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 During segmentation of the mouse hindbrain (d8.0–8.5 pc), expression of the gap junction gene connexin31 (cx31) is precisely restricted to rhombomeres (r) 3 and 5. Shortly afterwards, during the turning process, cx31 expression in rhombomere 3 decreases and is no longer detectable at d9.5 pc, whereas expression in rhombomere 5 is maintained until about d10.0 pc. So far, cx31 is the first gap junction gene found to be expressed in rhombomeres. Its precise segmental and temporal expression pattern may reflect a critical requirement of cx31 channels for these odd numbered rhombomeres to acquire distinct cell identities. Received: 9 June 1997 / Accepted: 30 July 1997  相似文献   

We investigated endothelial gap junctions and their three component connexins, connexin37 (Cx37), Cx40, and Cx43, during growth and senescence in rat aorta by en face immunoconfocal microscopy and electron microscopy. Gap junction spots labeled by specific antisera against Cx37, Cx40, and Cx43 were quantified at 1 day, 7 days, 28 days, 16 months, and > or =20 months of age, and the relationship between the connexins was examined by co-localization analysis. At birth, all three connexins were abundantly expressed; the number and total area of connexin spots then declined within 1 week (p<0.05 for each connexin). From 1 week, each connexin showed a distinct temporal expression pattern. Whereas Cx43 signal decreased progressively, Cx37 signal fluctuated in a downward trend. By contrast, Cx40 maintained an abundant level until > or =20 months of age (> or =20 months vs. 28 days, p<0.05 for number and total connexin signal area). These patterns were associated with changes in endothelial cell morphology. Double-label analysis showed that the extent of co-localization of connexins to the same gap junctional spot was age-dependent [>70% at birth and 28 days old; <70% at later stages (p<0.05)]. We conclude that expression of the three connexins in aortic endothelium is age-related, implying specific intercellular communication requirements during different stages after birth.  相似文献   

A rat liver gap junction (GJ) cDNA probe that detects mRNA encoding the 32 Kd GJ-protein (connexin 32) was employed to study GJ-protein gene expression in rat liver tumors induced by a single exposure to diethylnitrosamine (DEN) followed by exposure to 2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF)/CCl4/AAF or induced by systemic administration of N-ethyl-N-hydroxyethylnitrosamine (EHEN). All carcinomas generated by these carcinogens showed markedly reduced levels of GJ-protein mRNA. This may indicate that GJ-protein levels and gap-junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) capacity are also severely compromised. Moreover, all hyperplastic nodules also showed a reduced level of GJ-protein mRNA. Taken together with our earlier finding that the liver tumor promoter phenobarbital inhibits GJ-protein gene expression, these results suggest that deranged GJIC is a relatively early event in liver multistage carcinogenesis. A range of other cDNA probes was also used to characterize gene expression in the DEN-induced tumors. Induction of expression was seen for glutathione S-transferase (placental form) (GST-P), gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT), and c-raf but not for c-Ha-ras or c-myc.  相似文献   

The expression of four different gap junction gene products (alpha 1, beta 1, beta 2, and beta 3) has been analysed during rat skin development and the hair growth cycle. Both alpha 1 (Cx43) and beta 2 (Cx26) connexins were coexpressed in the undifferentiated epidermis. A specific, developmentally regulated elimination of beta 2 expression was observed in the periderm at E16. Coinciding with the differentiation of the epidermis, differential expression of alpha 1 and beta 2 connexins was observed in the newly formed epidermal layers. alpha 1 connexin was expressed in the basal and spinous layers, while beta 2 was confined to the differentiated spinous and granular layers. Large gap junctions were present in the basal layer, while small gap junctions, associated with many desmosomes, were typical for the differentiated layers. Although the distribution pattern for alpha 1 and beta 2 expression remained the same in the neonatal and postnatal epidermis, the RNA and protein levels decreased markedly following birth. Hair follicle development was marked by expression of alpha 1 connexin in hair germs at E16. Following beta 2 detection at E20, the expression increased for both alpha 1 and beta 2 in developing follicles. A cell-type-specific expression was detected in the outer root sheath, in the matrix, in the matrix-derived cells (inner root sheath, cortex and medulla) and in the dermal papilla. In addition, alpha 1 was specifically expressed in the arrector pili muscle, while sebocytes expressed both alpha 1 and beta 3 (Cx31) connexin. beta 1 connexin (Cx32) was not detected at any stage analysed. The results indicate that multiple gap junction genes contribute to epidermal and follicular morphogenesis. Moreover, based on the utilization of gap junctions in all living cells of the surface epidermis, it appears that the epidermis may behave as a large communication compartment that may be coupled functionally to epidermal appendages (hair follicles and sebaceous glands) via gap junctional pathways.  相似文献   

Connexin43 (Cx43) is a member of the family of channel-forming proteins that make up the gap junction and are believed to provide pathways for cell-cell exchange of developmental signals. We have used immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy to characterize the patterns of distribution of Cx43 in postimplantation mouse embryos representing stages of development extending through gastrulation and the major period of organogenesis [through 13.5 days post coitum (dpc)]. We find that Cx43 is expressed early after implantation by the undifferentiated, pluripotent cells of the primitive embryonic ectoderm from which all tissues of the fetus are believed to be derived. As cells become committed to particular developmental pathways, there is a progressive restriction of Cx43 to specific areas and organ systems. The patterns are complex and not limited by germ layer of origin, although there is a clear preference for expression in ectodermal and, to a lesser extent, mesodermal derivatives. Expression in lens, retina, kidney, brain, pineal and pituitary glands is initiated early in organogenesis. In heart, the first clear signal for Cx43 appears in the ventricle at about 10 dpc and is only subsequently detected in the atrium at about 13-13.5 dpc. Particularly intriguing with regard to functional implications is the high level expression observed at sites of inductive interaction; the eye lens and optic cup, the infundibulum and the apical ectodermal ridge of the limb bud.  相似文献   

Homomeric gap junction channels are composed solely of oneconnexin type, whereas heterotypic forms contain two homomeric hemichannels but the six identical connexins of each are different fromeach other. A heteromeric gap junction channel is one that containsdifferent connexins within either or both hemichannels. The existenceof heteromeric forms has been suggested, and many cell types are knownto coexpress connexins. To determine if coexpressed connexins wouldform heteromers, we cotransfected rat connexin43 (rCx43) and humanconnexin37 (hCx37) into a cell line normally devoid of any connexinexpression and used dual whole cell patch clamp to compare the observedgap junction channel activity with that seen in cells transfected onlywith rCx43 or hCx37. We also cocultured cells transfected with hCx37 orrCx43, in which one population was tagged with a fluorescent marker tomonitor heterotypic channel activity. The cotransfected cells possessedchannel types unlike the homotypic forms of rCx43 or hCx37 or theheterotypic forms. In addition, the noninstantaneous transjunctionalconductance-transjunctional voltage(Gj/Vj)relationship for cotransfected cell pairs showed a large range ofvariability that was unlike that of the homotypic or heterotypic form.The heterotypic cell pairs displayed asymmetric voltage dependence. Theresults from the heteromeric cell pairs are inconsistent with summedbehavior of two independent homotypic populations or mixed populationsof homotypic and heterotypic channels types. TheGj/Vjdata imply that the connexin-to-connexin interactions are significantlyaltered in cotransfected cell pairs relative to the homotypic andheterotypic forms. Heteromeric channels are a population of channelswhose characteristics could well impact differently from theirhomotypic counterparts with regard to multicellular coordinatedresponses.


Connexin37 (Cx37) forms gap junction channels between endothelial cells, and two polymorphic Cx37 variants (Cx37-S319 and Cx37-P319) have been identified with a possible link to atherosclerosis. We studied the gap junction channel properties of these hCx37 polymorphs by expression in stably transfected communication-deficient cells (N2A and RIN). We also expressed a third, truncated variant (Cx37-fs254Delta293) and Cx37 constructs containing epitope tags added to their amino or carboxyl termini. All Cx37 constructs were produced by the transfected cells as demonstrated by RT-PCR and immunoblotting and trafficked to appositional surfaces between cells as demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy. Dual whole cell patch-clamping studies demonstrated that Cx37-P319, Cx37-S319, and Cx37-fs254Delta293 had large unitary conductances ( approximately 300 pS). However, addition of an amino terminal T7 tag (T7-Cx37-fs254Delta293) produced a single channel conductance of 120-145 pS with a 24-30 pS residual state. Moreover, the kinetics of the voltage-dependent decline in junctional current for T7-Cx37-fs254Delta293 were significantly slower than for the wild type, implying a destabilization of the transition state. These data suggest that the amino terminus of Cx37 plays a significant role in gating as well as conductance. The carboxyl terminal tail has lesser influence on unitary conductance and inactivation kinetics.  相似文献   

Connexin43 (Cx43) is the principal gap junction protein between astrocytes in the neonatal brain and also interconnects neural precursor cells during CNS development. In an attempt to understand global effects of expression of the Cx43 gap junction gene on development and function of the nervous system, we have compared gene expression patterns in cultured astrocytes and brains from wildtype mice with those in which Cx43 is deleted as well as in spinal cords of experimental autoimmune encepahlomyelitis (EAE) mice. One surprising result obtained from high densitity mouse cDNA studies was the large number of genes that were statistically altered in mice with decreased expression of Cx43. These altered genes encode proteins with a wide range of functions within cells, and thus deletion of normal gap junction expression appears to result in globally altered glial functions in addition to disruption of intercellular communication. Here we discuss those results in the context of the strategies and data analysis paradigms that we are using in such studies.  相似文献   



The last decade identified cytokines as one group of major local cell signaling molecules related to bladder dysfunction like interstitial cystitis (IC) and overactive bladder syndrome (OAB). Gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) is essential for the coordination of normal bladder function and has been found to be altered in bladder dysfunction. Connexin (Cx) 43 and Cx45 are the most important gap junction proteins in bladder smooth muscle cells (hBSMC) and suburothelial myofibroblasts (hsMF). Modulation of connexin expression by cytokines has been demonstrated in various tissues. Therefore, we investigate the effect of interleukin (IL) 4, IL6, IL10, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGFβ1) on GJIC, and Cx43 and Cx45 expression in cultured human bladder smooth muscle cells (hBSMC) and human suburothelial myofibroblasts (hsMF).

Methodology/Principal Findings

HBSMC and hsMF cultures were set up from bladder tissue of patients undergoing cystectomy. In cytokine stimulated cultured hBSMC and hsMF GJIC was analyzed via Fluorescence Recovery after Photo-bleaching (FRAP). Cx43 and Cx45 expression was assessed by quantitative PCR and confocal immunofluorescence. Membrane protein fraction of Cx43 and Cx45 was quantified by Dot Blot. Upregulation of cell-cell-communication was found after IL6 stimulation in both cell types. In hBSMC IL4 and TGFβ1 decreased both, GJIC and Cx43 protein expression, while TNFα did not alter communication in FRAP-experiments but increased Cx43 expression. GJ plaques size correlated with coupling efficacy measured, while Cx45 expression did not correlate with modulation of GJIC.


Our finding of specific cytokine effects on GJIC support the notion that cytokines play a pivotal role for pathophysiology of OAB and IC. Interestingly, the effects were independent from the classical definition of pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines. We conclude, that connexin regulation involves genomic and/or post-translational events, and that GJIC in hBSMC and hsMF depend of Cx43 rather than on Cx45.  相似文献   

A novel mouse gap junction gene, coding for a presumptive protein of 258 amino acids (molecular mass: 28 981 Da), has been designated connexin29. This single copy gene was mapped to distal mouse chromosome 5 and shows 75% sequence identity to a human connexin30.2 sequence in the database. Connexin29 mRNA (4.4 kb) is highly expressed in mouse sciatic nerve and less abundant in spinal cord as well as in adult brain, where it increased 12-fold between day 7 and 14 post partum. Our expression data suggest that the new connexin gene is active in myelin-forming glial cells.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(8):1230-1237
Connexin gap junctions comprise assembled channels penetrating two plasma membranes for which gating regulation is associated with a variety of factors, including voltage, pH, Ca2+, and phosphorylation. Functional studies have established that various parts of the connexin peptides are related to channel closure and electrophysiology studies have provided several working models for channel gating. The corresponding structural models supporting these findings, however, are not sufficient because only small numbers of closed connexin structures have been reported. To fully understand the gating mechanisms, the channels should be visualized in both the open and closed states. Electron crystallography and X-ray crystallography studies recently revealed three-dimensional structures of connexin channels in a couple of states in which the main difference is the conformation of the N-terminal domain, which have helped to clarify the structure in regard to channel closure. Here the closure models for connexin gap junction channels inferred from structural and functional studies are described in the context of each domain of the connexin protein associated with gating modulation.  相似文献   

Connexins are the transmembrane proteins that form gap junctions between adjacent cells. The function of the diverse connexin molecules is related to their tissue-specific expression and highly dynamic turnover. Although multiple connexins have been previously reported to compensate for each other's functions, little is known about how connexins influence their own expression or intracellular regulation. Of the three vertebrate lens connexins, two connexins, connexin43 (Cx43) and connexin46 (Cx46), show reciprocal expression and subsequent function in the lens and in lens cell culture. In this study, we investigate the reciprocal relationship between the expression of Cx43 and Cx46. Forced depletion of Cx43, by tumor-promoting phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, is associated with an up-regulation of Cx46 at both the protein and message level in human lens epithelial cells. An siRNA-mediated down-regulation of Cx43 results in an increase in the level of Cx46 protein, suggesting endogenous Cx43 is involved in the regulation of endogenous Cx46 turnover. Overexpression of Cx46, in turn, induces the depletion of Cx43 in rabbit lens epithelial cells. Cx46-induced Cx43 degradation is likely mediated by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, as (i) treatment with proteasome inhibitors restores the Cx43 protein level and (ii) there is an increase in Cx43 ubiquitin conjugation in Cx46-overexpressing cells. We also present data that shows that the C-terminal intracellular tail domain of Cx46 is essential to induce degradation of Cx43. Therefore, our study shows that Cx43 and Cx46 have novel functions in regulating each other's expression and turnover in a reciprocal manner in addition to their conventional roles as gap junction proteins in lens cells.  相似文献   

In a previous paper (Lee et al., 1992), it was shown that normal human mammary epithelial cells (NMEC) express two connexin genes, Cx26 and Cx43, whereas neither gene is transcribed in a series of mammary tumor cell lines (TMEC). In this paper it is shown that normal human mammary fibroblasts (NMF) communicate and express Cx43 mRNA and protein. Transfection of either Cx26 or Cx43 genes into a tumor line, 21MT-2, induced the expression of the corresponding mRNAs and proteins as well as communication via gap junctions (GJs), although immunofluorescence demonstrated that the majority of Cx26 and Cx43 proteins present in transfected TMEC was largely cytoplasmic. Immunoblotting demonstrated that NMEC, NMF, and transfected TMEC each displayed a unique pattern of posttranslationally modified forms of Cx43 protein. The role of different connexins in regulating gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC) was examined using a novel two-dye method to assess homologous and heterologous communication quantitatively. The recipient cell population was prestained with a permanent non-toxic lipophilic dye that binds to membranes irreversibly (PKH26, Zynaxis); and the donor population is treated with a GJ-permeable dye Calcein, a derivative of fluorescein diacetate (Molecular Probes). After mixing the two cell populations under conditions promoting GJ formation, cells were analyzed by flow cytometry to determine the percentage of cells containing both dyes. It is shown here that Cx26 and Cx43 transfectants display strong homologous communication, as do NMEC and NMF. Furthermore, NMEC mixed with NMF communicate efficiently, Cx26 transfectants communicate with NMEC but not with NMF, and Cx43 transfectants communicate with NMF. Communication between Cx26 TMEC transfectants and NMEC was asymetrical with preferential movement of calcein from TMEC to NMEC. Despite the presence of Cx43 as well as Cx26 encoded proteins in the GJs of NMEC, few Cx43 transfectants communicated with NMEC. No heterologous GJIC was observed between Cx26- and Cx43-transfected TMEC suggesting that heterotypic GJs do not form or that Cx26/Cx43 channels do not permit dye transfer.  相似文献   

The timing of appearance of mRNAs encoding gap junction proteins was examined during development of the rat and mouse brain. Complementary DNAs (cDNAs) specific for the mRNA for the liver-type gap junction protein, connexin32, and the heart-type gap junction protein, connexin43, were used to probe Northern blots of total RNA isolated from the forebrain and hindbrain of mice and rats at various times before and after birth. Prior to postnatal day 10, connexin32 mRNA is detectable only at low levels. By postnatal days 10 to 16, a sharp increase occurs in the level of this mRNA. This increase is detectable first in the hindbrain, and subsequently in the forebrain. In contrast, connexin43 mRNA is readily detectable at birth, and the level of this mRNA also increases during subsequent development. The developmental appearance of the gap junction proteins, connexin32 and connexin43, was similar to that of their respective mRNAs. These results indicate that the genes encoding connexin32 and connexin43 are differentially expressed during neural development.  相似文献   

Many cells express multiple connexins, the gap junction proteins that interconnect the cytosol of adjacent cells. Connexin43 (Cx43) channels allow intercellular transfer of Lucifer Yellow (LY, MW = 443 D), while connexin45 (Cx45) channels do not. We transfected full-length or truncated chicken Cx45 into a rat osteosarcoma cell line ROS-17/2.8, which expresses endogenous Cx43. Both forms of Cx45 were expressed at high levels and colocalized with Cx43 at plasma membrane junctions. Cells transfected with full-length Cx45 (ROS/Cx45) and cells transfected with Cx45 missing the 37 carboxyl-terminal amino acids (ROS/Cx45tr) showed 30-60% of the gap junctional conductance exhibited by ROS cells. Intercellular transfer of three negatively charged fluorescent reporter molecules was examined. In ROS cells, microinjected LY was transferred to an average of 11.2 cells/injected cell, while dye transfer between ROS/Cx45 cells was reduced to 3.9 transfer between ROS/Cx45 cells was reduced to 3.9 cells. In contrast, ROS/Cx45tr cells transferred LY to > 20 cells. Transfer of calcein (MW = 623 D) was also reduced by approximately 50% in ROS/Cx45 cells, but passage of hydroxycoumarin carboxylic acid (HCCA; MW = 206 D) was only reduced by 35% as compared to ROS cells. Thus, introduction of Cx45 altered intercellular coupling between cells expressing Cx43, most likely the result of direct interaction between Cx43 and Cx45. Transfection of Cx45tr and Cx45 had different effects in ROS cells, consistent with a role of the carboxyl-terminal domain of Cx45 in determining gap junction permeability or interactions between connexins. These data suggest that coexpression of multiple connexins may enable cells to achieve forms of intercellular communication that cannot be attained by expression of a single connexin.  相似文献   

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