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Differential expression of connexin 43 in mouse mammary cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study we have employed suppressive subtractive hybridization (SSH) analysis to investigate differential gene expression in primary mouse mammary epithelial cells (PMMEC) cultured under mildly apoptotic/quiescent and differentiating conditions. Among a small group of genes whose expression was differentially regulated was connexin 43. In vitro, connexin 43 mRNA and protein were detectable in PMMEC cultured under proliferative or mildly apoptotic conditions. The level of connexin 43 mRNA expression in vivo was also investigated. High levels of expression were found to be associated with the periods of greatest glandular plasticity (pubertal expansion of the mammary tree, early pregnancy and during early involution). Thus, terminally differentiated cells in vivo and in vitro did not express connexin 43 mRNA suggesting that connexin 43 expression, and perhaps facilitated gap junction communication, is associated with undifferentiated progenitor cell populations.  相似文献   

Hemodynamic forces play a critical role in atherogenesis, as evidenced by the focal pattern of development of atherosclerotic lesions. Whereas disturbed flow in the branches and curved regions of large arteries is proatherogenic, laminar flow in the straight parts of vessels is atheroprotective. In addition, hypertension and age-related changes in arterial stiffness are important risk factors of the disease. Hemodynamic forces induce various changes in the structure and function of vascular endothelium, many of which reflect alterations in gene expression. Endothelial cells are linked by gap junctions, which facilitate the propagation of electrical and chemical signals along the vascular wall. Using an in vitro perfusion system, we investigated the effects of pulsed unidirectional and oscillatory flows in combination with different levels of hydrostatic pressure and circumferential stretch on the expression of Cx43 in endothelial cells. Our results show that shear stress and circumferential stretch, but not pressure, modulate the expression of Cx43. In view of the distribution of this protein along the vascular tree, our findings provide new insights into the role of mechanical forces on gap junctional communication in regions prone to the development of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the effect of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) on junctional communication (coupling) and connexin 43 (Cx43) expression in bovine microvascular endothelial (BME) cells. In control confluent cultures, the incidence of coupling, as assessed by the intercellular transfer of microinjected Lucifer Yellow, was limited to 13% of injected cells, and decreased to 0% with time in culture. After exposure to bFGF (3ng/ml), the incidence of coupling was increased in a time-dependent manner, reaching a maximum of 38% of microinjected cells after 10-12 hours. The extent of coupling, as assessed by scrape loading, was maximally increased 2.1-fold 8-9 hours after addition of bFGF. bFGF also induced a 2-fold increase in Cx43 as assessed by Western blotting, and increased Cx43 immunolabelling at contacting interfaces of adjacent BME cells. Cx43 mRNA was likewise increased after exposure to bFGF in a time- and dose-dependent manner, with a maximal 6-7-fold increase after a 4 hour exposure to 3-10ng/ml. Finally, the increase in coupling and Cx43 mRNA expression observed after mechanically wounding a confluent monolayer of BME cells was markedly reduced by antibodies to bFGF, which have previously been shown to inhibit migration. Taken together, these results indicate that exogenous and endogenous bFGF increase intercellular communication and Cx43 expression in microvascular endothelial cells. We propose that the bFGF-mediated increase in coupling is necessary for the coordination of endothelial cells during angiogenesis and other vessel wall functions.  相似文献   

In human myometrium, the formation of gap junctions at various stages of labour and in correlation with the concentration of progesterone and oestradiol in maternal blood was described previously by electron microscopy and laser confocal microscopy of immunohistochemically stained myometrial sections. The present investigation focused on the effect of continuous exposure of isolated myometrial tissue to progesterone and oestradiol on the number of gap junction plaques in human myometrium cells in vitro. The presence of gap junctions was evaluated by immunocytochemistry with antibodies against gap junction protein, connexin43 (Cx43). Human myometrial cells were isolated from biopsies obtained from term pregnant women who had an elective caesarean operation in the 37th or 40th week of pregnancy. The dispersed myometrial cells that were obtained by limited enzymatic digestion of the myometrial samples were maintained in monolayer culture for 1, 3 and 6 days in the presence of medium that contained foetal bovine serum and the steroids at different concentration. In primary culture, as well as after several passages, the characteristics of these cells were morphologically and biochemically similar to those of smooth muscle cells and myometrial tissue. The obtained results showed that the cells in culture responded synchronously to the increased concentrations of oestradiol/progesterone mixtures. The number of gap junctions increased significantly on days 1, 3 and 6 in culture and showed positive correlation (p < 0.05) with the cell number when the concentration of oestradiol was raised to 1 microgram/mL in the progesterone ratio (1.0 microgram/0.5 microgram/mL). No significant correlation, however, in connexin43 gap junction number versus cell number was observed between the six experimental groups treated with progesterone only.  相似文献   

Endothelial expression of the gap junction proteins, connexin (Cx) 37, Cx40, and Cx43, varies within the vascular network. While previous studies suggest that shear stress may upregulate Cx43, it is not well understood if shear stress affects the expression of all endothelial connexins and to what extent. Endothelial cells on the upstream and downstream surfaces of cardiac valves are subjected to considerably different intensities of shear stress. We therefore reasoned that we could determine the extent hemodynamic forces affect the expression of Cx37, Cx40, and Cx43 by comparing their immunohistochemical distribution on the upstream and downstream surfaces of rat cardiac valves. We found 70- to 200-fold greater expression of Cx43 in the endothelial cells on the upstream than on the downstream surfaces. However, Cx37 was expressed almost equally in the endothelial cells on upstream and downstream surfaces, and Cx40, a major connexin in most vascular endothelial cells, was not detected on either surface. In addition to the heterogeneity in Cx43 expression, endothelial cells on the upstream surface were 35% to 65% smaller than those on the corresponding downstream surface. These results suggest that shear stress may affect endothelial cell size and Cx43 expression but not Cx37 expression.  相似文献   

Transition of arterial smooth muscle cells from the contractile to the synthetic phenotype in vivo is associated with up-regulation of the gap-junctional protein, connexin43 (Cx43). However, the role of increased Cx43 expression in relation to the characteristic features of the synthetic phenotype – altered growth, differentiation or synthetic activity – has not previously been defined. In the present study, growth was induced in cultured human aortic smooth muscle cells by treatment with thrombin and with PDGF-bb; growth arrest was induced by serum deprivation and contact inhibition. Alterations in Cx43 expression and gap-junctional communication were analyzed in relation to expression of markers for contractile differentiation and extracellular matrix synthesis. Treatment with thrombin, but not PDGF-bb, led to up-regulation of Cx43 gap junctions, increased synthetic activity yet also enhanced contractile differentiation. Inhibition of growth by deprivation of serum growth factors in sub-confluent cultures had no effect on Cx43 expression or contractile differentiation. Growth arrest by contact inhibition led to progressive reduction in Cx43 expression, in parallel with progressive increase in expression of differentiation markers but no alteration in synthetic activity. Of a range of stimuli examined, only thrombin had the combined effect of increasing Cx43 gap-junction communication, growth and synthesis, yet it also enhanced contractile differentiation. Down-regulation of Cx43 and improved contractile differentiation occurred only when growth arrest was induced through the contact–inhibition pathway, though, in this instance, synthesis remained undiminished. We conclude that Cx43 levels, though having common correlates, are not exclusively linked to the cell phenotype or the state of growth.  相似文献   

Zonula occludens-1 and connexin 43 expression in the failing human heart   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Focal disorganization of gap junctional distribution and down-regulation of the major gap junctional protein connexin 43 are typical features of myocardial remodelling in the failing human heart. Increasing evidence indicates that connexin 43 interacts with zonula-occludens-1 (ZO-1), and it has recently been shown that ZO-1 promotes the formation and growth of gap junctional plaques. In the present study, distribution patterns of ZO-1 and connexin 43 were studied in normal and in heart failure patients using double-label immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy. ZO-1 was found to be co-localized with connexin 43 at intercalated disks. Importantly, in patients with heart failure due to dilated or ischaemic cardiomyopathy, areas of diminished connexin 43 expression were characterized by a markedly reduced ZO-1 staining. Based on these data it is concluded that in patients with heart failure, down-regulation of ZO-1 matches the diminished expression levels of connexin 43, suggesting that ZO-1 plays an important role in gap junction formation and gap junction plaque stability.  相似文献   

To examine early events in connexin oligomerization, we made connexin constructs containing a C-terminal di-lysine based endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention/retrieval signal (HKKSL). Previously, we found that both Cx32-HKKSL and Cx43-HKKSL were retained in the ER. However, Cx32-HKKSL oligomerized into hexameric hemichannels, but Cx43-HKKSL was retained as an apparent monomer. To define elements that prevent Cx43-HKKSL oligomerization in the ER, we made a series of HKKSL-tagged Cx43/Cx32 chimeras. When expressed by HeLa cells, some chimeras were retained in the ER as apparent monomers, whereas others oligomerized in the ER. To date, the second and third transmembrane domains and the cytoplasmic loop domain provide the minimal sufficient Cx43 element to inhibit ER oligomerization.  相似文献   

Stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1) regulates neovascularization, which is coordinately controlled by endothelial cells (EC) and their surrounding cells, pericytes or smooth muscle cells. In the basal state, SDF-1 expression is much lower in EC than in their surrounding cells. In this study, we evaluated epigenetic regulation to determine if it is involved in the mechanism responsible for the differential expression of SDF-1 in two types of vascular cells, brain microvascular EC (HBMEC) and pericytes (HBMP). We found that HBMEC did not express SDF-1, but that HBMP did. Furthermore, treatment of EC with 5-aza-2′-dexoycytidine and trichostatin A resulted in a remarkable restoration of SDF-1 expression. Additionally, bisulfite-sequencing analysis revealed no differences in the methylation state of SDF-1 promoter between HBMEC and HBMP. Finally, a chromatin immunoprecipitation assay revealed reduced levels of histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9) acetylation and H3K4 trimethylation with concomitant enhancement of H3K9 trimethylation in HBMEC relative to HBMP, which suggests that histone modifications are involved in the cell-specific expression of SDF-1.  相似文献   

In order to further characterize the Sertoli cell state of differentiation, we investigated the expression of connexin 43 (cx43) protein in the testis of adult men both with normal spermatogenesis and associated with spermatogenic impairment, since cx43 is first expressed during puberty. Cx43 protein was found as a single 43-kDa band on western blots of extracts of normal human testicular material. Cx43 immunoreactivity was generally present between Leydig cells. Within the normal seminiferous epithelium cx43 immunoreactivity was localized between adjacent Sertoli cells, except at stages II and III of the seminiferous epithelial cycle when primary spermatocytes cross from the basal to the adluminal compartment suggesting a stage-dependent Sertoli cell function. While testes with hypospermatogenesis and spermatogenic arrest at the level of round spermatids or spermatocytes revealed a staining pattern similar to that of normal adult testis, the seminiferous tubules showing spermatogenic arrest at the level of spermatogonia and Sertoli-cell-only syndrome were completely immunonegative. We therefore assume that severe spermatogenic impairment is associated with a population of Sertoli cells exhibiting a stage of differentiation deficiency. Accepted: 10 June 1999  相似文献   

We immunohistochemically and morphometrically examined the expression of gap junction protein connexin (Cx) in normal and crush-injured rat sciatic nerves using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Cx26 was localized in the perineurium and Cx43 was present in the perineurium and the epineurium, whereas Cx32 was confined to the paranodal regions of the nodes of Ranvier. Double labeling for connexins and laminin revealed that Cx43 was localized in multiple layers of the perineurium, whereas Cx26 was confined to the innermost layer. Double labeling for connexins and a tight junction protein, occludin, showed that occludin frequently coexisted with Cx43 but existed separately from Cx26 in the perineurium. After crush injury, the pattern of normal Cx32 expression was initially lost but recovered, whereas Cx43 rapidly appeared in the endoneurium and its expression was subsequently attenuated. Although crush injury produced no apparent alteration in Cx43 and occludin in the perineurium, a rapid increase and a subsequent decrease in the frequency of Cx26-positive spots during nerve regeneration were shown by morphometric analysis. These results indicate that Cx26, Cx32, and Cx43 are expressed differently in various types of cells in peripheral nerves and that their expressions are differentially regulated after injury. The expression of connexins and occludin in the perineurium suggests that perineurial cells are not uniform in type and that the regulation of gap junctions and tight junctions is closely related in the perineurium.  相似文献   

Gap junctions (GJ) are important determinants of cardiac conduction and the evidence has recently emerged that altered distribution of these junctions and changes in the expression of their constituent connexins (Cx) may lead to abnormal coupling between cardiomyocytes and likely contribute to arrhythmogenesis. However, it is largely unknown whether changes in the expression and distribution of the major cardiac GJ protein, Cx43, is a general feature of diverse chronic myocardial diseases or is confined to some particular pathophysiological settings. In the present study, we therefore set out to investigate qualitatively and quantitatively the distribution and expression of Cx43 in normal human myocardium and in patients with dilated (DCM), ischemic (ICM), and inflammatory cardiomyopathies (MYO). Left ventricular tissue samples were obtained at the time of cardiac transplantation and investigated with immunoconfocal and electron microscopy. As compared with the control group, Cx43 labeling in myocytes bordering regions of healed myocardial infarction (ICM), small areas of replacement fibrosis (DCM) and myocardial inflammation (MYO) was found to be highly disrupted instead of being confined to the intercalated discs. In all groups, myocardium distant from these regions showed an apparently normal Cx43 distribution at the intercalated discs. Quantitative immunoconfocal analyis of Cx43 in the latter myocytes revealed that the Cx43 area per myocyte area or per myocyte volume is significantly decreased by respectively 30 and 55% in DCM, 23 and 48% in ICM, and by 21 and 40% in MYO as compared with normal human myocardium. In conclusion, focal disorganization of GJ distribution and down-regulation of Cx43 are typical features of myocardial remodeling that may play an important role in the development of an arrhythmogenic substrate in human cardiomyopathies.  相似文献   

The mouse is currently widely used as a model organism in the analysis of gene function but how developmentally regulated patterns of connexin gene expression in the mouse compare with those in the human is unclear. Here we compare the patterns of connexin expression in the heart during the development of the mouse (from embryonic day 12.5 to 6 weeks postpartum) and the human (at 9 weeks gestation and adult stage). The extent of connexin43 expression in the ventricles progressively increased during development of the mouse heart. The developmental pattern of expression for connexins 40 and 45 in the mouse heart was similar, but not identical, and in the ventricles showed a progressive and preferential expression in the conduction system. In general, these dynamic changes of connexins 43, 40 and 45 during mouse cardiac development appear to be mirrored in the human.  相似文献   

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