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Gene expression profiling in human esophageal cancers using cDNA microarray   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Human esophageal cancer cell lines and human esophageal cancer tissues were profiled on cDNA microarrays. In esophageal cancer cell lines, KYAE and OE-33 (adenocarcinomas) were distinguished from KYSE series (squamous cell carcinomas). Although SK-GT-4 and TE7 were derived from adenocarcinomas, they had a comparatively similar expression profile to the KYSE series. A set of genes whose expression commonly either increased or decreased in cancer cell lines was identified. Genes that were characteristically expressed in KYAE and OE-33 were also identified. The gene expression profiles of cancer tissues (CTs) were remarkably different from those of the cancer cell lines (CCLs). Notable differences between CCLs and CTs were observed in matrix metalloproteinases, plasminogen activator, collagens, paxillin, and thrombospondin 2, etc., whose expression was not increased in CCLs but increased in CTs. Twenty-three genes were extracted to categorize patients according to their prognoses, and clustering analyses, using these genes, were performed successfully.  相似文献   

We used a lectin chromatography/MS-based approach to screen conditioned medium from a panel of luminal (less aggressive) and triple negative (more aggressive) breast cancer cell lines (n=5/subtype). The samples were fractionated using the lectins Aleuria aurantia (AAL) and Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA), which recognize fucose and sialic acid, respectively. The bound fractions were enzymatically N-deglycosylated and analyzed by LC-MS/MS. In total, we identified 533 glycoproteins, ~90% of which were components of the cell surface or extracellular matrix. We observed 1011 glycosites, 100 of which were solely detected in ≥3 triple negative lines. Statistical analyses suggested that a number of these glycosites were triple negative-specific and thus potential biomarkers for this tumor subtype. An analysis of RNaseq data revealed that approximately half of the mRNAs encoding the protein scaffolds that carried potential biomarker glycosites were up-regulated in triple negative vs luminal cell lines, and that a number of genes encoding fucosyl- or sialyltransferases were differentially expressed between the two subtypes, suggesting that alterations in glycosylation may also drive candidate identification. Notably, the glycoproteins from which these putative biomarker candidates were derived are involved in cancer-related processes. Thus, they may represent novel therapeutic targets for this aggressive tumor subtype.  相似文献   

We have developed dissociable antibody microarray (DAMA) staining technology that provides a new approach to the global analysis of protein subcellular localization (SCL) in fixed cells. We have developed and optimized this technology for protein SCL profiling, generated ChipView, a program for management and analysis of molecular image database, and utilized the technique to identify proteins with unique SCL in breast cancer cell lines. We compared the SCL profiles of 325 proteins among nine different breast cell lines, and have identified one protein, Cyclin B1, with distinctively different SCLs between normal and cancer cell lines. With classic individual immunostaining, Cyclin B1 was confirmed to localize to the cytoplasm of seven breast cancer cell lines and in both cytoplasm and nuclei of two normal breast cell lines, and to have higher expression levels in the cancer cell lines tested.  相似文献   

We report lectin microarray profile of the polysaccharide fraction derived from Sasa veitchii leaf that exhibits anti-influenza activity. This fraction showed higher reactivities with lectins known as binders to oligo-mannose, fucose, or galactose. Our findings along with previously reported monosaccharide components suggest that the polysaccharide can be cross-reactive with cell surface receptors involved in immune system, thereby exerting anti-influenza activity.  相似文献   

Summary Cell lines are valuable resources for the study of the malignancy and potential therapy of human breast cancer. A major problem with adapting fresh breast tumor specimens to grow in vitro is contamination by fibroblasts. Previously, we have reported a technique to overcome this problem (Nayak, S. K; Dillman, R. O. Clin. Biotechnol. 3:237–242; 1991). We have recently established two new breast cancer cell lines, HH315 and HH375, that were derived from abdominal and supraclavicular lymph node metastases from two patients. They were characterized by (1) growth kinetics; (2) staining with monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) to cytokeratin-19, epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), anticarcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), breast cancer antigen 1 (BRST-1), breast cancer antigen 2 (BRST-2), Her2/neu, and p53; (3) expression of domains of urinary plasminogen activator (uPA), neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), and haptoglobin (Hp) (Harvey et al., 1997); and (4) karyotypic analysis. Growth kinetic studies showed that doubling times for both lines ranged from 48 to 96 h. These two cell lines were found to have characteristics of the metastatic breast cancer cells. Both lines stained positive with MoAbs to cytokeratin-19 and EMA, thus confirming their epithelial origin. They also strongly reacted with the pan-breast carcinoma MoAbs BRST-1 and BRST-2, and carcinoembryonic CEA MoAb. Both cell lines overexpressed the oncogene proteins Her2/neu and p53. The tumor cells were negative for estrogen and progesterone receptors. HH315 cells were poorly differentiated, whereas the HH375 cells exhibited adenocarcinoma morphology. Both cell lines showed intense cell surface and some cytoplasmic staining for uPA, NCAM, and Hp domains, which is a characteristic of malignant neoplasms (Harvey et al., 1997). The HH375 cell line showed two cell types, of which 60% were hyperdiploids with 60–70 chromosomes and 5–10 marker chromosomes. The remaining cells were polyploid with more than 200 chromosomes. Cell line HH315 consisted of only a polyploid population. These cell lines may be useful in breast cancer research.  相似文献   

Dissociable antibody microarray (DAMA) staining is a technology that combines protein microarrays with traditional immunostaining techniques. It can simultaneously determine the expression and subcellular location of hundreds of proteins in cultured cells and tissue samples. We developed this technology and demonstrated its application in identifying potential biomarkers for breast cancer. We compared the expression profiles of 312 proteins among three normal breast cell lines and seven breast cancer cell lines and identified 10 differentially expressed proteins by the data analysis program DAMAPEP (DAMA protein expression profiling). Among those proteins, RAIDD, Rb p107, Rb p130, SRF, and Tyk2 were confirmed by Western blot and statistical analysis to have higher expression levels in breast cancer cells than in normal breast cells. These proteins could be potential biomarkers for the diagnosis of breast cancer.  相似文献   

Expression profiling using microarray technology has refined the classification of cancer. The greatest advances have been in lymphomas, leukaemias, and breast cancer where array information identified new diagnostic categories not achievable by standard microscopic or molecular means. These sub-categories often have distinct prognostic profiles. The same investigations have clarified the cellular lineage of cancer types, highlighted the importance of biochemical pathways in determining the expression 'phenotype', and identified potential new diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

The growing interest in glycoconjugates expressed and released by the epithelium of the intestinal mucosa is tightly related to the multiple functional roles attributed to sialic acid and its derivatives. In the present work, biotin and HRP conjugated lectins were used to detect the sialylation pattern and to identify specific structural features of sialoderivatives in the rat colon. In particular, the occurrence and distribution of sialic acids linked alpha2,6 to D-Gal/D-GalNAc and alpha2,3 to D-Gal were directly demonstrated with SNA and MAL II binding, respectively. In addition, in order to by-pass the specificity problems of SNA and MAL II as histochemical reagents, as well as to look for additional and complementary information about acetylation degree and sites, we combined sialidase digestion, potassium hydroxide deacetylation, and differential periodate oxidation with PNA and DBA binding. The data showed the distribution and structure of sialic acid-beta-D-Gal(1-3)-D-GalNAc and sialic acid-D-GalNac sequences, which proved to be widely distributed as cellular components or secretory products in surface goblet cells and crypt cells of the colonic epithelium. A high degree of O-acetylation, with acetyl groups mainly at 9 and 4 positions, was found, showing an increasing gradient from the proximal to distal portion of the colon. These results, which largely reproduce the sialylation pattern in other species, contribute new insights in defining the tissue specific expression of sialoderivatives in the colonic mucosa, and testify to their high heterogeneity which the wide range of sialic acid functional correlates in the intestinal tract depend on.  相似文献   

Tissue MicroArrays (TMAs) are a versatile tool for high‐throughput protein screening, allowing qualitative analysis of a large number of samples on a single slide. We have developed a customizable TMA system that uniquely utilizes cryopreserved human cardiac samples from both heart failure and donor patients to produce formalin‐fixed paraffin‐embedded sections. Confirmatory upstream or downstream molecular studies can then be performed on the same (biobanked) cryopreserved tissue. In a pilot study, we applied our TMAs to screen for the expression of four‐and‐a‐half LIM‐domain 2 (FHL2), a member of the four‐and‐a‐half LIM family. This protein has been implicated in the pathogenesis of heart failure in a variety of animal models. While FHL2 is abundant in the heart, not much is known about its expression in human heart failure. For this purpose, we generated an affinity‐purified rabbit polyclonal anti‐human FHL2 antibody. Our TMAs allowed high‐throughput profiling of FHL2 protein using qualitative and semiquantitative immunohistochemistry that proved complementary to Western blot analysis. We demonstrated a significant relative reduction in FHL2 protein expression across different forms of human heart failure.  相似文献   

Mining microarray expression data by literature profiling   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Chaussabel D  Sher A 《Genome biology》2002,3(10):research0055.1-research005516


The rapidly expanding fields of genomics and proteomics have prompted the development of computational methods for managing, analyzing and visualizing expression data derived from microarray screening. Nevertheless, the lack of efficient techniques for assessing the biological implications of gene-expression data remains an important obstacle in exploiting this information.  相似文献   

We describe a generic method for the large-scale functional characterization of enzymes in a microarray. Poly-l-lysine and amine reactive slides were coated with fluorogenic substrates sensitive to proteases and phosphatases. Patterning enzymes on the slides by robotic printing produced spatially addressable, segregated droplets that were simultaneously exposed to the on-chip sensors. Multiple enzymes were profiled using this system that provided fluorescence readouts across temporal and stoichiometric dimensions concurrently on a single microarray substrate. This integrated microarray platform is applicable not only for the functional annotation of proteins, but also for the rapid agonist and antagonist discovery and in performing on-chip kinetics.  相似文献   

Strategies for plasma proteomic profiling of cancers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Omenn GS 《Proteomics》2006,6(20):5662-5673

A protein microarray containing 144 known or putative virulence-related proteins of Yersinia pestis was used to evaluate the antibody responses of plague patients. Forty-two proteins were found to be expressed in vivo and antibodies against 14 of them were detected in all patients analyzed, providing potential candidates for novel protective antigens and novel serodiagnostic markers in Y. pestis. Moreover, the lack of antibody to LcrV in the five patients in Focus F might be a challenge to our understanding of the pathogenesis of Y. pestis.  相似文献   

Gene expression profiling on microarrays is widely used to measure the expression of large numbers of genes in a single experiment. Because of the high cost of this method, feasible numbers of replicates are limited, thus impairing the power of statistical analysis. As a step toward reducing technically induced variation, we developed a procedure of sample preparation and analysis that minimizes the number of sample manipulation steps, introduces quality control before array hybridization, and allows recovery of the prepared mRNA for independent validation of results. Sample preparation is based on mRNA separation using oligo(dT) magnetic beads, which are subsequently used for first-strand cDNA synthesis on the beads. cDNA covalently bound to the magnetic beads is used as template for second-strand cDNA synthesis, leaving the intact mRNA in solution for further analysis. The quality of the synthesized cDNA can be assessed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction using 3'- and 5'-specific primer pairs for housekeeping genes such as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Second-strand cDNA is chemically labeled with fluorescent dyes to avoid dye bias in enzymatic labeling reactions. After hybridization of two differently labeled samples to microarray slides, arrays are scanned and images analyzed automatically with high reproducibility. Quantile-normalized data from five biological replica display a coefficient of variation 45% for 90% of profiled genes, allowing detection of twofold changes with false positive and false negative rates of 10% each. We demonstrate successful application of the procedure for expression profiling in plant leaf tissue. However, the method could be easily adapted for samples from animal including human or from microbial origin.  相似文献   

Metastasis formation is a major clinical problem in cancer treatment, and no significant progress in the treatment of metastatic spread has been made. This apparent lack of progress is partly caused by the absence of clinically relevant animal models of meta stases. The binding of the lectin Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA) has been associated with a poor prognosis in breast and colon cancer patients. HPA-positive and -negative human breast and colon cancer cell lines were transplanted into severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice. HPA-positive breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7 and T47D) metastasized in SCID mice, whereas the HPA-negative ones (BT20, HS578T and HBL100) did not. The HPA-positive colon cancer cell line HT29 metastasized, while the HPA-negative ones (COLO320DM, SW480 and SW620) did not. However, in two of eight SCID mice inoculated with the HPA-negative colon cancer cell line, CACO2 metastatic deposits were found. Despite this exception, HPA binding is a good indicator of the metastasis of human breast and colon cancer cells in SCID mice: 23 out of 26 HPA-positive cancers metastasized, as opposed to only two out of 38 HPA-negative cancers. This experimental model is well suited for investigating the functional role of carbohydrate residues recognized by HPA in breast and colon cancer metastasis. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic phenomenon unique to mammals that causes some genes to be expressed according to their parental origin. It results in developmental asymmetry in the function of the parental genomes. We describe here a method for the profiling of imprinted genes based on the development of a mouse imprinting microchip containing oligonucleotides corresponding to 493 genes, including most of the known imprinted genes (IG = 63), genes involved in epigenetic processes (EPI = 15), in metabolism (= 147), in obesity (= 10) and in neurotransmission (= 256) and housekeeping reference genes (= 2). This custom oligonucleotide microarray has been constructed to make data analysis and handling more manageable than pangenomic microarrays. As a proof of concept we present the differential expression of these 493 genes in different tissues (liver, placenta, embryo) of C57BL6/J mice fed different diets. Appropriate experimental strategies and statistical tools were defined at each step of the data analysis process with regard to the different sources of constraints. Data were confirmed by expression analyses based on quantitative real-time PCR. These oligochips should make it possible to increase our understanding of the involvement of imprinted genes in the timing of expression programs, tissue by tissue, stage by stage, in response to nutrients, lifestyles and other as yet unknown critical environmental factors in a variety of physiopathological situations, and in animals of different strains, ages and sexes. The use of oligonucleotides makes it possible to expand this microchip to include the increasing number of imprinted genes discovered.  相似文献   

Metastasis formation is a major clinical problem in cancer treatment, and no significant progress in the treatment of metastatic spread has been made. This apparent lack of progress is partly caused by the absence of clinically relevant animal models of meta stases. The binding of the lectin Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA) has been associated with a poor prognosis in breast and colon cancer patients. HPA-positive and -negative human breast and colon cancer cell lines were transplanted into severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice. HPA-positive breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7 and T47D) metastasized in SCID mice, whereas the HPA-negative ones (BT20, HS578T and HBL100) did not. The HPA-positive colon cancer cell line HT29 metastasized, while the HPA-negative ones (COLO320DM, SW480 and SW620) did not. However, in two of eight SCID mice inoculated with the HPA-negative colon cancer cell line, CACO2 metastatic deposits were found. Despite this exception, HPA binding is a good indicator of the metastasis of human breast and colon cancer cells in SCID mice: 23 out of 26 HPA-positive cancers metastasized, as opposed to only two out of 38 HPA-negative cancers. This experimental model is well suited for investigating the functional role of carbohydrate residues recognized by HPA in breast and colon cancer metastasis. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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