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Summary An annual cycle, based on the differences between the speed of locomotion around midday and in the evening, was found for earthworms,Lumbricus terrestris L., maintained in the laboratory under constant conditions of light and temperature, and studied during parts of 1965, 1966, 1967 and 1968. During each month, the worms were faster in the evening than at noon, but this difference varied in degree through the year (Fig. 1). In addition, during part of the year, the differences between midday and evening were much greater for a 15-day period which centered on full moon than for a block of 15 days centered on new moon. Therefore, seasonal changes in lunar correlations were also indicated. These rhythms have been compared with others of lunar and annual frequencies, and their possible biological significance has been discussed.
Zusammenfassung In den Jahren 1965 bis 1968 wurde das lokomotorische Verhalten von Regenwürmern (Lumbricus terrestris L.), die bei konstanter Beleuchtung und Temperatur unter Laboratoriumsbedingungen gehalten wurden, untersucht; und zwar wurde mittags (12.00 Uhr) und abends (19.00 Uhr) die Zeit gemessen, die die Tiere benötigen, um 10 cm zu kriechen. Die Auswertung der Versuche zeigte, daß die Würmer abends immer schneller waren als mittags. Die Differenz der beiden Kriechgeschwindigkeiten schwankte jahresperiodisch (Fig. 1). Außerdem ergaben sich Hinweise dafür, daß die Mondphase von Bedeutung ist: Im Frühjahr und im Winter war der Unterschied zwischen der mittäglichen und der abendlichen Kriechgeschwindigkeit in der Woche vor und nach Vollmond viel größer als in den beiden Wochen um Neumond. Die Rhythmen der Lokomotionsgeschwindigkeit werden mit anderen Jahres- und lunarperiodischen Erscheinungen verglichen; ihre mögliche biologische Bedeutung wird diskutiert.

Sweat rates and body temperatures of human subjects were measured at 0200, 1000, and 1800 h during a heat exposure of 90 min. The latent period of sweating was not significantly altered in the evening but significantly shortened during the night. Mean body temperature corresponding to the onset of sweating was nearer to the basal body temperature during the night, while during the day the difference between these two temperatures became larger. This phenomenon seems related to the circadian cycle of vasomotor adjustment, since during the night body conductance was higher than during the day and corresponded to a state of a vasodilatation similar to that observed at the onset of sweating. During the day, this situation was reversed. During steady state, the following changes were observed: sweating rate, night less than morning less than evening; skin temperatures, night less than morning less than evening; and rectal temperature increase, morning less than evening less than night. It is hypothesized that these changes are due to either different metabolic rates or an imbalance between heat gains and losses which preserve the circadian rhythm of the body temperature, even under thermal loads.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms exist for hematopoiesis, but little is known about circadian variation of bone marrow engraftability and host "acceptability". Using a B6.SJL to C57BL/6J congenic transplant model, we chose 3-times with light on: Hours After Light Onset (HALO) 4, 8, and 12 and 3-times with light off: HALO 16, 20, and 24. The mice were conditioned on a 12-h light/dark cycles. Recipient mice (100 cGy) received 40 million cells. We demonstrated a significant variation of bone marrow engraftability into bone marrow, spleen, and thymus when donor animals were subjected to changes in their light/dark cycles. Two statistically significant nadirs in all three organs were observed at HALO 8 and 24 in experiments carried out in July, while an identical set of experiments in February analyzing engraftment in marrow and spleen showed nadirs at HALO 8, but not at HALO 24. Marrow progenitors from the July experiments showed nadirs at HALO 12 and 24. The percentage of progenitors in S phase peaked at HALO 8 and 24. Interestingly, there were no changes in the ability of host to accept grafts with changes in the light/dark cycles of host animals. Circadian variations of bone marrow engraftability are important and should be considered in bone marrow transplant strategies.  相似文献   


This study explored the periodic changes in the onset of aortic dissection in a single center in northern China, with the goal to improve predictability and prevention. We collected the clinical data of 1121 patients from Hebei Province treated for acute aortic dissection at Fuwai Hospital between January 2010 and December 2016. The patterns of aortic dissection during different periods of each day, each month, and each quarter of a year were analyzed. Variations in the number of cases were summarized for weekdays, weekends, and different periods of a day in each season. We compared the differences in gender, age, body mass index, Marfan syndrome, hypertension, and the type of aortic dissection during different time periods and different seasons. In the study, 774 patients (69.1%) with type A aortic dissection and 347 patients (30.9%) with type B aortic dissection were included. The average age of 1121 patients was 51.4 ± 12.0 years. Overall, the peak period for the onset of aortic dissection in a day was between 13:00 and 18:00. There was no statistically significant difference in the number of cases between weekdays and weekend (P = 0.94). Most cases occurred in winter (30.9%); the rate of onset was the lowest in summer (16.6%). No statistically significant difference was observed between male and female patients in terms of variations during different periods of a day (P = 0.45) and seasons (P = 0.12). In conclusion, aortic dissection displayed circadian and seasonal patterns in northern China. Onset of the disease peaked between 13:00 and 18:00 in a day. Winter was the peak season for the onset of acute aortic dissection, regardless of sex, type of dissection and age.  相似文献   

Serum triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) concentrations inMacaca fascicularis were determined at 4-hr interval for 24 hr using commercial radioimmunoassay kits. It was found that the highest concentrations of T3 and T4 in the animals were in the serum sample taken at 10:00. The lowest values of T3 and T4 were found in the blood sampled at 02:00 and 22:00, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Circadian morphological variations of pinealocytes in the superficial pineal of the Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus) were studied using quantitative electron-microscopic techniques. The volume of the nucleus and cytoplasm of pinealocytes exhibited similar circadian variations, with the maximum around the middle of the light period and the minimum during the first half of the dark period. Synaptic ribbons in pinealocytes were classified into three groups, type-1, –2 and –3 synaptic ribbons, which appeared as rods, round or irregular bodies and ring-shaped structures, respectively; a synaptic ribbon index was determined for the respective types. The synaptic ribbon index was expressed as the number of synaptic ribbons in the pinealocyte profile representing the cell size. The type-1 synaptic ribbon index, which was smallest during the second half of the light period, was increased during the dark period. The length of straight or slightly curved rods showed a 24-h change similar to that of the type-1 synaptic ribbon index; the length of the rods was maximal during the first half of the dark period and minimal at the end of the light period. There was no apparent circadian variation in the type-2 synaptic ribbon index. The type-3 synaptic ribbon index was higher during the light period than during the dark period; the index attained zero 3h after the onset of darkness and, thereafter, increased gradually.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of pyrimidine components in rat liver varies with the time of the day. The concentrations of both the cytidine and the uridine components of the acid-soluble extract are lowest in the morning hours and highest around midnight. The utilization of [2-14C]orotic acid for the synthesis of the pyrimidine components of the acid-soluble extract, RNA, and DNA has a similar character. Analogous changes also are seen in the uptake of [U-14C]cytidine and its utilization for the synthesis of RNA cytosine.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic behaviour of haemolymph lipoprotein was determined throughout a 24 h light-dark cycle. All of the 14 lipoprotein bands did not always appear at the same time, and their level did not remain constant, showing mainly tri- and tetracircadian variations. Values are not the same in males and females. Despite the fact that the lipoprotein variation was not closely synchronized with circadian periodicity, some lipoproteins were responsible for light-dark transition.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify circadian rhythms in self-monitoring, a component of executive functions. Participants were 10 undergraduate students, age: 18.5 ± 2.68 years, two male and eight female. They were recorded on a 30-h constant routine protocol; rectal temperature was recorded every minute and performance on a tracking task was assessed every 100 min. Self-monitoring indicators were adjustments of responses to random changes of speed and trajectory of a circle moving on the computer screen. Participants showed better accuracy during the afternoon, with decreases in the morning (06:20 and 08:00 h). These variations showed a phase delay of 2:29 ± 2:19 h with respect to the circadian rhythm of body temperature. In conclusion, there are circadian variations in self-monitoring. The decline in this component of executive functions could cause serious accidents among people working or studying during a morning shift, as well as commuting to and from work or school.  相似文献   

N Zisapel  I Nir  M Laudon 《FEBS letters》1988,232(1):172-176
The binding of 125I-melatonin to synaptosomes prepared from whole brains of male rats of the CD strain and from the brain, hypothalamus and striatum of male rats of the Sabra-Wistar strain was assessed throughout a 24 h period. The animals were maintained under a daily schedule of 14 h light (05:00-19:00 h) and 10 h darkness. In whole brain preparations the density of binding sites at 18:00 h was higher by about 70% than at 02:00 h with no variations in apparent affinity of the binding sites throughout the daily period. Specific binding of 125I-melatonin was found in both hypothalamus and striatum of the male rat with a distinct diurnal variation in binding site density in the hypothalamus only. The density of 125I-melatonin-binding sites in the hypothalamus was maximal between 10:00 and 18:00 h and dropped sharply after the lights went off. The apparent 125I-melatonin-binding affinities in these regions were constant and very similar to those in whole brain preparations. The daily variations in densities of 125I-melatonin-binding sites in discrete brain areas may represent a diurnal rhythmicity in the responsiveness of the neuroendocrine axis to melatonin.  相似文献   

《Plant Science Letters》1976,6(5):273-283
The electrical current through Acetabularia posterior stalk segments (PSSs) and enucleated posterior stalk segments (EPSSs) was measured and recorded continuously. It consists of pulses superimposed to a steady state current. The intensity of the steady state current varies rhythmically along each day and night cycle. The circadian character of this variation is demonstrated in free-running conditions. The rhythm occurs in the presence as well as in the absence of the nucleus; its amplitude is light-sensitive. The facts suggest the importance of the plasma membrane in the determination of the circadian clock. The spontaneous current pulses may have some circadian character also, but this is not so obvious as for the steady-state current.  相似文献   

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