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Abstract: Recently it was hypothesized by others that the D2dopamine receptor can regulate the uptake of dopamine. However, the evidence in support of this hypothesis, although compelling, was not based on observations related to direct measures of the kinetic activity of the transporter itself. Here kinetic evidence in support of this hypothesis is shown. The apparent time-resolved initial velocity of the transport of 1.0 μ M dopamine into striatal suspensions, measured using rotating disk electrode voltammetry, was found to increase in the presence of the D2 receptor agonist, quinpirole, at 100 μ M . This effect was reversed by sulpiride. In separate studies it was shown that acute and chronic treatments with haloperidol at 0.5 mg/kg, i.p., reduced the reuptake transport of dopamine in vivo following intrastriatal stimulation of its release by K+. Thus, it appears that D2 receptors may influence the functioning of the striatal transporter for dopamine. These results are consistent with a model in which presynaptically released dopamine may feed back onto the function of its transporter to increase the velocity of the clearance of synaptic dopamine following an action potential, suggesting the existence of a mechanism, in addition to release and synthesis modulation, for fine-tuning dopaminergic chemical signaling.  相似文献   

Chronic in vivo exposure of rats to ethanol in a complete liquid diet for 14 or 21 days produced a behavioral tolerance to the acute injection of ethanol. After 21 days, but not 14 days, of chronic exposure, there was a significant increase in the maximum density of striatal D1 and D2 dopamine receptors without a change in these receptors' affinities. A 24-h withdrawal from the 21-day exposure did not alter the observed increase in density. Both the level and duration of ethanol exposure appear to be important variables for demonstration of an increase in striatal D1 and D2 dopamine receptors.  相似文献   

The possible existence of a dopamine D2 receptor-mediated regulation of dopamine release was investigated in the goldfish retina. Isolated retinas were preloaded with [3H]dopamine and superfused with D2 dopamine receptor agonists or antagonists to determine if there was an effect on [3H]dopamine release. The D2 receptor antagonist sulpiride increased both baseline [3H]- dopamine release and [3H]dopamine release induced by an increase in extracellular potassium concentration. The D2 receptor agonists LY-171555 and RU-24213 did not reduce baseline [3H]dopamine release but completely inhibited [3H]dopamine release induced by an increase in [K±]o. This action of the D2 agonists was blocked by sulpiride. These studies demonstrate the existence of D2 receptor, possibly autoreceptor, regulation of dopamine release in the teleost retina.  相似文献   

Abstract: To investigate the hypothesis that the D2 dopamine (DA) receptor regulates DA uptake, as well as release, in the nucleus accumbens (N ACC), rats were pretreated for 10 days with either the selective D2 antagonist pimozide (1.0 mg/kg, i.p.) or vehicle, followed 3 h later by either cocaine (20 mg/kg, i.p.) or saline. On day 11, a microdialysis method was performed in which various DA concentrations (0, 10, and 20 n M DA) were perfused through the dialysis probe to characterize the diffusion of DA through tissue to and from the microdialysis probe (recovery). This diffusion of DA has been shown to be sensitive to changes in release and uptake. Pimozide pretreatment was shown to attenuate significantly a cocaine-induced increase in the in vivo recovery of DA ( p < 0.01). The in vivo recovery for the vehicle/cocaine group was 47 ± 4%, whereas the in vivo recovery for the pimozide/cocaine group was 31 ± 3%. There was no difference between the pimozide/cocaine and control groups (pimozide/saline, 26 ± 2%; vehicle/saline, 26 ± 3%). In vitro probe calibrations indicated no significant difference in probe efficiencies between groups. These data suggest that the D2 receptor is capable of modulating uptake as well as release of DA in the N ACC of the rat.  相似文献   

Abstract: We investigated whether changes in the dopamine transporter in the nucleus accumbens or striatum are involved in cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization by using in vivo electrochemistry to monitor the clearance of locally applied dopamine in anesthetized rats. Rats were injected with cocaine-HCI (10 mg/kg i.p.) or saline daily for 7 consecutive days and then withdrawn for 7 days. Pressure ejection of a finite amount of dopamine at 5-min intervals from a micropipette adjacent to the electrochemical recording electrode produced transient and reproducible dopamine signals. After a challenge injection of cocaine (10 mg/kg i.p.), the signals in the nucleus accumbens of cocaine-treated animals became prolonged and the clearance rate of the dopamine decreased, indicating significant inhibition of the dopamine transporter. In contrast, simultaneous measurements in the dorsal striatum indicated a transient increase in both the amplitude of the signals and the clearance rate of the dopamine. The signals in both brain regions in the saline-treated animals given the cocaine challenge were similar to those in untreated animals given an acute injection of cocaine (10 mg/ kg i.p.) or saline. Behaviorally, not all of the cocaine- treated animals were sensitized; however, both sensitized and nonsensitized animals displayed similar changes in dopamine clearance rate. Quantitative autoradiography with [3H]mazindol revealed that the affinity of the dopamine transporter for cocaine and the density of binding sites were similar in cocaine- and saline-treated rats. The decrease in dopamine clearance rate observed in the nucleus accumbens of the cocaine-treated rats after a challenge injection of cocaine is consistent with increased do- paminergic transmission, but does not appear to be sufficient in itself for producing behavioral sensitization.  相似文献   

In vivo electrochemistry was used to investigate the mechanisms contributing to the clearance of locally applied dopamine in the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens of urethane-anesthetized rats. Chronoamperometric recordings were continuously made at 5 Hz using Nafion-coated carbon fiber electrodes. When a finite amount of dopamine was pressure-ejected at 5-min intervals from a micropipette adjacent to the electrode, transient and reproducible dopamine signals were detected. Substitution of L-a-methyldopamine, a substrate for the dopamine transporter but not for monoamine oxidase, for dopamine in the micropipette did not substantially alter the time course of the resulting signals. This indicates that metabolism of locally applied dopamine to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid is not responsible for the decline in the dopamine signal. Similarly, changing the applied oxidation potential from ±0.45 to ±0.80 V, which allows for detection of 3-methoxytyramine formed from dopamine via catechol-O-methyltransferase, had little effect on signal amplitude or time course. In contrast, lesioning the dopamine terminals with 6-hydroxydopamine, or locally applying the dopamine uptake inhibitors cocaine or nomifensine before pressure ejection of dopamine, significantly increased the amplitude and time course of the dopamine signals in both regions. The effects of cocaine and nomifensine were greater in the nucleus accumbens than in the dorsal striatum. Local application of lidocaine and procaine had no effect on the dopamine signals. Initial attempts at modeling resulted in curves that were in qualitative agreement with our experimental findings. Taken together, these data indicate that (1) uptake of dopamine by the neuronal dopamine transporter, rather than metabolism or diffusion, is the major mechanism for clearing locally applied dopamine from the extracellular milieu of the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens, and (2) the nucleus accumbens is more sensitive to the effects of inhibitors of dopamine uptake than is the dorsal striatum.  相似文献   

To examine the sensitivities of partially purified dopamine receptors to various dopaminergic agonists and antagonists, canine brain striatum dopamine receptors were enriched by isoelectric focusing. The digitonin-solubilized receptors were prelabelled with [3H]spiperone and focused for two time periods. After 5 h (incomplete focusing), radioactive peaks were detected at pH 6 and 9-11. Only the pH 6 peak revealed drug sensitivities expected of D2 receptors. Receptor recovery of the pH 6 peak was 79% with purification being sevenfold. After focusing overnight to equilibrium, the pH 6 peak further separated into peaks at pH 4.6 and 6.8. The receptor was identified only in the pH 4.6 fraction. The recovery of receptors in the pH 4.6 peak was low (10%), indicating little enrichment of the receptor. The rank order of binding of neuroleptics and dopamine agonists to the purified material was similar to that of the original preparation of soluble receptors. Dopamine did not bind to the purified pH 4.6 fraction unless the phosphate buffer (used during focusing) was replaced with Tris buffer. The absence of receptors in the pH 6.8 and pH 10 fractions, although both contained prelabeled [3H]spiperone, indicates the importance of testing agonists and antagonists on each fraction at each step in purification.  相似文献   

D1 and D2 dopamine receptors were characterized in the caudate-putamen region of nonhuman primate brains (Macaca fascicularis). D1 dopamine receptors were identified with [3H]SCH 23390 and D2 receptors with [3H]-spiperone. Scatchard analysis of [3H]SCH 23390 saturation data using washed membranes revealed a single high-affinity binding site (KD, 0.352 +/- 0.027 nM) with a density (Bmax) of 35.7 +/- 2.68 pmol/g original wet tissue weight (n = 10). The affinity of [3H]spiperone for the D2 site was 0.039 +/- 0.007 nM and the density was 25.7 +/- 1.97 pmol/g original wet tissue weight (n = 10). D1 and D2 receptors in nonhuman primates may be differentiated on the basis of drug affinities and stereoselectivity. In competition experiments, RS-SKF 38393 was the most selective D1 agonist, whereas (+)-4-propyl-9-hydroxynaphthoxazine [(+)-PHNO] was the most selective D2 agonist. Apomorphine was essentially nonselective for D1 or D2 binding sites. Of the antagonists, R-SKF 83566 and SCH 23390 were the most selective for the D1 site, whereas YM-09151-2 was the most selective for the D2 site. cis-Flupentixol and (S)-butaclamol were the least selective dopamine antagonists. D1 receptors bound benzazepine antagonists (SCH 23390/SCH 23388, R-SKF 83692/RS-SKF 83692) stereoselectively whereas D2 receptors did not. Conversely D2 receptors bound (S)-sulpiride and (+)-PHNO more potently than their enantiomers whereas D1 receptors showed little stereoselectively for each of these isomeric pairs. These binding characteristics may be utilized for evaluation of individual receptor function in vivo.  相似文献   

The capacity of D1 and D2 agonists and antagonists to regulate the in vivo release and metabolism of dopamine (DA) in mesolimbic and nigrostriatal DA neurons of the mouse was determined using gas chromatographic and mass fragmentographic (GC-MF) analysis. DA release was inferred from levels of 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT) and DA metabolism was inferred from levels of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanillic acid (HVA). DA release was increased by the D2 antagonists haloperidol and metoclopramide but not by the D1 antagonists SCH 23390 and SKF 83566. DA metabolism was increased by each of the four antagonists but to a greater extent with the D2 antagonists. The D2 agonists CGS 15855A and LY 171555 decreased DA release whereas the D1 agonist SKF 38393, at relatively high doses, only slightly affected DA release. Each of the three agonists decreased DA metabolism but again metabolism was more affected by the D2-selective drugs. The in vivo release of DA from mesolimbic and neostriatal DA neurons appears to be modulated by D2 but not by D1 receptors, whereas both receptor types can modulate DA metabolism.  相似文献   

D2 dopamine receptor from bovine striatum was solubilized in a form sensitive to guanine nucleotides, by means of a zwitterionic detergent, 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propane sulfonate (CHAPS). The presence of sodium ion markedly increased the solubilization yield. Treatment of the membranes with 10 mM CHAPS and 0.72 M NaCl solubilized 26% of the stereospecific [3H]spiperone binding sites in the original membrane preparations. The solubilized [3H]spiperone binding sites possessed characteristics of the D2 dopamine receptor: (a) localization of the site in the striatum but not in the cerebellum; (b) high affinity to nanomolar concentrations of [3H]spiperone; (c) displacement of [3H]spiperone binding by nanomolar concentrations of neuroleptics, but only by micromolar concentrations of dopamine and apomorphine; (d) equal activity of various dopamine agonists and antagonists in the soluble and membrane preparations. Guanine nucleotides decreased the affinity of the solubilized D2 dopamine receptor for dopamine agonists, but not for antagonists. The solubilized receptor complex was eluted in Sepharose CL-4B column chromatography as a large molecule, with a Stokes radius of approximately 90 A. These results indicate that the complex between the D2 dopamine receptor and GTP binding protein remains intact throughout the solubilization procedure.  相似文献   

Acute cocaine administration preferentially increases extracellular dopamine levels in nucleus accumbens as compared with striatum. To investigate whether a differential effect of cocaine on dopamine uptake could explain this observation, we used in vivo electrochemical recordings in anesthetized rats in conjunction with a paradigm that measures dopamine clearance and diffusion without the confounding effects of release. When a finite amount of dopamine was pressure-ejected at 5-min intervals from a micropipette adjacent to the electrode, transient and reproducible increases in dopamine levels were detected. In response to 15 mg/kg of cocaine-HCl (i.p.), these signals increased in nucleus accumbens, indicating significant inhibition of the dopamine transporter. The time course of the dopamine signal increase paralleled that of behavioral changes in unanesthetized rats receiving the same dose of cocaine. In contrast, no change in the dopamine signal was detected in dorsal striatum; however, when the dose of cocaine was increased to 20 mg/kg, enhancement of the dopamine signal occurred in both brain areas. Quantitative autoradiography with [3H]mazindol revealed that the affinity of the dopamine transporter for cocaine was similar in both brain areas but that the density of [3H]mazindol binding sites in nucleus accumbens was 60% lower than in dorsal striatum. Tissue dopamine levels in nucleus accumbens were 44% lower. Our results suggest that a difference in dopamine uptake may explain the greater sensitivity of nucleus accumbens to cocaine as compared with dorsal striatum. Furthermore, this difference may be due to fewer dopamine transporter molecules in nucleus accumbens for cocaine to inhibit, rather than to a higher affinity of the transporter for cocaine.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of D1 and D2 dopamine ligands on protein kinase C (PKC) activity were examined in synaptoneurosomes. Incubation with D1 agonists (SKF 38393, fenodopam), in the presence of calcium, decreased the soluble and increased the particulate PKC activity. These effects were reversed by SCH 23390, which by itself had the opposite effect of increasing the soluble and decreasing the particulate PKC activity. In contrast, incubation with the D2 agonists [LY 171555, (+)-3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)- N - n -propylpiperidine, RU 24213] increased the soluble and decreased the particulate PKC activity. These effects were reversed by sulpiride. (−)-3-(3-Hydroxyphenyl)- N - n -propylpiperidine had a D2 antagonist profile. Apomorphine showed a biphasic dose-response change; i.e., it decreased particulate PKC activity at the D2 receptor at low concentrations (0.1 µ M ) and increased it at the D1 receptor at higher concentrations (10 µ M ). Pretreatment with tetrodotoxin or omission of calcium in the incubation medium did not alter the responses of the D2 agonists, but it reversed the changes in PKC activity induced by the D1 agonists and converted the biphasic response of apomorphine to a monophasic inhibition. These results indicate that (1) D1 and D2 dopamine receptors are negatively coupled to PKC and (2) the increase in particulate PKC activity seen with the D1 drugs in the presence of calcium is mediated indirectly via a transneuronal effect.  相似文献   

Abstract: Despite a high degree of sequence homology, the dopamine D2 and D3 receptors have substantially different second messenger coupling properties. We have used chimeric D2/D3 receptors to investigate the contribution of the intracellular loops to the signaling properties of these receptors. In HEK 293 cells, D2 receptors inhibit prostaglandin E1-stimulated cyclic AMP levels by >90%, whereas D3 receptors inhibit cyclic AMP accumulation by only 20%. In chimeras that have the second or third intracellular loop, or both loops simultaneously, switched between the D2 and D3 receptors, the maximal inhibition of adenylyl cyclase is 60–90%. In addition, the potency of quinpirole to inhibit adenylyl cyclase activity at some of the chimeras is altered compared with the wild-type receptors. It appears that the intracellular loops of the D3 receptor are capable of interacting with G proteins, as when these loops are expressed in the D2 receptor, the chimeras inhibit adenylyl cyclase similarly to the wild-type D2 receptor. Our data suggest that the overall conformation of the D3 receptor may be such that it interacts with G proteins only weakly, but when the intracellular loops are expressed in another context or the D3 receptor structure is altered by the introduction of D2 receptor sequence, this constraint may be lifted.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study investigated possible D1/D2 interactions in rat and bovine striatal tissue by examining the effects of D2 antagonists on the action of dopamine at D1 dopamine receptors. In addition, the extent to which D2 antagonists may induce an agonist low-affinity state of the D1 receptor was evaluated in comparison with the effects of the guanine nucleotide analogue 5′-guanylylimidodiphosphate [Gpp(NH)p]. In saturation experiments dopamine caused a dose-dependent decrease in rat striatal and bovine caudate D1 receptor density. This effect of dopamine, which has been shown to be sensitive to Gpp(NH)p, was not altered by pretreatment with either of the selective D2 antagonists eticlopride (200 nM) or domperidone (200 nM). Results from displacement experiments show that the affinity of dopamine for D1 receptors and the proportion of receptors in an agonist high-affinity state, are reduced by Gpp(NH)p (100 µM) but not by eticlopride. A molar excess of dopamine (100 µM) promotes the dissociation of (±)-8-chloro-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-3-methyl-5-phenyl-1H-3-benzazepine-7-ol ([3H]SCH 23390) from rat striatal D1 receptors at a rate that is significantly slower than when dissociation is initiated using 1 µM piflutixol. After pretreatment with Gpp(NH)p, [3H]SCH 23390 dissociation induced by dopamine occurred at an even slower rate. Pretreatment with eticlopride had no effect on the dopamine-induced rate of [3H]SCH 23390 dissociation. These results indicate that all experimental approaches detected dopamine effects at D1 receptors that are Gpp(NH)p sensitive and D2 antagonist insensitive and provide no evidence to support a D1/D2 link operating at the receptor level.  相似文献   

Abstract: We have cloned the gene encoding the murine D3 dopamine receptor and have analyzed its intron-exon structural organization, to gain a better understanding of the detailed architecture of the D2 dopamine receptor genes. Restriction and sequence analysis reveal the presence of six introns, in contrast to the five introns previously reported for the rat D3 receptor. The extra intron is located in the receptor's putative third cytoplasmic loop and generates an intron-exon organization directly analogous to that found in the D2 receptor gene. In addition, we have sequenced the 5' and 3' nontranslated sequences flanking the coding region and have identified a putative poly(A) adenylation signal. These sequences are found to have a far lower homology with the corresponding rat nontranslated sequences than is found for the D2 receptor, suggesting that the control of D3 receptor expression may vary more between species than the control of D2 receptor expression.  相似文献   

Abstract: To expand on the nature of regional cerebral vulnerability to ischemia, the release of dopamine (DA) and dopaminergic (D1 and D2) receptors were investigated in Mongolian gerbils subjected to bilateral carotid artery occlusion (15 min) alone or with reflow (1–2 h). Extracellular cortical and striatal content of DA and its metabolites was measured by microdialysis using HPLC with electrochemical detection. The kinetic properties of D1 and/or D2 receptor binding sites were determined in cortical and striatal membranes with the use of radiolabeled ligands (125I-SCH23982 and [3H]YM-09151-2, respectively). The ischemic release of DA from the striatum was greater (400-fold over preischemic level) than that from the cortex (12-fold over preischemic content). The affinity for the D1-receptor ligand was lower ( K D= 1.248 ± 0.047 n M ) after ischemia than that for sham controls ( K D= 0.928 ± 0.032 n M, p < 0.001). The number of binding sites for D2 receptors decreased in striatum ( B max= 428 ± 18.4 fmol/mg of protein) after ischemia compared with sham controls ( B max= 510 ± 25.2 fmol/mg of protein, p < 0.05). D1 or D2 binding sites were not changed either in the ischemic cortex or postischemic striatum and cortex. The findings strongly suggest that the ischemic release of DA from striatum is associated with early transient changes in D1- and D2-mediated DA neurotransmission.  相似文献   

Abstract: We studied effects of Ca2+ in the incubation medium on [3H]dopamine ([3H]DA) uptake by rat striatal synaptosomes. Both the duration of the preincubation period with Ca2+ (0–30 min) and Ca2+ concentration (0–10 m M ) in Krebs-Ringer medium affected [3H]DA uptake by the synaptosomes. The increase was maximal at a concentration of 1 m M Ca2+ after a 10-min preincubation (2.4 times larger than the uptake measured without preincubation), which reflected an increase in V max of the [3H]DA uptake process. On the other hand, [3H]DA uptake decreased rapidly after addition of ionomycin in the presence of 1 m M Ca2+. The Ca2+-dependent enhancement of the uptake was still maintained after washing synaptosomes with Ca2+-free medium following preincubation with 1 m M Ca2+. Protein kinase C inhibitors did not affect apparently Ca2+-dependent enhancement of the uptake, whereas 1-[ N,O -bis(1,5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)- N -methyl- l -tyrosyl]-4-phenylpiperazine (KN-62; a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II inhibitor) and wortmannin (a myosin light chain kinase inhibitor) significantly reduced it. Inhibitory effects of KN-62 and wortmannin appeared to be additive. N -(6-Aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulfonamide hydrochloride (W-7; a calmodulin antagonist) also remarkably inhibited the enhancement. These results suggest that Ca2+-dependent enhancement of [3H]DA uptake is mediated by activation of calmodulin-dependent protein kinases.  相似文献   

Abstract: Effects of ascorbic acid (AA) on 125I-SCH 23982 binding to D1 dopaminergic receptors in membrane preparations from rat striatum were investigated. AA in the range of 0.03 µ M –0.33 m M inhibited 75% of specific binding of 125I-SCH 23982 in a dose-dependent manner. At higher concentrations, this inhibition of binding activity by AA was less potent, and 3.3 m M AA inhibited only 30% of specific binding. Reduced glutathione did not alter the inhibition of binding by 0.33 m M AA, but reduced the inhibition by 3.3 m M AA to 8% of specific binding. The loss of specific binding by AA was rescued by 1 m M EDTA, an inhibitor of lipid peroxidation. In the absence of AA, competition experiments with the agonist, dopamine, revealed the presence of high-affinity ( K h = 224.9 ± 48.9 n M ) and low-affinity ( K l = 21,100 ± 2,400 n M ) binding sites. Although the maximum binding of 125I-SCH 23982 decreased to 40% without affecting the K D value in the presence of 1.67 m M AA, the value of the high-affinity site for dopamine was increased ( K h = 23.3 ± 9.4 n M ) and that of the low-affinity site was decreased ( K l = 136,800 ± 40,900 n M ). These results suggest that AA may affect D1 dopamine receptor function by lipid peroxidation, competition with dopamine for low-affinity sites, and reduced oxidation of dopamine.  相似文献   

The roles of D2 and D1 dopaminergic receptors on the regulation of striatal acetylcholine (ACh) release in vivo were examined for a period of 120 min after acute (2 h) or prolonged (16 h) depletion of brain dopamine (DA) by alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine. The reduction of DA transmission did not affect basal ACh output after 2 h but markedly lowered ACh release by 16 h (50%). Acute alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine pretreatment prevented the reduction of ACh release by the D1 antagonist SCH 23390 and its increase by the D2 antagonist, remoxipride, consistent with a drastic reduction of DA transmission at both DA receptors. However, 16 h after alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine, the effect of remoxipride on ACh release was restored, but SCH 23390 still had no effect, suggesting that the D2 inhibitory tone on ACh release had recovered, whereas the reduction of the D1 facilitatory influence persisted. The D1 facilitatory control of ACh neurotransmission thus appears to be more sensitive than the D2 inhibitory control to a reduction in DA transmission. The new model of DA-ACh interaction resulting from these data casts fresh light on the relationship between changes in DA transmission and extrapyramidal motor function.  相似文献   

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