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Salmonella species have been detected in nine food varieties by use of fluorescent antibodies without false-positive or false-negative results. Test antisera were specially prepared, commercially available, conjugated polyvalent O globulin absorbed with cultures of Escherichia coli and Citrobacter freundii, and polyvalent phase II H globulin antibodies. Use of this technique permits a decrease of 24 hr in time normally required for Salmonella detection when compared with cultural Salmonella recovery methods.  相似文献   

Summary Radio-iodinated ricin was injected into rat musclein vivo to establish the distribution of the toxin at various time intervals after injection. Injection site muscle and para-aortic lymph nodes were selected for localization of ricin by the immunoperoxidase technique. Sections of snap-frozen tissues were fixed using a variety of methods to establish the best protocol for the immunodetection method. This was found to be with an ether—ethanol mixture. Ricin was detected in tissue at the site of injection taken from rats sacrificed 1, 4, 8 and 24 h after injection and in tissue from animals dying from ricin intoxication after about 30 h. This method, however, failed to demonstrate unequivocally the presence of ricin in lymphoid tissue which had been indicated by the radiotracer study. The significance of these findings and their relevance to forensic diagnosis are discussed.  相似文献   

A new two-step filtration protocol followed by a real-time PCR assay based on SYBR green I detection was developed to directly quantitate salmonellae in two types of biological samples: i.e., chicken rinse and spent irrigation water. Four prefiltration filters, one type of final filter, and six protocols for recovery of salmonellae from the final filter were evaluated to identify an effective filtration protocol. This method was then combined with a real-time PCR assay based on detection of the invA gene. The best results were obtained by subsequent filtration of 100 ml of chicken rinse or 100 ml of spent irrigation water through filters with pore diameters of >40 mum to remove large particles and of 0.22 microm to recover the Salmonella cells. After this, the Salmonella cells were removed from the filter by vortexing in 1 ml of physiological saline, and this sample was then subjected to real-time quantitative PCR. The whole procedure could be completed within 3 h from sampling to quantitation, and cell numbers as low as 7.5 x 10(2) CFU per 100-ml sample could be quantified. Below this limit, qualitative detection of concentrations as low as 2.2 CFU/100 ml sample was possible on occasion. This study has contributed to the development of a simple, rapid, and reliable method for quantitation of salmonellae in food without the need for sample enrichment or DNA extraction.  相似文献   

Direct immunoassay for detection of salmonellae in foods and feeds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A direct enzyme immunoassay (EIA) with polyclonal antibodies was developed for detecting salmonellae in foods and feeds. Salmonella cells were attached firmly to the wells of polystyrene microtitration plates with a capture-antibody technique. Spicer-Edwards anti-H immunoglobulin G was bound to protein A-beta-D-galactosidase to serve as the signal; 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-galactoside was used as the substrate. The sensitivity threshold was 10(7) cells per ml. Direct EIA, indirect EIA, and pure-culture techniques were compared by using 48 samples of naturally contaminated foods and feeds. The direct EIA was more sensitive than the indirect EIA or pure-culture technique. Food samples were analyzed within 3 working days, and 32 samples were tested simultaneously in a single 96-well microtitration plate. False-positive or false-negative results did not pose a problem. This direct EIA is sensitive, rapid, and amenable to automation.  相似文献   

Specimens collected from six broiler flocks were cultured for salmonellae by three methods. (i) For direct enrichment, the specimen was homogenized, and 1 ml of the homogenate was inoculated into tetrathionate-brillant green broth; (ii) for preenrichment, liquid specimens and homogenates were incubated at 37 degrees C, and on the next day 1 ml was inoculated into tetrathionate-brillant green broth; and (iii) for delayed secondary enrichment, incubated preenrichment cultures were held at room temperature for 7 to 10 days and then subcultured to fresh tetrathionate-brilliant green broth. All tetrathionate-brilliant green broth cultures were incubated at 42 degrees C for 24 to 48 h before plating. Significantly more isolations of salmonellae were obtained by delayed secondary enrichment than by direct enrichment or preenrichment. Salmonellae were isolated from 417 of 2,283 (18.3%) samples of litter, intestinal contents, and feces cultured by all three methods. Of these positive specimens, direct enrichment detected 208 (49.9%), preenrichment detected 282 (67.6%), and delayed secondary enrichment detected 373 (89.4%). Of 896 specimens of swabs and rinse fluids that were cultured by preenrichment and delayed secondary enrichment, 259 (28.9%) yielded salmonellae. Delayed secondary enrichment detected 254 (98.1%) of these, and preenrichment detected 147 (56.8%). A total of 23 serotypes of salmonellae were identified. The greater effectiveness of delayed secondary enrichment for the isolation of salmonellae was not likely due to the selection of certain serotypes or to an increased inhibition of competing flora.  相似文献   

A fundamental question in human genetics is the degree to which the polygenic character of complex traits derives from polymorphism in genes with similar or with dissimilar functions. The many genome-wide association studies now being performed offer an opportunity to investigate this, and although early attempts are emerging, new tools and modeling strategies still need to be developed and deployed. Towards this goal, we implemented a new algorithm to facilitate the transition from genetic marker lists (principally those generated by PLINK) to pathway analyses of representational gene sets in either threshold or threshold-free downstream applications (e.g. DAVID, GSEA-P, and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis). This was applied to several large genome-wide association studies covering diverse human traits that included type 2 diabetes, Crohn’s disease, and plasma lipid levels. Validation of this approach was obtained for plasma HDL levels, where functional categories related to lipid metabolism emerged as the most significant in two independent studies. From analyses of these samples, we highlight and address numerous issues related to this strategy, including appropriate gene based correction statistics, the utility of imputed versus non-imputed marker sets, and the apparent enrichment of pathways due solely to the positional clustering of functionally related genes. The latter in particular emphasizes the importance of studies that directly tie genetic variation to functional characteristics of specific genes. The software freely provided that we have called ProxyGeneLD may resolve an important bottleneck in pathway-based analyses of genome-wide association data. This has allowed us to identify at least one replicable case of pathway enrichment but also to highlight functional gene clustering as a potentially serious problem that may lead to spurious pathway findings if not corrected. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A modified enrichment-serology (MES) procedure was used to reduce the time necessary for salmonella analysis. Naturally contaminated samples of soy products were preenriched in 1% proteose peptone for 6 h at 37 degrees C followed by inoculation into tetrathionate broth for 18 h at 37 degrees C. Two drops of the tetrathionate sample were inoculated into M broth. After incubation at 37 degrees C for 6 h, 0.85 ml of the mixture was formolized, and 0.1 ml of polyvalent H antiserum was added. After incubation in water bath at 50 degrees C for 1 h, the appearance of a typical floccular flagellar precipitate was observed in tubes positive for salmonellae. Over 3,000 samples were subjected to standard biochemical and serological procedures, and the results were compared with those of the MES method with a 96.7% correlation. Eleven of the samples (0.3%) were false-negative with the MES procedure, and 3% were false-negative with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Bacteriological Analytical Manual procedure. The 3% negative samples by this latter procedure were subsequently found to be positive by the MES procedure. The MES procedure reduced the time required for salmonella analysis from 4 days to 32 h.  相似文献   

Direct immunoassay for detection of salmonellae in foods and feeds.   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A direct enzyme immunoassay (EIA) with polyclonal antibodies was developed for detecting salmonellae in foods and feeds. Salmonella cells were attached firmly to the wells of polystyrene microtitration plates with a capture-antibody technique. Spicer-Edwards anti-H immunoglobulin G was bound to protein A-beta-D-galactosidase to serve as the signal; 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-galactoside was used as the substrate. The sensitivity threshold was 10(7) cells per ml. Direct EIA, indirect EIA, and pure-culture techniques were compared by using 48 samples of naturally contaminated foods and feeds. The direct EIA was more sensitive than the indirect EIA or pure-culture technique. Food samples were analyzed within 3 working days, and 32 samples were tested simultaneously in a single 96-well microtitration plate. False-positive or false-negative results did not pose a problem. This direct EIA is sensitive, rapid, and amenable to automation.  相似文献   

The fate of 15NH inf4 sup+ and 15NOinf3 was followed in control and PO inf4 sup3− enriched 1570 l mesocosms filled with epilimnetic water from an oligotrophic Rocky Mountain lake. Volumetric incorporation of 15NH inf4 sup+ and 15NO inf3 sup− into phytoplankton and bacterioplankton (particulates between 280 and 0.7 μm), and crustacean zooplankton > 80 μm was enhanced by PO inf4 sup3− , but no increase in biomass specific rates of uptake by phytoplankton and bacteria occurred for either form of 15N. Dilution of both 15NH inf4 sup+ and 15NO inf3 sup− by 14NH inf4 sup+ and 14NO inf3 sup− , respectively, was evident indicating regeneration of these nutrients, but regeneration rates were not effected by PO inf4 sup3− enrichment. The results illustrate the strong trophic coupling between N dynamics and PO inf4 sup3− enrichment in this system.  相似文献   

Forty-eight combinations of enrichment media, secondary enrichment, incubation times and temperatures, and atmospheres were examined for their efficacy in recovering different serovars of Salmonella that had been inoculated into ground-meat extract. Variations included three selective-enrichment media, two (37 and 43 degrees C) incubation temperatures, two (24 and 48 h) incubation times, two (aerobic and anaerobic) incubation atmospheres, and secondary enrichment to two of the selective-enrichment media. The ratio of Salmonella to other microorganisms was 10: greater than 1,000,000. One-hundred and twenty-four tests were conducted for each enrichment under each condition of incubation. None of the methods recovered Salmonella in more than 60% of the trials. Salmonella typhimurium was recovered most frequently of the serovars tested; S. abortusovis was recovered least frequently. There was considerable variation in the results obtained by the different methods, but there was a statistically significant advantage in the 43 degrees C incubation temperature. Secondary enrichment in tetrathionate broth showed a statistically significant advantage over secondary enrichment in selenite broth. Secondary enrichment into a different medium from the primary enrichment also was advantageous.  相似文献   

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