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The pH-induced conformational change of influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) has been investigated by calculating the change of electrostatic energy of the fragment of HA2 upon pH change. The average charge and electrostatic free energy are calculated as a function of pH for the fusion peptide (residues 1-20 of HA2) and the polypeptide of residues 54-77 of HA2 by using the finite difference Poisson-Boltzmann method. It is found that as pH decreases from 8 to 5, the electrostatic free energy of the fusogenic state is lowered by approximately 2 kcal/mol and the fusogenic state is less ionized compared to that of the native state for both polypeptides. For the fusion peptide at the fusogenic state, most of ionizable residues are neutral at acidic pH except Glu-11. For the polypeptide of residues 54-77 at the fusogenic state, most of residues except Glu-74 and His-64 are fully charged between pH 5 and pH 8.  相似文献   

The hemagglutinin (HA) spike glycoprotein of influenza virus catalyzes a low pH-induced membrane fusion event which releases the viral genome into the host cell cytoplasm. To study the fusion mechanism in more detail, we have prepared the ectodomain of HA in water-soluble form by treating virus particles with bromelain. Under mildly acidic conditions (pH less than or equal to 5.8), the ectodomain undergoes a conformational change which we found to be biochemically and immunologically equivalent to that in native viral HA. It became sensitive to proteinase K, it exposed new antigenic epitopes in its HA1 chain, and it acquired amphiphilic properties, notably the ability to bind to liposomes. The attachment to liposomes exhibited the same pH dependence and rapid kinetics as the conformational change and was mediated by HA2. The nature of the attachment resembled that of an integral membrane protein except that the bound HA was partially removed by base. As observed for virus fusion, attachment is independent of divalent cations and lipid composition. Temperature was found to be a critical parameter only with dimyristoylphosphatidycholine vesicles where attachment was partially blocked below the major phase transition. These and other results obtained indicated that the low pH-induced conformational change in the isolated ectodomain is equivalent to that occurring in intact viral HA, and that its attachment to liposomes can serve as a model for the initial stages in the HA-induced membrane fusion reaction.  相似文献   

4,4'-bis(1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonic acid (Bis-ANS), an environment-sensitive fluorescent probe for hydrophobic region of proteins, binds specifically to the C-terminal domain of lambda repressor. The binding is characterized by positive cooperativity, the magnitude of which is dependent on protein concentration in the concentration range where dimeric repressor aggregates to a tetramer. In this range, positive cooperativity becomes more pronounced at higher protein concentrations. This suggests a preferential binding of Bis-ANS to the dimeric form of the repressor. Binding of single operator OR1 to the N-terminal domain of the repressor causes enhancement of fluorescence of the C-terminal domain bound Bis-ANS. The binding of single operator OR1 also leads to quenching of fluorescence of tryptophan residues, all of which are located in the hinge or the C-terminal domain. Thus two different fluorescent probes indicate an operator-induced conformational change which affects the C-terminal domain. The significance of this conformational change with respect to the function of lambda repressor has been discussed.  相似文献   

This communication introduces a simple method to determine the pKs of microscopic ionizations from complex titration curves. We used this approach to study the alkaline transition (pH-dependent ligand exchange) of mitochondrial cytochrome c. The linearization of titration curves permitted resolution of two to three limiting microscopic ionizations. By combining these data with studies of the temperature dependence of ligand-exchange equilibria, we found evidence that the alkaline transition comprises two chemically distinct processes: the deprotonation of the alternative ligands and the break of the iron-methionine ligation bond. We also noted that, in the horse and untrimethylated S. cerevisiae iso-1 cytochromes c, the permissible deprotonation of the epsilon-amino group of Lys(72) allows formation of an alkaline isomer at lower pH, with lesser stability, which leads to hysteresis in the titration curves. The linearization of the titration curves for different cytochromes c thus brings insight on the microscopic contributions to conformational stability.  相似文献   

The multidomain structure of soybean LOX1 was examined over the pH range 1-12. Lipoxygenase-1 activity was reversible over broad pH range of 4-10 due to the reversibility of conformational states of the molecule. Below pH 4.0, due to collapse in hydrophobic interactions, the enzyme unfolded to an irreversible conformation with the properties of molten globule state with a mid point of transition at pH 2.4. This intermediate state lost iron irreversibly. In alkaline pH at 11.5, LOX1 underwent partial unfolding with the exposure of cysteine residues with subsequent oxidation of a pair of cysteine residues in the C-terminal domain and this intermediate showed some properties of molten globule state and retained 35% of activity. Beyond pH 12.0, the enzyme was completely inactivated irreversibly due to irreversible conformational changes. The pH-dependent urea-induced unfolding of LOX1 suggested that LOX1 was more stable at pH 7.0 and least stable at pH 9.0. Furthermore, the urea-induced unfolding of LOX1 indicated that the unfolding was biphasic due to pH-dependent domain interactions and involved sequential unfolding of domains. The loss of enzyme activity at pH 4. 0 and 7.0 occurred much earlier to unfolding of the C-domain at all pHs studied. The combination of urea-induced unfolding measurements and limited proteolysis experiments suggested that at pH 4.0, the domains in LOX1 were less interactive and existed as tightly folded units. Furthermore, these results confirmed the contribution of ionic interactions in the interdomain contacts.  相似文献   

Clostridial neurotoxins are internalized inside acidic compartments, wherefrom the catalytic chain translocates across the membrane into the cytosol in a low pH-driven process, reaching its proteolytic substrates. The pH range in which the structural rearrangement of clostridial neurotoxins takes place was determined by 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonate and tryptophan fluorescence measurements. Half conformational change was attained at pH 4.55, 4.50, 4.40, 4.60, 4.40, and 4.40 for tetanus neurotoxin and botulinum neurotoxin serotypes /A, /B, /C, /E, and /F, respectively. This similarity indicates the key residues for the conformation transition are strongly conserved. Acidic liposomes support the conformational rearrangement shifting the effect versus higher pH values, whereas zwitterionic liposomes do not. The disulfide bridge linking the light and the heavy chains together needs to be oxidized to allow toxin membrane insertion, indicating that in vivo its reduction follows exposure to the cytosol after penetration of the endosomal membrane.  相似文献   

The N-terminal domain of the influenza hemagglutinin (HA) is the only portion of the molecule that inserts deeply into membranes of infected cells to mediate the viral and the host cell membrane fusion. This domain constitutes an autonomous folding unit in the membrane, causes hemolysis of red blood cells and catalyzes lipid exchange between juxtaposed membranes in a pH-dependent manner. Combining NMR structures determined at pHs 7.4 and 5 with EPR distance constraints, we have deduced the structures of the N-terminal domain of HA in the lipid bilayer. At both pHs, the domain is a kinked, predominantly helical amphipathic structure. At the fusogenic pH 5, however, the domain has a sharper bend, an additional 3(10)-helix and a twist, resulting in the repositioning of Glu 15 and Asp 19 relative to that at the nonfusogenic pH 7.4. Rotation of these charged residues out of the membrane plane creates a hydrophobic pocket that allows a deeper insertion of the fusion domain into the core of the lipid bilayer. Such an insertion mode could perturb lipid packing and facilitate lipid mixing between juxtaposed membranes.  相似文献   

ERp57, a member of the protein-disulfide isomerase family, although mainly localized in the endoplasmic reticulum is here shown to have a nuclear distribution. We previously showed the DNA-binding properties of ERp57, its association with the internal nuclear matrix, and identified the C-terminal region, containing the a' domain, as being directly involved in the DNA-binding activity. In this work, we demonstrate that its DNA-binding properties are strongly dependent on the redox state of the a' domain active site. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments on the first cysteine residue of the -CGHC-thioredoxin-like active site lead to a mutant domain (C406S) lacking DNA-binding activity. Biochemical studies on the recombinant domain revealed a conformational change associated with the redox-dependent formation of a homodimer, having two disulfide bridges between the cysteine residues of two a' domain active sites. The formation of intermolecular disulfide bridges rather than intramolecular oxidation of active site cysteines is important to generate species with DNA-binding properties. Thus, in the absence of any dedicated motif within the protein sequence, this structural rearrangement might be responsible for the DNA-binding properties of the C-terminal domain. Moreover, NADH-dependent thioredoxin reductase is active on intermolecular disulfides of the a' domain, allowing the control of dimeric protein content as well as its DNA-binding activity. A similar behavior was also observed for whole ERp57.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic domain of influenza M2 protein (M2c) consists of 54 amino acid (aa) residues from aa44 to aa97. In this paper, M2c and its deletion mutant M2cΔ47-55 were expressed using prokaryotic expression system. First, glutaraldehyde crosslinking assay showed that M2c had multimerization potential mediated by aa47-55. Then, M2c, instead of M2cΔ47-55, directed eGFP from the whole cell localization to a predominately perinuclear region in CHO cells, which indicated that aa47-55 of M2c mediated the localization. Moreover, M2c colocalized with caveolin-1 (Cav) when CHO cells were cotransfected with Cav. A caveolin-1 binding motif ΦxxxxΦxxΦ (Φ represents aromatic amino acid residues) in aa47-55 of M2c was found by sequence alignment and analysis. Further overlay ELISA result showed that M2c, but not M2cΔ47-55, bound to prokaryotically expressed cholesterol-free Cav2-101, which illustrated the interaction could be cholesterol-independent. That was the first report of cellular protein bound to M2c.  相似文献   

The M2 protein from influenza A virus is a 97-residue homotetrameric membrane protein that functions as a proton channel. To determine the features required for the assembly of this protein into its native tetrameric state, the protein was prepared by total synthesis using native chemical ligation of unprotected peptide segments. Circular dichroism spectroscopy of synthetic M2 protein in dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles indicated that approximately 40 residues were in an alpha-helical secondary structure. The tetramerization of the full-length protein was compared to that of a 25-residue transmembrane (TM) fragment. Analytical ultracentrifugation demonstrated that both the peptide and the full-length protein in DPC micelles existed in a monomer-tetramer equilibrium. Comparison of the association constants for the two sequences showed the free energy of tetramerization of the full-length protein was more favorable by approximately 7 kcal/mol. Partial proteolysis of DPC-solubilized M2 was used as a further probe of the structure of the full-length protein. A 15-20-residue segment C-terminal to the membrane-spanning region was found to be highly resistant to digestion by chymotrypsin and trypsin. This region, which we have modeled as an extension of the TM helices, may help to stabilize the tetrameric assembly.  相似文献   

Membrane protein function within the membrane interstices is achieved by mechanisms that are not typically available to water-soluble proteins. The whole balance of molecular interactions that stabilize three-dimensional structure in the membrane environment is different from that in an aqueous environment. As a result interhelical interactions are often dominated by non-specific van der Waals interactions permitting dynamics and conformational heterogeneity in these interfaces. Here, solid-state NMR data of the transmembrane domain of the M2 protein from influenza A virus are used to exemplify such conformational plasticity in a tetrameric helical bundle. Such data lead to very high resolution structural restraints that can identify both subtle and substantial structural differences associated with various states of the protein. Spectra from samples using two different preparation protocols, samples prepared in the presence and absence of amantadine, and spectra as a function of pH are used to illustrate conformational plasticity.  相似文献   

Membrane protein function within the membrane interstices is achieved by mechanisms that are not typically available to water-soluble proteins. The whole balance of molecular interactions that stabilize three-dimensional structure in the membrane environment is different from that in an aqueous environment. As a result interhelical interactions are often dominated by non-specific van der Waals interactions permitting dynamics and conformational heterogeneity in these interfaces. Here, solid-state NMR data of the transmembrane domain of the M2 protein from influenza A virus are used to exemplify such conformational plasticity in a tetrameric helical bundle. Such data lead to very high resolution structural restraints that can identify both subtle and substantial structural differences associated with various states of the protein. Spectra from samples using two different preparation protocols, samples prepared in the presence and absence of amantadine, and spectra as a function of pH are used to illustrate conformational plasticity.  相似文献   

Phospholipase C-gamma1 displayed sigmoidal kinetics with a S(0.5) value of 0.17 mole fraction PIP(2) when assayed at pH 6.8 using detergent:lipid mixed micelles. The pH optimum for hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate by phospholipase C-gamma1 was dependent on the mole fraction of substrate in the micelle. The pH optimum was 5.5 when the enzyme was assayed below the S(0.5). The pH optima shifted to a pH range of 6.0-6.3 when the enzyme was assayed above the S(0.5). The kinetic parameters for phospholipase C-gamma1 assayed at various pH values from pH 7.0 to 5.0 yielded similar n values (n=4), but the constant, K', decreased from 1x10(-2) (mole fraction)(2) at pH 7.0 to 1x10(-5) (mole fraction)(2) at pH 5.0. Maximum enzyme specificity occurred at pH values below pH 6.0 as determined by the plot of logk(cat)/S(0.5) versus pH. Intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy revealed that at a pH value above 7.0 or below 6.3, tryptophan quenching occurred. Fluorescence quenching experiments performed with acrylamide determined phospholipase C-gamma1 incubated at pH 5.0 had a larger collisional quenching constant than enzyme incubated at pH 7.0. Lowering the pH to 5.0 apparently resulted in interior tryptophans becoming more solvent accessible. These data suggest that pH may activate phospholipase C-gamma1 by disrupting ionizable groups leading to a conformational change.  相似文献   

Polishchuk AL  Lear JD  Ma C  Lamb RA  Pinto LH  Degrado WF 《Biochemistry》2010,49(47):10061-10071
The influenza A/M2 protein exhibits inwardly rectifying, pH-activated proton transport that saturates at low pH. A comparison of high-resolution structures of the transmembrane domain at high and low pH suggests that pH-dependent conformational changes may facilitate proton conduction by alternately changing the accessibility of the N-terminal and C-terminal regions of the channel as a proton transits through the transmembrane domain. Here, we show that M2 functionally reconstituted in liposomes populates at least three different conformational states over a physiologically relevant pH range, with transition midpoints that are consistent with previously reported His37 pK(a) values. We then develop and test two similar, quantitative mechanistic models of proton transport, where protonation shifts the equilibrium between structural states having different proton affinities and solvent accessibilities. The models account well for a collection of experimental data sets over a wide range of pH values and voltages and require only a small number of adjustable parameters to accurately describe the data. While the kinetic models do not require any specific conformation for the protein, they nevertheless are consistent with a large body of structural information based on high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance and crystallographic structures, optical spectroscopy, and molecular dynamics calculations.  相似文献   

The behavior of insects and their perception of their surroundings are driven, in a large part, by odorants and pheromones. This is especially true for social insects, such as the honey bee, where the queen controls the development and the caste status of the other individuals. Pheromone perception is a complex phenomenon relying on a cascade of recognition events, initiated in antennae by pheromone recognition by a pheromone-binding protein and finishing with signal transduction at the axon membrane level. With to the objective of deciphering this initial step, we have determined the structures of the bee antennal pheromone-binding protein (ASP1) in the apo form and in complex with the main component of the queen mandibular pheromonal mixture, 9-keto-2(E)-decenoic acid (9-ODA) and with nonpheromonal components. In the apo protein, the C terminus obstructs the binding site. In contrast, ASP1 complexes have different open conformations, depending on the ligand shape, leading to different volumes of the binding cavity. The binding site integrity depends on the C terminus (111-119) conformation, which involves the interplay of two factors; i.e. the presence of a ligand and a low pH. Ligand binding to ASP1 is favored by low pH, opposite to what is observed with other pheromone-binding proteins, such as those of Bombyx mori and Anopheles gambiae.  相似文献   

Gupta S  Warne A  Saraste M  Mazumdar S 《Biochemistry》2001,40(20):6180-6189
The pH-induced conformational transition in the CuA domain of subunit II of cytochrome oxidase of Paracoccus denitrificans (PdII) has been investigated using various spectroscopic and stopped-flow kinetic methods. UV-visible absorption and circular dichroism studies showed that an increase in pH from 6 to 10 leads to a conformation change with pK(a) = 8.2 associated with the CuA site of the protein. The secondary structure of the protein was, however, shown to remain unchanged in these two conformational states. Thermal and urea-induced unfolding studies showed that the "low-pH" conformation is more stable compared to the "high-pH" conformation of the protein. Moreover, the overall stability of the protein was found to decrease on reduction of the metal centers in the low-pH form, while the oxidation state of the metal centers did not have any significant effect on the overall stability of the protein in the high-pH form. Stopped-flow pH-jump kinetic studies suggested that the conformational transition is associated with a slow deprotonation step followed by fast conformational equilibrium. The results are discussed in the light of understanding the pH-induced conformational change in the beta-barrel structure of the protein and its effect on the coordination geometry of the metal site.  相似文献   

Weng J  Tan C  Shen JR  Yu Y  Zeng X  Xu C  Ruan K 《Biochemistry》2004,43(16):4855-4861
In this paper, we analyzed the pH-induced changes in the conformational states of the manganese-stabilizing protein (MSP) of photosystem II. Distinct conformational states of MSP were identified using fluorescence spectra, far-UV circular dichroism, and pressure-induced unfolding at varying suspension pH values, and four different conformational states of MSP were clearly distinguished using the center of fluorescence spectra mass when suspension pH was altered from 2 to 12. MSP was completely unfolded at a suspension pH above 11 and partly unfolded below a pH of 3. Analysis of the center of fluorescence spectral mass showed that the MSP structure appears stably folded around pH 6 and 4. The conformational state of MSP at pH 4 seems more stable than that at pH 6. Studies of peak positions of tryptophan fluorescence and MSP-bound 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid fluorescence spectra supported this observation. A decrease in the suspension pH to 2 resulted in significant alterations in the MSP structure possibly because of protonation of unprotonated residues at lower pH, suggesting the existence of a large number of unprotonated amino acid residues at neutral pH possibly useful for proton transport in oxygen evolution. The acidic pH-induced conformational changes of MSP were reversible upon increase of pH to neutral pH; however, N-bromosuccinimide modification of tryptophan (Trp241) blocks the recovery of pH-induced conformational changes in MSP, implying that Trp241 is a key residue for the unfolded protein to form a functional structure. Thus, pH-induced structural changes of stable MSP (pH 6-4) may be utilized to analyze its functionality as a cofactor for oxygen evolution.  相似文献   

The decrease of the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence intensity of purified influenza (X31 strain) hemagglutinin (HA) was used to monitor the low pH-induced conformational change of this protein. The kinetics of the fluorescence decrease depended strongly on the pH. At pH optimal for fusion, the change in tryptophan fluorescence was fast and could be fitted to a monoexponential function. We measured a rate constant of 5.78 s-1 (t1/2 = 120 ms) at pH 4.9 using rapid stopped-flow mixing. Under suboptimal conditions (higher pH), the rate constant was decreased by an order of magnitude. In addition, a slow component appeared and the fluorescence decrease followed a sum of two exponentials. The kinetics of conformational changes were compared with those of the fusion of influenza virus with red blood cell membranes as assessed by the R18-dequenching assay. At optimal pH the HA conformational change was not rate-limiting for the fusion process. However, at sub-optimal pH, the slow transition to the fusogenic conformational of HA resulted in slower kinetics and decreased extent of fusion.  相似文献   

The state of the coat protein of bacteriophage M13, reconstituted into amphiphilic media, has been investigated. The in situ conformation of the coat protein has been determined by using circular dichroism. Minimum numbers for the protein aggregation in the system have been determined after disruption of the lipid-protein system and subsequent uptake of the protein in cholate micelles. The aggregational state and conformation of the protein were affected by (1) the method of coat protein isolation (phenol extraction vs cholate isolation), (2) the nature of amphiphiles used (variation in phospholipid headgroups and acyl chains), and (3) the ratio of amphiphiles and protein. Under all conditions, phenol-extracted coat protein was in a predominantly beta-structure and in a highly aggregated polymeric form. Cholate-isolated coat protein was initially oligomeric and contained a substantial amount of alpha-helix. Below an aggregation number of 20, this protein showed a reversible aggregation with no change in conformation. Upon further aggregation, a conformational change was observed, and aggregation was irreversible, resulting in predominantly beta-structured coat protein polymers. This effect was observed upon uptake in phospholipids at low lipid to protein molar ratios (L/P ratios) and with phosphatidylcholines (PC) and phosphatidic acids (PA) containing saturated acyl chains. After reconstitution in phospholipids with unsaturated acyl chains and with phosphatidylglycerols (PG) at high L/P ratios, the original alpha-helix-containing state of the coat protein was maintained. Cross-linking experiments demonstrated that the beta-polymers are able to form reversible superaggregates within the vesicle system. An aggregation-related conformational change mechanism for the coat protein in phospholipid systems is proposed.  相似文献   

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