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Little is known about the mechanisms that direct neural crest cells to the appropriate migratory pathways. Our aim was to determine how neural crest cells that are specified as neurons and glial cells only migrate ventrally and are prevented from migrating dorsolaterally into the skin, whereas neural crest cells specified as melanoblasts are directed into the dorsolateral pathway. Eph receptors and their ephrin ligands have been shown to be essential for migration of many cell types during embryonic development. Consequently, we asked if ephrin-B proteins participate in the guidance of melanoblasts along the dorsolateral pathway, and prevent early migratory neural crest cells from invading the dorsolateral pathway. Using Fc fusion proteins, we detected the expression of ephrin-B ligands in the dorsolateral pathway at the stage when neural crest cells are migrating ventrally. Furthermore, we show that ephrins block dorsolateral migration of early-migrating neural crest cells because when we disrupt the Eph-ephrin interactions by addition of soluble ephrin-B ligand to trunk explants, early neural crest cells migrate inappropriately into the dorsolateral pathway. Surprisingly, we discovered the ephrin-B ligands continue to be expressed along the dorsolateral pathway during melanoblast migration. RT-PCR analysis, in situ hybridisation, and cell surface-labelling of neural crest cell cultures demonstrate that melanoblasts express several EphB receptors. In adhesion assays, engagement of ephrin-B ligands to EphB receptors increases melanoblast attachment to fibronectin. Cell migration assays demonstrate that ephrin-B ligands stimulate the migration of melanoblasts. Furthermore, when Eph signalling is disrupted in vivo, melanoblasts are prevented from migrating dorsolaterally, suggesting ephrin-B ligands promote the dorsolateral migration of melanoblasts. Thus, transmembrane ephrins act as bifunctional guidance cues: they first repel early migratory neural crest cells from the dorsolateral path, and then later stimulate the migration of melanoblasts into this pathway. The mechanisms by which ephrins regulate repulsion or attraction in neural crest cells are unknown. One possibility is that the cellular response involves signalling to the actin cytoskeleton, potentially involving the activation of Cdc42/Rac family of GTPases. In support of this hypothesis, we show that adhesion of early migratory cells to an ephrin-B-derivatized substratum results in cell rounding and disruption of the actin cytoskeleton, whereas plating of melanoblasts on an ephrin-B substratum induces the formation of microspikes filled with F-actin.  相似文献   

Pigment cells are one of many cell types derived from the neural crest. This review focuses on the mechanisms that control the timing and pathways of migration of pigment cells into the epidermis and determinants that control the differentiation of pigment cells. Several factors may control the timing and pattern of pigment cell migration in the dorsolateral space including the loss of inhibitory molecules in the pathway, the appearance of chemotactic molecules emanating from the dispersing dermatome, and the differentiation of pigment cells, which may be the only neural crest derivative capable of utilizing the substratum found in the dorsolateral path Control of pigment cell differentiation remains controversial. A working model presented in this review suggests that multipotent neural crest cells that disperse ventrally upon separation from the neural tube preserve neurogenic ability and lose melanogenic ability, whereas those cells that are arrested at the entrance to the dorsolateral path lose neurogenic ability so that the population becomes primarily melanogenic. During the time that the latter population is arrested in migration it is speculated that the neural crest cells are exposed to an environment comprised of specific extracellular matrix molecules and/or growth factors that enhance pigment cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The timing of appearance and pathway of migration of precursors of melanocytes in cranial regions of chick embryos were examined by the monoclonal antibody MEBL-1, which can identify precursors of melanocytes soon after their emigration from the neural tube (7). Precursors of melanocytes were first detected on the dorsal side of the mesencephalic neural tube at stage 16, when other neural crest cells had already left the dorsal side of the neural tube. Then precursors of melanocytes at more rostral and caudal levels appeared. After the first appearance on the neural tube, precursors of melanocytes migrated along a dorsolateral pathway under the superficial ectoderm, which followed other neural crest cells. These results indicate that precursors of melanocytes migrate along spatially the same pathway as other neural crest cells, but temporally the different time as considered previously.  相似文献   

At the onset of migration the quail neural crest contains pluripotent progenitor cells that give rise to both melanocytes and adrenergic neurons as well as progenitor cells that are already committed to the melanogenic or the neuronal pathway. In this paper we show that melanogenic progenitors attain the competence for terminal differentiation prior to adrenergic progenitors. The adrenergic phenotype was only expressed when the crest cells were allowed to proliferate in vitro for at least 3 days. Differentiation into melanocytes, however, occurred even when proliferation was blocked with cytosine arabinoside immediately after explantation of the neural tube.  相似文献   

Neural crest cell migratory pathways in the trunk of the chick embryo   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
Neural crest cells migrate during embryogenesis to give rise to segmented structures of the vertebrate peripheral nervous system: namely, the dorsal root ganglia and the sympathetic chain. However, neural crest cell arise from the dorsal neural tube where they are apparently unsegmented. It is generally agreed that the somites impose segmentation on migrating crest cells, but there is a disagreement about two basic questions: exactly pathways do neural crest cells use to move through or around somites, and do neural crest cells actively migrate or are they passively dispersed by the movement of somite cells? The answers to both questions are critically important to any further understanding of the mechanisms underlying the precise distribution of the neural crest cells that develop into ganglia. We have done an exhaustive study of the locations of neural crest cells in chick embryos during early stages of their movement, using antibodies to neural crest cells (HNK-1), to neural filament-associated protein in growing nerve processes (E/C8), and to the extracellular matrix molecule laminin. Our results show that Some neural crest cells invade the extracellular space between adjacent somites, but the apparent majority move into the somites themselves along the border between the dermatome/myotome (DM) and the sclerotome. Neural crest cells remain closely associated with the anterior half of the DM of developing somites as they travel, suggesting that the basal lamina of the DM may be used as a migratory substratum. Supporting this idea is our observation that the development of the DM basal lamina coincides in time and location with the onset of crest migration through the somite. The leading front of neural crest cells advance through the somite while the length of the DM pathway remains constant, suggesting active locomotion, at least in this early phase of development. Neural crest cells leave the DM at a later stage of development to associate with the dorsal aorta, where sympathetic ganglia form, and to associate with newly emerging fibers of the ventral root nerve, where they presumably give rise to neuronal supportive cells. Thus we propose that the establishment of the segmental pattern of the peripheral ganglia and nerves depends on the timely development of appropriate substrata to guide and distribute migrating neural crest cells during the early stages of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that specification of some neural crest lineages occurs prior to or at the time of migration from the neural tube. We investigated what signaling events establish the melanocyte lineage, which has been shown to migrate from the trunk neural tube after the neuronal and glial lineages. Using in situ hybridization, we find that, although Wnts are expressed in the dorsal neural tube throughout the time when neural crest cells are migrating, the Wnt inhibitor cfrzb-1 is expressed in the neuronal and glial precursors and not in melanoblasts. This expression pattern suggests that Wnt signaling may be involved in specifying the melanocyte lineage. We further report that Wnt-3a-conditioned medium dramatically increases the number of pigment cells in quail neural crest cultures while decreasing the number of neurons and glial cells, without affecting proliferation. Conversely, BMP-4 is expressed in the dorsal neural tube throughout the time when neural crest cells are migrating, but is decreased coincident with the timing of melanoblast migration. This expression pattern suggests that BMP signaling may be involved in neural and glial cell differentiation or repression of melanogenesis. Purified BMP-4 reduces the number of pigment cells in culture while increasing the number of neurons and glial cells, also without affecting proliferation. Our data suggest that Wnt signaling specifies melanocytes at the expense of the neuronal and glial lineages, and further, that Wnt and BMP signaling have antagonistic functions in the specification of the trunk neural crest.  相似文献   

The neural crest, the intriguing cell population that gives rise to a panoply of derivatives in the vertebrate embryo, including the mesenchymal structures in the head, melanocytes and most of the peripheral nervous system, still proves to be an important yet enigmatic developmental cell population to study with applications in stem cell biology, cancer biology and clinical medicine. Albeit our knowledge base is rich due to a strong history of experimentation, the fact that we have yet to decipher so many key aspects of neural crest cell (NCC) behavior speaks to the challenging complexity of this transient yet vital cell population. With the advent of new fluorescent tracing techniques, we have reexamined the migratory behaviors and ultimate fate of ventrally migrating avian NCCs within a late wave of emigration and identified a subpopulation of lineally restricted NCCs who migrate to the contralateral dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and therein give rise to mitotically active progenitor cells that ultimately produce the majority of the nociceptive sensory neurons in the DRG. These data provide evidence for the fate prespecification of subsets of NCCs while still resident in the neural tube.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are a migratory population that forms most of the peripheral nervous system, facial skeleton, and numerous other derivatives. These cells arise from the neural ectoderm and are first recognizable as discrete cells after neural tube closure. In this review, I summarize the results of studies from our laboratory on neural crest cell lineage and origin. Our recent experiments demonstrate that interactions between the presumptive neural plate and the nonneural ectoderm are likely to be instrumental in the induction of the avian neural crest. Juxtaposition of these tissues at early stages results in the formation of neural crest cells at the interface. However, neural crest cells do not appear to be segregated from other neuroepithelial cells; cell lineage studies have demonstrated that individual precursor cells within the neural tube can give rise to both neural crest and neural tube derivatives as diverse as sensory, commissural, and motor neurons. This suggests that individual neuroectodermal cells are multipotent, such that a precursor within the neural tube has the ability to form both neural tube (central nervous system) and neural crest (peripheral nervous system and other) derivatives. Further support for flexibility in the developmental program of neuroepithelial cells comes from experiments in which the cranial neural folds are ablated; this results in regulation by the remaining ventral neural tube cells to form neural crest cells after the endogenous neural crest is removed. At later stage of development, this regulative capacity is lost. Following their emigration from the neural tube, neural crest cells become progressively restricted to defined embryonic states. Taken together, these experiments demonstrate that: (1) the neural crest is an induced population that arises by interactions within the ectoderm; (2) initially, progenitor cells are multipotent, having the potential to form multiple neural crest and neural tube derivatives; and (3) with time, the precursors become progressively restricted to form neural crest derivatives and eventually to individual phenotypes.  相似文献   

Avian neural crest cells from the vagal (somite level 1-7) and the sacral (somite level 28 and posterior) axial levels migrate into the gut and differentiate into the neurons and glial cells of the enteric nervous system. Neural crest cells that emigrate from the cervical and thoracic levels stop short of the dorsal mesentery and do not enter the gut. In this study we tested the hypothesis that neural crest cells derived from the sacral level have cell-autonomous migratory properties that allow them to reach and invade the gut mesenchyme. We heterotopically grafted neural crest cells from the sacral axial level to the thoracic level and vice versa and observed that the neural crest cells behaved according to their new position, rather than their site of origin. Our results show that the environment at the sacral level is sufficient to allow neural crest cells from other axial levels to enter the mesentery and gut mesenchyme. Our study further suggests that at least two environmental conditions at the sacral level enhance ventral migration. First, sacral neural crest cells take a ventral rather than a medial-to-lateral path through the somites and consequently arrive near the gut mesenchyme many hours earlier than their counterparts at the thoracic level. Our experimental evidence reveals only a narrow window of opportunity to invade the mesenchyme of the mesentery and the gut, so that earlier arrival assures the sacral neural crest of gaining access to the gut. Second, the gut endoderm is more dorsally situated at the sacral level than at the thoracic level. Thus, sacral neural crest cells take a more direct path to the gut than the thoracic neural crest, and also their target is closer to the site from which they initiate migration. In addition, there appears to be a barrier to migration at the thoracic level that prevents neural crest cells at that axial level from migrating ventral to the dorsal aorta and into the mesentery, which is the portal to the gut.  相似文献   

We have characterized the dispersion of neural crest cells along the dorsolateral path in the trunk of the chicken embryo and experimentally investigated the control of neural crest cell entry into this path. The distribution of putative neural crest cells was analyzed in plastic sections of embryos that had been incubated for 24 hr in HNK-1 antibody, a procedure that we show successfully labels neural crest cells in the dorsolateral path and ectoderm. In accord with earlier observations, crest cells delay entering the dorsolateral path until a day or more after their counterparts have colonized the ventral path. However, once crest cells enter, they disperse rapidly through the path dorsal to the somite but still delay migrating dorsal to the intersegmental space. During dispersion, crest cells invade the ectoderm at sites associated with local disruptions in the basal lamina which may be caused by crest cells. Finally, deleting the dermamyotome releases an inhibition of neural crest cell migration: crest cells enter the dorsolateral path precociously. We speculate that the epithelial dermatome may transiently produce inhibitory substances and that emerging dermis may provide a long-distance, stimulatory cue.  相似文献   

This study examines the pathways of migration followed by neural crest cells in Xenopus embryos using two recently described cell marking techniques. The first is an interspecific chimera created by grafting Xenopus borealis cells into Xenopus laevis hosts. The cells of these closely related species can be distinguished by their nuclear dimorphism. The second type of marker is created by microinjection of lysinated dextrans into fertilized eggs which can then be used for intraspecific grafting. These recently developed fluorescent dyes are fixable and identifiable in both living and fixed embryos. After grafting labeled donor neural tubes into unlabeled host embryos, the distribution of neural crest cells at various stages after grafting was used to define the pathways of neural crest migration. To control for possible grafting artifacts, fluorescent lysinated dextran was injected into a single blastomere which gives rise to a large number of neural crest cells, thereby labeling the neural crest without grafting. By all three techniques, Xenopus neural crest cells were observed along two predominant pathways in the trunk. The majority of neural crest cells were observed along a "ventral" route, between the neural tube and somite, the notochord and somite, and along the dorsal mesentery. A second group of neural crest cells was observed "dorsally" where they populated the dorsal fin. A third minor "lateral" pathway was observed primarily in borealis/laevis chimerae and in blastomere-injected embryos; some neural crest cells were observed underneath the ectoderm lateral to the neural tube. Along the rostrocaudal axis, neural crest cells were not continuously distributed but were primarily located across from the caudal two-thirds of the somite. Fewer than 3% of the neural crest cells were observed across from the rostral third of each somite. When grafted to ventral locations, neural crest cells were not able to migrate dorsally but migrated laterally along the dorsal mesentery. Labeled neural crest cells gave rise to cells of the spinal, sympathetic, and enteric ganglia as well as to adrenal chromaffin cells, Schwann cells, pigment cells, mesenchymal cells of the dorsal fin, and some cells in the integuments and in the region of the pronephros. These results show that the neural crest migratory pathways in Xenopus differ from those in the avian embryo. In avians NC cells migrate as a closely associated sheet of cells while in Xenopus they migrate as individual cells. Both species exhibit a metamerism in the neural crest cell distribution pattern along the rostrocaudal axis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

神经管闭合缺陷 (NTDs)是一种严重的先天畸形疾病,在新生儿中有千分之一的发病率。神经管融合前后,多种组织参与形态发生运动。神经管一经融合,神经嵴细胞就会向背侧中线方向产生单极突出并向此方向迁移形成神经管的顶部。与此同时,神经管从腹侧开始发生辐射状切入以实现单层化。在此,我们在非洲爪蟾的移植体中机械阻断神经管的闭合以检测其细胞运动及随后的图式形成。结果显示神经管闭合缺陷的移植体不能形成单层化的神经管,并且神经嵴细胞滞留在侧面区域不能向背侧中线迁移,而对神经前体标记基因的检测显示神经管的背腹图式形成并未受到影响。以上结果表明神经管的融合对于辐射状切入和神经嵴细胞向背侧中线方向的迁移过程是必需的,而对于神经管的沿背腹轴方向的图式形成是非必需的。  相似文献   

Neural crest cells appear transiently in early embryogenesis on the dorsal surface of the neural tube and subsequently migrate along specific pathways. Some migrate to between the neural tube and somites, aggregating to form the rudiments of dorsal root ganglia (DRG). The size of DRG at a given somite level is almost constant in all chick embryos. To determine the mechanisms controlling the size of DRG, we transplanted neural crest cells of 2.5-day-old quail embryos into 2.5-day-old chick embryos between the neural tube and the somites, and examined the size of DRG in these chimeric embryos with extra neural crest cells 2 days after the operation, when natural cell death in DRG had not yet occurred. The DRG on the operated side were composed of both chick and quail cells in various proportions. The cell numbers of these chimeric DRG were almost the same as those of the normal DRG on the opposite side. That is, there were significantly fewer chick cells in chimeric DRG than in DRG composed of only chick cells on the opposite unoperated side. This finding indicates that the size of DRG is not determined in migrating neural crest cells but is regulated by the circumstances.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells and some of the crest-derived cells of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of early avian embryos give rise to pigment cells when placed in culture. DRG from older embryos, however, fail to do so under comparable culture conditions. This age-dependent loss of melanogenic ability might be explained either by the death of a subpopulation of latent melanoblasts within early DRG, or the imposition of additional developmental restrictions in multipotent DRG cells. We show here that 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) causes some DRG cells to undergo pigmentation in cultures from older embryos, indicating that the loss of melanogenic ability in older embryos is not due to cell death. These pigment cells also display morphogenetic properties of normal melanocytes, including the ability to invade feather primordia. In addition to DRG, various other neural crest-derivatives contain cells similarly affected by TPA, including cells within sympathetic ganglia and peripheral nerves. We suggest that TPA reverses the developmental restriction of melanogenic ability that is normally imposed on neural crest-derived cells that migrate to various sites in avian embryos where melanogenesis does not normally occur.  相似文献   

Trunk neural crest cells migrate extensively and give rise to diverse cell types, including cells of the sensory and autonomic nervous systems. Previously, we demonstrated that many premigratory trunk neural crest cells give rise to descendants with distinct phenotypes in multiple neural crest derivatives. The results are consistent with the idea that neural crest cells are multipotent prior to their emigration from the neural tube and become restricted in phenotype after leaving the neural tube either during their migration or at their sites of localization. Here, we test the developmental potential of migrating trunk neural crest cells by microinjecting a vital dye, lysinated rhodamine dextran (LRD), into individual cells as they migrate through the somite. By two days after injection, the LRD-labelled clones contained from 2 to 67 cells, which were distributed unilaterally in all embryos. Most clones were confined to a single segment, though a few contributed to sympathetic ganglia over two segments. A majority of the clones gave rise to cells in multiple neural crest derivatives. Individual migrating neural crest cells gave rise to both sensory and sympathetic neurons (neurofilament-positive), as well as cells with the morphological characteristics of Schwann cells, and other non-neuronal cells (both neurofilament-negative). Even those clones contributing to only one neural crest derivative often contained both neurofilament-positive and neurofilament-negative cells. Our data demonstrate that migrating trunk neural crest cells can be multipotent, giving rise to cells in multiple neural crest derivatives, and contributing to both neuronal and non-neuronal elements within a given derivative.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The segmental origin and migratory pattern of neural crest cells at the trunk level of avian embryos was studied, with special emphasis on the formation of the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) which organize in the anterior half of each somite. Neural crest cells were visualized using the quail-chick marker and HNK-1 immunofluorescence. The migratory process turned out to be closely correlated with somitic development: when the somites are epithelial in structure few labeled cells were found in a dorsolateral position on the neural tube, uniformly distributed along the craniocaudal axis. Following somitic dissociation into dermomyotome and sclerotome labeled cells follow defined migratory pathways restricted to each anterior somitic half. In contrast, opposite the posterior half of the somites, cells remain grouped in a dorsolateral position on the neural tube. The fate of crest cells originating at the level of the posterior somitic half was investigated by grafting into chick hosts short segments of quail neural primordium, which ended at mid-somitic or at intersomitic levels. It was found that neural crest cells arising opposite the posterior somitic half participate in the formation of the DRG and Schwann cells lining the dorsal and ventral root fibers of the same somitic level as well as of the subsequent one, whereas those cells originating from levels facing the anterior half of a somite participate in the formation of the corresponding DRG. Moreover, crest cells from both segmental halves segregate within each ganglion in a distinct topographical arrangement which reflects their segmental origin on the neural primordium. Labeled cells which relocate from posterior into anterior somitic regions migrate longitudinally along the neural tube. Longitudinal migration of neural crest cells was first observed when the somites are epithelial in structure and is completed after the disappearance of the last cells from the posterior somitic region at a stage corresponding to the organogenesis of the DRG.  相似文献   

The pigment cells of the skin are derived from melanoblasts which originate in the neural crest. The dorsoventral migration of melanoblasts has been visualized in pigment stripes seen in aggregation chimeras, and the width of these bands has suggested that the entire pigmentation of the coat is derived from a small number of founder cells. We have generated mosaic mice by marking single melanoblasts in utero to gain information on the clonal history of pigment-forming cells. A retroviral vector carrying the human tyrosinase gene was constructed and microinjected into neurulating albino mouse embryos. Albino mice are devoid of pigmentation due to deficiency of tyrosinase. Thus, transduction of the wild-type gene into the otherwise normal melanoblasts should rescue the mutant phenotype, giving rise to patches of pigmentation, which correspond to the area colonized by the mitotic progeny of a marked clone. Mosaic animals derived from the injected embryos indeed showed pigmented bands with a width strikingly similar to the 'standard' stripes seen in aggregation chimeras. These results are consistent with the notion that the unit width bands seen in aggregation chimeras represent the clonal progeny of a single melanoblast and verify Mintz's (1967) conclusion that a few founder melanoblasts give rise to coat pigmentation. The pigment cells of the eye are of dual origin: the melanocytes in choroid and outer layer of the iris are derived from the neural crest and those in the pigment layer of the retina from the neuroepithelium of the optic cup. Marked clones in both lineages were observed in the eyes of many mosaic animals.  相似文献   

Melanocytes derived from pluripotent neural crest cells migrate initially in the dorsolateral pathway between the ectoderm and dermomyotome. To understand the role of specific proteins involved in this cell migration, we looked for a cellular model that mimics the in vivo behavior of melanoblasts, and that allows functional studies of their migration. We report here that wild-type embryonic stem (ES) cells are able to follow the ventral and dorsolateral neural crest pathways after being grafted into chicken embryos. By contrast, a mutant ES cell line deficient for beta1 integrin subunits, proteins involved in cell-extracellular interactions, had a severely impaired migratory behavior. Interestingly, ES cells deficient for Kit, the tyrosine kinase receptor for the stem cell factor (SCF), behaved similarly to wild-type ES cells. Thus, grafting mouse ES cells into chicken embryos provides a new cellular system that allows both in vitro and in vivo studies of the molecular mechanisms controlling dorsolateral migration.  相似文献   

Neural crest cell lineage segregation in the mouse neural tube   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Neural crest (NC) cells arise in the dorsal neural tube (NT) and migrate into the embryo to develop into many different cell types. A major unresolved question is when and how the fate of NC cells is decided. There is widespread evidence for multipotential NC cells, whose fates are decided during or after migration. There is also some evidence that the NC is already divided into subpopulations of discrete precursors within the NT. We have investigated this question in the mouse embryo. We find that a subpopulation of cells on the most dorsomedial aspect of the NT express the receptor tyrosine kinase Kit (previously known as c-kit), emigrate exclusively into the developing dermis, and then express definitive markers of the melanocyte lineage. These are thus melanocyte progenitor cells. They are generated predominantly at the midbrain-hindbrain junction and cervical trunk, with significant numbers also in lower trunk. Other cells within the dorsal NT are Kit-, migrate ventrally, and, from embryonic day 9.5, express the neurotrophin receptor p75. These cells most likely only give rise to ventral NC derivatives such as neurons and glia. The p75+ cells are located ventrolateral to the Kit+ cells in areas of the NT where these two cell types are found. These data provide direct in vivo evidence for NC lineage segregation within the mouse neural tube.  相似文献   

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