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Monogyny (male monogamy) is found in a diverse assemblage of taxa, and recent theoretical work reveals that a male-biased sex ratio can favour the evolution of this relatively rare mating system. We integrate this theoretical framework with field observations and laboratory experiments involving the sexually size dimorphic fishing spider, Dolomedes tenebrosus, to test the prediction that this species exhibits monogyny. Field surveys revealed a male-biased sex ratio, likely resulting from different life-history strategies (early male maturation). Results from mating trials supported our prediction of monogyny as we discovered that males mate with a single female. Unexpectedly, however, we observed that mating results in obligate male death and genital mutilation. Additional field observations of released individuals suggest that males are not limited by their ability to encounter additional females. Controlled laboratory assays demonstrated that males discriminate among virgin and non-virgin female silk cues, consistent with predictions of first-male sperm precedence. In summary, we report a novel case of male self-sacrifice in a species that exhibits female-biased sexual size dimorphism, male-biased sex ratio, genital mutilation and a suggestion of first-male sperm precedence; all of which are consistent with theoretical predictions of the evolution of monogyny.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict is common in animals, and female sexual cannibalism represents an extreme form of sexual conflict. Males in many species have evolved a variety of strategies to circumvent or decrease the risk of female sexual cannibalism. Opportunistic mating, by which a male mates with a female when she is disturbed or when she is feeding or undertaking moulting, is one of such kinds of strategies, and widely occurs in many animals, especially in spiders. However, whether the occurrence of male opportunistic mating depends on the intensity of female sexual cannibalism remains largely unexplored. We predicted a positive correlation between them. In this study, we tested this prediction by performing a series of mating trials in the laboratory using 3 species of web-building spiders with different intensities of female sexual cannibalism: Nephila pilipes, Nephilengys malabarensis, and Parasteatoda tepidariorum. We found that the occurrence of male opportunistic mating was positively, though not statistically significantly, correlated with the intensity of female sexual cannibalism, thus supporting our hypothesis. All together, we provide evidence that male opportunistic mating may have evolved to respond to the selection pressure posed by female sexual cannibalism.  相似文献   

Precopulatory sexual cannibalism, or female predation of a potentialmate before mating, illustrates an extreme intersexual conflict.Unlike sexual cannibalism occurring after mating, precopulatorysexual cannibalism cannot be construed as a male strategy. Thus,research on the adaptive significance of this phenomenon hasfocused on female benefits. In the present study, I test theidea that precopulatory sexual cannibalism represents an adaptivefemale trade-off between the material costs and benefits ofmating with a male (forgoing food, securing sperm) and preyingon a male (forgoing sperm, securing food). I pay particularattention to the rarely tested prediction that precopulatorysexual cannibalism by virgin females should increase as eachfemale's expectation of future mating opportunities increases.I use the phenomenon of cohabitation between adult males andjuvenile females nearing sexual maturity as a means to manipulatefemale expectation of future mate availability. Results indicatethat feeding on a male has significant positive effects on severalmeasures of female fecundity. However, the likelihood of precopulatoryattacks was not explained by a female's recent feeding history.Finally, as predicted, juvenile female cohabitation with maturemales (expectation of future mating opportunities) heightensthe prevalence of precopulatory attacks by virgin females, suggestingthat juvenile experience can alter a female's propensity forsexual cannibalism. This is the first study to suggest thatjuvenile experience can alter a female's propensity for sexualcannibalism. This finding emphasizes the point that studiesof sexual selection and mating systems need to consider theeffects of juvenile experience on adult behavior.  相似文献   

Risky mate search and male self-sacrifice in redback spiders   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
Male redback spiders twist their abdomens onto the fangs oftheir mates during copulation and, if cannibalized (65% of matings),increase their paternity relative to males that are not cannibalized.The adaptive male sacrifice hypothesis proposes that this increasedreproductive payoff from a single mating outweighs the residualreproductive value of a cannibalized male, because high mortalityduring mate searching restricts alternative mating opportunities.It has been reported that redback male residual reproductivevalue is low because males are functionally sterile after onemating—a putative intrinsic constraint that could arguablyfavor self-sacrifice in the absence of ecological restrictionson multiple mating. However, sterility and self-sacrifice mayboth arise as aspects of a terminal investment strategy if theprobability of multiple mating is sufficiently low. Here I reportfield data that support the adaptive male sacrifice hypothesis.More than 80% of redback males die without finding a potentialmate in nature. Data from two observational field studies andone release experiment suggest that in the absence of cannibalism,male redbacks would expect fewer than one mating opportunityin a lifetime. This expectation was not significantly higherfor a large male or one in good condition. A simple quantitativeanalysis confirms that even if males are assumed to be fertilethroughout life, the measured mortality rate during mate searchin combination with previously documented paternity benefitsof cannibalism is sufficient to ensure that self-sacrifice isadaptive for male redback spiders.  相似文献   

Many sperm competition studies have identified copulation durationas an important predictor of paternity. This result is ofteninterpreted as a sperm transfer effect—it is assumed thatsperm transfer is limited by copulation duration. Here we testthe assumption of duration-dependent sperm transfer in the Australianredback spider, Latrodectus hasselti, in which a correlationbetween copulation duration and paternity has been implicatedin the evolution of a rare male self-sacrifice behavior. Maleredbacks facilitate sexual cannibalism by females during copulation.Sexual cannibalism is apparently adaptive for redback males,in part because it results in longer copulations (25 versus11 min.), and copulation duration is positively correlated withpaternity. We assessed sperm transfer in normal copulationsand in copulations that we terminated at 5, 10, or 20 min. Ourresults show that the paternity advantage of sexual cannibalismis not owing to time-dependent sperm transfer, as redback malestransfer the majority of their sperm within the first 5 minof copulation. This suggests that the link between copulationduration and paternity may instead be owing to cryptic femalechoice or the transfer of nongametic ejaculatory substances.Results further indicate that the act of cannibalism itselfmight play a role in mediating sperm transfer. This study highlightsthe importance of understanding mechanisms of sperm transferwhen attempting to interpret the outcome of sperm competitionstudies.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been proposed for the evolution of sexual cannibalism by females. Newman and Elgar (1991) suggested that sexual cannibalism prior to mating by virgin female spiders may have evolved as a result of female foraging considerations. According to this model, an adult female's decision to mate or cannibalize a courting male should be based on an assessment of the male's value as a meal versus his value as a mate. The current study provides an empirical test of the assumptions and predictions of this model in the sexually cannibalistic fishing spider. Adult females were subjected to different food treatments, and exposed to adult males in the laboratory. However, only one of the assumptions of the model and none of its five predictions were upheld. We failed to find any effects of female foraging, female mating status, female size, male size or time of the season on females' behaviour towards courting males. Females behaved stereotypically, and many females were left unmated despite numerous mating opportunities. We also demonstrate costs of sexual cannibalism in a natural population. We propose that the act of sexual cannibalism in the fishing spider is non-adaptive, and develop a model for the evolution of premating sexual cannibalism in spiders based on genetic constraints. According to this hypothesis, sexual cannibalism by adult females may have evolved as an indirect result of selection for high and non-discriminate aggression during previous ontogenetic stages. Genetic covariance between different components of aggressive behaviour may constrain the degree to which (1) juvenile and adult aggression and/or (2) aggression towards conspecifics and heterospecifics can vary independently. We briefly review the support for our model, and suggest several critical tests that may be used to assess the assumptions and predictions of the model.  相似文献   

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