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Coaggregation of Fc gamma RIIB1 with B cell Ag receptors (BCR) leads to inhibition of BCR-mediated signaling via recruitment of Src homology domain 2 (SH2)-containing phosphatases. In vitro peptide binding experiments using phosphotyrosine-containing sequences derived from the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM) known to mediate Fc gamma RIIB1 effects suggest that the receptor uses SH2-containing inositol phosphatase (SHIP) and SH2-containing phosphotyrosine phosphatase (SHP)-1, as well as SHP-2 as effectors. In contrast, coimmunoprecipitation studies of receptor-effector associations suggest that the predominant Fc gamma RIIB1 effector protein is SHIP. However, biologically significant interactions may be lost in such studies if reactants' dissociation rates (Kd) are high. Thus, it is unclear to what extent these assays reflect the relative recruitment of SHIP, SHP-1, and SHP-2 to the receptor in vivo. As an alternative approach to this question, we have studied the effects of ectopically expressed SHIP, SHP-1, or SHP-2 SH2-containing decoy proteins on Fc gamma RIIB1 signaling. Results demonstrate the SHIP is the predominant intracellular ligand for the phosphorylated Fc gamma RIIB1 ITIM, although the SHP-2 decoy exhibits some ability to bind Fc gamma RIIB1 and block Fc receptor function. The SHIP SH2, while not affecting Fc gamma RIIB1 tyrosyl phosphorylation, blocks receptor-mediated recruitment of SHIP, SHIP phosphorylation, recruitment of p52 Shc, phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate hydrolysis, inhibition of mitogen-activated protein kinase activation, and, albeit more modestly, Fc gamma RIIB1 inhibition of Ca2+ mobilization. Taken together, results implicate ITIM interactions with SHIP as a major mechanism of Fc gamma RIIB1-mediated inhibitory signaling.  相似文献   

Clustering of the mast cell function-associated antigen by its specific monoclonal antibody (G63) inhibits the FcepsilonRI-mediated secretory response. The cytosolic tail of the mast cell function-associated antigen contains a SIYSTL stretch, a potential immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif. To investigate the possible functional role of this sequence, as well as identify potential intracellular proteins that interact with it, peptides corresponding to residues 4-12 of the mast cell function-associated antigen's N-terminal cytoplasmic domain, containing the above motif, were synthesized and used in affinity chromatography of mast cell lysates. Both tyrosyl phosphorylated and thiophosphorylated mast cell function-associated antigen peptides bound the src homology domain 2 (SH2)-containing tyrosine phosphatases-1 (SHP-1), -2 (SHP-2) and inositol 5'-phosphatase (SHIP), though with different efficiencies. Neither the nonphosphorylated peptide nor its tyrosyl phosphorylated reversed sequence peptide bound any of these phosphatases. Point mutation analysis of mast cell function-associated antigen pITIM binding requirements demonstrated that for SHP-2 association the amino acid residue at position Y-2 is not restricted to the hydrophobic isoleucine or valine. Glycine and other amino acids with hydrophilic residues, such as serine and threonine, at this position also maintain this binding capacity, whereas alanine and acidic residues abolish it. In contrast, SHP-1 binding was maintained only when serine was substituted by valine, suggesting that the Y-2 position provides selectivity for peptide binding to SH2 domains of SHP-1 and SHP-2. These results were corroborated by surface plasmon resonance measurements of the interaction between tyrosyl phosphorylated mast cell function-associated antigen peptide and recombinant soluble SH2 domains of SHP-1, SHP-2 and SHIP, suggesting that the associations observed in the cell lysates may be direct. Taken together these results clearly indicate that the SIYSTL motif present in mast cell function-associated antigen's cytosolic tail exhibits characteristic features of an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif, suggesting it is a new member of the growing diverse family of immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif-containing receptors.  相似文献   

Aging is associated with reduced trapping of Ag in the form of in immune complexes (ICs) by follicular dendritic cells (FDCs). We postulated that this defect was due to altered regulation of IC trapping receptors. The level of FDC-M1, complement receptors 1 and 2, FcgammaRII, and FDC-M2 on FDCs was immunohistochemically quantitated in draining lymph nodes of actively immunized mice for 10 days after Ag challenge. Initially, FDC FcgammaRII levels were similar but by day 3 a drastic reduction in FDC-FcgammaRII expression was apparent in old mice. FDC-M2 labeling, reflecting IC trapping, was also reduced and correlated with a dramatic reduction in germinal center (GC) B cells as indicated by reduced GC size and number. Nevertheless, labeling of FDC reticula with FDC-M1 and anti-complement receptors 1 and 2 was preserved, indicating that FDCs were present. FDCs in active GCs normally express high levels of FcRs that are thought to bind Fc portions of Abs in ICs and minimize their binding to FcRs on B cells. Thus, cross-linking of B cell receptor and FcR via IC is minimized, thereby reducing signaling via the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif. Old FDCs taken at day 3, when they lack FcgammaRII, were incapable of preventing immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif signaling in wild-type B cells but old FDCs stimulated B cells from FcgammaRIIB(-/-) mice to produce near normal levels of specific Ab. The present data support the concept that FcR are regulated abnormally on old FDCs. This abnormality correlates with a reduced IC retention and with a reduced capacity of FDCs to present ICs in a way that will activate GC B cells.  相似文献   

CD150 (SLAM/IPO-3) is a cell surface receptor that, like the B cell receptor, CD40, and CD95, can transmit positive or negative signals. CD150 can associate with the SH2-containing inositol phosphatase (SHIP), the SH2-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase (SHP-2), and the adaptor protein SH2 domain protein 1A (SH2D1A/DSHP/SAP, also called Duncan's disease SH2-protein (DSHP) or SLAM-associated protein (SAP)). Mutations in SH2D1A are found in X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. Here we report that SH2D1A is expressed in tonsillar B cells and in some B lymphoblastoid cell lines, where CD150 coprecipitates with SH2D1A and SHIP. However, in SH2D1A-negative B cell lines, including B cell lines from X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome patients, CD150 associates only with SHP-2. SH2D1A protein levels are up-regulated by CD40 cross-linking and down-regulated by B cell receptor ligation. Using GST-fusion proteins with single replacements of tyrosine at Y269F, Y281F, Y307F, or Y327F in the CD150 cytoplasmic tail, we found that the same phosphorylated Y281 and Y327 are essential for both SHP-2 and SHIP binding. The presence of SH2D1A facilitates binding of SHIP to CD150. Apparently, SH2D1A may function as a regulator of alternative interactions of CD150 with SHP-2 or SHIP via a novel TxYxxV/I motif (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based switch motif (ITSM)). Multiple sequence alignments revealed the presence of this TxYxxV/I motif not only in CD2 subfamily members but also in the cytoplasmic domains of the members of the SHP-2 substrate 1, sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin, carcinoembryonic Ag, and leukocyte-inhibitory receptor families.  相似文献   

Current models of Fc gamma R signal transduction in monocytes describe a molecular cascade that begins upon clustering of Fc gamma R with the phosphorylation of critical tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic domains of Fc gamma RIIa or the gamma-chain subunit of Fc gamma RI and Fc gamma RIIIa. The cascade engages several other tyrosine-phosphorylated molecules, either enzymes or adapters, to manifest ultimately an array of biological responses, including phagocytosis, cell killing, secretion of a variety of inflammatory mediators, and activation. Continuing to assess systematically the molecules participating in the cascade, we have found that the SH2-containing 5'-inositol phosphatase (SHIP) is phosphorylated on tyrosine early and transiently after Fc gamma R clustering. This molecule in other systems, such as B cells and mast cells, mediates an inhibitory signal. We find that clustering of either Fc gamma RIIa or Fc gamma RI is effective in inducing SHIP phosphorylation, that SHIP binds in vitro to a phosphorylated immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif, peptide from the cytoplasmic domain of Fc gamma RIIa in activation-independent fashion, although SHIP binding increases upon cell activation, and that Fc gamma RIIb and Fc gamma RIIc are not responsible for the observed SHIP phosphorylation. These findings prompt us to propose that SHIP inhibits Fc gamma R-mediated signal transduction by engaging immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif-containing cytoplasmic domains of Fc gamma RIIa and Fc gamma RI-associated gamma-chain.  相似文献   

Immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs (ITIM) have been implicated in the negative modulation of immunoreceptor signaling pathways. The IL-4R alpha-chain (IL-4Ralpha) contains a putative ITIM in the carboxyl terminal. To determine the role of ITIM in the IL-4 signaling pathway, we ablated the ITIM of IL-4Ralpha by deletion and site-directed mutagenesis and stably expressed the wild-type (WT) and mutant hIL-4Ralpha in 32D/insulin receptor substrate-2 (IRS-2) cells. Strikingly, 32D/IRS-2 cells expressing mutant human (h)IL-4Ralpha were hyperproliferative in response to IL-4 compared with cells expressing WT hIL-4Ralpha. Enhanced tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat6, but not IRS-2, induced by hIL-4 was observed in cells expressing mutant Y713F. Using peptides corresponding to the ITIM of hIL-4Ralpha, we demonstrate that tyrosine-phosphorylated peptides, but not their nonphosphorylated counterparts, coprecipitate SH2-containing tyrosine phosphatase-1, SH2-containing tyrosine phosphatase-2, and SH2-containing inositol 5'-phosphatase. The in vivo association of SH2-containing inositol 5'-phosphatase with IL-4Ralpha was verified by coimmunoprecipitation with anti-IL-4Ralpha Abs. These results demonstrate a functional role for ITIM in the regulation of IL-4-induced proliferation.  相似文献   

Siglec-5 (CD170) is a member of the recently described human CD33-related siglec subgroup of sialic acid binding Ig-like lectins and is expressed on myeloid cells of the hemopoietic system. Similar to other CD33-related siglecs, Siglec-5 contains two tyrosine-based motifs in its cytoplasmic tail implicated in signaling functions. To investigate the role of these motifs in Siglec-5-dependent signaling, we used transfected rat basophil leukemia cells as a model system. Tyrosine phosphorylation of Siglec-5 led to recruitment of the tyrosine phosphatases SHP-1 and SHP-2, as seen in both pull-down assays and microscopy. Siglec-5 could efficiently inhibit FcepsilonRI-mediated calcium fluxing and serotonin release after co-cross-linking. Surprisingly, a double tyrosine to alanine mutant of Siglec-5 could still mediate strong inhibition of serotonin release in the absence of detectable tyrosine phosphorylation, whereas a double tyrosine to phenylalanine mutant lost all inhibitory activity. In comparison, suppression of Siglec-5-dependent adhesion to red blood cells was reversed by either tyrosine to alanine or tyrosine to phenylalanine mutations of the membrane proximal tyrosine-based motif. Using an in vitro phosphatase assay with synthetic and recombinant forms of the cytoplasmic tail, it was shown that a double alanine mutant of Siglec-5 had weak, but significant SHP-1 activating properties similar to those of wild type, non-phosphorylated cytoplasmic tail, whereas a double phenylalanine mutant was inactive. These findings establish that Siglec-5 can be classified as an inhibitory receptor with the potential to mediate SHP-1 and/or SHP-2-dependent signaling in the absence of tyrosine phosphorylation.  相似文献   

SH2-containing inositol 5'-phosphatase (SHIP) plays a negative regulatory role in hematopoietic cells. We have now cloned the rat SHIP isozyme (SHIP2) cDNA from skeletal muscle, which is one of the most important target tissue of insulin action. Rat SHIP2 cDNA encodes a 1183-amino-acid protein that is 45% identical with rat SHIP. Rat SHIP2 contains an amino-terminal SH2 domain, a central 5'-phosphoinositol phosphatase activity domain, and a phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) consensus sequence and a proline-rich region at the carboxyl tail. Specific antibodies to SHIP2 were raised and the function of SHIP2 was studied by stably overexpressing rat SHIP2 in Rat1 fibroblasts expressing human insulin receptors (HIRc). Endogenous SHIP2 underwent insulin-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation and phosphorylation was markedly increased when SHIP2 was overexpressed. Although overexpression of SHIP2 did not affect insulin-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor beta-subunit and Shc, subsequent association of Shc with Grb2 was inhibited, possibly by competition between the SH2 domains of SHIP2 and Grb2 for the Shc phosphotyrosine. As a result, insulin-stimulated MAP kinase activation was reduced in SHIP2-overexpressing cells. Insulin-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-1, IRS-1 association with the p85 subunit of PI3-kinase, and PI3-kinase activation were not affected by overexpression of SHIP2. Interestingly, although both PtdIns-(3,4,5)P3 and PtdIns(3,4)P2 have been implicated in the regulation of Akt activity in vitro, overexpression of SHIP2 inhibited insulin-induced Akt activation, presumably by its 5'-inositol phosphatase activity. Furthermore, insulin-induced thymidine incorporation was decreased by overexpression of SHIP2. These results indicate that SHIP2 plays a negative regulatory role in insulin-induced mitogenesis, and regulation of the Shc. Grb2 complex and of the downstream products of PI3-kinase provides possible mechanisms of SHIP2 action in insulin signaling.  相似文献   

SH2-containing inositol phosphatase 2 (SHIP2) is a physiologically important negative regulator of insulin signaling by hydrolyzing the phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase product PI 3,4,5-trisphosphate in the target tissues of insulin. Targeted disruption of the SHIP2 gene in mice resulted in increased insulin sensitivity without affecting biological systems other than insulin signaling. Therefore, we investigated the molecular mechanisms by which SHIP2 specifically regulates insulin-induced metabolic signaling in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Insulin-induced phosphorylation of Akt, one of the molecules downstream of PI3-kinase, was inhibited by expression of wild-type SHIP2, whereas it was increased by expression of 5'-phosphatase-defective (DeltaIP) SHIP2 in whole cell lysates. The regulatory effect of SHIP2 was mainly seen in the plasma membrane (PM) and low density microsomes but not in the cytosol. In this regard, following insulin stimulation, a proportion of Akt2, and not Akt1, appeared to redistribute from the cytosol to the PM. Thus, insulin-induced phosphorylation of Akt2 at the PM was predominantly regulated by SHIP2, whereas the phosphorylation of Akt1 was only minimally affected. Interestingly, insulin also elicited a subcellular redistribution of both wild-type and DeltaIP-SHIP2 from the cytosol to the PM. The degree of this redistribution was inhibited in part by pretreatment with PI3-kinase inhibitor. Although the expression of a constitutively active form of PI3-kinase myr-p110 also elicited a subcellular redistribution of SHIP2 to the PM, expression of SHIP2 appeared to affect the myr-p110-induced phosphorylation, and not the translocation, of Akt2. Furthermore, insulin-induced phosphorylation of Akt was effectively regulated by SHIP2 in embryonic fibroblasts derived from knockout mice lacking either insulin receptor substrate-1 or insulin receptor substrate-2. These results indicate that insulin specifically stimulates the redistribution of SHIP2 from the cytosol to the PM independent of 5'-phosphatase activity, thereby regulating the insulin-induced translocation and phosphorylation of Akt2 at the PM.  相似文献   

The inositol phosphatase SHIP has been implicated in signaling events downstream of a variety of receptors and is thought to play an inhibitory role in stimulated B cells. We and others have reported that SHIP is rapidly tyrosine phosphorylated upon B cell antigen receptor (BCR) cross-linking and forms a complex with the adapter protein Shc. Here, we report that cross-linking of the BCR induces association between Grb2 and SHIP as well as association between Shc and SHIP. We made use of a Grb2-deficient B cell line to demonstrate both in vitro and in vivo that Grb2 expression is required for the efficient association between Shc and SHIP. The results indicate that SHIP, Shc, and Grb2 form a ternary complex in stimulated B cells, with Grb2 stabilizing the interaction between Shc and SHIP. The interactions between Shc, Grb2, and SHIP are therefore analogous to the interactions between Shc, Grb2, and SOS. Shc and Grb2 may help to localize SHIP to the cell membrane, regulating SHIP's inhibitory function following BCR stimulation.  相似文献   

Fc gamma RIIB are IgG receptors that inhibit immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-dependent cell activation. Inhibition depends on an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif (ITIM) that is phosphorylated upon Fc gamma RIIB coaggregation with ITAM-bearing receptors and recruits SH2 domain-containing phosphatases. Agarose bead-coated phosphorylated ITIM peptides (pITIMs) bind in vitro the single-SH2 inositol 5-phosphatases (SHIP1 and SHIP2) and the two-SH2 protein tyrosine phosphatases (SHP-1 and SHP-2). Phosphorylated Fc gamma RIIB, however, recruit selectively SHIP1/2 in vivo. We aimed here at explaining this discordance. We found that beads coated with low amounts of pITIM bound in vitro SHIP1, but not SHP-1, i.e. behaved as phosphorylated Fc gamma RIIB in vivo. The reason is that SHP-1 requires its two SH2 domains to bind on adjacent pITIMs. Consequently, the binding of SHP-1, but not of SHIP1, increased with pITIM density on beads. When trying to increase Fc gamma RIIB phosphorylation in B cells and mast cells, we found that concentrations of ligands optimal for Fc gamma RIIB phosphorylation failed to induce SHP-1 recruitment. SHP-1 was, however, recruited by Fc gamma RIIB when hyperphosphorylated following cell treatment with pervanadate. Our data suggest that Fc gamma RIIB phosphorylation may not be sufficient in vivo to enable the recruitment of SHP-1 but that (pathological?) conditions that would hyperphosphorylate Fc gamma RIIB might enable SHP-1 recruitment.  相似文献   

R Y Li  F Gaits  A Ragab  J M Ragab-Thomas    H Chap 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(11):2519-2526
SH-PTP1 is a protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) predominantly expressed in haematopoietic cells and containing two src homology-2 (SH2) domains. Here we report that SH-PTP1 is phosphorylated on both serine and tyrosine residues in response to thrombin or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), which increased by 60 and 40%, respectively, SH-PTP1 activity. Thrombin-induced phosphorylation of SH-PTP1 is an early signalling event (maximal within 10 s) involving neither integrin signalling, nor calcium, nor release of ADP or thromboxane A2. Moreover, in contrast with PMA, the effect of thrombin on the tyrosine phosphorylation of SH-PTP1 was hardly affected by GF109203X, a specific protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor. Finally, phosphorylation of SH-PTP1 could be provoked in permeabilized platelets by thrombin or GTP gamma S. This was abolished by pertussis toxin, the specificity of this effect being verified with the megakaryocytic cell line Dami cell. Our data thus identify SH-PTP1 as an in vivo substrate of a putative protein tyrosine kinase linked to the thrombin receptor by a Gi protein. This might offer some clue to unravel the mechanism of thrombin not only in platelets but also in nucleated cells, where its mitogenic effect is known to involve pertussis toxin-sensitive G-proteins, tyrosine phosphorylation and the ras pathway.  相似文献   

A critical event in signaling in immune cells is the interaction of Syk or ZAP-70 protein tyrosine kinases with multisubunit receptors that contain an approximately 18-amino-acid domain called the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM). Tyrosine-phosphorylated Syk from activated cells was in a conformation different from that in nonstimulated cells as demonstrated by changes in immunoreactivity. The addition of tyrosine-diphosphorylated ITAM peptides resulted in a similar conformational change in Syk from nonactivated cells. The peptides based on FcepsilonRIgamma were more active than those based on Fcepsilon RIbeta. In vitro autophosphorylation of Syk was dramatically enhanced by the addition of the diphosphorylated ITAM peptides. The conformational change and the enhanced autophosphorylation required the presence of both phosphorylated tyrosines on the same molecule. These conformational changes in Syk by tyrosine phosphorylation or binding to diphosphorylated ITAM could be critical for Syk activation and downstream propagation of intracellular signals.  相似文献   

SHIP-2 is a phosphoinositidylinositol 3,4,5 trisphosphate (PtdIns[3,4,5]P3) 5-phosphatase that contains an NH2-terminal SH2 domain, a central 5-phosphatase domain, and a COOH-terminal proline-rich domain. SHIP-2 negatively regulates insulin signaling. In unstimulated cells, SHIP-2 localized in a perinuclear cytosolic distribution and at the leading edge of the cell. Endogenous and recombinant SHIP-2 localized to membrane ruffles, which were mediated by the COOH-terminal proline-rich domain. To identify proteins that bind to the SHIP-2 proline-rich domain, yeast two-hybrid screening was performed, which isolated actin-binding protein filamin C. In addition, both filamin A and B specifically interacted with SHIP-2 in this assay. SHIP-2 coimmunoprecipitated with filamin from COS-7 cells, and association between these species did not change after epidermal growth factor stimulation. SHIP-2 colocalized with filamin at Z-lines and the sarcolemma in striated muscle sections and at membrane ruffles in COS-7 cells, although the membrane ruffling response was reduced in cells overexpressing SHIP-2. SHIP-2 membrane ruffle localization was dependent on filamin binding, as SHIP-2 was expressed exclusively in the cytosol of filamin-deficient cells. Recombinant SHIP-2 regulated PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 levels and submembraneous actin at membrane ruffles after growth factor stimulation, dependent on SHIP-2 catalytic activity. Collectively these studies demonstrate that filamin-dependent SHIP-2 localization critically regulates phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase signaling to the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

SHIP2 is a phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3)) 5-phosphatase which contains motifs susceptible to mediate protein-protein interaction. Using yeast two-hybrid, GST-pulldown, and coimmunoprecipitation studies, we isolated the CAP cDNA as a specific partner of SHIP2 proline-rich domain and showed by GST-pulldown experiments that the interaction took place with the SH3C of CAP. The interaction was not modulated in COS-7 cells stimulated by EGF neither in CHO cells overexpressing the insulin receptor in the presence or absence of insulin stimulation. We also showed that SHIP2 was able to coimmunoprecipitate with endogenous c-Cbl protein in the absence of CAP and with the insulin receptor in CHO-IR cell extracts. The presence of SHIP2 in a complex around the insulin receptor could account for the very specific increase in insulin sensitivity of SHIP2 knock-out mice.  相似文献   

Sigalov A  Aivazian D  Stern L 《Biochemistry》2004,43(7):2049-2061
Antigen receptors on T cells, B cells, mast cells, and basophils all have cytoplasmic domains containing one or more copies of an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM), tyrosine residues of which are phosphorylated upon receptor engagement in an early and obligatory event in the signaling cascade. How clustering of receptor extracellular domains leads to phosphorylation of cytoplasmic domain ITAMs is not known, and little structural or biochemical information is available for the ITAM-containing cytoplasmic domains. Here we investigate the conformation and oligomeric state of several immune receptor cytoplasmic domains, using purified recombinant proteins and a variety of biophysical and biochemical techniques. We show that all of the cytoplasmic domains of ITAM-containing signaling subunits studied are oligomeric in solution, namely, T cell antigen receptor zeta, CD3epsilon, CD3delta, and CD3gamma, B cell antigen receptor Igalpha and Igbeta, and Fc receptor FcepsilonRIgamma. For zeta(cyt), the oligomerization behavior is best described by a two-step monomer-dimer-tetramer fast dynamic equilibrium with dissociation constants in the order of approximately 10 microM (monomer-dimer) and approximately 1 mM (dimer-tetramer). In contrast to the other ITAM-containing proteins, Igalpha(cyt) forms stable dimers and tetramers even below 10 microM. Circular dichroic analysis reveals the lack of stable ordered structure of the cytoplasmic domains studied, and oligomerization does not change the random-coil-like conformation observed. The random-coil nature of zeta(cyt) was also confirmed by heteronuclear NMR. Phosphorylation of zeta(cyt) and FcepsilonRIgamma(cyt) does not significantly alter their oligomerization behavior. The implications of these results for transmembrane signaling and cellular activation by immune receptors are discussed.  相似文献   

The immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) plays a central role in transmembrane signal transduction in hematopoietic cells by mediating responses leading to proliferation and differentiation. An initial signaling event following activation of the B cell antigen receptor is phosphorylation of the CD79a (Ig-alpha) ITAM by Lyn, a Src family protein-tyrosine kinase. To elucidate the structural basis for recognition between the ITAM substrate and activated Lyn kinase, the structure of an ITAM-derived peptide bound to Lyn was determined using exchange-transferred nuclear Overhauser NMR spectroscopy. The bound substrate structure has an irregular helix-like character. Docking based on the NMR data into the active site of the closely related Lck kinase strongly favors ITAM binding in an orientation similar to binding of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase rather than that of insulin receptor tyrosine kinase. The model of the complex provides a rationale for conserved ITAM residues, substrate specificity, and suggests that substrate binds only the active conformation of the Src family tyrosine kinase, unlike the ATP cofactor, which can bind the inactive form.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in transmembrane signaling via the IgG receptors Fc gamma RI and Fc gamma RII in the human monocytic cell line THP-1. Fc gamma RI and Fc gamma RII were selectively engaged using the anti-Fc gamma RI mAb 197 (IgG2a) and the anti-Fc gamma RII mAb IV.3 (IgG2b). Addition to cells of mAb 197, but not addition of IgG2a mAb of irrelevant specificity, resulted in the rapid induction of cytoplasmic protein tyrosine phosphorylation as assessed by antiphosphotyrosine immunoblotting. A similar pattern of tyrosine phosphorylation was induced by mAb IV.3, but not by control IgG2b mAb. The induction of tyrosine phosphorylation by anti-Fc gamma R mAb was not dependent on antibody Fc region-FcR interactions, because tyrosine phosphorylation was also induced by cross-linked anti-Fc gamma RI F(ab')2 fragments and by cross-linked anti-Fc gamma RII Fab fragments. To investigate the relationship of Fc gamma R-induced tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of phospholipase C, which is known to follow Fc gamma R engagement, we assessed the effect of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor herbimycin A on Fc gamma R-induced Ca2+ flux. Herbimycin A strongly inhibited cellular Ca2+ flux induced by mAb 197, but did not inhibit Ca2+ flux induced by aluminum fluoride, suggesting that tyrosine phosphorylation may be important in regulating Fc gamma R-mediated activation of phospholipase C. Consistent with this, mAb 197 induced rapid phosphorylation of the gamma-1 isoform of phospholipase C. Finally, herbimycin A strongly inhibited the induction of TNF-alpha mRNA accumulation by Fc gamma R cross-linking. These results suggest that protein tyrosine phosphorylation may play an important role in the activation of phospholipase C and in the induction of monokine gene expression that follows engagement of Fc gamma R in human monocytes.  相似文献   

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