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R M Pauli  P F Feldman 《Teratology》1986,33(3):273-280
Two children are reported in whom major limb malformations were identified and whose mothers had consumed large quantities of alcohol in the first trimester of pregnancy. In one there was complete amelia of the upper limbs, while the other had preaxial polydactyly of both hands. These cases, taken together with previously reported instances of major limb anomalies following intrauterine ethanol exposure, as well as animal investigations that have demonstrated virtually identical limb malformations following ethanol administration, suggest that maternal ethanol abuse may be casually related to these limb malformations. We suggest that interruption of blood supply to the developing limb may be caused by ethanol exposure and may result in all of the various limb malformations described.  相似文献   

During craniofacial development in the mouse embryo (days 9-12 of gestation; plug day = day 1), transient expression of serotonin (5-HT) uptake in epithelial structures of this region correlates with critical morphogenetic events (Lauder et al., '88; Shuey, '91; Shuey et al., '89, '92). The purpose of the present investigation was to assess the possible functional significance of these uptake sites by examination of patterns of dysmorphology following exposure of embryos to selective 5-HT uptake inhibitors. Exposure of mouse embryos in whole embryo culture to sertraline, at a concentration (10 microM) which produced no evidence of general embryotoxicity, caused craniofacial malformations consistent with direct action at 5-HT uptake sites. Two other 5-HT uptake inhibitors, fluoxetine and amitriptyline, produced similar defects. The critical period of sertraline exposure occurred on days 10-11. The observed craniofacial defects were associated with decreased proliferation and extensive cell death in mesenchyme located 5-6 cell layers deep from the overlying epithelium. In contrast, the subepithelial mesenchymal layers showed normal or elevated levels of proliferation. From these results it appears that inhibition of 5-HT uptake into craniofacial epithelia may produce developmental defects by interference with serotonergic regulation of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions important for normal craniofacial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Ecosystem processes vary temporally due to environmental fluctuations, such as when variation in solar energy causes diurnal cycles in primary production. This normal variation in ecosystem functioning may be disrupted and even lost if taxa contributing to functioning go extinct due to environmental stress. However, when communities are exposed to the stress at sub-lethal levels over several generations, they may be able to develop community-level stress tolerance via ecological (e.g. species sorting) or evolutionary (e.g. selection for tolerant genotypes) mechanisms and thus avoid the loss of stability, as defined by the resistance of a process. Community tolerance to a novel stressor is expected to increase the resistance of key processes in stressed ecosystems. In freshwater communities we tested whether prolonged prior exposure to an environmental stressor, i.e. acidification, could increase ecosystem stability when the communities were exposed to a subsequent press perturbation of more severe acidification. As a measure of ecosystem stability, we quantified the diurnal variation in dissolved oxygen (DO), and the resistance of the DO cycle and phytoplankton biomass. High-frequency data from oxygen loggers deployed in 12 mesocosms showed that severe acidification with sulfuric acid to pH 3 could cause a temporary (i.e. two-week long) loss of diurnal variation in dissolved oxygen concentration. The loss of diurnal variation was accompanied by a strong reduction in phytoplankton biomass. However, the pre-exposure to acidification for several weeks resulted in the maintenance of the diurnal cycle and higher levels of phytoplankton biomass, though they did not return to as rapidly to pre-exposure functioning as non-exposed mesocosms. These results suggest that ecosystem stability is intrinsically linked to community-wide stress tolerance, and that a history of exposure to the stressor may increase resistance to it, though at the cost of some resilience.  相似文献   

Summary Continuous exposure of young rats to the almond-like odor of acetophenone or cyclohexanone for up to 4 months, resulted in distinct but similar patterns of degenerating mitral cells in their olfactory bulbs. Rats favored their exposure odor in olfactory preference tests (Fig. 2) and their acuity for it was not altered (Fig. 3). However, they appeared to exhibit a deficit in detecting a similar but novel odor. The results suggest that the remaining normal mitral cells in the bulbs of these animals are those stimulated by the exposure odor. Cells which show signs of degeneration (Fig. 4) may receive little or no input from the periphery. Controls exposed to a similar but non-odorous environment showed evidence of non-selective mitral cell degeneration. In addition they had a lower acuity for acetophenone and cyclohexanone than animals reared in a normal rat colony (Fig. 3). Anatomical and behavioral data from odor exposed and control groups, suggest that partial regeneration of altered mitral cells may have occurred during a 5 month period following exposure. Overall the results provide further evidence for a topographical projection of the olfactory receptor epithelium onto the olfactory bulb and spatial coding of different odors in the bulb.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Conflicting findings with regard to the teratogenic risks of first trimester use of paroxetine have prompted the FDA, Health Canada, and the manufacturer of the drug to issue warnings against its use during pregnancy. Given that untreated depression during pregnancy can lead to deleterious effect on the mother and her unborn fetus, data on the relationship between the dose and the range of malformations is warranted. This study attempts to quantify the association between first trimester exposure to paroxetine and congenital cardiac malformations, adjusting for possible confounders, and to quantify the dose-response relationship between paroxetine use and cardiac defects. METHODS: The Medication and Pregnancy registry was used. This population-based registry was built by linking three administrative databases (RAMQ, Med-Echo, and ISQ), and includes all pregnancies in Quebec between 01/01/1997 and 06/30/2003. Date of entry in the registry is the date of the first day of the last menstrual period. To be eligible for this study, women had to: 1) be 15-45 years of age at entry; 2) be covered by the RAMQ drug plan >or=12 months before and during pregnancy; 3) be using only one type of antidepressant during the first trimester; and 4) have a live birth. Two nested case-control studies were carried out comparing the prevalence of paroxetine use in the first trimester of pregnancy to the prevalence of other antidepressant exposures during the same time period. Cases were defined as: 1) any major malformations; or 2) any cardiac malformations diagnosed in the first year of life; controls were defined as no major or minor malformations. Multivariate logistic regression techniques were used to analyze data. RESULTS: Among the 1,403 women meeting inclusion criteria, 101 infants with major congenital malformations were identified; 24 had cardiac malformations. Adjusting for possible confounders, the use of paroxetine (odds ratio [OR] = 1.38, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.49-3.92), and the use of other SSRIs (OR = 0.89, 95% CI = 0.28-2.84) during the first trimester of pregnancy did not increase the risk of congenital cardiac malformations compared with the use of non-SSRI antidepressants. When considering the dose, however, a dose-response relationship was observed, thus women exposed to >25 mg/day of paroxetine during the first trimester of pregnancy were at increased risk of having an infant with major congenital malformations (adjusted [adj] OR = 2.23, 95% CI = 1.19, 4.17), or major cardiac malformations (adj OR = 3.07, 95% CI = 1.00, 9.42). CONCLUSIONS: Gestational exposure to paroxetine is associated with major congenital malformations and major cardiac malformations for only first trimester exposure above 25 mg/day.  相似文献   

M Cleary  M Snow  M Paris  J Shaw  S L Cox  G Jenkin 《Cryobiology》2001,42(2):121-133
In cases in which ovarian tissue is to be cryopreserved for tissue or gene banking it is important to maintain its integrity and viability. This study examined how delays between the death of an animal and the collection/cryopreservation of its ovarian tissue influenced follicle viability. Mouse ovaries were placed in PBS+antibiotic (in vitro) or left within the body (in situ) at room temperature for 0, 3, 6, 12, or 24 h following the death of the donor. These ovaries were cryopreserved at 1 degrees C/min on dry ice or in a -84 degrees C freezer using a passive cooling device or by conventional slow cooling (0.3 degrees C/min). The ovaries were grafted under the kidney capsule of ovariectomized recipient mice and collected 2 weeks later, and the size and number of follicles were determined. Cryopreserved ovarian tissue grafted immediately after the death of the donor contained numerous viable and healthy follicles independent of the cooling procedure (dry ice, 134 +/- 32; -84 degrees C, 165 +/- 54; slow, 214 +/- 55 follicles per half ovary). Tissues stored in vitro before cryopreservation retained viable follicles up to 12 h after death (dry ice, 30 +/- 15; -84 degrees C, 86 +/- 45; slow, 93 +/- 33), whereas tissue left in situ had significantly reduced follicle numbers within 3 h of death (dry ice, 36 +/- 12; -84 degrees C, 19 +/- 6; slow, 28 +/- 7). No significant difference was found between the cooling rates tested, indicating that a passive cooling container which cools at 1 degrees C/min is a suitable alternative to conventional slow cooling. We conclude that ovarian tissues for cryobanking should be cryopreserved as soon as possible after collection or death of the animal to ensure maximal follicular survival.  相似文献   

The effects of ethanol on neural function and development have been studied extensively, motivated in part by the addictive properties of alcohol and the neurodevelopmental deficits that arise in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Absent from this research area is a genetically tractable system to study the effects of early ethanol exposure on later neurodevelopmental and behavioral phenotypes. Here, we used embryos of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, as a model system to investigate the neuronal defects that arise after an early exposure to ethanol. We found several disruptions of neural development and morphology following a brief ethanol exposure during embryogenesis and subsequent changes in larval behavior. Altogether, this study establishes a new system to examine the effects of alcohol exposure in embryos and the potential to conduct large‐scale genetics screens to uncover novel factors that sensitize or protect neurons to the effects of alcohol.  相似文献   

S R Tonge 《Life sciences》1974,15(2):245-249
Methylamphetamine, chlorpromazine, phencyclidine and imipramine were administered in the drinking water of rats during pregnancy and the suckling period. Male offspring were given no drugs after weaning until nine months later; groups were then injected with p-chlorophenylalanine or saline, killed nine hours later and the brains dissected into eight areas. Exposure to methylamphetamine, chlorpromazine or phencyclidine during the period of brain development was found to have had permanent effects both on 5-hydroxytryptamine concentrations and on the rate of depletion after synthesis blockade.  相似文献   

S Shchereva 《Biofizika》1980,25(6):1068-1070
Changes are described in the content of butanol-extracted iodine in the blood serum and total iodine in thyroid tissue of white rat males under ultrasonic effect of various intensity (0.2, 0.6, 1.0 Watt/cm2) and analysed at different time intervals after ultrasound application. A decrease in total iodine content in thyroid glands (at initial level 0.315 mg%) and an increase of butanol-extracted iodine content in the blood serum were observed in all the experimental groups. The data obtained compared with the earlier found increase of the thyroid hormone content in the serum and thyreotropic hormone at a decreased content of thyroxins in the thyroid gland seem to point to the activation of the thyroid function after the application of ultrasound.  相似文献   

To investigate effects that distinguish AAF from incomplete carcinogens, the rate of cell death (apoptosis) and cell proliferation was studied at early stages of AAF induced rat liver carcinogenesis. Male Wistar rats were fed 0.04% AAF in the diet for 2, 6 and 16 weeks and immunohistochemical markers were measured in the liver. The formation of initiated cells and preneoplastic foci was followed by staining for GST-P (glutathione-S-transferase). GST-P-positive foci were present from 6 weeks on. Apoptosis was increased in the periportal area and in preneoplastic foci at all time points. Cell proliferation was enhanced in the periportal area in oval cells and in bile duct-like cells particularly at 2 and 6 weeks and mainly in GST-P positive foci at 16 weeks. Notably, more cells always proliferated than were eliminated. Other apoptosis-related markers like p53 and FAS/Apo-1 could not be demonstrated in either normal hepatocytes, preneoplastic foci or in hepatocytes from treated animals. Scattered bcl-2 positive cells were present in livers at 16 weeks of treatment. The two cell growth and differentiation related proto-oncogenes c-FOS and c-JUN were increased in all treated animals at early stages. If feeding was stopped after 6 weeks, livers did not recover significantly within the following 10 weeks. The results support the complex effects of AAF in rat liver carcinogenesis. Chronic toxicity locally impairs the balance between cell proliferation and cell death and induces morphological alterations that promote the growth of initiated cells.  相似文献   

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