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本文讨论了从中新世末期到晚更新世在欧亚大陆已绝灭的大角鹿类。原始大角鹿头骨某些特点与晚中新世的Cervavitus鹿相似。已知欧洲最古老的大角鹿化石是Neomegaloceros gracilis,亚洲是Praesinomegaceros asiaticus。更新世时欧洲大角鹿类存在两个支系:一支与Megaceros giganteus相连,另一支与Praemegaceros verticornis相连。中国大角鹿类由晚上新世在苏联塔什干地区发现的塔什干大角鹿Sinomegaceros tadzhikistanis进化而来。  相似文献   

大角鹿是我国北方中-晚更新世遗址中最常见动物化石之一,也是更新世期间我国北方动物群的代表性动物之一。除周口店地区之外,其他遗址出土的大角鹿化石都十分零碎,极少有完整的大角鹿鹿角发现。再加上对大角鹿不同年龄阶段鹿角的发育情况更是知之甚少,因此,以往仅凭鹿角形态所做的分类值得商榷。2018年,在河北省蔚县南柏山旧石器时代遗址发现1件几乎完整的大角鹿鹿角化石。鹿角很大,眉枝和主枝掌部都呈薄片状,掌部无指突;眉枝和主枝掌部的延展面基本一致,但不完全平行,主枝角干在基部有明显弯曲,但“S”形并不明显,总体特征与晚更新世河套大角鹿(Sinomegaceros ordosianus)的基本一致。该标本是迄今发现的最完整的河套大角鹿角化石。含该化石的地层成因尚不确定,初步的光释光测年结果是距今约11万年前,属于旧石器时代中期。  相似文献   

陕西洛川黑木沟有发育完好的黄土剖面。各黄土层中几乎都产有哺乳类化石,找到者以鼢鼠类为主。中更新统中(或中上)部的洛川大角鹿(Megaloceros luochuanensis)是一新种,其主要构造特征介于扁角大角鹿及河套大角鹿之间。  相似文献   

在距今二百万年左右的第四纪期间,大角鹿是广泛分布于欧亚大陆的鹿类动物。就是说,在全北区中,都有大角鹿的踪迹。大角鹿具有巨大的掌状角,肿厚的颌骨等方面的特点,常引起古生物学者的注意。更为特别是,这种引人注目的鹿类化石,常常与人类化石相伴生。我国境内著名的北京人、篮田人及大荔人等相伴生的动物群中,都有众多的大角鹿化石出现。同人类化石一起出现,多少显示了这种鹿类化石是远古人类狩猎的对象。大角鹿化石最为显著和别具一格的特点是具有肿厚的颌骨及巨大的掌状角。著名的北京猿人地点的大角鹿化石,由已故杨钟健教授命名为肿骨鹿。顾名思义,就是根据其肿厚的颌骨而命名。正因为有如  相似文献   

中国境内大角鹿属的下颌骨厚度问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国境内的大角鹿属是第四纪期间与人类化石相伴生的重要动物化石,过去常根据下颌骨厚度指数来鉴定大角鹿属各个种,现在看来,其角的形态变化,才是最重要依据.在中国大角鹿主要分布于北方地区,早期类型生存于温暖地带,晚期生存于稍寒冷一些地带.  相似文献   

河套大角鹿是几万年前(更新世晚期)生活在河套地区的一种大型的鹿,它的角比现代鹿的角要大得多。当时这个地区的气候比现在湿润,草原中分布有较大的湖泊,附近又长有树林。河套大角鹿就生活在草原边缘的树林里,以树叶、嫩枝为食。和它共同生活在这个地区的还有原始牛、水牛、赤鹿、野猪、纳玛古象、披毛犀、野马、转角羚羊、鸵鸟等等,河套大角鹿及上述一些动物都是当时生活在这个地区的“河套人”的狩猎对象。  相似文献   

嶂山化石地点位于淮河下游、马陵山南端的人工河——新沂河的河床上。该化石点最早报道于1953年,是淮河下游为数不多的更新世化石点之一。本文报道了嶂山化石点近年新出土的一批动物化石,动物群包括:龟鳖类、扬子鳄(相似种)、虎、淮河古菱齿象、蒙古野驴、梅氏犀、李氏野猪、河套大角鹿、葛氏斑鹿和草原野牛。嶂山的扬子鳄(相似种)是该物种在更新世化石记录中分布最北的,而草原野牛则是该物种最靠南的化石记录。嶂山的古菱齿象被归入淮河古菱齿象,因其齿板数多于纳玛古菱齿象,而牙齿尺寸大于诺氏古菱齿象。嶂山河套大角鹿的下颌提供了该物种仅有的下颊齿列长度数据,证明晚更新世的河套大角鹿具有相对弱的角枝、纤细的下颌和延长的齿列,支持了中国大角鹿属(Sinomegaceros)在角枝粗壮度、下颌肿厚度和齿列长度之间的演化关联性。嶂山动物群中蒙古野驴、河套大角鹿是典型的晚更新世物种,且成员多为绝灭种,推断年代很可能为晚更新世的早段。嶂山动物群组合反映了相对温暖湿润的气候,显示当时的骆马湖一带兼有湿地、森林和草地。嶂山化石点也为马陵山地区旧石器遗存的相关研究提供了新的生物地层学参照。  相似文献   

杨睿  赵祺 《化石》2005,(2):38-39
乳齿象、大角鹿、剑齿虎,这些哺乳动物曾在地球上构成一道壮观的风景线,类似这些体重大于44公斤的动物群体被称之为大动物群。57万年前,大陆上栖息着的大动物群超过150属,然而到了1万年前,至少已有97属绝灭了。解释这场绝灭有着不同的学说;较占优势的分别有:人类活动影响,环境的变化以及两的相互作用。现今,来自最新的气候学、生态学、考古学、古生物学的证据又是如何解释史前这场对大动物群发动的“政变”呢?  相似文献   

新的发现甘肃兰州发现更新世晚期的赤鹿化石。──薛仰敬浙江义乌市塔山乡剡溪村发现恐龙蛋化石。──许文巨、傅健内蒙古大窑遗址又出土化石,其中有河套大角鹿、剑齿虎、熊、普氏羚羊、原始牛、转角羚羊、披毛犀等动物化石,在这些化石中还发现有人工打制的石器。──王...  相似文献   

<正> 1974年,作者在宁夏工作时,地质局潘行适工程师交给我一哺乳动物化石要求鉴定,这是宁夏首次发现的大角鹿.考虑到宁夏含中更新世哺乳动物的地层剖面鲜有报道,特在此记述之.化石发现于同心县张家塬郭井沟的南沟瑙.地层出露如次:4)Q_3:灰黄色粉砂岩(新黄土或马兰黄土)1.5米  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2008,73(5):388-391
To describe the yearling antler cycle of pampas deer bucks (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) 22 bucks and 72 antler cycles have been studied in a semi-captive population. Date of individual antler cast, first day on which the brow and the trez tine were observed, and day of the velvet shedding were registered. Time intervals (days) between first and second antler casts, between first antler cast and the brow tine observation, between brow and trez tines observation and from first antler cast to velvet shedding were calculated. The brow and the trez tine were first observed 22.8±0.6 and 45.9±0.9 days after the first antler cast. Velvet shedding was observed 103.3±2.1 days after the first antler cast. Both antlers casts were observed earlier in adult cycle bucks than in first antler bucks, although the interval between both casts was not different. The interval from the brow tine observation to the trez tine observation was shorter in first antler cycle bucks than in adults. As in other deer species, antler cycle was seasonal, but persistence of cycle-to-cycle antler growth well into adulthood is different from what occurs in most deer species.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(67):27-40

Bone awls and utilized antler tines from Arnold Research Cave in central Missouri were microscopically examined to determine the type, location, and orientation of wear on them. It is assumed that similar wear patterns indicate similar use and, conversely, dissimilar wear patterns indicate divergent use. The awls were first divided into morphological types as proposed by Kidder (1932). The wear patterns on the awls were then compared both on members within a single morphological type and on members in different morphological types. It is concluded: (1) awls within a single morphological type may exhibit evidence of divergent use, and (2) members of different morphological types may exhibit evidence of similar use. Since the antler tines are morphologically similar, they are classified on the basis of wear patterns. Four different patterns of striations and the presence of abrasion on the distal end indicates there are five classes of antler tine tools in the sample  相似文献   

萨拉乌苏组中发现的肿骨鹿化石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许春华 《人类学学报》1987,6(3):245-248
作者认为在萨拉乌苏组中发现的下颌骨肿厚的鹿类化石,与周口店第1地点的肿骨鹿化石较为接近,建议将它归于肿骨鹿。  相似文献   

重庆市巫山县庙宇盆地的玉米洞是一处旧石器时代遗址,出土了大量的哺乳动物化石,其中的鹿科动物化石计有3属3种,且均有保存状态较好的角化石,为华南中–晚更新世鹿科化石的研究提供了很好的参考。大赤麂Muntiacus muntjak margae以角的尺寸较大为显著特征,在玉米洞中仅见于中更新世晚期地层中;黑鹿Rusa unicolor的角粗壮、纹饰深,眉枝长且与主枝的夹角为锐角,二者是华南中–晚更新世大熊猫–剑齿象动物群中的常见成员。葛氏斑鹿Cervus (Sika) grayi的角相对纤细、表面纹饰弱、主枝与眉枝夹角为钝角,是在西南地区的首次确切报道。R.unicolor化石标本在玉米洞遗址多数地层可见,而C.(S.) grayi则仅见于代表冰期气候的少数层位中,显示了玉米洞遗址堆积形成时期的古环境波动。  相似文献   

G.B. Hartl  F. Klein    R. Willing    M. Aapollonio    G. Lang 《Journal of Zoology》1995,237(1):83-100
In order to examine a previously hypothesized influence of selective hunting on allele frequency changes at some regularly polymorphic allozyme loci in red deer ( Cervus eluphus ), antler characters, serving as criteria for culling, were examined in relation to electrophoretic variation in two free-ranging populations of the Vosges, Eastern France, and an enclosure in Central France. When homozygous for the allele Idh-2 125, stags ≥ 2 years old had a significantly higher number of antler points (NAP). When homozygous for the allele Acp-2 100, stags older than 5 years had antlers that were significantly larger for a number of traits (NAP, main beam length and circumference, coronet circumference, brow tine length). Among younger stags, all antler traits in Acp-2 100 homozygotes were significantly smaller than in carriers of the alternative allele, Acp-2 85. Our data suggest the presence of at least two independent genetic components (one associated with early development of a high NAP, the other with generally large antler size in adults), affecting antler expression in red deer. Those genetic components, possibly major genes which are chromosomally linked with the allozyme loci studied, compensate or reinforce each other in their phenotypic effects. By playing a role in balancing benefits and costs of male reproductive success, they may be part of a genetic mechanism enabling the rapid adaptation of a population to various environmental and demographic conditions. The three populations studied originate from one another, and, based on an assessment of effective population sizes, it could be demonstrated that selective hunting for antler shape has changed allelic frequencies at the associated marker loci within a few generations.  相似文献   

记吉林集安仙人洞的鹿类化石,兼述我国斑鹿化石的分类   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文记述了产于吉林省集安县大路乡仙人洞洞穴堆积中的晚更新世鹿超科化石。这些化石可以分别归入麝科Moschidae和鹿科Cervidae,共四个种:Moschus moschiferus, Cervus (Sika) nippon horiulorum, Megaloceros ordosianus和Capreolus manchuricus。它们代表四种大小不同的鹿类动物,同为我国北方猛犸象-披毛犀动物群的成员。本文还指出斑鹿亚属的拉丁学名应为Sika,而不是Pseudaxis。产于我国的斑鹿化石可分为四个种。  相似文献   

Bone mineralization of antlers and the depth of the antler seal (the basal surface of the cast antlers) are positively related to testosterone concentrations. Pampas deer males that are in permanent contact with females have greater, heavier, and darker antlers than males that are isolated from them. The objectives were to determine if antler compact/spongy bone ratio, antler seal depth, and compact bone darkness are greater in pampas deer males permanently allocated with females than those in males isolated from them. Antlers from males permanently allocated with or without females were cut transversally in seven points and scanned, and the compact/spongy ratio was calculated. The pixel intensity of each image was determined with a software for image analysis. The coronet of the antler was cut longitudinally, and the height of the most prominent protrusion was measured. The compact/spongy ratio was greater in antlers from males that were in contact with females in the second tine (P?=?0.02) and tended to be great in the two other tines (P?=?0.06 and P?=?0.1, respectively). Compact bone pixel color was darker in males in contact with females than that in males isolated from females in two points (P?=?0.02 and P?=?0.05, respectively) and tended to do so in two more (P?=?0.055 and P?=?0.1, respectively). Antler seal convexity was also greater in antlers from males in contact with females (P?=?0.006). We concluded that permanent contact with females stimulated pampas deer males increasing compact bone portion of the antler tines, the seal depth size, and the darkness of the compact bone.  相似文献   

Nine species of psychrolutids kept in the Marine Zoology of Hokkaido University were found to carry eight species of copepod parasites. The parasites and their hosts are: Bobkabata kabatabobbus Hogans and Benz, 1990 on Malacocottus zonurus Bean; Chondracanthus parvus n. sp. on Eurymen gyrinus Gilbert and Burke; Chondracanthus yabei n. sp. on Dasycottus setiger Bean and M. zonurus; Ch. yanezi Atria, 1980 on Psychrolutes phrictus Stein and Bond; Caligus similis n. sp. on Neophrynichthys latus (Hutton); Clavella adunca (Str?m, 1762) on M. zonurus; Neobrachiella amphipacifica Ho, 1982 on Ambophthalmos angustus (Nelson), Cottunculus sp., D. setiger, Ebinania brephocephala (Jordan and Starks), E. vermiculata Sakamoto, and P. phrictus; and Naobranchia occidentalis Wilson, 1915 on D. setiger and M. zonurus. Chondracanthus parvus is closest to Ch. deltoideus Fraser, 1920, but differs from it in having only one pair of small knobs on the head and carrying a pair of lateral processes on the second pediger. Chondracanthus yabei resembles Ch. yanezi Atria, 1980, but can be distinguished from it by the presence of three, low protrusions on the mid-dorsal surface of the trunk; besides, maxillule also shows difference. As the name indicates, C. similis resembles several species of Caligus that bear a short abdomen and a formula of I; IV on the exopod of leg 4. However, it can be separated from them by the combination of the following characters: a genital complex distinctly smaller than the cephalothoracic shield, a pair of relatively short caudal rami, a smooth dentiform process on maxillule, and a pair of truncate tines on sternal furca. Analysis of the occurrence of Chondracanthus on the psychrolutid fishes shows that the phylogeny of Chondracanthus is in congruence with that of the Psychrolutidae. It implies that parasitism of Chondracanthus occurred after the Dasycottus clade diverged off the main stock of the Psychrolutidae and the occurrence of Ch. yabei on D. setiger is resulted from a later colonization.  相似文献   

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