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In pancreatic islets prepared from either normal or GK rats and incubated at either low (2.8 mM) or high (16.7 mM) D-glucose concentration, the labelling of both lipids and their glycerol moiety is higher in the presence of D-[1-14C]glucose than D-[6-14C]glucose. The rise in D-glucose concentration augments the labelling of lipids, the paired 14C/3H ratio found in islets exposed to both D-[1-14C]glucose or D-[6-14C]glucose and D-[3-3H]glucose being even slightly higher at 16.7 mM D-glucose than that found, under otherwise identical conditions, at 2.8 mM D-glucose. Such a paired ratio exceeds unity in islets exposed to D-[1-14C]glucose. The labelling of islet lipids by D-[6-14C]glucose is about 30 times lower than the generation of acidic metabolites from the same tracer. These findings indicate (i) that the labelling of islet lipids accounts for only a minor fraction of D-glucose catabolism in pancreatic islets, (ii) a greater escape to L-glycerol-3-phosphate of glycerone-3-phosphate generated from the C1-C2-C3 moiety of D-glucose than D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate produced from the C4-C5-C6 moiety of the hexose, (iii) that only a limited amount of [3-3H]glycerone 3-phosphate generated from D-[3-3H]glucose is detritiated at the triose phosphate isomerase level before being converted to L-glycerol-3-phosphate, and (iv) that a rise in D-glucose concentration results in an increased labelling of islet lipids, this phenomenon being somewhat more pronounced in the case of D-[1-14C]glucose or D-[6-14C]glucose rather than D-[3-3H]glucose.  相似文献   

李森 《生物学通报》2011,46(5):23-24
光合作用与呼吸作用所涉及的[H]指NADH、FADH2与NADPH中的还原性氢。光合作用与呼吸作用中产生和利用的[H]不同,光合作用产生及利用NADPH,而呼吸作用产生与利用的[H]主要是NADH与FADH2。  相似文献   

A study was made of the actions of the excitant neurotoxin, kainic acid, on the uptake and the release of D-[2,3-3H]aspartate (D-ASP) in slices of guinea pig cerebral neocortex and striatum. The slices took up D-ASP, reaching concentrations of the amino acid in the tissue which were 14-23 times that in the medium. Subsequently, electrical stimulation of the slices evoked a Ca2+-dependent release of a portion of the D-ASP. Kainic acid (10(-5)-10(-3) M) produced a dose-dependent inhibition of D-ASP uptake. The electrically evoked release of D-ASP was increased 1.6-2.0 fold by 10(-5) and 10(-4)M kainic acid. The kainate-enlarged release was Ca2+-dependent. Dihydrokainic acid, an analogue of kainic acid with little excitatory or toxic action, did not increase D-ASP release but depressed D-ASP uptake. Attempts were made to block the action of kainic acid with baclofen and pentobarbital, compounds which depress the electrically evoked release of L-glutamate (L-GLU) and L-aspartate (L-ASP). Baclofen (4 X 10(-6)M), an antispastic drug, and pentobarbital (10(-4)M), an anesthetic agent, each inhibited the electrically evoked release of D-ASP and prevented the enhancement of the release above control levels usually produced by 10(-4)M kainic acid. It is proposed that 10(-5) and 10(-4)M kainic acid may enhance the synaptic release of L-GLU and L-ASP from neurons which use these amino acids as transmitters. This action is prevented by baclofen and pentobarbital. In view of the possibility that cell death in Huntington's disease could involve excessive depolarization of striatal and other cells by glutamate, baclofen might be effective in delaying the loss of neurons associated with this condition.  相似文献   

Rat hippocampal formation slices were prelabelled with [3H]inositol and stimulated with carbachol for times between 7 s and 3 min. The [3H]inositol metabolites in an acid extract of the slices were resolved with anion-exchange HPLC. Carbachol dramatically increased the concentration of [3H]inositol monophosphate, [3H]inositol bisphosphate (two isomers), [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate, [3H]inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, and [3H]inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate. The levels of [3H]inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate rose most rapidly; they were maximally elevated after only 7 s and declined toward control levels in 1 min followed by a more sustained elevation in levels for up to 3 min. When [3H]inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate was incubated with hippocampal formation homogenates in an ATP-containing buffer it was very rapidly metabolised. After 5 min [3H]inositol 1,4-bisphosphate, [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate, and [3H]inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate could be detected in the homogenates. Under similar experimental conditions [3H]inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate is metabolised to [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate and an inositol bisphosphate isomer that is not [3H]inositol 1,4-bisphosphate. We conclude that like other tissues the primary event in the hippocampus following carbachol stimulation is the activation of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate selective phospholipase C.  相似文献   

Abstract: The accumulation of [3H]xylamine ([ring-G-3H]- N -2'-chloroethyl- N -ethyl-2-methylbenzylamine; [3H]XYL) by rabbit thoracic aorta and rat vas deferens was studied in vitro . [3H]XYL uptake in both tissues saturated at the same concentrations and displayed the same time course as that for maximal inhibition of [3H]noradrenaline ([3H]NA) accumulation by XYL. Hydrolysis of [3H]XYL or coincubation with Na2S2O3 reduced tissue accumulation of tritium by 80%. In aorta and vas deferens, about 45% and 65%, respectively, of the total [3H]XYL accumulation was blocked by 100 μmol/L desmethylimipramine (DMI), l -NA, or bretylium. In the absence of sodium ion, the uptake of [3H]XYL was reduced by approximately these same amounts. In both tissues nearly 70% of the [3H]XYL taken up was protein bound when measured as trichloroacetic acid-precipitated tritium. Of this radioactivity, the same proportion was sensitive to 100 μmol/L DMI or the absence of sodium ion as found for total tissue accumulation of [3H]XYL. Hydrolysis of [3H]XYL prior to incubation with vas deferens reduced the protein-bound tritium by more than 95%. The studies indicate that [3H]XYL interacts with NA uptake carrier in both rabbit aorta and rat vas deferens and that a substantial portion of the resulting protein-bound radioactivity is carrier-dependent.  相似文献   

Abstract: High-affinity binding sites (apparent K D= 1.5 nM) for [3H]desipramine have been demonstrated and characterized in membranes prepared from rat brain. The binding of [3H]desipramine was found to be saturable, reversible, heat-sensitive, sodium-dependent, and regionally distributed among various regions of the brain. High concentrations of [3H]desipramine binding sites were found in the septum, cerebral cortex, and hypothalamus, whereas lower concentrations were found in the medulla, cerebellum, and corpus striatum. A very good correlation ( r = 0.81, P < 0.001) was observed between the potencies of a series of drugs in inhibiting high-affinity [3H]desipramine binding and their capacity to block norepinephrine uptake into synaptosomes. In 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats there was a marked decrease in [3H]norepinephrine uptake and [3H]desipramine binding with no significant alterations in either [3H]serotonin uptake or [3H]imipramine binding. These results suggest that the high-affinity binding of [3HJdesipramine to rat brain membranes is pharmacologically and biochemically distinct from the high-affinity binding of [3H]imipramine, and that there is a close relationship between the high-affinity binding site for [3H]desipramine and the uptake site for norepinephrine.  相似文献   

Quantitative microanalysis of bacterial endotoxin was performed using [3H]-labeled L -glycero-D -mannoheptitol (LD -Heptitol) as a marker. Several different amounts of authentic L -glycero-D -mannoheptose (LD -Heptose) were reduced with 20 μg of cold NaBH4 containing 2 μg of NaB3H4 (40 Ci/mmol) in 20 μ1 of 1 mM NaOH at 4 C for 48 hr. The product, [1-3H]-labeled LD -Heptitol, has high specific activity, and was purified by HPLC and detected using a liquid-scintillation counter. As little as 50 pg of LD -Heptose was detectable, and the radioactivity increased dose-dependently in the 100 pg to 80 ng range tested. More than 2 ng of Salmonella abortus equi endotoxin could be accurately determined by this method. It is possible to detect 50 pg of endotoxin by this method, if 100% hot material (NaB3H4) is used for [3H]-labeling.  相似文献   

The outflow of [3H]choline ([3H]Ch) evoked by electrical field stimulation and the efflux of D-[3H]Asp induced by 35 mM KCl and 1-10 microM ouabain were studied in human and guinea pig cortical slices, kept under identical experimental conditions. [3H]Ch outflow was significantly lower whereas D-[3H]Asp efflux was significantly higher in humans than in guinea pigs. This suggests a different proportion of the two neuronal systems in these two species. Blockade of muscarinic autoreceptors with atropine increased, whereas stimulation of alpha 2 receptors with norepinephrine (NE) reduced, the evoked [3H]Ch outflow to the same extent in human and guinea pig cortical slices. Conversely, NE did not affect ouabain-induced D-[3H]Asp efflux, suggesting that an alpha 2-mediated control is not operative in the glutamatergic cortical structures. Desmethylimipramine, 2-5 microM, was able to increase [3H]Ch outflow through atropine-like mechanisms only in the human. This drug at 20-50 microM inhibited [3H]Ch and D-[3H]Asp efflux in both species, through mechanisms unrelated to its monoamine reuptake blocking properties. Thus, similarities and differences can be detected between humans and guinea pigs with regard to (a) the relative potency of the cholinergic and acidic amino acidergic signals and (b) the modulation of neurotransmitter outflow by drugs acting on auto- and the heteroreceptors.  相似文献   

[3H]Fluphenazine was used to label both D-1 and D-2 dopamine receptors in mouse striatal membranes. The D-1 and D-2 specific binding of [3H]fluphenazine was discriminated by the dopamine antagonists SCH-23390 (D-1 selective) and spiperone (D-2 selective). Saturation analyses of these two sites yielded a D-1 receptor density in mouse striatum of 1,400 fmol/mg of protein and a D-2 receptor density of 700 fmol/mg of protein. The affinity of [3H]fluphenazine for the D-2 site was slightly greater than for the D-1 site; the equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) was 0.7 versus 3.2 nM, respectively. Assay conditions are described that reduce nonspecific binding of [3H]fluphenazine to acceptable levels (35% of total binding at 1 nM [3H]fluphenazine). By comparison of displacement curves from a series of dopaminergic and nondopaminergic ligands, the pharmacological specificity of [3H]fluphenazine binding in mouse striatum was demonstrated to be dopaminergic. Only small amounts of dopamine-specific (apomorphine-sensitive) [3H]fluphenazine binding were found in other brain regions. However, chlorpromazine displaced considerable [3H]fluphenazine from all brain regions, including cerebellum, suggesting the presence of a [3H]fluphenazine binding site with a phenothiazine specificity.  相似文献   

Abstract: The binding of [3H]dopamine to brain regions of calf, rat, and human was investigated. The calf caudate contained the highest density of [3H]dopamine binding sites, with a Bmax value of 185 fmol/mg protein, whereas rat and human striatum contained one-third this number of sites. The KD values for [3H]dopamine in all tissues were 2–3 nM. Dopaminergic catecholamines (dopamine, apomorphine, 6,7-dihydroxy-2-aminotetralin, and N-propylnorapomorphine) inhibited the binding of [3H]dopamine in all three species, at low concentrations, with IC50 values of 1.5 to 6 nM. Neuroleptics, in contrast, inhibited the binding at high concentrations (with IC50 values of 200 to 40,000 nM). The [3H]dopamine binding sites were saturable, heat-labile, and detectable only in dopamine-rich brain regions; these sites differed from D2 dopamine sites (labeled by [3H]butyrophenone neuroleptics), and from Dl dopamine sites (labeled by [3H]thioxanthene neuroleptics) associated with the dopamine-stimulated adenylate cyclase. We have, therefore, called these high-affinity [3H]dopamine binding sites D3 sites. [3H]Apomorphine and [3H]ADTN also appeared to label D3 sites. These ligands however, were less selective than [3H]dopamine, and labeled sites other than D3 as well. Assay conditions were important in determining the parameters of [3H]dopamine binding. The optimum conditions for selective labeling of the D3 dopaminergic sites, using [3H]dopamine, required the presence of EDTA and ascorbate.  相似文献   

Abstract— The specific binding of [3H]spiperone and [3H]domperidone, as defined by 1 μ m -(+)butaclamol, was compared in homogenates of bovine retina and caudate nucleus. Scatchard analyses of saturation data for [3H]spiperone binding yielded dissociation constants ( K d) of 0.35 n m in the retina and 0.64 n m in the caudate nucleus. Comparison of the maximum number of binding sites (Bmax) present in each tissue indicated that the density of sites in bovine caudate nucleus (270 fmol/mg protein) was approximately three times higher than in bovine retina (92 fmol/mg protein). This difference was even more marked in guinea pig tissues, with a ratio of 7:1 between corpus striatum and retina. The pharmacological analysis of [3H]spiperone binding in both the bovine retina and caudate nucleus indicated an interaction with dopaminergic rather than serotonergic sites. However, inhibition curves obtained to dopaminergic agonists in the bovine retina were significantly steeper than those observed in the bovine caudate nucleus, as reflected in the greater Hill coefficients obtained for these agents in the retina. Furthermore, only a small amount of specific [3H]domperidone binding was observed in either the bovine caudate nucleus or the guinea pig striatum, whilst no specific [3H]domperidone binding was detectable in homogenates of either bovine or guinea pig retina. These data suggest that the retina possesses only a small population of dopaminergic D2 sites and that these binding sites may differ from those present in the caudate nucleus.  相似文献   

Certain drugs exhibit a remarkable correlation between their ability to inhibit synaptosomal uptake of dopamine and the binding of [3H]mazindol to striatal membranes. To investigate the role of mazindol binding sites in the dopamine uptake process and the fate of these sites (labeling dopaminergic neurons) during aging, we have examined the properties of mazindol binding and dopamine uptake in individual young and old rats. There was a 48% decrease (p = 0.0001) in the Bmax of mazindol binding and a 23% decrease (p = 0.0166) in the Vmax of dopamine uptake with no apparent change in their affinities with age. Regression analysis of the relationship between Bmax and Vmax exhibited a significant correlation in old (p = 0.0156) but not young rats (p = 0.1398). These data suggest that the number of mazindol binding sites decreases with age and that the number of sites on the dopamine transporter complex far exceeds the number required to elicit maximal dopamine uptake.  相似文献   

The incorporation of [3H]myo-inositol into individual phosphoinositides and of [3H]glycerol into glycerolipids was determined in sciatic nerve obtained from normal and streptozotocin diabetic rats and incubated in vitro. The uptake of inositol into lipid was approximately linear with time. More than 80% of the label was present in phosphatidylinositol with the remainder divided about equally between phosphatidylinositol phosphate and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate. Labeling was unchanged 2 weeks after induction of diabetes, but was reduced by 32% after 20 weeks of the disease. Glycerol incorporation occurred primarily into phosphatidylcholine and triacylglycerol and was depressed up to 45% into major phosphoglycerides in nerves from both 2- and 20-week diabetic animals. Triacylglycerol labeling was also substantially decreased, and the reduction was comparable in intact and epineurium free nerve, suggesting that a metabolically active pool of this compound, which is sensitive to hyperglycemia and/or insulin deficiency, is located in or immediately adjacent to the nerve fibers. The considerable decline in incorporation of these lipid precursors in diabetic nerve may be related to impaired inositol transport and to decrease overall energy utilization by the tissue.  相似文献   

Abstract: Slices of rabbit caudate and hypothalamus take up and accumulate [3H]imipramine. In superfused slices of both structures electrical stimulation or exposure to tyramine failed to release recently taken up [3H]imipramine. De-polarization by exposure to 30–60 mm-potassium caused only a small release of [3H]imipramine that was not concentration-dependent. The release of [3H]imipramine by high potassium was independent of the presence of calcium ions in the superfusion medium. These results contrasted with those obtained for the release of [3H]dopamine from the caudate and [3H]noradrenaline from the hypothalamus, where tyramine, electrical stimulation, and high potassium caused a significant release of the labeled neurotransmitters. The release of [3H]dopamine from the caudate and [3H]noradrenaline from the hypothalamus elicited by electrical stimulation or high potassium was entirely calcium-dependent. It is concluded that [3H]imipramine is taken up into the two brain regions and is accumulated in a nonvesicular site from which it is not released by calcium-dependent depolarizing stimuli.  相似文献   

Extracts of Valeriana officinalis have been used in folkloric medicine for its sedative, hypnotic, tranquilizer and anticonvulsant effects, and may interact with -aminobutyric acid (GABA) and/or benzodiazepine sites. At low concentrations, valerian extracts enhance [3H]flunitrazepam binding (EC50 4.13 × 10–10 mg/ml). However, this increased [3H]flunitrazepam binding is replaced by an inhibition at higher concentrations (IC50 of 4.82 × 10–1 mg/ml). These results are consistent with the presence of at least two different biological activities interacting with [3H]flunitrazepam binding sites. Valerian extracts also potentiate K+ or veratridine-stimulated release of radioactivity from hippocampal slices preloaded with [3H]GABA. Finally, inhibition of synaptosomal [3H]GABA uptake by valerian extracts also displays a biphasic interaction with guvacine. The results confirm that valerian extracts have effects on GABAA receptors, but can also interact at other presynaptic components of GABAergic neurons.  相似文献   

When rat brain membranes were incubated with the benzodiazepine agonist [3H]flunitrazepam or the partial inverse benzodiazepine agonist [3H]Ro 15-4513 in the presence of ultraviolet light one protein (P51) was specifically and irreversibly labeled in cerebellum and at least two proteins (P51 and P55) were labeled in hippocampus. After digestion of the membranes with trypsin, protein P51 was degraded into several peptides. When P51 was photolabeled with [3H]Ro 15-4513, four peptides with apparent molecular weights of 39,000, 29,000, 21,000, and 17,000 were observed. When P51 was labeled with [3H]flunitrazepam, only two peptides with apparent molecular weights of 39,000 and 25,000 were obtained. Protein P55 was only partially degraded by trypsin, and whether it was labeled with [3H]flunitrazepam or [3H]Ro 15-4513 it yielded the same two proteolytic peptides with apparent molecular weights of 42,000 and 45,000. These results support the existence of at least two different benzodiazepine receptor subtypes associated with proteins P51 and P55. The different receptors seem to be differentially protected against treatment with trypsin. In addition, these results indicate that in the benzodiazepine receptor subtype associated with P51 benzodiazepine agonists and partial inverse benzodiazepine agonists irreversibly bind to different parts of the molecule.  相似文献   

The development of the specific binding sites for L-[3H]glutamic acid (KD = 370 nM) and for [3H]kainic acid (KD = 39 nM) was studied in the rat cerebellum. Specific binding at both sites remains low during the first week after birth but increases markedly during the second and third weeks after birth, when glutamatergic parallel fiber synaptogenesis occurs. The development of the kainate site lags behind that of the glutamate site, indicating their autonomy.  相似文献   

The regional distribution of [3H]zolpidem, a novel imidazopyridine hypnotic possessing preferential affinity for the BZD1 (benzodiazepine subtype 1) receptor, has been studied autoradiographically in the rat CNS and compared with that of [3H]flunitrazepam. The binding of [3H]zolpidem to rat brain sections was saturable, specific, reversible, and of high affinity (KD = 6.4 nM). It occurred at a single population of sites whose pharmacological characteristics were similar to those of the benzodiazepine receptors labeled with [3H]flunitrazepam. However, ethyl-beta-carboline-3-carboxylate and CL 218,872 were more potent displacers of [3H]zolpidem than of [3H]flunitrazepam. The autoradiographic brain distribution of [3H]zolpidem binding sites was qualitatively similar to that previously reported for benzodiazepine receptors. The highest levels of [3H]-zolpidem binding sites occurred in the olfactory bulb (glomerular layer), inferior colliculus, ventral pallidum, nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca, cerebral cortex (layer IV), medial septum, islands of Calleja, subthalamic nucleus, and substantia nigra pars reticulata, whereas the lowest densities were found in parts of the thalamus, pons, and medulla. Comparative quantitative autoradiographic analysis of the binding of [3H]zolpidem and [3H]flunitrazepam [a mixed BZD1/BZD2 (benzodiazepine subtype 2) receptor agonist] in the CNS revealed that the relative density of both 3H-labeled ligands differed in several brain areas. Similar levels of binding for both ligands were found in brain regions enriched in BZD1 receptors, e.g., substantia nigra pars reticulata, inferior colliculus, cerebellum, and cerebral cortex lamina IV. The levels of [3H]zolpidem binding were five times lower than those of [3H]flunitrazepam binding in those brain regions enriched in BZD2 receptors, e.g., nucleus accumbens, dentate gyrus, and striatum. Moreover, [3H]zolpidem binding was undetectable in the spinal cord (which contains predominantly BZD2 receptors). Finally, like CL 218,872 and ethyl-beta-carboline-3-carboxylate, zolpidem was a more potent displacer of [3H]flunitrazepam binding in brain regions enriched in BZD1 receptors than in brain areas enriched in BZD2 receptors. The present data add further support to the view that zolpidem, although structurally unrelated to the benzodiazepines, binds to the benzodiazepine receptor and possesses selectivity for the BZD1 receptor subtype.  相似文献   

The binding of [N-methyl-3H]scopolamine to a cockroach nerve cord preparation has been investigated. Specific [N-methyl-3H]scopolamine binding was found to be saturable and of high affinity (Kd = 13.9 nM). Muscarinic ligands were found to displace [N-methyl-3H]scopolamine binding more effectively than nicotinic ligands. The distribution of these [N-methyl-3H]scopolamine binding sites was examined in the metathoracic ganglion at the light microscope level by autoradiographical techniques. Specific binding was found to be localized to distinct regions of the neuropile. This pattern showed certain similarities to that seen when the ganglion was stained for acetylcholinesterase, suggesting a functional role for these insect muscarinic acetylcholine receptors.  相似文献   

The possible use of a mouse monoclonal antibody directed against rat pancreatic B-cell surface ganglioside(s) and labelled with radioactive iodine for selective imaging of the endocrine pancreas by a non-invasive procedure was investigated by following its pancreatic fate in experiments conducted either in vitro by incubation of rat isolated pancreatic islets, acinar tissue and pancreatic pieces or in vivo after intravenous injection of the (125)I-labelled antibodies ([(125)I]gamma-G). Although the binding of [(125)I]gamma-G per microg protein was about one order of magnitude higher in isolated islets than in acinar tissue, no significant difference was detected when comparing pancreatic pieces or isolated islets from control animals and rats rendered diabetic by one or two prior administrations of streptozotocin (STZ rats). Likewise, except in one set of experiments, no significant difference was found between control animals and STZ rats, when measuring the radioactive content of the pancreatic gland, relative to that of plasma, 1-4 days after the intravenous injection of [(125)I]gamma-G. These findings indicate that under the present experimental conditions, the mouse monoclonal antibody labelled with radioactive iodine does not appear to be a promising tool for selective imaging of the endocrine pancreas, e.g. by single photon emission computerized tomography.  相似文献   

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