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In pollen grains of Convallaria majalis the outer membrane of the generative cell (GC) is the inner membrane of the vegetative cell (VC). Striped projections (SP) at the cytoplasmic face of the outer membrane of the GC were revealed by chemical fixation and also by a rapid freeze-fixation and freeze-substitution. The projections, located in groups on the protruding lobes of the GC, were arranged parallel to each other and were equally spaced (40 nm apart). The length of the SP, estimated from grazing sections of GC, was 400 nm. Each projection was composed of T-shaped elements, about 35 nm high, spaced at an average distance of 25 nm. SP were observed in mature, hydrated, activated and germinated pollen grains and seemed to be associated with microtubules and microfilaments of the VC. No evidence exists yet of SP on the sperm cell membrane. Immunogold labelling with anti-myosin antibodies showed many gold particles attached preferentially to the surface of the protruding lobes of the GC in the area of the projections. These results may suggest that the SP of Convallaria GC contain myosin-like protein and play an important role in the motility of the GC during pollen tube growth.  相似文献   

The production of protoplasts from the pollen of Amaryllis belladonna has facilitated a more direct investigation of the physiological and mechano-chemical basis of streaming. Cytoplasm is removed from an actively streaming protoplast or intact pollen tube and layered on a coated grid in a solution containing a low free calcium ion concentration. Under these conditions 6 nm thin filaments are observed. The thin filaments are morphologically identical with F actin and bind rabbit muscle HMM, forming characteristic arrowhead complexes that are dissociated by subsequent treatment with MgATP.  相似文献   

Mixed fluorescence/bright field microscopy of Rhododendron pollentubes in the first 72 h after germination reveals a lens-shapedgenerative cell which divides to give two associated spermswithin the original cell boundary. The generative cell is closelyassociated with the vegetative nucleus which precedes it in92 per cent of pollen tubes. Three-dimensional reconstruction from serial thin sections ofa pollen tube fixed 24 h after germination shows that the associationbetween the generative cell and vegetative nucleus is extremelycomplex. Elongated tails of the generative cell physically enfoldthe vegetative nucleus and penetrate into enclaves within it.The association has been clarified by use of the periodic acid-phosphotungsticacid-chromic acid technique to enhance electron contrast ofthe plasma membranes surrounding the generative cell. In thisbicellular system, the male germ unit association is apparentlyinitiated after pollen maturity but prior to generative celldivision. Pollen tube, generative cell, male germ unit, plasma membrane, vegetative nucleus, Rhododendron, Ericaceae  相似文献   

SHAH  G. L.; GOPAL  B. V. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(3):737-749
The structure and development of stomata in 10 Amaryllidaceousmembers are described. The study is made on the leaves and floralorgans of Amaryllis belladona, Crinum asiaticum, C. bulbispermum,C. latifolium, C. pratense, Pancratium sp., Polianthes tuberosa,and Zephyranthes atamsco, and on leaves of Agave sp. and Curculigoorchioides. In most of the organs of the different plants studiedmore than one type of stoma occur, even on the same surface.However, the stomata are largely anomocytic in Amaryllis, Crinum,Pancratium, Polianthes, and Zephyranthes, but they are tetracyticin Agave and Curculigo. An increase in the number of subsidiarycells in teracytic, tricytic, paracytic, and stomata with onesubsidiary cell has been noted. It may be due to wall formationin the subsidiary cells or by the neighbouring perigenes assumingtheir form. The range of variation in different types of stomatain each organ has been studied. Abnormal features such as juxtaposedor superimposed contiguous stomata, connections between guardcells of nearby stomata, transformation of meristemoids intoepidermal cells are observed. The development of different typesof stomata in different organs of the same plant is perigenous.The systematic position of different genera is discussed inlight of the present findings. A method of preparing epidermalimprints by the use of Depex, a mounting medium, and white ofan egg is also described.  相似文献   

Structure, development and histochemistry of the seed epidermiswere studied inSolanum melongena L. andS. violaceum Ort. usinglight and scanning electron microscopy. The epidermal cellsat the endosperm mother cell stage of ovule development hadthickened outer periclinal walls, consisting of two layers,a thin inner layer, and a thick outer layer. The latter whichstained positively for pectic substances became further thickenedduring the course of seed development; more so inS. melongena.The inner layer of the outer periclinal wall also was thickenedby depositions of cellulose but remained comparatively thin.The development of the inner periclinal and anticlinal wallstook place by the uneven deposition of concentric layers. Thesesecondary wall thickenings which appeared as pyramids in transversesection stained for cellulose, lignin and pectin. Further unevensecondary thickenings near the outer part of the anticlinalwalls resulted in the formation of projections which were hair-or ribbon-like in appearance. InS. melongena, these projectionsprogressed only a short distance from the anticlinal wall. InS.violaceum, on the other hand, they grew much longer formingstriations on the inside of the outer periclinal wall. InS.melongena, partial removal of the outer periclinal wall by enzymeetching exposed to surface view a beaded appearance of the cellboundaries. Complete erosion of the outer periclinal wall revealedthe hair-like projections of the underlying anticlinal walls.InS. violaceum, enzyme treatment exposed the striations whichformed bridge-like structures over the curves in the anticlinalwalls. Solanum melongena ; Solanum violaceum; seed epidermis; seed structure; seed development; cell wall histochemistry; cell wall projections; cell wall striations  相似文献   

H. L. Mogensen 《Protoplasma》1986,134(2-3):67-72
Summary Computer-generated, three-dimensional reconstructions from serial ultrathin sections were used to investigate the spatial organization and extent of association between the generative cell and vegetative nucleus within the mature pollen grain of amaryllis. In all cases examined, the highly lobed vegetative nucleus was found in close proximity and positioned laterally to the elongated, oval shaped generative cell. Numerous projections of the vegetative nucleus come to within 53 nm of the inner vegetative cell plasma membrane which surrounds the generative cell. These areas of close association may continue transversely around the generative cell for a distance of up to 4 m. Although an association exists between the generative cell and vegetative nucleus of the mature pollen grain, it is apparent that several changes must take place after pollination in order to achieve the high amount of close contact that occurs between the vegetative nucleus and the numerous terminal cell extensions of the leading sperm in the pollen tube of amaryllis (Mogensen 1986). Thus, this study demonstrates that the spatial organization among components of the male germ unit in the mature pollen grain does not necessarily reflect relationships that ultimately exist among these components within the pollen tube.  相似文献   

Generative cell division in tricellular pollen grains of Sambucusnigra L. (Caprifoliaceae) has been examined with light and electronmicroscopy. During division the generative cell is located inthe centre of the pollen grain, near to the nucleus of a surroundingvegetative cell. Conventional mitosis of the generative cellis followed by cytokinesis through centrifugal cell plate formation.Two sister sperm cells remain in spatial contact with each otherand are surrounded, as formerly their progenitor cell was, bythe vegetative cell. From the changes of shape of the generativecell during division and of the sperm cells it may be assumedthat the space between these cells and the vegetative one containsa labile, non-rigid, wall material. No plastids have been observedin the generative cell and its mitochondria appear to be unequallydistributed between the two future sperm cells during division. Sambucus nigra L., generative cell division, pollen, sperm cell association  相似文献   

Hairy roots of Daucus carota and Atropa belladonna, which wereinduced by inoculation with Agrobacterium rhizogenes that harboredthe Ri plasmid, were cultured on Murashige and Skoog's solidmedium in magnetic fields of 5 kgauss or 50 µgauss. Thegrowth rate of roots exposed to 5 kgauss was 25% greater thanthat of the control (0.01 kgauss). In the case of A. belladonna,the growth rate of the roots cultured in a field of 50 µgausswas 40 to 56% greater than that of the control (0.5 gauss).In D. carota, after more than 40 h of incubation, growth ratesin both sets of conditions (50 µgauss and control) werethe same. 4Present address: Biological Laboratory, Faculty of Education,Yamagata University, Yamagata, 990 Japan. (Received August 24, 1988; Accepted March 23, 1989)  相似文献   

A morphological analysis of the plasma membrane and peripheralendomembrane components of the unicellular chlamydomonad flagellate,Gloeomonas kupfferi, was performed. Conventional fixation, freezesubstitution, and rapid freeze-deep etch processing protocolsfor electron microscopic analyses revealed the following. Theplasma membrane is highlighted by distinct infoldings whichdo not appear to be sensitive to changes in osmotic or cellcycle conditions. These infoldings are irregularly-spaced androughly 200-225 nm apart. Each elliptical infolding is 400-440nm long and 90-115 nm wide. The exoplasmic face (EF) of eachinfolding is highlighted by an aggregation of 130-160 nm intramembranousparticles (imps) that are 9.1-10·5 nm in size. Theseinfoldings are associated with the peripheral endoplasmic reticulumnetwork and microtubular network internally and the inner walllayer externally. It is suggested that these infoldings maybe associated with cell wall maintenance.Copyright 1994, 1999Academic Press Gloeomonas, plasma membrane, infoldings, freeze fracture  相似文献   

It has been reported that in species of Plumbaginaceae, Chenopodiaceae,Cruciferae and Amaryllidaceae a ‘male germ unit’is formed in which the two male gametes remain inter-connected,with one of the pair linked intimately to the vegetative nucleus.In two species the unit has been shown to remain intact in thepollen tube, and some accounts imply that it is polarized inits movement, the vegetative nucleus leading in the tube. Evidence given in this paper indicates that such a unit is unlikelyto be present in Helleborus foetidus L. (Ranunculaceae). Applicationof an optical sectioning technique has shown that at no timeis there a persistent linkage between the generative cell andthe vegetative nucleus in unhydrated, hydrated and germinatingpollen, nor is one present in the early pollen tube. Furthermore,no inter-connections between the two entities were seen in protoplastsfrom living, hydrated and incipiently germinating grains isolatedmechanically in an osmotically balancing medium. Following germination,the vegetative nucleus leaves the grain in advance of the generativecell in most instances, but in the samples examined the generativecell led in about 30 per cent of the tubes. Assembling a polarisedmale germ unit in these circumstances would require (a) theformation of an inter-connection between the vegetative nucleusand the generative cell or one of the gametes derived from itduring passage through the tube, and (b) where the generativecell initially leads in the tube, an exchange in relative positions.It is considered improbable that these conditions could consistentlybe met. Mature, incipiently germinating pollen of H. foetidus releasesa fibrillar component when extruded into suitable media. Websor clusters of fibrils are commonly seen to be associated withboth the vegetative nucleus and the generative cell. The possibilitythat the fibrils are composed of aggregates of microfilamentsis considered. Helleborus foetidus L., pollen germination, generative cell, vegetative nucleus, male germ unit  相似文献   

Karen McCoy  R. B. Knox 《Protoplasma》1988,143(2-3):85-92
Summary Cytological changes associated with the final maturation, and dehiscence of the 16-grain compound pollen (polyads) have been followed in anthers at female and male phase of flowering. InAcacia retinodes, the transition from female to male phase takes approximately 24 h. The spherical generative cell at female phase is connected with the vegetative cell plasma membrane by a junction zone. This is sited adjacent to a germinal aperture, comprising wall ingrowths and membrane labyrinths. By male phase, the generative cell has elongated into a spindle-shape, and its surface is characteristically scalloped. The membrane labyrinths, especially those at the apertures, now contain masses of coated vesicles, implicated in the transport and secretion of proteins. Two-dimensional projections indicate that the generative cell and vegetative nucleus are closely associated forming a male germ unit.  相似文献   

Stigma-surface esterase activity and stigma receptivity througha sequence of developmental stages of the pistil have been studiedin four taxa characterized by having wet stigmas — Petuniahybrida, Nicotiana tabacum, Crinum defixum and Amaryllis vittata.The style is solid in the first two and hollow in the lattertwo taxa. In all the taxa, stigma—surface esterase couldbe detected in a thin surface layer (pellicle) from a very earlystage of pistil development, irrespective of the presence orabsence of the exudate. However, the taxa showed variation instigma receptivity. In Petunia and Nicotiana, stigmas from pistilsof all the stages supported pollen germination and tube growth.In Amaryllis and Crinum, stigmas of only the mature pistils,when the exudate is present on the stigma, supported normalpollen germination and tube growth. It is inferred that in taxacharacterized by a wet stigma and solid style, the factors requiredfor pollen germination are present from an early stage of pistildevelopment and the exudate per se is not involved in pollengermination. In taxa characterized by a wet stigma and hollowstyle, however, the pellicle does not carry the factors requiredfor pollen germination and tube growth; they appear to be presentin the exudate. Petunia hybrida Vilm, Nicotiana tabacum L., Crinum defixum, Ker-Gawl, Amaryllis vittata Ait., tobacco, pollination, pollen germination, stigmatic exudate, stigma receptivity, stigma-surface esterase, esterase activity  相似文献   

大多数植物以形成细胞权方式完成胞质分裂过程,也有些植物以类似于动物和单细胞植物在赤道区形成收缩沟的方式而分成两部分。本工作应用电镜对朱顶红体外萌发9~18小时花粉管中的生殖细胞胞质分裂进行了研究。结果表明:70%的细胞表现的是第一种方式、30%却是第二种方式。即:朱顶红生殖细胞胞质分裂同时存在两种方式。前者最初以细胞板亚单位的形式出现于有丝分裂晚后期,它们聚集于成膜体的中央区域并于分裂末期融合成一个大的连续的单位(Fig.1~3)。大量新的微管形成于两组染色体之间(Fig.1)。分裂末期,细胞板形成并具胞质通道(Fig.2)。成膜体微管规则排列并穿过胞质通道向新形成的末期核伸展(Fig.2&3)。这些微管与构成细胞板的质膜紧密联系(Fig.3)。后者则在有丝分裂后期开始(Fig.4),当两群染色体彼此分离时,生殖细胞质膜在中央区由两侧向内凹陷形成收缩沟。有时生殖细胞几乎被收缩沟分成两个部分(Fig.6)。发生缢缩的细胞中细胞器与具细胞板的无差异,但微管稀少并且排列紊乱(Fig.4&5),染色体的状态使得难以准确区分细胞分裂时期。而且核膜的形成似乎始于有丝分裂后期、出现于染色体边缘(Fig.7)。有时尚有落后  相似文献   

Root, callus, and cell suspension cultures have been establishedfrom seedlings of Atropa belladonna, L. and Atropa belladonna,cultivar lutea Döll. The growth of these cultures is described.Callus cultures transferred to auxin (-naphthaleneacetic acid)-freemedium initiated roots and shoots. Excised root cultures havebeen established from such roots and plants from such shoots.Extracts of the cultures have been submitted to the Vitali—Morinreaction and following chromatography, to the Dragendorff reaction.Cultured excised roots and plants raised from shoots initiatedon cultured callus were shown to contain atropine (hyoscyamine)and reactive substances corresponding in Rf to hyoscine andcuscohygrine. These alkaloids were absent from cultured callusand cultured cell suspensions and from leaves when initiatedwithout roots on callus. The cultured calluses and cell suspensionscontained choline (0.022–0.027 g per 100 g dry weightof root callus). The growth of cell suspension cultures wasnot inhibited by incorporating atropine sulphate, L-hyoscyamine,L-hyoscine hydrobromide, or DL-scopoline nitrate in the culturemedium at 250 mg/I. These alkaloids were absorbed by the cells,a high proportion of the added alkaloid could be recovered fromthe cultures even after 4 weeks' growth and no evidence wasobtained of the presence of degradation products of the alkaloids.The suppression of alkaloid formation in actively growing callusand cell suspension cultures is discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of cytochrome c on the mitochondrial apoptosis-induced channel MAC   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent studies indicate that cytochrome c is released early in apoptosis without loss of integrity of the mitochondrial outer membrane in some cell types. The high-conductance mitochondrial apoptosis-induced channel (MAC) forms in the outer membrane early in apoptosis of FL5.12 cells. Physiological (micromolar) levels of cytochrome c alter MAC activity, and these effects are referred to as types 1 and 2. Type 1 effects are consistent with a partitioning of cytochrome c into the pore of MAC and include a modest decrease in conductance that is dose and voltage dependent, reversible, and has an increase in noise. Type 2 effects may correspond to "plugging" of the pore or destabilization of the open state. Type 2 effects are a dose-dependent, voltage-independent, and irreversible decrease in conductance. MAC is a heterogeneous channel with variable conductance. Cytochrome c affects MAC in a pore size-dependent manner, with maximal effects of cytochrome c on MAC with conductance of 1.9–5.4 nS. The effects of cytochrome c, RNase A, and high salt on MAC indicate that size, rather than charge, is crucial. The effects of dextran molecules of various sizes indicate that the pore diameter of MAC is slightly larger than that of 17-kDa dextran, which should be sufficient to allow the passage of 12-kDa cytochrome c. These findings are consistent with the notion that MAC is the pore through which cytochrome c is released from mitochondria during apoptosis. patch clamp; ion channels  相似文献   

The influence of shaking rates (expressed as revolutions permin) on orbital shaking platforms (1 in (2.54 cm) diam. rotarymotion) on the growth of cell suspension cultures of Acer pseudoplatanusL. and Atropa belladonna cultivar lutea Döll are described.By following cell growth and respiration and the levels of oxygenand carbon dioxide in the media during the progress of incubationit is concluded that the reduction of growth at sub-optimalshaking rates is not due to oxygen deficiency or toxic accumulationof carbon dioxide. The growth of the Atropa cell suspensionin ‘closed systems’ has been studied by the developmentof modified culture vessels and evidence obtained that the reducedgrowth in the systems is due to the formation by the culturesof an unidentified volatile growth inhibitor and not to eitheroxygen depletion or toxic accumulation of either carbon dioxideor ethylene. It is suggested that the reduced growth in ‘opensystems’ cultures at sub-optimal shaking speeds is eitherdue to retention of this volatile inhibitor or to restrictionof nutrient uptake by the existence of a stationary liquid-phaseboundary to the cells.  相似文献   

THOMAS  E.; STREET  H. E. 《Annals of botany》1972,36(2):239-247
Excised root cultures of Atropa belladonna L. and A. belladonnavar. lutea Döll, established from liquid-grown seedlingsand from callus, when allowed to continue growth without subculturefor several weeks, spontaneously initiate shoot buds from smallnodules of callus which arise at the cut ends of the roots.The frequency and rapidity of formation of such buds is dependentupon the number of passages through which the roots have beensubcultured. The morphogenetic expression of callus cultures and of suspensioncultures derived from them is influenced not only by the timethat the root cultures have been maintained in culture but bythe composition of the medium used for callus initiation andsubsequent culture. The presence of elevated levels of ammoniumions in these media favours the development of incipient plantsrather than roots. Cultures have thus been obtained in whichthe predominant form of morphogenesis is embryogenesis (as establishedin a subsequent paper by Konar, Thomas, and Street, 1972).  相似文献   

Mizuta  Shun 《Plant & cell physiology》1985,26(8):1443-1453
The assembly of cellulose synthesizing complexes (terminal complexes,TCs) on the plasma membrane of Boodlea coacta was investigatedduring the formation of both the matrix-rich layer (MRL) andfibril-rich layers (FRLs) of cell walls. The TCs appeared tobe located mostly within the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane,and were observed as elliptical protrusions consisting of manyparticles of about 9 nm in diameter. Their length varied from100 to 500 nm (average, 220 nm) during MRL formation and from100 to 860 nm (average, 360 nm) during FRL formation. A correlationwas found between the length of TCs and the microfibril widthin both MRL and FRL. On the E-face of the plasma membrane, numerous round protrusions(30–130 nm in diameter), consisting of many particles,8–10 nm in diameter, were also present. Their densitywas greater during FRL formation than during MRL formation.Some of these structures larger than 100 nm were associatedwith microfibril impressions and some appeared to be bound tothe TCs. These protrusions increased in number with Calcofluortreatment but decreased in number when the dye was removed fromthe culture medium. Thus, the TCs may be assembled from massesof particles aggregated on the outer surface of the plasma membrane,and may grow longer by incorporation of these masses. The appearanceof the longer TCs during FRL formation is probably due to thegreater density of these masses. (Received May 1, 1985; Accepted August 16, 1985)  相似文献   

In this study, polyclonal anti-myosin antibodies were used for immunogold labeling of ultrathin sections of pollen tubes ofNicotiana tabacum L. to unravel the ultrastructural localization of myosin associated with the generative cells. Clusters of immunogold particles were consistently found in association with the area of the outer surface of the vegetative cell plasma membrane present around the generative cell. Compared to the generative cell cytoplasm, the nucleoplasm showed higher numbers of gold particles. This is the first direct evidence demonstrating the presence of myosin in the nuclei of the generative cell of flowering plants. The possible implications of these findings are discussed in relation to movement of the generative cell in the pollen tube cytoplasm.  相似文献   

FORGE  A. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(2):455-460
A non-pellicle-forming culture of Acetobacter xylinum, isolatedfrom a pellicle-forming culture by repeated transfer of thelatter through agitated medium, has been examined. The cellsof the non-pellicle-producing culture are often greatly elongatedand possess a profusion of intra-cytoplasmic membranes. Freeze-fracturedcells reveal extensive face views of both the outer and cytoplasmicmembranes and show a cell coat composed of a large number ofshort fibrils arising from the outer membrane. X-ray diffractionof the cells in some cases shows the cellulose-I pattern butshadow-contrasted preparations do not show long microfibrils.It is suggested that the non-pellicle formers produce celluloseas only very short microfibrils which are synthesised all overthe cell surface and that there are changes in the outer membranecompared to pellicle-producing cells. The possible significanceof these differences between pellicle-forming and non-pellicle-formingA. xylinum strains is discussed.  相似文献   

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