogeny due at least in part to mitochondrial introgession among lineages. Mapping the two forms of electric organ found in this group onto the AFLP tree suggests that posteriorly innervated electrocytes with nonpenetrating stalks have independently evolved from anteriorly innervated, penetrating-stalk electrocytes at least three times.  相似文献   

The trophic interactions between 15 native and two introduced fish species, silverside Odontesthes bonariensis and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, collected in a major fishery area at Lake Titicaca were explored by integrating traditional ecological knowledge and stable‐isotope analyses (SIA). SIA suggested the existence of six trophic groups in this fish community based on δ13C and δ15N signatures. This was supported by ecological evidence illustrating marked spatial segregation between groups, but a similar trophic level for most of the native groups. Based on Bayesian ellipse analyses, niche overlap appeared to occur between small O. bonariensis (<90 mm) and benthopelagic native species (31·6%), and between the native pelagic killifish Orestias ispi and large O. bonariensis (39%) or O. mykiss (19·7%). In addition, Bayesian mixing models suggested that O. ispi and epipelagic species are likely to be the main prey items for the two introduced fish species. This study reveals a trophic link between native and introduced fish species, and demonstrates the utility of combining both SIA and traditional ecological knowledge to understand trophic relationships between fish species with similar feeding habits.  相似文献   

Understanding the origin of biodiversity requires knowledge on the evolutionary processes that drive divergence and speciation, as well as on the processes constraining it. Intraspecific polymorphisms can provide insight into the mechanisms that generate and maintain phenotypic, behavioural and life history diversification, and can help us understand not only the processes that lead to speciation but also the processes that prevent local fixation of morphs. The ‘desert cichlid’ Herichtys minckleyi is a highly polymorphic species endemic to a biodiversity hotspot in northern Mexico, the Cuatro Ciénegas valley. This species is polymorphic in body shape and trophic apparatus, and eco‐morphotypes coexist in small spring‐fed lagoons across the valley. We investigated the genetic structure of these polymorphisms and their phylogeographic history by analysing the entire control region of the mitochondrial DNA and 10 nuclear microsatellite markers in several populations from different sites and morphs. We found two very divergent mitochondrial lineages that most likely predate the closing of the valley and are not associated with morphotypes or sites. One of these lineages is also found in the sister species Herichthys cyanoguttatus. Data from neutral microsatellite markers suggest that most lagoons or drainages constitute their own genetic cluster with sympatric eco‐morphotypes forming panmictic populations. Alternative mechanisms such as phenotypic plasticity and a few loci controlled traits provide possible explanations for the sympatric coexistence of discrete nonoverlapping eco‐morphotypes with apparent lack of barriers to gene flow within multiple lagoons and drainages.  相似文献   

Niche conservatism has been proposed as a mechanism influencing large‐scale patterns of taxonomic richness. We document the species richness patterns of five monophyletic squamate reptile groups (gekkonids, cordylids‐scincids, lacertids, chameleons and alethinophidian snakes) in eastern and southern Africa, and explore if observed patterns reflect niche conservatism processes. We quantified richness and its relationships with current climatic conditions by gridding species' range maps at 110 × 110 km. Also, dated phylogenies and palaeoclimatic reconstructions, coupled with evidence from the fossil record, were used to approximate the areas and climate characteristics in which each group originated and/or radiated. Mean species richness and geographically corrected confidence intervals in current climate types were calculated for each group in order to establish their climatic preferences. On average, the species richness of older groups (gekkonids, cordylids‐scincids and lacertids) was lower in equatorial climates and higher in arid and temperate conditions, whereas more recent groups (chameleons and alethinophidian snakes) were richer in equatorial and temperate climates and less rich in arid conditions. Across all groups, higher richness was associated with climatic characteristics similar to those prevailing at the time in which each group originated/radiated. The congruence of the current climates where reptile groups are richer and the past climates amidst which those groups originated is consistent with an explanation for their diversity gradients based on niche conservatism.  相似文献   

The dilution effect describes the negative association between host biodiversity and the risk of infectious disease. Tests designed to understand the relative roles of host species richness, host species identity, and rates of exposure within experimental host communities would help resolve ongoing contention regarding the importance and generality of dilution effects. We exposed fathead minnows to infective larvae of the trematode, Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus in minnow‐only containers and in mixed containers that held 1–3 other species of fish. Parasite infection was estimated as the number of encysted worms (i.e., brainworms) present in minnows following exposure. The results of exposure trials showed that nonminnow fish species were incompatible with O. ptychocheilus larvae. There was no reduction in mean brainworm counts in minnows in mixed containers with brook sticklebacks or longnose dace. In contrast, brainworm counts in minnows declined by 51% and 27% in mesocosms and aquaria, respectively, when they co‐occurred with emerald shiners. Dilution within minnow + shiner containers may arise from shiner‐induced alterations in minnow or parasite behaviors that reduced encounter rates between minnows and parasite larvae. Alternatively, shiners may act as parasite sinks for parasite larvae. These results highlight the role of host species identity in the dilution effect. Our results also emphasize the complex and idiosyncratic effects of host community composition on rates of parasite infection within contemporary host communities that contain combinations of introduced and native species.  相似文献   

In 24 fish species of the Cyprinidae family, belonging to 21 genera, isoenzyme patterns of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were determined, which could be classified in the majority of cases into 3 main groups. Isoenzyme patterns in natural hybrids of roach and rudd, roach and bream, roach and bleak were also analysed. In bitterling, polymorphism was observed in B locus of LDH. In white bream polymorphism exists in the A locus. In bream, rudd, silver carp and barbel polymorphism was found in C loci. Isoenzyme patterns indicate that in each case the polymorphism is genetically controlled by two alleles at a single locus. The populations investigated were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. No significant differences were found in the activity of liver LDH in various polymorphic types of C loci of bream and rudd.  相似文献   

Animals that are brightly colored have intrigued scientists since the time of Darwin, because it seems surprising that prey should have evolved to be clearly visible to predators. Often this self-advertisement is explained by the prey being unprofitable in some way, with the conspicuous warning coloration helping to protect the prey because it signals to potential predators that the prey is unprofitable. However, such signals only work in this way once predators have learned to associate the conspicuous color with the unprofitability of the prey. The evolution of warning coloration is still widely considered to be a paradox, because it has traditionally been assumed that the very first brightly colored individuals would be at an immediate selective disadvantage because of their greater conspicuousness to predators that are naive to the meaning of the signal. As a result, it has been difficult to understand how a novel conspicuous color morph could ever avoid extinction for long enough for predators to become educated about the signal. Thus, the traditional view that the evolution of warning coloration is difficult to explain rests entirely on assumptions about the foraging behavior of predators. However, we review recent evidence from a range of studies of predator foraging decisions, which refute these established assumptions. These studies show that: (1) Many predators are so conservative in their food preferences that even very conspicuous novel prey morphs are not necessarily at a selective disadvantage. (2) The survival and spread of novel color morphs can be simulated in field and aviary experiments using real predators (birds) foraging on successive generations of artificial prey populations. This work demonstrates that the foraging preferences of predators can regularly (though not always) result in the increase to fixation of a novel morph appearing in a population of familiar-colored prey. Such fixation events occur even if both novel and familiar prey are fully palatable and despite the novel food being much more conspicuous than the familiar prey. These studies therefore provide strong empirical evidence that conspicuous coloration can evolve readily, and repeatedly, as a result of the conservative foraging decisions of predators.  相似文献   

The Tropical Niche Conservatism hypothesis is a leading explanation for why biodiversity increases towards the equator. The model suggests that most lineages have tropical origins, with few dispersing into temperate regions. However, biotas are comprised of lineages with differing geographical origins, thus it is unclear whether lineages that originated on different continents will exhibit similar patterns of niche conservatism. Here, we summarised biogeographical patterns of New World vertebrates and compared species diversity patterns between families that originated in North and South America. Overall, families with southern origins exhibit niche conservatism with many lineages restricted to the Neotropics, whereas many northern‐origin families are distributed across the Neotropics and the Nearctic. Consequently, northern lineages have contributed to high tropical biodiversity, but southern lineages have contributed relatively little to temperate biodiversity in North America. The asymmetry in niche conservatism between northern and southern lineages is an important contributor to the biodiversity gradient.  相似文献   

Niche conservatism and niche divergence are both important ecological mechanisms associated with promoting allopatric speciation across geographical barriers. However, the potential for variable responses in widely distributed organisms has not been fully investigated. For allopatric sister lineages, three patterns for the interaction of ecological niche preference and geographical barriers are possible: (i) niche conservatism at a physical barrier; (ii) niche divergence at a physical barrier; and (iii) niche divergence in the absence of a physical barrier. We test for the presence of these patterns in a transcontinentally distributed snake species, the common kingsnake ( Lampropeltis getula ), to determine the relative frequency of niche conservatism or divergence in a single species complex inhabiting multiple distinct ecoregions. We infer the phylogeographic structure of the kingsnake using a range-wide data set sampled for the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b . We use coalescent simulation methods to test for the presence of structured lineage formation vs. fragmentation of a widespread ancestor. Finally, we use statistical techniques for creating and evaluating ecological niche models to test for conservatism of ecological niche preferences. Significant geographical structure is present in the kingsnake, for which coalescent tests indicate structured population division. Surprisingly, we find evidence for all three patterns of conservatism and divergence. This suggests that ecological niche preferences may be labile on recent phylogenetic timescales, and that lineage formation in widespread species can result from an interaction between inertial tendencies of niche conservatism and natural selection on populations in ecologically divergent habitats.  相似文献   

The strength of predation impact on recipient environments may vary among introduced populations due to their local adaptations to different prey. We examined whether functional diversification associated with morphological differences may be observed among the introduced populations of invasive bluegill sunfish Lepomis macrochirus (Perciformes, Centrarchidae) in Japan. The two examined populations are morphologically different, although they were recently derived from a common American source and colonized in different lakes. We performed a laboratory experiment wherein these populations were fed the benthic (chironomid larva) and the pelagic prey (daphnid zooplankton). The results revealed that a population colonizing in a shallower lake and foraging on benthic invertebrates in the wild had a greater impact on the benthic prey, whereas the other population colonizing in a deeper lake and foraging on crustacean zooplankton have consumed the pelagic prey more efficiently. A series of regression analyses showed that morphological differences among individuals were responsible for these population differences. The evidence obtained suggests that morphological adaptations by introduced bluegill populations enhance the strength of predation impact on a prey resource consumed in a relevant environment, but reduce the impact on the other prey. Thus, although the introduced Japanese populations were recently derived from a common ancestor, the predation impacts on the native prey community vary due to morphological adaptations to different prey.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 601–610.  相似文献   

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