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Effect of previous crops on the incidence of eyespot on winter wheat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Surveys of winter wheat from 1939 to 1946 show that eyespot (Cercosporella herpotrichoides Fron.) occurs throughout Britain and that its incidence depends largely on previous cropping and on weather. Examination of 551 crops on land whose cropping for the previous 4 years was known showed that the incidence rose steadily with increasing numbers of preceding wheat and barley crops: where neither crop had been taken for 4 years the proportion of crops with more than 70% infected straws was 2%, rising to 45% where three or four such crops had been taken and the average straws infected rose from 6 to 55%.
The percentage infection to be expected in various groups of crops was calculated from previous cropping; it was compared with the actual infection and so used to assess the importance of other factors in determining the incidence of eyespot. High spring rainfall, early sowing and a dense plant increased incidence and low spring rainfall, late sowing and a thin plant reduced it.
Eyespot was not usually severe on newly ploughed grassland until the third or fourth crop of wheat, but under very wet conditions it was sometimes severe in the second crop.
Oats is much less susceptible than wheat or barley, but some crops were found with a third of their straws infected.
A brief survey of winter wheat in Holland suggested possible causes for the rise and fall of eyespot in recent years and for its present lower incidence there as compared with East Anglia.  相似文献   

In August 1944, eyespot ( Cercosporella herpotrichoides Fron.) was found in ninety out of 121 autumn-sown wheat crops distributed over twelve Scottish counties. It was abundant enough in forty fields to be likely to harm subsequent crops, and was causing obvious loss in eleven crops. The disease was found in seventeen out of eighteen spring-sown barley crops, more than half the straws being infected in seven of them. About 4 % of the wheat inspected was lodged mostly by eyespot and about 38 % of the barley mostly non-parasitically. Eyespot increased with the frequency of wheat and barley in the two preceding years, but a few infected crops occurred on fields where no wheat or barley had been grown for many years. In Scotland, where the atmosphere is more humid, eyespot tends to increase more rapidly than in similar rotations in England; lesions are found higher up the straw and the disease is much more prevalent on spring-sown barley. The long rotations practised in Scotland prevent more extensive damage by eyespot.  相似文献   

Winter wheat drilled directly into stubble or pasture treated with paraquat to kill the vegetation has been found to be less severely attacked by take-all (Ophiobolus graminis (Sacc.) Sacc.) and eyespot (Cercosporella herpotrichoides Fron) than wheat drilled after cultivation. The reduction of take-all is associated, not with a direct effect of the chemical, but with factors, resulting from the technique, which limit the rate of spread of the fungus in the undisturbed soil.  相似文献   

In a replicated field experiment on light sandy loam at Woburn, where winter wheat is a very uncertain crop, Cappelle and Holdfast, grown after potatoes with dung, yielded 50 and 41 cwt./acre of grain, respectively, when given 6 cwt./acre of Nitro-Chalk in April, compared with 19 and 20 cwt./acre when unfertilized. The same fertilized plots yielded 29 and 19 cwt., respectively, in the second, and 25 and 17 cwt./acre, respectively, in the third year on the same land, whereas unfertilized plots of both varieties yielded only 9 and 5 cwt./acre. The decrease in mean yield from 27 cwt. in the first, to 15 and 10 cwt./acre in the second and third crops was associated with a decrease in ear number from 16.7 to 14.6 and 12.2, respectively, and with a striking decrease in weight of grain per ear, caused partly by a large increase in the proportion of small grains. Eyespot ( Cercosporella herpotrichoides Fron.) although present each year did not become prevalent; an increase in the percentage straws affected by take-all ( Ophiobolus graminis Sacc.) from 9 to 15 and 26%, respectively, and a severe increase in weed infestation ( Agrostis gigantea ) appeared to be the main factors reducing yield.
Nitro-Chalk applied in April yielded most grain every year, and wheat fertilized at this time had less eyespot and take-all than that fertilized in March. Fertilizer applied in May increased weed growth, failed to decrease take-all and yielded fewer ears, less grain, and a higher proportion of tailcorn than did earlier applications.  相似文献   

In a 3-year field experiment on sandy loam at Woburn, methyl bromide, chloropicrin, D-D mixture, dazomet, formalin and mercury salts were applied in the first year only, or in the first and second years, before drilling spring wheat. In the third year, their residual effects on spring barley were measured. All sterilants except mercury decreased cereal cyst-nematode ( Heterodera avenae ) numbers and take-all ( Ophiobolus graminis ) incidence, and increased crop yields in the year they were applied. Dazomet gave the best control of H. avenae in the first year and controlled O. graminis best in both years of application. In the third year, O. graminis increased in all plots previously treated (except after two successive D-D treatments), but H. avenae increased only after formalin. Two formalin applications more than trebled the H. avenae egg count by the end of the third year and depressed the yield of barley. Two successive applications of chloropicrin gave the best nematode control.
Other fungus diseases, Fusarium foot rot, Pythium root rot, eye-spot ( Cercosporella herpotrichoides Fron.) and sharp eye spot ( Rhizoctonia solani Kühn), were uncommon and sterilants had no detectable effects on them. The largest aggregate straw yield (3-year total) was obtained from two applications of dazomet, but the best yields after treatment in the first year only were given by D-D and methyl bromide.  相似文献   

In a field experiment on the control of take-all at the Woburn Experimental Station, winter wheat was followed by two consecutive crops of spring-sown barley. Samples of the barley crop were taken from the forty-eight plots of the experiment in 1945 and 1946, for estimation of root Disease Rating, and grain yields were also recorded. A comparison of six autumn treatments of the stubble has shown that treatments affecting the available nitrogen content of the soil exercised a predominant effect upon incidence of take-all in the following crop. Two effects of nitrogen applied in autumn have been distinguished: (1) an immediate effect, in assisting survival of Ophiobolus graminis in infected root and stubble residues; (2) a deferred effect, in promoting disease escape of the following crop. The ploughing in of straw in autumn was found to increase the incidence of take-all, presumably because the adverse deferred effect of decomposing straw in locking up available nitrogen and withholding it from the following crop. outweighed its beneficial immediate effect in helping to starve out O. graminis , by depriving the fungus of nitrogen. The autumn growth of undersown trefoil ( Medicago lupulina ) on the stubble land seenled to be entirely beneficial; active growth of the legume appeared to assist in starving out O. graminis , and nitrogen was released by decomposition of the trefoil in the soil after spring ploughing in time to benefit the barley crop immediately following.  相似文献   

This review considers strategies for control of eyespot (Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides) in winter wheat and winter barley in the UK. Varietal resistance to eyespot may take the form of direct resistance to the growth of the pathogen in the stem base or of indirect tolerance to eyespot through resistance to lodging. The French variety Cappelle-Desprez has been a source of resistance for most UK wheat varieties and a new source of resistance in wild goat grass has been discovered recently. Use of fungicides for control of eyespot increased rapidly after the introduction of the highly effective MBC fungicides in the 1970s, but has decreased recently because UK populations of P. herpotrichoides are now predominantly resistant to MBC fungicides and alternative fungicides are more expensive. Historically, cultural methods, especially crop rotation, have been important in the control of eyespot. The importance of cultural control of eyespot is now increasing because more non-cereal break crops are being grown and fungicide use is declining.  相似文献   

Ophiobolus graminis var. Avenae has been found on oat crops in ten counties in Scotland. It has also been shown to attack wheat crops in the same districts.  相似文献   

Effect of Ophiobolus graminis infection on the growth of wheat and barley   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glasshouse experiments are reported, in which the development of young wheat and barley plants was examined following inoculation with Ophiobolus graminis (Sacc.) Sacc. The dry weight, leaf area, tiller number and water content of the shoot were reduced by infection. Reductions were equally severe in wheat and barley. The seminal root system of both was severely attacked and its growth retarded. Inoculated plants, however, translocated a greater proportion of their total assimilates to the root system and produced more adventitious roots than healthy plants. As a result there was an increase in both the number and proportion of healthy roots on these plants following the initial infection of their root systems. This effect was more pronounced in barley than in wheat. It is suggested that this may in part account for the reported relative tolerance of barley to take-all attack under field conditions.  相似文献   

Under a glasshouse crop of red clover, Ophiobolus graminis (Sacc.) Sacc. in artificially colonized straws survived for longer on the soil surface than when buried, and for much longer when suspended above the soil; survival in buried straws was somewhat more prolonged in fallow soil than under clover. In field experiments with consecutive crops of winter wheat, under-sowing with red clover was not effective in reducing the incidence of take-all, possibly because of above-ground survival of the pathogen in unploughed straw. Early rotavation, however, significantly reduced disease incidence, probably because of enhanced microbial activity and competition for nitrogen in the well-aerated compost of soil and stubble.  相似文献   

Incidence and severity of the take-all disease in spring wheat and spring barley caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis (syn. Ophiobolus graminis) were studied during seven years of monoculture. The fungus apparently survived for much longer periods in the soil under non-susceptible break-crops than previously recorded. The incidence and severity of infection increased progressively with each successive cereal crop from initially low levels to a maximum within 3–7 years, which was followed by a progressive but limited decline in the disease. Spring wheat was more susceptible to take-all than spring barley and the development of take-all decline (TAD) was recorded earlier in the sequences of wheat than of barley crops. Nitrogen did not influence the disease until the point of maximum incidence and severity, when it caused a reduction in disease levels in addition to that associated with TAD. Factors influencing the time of onset and the rate of development of take-all and of TAD are discussed and possible explanations for TAD are suggested.  相似文献   

To study virus-vector interactions between Soilborne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) or Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus (WSSMV) and Polymyxa graminis Ledingham, P. graminis was propagated in plants grown hydroponically. P. graminis accumulated to high levels in several barley cultivars tested. Multiple developmental stages of P. graminis could be identified in infected barley roots. Accumulation of SBWMV and WSSMV inside P. graminis sporosori in the roots of soil-grown winter wheat and hydroponically grown barley was compared to determine if data obtained from plants naturally infected plants and plants infected by manual inoculation were similar. WSSMV coat protein (CP), SBWMV RNAs, SBWMV movement protein but not SBWMV CP were detected in both soil-grown winter wheat and hydroponically grown barley roots. These data are the first direct evidence that SBWMV and WSSMV are internalized by P. graminis.  相似文献   

In crops of winter wheat (1986—88) or winter barley (1987—88) inoculated with W-type or R-type isolates of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides and sown on different dates (1986) or at different seed rates (1987,1988) eyespot epidemics developed in different ways. Methods of measuring eyespot incidence/severity during crop growth were compared for their ability to predict eyespot severity at grain filling. Regressions were calculated for eyespot severity score at GS 71 on earlier measurements, either at GS 30/31 (11 methods) or from GS 22 to GS 65 (3 methods). Based on measurements at GS 30/31, all the methods predicted eyespot severity at GS 71 well in plots of winter barley inoculated with W-type isolates (r, 0.83—0.97) but the accuracy of predictions in plots inoculated with R-type isolates was very variable (r, 0.09—0.71). Predictions for 1987 and 1988 were less accurate in wheat than in W-type plots of barley, but did not differ between W-type and R-type plots (r, 0.70—0.89). When the wheat data for 1986 were also included predictions were less accurate, especially in R-type plots (r, 0—0.59). Generally, it was easier to predict eyespot severity at GS 71 in W-type than in R-type plots, especially in barley and in wheat before GS 37/39. Predictions of eyespot severity at GS 71 based on measurements before GS 25 were inaccurate for both wheat and barley. After GS 25 the accuracy of the prediction was generally good in W-type plots and did not improve greatly except in wheat after GS 59. However, there was a steady improvement in the accuracy of the prediction in R-type plots of barley from GS 24 to GS 53. Assessments of eyespot incidence on stems predicted eyespot severity at GS 71 more accurately than assessments on leaf sheaths on wheat after GS 37/39, but were not as good on barley until GS 53.  相似文献   

The biology and infection-behaviour of a typical isolate of Phialophora radicicola Cain have been compared with those of a representative isolate of Ophiobolus graminis (Sacc.) Sacc. Both species can utilize a nitrate source of nitrogen and both require thiamine and biotin for growth on inorganic nitro-gen; P. radicicola, but not O. graminis, was able to synthesize biotin when grown on asparagine as a nitrogen source. The pH range for good growth of P. radicicola in nutrient solution was narrower than that for O. graminis, and its growth rate on agar was only one-third. P. radicicola was the more active decomposer of cellulose, and its cellulolysis adequacy index was I.66 as com-pared with a value of 0.33 for 0. graminis. In agreement with prediction from Garrett's (I966) hypothesis on the cellulolysis adequacy index, saprophytic survival of P. radicicola in wheat straw was shortened by additional soil nitrogen, which prolongs survival of O. graminis.P. radicicola was found to spread ectotrophically over the roots of wheat, oats and barley by runner hyphae indistinguishable from those of O. graminis, but cortical infection caused no necrosis and no discernible check to growth of the infected cereals, nor any significant decrease in grain yield of inoculated wheat grown to maturity. Pre-existing infection of wheat roots by P. radicicola retarded spread of infection by O. graminis; inoculation of several grass species with P. radicicola reduced the extent of infection by O. graminis of wheat following the grasses.  相似文献   

Weed populations were studied from a 26-year-old field experiment in southern Sweden with three different 6-year crop rotations, each with four rates of nitrogen application. The rotations differed in that one had a two-year legume-grass ley, another had a two-year grass ley, and that the third had spring wheat followed by a repeatedly harrowed fallow. The leys and the fallow were followed by turnip rape, winter wheat, oats and barley which was undersown in the two ley rotations. Data on weed biomass, collected in one season, were subjected to multivariate analysis.
Winter turnip rape had the highest weed biomass. However, of the several weed species, only Matricaria perforata Merat was important in wheat (the crop following turnip rape in the rotation). The weed flora did not differ consistently between rotations. We conclude that none of the three rotations had developed any major weed problems under the past weed management regime (herbicides applied to cereal crops).
There was no consistent effect of nitrogen fertilisation on total weed biomass in any of the three rotations. However, when comparing the weed floras in winter wheat, turnip rape and oats, the unfertilised plots differed from the plots receiving nitrogen. In the two latter crops, the abundant, low-growing annual Stellaria media (L.) Vil. performed best in fertilised plots with dense stands. Equisetum arvense L., the most abundant perennial weed, was important only in unfertilised plots.  相似文献   

In southern New South Wales the resumption of ley land for wheat growing has been accompanied by an increase in take-all ( Ophiobolus graminis ) and Fusarium root rot ( Fusarium culmorum ). No such increase has been observed in foot and root rots of wheat caused by Helminthosporium sativum and Curvularia ramosa.
It is shown experimentally that these differences are related to the relative capacity of the causal fungi to persist in wheat straw buried in each of two unsterilized soils which, because of past cultural treatments, differed in their organic carbon and total nitrogen content. While the saprophytic survival of O. graminis and F. culmorum was promoted by high soil fertility that of H. sativum was markedly depressed. The survival of C. ramosa was little affected by soil fertility.
F. culmorum, H. sativum and C. ramosa each remained viable under the soil conditions best suited to their survival in one-third to one-half of the test straws for 2 years but O. graminis was not recovered after the 52nd week of sampling.  相似文献   

Assimilable nitrogen in various forms prolonged the life of Ophiobolus graminis in infected wheat straw, whether added directly to the straw or to the surrounding soil. When the infected straws were buried in washed quartz sand, 0.5 g. nitrogen per 100 g. air-dry straw was the optimum dressing for longevity of Ophiobolus. Addition of sodium phosphate did not significantly increase longevity.
Nitrogen is considered to prolong the life of Ophiobolus by enabling the mycelium to form new branch hyphae, which can explore unexhausted parts of the substrate; it is suggested that aged mycelium dies from carbohydrate starvation, through exhaustion of the zones of enzymic erosion around the hyphae. This hypothesis is supported by the extended life of the fungus in infected straws that were shaken twice weekly in 3 % dextrose solution.
Ophiobolus was found to survive longer in infected straws buried in a fallow soil than in the same soil under oats, mustard or trefoil; this finding suggests the use of catch crops as competitors with Ophiobolus for soil nitrogen.  相似文献   

Three successive crops of winter wheat or barley were grown as second, third and fourth cereals. Communities of fungi on shoot bases, identified after isolation on agar media, were more diverse (determined by number of taxa identified) on wheat than on barley, and their diversity increased from year to year. Diversity was not affected by seed treatments containing fluquinconazole or prochloraz. Eyespot (caused by Tapesia spp.) and brown foot rot (caused by Fusarium spp. or Microdochium nivale ) increased from year to year. Eyespot, brown foot rot (after the first year) and sharp eyespot (which remained infrequent), assessed in summer (June), affected wheat more than barley. Eyespot severity was increased slightly on barley by treatments containing fluquinconazole, formulated with or without prochloraz, in the second year (third cereal), when it was also decreased slightly on wheat by fluquinconazole plus prochloraz, except in plots where the treatment had been applied for two successive years. The increases or decreases in eyespot in the second year were accompanied by, respectively, decreases or increases in the frequency of Idriella bolleyi where fluquinconazole was applied alone. Although the eyespot pathogen Tapesia yallundae (but not Tapesia acuformis ) is sensitive to fluquinconazole in vitro , seed treatment, applied principally to control take-all disease, is likely to have only a small effect against eyespot (or other stem-base diseases), and then only on wheat and when formulated with prochloraz.  相似文献   

The ability of four cereal root-rot fungi, Helminthosporium sativum, Curvularia ramosa, Ophiobolus graminis and Fusarium culmorum , to colonize wheat straw as saprophytes has been investigated. Test pieces of straw were buried in a graded dilution series of maizemeal-sand culture of the test fungus with unsterilized soil. For assessing percentage straws colonized, three methods were compared: (1) isolation on agar plates, (2) Garrett's (1938 b ) wheat-seedling test and (3) incubation on moist sand, to promote sporulation (the 'sand-plate' test). Curvularia ramosa and Fusarium culmorum were found to behave as vigorous competitive saprophytes of the soil-inhabiting type, whereas Helminthosporium sativum and Ophiobolus graminis proved to be weak saprophytic colonizers of the specialized root-inhabiting type.  相似文献   

Variation in host response of isolates of the eyespot pathogen from different sources was examined over a number of years. Pathogen types were found in intensively-cropped couch-infested cereal sites that were almost as virulent on Agropyron repens (couch) as on wheat or barley. The commonly occurring wheat (W) type isolates from couch-free cereal crops were virulent on wheat and barley but avirulent on couch. Couch (C) types were isolated not only from couch but also from wheat, barley and oat crops with couch infestation. In pathogenicity tests on rye, C. types did not differ in virulence from the more commonly occurring W types. Aegilops ventricosa was equally resistant to both types. W type isolates from wheat and barley were examined to assess differential pathogenicity on wheat and barley. Sequential cropping with single cereal crops was used to separate out possible specific types. Isolates from fourth wheat and fourth barley crops were more pathogenic on the original than on the alternative host. When comparisons were made between isolates from third and fifth consecutive wheat and barley crops only those from barley showed a preference for the original host. An experiment comparing isolates from third and seventh consecutive wheat and barley crops showed a decline in virulence from the short to the longer sequences on the alternative but not on the original host.  相似文献   

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