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目的制作小鼠脊髓损伤打击模型,观察神经干细胞(NSCs)移植对脊髓损伤小鼠运动功能恢复及Nestin表达的影响。方法将50只小鼠随机分为空白组(5只)、模型组(15只)、对照组(15只)、治疗组(15只),运用改良Allen's法制备小鼠T10脊髓损伤模型并立即在损伤节段进行NSCs移植,于损伤后1、3、7、14、21d进行BBB评分,并通过免疫荧光法及荧光定量PCR检测Nestin的表达情况。结果所有脊髓打击后小鼠均出现双后肢瘫痪,但随时间延长运动功能可有不同程度恢复,NSCs移植14d后治疗组较模型组及对照组BBB评分显著增高(P0.05),且治疗组Nestin表达量也高于模型组及对照组。结论成功建立了小鼠脊髓损伤打击模型;移植的外源性神经干细胞在脊髓损伤处存活并促进损伤后小鼠运动功能的恢复。  相似文献   

神经干细胞是指一类具有自我更新能力和多向分化潜能的细胞,能分化成为神经元、星形胶质细胞、少突胶质细胞等众多神经细胞。成年哺乳动物内源性神经再生能力有限,无法弥补因神经疾病而导致的神经细胞缺失,因而,人们开始寻求外源性神经干细胞移植治疗中枢神经系统疾病的可能,在动物模型上开展了大量研究,并建立了多种移植方法。该文就神经干细胞的特性、来源、移植方式、在中枢神经系统疾病中的实验研究进展等作一综述。  相似文献   

观察大鼠胚胎神经干细胞移植入成年大鼠纹状体后的存活、迁移和分化状况。自14天胎鼠脑室下区分离获得神经干细胞,利用无血清培养基培养扩增并进行鉴定。经4~5代的扩增后,以BrdU标记的神经干细胞通过脑立体定位注射移植入成年大鼠纹状体内,然后分别于移植后2周、4周、6周和8周时做脑冰冻切片,通过免疫组织化学和免疫荧光方法检测移植细胞的数量、定位和分化情况。8周后移植细胞的检出率约16%;移植细胞向周围宿主组织有广泛的迁移表现,尤以沿着白质束向头尾方向的迁移最为显著,最远向后侧达到内囊;纹状体中移植细胞主要分化为神经元和星形胶质细胞。星形胶质细胞数量最多,主要位于移植区与宿主组织临界部位,而神经元处于移植区中央。培养的大鼠胚胎神经干细胞可以作为移植替代治疗神经退行性疾病研究的供体细胞源,而移植中的迁移现象值得注意。  相似文献   

神经系统损伤会导致脑内神经干细胞(neural stem cells,NSCs)的扩增以实现自我修复功能,而通过外源细胞移植的方式来加速这一进程,可能是一种更有效的治疗手段。当前,神经干细胞临床研究所面临的主要问题是如何评价细胞在移植后的行为和功能。该文综述了近几年使用神经干细胞移植治疗几种主要神经系统疾病的临床研究成果,并着重关注了干细胞移植后的示踪研究。  相似文献   

神经干细胞在治疗脑损伤中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
神经干细胞(neural stem cells,NSCs)是中枢神经系统中既具有自我更新能力又能分化为神经系统各类细胞的细胞群。在体外一定条件下,NSCs能保持增殖能力,经定向诱导能分化为具有成熟神经细胞特征的各类细胞。NSCs移植治疗研究显示,植入的NSCs能分化为移植部位的神经细胞,并融入、整合该部位,重建受损神经网络,在一定程度上缓解病症。近年来,激活体内内源NSCs治疗神经损伤也逐渐得到广泛关注。因此,NSCs在治疗神经损伤中的应用研究已成为当前神经生物学基础理论和临床应用研究的热点。本文简要介绍了最近关于NSCs在治疗脑损伤中的应用研究进展。  相似文献   

脐血中含有丰富的原始造血干细胞,由于免疫细胞发育不成熟,抗原表达和功能活性低下,移植物抗宿主疾病发生率低。脐血来源丰富、不易受病毒及残留肿瘤细胞的污染,越来越多地作为造血干细胞的优质来源在临床上广泛应用。通过建立小鼠脐血移植模型,对临床多种疾病尤其是对恶性血液病的造血干细胞移植研究提供有效途径,可以对脐血的生物学功能、植入过程、移植疗效做进一步研究,不断优化的小鼠移植模型对我们解读人类疾病的发病机理、疾病进程起到推动作用,本文将从小鼠种属的选择、移植模型的构建及脐血移植模型新进展等方面对进行综述。  相似文献   

小鼠胚胎神经干细胞的分离培养及其鉴定   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
且的探索小鼠胚胎神经干细胞的体外培养方法,并获取高纯度的神经干细胞,为神经干细胞的深入研究提供实验材料。方法无菌条件下分离E15天小鼠胚脑皮质,制成单细胞悬液,在bFGF和B27存在的培养基中培养扩增,通过免疫细胞化学染色鉴定神经干细胞及其子代细胞的分化方向。结果培养的部分细胞在B27和bFGF存在的无血清培养基中可以在体外分裂增殖,同时表达神经干细胞特异性抗原nestin,并在撤出B27和bFGF的有血清培养基中向神经细胞和胶质细胞分化。结论小鼠胚脑皮质存在具有多向分化潜能的神经干细胞,这些细胞可以在体外稳定培养、传代并自然分化,为细胞替代治疗提供了理想的细胞来源。  相似文献   

神经退行性疾病是一类可导致感觉丧失、运动功能丧失和记忆衰竭等症状的难治性疾病,传统治疗方法虽能延缓疾病进展,但局限性明显。而神经干细胞移植作为一种潜在的新型治疗方式能够有效促进神经细胞的功能恢复及组织再生,在神经退行性疾病的治疗应用方面前景广阔。因此,本文通过对神经干细胞的现有来源及其在神经退行性疾病治疗中的研究进展进行综述,以期为神经干细胞移植在神经退行性疾病治疗中的应用提供新的思路。  相似文献   

同种异体宫内移植小鼠嵌合模型的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
干细胞宫内移植是一种很有前途的产前治疗方式。为深入研究干细胞移植后的细胞行为,采用宫内移植的方法建立同种异体的嵌合小鼠模型。将雄鼠骨髓单核细胞宫内注射到胎鼠腹腔,在受体鼠出生后检测雌性受体鼠外周血细胞。应用PCR检测外周血是否存在雄性鼠的DNA,并采用定量PCR技术确定其嵌合量;同时用荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术直观观察外周血中雄性来源的细胞。结果表明:共获得4只阳性外周血嵌合小鼠,其中3只稳定嵌合达到6个月以上。应用宫内移植成功建立了外周血中存在异源细胞的小鼠嵌合模型。  相似文献   

过去认为神经元受损伤后难以再生.近年发现神经干细胞(neuralstemcells,NSC)主要存在于胚胎和成熟个体的中枢神经系统(CNS)中,具有增殖和分化的潜能.NSC成为神经学科的热点课题,是神经发育和疾病研究的重要平台,作为新生神经细胞的“种子”,它为治疗缺血缺氧性脑病提供了新策略,尤其是中枢神经细胞的治疗性再生和基因治疗.对NSC的发育、组织学特点、增殖分化的调控及治疗前景进行了阐述.  相似文献   

移植胎鼠间充质干细胞的抗衰老作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文旨在研究BALB/c小鼠胎鼠源干细胞同种异体移植的抗衰老作用。采用无菌剖宫产取胎鼠,密度梯度离心法分离干细胞,贴壁培养法纯化扩增间充质干细胞,连续3次尾静脉注射P1代细胞植入15月龄雌性BALB/c小鼠体内。超声检查小鼠心脏,检查血清总超氧化物歧化酶活力、丙二醛含量、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活力,各器官做解剖学检查以及组织学衰老程度比较、评分。结果显示,Y染色体原位杂交实验检测到移植后干细胞长期存活,移植后移植组小鼠存活日期明显长于对照组,移植3个月后评价心功能的各指标,心脏质量指数、脾脏质量指数,心脏、肾脏、肺脏、皮肤、结肠等器官组织学衰老程度评分结果以及血液生化指标,皆优于对照组(均P0.05)。以上结果提示,移植小鼠胎鼠源干细胞能有效地延缓小鼠衰老进程。  相似文献   

The clinical trials with intrastriatal transplantation of human fetal mesencephalic tissue, rich in dopaminergic neurons, in Parkinson''s disease (PD) patients show that cell replacement can work and in some cases induce major, long-lasting improvement. However, owing to poor tissue availability, this approach can only be applied in very few patients, and standardization is difficult, leading to wide variation in functional outcome. Stem cells and reprogrammed cells could potentially be used to produce dopaminergic neurons for transplantation. Importantly, dopaminergic neurons of the correct substantia nigra phenotype can now be generated from human embryonic stem cells in large numbers and standardized preparations, and will soon be ready for application in patients. Also, human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived dopaminergic neurons are being considered for clinical translation. Available data justify moving forward in a responsible way with these dopaminergic neurons, which should be tested, using optimal patient selection, cell preparation and transplantation procedures, in controlled clinical studies.  相似文献   

A stem cell has three important features. Firstly, the ability of self‐renewal: making identical copies of itself. Secondly, multipotency, generating all the major cell lineages of the host tissue (in the case of embryonic stem cells—pluripotency). Thirdly, the ability to generate/regenerate tissues. Thus, the study of stem cells will help unravel the complexity of tissue development and organisation, and will also have important clinical applications. Neural stem cells (NSCs) are present during embryonic development and in certain regions of the adult central nervous system (CNS). Mobilizing adult NSCs to promote repair of injured or diseased CNS is a promising approach. Since NSCs may give rise to brain tumor, they represent in vitro models for anti‐cancer drug screening. To facilitate the use of NSCs in clinical scenarios, we need to explore the biology of these cells in greater details. One clear goal is to be able to definitively identify and purify NSCs. The neurosphere‐forming assay is robust and reflects the behavior of NSCs. Clonal analysis where single cells give rise to neurospheres need to be used to follow the self‐renewal and multipotency characteristics of NSCs. Neurosphere formation in combination with other markers of NSC behavior such as active Notch signaling represents the state of the art to follow these cells. Many issues connected with NSC biology need to be explored to provide a platform for clinical applications. Important future directions that are highlighted in this review are; identification of markers for NSCs, the use of NSCs in high‐throughput screens and the modelling of the central nervous development. There is no doubt that the study of NSCs is crucial if we are to tackle the diseases of the CNS such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. J. Cell. Biochem. 106: 1–6, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

以小鼠胚胎干细胞(ES)为种子细胞,使用改良的4-/4+ RA方案,诱导小鼠ES细胞在丝素材料上向神经细胞分化,探讨丝素材料对其生长、黏附、分化等情况的影响。将小鼠ES细胞悬浮培养4 d得到的拟胚体(EBs)分别接种到经丝素膜和明胶包被的培养皿上进行诱导,比较不同材料上EBs的贴壁率及向神经元分化的比率。结果表明EBs在明胶和柞蚕丝素蛋白膜(TSF)上贴壁较快,平均贴壁率为90.3%和84.4%,在桑蚕丝素蛋白膜(SF)上贴壁较慢,贴壁率低,仅为38.5%,同时三者神经元的分化比率均能达到40%以上,无明显差异。通过以上实验,我们得出,TSF有望成为小鼠ES细胞向神经细胞分化的支架材料。  相似文献   

内源性神经干细胞与脑老化的治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近十几年研究发现成年人脑神经元可以再生,使人们重新认识老年脑神经细胞的可塑性,它为脑损伤的修复带来新的希望。最新研究表明,神经再生可被调控,是一种新的修复机制。这使得利用内源性神经干细胞治疗老龄相关的神经退行性疾病成为可能。  相似文献   

Olfactory ectomesenchymal stem cells (OE-MSCs) possess the immunosuppressive activity and regeneration capacity and hold a lot of promises for neurodegenerative disorders treatment. This study aimed to determine OE-MSCs which are able to augment and differentiate into functional neurons and regenerate the CNS and also examine whether the implantation of OE-MSCs in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra (SNpc) can improve Parkinson's symptoms in a rat model-induced with 6-hydroxydopamine. We isolated OE-MSCs from lamina propria in olfactory mucosa and characterized them using flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry. The therapeutic potential of OE-MSCs was evaluated by the transplantation of isolated cells using a rat model of acute SN injury as a Parkinson's disease. Significant behavioral improvement in Parkinsonian rats was elicited by the OE-MSCs. The results demonstrate that the expression of PAX2, PAX5, PITX3, dopamine transporter, and tyrosine hydroxylase was increased by OE-MSCs compared to the control group which is analyzed with real-time polymerase chain reaction technique and immunohistochemical staining. In the outcome, the transplantation of 1,1′-dioctadecyl-3,3,3′3'-tetramethyl indocarbocyanine perchlorate labeled OE-MSCs that were fully differentiated to dopaminergic neurons contribute to a substantial improvement in patients with Parkinson's. Together, our results provide that using OE-MSCs in neurodegenerative disorders might lead to better neural regeneration.  相似文献   

Although the central nervous system is considered a comparatively static tissue with limited cell turnover, cells with stem cell properties have been isolated from most neural tissues. The spinal cord ependymal cells show neural stem cell potential in vitro and in vivo in injured spinal cord. However, very little is known regarding the ependymal niche in the mouse spinal cord. We previously reported that a secreted factor, chick Akhirin, is expressed in the ciliary marginal zone of the eye, where it works as a heterophilic cell‐adhesion molecule. Here, we describe a new crucial function for mouse Akhirin (M‐AKH) in regulating the proliferation and differentiation of progenitors in the mouse spinal cord. During embryonic spinal cord development, M‐AKH is transiently expressed in the central canal ependymal cells, which possess latent neural stem cell properties. Targeted inactivation of the AKH gene in mice causes a reduction in the size of the spinal cord and decreases BrdU incorporation in the spinal cord. Remarkably, the expression patterns of ependymal niche molecules in AKH knockout (AKH?/?) mice are different from those of AKH+/+, both in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, we provide evidence that AKH expression in the central canal is rapidly upregulated in the injured spinal cord. Taken together, these results indicate that M‐AKH plays a crucial role in mouse spinal cord formation by regulating the ependymal niche in the central canal. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 75: 494–504, 2015  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease caused by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. Cell‐replacement therapies have emerged as a promising strategy to slow down or replace neuronal loss. Compared to other stem cell types, endometrium‐derived stem cells (EDSCs) are an attractive source of stem cells for cellular therapies because of their ease of collection and vast differentiation potential. Here we demonstrate that endometrium‐derived stem cells may be transplanted into an MPTP exposed monkey model of PD. After injection into the striatum, endometrium‐derived stem cells engrafted, exhibited neuron‐like morphology, expressed tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and increased the numbers of TH positive cells on the transplanted side and dopamine metabolite concentrations in vivo. Our results suggest that endometrium‐derived stem cells may provide a therapeutic benefit in the primate model of PD and may be used in stem cell based therapies.  相似文献   

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