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In Xenopus laevis frogs, sex differences in adult laryngeal synapses contribute to sex differences in vocal behavior. This study explores the development of sex differences in types of neuromuscular synapses and the development and hormone regulation of sex differences in transmitter release. Synapses in the juvenile larynx have characteristics not found in adults: juvenile muscle fibers can produce subthreshold or suprathreshold potentials in response to the same strength of nerve stimulation and can also produce multiple spikes to a single nerve stimulus. Juvenile laryngeal muscle also contains the same synapse types (I, II, and III) as are found in adult laryngeal muscle. The distribution of laryngeal synapse types in juveniles is less sexually dimorphic than the distribution in adults. Analysis of quantal content indicates that laryngeal synapses characteristically release low amounts of transmitter prior to sexual differentiation. Quantal content values from male and female juveniles are similar to values for adult males and are lower than values for adult females. When juveniles are gonadectomized and treated with exogenous estrogen, quantal content values increase significantly, suggesting that this hormone may increase transmitter release at laryngeal synapses during development. Gonadectomy alone does not affect quantal content of laryngeal synapses in either sex. Androgen treatment decreases quantal content in juvenile females but not males; the effect is opposite to and smaller than that of estrogen. Thus, muscle fiber responses to nerve stimulation and transmitter release are not sexually dimorphic in juvenile larynges. Transmitter release is strengthened, or feminized, by the administration of estradiol, an ovarian steroid hormone. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Growth and differentiation factor-5 (GDF-5) belongs to the TGF-beta super family, and reportedly plays an important role in cartilage development and differentiation. In this study, we implanted GDF-5 in rat leg muscle, and evaluated its in vivo osteochondro-inducing activity by histological and X-ray examinations. GDF-5 (0, 100, 300, and 500 microg) and the carrier type I collagen were mixed, and the mixture was implanted into rat leg muscle. Three weeks later, the site of implantation was examined by soft X-ray, and examined histologically. The GDF-5 0 and 100 microg groups showed no osteochondro-induction. The GDF-5 300 microg group showed aggregates of cartilage and some bone tissue in the carrier. The GDF-5 500 microg group revealed bone and no cartilage. This is the first report of the dose-dependent effect of GDF-5 inducing osteochondrogenesis or osteogenesis.  相似文献   

Permanent sex differences in the brain are found in many vertebrates, and are thought to be induced by sex differences in secretion of gonadal steroid hormones during critical periods of early development. This theory has received support primarily from many experiments conducted on mammals, but also from studies on other vertebrate classes, including birds. The only avian neural dimorphism that has allowed extensive tests of this hypothesis is the neural circuit for song in passerine birds, which is much larger in males than in females. Experiments in zebra finches have yielded contradictory results. Although it is relatively easy to induce masculine patterns of development in genetic females with estrogen, it has not been possible to induce feminine patterns of development in males with any treatments, including antiestrogens and inhibitors of estrogen synthesis. Moreover, genetic females that develop with large amounts of functional testicular tissue but with virtually no ovarian tissue nevertheless have a feminine song circuit. The latter studies fail to support the idea of steroid induction of sexual differentiation. An alternative to the steroidal control hypothesis is that nonhormonal gene products expressed in the brain early in development trigger sexually dimorphic patterns of development. Although current evidence in several neural and nonneural systems indicates that sexual differentiation of some somatic phenotypes cannot be explained by the actions of gonadal steroids, the idea of direct genetic (nonhormonal) induction of sexual differentiation has yet to be proved. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 572–584, 1997  相似文献   

Rat costochondral growth plate chondrocytes exhibit sex-specific and cell maturation dependent responses to testosterone. Only male cells respond to testosterone, although testosterone receptors are present in both male and female cells, suggesting other mechanisms are involved. We examined the hypothesis that the sex-specific response of rat costochondral cartilage cells to testosterone requires further metabolism of the hormone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Resting zone (RC) and growth zone (GC, prehypertrophic and upper hypertrophic zones) chondrocytes from male and female Sabra strain rats exhibited sex-specific responses to testosterone and DHT: only male cells were responsive. Testosterone and DHT treatment for 24 h caused a comparable dose-dependent increase in [3H]-thymidine incorporation in quiescent preconfluent cultures of male GC cells, and a comparable increase in alkaline phosphatase specific activity in confluent cultures. RC cells responded in a differential manner to testosterone and DHT. Testosterone decreased DNA synthesis in male RC cells but DHT had no effect and alkaline phosphatase specific activity of male RC cells was unaffected by either hormone. Inhibition of steroid 5alpha-reductase activity with finasteride (1, 5, or 10 microg/ml), reduced the response of male GC cells to testosterone in a dose-dependent manner, indicating that metabolism to DHT was required. RT-PCR showed that both male and female cells expressed mRNAs for steroid 5alpha-reductase type 1 but lacked mRNAs for the type 2 form of the enzyme. Male cells also exhibited 5alpha-reductase activity but activity of this enzyme was undetectable in female cells. These observations show that sex-specific responses of rat growth zone chondrocytes to testosterone requires the further metabolism of the hormone to DHT and that the effect of DHT in the male growth plate is maturation-state dependent. Failure of female chondrocytes to respond to testosterone may reflect differences in testosterone metabolism, since these cells possess greater ability to aromatize the hormone to estradiol.  相似文献   

To elucidate the mechanisms of amphibian gonadal sex differentiation, we examined the expression of aromatase and androgen receptor (AR) mRNAs for days 17-31 after fertilization. The effects of inhibitors and sex steroid hormones were also examined. In ZZ males, expression of AR decreased after day 19, while aromatase expression was low throughout the sampling period. Males treated with 17beta-estradiol (E2) showed increasing aromatase expression after day 21, and formed ovaries. AR antagonist treatment also induced high-level aromatase expression and ovarian differentiation. In males co-treated with an aromatase inhibitor and E2, the undifferentiated gonads developed into testes despite high-level aromatase expression. Males treated with androgen and E2 before and during an estrogen sensitive period, respectively, also formed testes. In ZW females, AR expression persisted at a low-level, while aromatase expression increased after day 18. Short-term treatment with an aromatase inhibitor was ineffective in preventing ovarian differentiation, whereas long-term treatment resulted in testes developing from ovarian structure. Compared with the ZZ males and ZW females, WW females did not exhibit detectable expression of AR, suggesting that the active AR gene(s) itself, or a putative gene regulating AR gene expression, is located on Z chromosomes. From the time lag of aromatase expression between ZW females and ZZ males treated with E2 and the effect of AR antagonist, it was found that in males elevated AR expression suppresses aromatase expression directly or indirectly. Consequently, endogenous androgens, accumulated by blocking estrogen biosynthesis, induced testicular differentiation. The gonadogenesis of males is dependent on sex hormone, whereas that of females has evolved to hormone-independence.  相似文献   

To study mechanisms involved in the sexual differentiation of the rat brain, the expression of the protein product of the proto-oncogene c-raf-1 (Raf-1) was examined. Biochemical and immunocytochemical analyses localized Raf-1 in embryonic rat brain regions and demonstrated hormonally induced changes in Raf-1 expression. For this study an affinity-purified anti-peptide antiserum specific for Raf-1 (NH-44) was used. Western blots revealed an approximately 77 kD polypeptide isolated in the cytosol of developing rat brains. Raf-1 levels were highest in the embryonic (E) day 22 female hypothalamus (HYP), and approximately twofold higher than levels detected in male HYP at E22 as determined by quantitative protein dot blot and semiquantitative Western blot analyses. Raf-1 levels in HYP were greater than those in either brain stem (BS) or cortex. Immunocytochemical analysis revealed high levels of Raf-1 in selective brain regions (e.g., the ventromedial nucleus in the HYP, the mitral cell layers in the main and accessory olfactory bulbs (OB), and the locus coeruleus) at E22 and postnatal (P) day I. Lower levels of immunoreactivity were observed in many areas of the perinatal neuraxis. To test hormonal regulation of Raf-1, testosterone propionate (TP) was administered to pregnant rats on E17; male and female fetuses were examined on E22. This treatment significantly decreased Raf-1 levels in female HYP, but not in male HYP, as determined by Western blot analysis. No significant sex difference or response to prenatal hormone treatments were observed in either brain stem or cortex. No significant sex difference was noted postnatally, and administration of TP 3 h after birth did not change Raf-1 levels examined 24 h later. In summary, Raf-1 was localized within selective regions of the rat brain, and its expression was altered by exogenous prenatal hormonal stimulation. One role for Raf-1 in signal transduction may be to delimit hormonal critical periods in sexual differentiation of the brain.  相似文献   

In our ongoing effort of discovering anticancer and chemopreventive agents, a series of 2-arylindole derivatives were synthesized and evaluated toward aromatase and quinone reductase 1 (QR1). Biological evaluation revealed that several compounds (e.g., 2d, IC50?=?1.61?μM; 21, IC50?=?3.05?μM; and 27, IC50?=?3.34?μM) showed aromatase inhibitory activity with half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values in the low micromolar concentrations. With regard to the QR1 induction activity, 11 exhibited the highest QR1 induction ratio (IR) with a low concentration to double activity (CD) value (IR?=?8.34, CD?=?2.75?μM), while 7 showed the most potent CD value of 1.12?μM. A dual acting compound 24 showed aromatase inhibition (IC50?=?9.00?μM) as well as QR1 induction (CD?=?5.76?μM) activities. Computational docking studies using CDOCKER (Discovery Studio 3.5) provided insight in regard to the potential binding modes of 2-arylindoles within the aromatase active site. Predominantly, the 2-arylindoles preferred binding with the 2-aryl group toward a small hydrophobic pocket within the active site. The C-5 electron withdrawing group on indole was predicted to have an important role and formed a hydrogen bond with Ser478 (OH). Alternatively, meta-pyridyl analogs may orient with the pyridyl 3′-nitrogen coordinating with the heme group.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of hydrocortisone acetate and dexamethasone administered to pregnant rats during the last gestational week on sexual differentiation of testosterone metabolism and biogenic monoamine contents and turnover in the discrete brain regions in 10-day-old offspring. In the preoptic area, sex-dependent differences in aromatase activity were attenuated by prenatal glucocorticoids. Prenatal dexamethasone but not hydrocortisone acetate caused the inversion of sexual dimorphism of 5alpha-reductase activity in the preoptic area. In the brain preoptic area of the male pups prenatally exposed to hydrocortisone acetate, a decrease in noradrenaline turnover was found. Dopamine turnover in the preoptic area and 5-hydroxytryptamine metabolism in the preoptic area and medial basal hypothalamus increased in females as a result of hydrocortisone acetate treatment. Our results indicate that excess glucocorticoids in prenatal life modifies the basic neurochemical and neurophysiological mechanisms of sexual brain differentiation and might contribute to behavioral and reproductive disorders in adulthood.  相似文献   

the present immunohistochemical study demonstrates the ontogenetic appearance of aromatase-immunoreactive neurons in several discrete regions of the hypothalamus and limbic system in the rat brain, using a purified antibody against human placental aromatase cytochrome P450. Immunoreactive cells were first detected in the preoptic area on the 13th day of embryonic life (E 13), and additionally in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis on E 15. Labeled cells were also found in the medial amygdaloid nucleus and the ventromedial nucleus on E 16, and some were detected in the arcuate nucleus on E 19. As gestation progressed, the number and the immunoreactivity of these cells gradually increased and peaked within definite periods of perinatal life and there-after declined or disappeared. The immunoreactive cells were also found in the central amygdaloid nucleus and the lateral septal nucleus, and in the ventral pallidum, after the 14th day of postnatal life (P 14) and 30th day (P 30), respectively. The distribution of aromatase-immunoreactive neurons was similar between the sexes, while the immunoreactivity was higher in males than in females after late gestational days. No immunoreaction was detectable in other regions of the telencephalon or midbrain at any time periods studied. The aromatase-immunoreactive neurons in the specific regions may be involved in the sexual differentiation of the brain.  相似文献   

Neural sexual differentiation begins during embryogenesis and continues after birth for a variable amount of time depending on the species and brain region. Because gonadal hormones were the first factors identified in neural sexual differentiation, their role in this process has eclipsed investigation of other factors. Here, we use a mouse with a spontaneous translocation that produces four different unique sets of sex chromosomes. Each genotype has one normal X‐chromosome and a unique second sex chromosome creating the following genotypes: XY*x, XX, XY*, XXY*. This Y* mouse line is used by several laboratories to study two human aneuploid conditions: Turner and Klinefelter syndromes. As sex chromosome number affects behavior and brain morphology, we surveyed brain gene expression at embryonic days 11.5 and 18.5 to isolate X‐chromosome dose effects in the developing brain as possible mechanistic changes underlying the phenotypes. We compared gene expression differences between gonadal males and females as well as individuals with one vs. two X‐chromosomes. We present data showing, in addition to genes reported to escape X‐inactivation, a number of autosomal genes are differentially expressed between the sexes and in mice with different numbers of X‐chromosomes. Based on our results, we can now identify the genes present in the region around the chromosomal break point that produces the Y* model. Our results also indicate an interaction between gonadal development and sex chromosome number that could further elucidate the role of sex chromosome genes and hormones in the sexual differentiation of behavior.  相似文献   

Copine1 is a ubiquitously expressed protein found in various tissues including the brain, but little is known about the physiological function of this protein. Here, we showed that copine1 is involved in neuronal differentiation. Over-expression of copine1 clearly increased neurite outgrowth and expression of Tuj1, a neuronal marker protein, in HiB5 cells. In addition, endogenous copine1 was transiently increased at the early time during neuronal differentiation of HiB5 cells. When the expression of endogenous copine1 was knocked-down by its specific shRNA, PDGF-mediated neurite outgrowth was clearly decreased in HiB5 cells. Furthermore, over-expression of copine1 increased phosphorylation of Akt and copine1-specific shRNA decreased phosphorylation of Akt during neuronal differentiation of HiB5 cells. Interestingly, the phosphorylation level of PI3K, generally known as an upstream protein of Akt, was not changed by copine1 expression. These results suggest that copine1 enhances neuronal differentiation of HiB5 cells not through the PI3K-Akt pathway, but by using another Akt activated signal pathway.  相似文献   

Body growth parameters, age and total length at sex differentiation were compared in three European eel Anguilla anguilla populations from Mediterranean sites with different salinity. Whilst body growth was faster in brackish than in freshwater environments, the present analysis shows that body size at sex differentiation might be a physiological invariant.  相似文献   

性别分化是遗传学、进化生物学和生殖行为生态学研究的重要领域之一,对于研究生物的遗传与进化关系、分析生物种群数量动态具有重要意义。对韭菜迟眼蕈蚊BradysiaodoriphagaYangetZhang的性别分化研究结果表明,韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的生殖对策主要以产单性别方式为主,其次是产优势性别方式,2种方式占92%,且产雌产雄的比例基本呈对称现象。用雌雄试虫都来自单性别的种群,连续繁殖3代,其性别分化如同上述,每一代种群的性比基本保持在1∶1。用双性别后代雌虫所产的雌雄虫进行近亲繁殖,连续繁殖3代,结果表明双性别后代的比例明显增大。鉴于以上实验结果,对韭菜迟眼蕈蚊生殖对策的生态与进化意义进行了分析。  相似文献   

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