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The Gipsies, a particular ethnic and social group living mostly in the Eastern European countries, have been studied in terms of r- and K-selection. Considering the variables of fertility, birth spacing, mortality, age distribution, and physical parameters, they proved to be more r-selected than the Hungarians. The main factors bringing about these differences on the scale of r- and K-strategy come from both genetic and cultural biases. Resource unpredictability and social uncertainty, important components of the Gipsies' way of life, contribute to their higher fertility and mortality. Other characteristics, such as a female surplus in the birth sex ratio and the good survival capacity of the “premature” Gipsy infants, seem to show genetic influences as “racial” traits. Finally, a particular family arrangement characteristic of Gipsies, the father-absent household, is likely to have influence on their early sexual activity, even promiscuity, and unstable pair bonds. These analyses, that should be completed with further detailed investigations of social factors, may contribute to the understanding and improvement of the Gipsies' living conditions, after their ignorance in the Communist regime.  相似文献   

Cognitive and evolutionarily-minded researchers have increasingly adopted the “Who Said What?” memory-confusion paradigm, a powerful and sensitive paradigm originating from social psychology which allows researchers to unobtrusively measure social categorization. The paradigm has been particularly important over the past two decades for arbitrating between different functionalist hypotheses about the evolved social mind. Bor (2018) has pointed out, however, that the simple arithmetic base-rate correction inherited from social psychology for this paradigm is problematic. This standard base-rate correction—in use since 1992 and in over a dozen studies—creates a mathematical artifact in which the calculated magnitude of categorization by one dimension can affect the calculated magnitude of categorization by a second, crossed dimension, even when the two dimensions are in fact fully independent from one another. No one had noticed this in 25?years. Worryingly, this means that all previously-reported “Who Said What?” studies featuring two crossed dimensions have reported potentially-biased estimates of the true magnitude of categorization. Here, a reanalysis of four large research projects is presented, involving 56 effect sizes across 31 between-subjects conditions (Pietraszewski, Cosmides, & Tooby, 2014; Pietraszewski & Schwartz, 2014; Pietraszewski, Curry, Petersen, Cosmides, & Tooby, 2015; Pietraszewski, 2016). In all cases, results from those papers hold or are even strengthened by the reanalysis. In particular, the previously-reported experimental reductions in racial categorization were in fact underestimates. This reanalysis also reveals that the most common artifact of the previously-used error correction was to artificially-inflate categorization by the weaker of the two dimensions—at least among the studies reported here. Finally, a succinct list of best practices for use of the “Who Said What?” paradigm in the future is presented, including but not limited to this new base-rate correction.  相似文献   

This paper defends the concept of racialization against its critics. As the concept has become increasingly popular, questions about its meaning and value have been raised, and a backlash against its use has occurred. I argue that when “racialization” is properly understood, criticisms of the concept are unsuccessful. I defend a definition of racialization and identify its companion concept, “racialized group.” Racialization is often used as a synonym for “racial formation.” I argue that this is a mistake. Racial formation theory is committed to racial ontology, but racialization is best understood as the process through which racialized – rather than racial – groups are formed. “Racialization” plays a unique role in the conceptual landscape, and it is a key concept for race eliminativists and anti-realists about race.  相似文献   

The Journal of Race Development [JRD], published out of Clark University in the United States between 1910 and 1919, aimed, in its founder's words, “to present … the important facts which bear upon race progress, and the different theories as to the methods by which developed peoples may most effectively aid the progress of the undeveloped”. Its basic premise was that scientific knowledge could harness racial or civilizational “evolution” and turn it into “development”. This article examines that project, the conceptual apparatus that the JRD's writers and editors brought to bear on it, and how racial ideas informed their conceptions of development and progressive social change through elite scientific and political intervention. Central to this project was an organic notion of “civilization” in which “nature” and “culture” did not so much overlap as flow seamlessly one into the other.  相似文献   

Post-1965 demographic changes in the United States [US] have brought blacks, Latinos, and Asian Americans into direct conflict, raising the question of how and whether law and public policy should attempt to adjudicate conflicts among racialized minority groups. I argue in this article that for the past few decades, national political leaders in the US have promoted an official multiculturalist discourse that actually discourages Americans from naming and addressing these intergroup tensions. This discourse superficially reimagines race and nation – by moving from a biracial, black-white focus to a formal acknowledgment of multiracial difference – while refusing to acknowledge the complex interminority inequalities and antagonisms generated by this new diversity. How might we refocus national attention on the serious interminority conflicts and racial justice struggles unfolding around us? I consider resurrecting the traditional notion of racial hierarchy as a counter-narrative to official multiculturalist discourse before arguing instead for one which involves a more complex notion of “racial positionality”.  相似文献   

Bombus terrestris colonies go through two major phases: the “pre-competition phase” in which the queen is the sole reproducer and aggression is rare, and the “competition phase” in which workers aggressively compete over reproduction. Conflicts over reproduction are partially regulated by a group of octyl esters that are produced in Dufour’s gland of reproductively subordinate workers and protect them from being aggressed. However, workers possess octyl esters even before overt aggression occurs, raising the question of why produce the ester-signal before it is functionally necessary?In most insect societies, foragers show reduced aggression and low dominance rank. We hypothesize that ester production in B. terrestris is not only correlated with sterility but also with foraging, signaling cooperative behavior by subordinate workers. Such a signal helps to maintain social organization, reduce the cost of fights between reproductives and helpers, and increase colony productivity, enabling subordinates to gain greater inclusive fitness. We demonstrate that foragers produce larger amounts of esters compared to non-foragers, and that their amounts positively correlate with foraging efforts. We further suggest that task performance, potential fecundity, and aggression are interlinked, and that worker–worker interactions are involved in regulating foraging behavior.B. terrestris, being an intermediate phase between primitive and derived eusocial insects, provides an excellent model for understanding the evolution of early phases of eusociality. Our results, combined with those in primitively eusocial wasps, suggest that at early stages of social evolution, reproduction was regulated by a “primordial division of labor”, that comprised foragers and reproducers, which further evolved to a more complex division of labor, a hallmark of eusociality.  相似文献   

While scholars have examined how cosmetic surgery can reinforce gender norms, the development of racially specific standards is a more recent phenomenon that has received less scrutiny. This article examines how cosmetic surgeons conceptualize race and its intersection with gender. Through analysis of eighty surgeon-authored procedural guides, I find that surgeons engage in what I term the biological construction of social difference, mixing discourses of biology and physical difference with social and cultural discourses to describe patient beauty ideals. Surgeons develop an expert discourse on race and gender that is simultaneously about difference and beauty. The development of “ethnic” specific cosmetic surgery standards enshrines a “white” default referent even as it opens the door to other configurations of physical appearance. Cosmetic surgery implies that physical markers of race and gender are mutable – literally, via the surgeon’s scalpel – even as it relies on and reinforces established notions of racial difference.  相似文献   


This article explores the practical and theoretical significance and long-term consequences of the failure to incorporate women’s interests in post-conflict negotiations by examining the case of Muslim women in India. Analyses of deeply divided societies must recognize that political competition and political violence do not affect all citizens equally. Also, the “larger picture” depicted by inter-community conflicts should not overshadow the effects of intra-community conflicts, which are no less important. Evident within each community conflict are the winners and the losers of the political accommodation process, in which the marginalized and weaker sections of each “side” of the conflict may be the real “losers”. Gendered analysis of ethnic conflicts and ethnic conflict resolution demands a reorientation of the concepts of conflict and security – Whose conflict is being solved and who is being secured?  相似文献   

The study aimed to investigate the soil-plant relationship by looking at knowledge levels of social media users. The study examined the relationship between the users’ characteristics and their knowledge on soil-plant relationship. Online survey was designed and distributed to gather the data. The number of response was received from 383 respondents where 375 participants provided completed information and the remaining eight responses were eliminated due to quality standards. The results show most of the participants (68.8%) are moderately depend on social media to acquire knowledge on soil-plant relationship and indicated “Twitter” as the highly utilized platform followed by the “Youtube”. Meanwhile, 48.8% of the participants indicated that social media have a high impact on their knowledge-based information on soil-plant relationship and agricultural contents. Inferential analysis shows there was a significant positive relationship (p < 0.01) between independent variables; Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, and Snapchat and the degree of trust on these platforms, and the level’s knowledge on soil-plant relationship (dependent variable). Only 13% of the variance accounted for the impact of social media on participants’ agricultural knowledge-base can be predicted from the combination of participants’ reliance on a set of social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, and Snapchat). The study revealed the trust and confidence of the users using social media on agricultural information/soil plant relationship had a medium effect in social and educational research.  相似文献   

Children born to obese mothers are at increased risk for obesity, but the mechanisms behind this association are not fully understood. Our study aimed to investigate differences in the functions encoded by the microbiome of infants at 18 months of age when the transition from early infant-feeding to solid family foods is established. To investigate the impact of maternal prepregnancy body mass index on infants’ gut microbiome, faecal samples from infants born to normoweight (n = 21) and obese mothers (n = 18) were analysed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and a functional-inference-based microbiome analysis. Our results indicated that Firmicutes was significantly enriched in infants born to normoweight mothers whereas Bacteroidetes was significantly enriched in infants born to obese women. In both microbiomes, the greatest number of genes (>50%) that were assigned a function encoded for proteins involved in “metabolism” among tier 1 KEGG Orthology (KO) categories. At lower KO functional categories, the microbiome of infants born to normoweight mothers was characterized by a significant enrichment in the abundances of “pentose phosphate pathway” (p = 0.037), “lysine biosynthesis” (p = 0.043), “glycerolipid metabolism” (p = 0.042), and “C5-branched dibasic acid metabolism” (p = 0.045). Notably, the microbiome of infants born to obese mothers was significantly enriched in “streptomycin biosynthesis” (p = 0.047), “sulphur metabolism” (p = 0.041), “taurine and hypotaurine metabolism” (p = 0.036), and “lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis” (p = 0.043). In summary, our study showed that maternal prepregnancy obesity may imprint a selective gut microbial composition during late infancy with distinct functional performances.  相似文献   

The discourse of karma (behaviour), confounded with inherent psychic and material substance of the person/group (guna), was at the heart of India’s caste ideology. This systematic and intuitive, albeit convoluted and phantasmic doctrine was critical to bridge the discrepancy between a pantheistic religious imaginary and the reality of exclusion and abjection. Although “karma” evokes an exotic orient, this ideology is near identical with the ideas of “idleness” and “instant gratification” used to make sense of racial inequities in the contemporary United States. In both cases, the idea of behavioural and moral deficiency is used to justify evident abjection and discrimination, within the frame of an encompassing ideology of social equality. Thus, this use of the notions of “work” and “discipline”, extrapolated to the moral quality of the group or individual, is no passing argument of the “new racism”. It is a proven ploy of assigning blame on the victim.  相似文献   

In Black Rights/White Wrongs, Charles Mills continues his critique of contemporary American political philosophy for ignoring issues of racial oppression, and in particular for ignoring the way that liberal social contracts rest on underlying domination contracts. In this commentary, I will discuss some of the new research inspired by Mills’ account of domination contracts, including recent accounts of the “capability contract” and the “species contract”, and explore how they relate to Mills’ own work on the “racial contract”. While this new research on diverse domination contracts confirms the richness of Mills’ analysis of the social contract tradition, it may also require some revisions to his own preferred vision of how we theorize racial justice.  相似文献   

Zahavi's “Bond Testing Hypothesis” states that irritating stimuli are used to elicit honest information from social partners regarding their attitudes towards the relationship. Two elements of the Cebus capucinus vocal repertoire, the “gargle” and “twargle,” have been hypothesized to serve such a bond-testing function. The greatest threat to C. capucinus infant survival, and to adult female reproductive success, is infanticide perpetrated by alpha males. Thus, we predicted that infants (<8 months), pregnant females and females with infants would gargle/twargle at higher rates than the rest of the population, directing these vocalizations primarily to the alpha male. Over 16 years, researchers collected data via focal follows in 11 habituated groups of wild capuchins in Lomas Barbudal, Costa Rica. We found some support for our hypothesis. Infants and females with infants (<8 months) vocalized at higher rates than the rest of the population. Pregnant females did not vocalize at relatively high rates. Infants (age 8–23 months) were the only target group that vocalized more when the alpha male was not their father. Monkeys gargled and twargled most frequently towards the alpha male, who is both the perpetrator of infanticide and the most effective protector against potentially infanticidal males.  相似文献   

The social interactions of six infant stumptail macaques (Macaca arctoides) in a captive colony at the Yerkes Field Station in Lawrenceville, Georgia, were studied for the first six months of life. The social interactions of the infants are described and attention is paid to male care, or paternal behavior, directed toward infants. Episodes in which a male appears to use a baby to regulate his behavior with another monkey (“agonistic buffering”) are described. Maternal rank was found to influence the frequency of occurrence of certain of the interactions the infants experienced.  相似文献   

This paper advances an “information goods” theory that explains prestige processes as an emergent product of psychological adaptations that evolved to improve the quality of information acquired via cultural transmission. Natural selection favored social learners who could evaluate potential models and copy the most successful among them. In order to improve the fidelity and comprehensiveness of such ranked-biased copying, social learners further evolved dispositions to sycophantically ingratiate themselves with their chosen models, so as to gain close proximity to, and prolonged interaction with, these models. Once common, these dispositions created, at the group level, distributions of deference that new entrants may adaptively exploit to decide who to begin copying. This generated a preference for models who seem generally “popular.” Building on social exchange theories, we argue that a wider range of phenomena associated with prestige processes can more plausibly be explained by this simple theory than by others, and we test its predictions with data from throughout the social sciences. In addition, we distinguish carefully between dominance (force or force threat) and prestige (freely conferred deference).  相似文献   

“When Work Disappears” has shaped research agendas on poverty, racial hierarchy, and urban social and economic dynamics. That is a lot for one article, yet two issues warrant more analysis. They are the ways in which socially defined “race” – rather than or in combination with class – explains the impact of sustained joblessness, and the political behaviours that may emerge in response to work’s disappearance. I point to evidence showing that both race and class have independent associations with the loss of work in poor African-American communities, as well as interactive effects. In the political arena – too often neglected by sociologists studying poverty – sustained, community-wide joblessness or underemployment are associated both with withdrawal from political engagement and with the recent resurgence of right-wing populism. Even after several decades of intensive research, we have more to learn about the interactions of race, class, politics, and the disappearance of work.  相似文献   

A substantial body of research on eusocial insects seen in the last decades has gone hand-in-hand with the development of social evolution theory. In contrast, little attention has been given to the non-eusocial insect species that nevertheless exhibit a rich spectrum of social behaviours, thus effectively skewing our vision of insect sociality. Recent studies on the behaviour, ecology and genetic of “gregarious” cockroaches (Blattodea) have revealed a diversity of social structures and group dynamics unique among insects, providing an important comparative model for the broader understanding of insect social evolution. Here, we present an overview of the social biology of the domiciliary cockroaches (ca. 25 species adapted to human habitats) based on research on two model species, Blattella germanica and Periplaneta americana. We discuss the evolution of these domiciliary cockroaches, considering them in the context of “social herds” within the insect sociality framework.  相似文献   

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