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DC are activated by pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), and this is pivotal for the induction of adaptive immune responses. Thereafter, the clearance of activated DC is crucial to prevent immune pathology. While PAMPs are of major interest for vaccine science due to their adjuvant potential, it is unclear whether and how PAMPs may affect DC viability. We aimed to elucidate the possible apoptotic mechanisms that control activated DC lifespan in response to PAMPs, particularly in vivo.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We report that polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (PolyIC, synthetic analogue of dsRNA) induces dramatic apoptosis of mouse splenic conventional DC (cDC) in vivo, predominantly affecting the CD8α subset, as shown by flow cytometry-based analysis of splenic DC subsets. Importantly, while Bim deficiency conferred only minor protection, cDC depletion was prevented in mice lacking Bim plus one of three other BH3-only proteins, either Puma, Noxa or Bid. Furthermore, we show that Type I Interferon (IFN) is necessary and sufficient for DC death both in vitro and in vivo, and that TLR3 and MAVS co-operate in IFNß production in vivo to induce DC death in response to PolyIC.


These results demonstrate for the first time in vivo that apoptosis restricts DC lifespan following activation by PolyIC, particularly affecting the CD8α cDC subset. Such DC apoptosis is mediated by the overlapping action of pro-apoptotic BH3-only proteins, including but not solely involving Bim, and is driven by Type I IFN. While Type I IFNs are important anti-viral factors, CD8α cDC are major cross-presenting cells and critical inducers of CTL. We discuss such paradoxical finding on DC death with PolyIC/Type I IFN. These results could contribute to understand immunosuppression associated with chronic infection, and to the optimization of DC-based therapies and the clinical use of PAMPs and Type I IFNs.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells are ideally suited to orchestrate the innate and adaptive immune responses to infection, but we know little about how these cells respond to infection with common respiratory viruses. Paramyxoviral infections are the most frequent cause of serious respiratory illness in childhood and are associated with an increased risk of asthma. We therefore used a high-fidelity mouse model of paramyxoviral respiratory infection triggered by Sendai virus to examine the response of conventional and plasmacytoid dendritic cells (cDCs and pDCs, respectively) in the lung. We found that pDCs are scarce at baseline but become the predominant population of lung dendritic cells during infection. This recruitment allows for a source of IFN-alpha locally at the site of infection. In contrast, cDCs rapidly differentiate into myeloid cDCs and begin to migrate from the lung to draining lymph nodes within 2 h after viral inoculation. These events cause the number of lung cDCs to decrease rapidly and remain decreased at the site of viral infection. Maturation and migration of lung cDCs depends on Ccl5 and Ccr5 signals because these events are significantly impaired in Ccl5(-/-) and Ccr5(-/-) mice. cDCs failure to migrate to draining lymph nodes in Ccl5(-/-) or Ccr5(-/-) mice is associated with impaired up-regulation of CCR7 that would normally direct this process. Our results indicate that pDCs and cDCs respond distinctly to respiratory paramyxoviral infection with patterns of movement that should serve to coordinate the innate and adaptive immune responses, respectively.  相似文献   

Intranasal infection of mice with murine gammaherpesvirus 68 causes a dramatic increase in numbers of activated CD8(+) T cells in the blood, analogous in many respects to EBV-induced infectious mononucleosis in humans. In the mouse model, this lymphocytosis has two distinct components: an early, conventional virus-specific CD8(+) T cell response, and a later response characterized by a dramatic increase among CD8(+) T cells that bear Vbeta4(+) TCRs. We previously demonstrated that Vbeta4(+)CD8(+) T cells recognize an uncharacterized ligand expressed on latently infected B cells in an MHC-independent manner. The frequency of Vbeta4(+)CD8(+) T cells increases dramatically following the peak of viral latency in the spleen. In the current studies, we show that elevated Vbeta4(+)CD8(+) T cell levels are sustained long-term in persistently infected mice, apparently a consequence of continued ligand expression. In addition, we show that Vbeta4(+)CD8(+) T cells can acquire effector functions, including cytotoxicity and the capacity to secrete IFN-gamma, although they have an atypical activation profile compared with well-characterized CD8(+) T cells specific for conventional viral epitopes. The characteristics of Vbeta4(+)CD8(+) T cells (potential effector function, stimulation by latently infected B cells, and kinetics of expansion) suggested that this dominant T cell response plays a key role in the immune control of latent virus. However, Ab depletion and adoptive transfer studies show that Vbeta4(+)CD8(+) T cells are not essential for this function. This murine model of infection may provide insight into the role of unusual populations of activated T cells associated with persistent viral infections.  相似文献   

Loss of CD4 T cells is the hallmark of HIV infection. However, type I IFN-producing plasmacytoid dendritic cells may also be lost. This results in susceptibility to an opportunistic infection such as Pneumocystis pneumonia. In addition, regenerative bone marrow failure resulting in pancytopenia is another common problem in advanced stage AIDS. This may be linked to both the failing immune system and recurrent opportunistic infections. We generated lymphocyte-deficient type I IFN receptor-deficient mice (IFrag-/-) to study the effects on Pneumocystis infection of the lung. When IFrag-/- animals were infected with Pneumocystis they died between days 16 and 21 postinfection with minimal pneumonia but severe anemia due to complete bone marrow failure. This included the loss of uncommitted hemopoietic precursor cells. Bone marrow failure was prevented by the reconstitution of IFrag-/- mice with wild-type lymphocytes, especially B cells. T and B cells lacking type I IFN receptor signaling could only partially prevent bone marrow failure in response to Pneumocystis infection. However, the presence of T and B cells lacking type I IFN signaling resulted in compensatory extramedullary hemopoiesis in the liver and spleen. Lymphocyte support of the regenerative capacity of the bone marrow was provided by both type I IFN-dependent and -independent mechanisms that acted synergistically. Our findings point to the requirement of both type I IFNs and lymphocytes in the regenerative capabilities of the hemopoietic system under the pressure of Pneumocystis infection, but not during steady-state hemopoiesis. This may have implications in the management of pancytopenia in AIDS.  相似文献   



Klebsiella pneumoniae is a leading cause of severe hospital-acquired respiratory tract infections and death but little is known regarding the modulation of respiratory dendritic cell (DC) subsets. Plasmacytoid DC (pDC) are specialized type 1 interferon producing cells and considered to be classical mediators of antiviral immunity.


By using multiparameter flow cytometry analysis we have analysed the modulation of respiratory DC subsets after intratracheal Klebsiella pneumonia infection.


Data indicate that pDCs and MoDC were markedly elevated in the post acute pneumonia phase when compared to mock-infected controls. Analysis of draining mediastinal lymph nodes revealed a rapid increase of activated CD103+ DC, CD11b+ DC and MoDC within 48 h post infection. Lung pDC identification during bacterial pneumonia was confirmed by extended phenotyping for 120G8, mPDCA-1 and Siglec-H expression and by demonstration of high Interferon-alpha producing capacity after cell sorting. Cytokine expression analysis of ex vivo-sorted respiratory DC subpopulations from infected animals revealed elevated Interferon-alpha in pDC, elevated IFN-gamma, IL-4 and IL-13 in CD103+ DC and IL-19 and IL-12p35 in CD11b+ DC subsets in comparison to CD11c+ MHC-class IIlow cells indicating distinct functional roles. Antigen-specific naive CD4+ T cell stimulatory capacity of purified respiratory DC subsets was analysed in a model system with purified ovalbumin T cell receptor transgenic naive CD4+ responder T cells and respiratory DC subsets, pulsed with ovalbumin and matured with Klebsiella pneumoniae lysate. CD103+ DC and CD11b+ DC subsets represented the most potent naive CD4+ T helper cell activators.


These results provide novel insight into the activation of respiratory DC subsets during Klebsiella pneumonia infection. The detection of increased respiratory pDC numbers in bacterial pneumonia may indicate possible novel pDC functions with respect to lung repair and regeneration.  相似文献   

We addressed the role of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDC) in protection against AIDS in nonpathogenic simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVagm) infection in African green monkeys (AGMs). PDC were monitored in blood and lymph nodes (LNs) starting from day 1 postinfection. We observed significant declines in blood during acute infection. However, PDC then returned to normal levels, and chronically infected AGMs showed no decrease of PDC in blood. There was a significant increase of PDC in LNs during acute infection. Blood PDC displayed only weak alpha interferon (IFN-alpha) responses to TLR9 agonist stimulation before infection. However, during acute infection, both blood and LN PDC showed a transiently increased propensity for IFN-alpha production. Bioactive IFN-alpha was detected in plasma concomitant with the peak of viremia, though levels were only low to moderate in some animals. Plasma interleukin 6 (IL-6) and IL-12 were not increased. In conclusion, PDC were recruited to the LNs and displayed increased IFN-alpha production during acute infection. However, increases in IFN-alpha were transient. Together with the lack of inflammatory cytokine responses, these events might play an important role in the low level of T-cell activation which is associated with protection against AIDS in nonpathogenic SIVagm infection.  相似文献   

Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) are the major source of type I interferons (IFN‐I) during viral infections, in response to triggering of endosomal Toll‐like receptors (TLRs) 7 or 9 by viral single‐stranded RNA or unmethylated CpG DNA, respectively. Synthetic ligands have been used to disentangle the underlying signaling pathways. The adaptor protein AP3 is necessary to transport molecular complexes of TLRs, synthetic CpG DNA, and MyD88 into endosomal compartments allowing interferon regulatory factor 7 (IRF7) recruitment whose phosphorylation then initiates IFN‐I production. High basal expression of IRF7 by pDC and its further enhancement by positive IFN‐I feedback signaling appear to be necessary for robust cytokine production. In contrast, we show here that in vivo during mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) infection pDC produce high amounts of IFN‐I downstream of the TLR9‐to‐MyD88‐to‐IRF7 signaling pathway without requiring IFN‐I positive feedback, high IRF7 expression, or AP3‐driven endosomal routing of TLRs. Hence, the current model of the molecular requirements for professional IFN‐I production by pDC, established by using synthetic TLR ligands, does not strictly apply to a physiological viral infection.  相似文献   

Host responses to cytomegalovirus infection include initial early production of alpha and beta interferons, also called type I interferons, which are elicited directly by viral products via Toll-like receptors. New data indicate that, preceding these events, an earlier critical type I interferon elicited in primary infected stromal cells via the lymphotoxin beta receptor system and mediated by B cells is necessary to kick-start an efficient antiviral response.  相似文献   

Moltedo B  Li W  Yount JS  Moran TM 《PLoS pathogens》2011,7(11):e1002345
Migratory lung dendritic cells (DCs) transport viral antigen from the lungs to the draining mediastinal lymph nodes (MLNs) during influenza virus infection to initiate the adaptive immune response. Two major migratory DC subsets, CD103(+) DCs and CD11b(high) DCs participate in this function and it is not clear if these antigen presenting cell (APC) populations become directly infected and if so whether their activity is influenced by the infection. In these experiments we show that both subpopulations can become infected and migrate to the draining MLN but a difference in their response to type I interferon (I-IFN) signaling dictates the capacity of the virus to replicate. CD103(+) DCs allow the virus to replicate to significantly higher levels than do the CD11b(high) DCs, and they release infectious virus in the MLNs and when cultured ex-vivo. Virus replication in CD11b(high) DCs is inhibited by I-IFNs, since ablation of the I-IFN receptor (IFNAR) signaling permits virus to replicate vigorously and productively in this subset. Interestingly, CD103(+) DCs are less sensitive to I-IFNs upregulating interferon-induced genes to a lesser extent than CD11b(high) DCs. The attenuated IFNAR signaling by CD103(+) DCs correlates with their described superior antigen presentation capacity for na?ve CD8(+) T cells when compared to CD11b(high) DCs. Indeed ablation of IFNAR signaling equalizes the competency of the antigen presenting function for the two subpopulations. Thus, antigen presentation by lung DCs is proportional to virus replication and this is tightly constrained by I-IFN. The "interferon-resistant" CD103(+) DCs may have evolved to ensure the presentation of viral antigens to T cells in I-IFN rich environments. Conversely, this trait may be exploitable by viral pathogens as a mechanism for systemic dissemination.  相似文献   

Hao X  Kim TS  Braciale TJ 《Journal of virology》2008,82(10):4908-4919
Dendritic cells (DC) are believed to play an important role in the initiation of innate and adaptive immune responses to infection, including respiratory tract infections, where respiratory DC (RDC) perform this role. In this report, we examined the susceptibilities of isolated murine RDC to influenza virus infection in vitro and the effect of the multiplicity of infection (MOI) on costimulatory ligand upregulation and inflammatory cytokine/chemokine production after infection. We found that the efficiency of influenza virus infection of RDC increased with increasing MOIs. Furthermore, distinct subpopulations of RDC differed in their susceptibilities to influenza virus infection and in the magnitude/tempo of costimulatory ligand expression. Additional characterization of the CD11c-positive (CD11c(+)) RDC revealed that the identifiable subsets of RDC differed in susceptibility to infection, with CD11c(+) CD103(+) DC exhibiting the greatest susceptibility, CD11c(+) CD11b(hi) DC exhibiting intermediate susceptibility, and CD11c(+) B220(+) plasmacytoid DC (pDC) exhibiting the least susceptibility to infection. A companion analysis of the in vivo susceptibilities of these RDC subsets to influenza virus revealed a corresponding infection pattern. The three RDC subsets displayed different patterns of cytokine/chemokine production in response to influenza virus infection in vitro: pDC were the predominant producers of most cytokines examined, while CD103(+) DC and CD11b(hi) DC produced elevated levels of the murine chemokine CXCL1 (KC), interleukin 12p40, and RANTES in response to influenza virus infection. Our results indicate that RDC are targets of influenza virus infection and that distinct RDC subsets differ in their susceptibilities and responses to infection.  相似文献   

Gammaherpesviruses are important pathogens whose lifelong survival in the host depends critically on their capacity to establish and reactivate from latency, processes regulated by both viral genes and the host immune response. Previous work has demonstrated that gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) is a key regulator of chronic infection with murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (gammaHV68), a virus that establishes latent infection in B lymphocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells. In mice deficient in IFN-gamma or the IFN-gamma receptor, gammaHV68 gene expression is altered during chronic infection, and peritoneal cells explanted from these mice reactivate more efficiently ex vivo than cells derived from wild-type mice. Furthermore, treatment with IFN-gamma inhibits reactivation of gammaHV68 from latently infected wild-type peritoneal cells, and depletion of IFN-gamma from wild-type mice increases the efficiency of reactivation of explanted peritoneal cells. These profound effects of IFN-gamma on chronic gammaHV68 latency and reactivation raise the question of which cells respond to IFN-gamma to control chronic gammaHV68 infection. Here, we show that IFN-gamma inhibited reactivation of peritoneal cells and spleen cells harvested from mice lacking B lymphocytes, but not wild-type spleen cells, suggesting that IFN-gamma may inhibit reactivation in a cell type-specific manner. To directly test this hypothesis, we expressed the diphtheria toxin receptor specifically on either B lymphocytes or macrophages and used diphtheria toxin treatment to deplete these specific cells in vivo and in vitro after establishing latency. We demonstrate that macrophages, but not B cells, are responsive to IFN-gamma-mediated suppression of gammaHV68 reactivation. These data indicate that the regulation of gammaherpesvirus latency by IFN-gamma is cell type specific and raise the possibility that cell type-specific immune deficiency may alter latency in distinct and important ways.  相似文献   

The human gammaherpesviruses Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and EBV cause important infections. As pathogenetic studies of the human infections are restricted, murine gammaherpesvirus 68 serves as a model to study gammaherpesvirus pathogenesis. TLRs are a conserved family of receptors detecting microbial molecular patterns. Among the TLRs, TLR9 recognizes unmethylated CpG DNA motifs present in bacterial and viral DNA. The aim of this study was to assess the role of TLR9 in gammaherpesvirus pathogenesis. Upon stimulation with murine gammaherpesvirus 68, Flt3L-cultured bone marrow cells (dendritic cells) from TLR9-/- mice secreted reduced levels of IL-12, IFN-alpha, and IL-6, when compared with dendritic cells from wild-type mice. Intranasal infection of TLR9-/- and wild-type mice did not reveal any differences during lytic and latent infection. In contrast, when infected i.p., TLR9-/- mice showed markedly higher viral loads both during lytic and latent infection. Thus, we show for the first time that TLR9 is involved in gammaherpesvirus pathogenesis and contributes to organ-specific immunity.  相似文献   

Type I IFNs are important for direct control of viral infection and generation of adaptive immune responses. Recently, direct stimulation of CD4(+) T cells via type I IFNR has been shown to be necessary for the formation of functional CD4(+) T cell responses. In contrast, we find that CD4(+) T cells do not require intrinsic type I IFN signals in response to combined TLR/anti-CD40 vaccination. Rather, the CD4 response is dependent on the expression of type I IFNR (IFNαR) on innate cells. Further, we find that dendritic cell (DC) expression of the TNF superfamily member OX40 ligand was dependent on type I IFN signaling in the DC, resulting in a reduced CD4(+) T cell response that could be substantially rescued by an agonistic Ab to the receptor OX40. Taken together, we show that the IFNαR dependence of the CD4(+) T cell response is accounted for exclusively by defects in DC activation.  相似文献   

During virus infection and autoimmune disease, inflammatory dendritic cells (iDCs) differentiate from blood monocytes and infiltrate infected tissue. Following acute infection with hepatotropic viruses, iDCs are essential for re-stimulating virus-specific CD8+ T cells and therefore contribute to virus control. Here we used the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) model system to identify novel signals, which influence the recruitment and activation of iDCs in the liver. We observed that intrinsic expression of Toso (Faim3, FcμR) influenced the differentiation and activation of iDCs in vivo and DCs in vitro. Lack of iDCs in Toso-deficient (Toso–/–) mice reduced CD8+ T-cell function in the liver and resulted in virus persistence. Furthermore, Toso–/– DCs failed to induce autoimmune diabetes in the rat insulin promoter-glycoprotein (RIP-GP) autoimmune diabetes model. In conclusion, we found that Toso has an essential role in the differentiation and maturation of iDCs, a process that is required for the control of persistence-prone virus infection.More than 500 million people worldwide suffer from chronic infections with hepatitis B or hepatitis C viruses.1 Although both viruses are poorly cytopathic, persistence of either virus can lead to chronic liver inflammation and potentially cause liversteatosis, liver cirrhosis, end-stage liver failure or hepatocellular carcinoma. Virus-specific CD8+ T cells are a major determinant governing the outcome of viral hepatitis due to their antiviral activity against virus-infected hepatocytes.2, 3, 4, 5 However, during prolonged infection, virus-specific CD8+ T cells are exhausted, resulting in their loss of function and consequently virus persistence.1, 6 Regulators influencing CD8+ T-cell function during chronic virus infection still remain ill defined.Inflammatory dendritic cells (iDCs) can develop from a subset of monocytes recruited to the site of inflammation.7, 8 This monocyte subset is characterized by the expression of CD115+/Ly6Chi/CCR2+.7 iDCs express CD11c, CD11b, and Ly6C.9, 10, 11 IDCs that exhibit tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α production and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) were named TNF-α and iNOS producing DCs (Tip-DCs). iDCs contribute to the elimination of pathogens following bacterial infection.12, 13, 14 During infection with influenza virus, iDCs enhance CD8+ T-cell immunopathology, but have limited impact on viral replication.11, 15 According to recent observations, chronic activation of toll-like receptor 9 leads to intrahepatic myeloid-cell aggregates (iMATE).16 These aggregates, which contain iDCs, are essential for T-cell activation and therefore participate in virus control.16 Co-stimulatory signals from either direct cell contact or from cytokines in combination with continued antigen contact in iMATEs lead to proliferation and activation of virus-specific T cells.16 These observations suggest that infiltration of professional antigen-presenting cells into target organs is important for the maintenance of strong antiviral cytotoxic CD8+ T-cell activity. Factors regulating iDC infiltration into the liver remain poorly understood.Toso is a membrane protein whose extracellular domain has homology to the immunoglobulin variable (IgV) domains. The cytoplasmic region has partial homology to the FAST kinase (Fas-activated serine/threonine kinase).17 Toso is expressed on B cells and activated T cells17 and is overexpressed in B-cell lymphomas.18, 19 Expression of Toso can influence survival of macrophages.20 Originally, Toso was described as an inhibitor of FAS signaling.17, 21 More recently, a role of Toso in IgM binding and TNFR signaling was also demonstrated22, 23, 24 and consistently, Toso-deficient animals are protected from lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced septic shock.24, 25 Recently, we identified a role of Toso in the activation of granulocytes, monocytes, and DCs.26, 27, 28 During infection with Listeria, the expression of Toso regulated granulocyte function.26, 27 The role of Toso in the function of monocytes and other myeloid cells still remains to be further elucidated.In this study, we investigated the role of Toso during chronic viral infection by using the murine lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). We report that Toso promotes the differentiation and maturation of iDCs at virus-infected sites, which were essential for effector CD8+ T-cell function and in accelerating the control of the virus. We further tested the role of Toso in the rat insulin promoter-glycoprotein (RIP-GP) autoimmune diabetes model and found that Toso was required to trigger diabetes in RIP-GP mice. Taken together, we have identified an essential role of Toso in the differentiation and maturation of iDCs, which is essential for the control of persistence-prone virus infection and triggering of autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

Within murine CD11c(+) dendritic cells (DC), CD8alpha+, CD8alpha-CD4+, and CD8alpha-CD4- subsets are defined. This study characterized the localization, number, and function of these subsets during acute Salmonella typhimurium infection. Immunohistochemical and flow cytometric analyses of spleens from mice orally infected with virulent S. typhimurium revealed that in situ redistribution and alteration in the absolute number and function of DC occurred in a subset-specific manner during infection. CD8alpha-CD4+ DC present at B cell follicle borders in the spleen of naive mice were absent 5 days post-Salmonella infection, despite no overall change in the absolute number of CD8alpha-CD4+ splenic DC. CD8alpha+ and CD8alpha-CD4- DC were prominently associated with the red pulp, and the frequency of these cells increased strikingly 5 days post-Salmonella infection. Significant quantitative increases in both CD8alpha+ and CD8alpha-CD4- subsets were associated with the in situ redistribution. Examination of Salmonella-infected TAP1(-/-)/beta(2)-microglobulin(-/-) mice, which lack CD8alpha+ T cells, confirmed the differential subset-specific modulations in the DC populations both in situ and quantitatively. Ex vivo intracellular cytokine analysis showed significantly increased frequencies of CD8alpha(+) DC producing TNF-alpha at days 2 and 5 postinfection. In contrast, CD4+ DC producing TNF-alpha were transiently increased followed by a significant reduction. No significant increase in IL-12p40 or IL-10 production by splenic DC was detected during the first 5 days post-S. typhimurium infection. Together these data reveal differential modulation of splenic DC subsets with regard to organization, number, and cytokine production during the course of acute Salmonella infection.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) serve an essential function in linking the innate and acquired immune responses to antigen. Peripheral DC acquire antigen and migrate to draining lymph nodes, where they localize to the T cell-rich paracortex and function as potent antigen presenting cells. We examined the effects of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection on DC function in vivo using the rhesus macaque/simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) model. Our data show that during acute SIV infection, Langerhans cell density is reduced in skin and activated DC are increased in proportion in lymph nodes, whereas during AIDS, DC migration from skin and activation within lymph nodes are suppressed. These findings suggest that changes in DC function at different times during the course of infection may serve to promote virus dissemination and persistence: early during infection, DC mobilization may facilitate virus spread to susceptible lymph node T cell populations, whereas depressed DC function during advanced infection could promote generalized immunosuppression.  相似文献   

Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) when administered intranasally induces high levels of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) in the lymphoid tissues of infected mice. In order to investigate the role of this cytokine in the immune response to MHV-68, mice which were congenitally deficient in the IFN-gamma gene (IFN-gamma knockout mice) were infected with the virus. Comparison of the courses of the disease in wild-type control and IFN-gamma knockout mice revealed surprisingly little difference. Both groups of mice had cleared infectious virus from the lungs 15 days after infection, although there did appear to be a slight delay in viral clearance in the IFN-gamma knockout mice. In addition, after the initial phase of viral clearance, the lungs of both groups remained clear of replicating virus throughout the course of the experiment, which concluded 34 days after infection. Consistent with these observations, cytotoxic T-cell activities were similar in the two groups of mice. Levels of latent virus were comparable in wild-type and knockout mice over the time course studied. Furthermore, analysis of the numbers, types, and activation status of cells in the lungs, lymph nodes, and spleens of control and knockout mice revealed no striking difference. This suggests that IFN-gamma is not essential for regulating the cell recruitment or proliferation that normally occurs during this viral infection. Apart from the expected lack of IFN-gamma, cytokine profiles were not dramatically altered in IFN-gamma knockout mice, demonstrating that IFN-gamma did not suppress the proliferation or differentiation of Th2 cells during MHV-68 infection. These observations indicate that IFN-gamma plays a nonessential or redundant role in the control of acute infection with MHV-68.  相似文献   

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