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Several syndromes characterized by defects in cardiovascular and craniofacial development are associated with a hemizygous deletion of chromosome 22q11 in humans and involve defects in pharyngeal arch and neural crest cell development. Recent efforts have focused on identifying 22q11 deletion syndrome modifying loci. In this study, we show that mouse embryos deficient for Gbx2 display aberrant neural crest cell patterning and defects in pharyngeal arch-derived structures. Gbx2(-/-) embryos exhibit cardiovascular defects associated with aberrant development of the fourth pharyngeal arch arteries including interrupted aortic arch type B, right aortic arch, and retroesophageal right subclavian artery. Other developmental abnormalities include overriding aorta, ventricular septal defects, cranial nerve, and craniofacial skeletal patterning defects. Recently, Fgf8 has been proposed as a candidate modifier for 22q11 deletion syndromes. Here, we demonstrate that Fgf8 and Gbx2 expression overlaps in regions of the developing pharyngeal arches and that they interact genetically during pharyngeal arch and cardiovascular development.  相似文献   

Aortic arch malformations are common congenital disorders that are frequently of unknown etiology. To gain insight into the factors that guide branchial aortic arch development, we examined the process by which these vessels assemble in wild type zebrafish embryos and in kurzschlusstr12 (kustr12) mutants. In wild type embryos, each branchial aortic arch first appears as an island of angioblasts in the lateral pharyngeal mesoderm, then elaborates by angiogenesis to connect to the lateral dorsal aorta and ventral aorta. In kustr12 mutants, angioblast formation and initial sprouting are normal, but aortic arches 5 and 6 fail to form a lumenized connection to the lateral dorsal aorta. Blood enters these blind-ending vessels from the ventral aorta, distending the arteries and precipitating fusion with an adjacent vein. This arteriovenous malformation (AVM), which shunts nearly all blood directly back to the heart, is not exclusively genetically programmed, as its formation correlates with blood flow and aortic arch enlargement. By positional cloning, we have identified a nonsense mutation in unc45a in kustr12 mutants. Our results are the first to ascribe a role for Unc45a, a putative myosin chaperone, in vertebrate development, and identify a novel mechanism by which an AVM can form.  相似文献   

In C. elegans, the BH3-only domain protein EGL-1, the Apaf-1 homolog CED-4 and the CED-3 caspase are required for apoptosis induction, whereas the Bcl-2 homolog CED-9 prevents apoptosis. Mammalian B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) inhibits apoptosis by preventing the release of the Apaf-1 (apoptotic protease-activating factor 1) activator cytochrome c from mitochondria. In contrast, C. elegans CED-9 is thought to inhibit CED-4 by sequestering it at the outer mitochondrial membrane by direct binding. We show that CED-9 associates with the outer mitochondrial membrane within distinct foci that do not overlap with CED-4, which is predominantly perinuclear and does not localize to mitochondria. CED-4 further accumulates in the perinuclear space in response to proapoptotic stimuli such as ionizing radiation. This increased accumulation depends on EGL-1 and is abrogated in ced-9 gain-of-function mutants. CED-4 accumulation is not sufficient to trigger apoptosis execution, even though it may prime cells for apoptosis. Our results suggest that the cell death protection conferred by CED-9 cannot be solely explained by a direct interaction with CED-4.  相似文献   

Fgf8 and Tbx1 have been shown to interact in patterning the aortic arch, and both genes are required in formation and growth of the outflow tract of the heart. However, the nature of the interaction of the two genes is unclear. We have utilized a novel Tbx1(Fgf8) allele which drives Fgf8 expression in Tbx1-positive cells and an inducible Cre-LoxP recombination system to address the role of Fgf8 in Tbx1 positive cells in modulating cardiovascular development. Results support a requirement of Fgf8 in Tbx1 expressing cells to finely control patterning of the aortic arch and great arteries specifically during the pharyngeal arch artery remodeling process and indicate that the endoderm is the most likely site of this interaction. Furthermore, our data suggest that Fgf8 and Tbx1 play independent roles in regulating outflow tract development. This finding is clinically relevant since TBX1 is the candidate for DGS/VCFS, characterized clinically by variable expressivity and reduced penetrance of cardiovascular defects; Fgf8 gene variants may provide molecular clues to this variability.  相似文献   

ClC-7 is a chloride channel of late endosomes and lysosomes. In osteoclasts, it may cooperate with H(+)-ATPases in acidifying the resorption lacuna. In mice and man, loss of ClC-7 or the H(+)-ATPase a3 subunit causes osteopetrosis, a disease characterized by defective bone resorption. We show that ClC-7 knockout mice additionally display neurodegeneration and severe lysosomal storage disease despite unchanged lysosomal pH in cultured neurons. Rescuing their bone phenotype by transgenic expression of ClC-7 in osteoclasts moderately increased their lifespan and revealed a further progression of the central nervous system pathology. Histological analysis demonstrated an accumulation of electron-dense material in neurons, autofluorescent structures, microglial activation and astrogliosis. Like in human neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, there was a strong accumulation of subunit c of the mitochondrial ATP synthase and increased amounts of lysosomal enzymes. Such alterations were minor or absent in ClC-3 knockout mice, despite a massive neurodegeneration. Osteopetrotic oc/oc mice, lacking a functional H(+)-ATPase a3 subunit, showed no comparable retinal or neuronal degeneration. There are important medical implications as defects in the H(+)-ATPase and ClC-7 can underlie human osteopetrosis.  相似文献   

The Drosophila Apaf-1 related killer (Dark) forms an apoptosome that activates Dronc, an apical procaspase in the intrinsic cell death pathway. To study this process, we assembled a large Dark complex in the presence of dATP. Remarkably, we found that cytochrome c was not required for assembly and when added, cytochrome c did not bind to the Dark complex. We then determined a 3D structure of the Dark complex at 18.8A resolution using electron cryo-microscopy and single particle methods. In the structure, eight Dark subunits form a wheel-like particle and two of these rings associate face-to-face. In contrast, Apaf-1 forms a single ring that is comprised of seven subunits and each Apaf-1 binds a molecule of cytochrome c. We then used relevant crystal structures to model the Dark complex. This analysis shows that a single Dark ring and the Apaf-1 apoptosome share many key features. When taken together, the data suggest that a single ring in the Dark complex may represent the Drosophila apoptosome. Thus, our analysis provides a domain model of this complex and gives insights into its function.  相似文献   

sirt1-null mice develop an autoimmune-like condition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sirt1 gene encodes a protein deacetylase with a broad spectrum of reported substrates. Mice carrying null alleles for sirt1 are viable on outbred genetic backgrounds so we have examined them in detail to identify the biological processes that are dependent on SIRT1. Sera from adult sirt1-null mice contain antibodies that react with nuclear antigens and immune complexes become deposited in the livers and kidneys of these animals. Some of the sirt1-null animals develop a disease resembling diabetes insipidus when they approach 2 years of age although the relationship to the autoimmunity remains unclear. We interpret these observations as consistent with a role for SIRT1 in sustaining normal immune function and in this way delaying the onset of autoimmune disease.  相似文献   



Down syndrome (DS) is the most common aneuploidy in live-born individuals and it is well recognized with various phenotypic expressions. Although an extra chromosome 21 is the genetic cause for DS, specific phenotypic features may result from the duplication of smaller regions of the chromosome and more studies need to define genotypic and phenotypic correlations.

Case report

We report on a 26 year old male with partial trisomy 21 presenting mild clinical symptoms relative to DS including borderline intellectual disability. In particular, the face and the presence of hypotonia and keratoconus were suggestive for the DS although the condition remained unnoticed until his adult age array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) revealed a 10.1 Mb duplication in 21q22.13q22.3 and a small deletion of 2.2 Mb on chromosomal band 7q36 arising from a paternal translocation t(7;21). The 21q duplication encompasses the gene DYRK1.


Our data support the evidence of specific regions on distal 21q whose duplication results in phenotypes recalling the typical DS face. Although the duplication region contains DYRK1, which has previously been implicated in the causation of DS, our patient has a borderline IQ confirming that their duplication is not sufficient to cause the full DS phenotype.  相似文献   

The P2X7 receptor is an ATP-gated cation channel expressed by a number of cell types. We have shown previously that disruption of P2X7 receptor function results in downregulation of osteogenic markers and upregulation of adipogenic markers in calvarial cell cultures. In the present study, we assessed whether loss of P2X7 receptor function results in changes to adipocyte distribution and lipid accumulation in vivo. Male P2X7 loss-of-function (KO) mice exhibited significantly greater body weight and epididymal fat pad mass than wild-type (WT) mice at 9 months of age. Fat pad adipocytes did not differ in size, consistent with adipocyte hyperplasia rather than hypertrophy. Histological examination revealed ectopic lipid accumulation in the form of adipocytes and/or lipid droplets in several non-adipose tissues of older male KO mice (9–12 months of age). Ectopic lipid was observed in kidney, extraorbital lacrimal gland and pancreas, but not in liver, heart or skeletal muscle. Specifically, lacrimal gland and pancreas from 12-month-old male KO mice had greater numbers of adipocytes in perivascular, periductal and acinar regions. As well, lipid droplets accumulated in the renal tubular epithelium and lacrimal acinar cells. Blood plasma analyses revealed diminished total cholesterol levels in 9- and 12-month-old male KO mice compared with WT controls. Interestingly, no differences were observed in female mice. Moreover, there were no significant differences in food consumption between male KO and WT mice. Taken together, these data establish novel in vivo roles for the P2X7 receptor in regulating adipogenesis and lipid metabolism in an age- and sex-dependent manner.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The family of MADS box genes is involved in a number of processes besides controlling floral development. In addition to supplying homeotic functions defined by the ABC model, they influence flowering time and transformation of vegetative meristem into inflorescence meristem, and have functions in roots and leaves. Three Gerbera hybrida At-SOC1-like genes (Gh-SOC1–Gh-SOC3) were identified among gerbera expressed sequence tags.


Evolutionary relationships between SOC1-like genes from gerbera and other plants were studied by phylogenetic analysis. The function of the gerbera gene Gh-SOC1 in gerbera floral development was studied using expression analysis, protein–protein interaction assays and reverse genetics. Transgenic gerbera lines over-expressing or downregulated for Gh-SOC1 were obtained using Agrobacterium transformation and investigated for their floral phenotype.

Key Results

Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the closest paralogues of At-SOC1 are Gh-SOC2 and Gh-SOC3. Gh-SOC1 is a more distantly related paralogue, grouping together with a number of other At-SOC1 paralogues from arabidopsis and other plant species. Gh-SOC1 is inflorescence abundant and no expression was seen in vegetative parts of the plant. Ectopic expression of Gh-SOC1 did not promote flowering, but disturbed the development of floral organs. The epidermal cells of ray flower petals appeared shorter and their shape was altered. The colour of ray flower petals differed from that of the wild-type petals by being darker red on the adaxial side and greenish on the abaxial surface. Several protein–protein interactions with other gerbera MADS domain proteins were identified.


The At-SOC1 paralogue in gerbera shows a floral abundant expression pattern. A late petal expression might indicate a role in the final stages of flower development. Over-expression of Gh-SOC1 led to partial loss of floral identity, but did not affect flowering time. Lines where Gh-SOC1 was downregulated did not show a phenotype. Several gerbera MADS domain proteins interacted with Gh-SOC1.  相似文献   

叶酸缺乏可导致胚胎先天性发育异常,二氢叶酸还原酶是叶酸生物学作用通路中的关键因子,其功能阻抑将抑制叶酸生物学作用的发挥.咽弓是脊椎动物胚胎发育中头面部结构、心脏流出道等的共同前体.在模式生物斑马鱼中,利用基因表达阻抑以及过表达技术,探讨二氢叶酸还原酶基因(DHFR)在斑马鱼咽弓发育过程中的作用.石蜡切片以及软骨染色结果显示,DHFR表达阻抑导致斑马鱼咽弓以及腭发育明显异常,而DHFR过表达可部分挽救上述发育异常表型.TBX1和HAND2在咽弓发育中有重要作用.通过胚胎整体原位杂交以及Real-timePCR技术检测TBX1和HAND2表达水平.DHFR表达阻抑后TBX1和HAND2的表达降低,DHFR过表达可使TBX1和HAND2的表达增加.上述结果表明,DHFR在斑马鱼咽弓发育过程中扮演重要角色,DHFR通过影响TBX1和HAND2的表达而调控咽弓的形成和分化.  相似文献   

In heterothallic Ascomycota, two opposite but distinct mating types control all sexual processes. Using mating crosses, mating types were assigned to ten isolates of the heterothallic fungal species Ophiostoma quercus. Primers were subsequently designed to target the MAT1-1-1, MAT1-1-3 (of the mating type 1 idiomorph), and MAT1-2-1 (of the mating type 2 idiomorph) genes in these isolates. Results showed that all isolates contained the full gene sequence for the MAT1-2-1 gene. In addition, fragments of the MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-1-3 genes were sequenced from all isolates. These results were unexpected, as each isolate from a heterothallic species would typically contain only one of the two possible MAT idiomorphs.  相似文献   

Human myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase (IP synthase; E.C., encoded by ISYNA1, catalyzes the de novo synthesis of inositol 1-phosphate from glucose 6-phosphate. It is a potential target for mood-stabilizing drugs such as lithium and valproate. But, very little is known about the regulation of human IP synthase. Here, we have characterized the minimal promoter of ISYNA1 and show that it is upregulated by E2F1. Upregulation occurs in a dose-dependent fashion and can be suppressed by ectopic expression of Rb. EMSA and antibody supershift analysis identified a functional E2F binding motif at -117. Complex formation at this site was competed by an excess of unlabeled Sp1 oligo consistent with the -117 E2F site overlapping an Sp1 motif. Because the -117 E2F motif is not a high-affinity binding site, we propose that the upregulation of ISYNA1 occurs through the cooperative interaction of several low-affinity E2F binding motifs present in the minimal promoter.  相似文献   

Recent progress in sequencing the genomes of several Leishmania species, causative agents of cutaneous, mucocutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis, is revealing unusual features of potential relevance to parasite virulence and pathogenesis in the host. While the genomes of Leishmania major, Leishmania braziliensis and Leishmania infantum are highly similar in content and organisation, species-specific genes and mechanisms distinguish one from another. In particular, the presence of retrotransposons and the components of a putative RNA interference machinery in L. braziliensis suggest the potential for both greater diversity and more tractable experimentation in this Leishmania Viannia species.  相似文献   

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