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Plants of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) were treated with either 50 μM Cd, 250 μM Zn, or 25 μM Cd+125 μM Zn and the progression of chlorosis in the mature leaves monitored. As relative chlorophyll (Chl) contents in the mature leaves decreased to 75, 50, and 25 % relative to controls, both mature and young leaves were harvested and the Chl pools extracted. The metal treatments caused a greater loss of Chl b than Chl a. As mature leaves underwent progressive chlorosis, the young leaves displayed a characteristic over-greening, due largely to increased content of Chl b. However, as the young leaves began to experience chlorosis, a greater loss of Chl b was also observed. Thus during metal induced chlorosis, there is a preferential turnover of the Chl b pool in mature and young leaves.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of silicon (Si) and cadmium (Cd) on root and shoot growth and Cd uptake in two hydroponically cultivated Brassica species (B. juncea (L.) Czern. cv. Vitasso and B. napus L. cv. Atlantic). Both species are potentially usable for phytoextraction. Inhibitory effects of Cd on root elongation were diminished by the impact of Si. Primary roots elongation in the presence of Cd + Si compared with Cd was stronger and the number of lateral roots was lower in B. juncea than in B. napus. Cd content per plant was higher in B. napus roots and shoots compared with B. juncea. Suberin lamellae were formed closer to the root apex in Cd + Si than in Cd treated plants and this effect was stronger in B. napus than in B. juncea. Accelerated maturation of endodermis was associated with reduced Cd uptake. Cd decreased the content of chlorophylls and carotenoids in both species, but Si addition positively influenced the content of photosynthetic pigments which was higher in B. napus than in B. juncea. Si enhanced more substantially translocation of Cd into the shoot of B. napus than of B. juncea. Based on our results B. napus seems to be more suitable for Cd phytoextraction than B. juncea because these plants produce more biomass and accumulate higher amount of Cd. The protective effect of Si on Cd treated Brassica plants could be attributed to more extensive development of suberin lamellae in endodermis.  相似文献   

Leaf piece explants of five Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. cultivars were transformed with an Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105 harboring the plasmid pCAMBIA1301, which contains the β-glucuronidase (uidA) and hygromycin phosphotransferase (hpt) genes under the control of cauliflower mosaic virus 35S (CaMV35S) promoter. Transgenic plants were regenerated on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium fortified with 8.87 μM 6-benzylaminopurine, 0.22 μM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, and 20 μM silver nitrate in the presence of 30 mg/l hygromycin. When co-culture took place in the presence of 100 μM acetosyringone, the efficiency of stable transformation was found to be approximately 19% in the T 0 generation, with the transgenic plants and their progeny showing constitutive GUS expression in different plant organs. Southern blot hybridization of uidA and hpt genes confirmed transgene integration within the genome of transformed plants of each cultivar. Inheritance of hpt gene for single copy T-DNA inserts showed a 3:1 pattern of Mendelian segregation in progeny plants through germination of T 1 seeds on MS medium containing 30 mg/l hygromycin. The protocol described here reports superior transformation efficiency over previously published protocols and should contribute to enhanced biotechnology applications in B. juncea.  相似文献   

Zhu XY  Zhao M  Ma S  Ge YM  Zhang MF  Chen LP 《Plant cell reports》2007,26(10):1727-1732
The chimeras between tuber mustard (Brassica juncea) and red cabbage (B. oleracea) were artificially synthesized in our previous study. Adventitious shoots were induced from nodal segments and leaf discs of TCC (LI-LII-LIII, LI -the outmost layer of shoot apical meristem; LII -the middle layer; LIII -the innermost layer. T = Tuber mustard, C = Red cabbage) chimeras. The origin of the shoots was analyzed by histology and molecular biology. As a result, the frequency of adventitious shoot induction rose with the increase of BA in MS medium in the area of the nodes. However, there was no different induction frequency of adventitious shoots from nodal segment bases in media with different BA concentrations. Most adventitious shoots (clustered shoots) arising from the node area were TTT (Tuber mustard- Tuber mustard- Tuber mustard) and only 4 shoots were chimeras, which indicated that more shoots originated from LI than from LII and LIII. All shoots from nodal segment bases were CCC (Red cabbage-Red cabbage- Red cabbage), indicating that the shoots originated from LII or LII and LIII. There were significant differences in the regeneration rate in the margin of the leaf discs among the three combinations of BA and NAA. Most adventitious shoots from the margin of leaf discs were CCC but 2 out of 70 were chimeras, which indicated that more shoots originated from LII or LII and LIII than from LI. All chimeras obtained by regeneration were different from the original explant donor in type in the present study. The origin of the adventitious shoots varied with the site of origin on the donor plant, and could be multicellular and multihistogenic.  相似文献   

Adventitious roots were induced from shoots and leaves of the chimera plant TCC (LI-LII-LIII = TCC; T = Tuber mustard, C = Red Cabbage), previously developed by in vitro grafting of tuber mustard (Brassica juncea) and red cabbage (B. oleracea). The regeneration frequency of adventitious roots from TCC shoots and leaf sections was markedly higher than that obtained from the parents TTT (tuber mustard) and CCC (red cabbage). Moreover, levels of α-naphthaleneacetic acid in the culture medium had lower effects on rooting efficiency of TCC chimeras compared to those of TTT and CCC. The number and fresh weight of adventitious roots per TCC shoot, 13.11 roots and 0.274 g, respectively, were also significantly higher than those of the parents. This demonstrated that replacing the histogenic LI layer (the outermost apical cell layer) with a different genotype might improve adventitious root induction capability of these vegetative tissues due to likely synergistic effects between LI and the other two histogenic layers, LII and LIII. Following polymerase chain reaction analysis and histological investigation, it was found that these adventitious roots originated from the LIII histogenic layer.  相似文献   

In 7-d-old seedlings of Brassica juncea chromium (VI) promoted photosystem 2 (PS 2) mediated photoreactions. The increase in PS 2 activity in the thylakoids from Cr-treated seedlings, in the presence of uncoupler (5 mM NH4Cl), was similar to that recorded with the control thylakoids. Thus Cr enhanced PS 2 activity was not due to uncoupling of electron transport from photophosphorylation. Photon saturation kinetics revealed that the PS 2 activity of thylakoids from Cr-treated seedlings was significantly higher at almost all irradiances in comparison to that of controls. PS 2 activity of thylakoids from Cr-treated plants at 25 % of the saturating irradiance was in par with the PS 2 activity of the thylakoids from control plants at saturating irradiance. Thylakoids from both control and Cr-treated seedlings exhibited maximum PS 2 activity at pH 7.5. The PS 2 activity of thylakoids from Cr-treated plants remained high even at pH 8.0 and 8.5, demonstrating Cr enhances tolerance of PS 2 to alkaline pH.  相似文献   

Alien introgressions into crop plants rely on phenotypic evaluation. Employing molecular markers could greatly accelerate this and help discover new alleles/QTLs. We report here a new strategy to develop markers for tracking introgression using genome survey sequence. We demonstrate this using an advanced backcross population of Brassica juncea involving the wild species Diplotaxis erucoides. To develop D. erucoides-specific markers, 72 million single end reads were obtained using Ion-Torrent platform. Quality reads (67.6 million) were checked against Brassica database and the redundant reads were eliminated. De novo assembly of the remaining 14.6 million reads gave 3895 contigs (> 1 kb), which were used to design 101 donor-specific (DS) STS markers. Of these, 89 markers showed polymorphism between D. erucoides and B. juncea. Genotyping of 90 randomly picked plants with 31 donor-specific STS markers detected 22 plants containing 17 markers. Alien introgression was also detected in eight of the 22 lines displaying phenotypes deviating from B. juncea parent. The marker DSSTS 70 was found in six of the nine lines showing glossy leaf suggesting its association with the trait. This is the first study demonstrating the use of molecular markers for implementing reverse genetics approach for alien introgression into crop plants.  相似文献   

Androgenesis is a phenomenon in which microspores are made to bypass the sexual pathway and follow the sporophytic mode of development to generate new plants without the intervention of fertilization under specialized in vitro conditions. Microspore culture provides an ideal system, with a large, relatively uniform population of haploid cells, for use in mutant selection, genetic transformation and in studies on the molecular mechanism of induction of androgenesis and embryogenesis. This paper involves a study on establishing a reproducible and efficient protocol for microspore embryogenesis in various varieties of Brassica juncea. The genotype had a pronounced effect on androgenic response in microspore cultures. The cultivar Rajat exhibited the most response, producing around 3500 embryos/100 buds. The microspores of B. juncea cv. PR-45 from ed plants maintained at a day/night temperature of 10 °C/5 °C form embryos with suspensors with varied morphology. The microspore embryos germinated to produce plants with frequencies. These plants exhibited 52% survival and 74% fertility.  相似文献   

A novel cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) was identified in Brassica juncea, named as hau CMS (00-6-102A). Subsequently, the male sterility was transferred to B. napus by interspecific hybridization. The hau CMS has stable male sterility. Flowers on the A line are absolutely male sterile, and seeds harvested from the line following pollinations with the maintainer gave rise to 100% sterile progeny. The anthers in CMS plants are replaced by thickened petal-like structures and pollen grains were not detected. In contrast, in other CMS systems viz. pol, nap, tour, and ogu, anthers are formed but do not produce viable pollen. The sterility of hau CMS initiates at the stage of stamen primordium polarization, which is much earlier compared with the other four CMS systems. We have successfully transferred hau CMS from B. juncea to B. napus. Restorer lines for pol, ogu, nap, and tour CMS systems were found to be ineffective to restore fertility in hau CMS. Sixteen out of 40 combinations of mitochondrial probe/enzyme used for RFLP analysis distinguished the hau CMS system from the other four systems. Among these sixteen combinations, five ones alone could distinguish the five CMS systems from each other. The evidence from genetic, morphological, cytological and molecular studies confirmed that the hau CMS system is a novel CMS system. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.) is a promising plant species for phytoremediation of heavy metal polluted soils. However, genetic variability of metal tolerance in Indian mustard has not been studied. We evaluated intraspecific variation of Cd tolerance of this species by screening 64 varieties in hydroponics. The tolerance index (TI), calculated as percentage of root length of Cd-treated (7 μM CdCl2) over untreated control seedlings, significantly varied from 34 to 79%, depending on the variety. Information about phenotypic and economic traits of the studied varieties was taken from the literature and subjected to a cluster analysis. The varieties were distributed into three clusters and most of the varieties characterized by the highest TI values (TI > 65%) were grouped together in one cluster. Moreover, TI negatively correlated with the following characteristics: yellow seed colour (R = −0.35, P = 0.005), total oil content (R = −0.33, P = 0.008), oleic acid (R = −0.25, P = 0.047) and linoleic acid (R = −0.36, P = 0.004) contents in seeds. The results showed the presence of significant variability for Cd tolerance in Indian mustard. The knowledge about correlations between Cd tolerance and phenotypic characteristics of plants might be utilized for rapid selection of cultivars to be used for phytoremediation of polluted soils.  相似文献   

The eucalypt Corymbia torelliana × C. citriodora is planted widely in India, Brazil and Australia although plantation establishment has been limited by inadequate seed supply and low amenability to propagation via cuttings. This study optimised node culture and organogenic culture methods for in vitro propagation of Corymbia hybrids by identifying explant position (topophysic) effects on rooting, shoot elongation and shoot proliferation. Strong, negative morphogenic gradients in shoot elongation and proliferation capacity were evident from the cotyledonary node to the fourth or fifth node of seedlings when their nodes were transferred to node culture (without benzyladenine). These topophysic effects were related to differences in rooting capacity of individual nodes. Root formation in node culture was associated with formation of long multi-nodal axillary shoots, and so higher rooting of shoots from the cotyledonary node or first true-leaf node was associated with higher shoot proliferation. However, all nodes were equally capable of shoot proliferation in organogenic culture (with 2.2 μM benzyladenine), where rooting and rapid stem elongation did not occur. Most shoots (61–100%) from both node culture and organogenic culture were converted to plantlets, with plantlet conversion and primary root number not differing significantly among explant node positions. The strong topophysic effect in node culture, combined with the lack of a topophysic effect in organogenic culture, provides for an optimised clonal propagation system based on segregation of nodes from the same seedling into separate node and organogenic culture pathways.  相似文献   

Present study characterizes the anti-oxidative defense potential of four Brassica juncea varieties, Pusa Jaikisan, Varuna, RLM-198, and CS-52, differing in their ability to withstand salinity stress. 7-day-old seedlings raised in MS medium supplemented with 0, 50, 100, and 150 mM NaCl were used to monitor changes in the growth profile, level of stress marker molecules, and activities of important antioxidant enzymes. Increasing NaCl concentration resulted in a significant (P ≤ 0.05) reduction of shoot fresh and dry mass and vigor index in all the varieties tested. Maximum reduction in growth was recorded for RLM-198 while CS-52 maintained better growth characteristics. Varuna and RLM-198 exhibited a limited increase in superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, and total peroxidase activity under increasing salinity. These varieties also recorded maximum salt stress-induced damage in terms of increased lipid peroxidation, H2O2 content, and electrolyte leakage. On the other hand, CS-52 recorded maximum proline accumulation with minimum levels of H2O2, electrolyte leakage, and malondialdehyde contents. With increasing salinity stress, CS-52 recorded maximal increase in the activity of antioxidant enzymes. However, catalase activity did not correlate with alterations in H2O2 levels under stress. Interestingly, a lower superoxide dismutase:ascorbate peroxidase ratio in CS-52 correlated with stress tolerance trait, while a comparatively higher superoxide dismutase:ascorbate peroxidase ratio in RLM-198 marked the susceptible nature of the variety. Our results propose that superoxide dismutase:ascorbate peroxidase ratio is the critical factor, determining the degree of stress tolerance in Brassica juncea.  相似文献   

Wild relatives of Brassica are a rich reservoir of genes that are invaluable for the improvement of cultivated species. Sinapis alba is a close relative of crop Brassicas that possesses several desirable traits such as tolerance to Alternaria black spot disease, heat stress, insect pests and nematodes. This study is aimed at developing and characterizing hybrids between Brassica juncea and S. alba with the ultimate goal of transferring genes for tolerance to Alternaria brassicae and heat stress, the traits that are lacking in cultivated Brassica. We generated three hybrids between B. juncea and S. alba through protoplast fusion. The hybridity was confirmed through cytology and molecular markers. While two of the hybrids were symmetric, the third one was asymmetric and had greater resemblance to B. juncea. Hybrids showed some characteristic features of the parents and were fully male and female fertile and also set seeds upon back crossing with the parent species. In vitro leaf assay and field inoculation studies revealed that the hybrids are highly resistant to A. brassicae. Besides, hybrids set seeds at temperature of >?38 °C when parents failed to produce seeds indicating that hybrids possess heat tolerance. These stable hybrids provide a reliable genetic resource for transfer of genes from S. alba into cultivated Brassica species.  相似文献   

Alternaria leaf blight, a disease of oilseed Brassicas is caused by a necrotrophic phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria brassicae. The details of its pathogenesis and defence responses elicited in the host upon infection have not been thoroughly investigated. Here, Arabidopsis accession Gre-0 was identified to be highly susceptible to A. brassicae. A comparative histopathological analysis for disease progression and plant responses to A. brassicae in Arabidopsis and Brassica juncea revealed significant similarities between the two compatible pathosystems. Interestingly, in both the compatible hosts, ROS accumulation, cell death and callose deposition correlated with the development of the disease. Based on our results we propose that Arabidopsis-Alternaria brassicae can be an apt model pathosystem since it emulates the dynamics of the pathogen interaction with its natural host- Brassicas. The existing genetic diversity in Arabidopsis can be a starting point to screen for variation in responses to Alternaria leaf blight. Furthermore, several tools available for Arabidopsis can facilitate the dissection of genetic and molecular basis of resistance.  相似文献   



To improve the oxidative stress tolerance, biomass yield, and ascorbate/dehydroascorbate (AsA/DHA) ratio of Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 in the presence of H2O2, by heterologous expression of the dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) gene from Brassica juncea (BrDHAR).


Under H2O2 stress, overexpression of BrDHAR in the transgenic strain (BrD) of S. elongatus greatly increased the AsA/DHA ratio. As part of the AsA recycling system, the oxidative stress response induced by reactive oxygen species was enhanced, and intracellular H2O2 level decreased. In addition, under H2O2 stress conditions, the BrD strain displayed increased growth rate and biomass, as well as higher chlorophyll content and deeper pigmentation than did wild-type and control strains.


By maintaining the AsA pool and redox homeostasis, the heterologous expression of BrDHAR increased S. elongatus tolerance to H2O2 stress, improving the biomass yield under these conditions. The results suggest that the BrD strain of S. elongatus, with its ability to attenuate the deleterious effects of ROS caused by environmental stressors, could be a promising platform for the generation of biofuels and other valuable bioproducts.

Association mapping of the seed-coat colour with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers was carried out in 39 Brassica juncea lines. The lines had genetically diverse parentages and varied for seed-coat colour and other morphological characters. Eleven AFLP primer combinations were used to screen the 39 B. juncea lines, and a total of 335 polymorphic bands were detected. The bands were analysed for association with seed-coat colour using multiple regression analysis. This analysis revealed 15 markers associated with seed-coat colour, obtained with eight AFLP primer combinations. The marker E-ACA/M-CTG350 explained 69% of the variation in seed-coat colour. This marker along with markers E-AAC/M-CTC235 and E-AAC/M-CTA250 explained 89% of the total variation. The 15 associated markers were validated for linkage with the seed-coat colour loci using a recombinant inbred line (RIL) mapping population. Bands were amplified with the eight AFLP primer combinations in 54 RIL progenies. Of the 15 associated markers, 11 mapped on two linkage groups. Eight markers were placed on linkage group 1 at a marker density of 6.0 cM, while the remaining three were mapped on linkage group 2 at a marker density of 3.6 cM. Marker E-ACA/M-CTG350 co-segregated with Gene1 controlling seed-coat colour; it was specific for yellow seed-coat colour and mapped to linkage group 1. Marker E-AAC/M-CTC235 (AFLP8), which had been studied previously, was present on linkage group 2; it was specific for brown seed-coat colour. Since AFLP markers are not adapted for large-scale applications in plant breeding, it is important to convert these to sequence-characterised amplified region (SCAR) markers. Marker E-AAC/M-CTC235 (AFLP8) had been previously converted into a SCAR. Work is in progress to convert the second of the linked markers, E-ACA/M-CTG350, to a SCAR. The two linked AFLP markers converted to SCARs will be useful for developing yellow-seeded B. juncea lines by means of marker-assisted selection.Communicated by H.F. Linskens  相似文献   

In the present investigation, the interspecific somatic hybridization between tuber mustard and red cabbage was established in order to introduce valuable genes from red cabbage (Brassica oleracea) into Brassica juncea. Prior to fusion treatment, protoplasts of red cabbage were inactivated with 2 mM iodoacetamide to inhibit cell division. Micro-calluses were obtained at a frequency of 10.3% after approximately 5 weeks culture following protoplast fusion. Some of the fusion-derived calluses possessed red pigmented cells after being transferred to proliferation medium, and they were presumably considered to be somatic hybrid cell lines. Plantlets were regenerated from 12 cell lines, of which nine plantlets exhibited characteristics intermediate of both parents in terms of plant morphology. With the exception of common protein bands featured by two parents, there were unique banding patterns produced in the hybrids by using SDS-PAGE analysis. By chromosome countings, it was showed that they ranged approximately from 2n=30 to 42 in chromosome numbers. Their hybridity were further confirmed by RAPD analysis revealing that genes of both parents were partially incorporated into the hybrids. Positively, all these hybrids were capable of seed-setting. The pod-setting was 4.2 in somatic hybrid H7 when backcrossed with tuber mustard.  相似文献   

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