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Pools of adenovirus 12 and simian adenovirus 7 were separated into four or five fractions by density gradient centrifugation in cesium chloride. Each fraction was analyzed for total in vitro infectivity units, total transformation activity, and for total virus particle (VP) content. Two major subpopulations were separated with mean densities of 1.30 +/- 0.02 and 1.34 +/- 0.02 g/ml, respectively. Virions in the 1.34 g/ml range were highly infectious (10(2) to 10(3) VP per infectivity unit) in contrast to virions at 1.30 g/ml density (10(4) to 10(5) VP per infectivity units). Transformation capacity was evenly distributed throughout fractions of both viruses, indicating that genetically incomplete or defective virus particles were not deficient in their ability to induce transformation. The average VP per transformation unit for adenovirus 12 (2.85 x 10(6)) and for simian adenovirus 7 (4.00 x 10(6)) did not vary significantly from fraction to fraction. These values were obtained with optimal input multiplicities of 16 to 64 VP per cell. At higher multiplicities the apparent increase in VP per transformation unit was attributable to the viral cytocidal effect on hamster cells. These studies revealed that quantitation of in vitro transformation based on VP multiplicities was more reliable than on the basis of infectious units. These estimates were independent of method of virus production, extraction, and purification.  相似文献   

Defective Virions in Human Adenovirus Type 12   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Purified preparations of human adenovirus type 12 showed two bands when subjected to isopycnic centrifugation in a density gradient of cesium chloride. Their density difference was about 0.003 g/ml, suggesting a small difference in their deoxyribonucleic acid to protein ratio. Virions with a lighter density can kill human KB cells and induce T antigen as efficiently as the heavy virions. However, they appeared incapable to form plaques. Two passages of the heavy infectious virions at low multiplicity of infection did not produce significant amounts of light virions; however, when it was passed at high multiplicity of infection, the light band became visible in a cesium chloride density gradient.  相似文献   

Ten temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of adenovirus type 12 which produce plaques at 31 but not at 38.5 C have been isolated after mutagenesis with nitrosoguanidine or nitrous acid. The mutants have been classified into six separate complementation groups. DNA-DNA hybridizations have shown that at 38.5 C the ts 401 and 406 mutants of groups B and E, respectively, synthesized less than 10% of the normal level of viral DNA. The two mutants were also defective in the production of late proteins at the nonpermissive temperature, as shown by fluorescent-antibody tests and analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Genetic recombination between the ts viruses 401 and 406 has been demonstrated; the recombination frequency for the wild-type virus production was 17.7%. Both mutants induced an increase in thymidine kinase activity at 38.5 C. Moreover, the two viral DNA-defective mutants shut off host DNA synthesis at the restrictive temperature. It is striking that at 38.5 C ts virus 401 transformed two to eight times more hamster cells than the wild-type virus, whereas ts virus 406 transformed at a frequency similar to the wild-type virus.  相似文献   

A test is described in which adenovirus type 7 antigens are separated by two successive perpendicular applications of electrophoresis through agar, causing precipitin formation with cationic immune globulins. Three bands produced by adenovirus cultures distinguish among hexon, fiber, and penton antigens.  相似文献   

Monkey kidney cells (CV-C) infected with adenovirus type 2 displayed an aberrant distribution of 100K, 100K-hexon complex, hexon monomers, hexon trimers, penton base, and fiber proteins, relative to the patterns observed in adenovirus type 2-infected human cells. Human cell patterns were observed in CV-C cells when mutants selected for growth on monkey cells were used.  相似文献   

The ability of adenovirus 7-simian virus 40 (SV40) hybrid (strain LL "E-46") to replicate decreased exponentially as a function of the amount of gamma-irradiation; the ability to induce SV40 and adenovirus 7 T antigen decreased at a much slower rate. Nevertheless, the virus was still able to transform African green monkey kidney cells at a radiation dosage that had completely destroyed its replication ability. All transformed colonies were positive for SV40 T antigen but were negative for adenovirus 7 T antigen. The adenovirus 7-SV40 hybrid transformed cells were superinfectible with SV40 virus. Two of the three transformed cell populations apparently did not sensitize hamsters against the appearance SV40 primary tumors, thus suggesting a deficiency in the SV40 transplantation antigen.  相似文献   

Four different soluble components of adenovirus type 9 (Rosen's group II) were identified. These were a complete hemagglutinin (HA), an incomplete HA, components carrying group-specific complement-fixing (CF) antigen, and components identified only by their hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibody consuming capacity and antigen activity in CF tests with an antiserum against complete HA. The complete HA sedimented relatively rapidly. It was composed of 12 pentons (vertex capsomers plus projections) aggregated into the form of a pentagonal dodecahedron. The length of the projections was about 12 to 13 mmu. Thus they appeared longer than the corresponding structures of types 3 and 11, but shorter than those of types 4 and 5. The rate of sedimentation of complete HA of type 9 was intermediate to those of the complete HA of types 3 and 11. The incomplete HA sedimented together with components carrying group-specific CF antigen, but could be separated from those by anion-exchange chromatography. Two different antigens were present in incomplete HA. One could absorb a group-specific hemagglutination-enhancing antibody, and was sensitive to treatment with trypsin. The other antigen could absorb the type-specific HI antibody and was not destroyed by trypsin. In addition to the incomplete HA, a separate population of more slowly sedimenting components showed a capacity to absorb HI antibody. These components could also be identified in CF tests when an antiserum against complete HA was applied. The incomplete HA, group-specific CF antigen, and slowly sedimenting HI antibody absorbing components are suggested to represent isolated penton, hexon, and fiber components, respectively.  相似文献   

Eight temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants that replicate normally at 32 C but poorly, if at all, at 39.5 C have been isolated from mutagenized stocks of a wild-type strain of type 5 adenovirus. Three mutagens were employed: nitrous acid, hydroxylamine, and nitrosoguanidine. Ts mutants were isolated from mutagenized viral stocks with frequencies between 0.01 and 0.1%. All eight mutants had reversion frequencies of 10(-5) or less. Complementation experiments in doubly infected cultures at the nonpermissive temperature separated the mutants into three nonoverlapping complementation groups. Complementation yields ranged from a 2.3- to a 3,000-fold increase over the sums of the yields from the two singly infected controls. Genetic recombination was also demonstrated; approximate recombination frequencies ranged from 0.1 to 15%. Preliminary biochemical and immunological characterization of the mutants indicated that: (i) the single mutant in complementation group I did not replicate its deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or synthesize late proteins at the nonpermissive temperature but did inhibit host DNA synthesis to 25% of an uninfected control; (ii) the four group II mutants replicated viral DNA, shut off host DNA synthesis, synthesized penton base and fiber, but did not synthesize immunologically detectable hexon; the three mutants in complementation group III synthesized viral DNA, shut off host DNA synthesis, and made immunologically reactive capsid proteins (hexon, penton base, and fiber).  相似文献   

Chen  Li  Yin  Lijuan  Peng  Peng  Zhou  Qingfeng  Du  Yunping  Zhang  Yun  Xue  Chunyi  Cao  Yongchang 《中国病毒学》2020,35(5):517-527
Virologica Sinica - Since 2012, the clinical cases of inclusion body hepatitis showed an increasing trend in China, causing considerable economic losses to the poultry industry. In this study, a...  相似文献   

Adenoviruses are DNA viruses that infect a number of vertebrate hosts and are associated with both sporadic and epidemic disease in humans. We previously identified a novel adenovirus, titi monkey adenovirus (TMAdV), as the cause of a fulminant pneumonia outbreak in a colony of titi monkeys (Callicebus cupreus) at a national primate center in 2009. Serological evidence of infection by TMAdV was also found in a human researcher at the facility and household family member, raising concerns for potential cross-species transmission of the virus. Here we present experimental evidence of cross-species TMAdV infection in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Nasal inoculation of a cell cultured-adapted TMAdV strain into three marmosets produced an acute, mild respiratory illness characterized by low-grade fever, reduced activity, anorexia, and sneezing. An increase in virus-specific neutralization antibody titers accompanied the development of clinical signs. Although serially collected nasal swabs were positive for TMAdV for at least 8 days, all 3 infected marmosets spontaneously recovered by day 12 post-inoculation, and persistence of the virus in tissues could not be established. Thus, the pathogenesis of experimental inoculation of TMAdV in common marmosets resembled the mild, self-limiting respiratory infection typically seen in immunocompetent human hosts rather than the rapidly progressive, fatal pneumonia observed in 19 of 23 titi monkeys during the prior 2009 outbreak. These findings further establish the potential for adenovirus cross-species transmission and provide the basis for development of a monkey model useful for assessing the zoonotic potential of adenoviruses.  相似文献   

African green monkey kidney (AGMK) cells were nonpermissive hosts for type 2 adenovirus although the restriction was not complete; when only 3 plaque-forming units/cell was employed as the inoculum, the viral yield was about 0.1% of the maximum virus produced when simian virus 40 (SV40) enhanced adenovirus multiplication. The viral yield of cells infected only with type 2 adenovirus increased as the multiplicity of infection was increased. Type 2 adenovirus could infect almost all AGMK cells in culture; adenovirus-specific early proteins and DNA were synthesized in most cells, but small amounts of late proteins were made in relatively few cells. Even when cells were infected with both SV40 and adenovirus, only about 50% were permissive for synthesis of adenovirus capsid proteins. Approximately the same quantity of adenovirus deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was synthesized in the restricted as in the SV40-enhanced infection. However, in cells infected with SV40 and type 2 adenovirus, replication of SV40 DNA was blocked, multiplication of SV40 was accordingly inhibited, and synthesis of host DNA was not stimulated. To enhance propagation of type 2 adenovirus, synthesis of an early SV40 protein was essential; 50 mug of cycloheximide per ml prevented the SV40-induced enhancement of adenovirus multiplication, whereas 5 x 10(-6)m 5-fluoro-2-deoxyuridine did not abrogate the enhancing phenomenon.  相似文献   

Host cell restriction by GMK cells in abortive infections of adenovirus type 2 can be partially relieved by co-infection with SV40.  相似文献   

New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase-1 (NDM-1), an acquired class B carbapenemase, is a significant clinical threat due to its extended hydrolysis of β-lactams including carbapenems. In this study, we identified the first confirmed clinical isolate of Escherichia coli BJ01 harboring bla NDM-1 in China. The isolate is highly resistant to all tested antimicrobials except polymyxin. bla NDM-1, bla CTX-M-57, and bla TEM-1 were identified in the isolate. bla NDM-1 was transferable to E. coli EC600 and DH5α in both plasmid conjugation experiments and plasmid transformation tests. BJ01 was identified as a new sequence type, ST224, by multilocus sequence typing. Analysis of genetic environment shows complex transposon-like structures surrounding the bla NDM-1 gene. Genetic analysis revealed that the region flanking bla NDM-1 was very similar to previously identified NDM-positive Acinetobacter spp. isolated in China. The findings of this study raise attention to the emergence and spread of NDM-1-carrying Enterobacteriaceae in China.  相似文献   

为了研究7型腺病毒(Ad7)E1A在感染中的致病机制,分离了Ad7d2病毒株,构建了Ad7 E1A基因的真核表达体系.用A549细胞分离培养痰液标本中的腺病毒,应用重叠延伸PCR扩增Ad7 E1A基因外显子,产物克隆至真核表达载体pIRES-Neo,构建重组子pIRES-Neo-Ad7E1A并转染A549细胞,利用Western印迹对其表达产物进行鉴定.克隆测序显示扩增的Ad7 E1A基因外显子包含了完整的编码区基因,pIRES-Neo-Ad7E1A转染A549细胞的表达产物经Western印迹鉴定与设计相符.成功建立了Ad7 E1A 基因的真核表达体系.  相似文献   

The techniques of deoxyribonucleic acid-ribonucleic acid (DNA-RNA) hybridization and immunological precipitation were used to compare the synthesis of adenovirus-specific macromolecules in African green monkey kidney (AGMK) cells infected with adenovirus, an abortive infection, and coinfected with both adenovirus and simian virus 40 (SV40), which renders the cells permissive for adenovirus replication. When viral protein synthesis was proceeding at its maximum rate, the incorporation of (14)C-amino acids into adenovirus structural proteins was about 90 times greater in the doubly infected cells than in cells infected only with adenovirus. However, the rates of synthesis of virus-specific ribonucleic acid appeared to be comparable in the two infections at all times measured. A time-dependent increase in the rate of RNA synthesis observed late in the abortive infection was dependent upon the prior replication of viral DNA. Moreover, all virus-specific RNA species that are normally made late in a productive adenovirus infection (i.e., the true late and class II early RNA species) were also detected in the abortive infection. Adenovirus-specific RNA was detected by molecular hybridization in both the cytoplasm and nuclei of abortively infected cells. Comparable amounts of viral RNA were found in the cytoplasmic fractions of AGMK cells infected either with adenovirus or with both adenovirus and SV40. The results of hybridization-inhibition experiments clearly showed that there was a class of virus-specific RNA molecules, representing about 30% of the total, in the nucleus that was not transported to the cytoplasm. This class of RNA was also identified in similar amounts in productively infected human KB cells. The difference in the abilities of cytoplasmic and nuclear RNA to inhibit the hybridization of virus-specific RNA from whole cells was shown not to be due to a difference in the molecular size of the RNA species from the two cell fractions or to the specific loss of a cytoplasmic species during RNA extraction procedures.  相似文献   

Eleven temperature-sensitive mutants of adenovirus type 12, capable of forming plaques in human cells at 33 C but not at 39.5 C, were isolated from a stock of a wild-type strain after treatment with either nitrous acid or hydroxyl-amine. Complementation tests in doubly infected human cells permitted a tentative assignment of eight of these mutants to six complementation groups. Temperature-shift experiments revealed that one mutant is affected early and most of the other mutants are affected late. Only the early mutant, H12ts505, was temperature sensitive in viral DNA replication. Infectious virions of all the mutants except H12ts505 and two of the late mutants produced at 33 C, appeared to be more heat labile than those of the wild type. Only H12ts505 was temperature sensitive for the establishment of transformation of rat 3Y1 cells. One of the late mutants (H12ts504) had an increased transforming ability at the permissive temperature. Results of temperature-shift transformation experiments suggest that a viral function affected in H12ts505 is required for “initiation” of transformation. Some of the growth properties of H12ts505-transformed cells were also temperature dependent, suggesting that a functional expression of a gene mutated in H12ts505 is required to maintain at least some aspects of the transformed state.  相似文献   

目的:筛选腺病毒55型(Ad55)抗原表位,为研制腺病毒免疫诊断试剂提供基础。方法:采用生物信息学方法预测Ad55六邻体、纤突的B细胞抗原表位;利用大肠杆菌优势密码子获得相应基因,插入载体pBVIL-1克隆表达后获得重组Ad55表位抗原;用临床疑似腺病毒呼吸道感染患者血清对重组Ad55表位抗原活性进行检测,用ROC曲线分析重组Ad55抗原的诊断意义;采用ClustalX软件进行多序列比较。结果:Ad55六邻体含有6个主要抗原表位,纤突含有2个主要抗原表位;采用退火延伸法获得上述8种表位基因,片段长度为90~180 bp;获得上述8种重组基因工程抗原,相对分子质量为18×103~21×103;血清学检测的ROC曲线分析显示,270~320、410~460和135~165氨基酸残基抗原表位的AUC面积超过0.75,具有一定的诊断意义(P0.05);序列比较结果显示,上述3种抗原表位与腺病毒11型序列高度同源,与3型存在较大差异。结论:获得了3个Ad55主要抗原,对研制通用性呼吸道传播腺病毒免疫诊断试剂具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

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