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A compendium of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) predators was assembled, thereby consolidating decades of research that described trophic interactions among relevant marine species in the North Atlantic. The importance of shrimp as prey and the impacts of predation on shrimp populations were gleaned, where possible, from the literature. The review identified 26 species that prey on shrimp within North Atlantic ecosystems. The results clarified the role of shrimp as prey within these ecosystems, confirming that they provide an abundant source of food for marine fish, mammals and invertebrates throughout the North Atlantic. The evidence supported the likelihood of predation mortality as one of the key factors regulating shrimp population dynamics. However, lacking representative estimates of shrimp consumption by predators, the net effect on predation mortality within populations was unquantifiable.  相似文献   

The interaction between two species of gadoid and a shrimp stock was studied in a 40 km long two-armed fjord in north-west Iceland. On the basis of acoustic and trawl surveys in 2005 and 2006, immature cod Gadus morhua and haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus were found to migrate to the inner part of the fjord in late summer, concurrent with rising temperatures. At the same time, the local northern shrimp Pandalus borealis stock retreated into the north-east arm of the fjord. Vertical distribution of acoustic targets indicated that a significant and temporally variable fraction of the gadoids was inaccessible to the trawl. Shrimp was a significant part of the diet of immature G. morhua, except in June 2006 when euphausiids comprised most of the diet of both G. morhua and M. aeglefinus. Shrimp was only a minor part of the diet of M. aeglefinus. An on-off relationship was observed in the catches of gadoids and shrimp. In hauls with large catches of gadoids, few shrimp were found and vice versa, indicating avoidance reaction at this spatial scale. The cooling in winter may have driven the gadoids to the outer parts of the fjord, which in turn may have aided in the dispersal of the shrimp stock in the following months.  相似文献   

In order to test the sensitivity of respiration (physiological and potential) to mercury (Hg) contamination, larval shrimp Pandalus borealis were exposed to inorganic Hg (0–160 ppb) for 27 h in the laboratory. Oxygen consumption rates (RO2), potential respiration (determined by respiratory electron transfer system activity, ETSA), protein content, and swimming activity for zoeae III and zoeae V stages were measured. For both zoeae stages, ETSA and protein content remained constant after 27 h exposure to 160 ppb Hg whereas RO2 and swimming activity decreased. This study revealed the impact of different Hg levels and different exposure times on RO2 of shrimp larvae. After 10 h exposure to 160 ppb Hg, the RO2 decreased by 43 and 49% in zoeae III and zoeae V stages, respectively. Exposure time of 27 h to 80 ppb Hg and higher, induced paralysis in nearly 100% larvae. Surprisingly, the paralysed larvae displayed almost 50% of the control's RO2. The results showed that Hg disturbs a part of the respiration process without modifying the maximum activity of the enzymes involved in the ETSA assay. Therefore, the ETSA assay can not be used as a sublethal bioanalytic probe to detect Hg in short-term exposures. The decline of the RO2/ETSA ratios reported here, indicates an inability of contaminated larvae to adapt their metabolism to physiological stress caused by Hg.  相似文献   

An examination of population trends for northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) and its key predators off eastern Newfoundland and Labrador provided the basis for investigating predator-prey relationships within an ecosystem that experienced major changes in species composition during the 1980s and 1990s. Populations of several demersal fish species, known to feed on northern shrimp, declined to historically low levels by the early 1990s and remained depressed thereafter. Some declines were precipitous from the late 1980s to early 1990s, coincident with an increase in shrimp. Populations of other important predator species increased throughout the 1990s along with shrimp. Lacking representative estimates of shrimp consumption, the net effect on predation mortality was unquantifiable and it was not possible to demonstrate with certainty that the major increase in shrimp biomass that occurred throughout the 1990s resulted from a concomitant reduction in predation mortality. Factors (and their interactions) relevant to the dynamics of shrimp populations include the effects of ocean climate, predation, competition, as well as commercial harvesting.  相似文献   

The dietary intake of arsenic, selenium and mercury was studied for children living on the North Sea island Amrum, Germany. Altogether, 98 duplicate portions were collected from 14 children (age 1.5-5.5 years) in April and May 1995 over a sampling period of 7 days, respectively. The element concentrations in duplicate samples were measured by atomic absorption spectrometry. The weekly As and Hg intake (median and range) was 2.31 and 0.89-6.75 microg/(kg(bw) x week) for As and 0.13 and 0.060-0.62 microg/(kg(bw) x week) for Hg. Compared with the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) for As and Hg as proposed by the WHO, German children from coastal areas reveal no health risks due to As and Hg dietary intake. The daily Se intake (median and range) was 19 and 6-160 microg/day. The appropriate Se intake of 10-40 microg/day, as recommended by the Austrian, German, and Swiss Nutrition Councils for 1-4 years-old children, was not reached in 8 out of 49 cases (16.3%), whereas the recommended Se intake, fixed at 15-45 microg/day for the 4-7 years-old children, was not reached in 15 out of 48 cases (31.3%).  相似文献   

Mercuric chloride and sodium selenite were separately administered to male rats in the drinking water or in a combination (2.5 mmol Hg/L and 0.1 mmol Se/L). The mercuric chloride group showed histopathological lesions, as evidenced by cell necrosis in the liver and tubular necrosis in the kidney. The sodium selenite group showed some depression in growth, but pathological changes were found neither in the liver nor in the kidney. Simultaneous administration of both compounds produced a protective effect on weight loss and histopathology. These effects were associated with some small structures in the kidney proximal tubules and to some structure in the extracellular space in the liver. Thin, unstained cryosections were freeze-dried and examined in the Studsvik Nuclear Microprobe. The structures observed in the liver and the kidney were shown to contain both selenium and mercury.  相似文献   

The binding of mercury (Hg) to metallothioneins (MTs) and the relation between Hg and selenium in supernatants of hepatopancreas and gill tissues of the common mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck, 1819) was investigated. The mussels were exposed to different Hg concentrations in laboratory conditions: 2.5 μgHg/L, 4 d exposure (short term) and 60 μgHg/L, 33 d exposure (long term). In addition, the results were compared to those found for mussels from nature (polluted and unpolluted region). In control and short-term-exposed mussles, the level of Hg extraction (cytosol) from hepatopancreas and gill cells was very low with respect to the total Hg concentrations in the corresponding tissues, around 10% in control and around 20% after exposure. As expected, Hg exposure was followed by Se increase. For Se, the levels of extraction were higher, around 20% in control and up to 50% (heaptopacrease) of 70% (gills) after exposure. In order to study the distribution of Hg and Se in the cells of these organs, the total Hg and Secconcentrations were analyzed in the subcellular fractions obtained after differential centrifugation. Although after exposure the concentrations of both element increased in all subcellular fractions, their percentages in particular fractions were lower or higher. In this study, the convincing binding of Hg to metallothionein-like proteins was perceived after long-term laboratory exposure (gills, heapatopancreas) and in wild mussels collected near industrial port (hepatopancreas). In latter case, we also detected the traces of Se bound to the MT fractions after size-exclusion chromatography.  相似文献   

The mercury-binding capacity of seleno-DL-methionine and selenium dioxide was assessed in male Wistar rats. Mercury was supplied as fish loaves made of northern pike or rainbow trout. We used a selenium concentration of 3.4 mg/kg fish, about sixfold compared to the equivalent quantity of mercury. Seleno-DL-methionine had a tendency to increase both methyl mercury and total mercury in blood, although it also seemed to reduce the proportion of methyl mercury of total mercury. Selenium dioxide lowered mercury levels by 24–29% both in the blood and in the liver of rats that were fed with northern pike.  相似文献   

Genomic and proteomic techniques for species identification of meat and seafood products are being widely used. In this study, a genomic approach was used to differentiate Pandalus borealis (the Northern shrimp), which belongs to the superfamily Pandaloidea, from 30 crustaceans consisting of 19 commercially relevant prawns/shrimps species that belong to the superfamily Penaeoidea, which include the families Penaeidae and Solenoceridae, and 11 other crustacean species, including prawns, shrimps, lobsters, and crabs. For this purpose, a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method was designed based on the amplification of the 16S rRNA/tRNA(Val)/12S rRNA mitochondrial regions using the primers 16S-CruF and 16S-CruR. The 966-bp PCR products were produced and cleaved with the restriction enzymes AluI, TaqI, and HinfI, which provided species-specific restriction patterns. In addition, a proteomic approach, based on matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) and electrospray ionization-ion trap (ESI-IT) mass spectrometry, was used to identify and characterize new P. borealis-specific peptides that could be useful as potential markers of this species in protein-based detection methods. To our knowledge, this is the first time a molecular method has been successfully applied to identify a wide range of prawn and shrimp species, including P. borealis, for either whole individuals or processed products. However, validation of the methods proposed here is required by applying them to a larger sample of individuals from different populations and geographic origins in order to avoid mainly false-negative results.  相似文献   

There has been an interest in using hyperaccumulating plants for the removal of heavy metals and metalloids. High selenium (Se) concentrations in the environment are detrimental to animals, humans, and sustainable agriculture, yet selenium is also an essential nutrient for humans. This experiment was conducted to screen fern plants for their potential to accumulate selenium. Eleven fern species, Pteris vittata, P. quadriaurita, P. dentata, P. ensiformis, P. cretica, Dryopteris erythrosora, Didymochlaena truncatula, Adiantum hispidulum, Actiniopteris radiata, Davallia griffithiana, and Cyrtomium fulcatum, were grown under hydroponic conditions for one week at 20 mg L(-1) selenate or selenite. Root Se concentrations reached 245-731 and 516-1082 mg kg(-1) when treated with selenate and selenite, respectively. The corresponding numbers in the fronds were 153-745 and 74-1,028 mg kg(-1) with no visible toxicity symptoms. Only three fern species were able to accumulate more Se in the fronds than the roots, which were D. griffithiana when treated with selenate, P. vittata when treated with selenite, and A. radiata regardless of the forms of Se. A. radiata was the best species overall for Se accumulation. More research is needed to further determine the potential of the fern species identified in this study for phytoremediation of the Se contaminated soils and water.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone encoding a cysteine proteinase of the papain superfamily has been isolated from the hepatopancreas of northern shrimp Pandalus borealis (NsCys). NsCys shares the highest identity of 64% with a cathepsin L-like cysteine proteinase from lobster, and its identity to the well-characterized mammalian cathepsins S, L, and K falls within a narrow range of 54-59%. However, it differs from each of these cathepsins in certain key residues including, for example, the unique occurrence of tryptophan and cysteine residues at the structurally important S2 subsite. Consequently, NsCys produced in Pichia pastoris appears to be distinct in various physicokinetic properties. The recombinant enzyme is active and stable over a wide range of pH values, and its substrate specificity is unusual, as demonstrated by its poor affinity for phenylalanine residues. Instead, it shows the highest specificity for proline residues, a property similar to cathepsin K. Unlike cathepsin K, however, NsCys cleaves valine residues more efficiently than leucine. Similar results were obtained with the natural peptide substrate glucagon. The shrimp proteinase is further distinguished by its potent collagenolytic activity, resulting in a cleavage pattern reminiscent of bacterial collagenase. To distinguish such unique structural and enzymatic properties, we propose the trivial name "crustapain" for the shrimp proteinase, indicating that it is a papain-like cysteine proteinase from a crustacean species.  相似文献   

The bioavailabilities of selenium (Se) from Se-rich fish species and Se-rich wheat were compared in a study involving 32 healthy volunteers. Initial serum Se values were 109±16 μg/L (mean±SD). For 6 wk, one group (n=11) included Se-rich bread in their diet, bringing daily average intake of Se up to 135±25 μg/d. Another group (n=11) consumed Se-rich fish daily (average Se intake: 115±31 μg/d), whereas the control group (n=10) ate their normal diet, providing 77±25 μg Se/d. Serum Se increased by 17% (P<0.01), and platelet Se increased by 30% (P<0.01) in the wheat group. Although platelet Se decreased by 11% in the fish group, no changes in serum and platelet Se in the fish or control group reached statistical significance. Glutathione peroxidase (EC; GSH-Px) activity in serum and platelets did not change during the study, nor did platelet mercury (Hg) content. Since the dietary intake of Hg, arsenium (As), and fatty acids could not satisfactorily explain the lack of response in the fish group, the results are indicative of low bioavailability of fish Se in humans. At present, wheat Se seems to be the most important factor contributing to the body stores of Se in this study population. Dr. Norheim died on January 9, 1991.  相似文献   

李嗣新  胡菊香  池仕运  胡俊 《生态学报》2016,36(5):1233-1243
汞是唯一参与全球循环的液态重金属。1974年,自美国学者Smith首次报道水库中鱼类总汞含量高于邻近自然湖泊以来,水库中鱼类汞升高的风险成为新建水库环境影响评价中的重要内容之一。汞在水库生态系统生物组分和非生物组分中含量升高的现象先后在世界各国报道,包括加拿大、美国、芬兰、泰国和巴西等。通过对系列的野外研究进行回顾,表明了水库形成后生态系统中汞的甲基化过程发生了变化。水库形成对汞在食物网中的鱼类、底栖生物、浮游生物的累积产生影响。水库中汞的生物累积、迁移转化主要与被淹没土壤和植物腐解过程有着直接或间接的关系。水库形成后,总汞、甲基汞和甲基汞比例在生态系统食物网各组分中的变化并不一致。蓄水后,水体中总汞变化较小,甲基汞和甲基汞比例上升明显;浮游生物尤其是浮游动物中总汞升高,但甲基汞和甲基汞比例升高更为明显;与浮游动物类似,底栖水生昆虫中总汞升高,甲基汞和甲基汞比例升高也更为明显;鱼类作为食物网顶级消费者,甲基汞比例一般在80%以上,在水库形成后鱼类总汞和甲基汞均明显升高,但甲基汞比例变化已经不大。这些变化揭示了水库形成后甲基汞在食物网传递的两个主要可能途径,一是微型生物食物网。通过悬浮颗粒物、浮游植物、浮游动物这一环节,甲基汞和甲基汞比例有明显的增加。第二个途径是底层生物食物网。通过悬浮颗粒物、细菌、碎屑食性底栖水生昆虫、肉食型底栖水生昆虫环节,甲基汞和甲基汞比例明显增加。这两种途径均能导致以水生昆虫、小鱼、甲壳类等为食的肉食性鱼类汞含量增加。水库形成后,生态系统中汞的甲基化发生了明显的"加速"过程。这种"加速"过程最直接的因素是成库后大量土壤淹没使得汞的甲基化平衡被打破。这个过程主要有两方面的影响。一方面是直接影响,被淹没土壤和植被在腐解过程中主动或被动地将甲基汞释放到水库生态系统中;另一方面是间接影响,被淹没土壤和植被的腐解使水库底部形成厌氧环境,有利于无机汞从被淹没土壤和植被中溶出,为甲基化反应提供充裕的、可供甲基化的无机汞,同时腐解产生的大量营养物质为微生物提供丰富食物来源,使硫酸盐还原菌大量繁殖,促进无机汞的甲基化。在我国,有关汞在新建水库食物网中生物累积和风险评价的研究有待进一步加强。  相似文献   

Effects of some metals on the growth of cultured human erythroleukemia K-562 cells were investigated when grown in two different types of media based upon RPMI-1640 or Ham's F-10. The study on proliferation, using RPMI-1640 supplemented with sodium selenite, selenomethionine, mercuric chloride, methylmercuric chloride and cadmium nitrate showed no inhibition of growth at concentrations of 2.5, 25, 25, 2.5 and 25 M, while at 75, 250, 50, 5 and 50 M toxicity was apparent. Selenite at 5–50 M and selenomethionine at 50–100 M inhibited the growth. In Ham's F-10 supplemented with the same compounds no inhibition was found at concentrations of 5, 10, 25, 1 and 50 M, while at 50, 100, 50, 5 and 75 M toxic effects were noted. Selenite 10 M and selenomethionine 25-50 M inhibited the proliferation. Measurements of trace element levels in pellets of K-562 cells grown in RPMI-1640 or Ham's F-10 unveiled higher cell contents of cadmium and selenium in cells grown in RPMI-1640, being consistent with higher concentrations of these elements in that medium. Manganese and mercury concentrations were higher in cells grown in Ham's F-10 correlating with a higher medium concentration of these elements. The growth responses and cellular uptake differed between the metals and the selenocompounds and although extrapolating the results to humans is difficult the selenium exposures were in approximately the same order of magnitude as in human exposures. The compounds could be ranked according to decreasing toxicity as: methylmercuric chloride > mercuric chloride, cadmium nitrate, sodium selenite > selenomethionine.  相似文献   

Past research on diapause-inducing substances of the silkworm has isolated an extremely lipophilic peptide and demonstrated its unique characteristics. In the present work, similar lipophilic proteins were searched for in the shell of the shrimp, Pandalus borealis, and one novel protein, Pb CP-12.7, was isolated. Its structure comprising 126 amino acids was revealed by a combination of a sequence analysis and the enzymic fragmentation technique. Pb CP-12.7 is unique in that it was insoluble in neutral-slightly basic water, but highly soluble in some organic solvents. It contained an abundance of hydrophobic amino acids and repeating sequences. In addition, it was adsorbed to chitin, a major component of the shell of the shrimp.  相似文献   

The liver of Hooded Seal (Cystophora cristata) consists of six lobes of unequal sizes. Extensive sampling by means of cutout samples covering the depth horizon 2–30 mm below liver surface indicates that the liver may be considered homogeneous as to concentrations of zinc, cadmium, mercury, and selenium (residuals of overall mean compatible with normality, the all-organ variance negligibly in excess of within-lobe variance). Mercury and selenium are present in equimolar concentrations. Cutout samples have mercury and selenium concentrations respectively c. 17 and 8% (dry weight basis) above those of homogenates of the same lobe. The apparent dilution of mercury and selenium is tentatively attributed to coarse blood vessels and bile ducts abundantly present in the homogenate but almost absent from the cutouts.  相似文献   

汞在SPAC-人体系统中的转递及主要影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荆延德  何振立  杨肖娥 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3854-3860
汞(Hg)是环境中一种具有高度毒性的重金属元素,且具有较高挥发性,因而作为一种全球性的污染物而备受关注。汞在SPAC系统中的迁移转化,是全球汞循环的重要环节,与人类的建康密切相关。汞通过食物链进入人体并在体内蓄积受多种因素影响,主要包括3个方面:土壤性质(如土壤汞含量、pH、有机质、粘土矿物等),植物特性(植物类型、种类和生育期等),大气状况(如光照强度、气温和大气湿度等)。此外,锌、硒和抗氧化剂等的存在也有较大影响。综述了汞在SPAC-人体系统中的迁移积累及其调控机理。  相似文献   

A biosorbent prepared by alkaline extraction of Aspergillus niger biomass was evaluated for its potential to remove mercury species – inorganic (Hg2+) and methyl mercury (CH3Hg+) – from aqueous solutions. Batch experiments were carried out to determine the pH and time profile of sorption for both species in the pH range 2–7. The Hg2+ exhibited more rapid sorption and higher capacity than the CH3Hg+. Further, removal of both mercury species from spiked ground water samples was efficient and not influenced by other ions. Sorption studies with esterified biosorbent indicated loss of binding of both mercury species (>80%), which was regained when the ester groups were removed by alkaline hydrolysis, suggesting the involvement of carboxyl groups in binding. Further, no interconversion of sorbed species occurred on the biomass. The biosorbent was reusable up to six cycles without serious loss of binding capacity. Our results suggest that the biosorbent from Aspergillus niger can be used for removal of mercury and methyl mercury ions from polluted aqueous effluents.  相似文献   

非水介质大孔树脂分离纯化虾壳中虾青素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过7种大孔树脂对虾青素的静态吸附容量和解析率等指标的考察,筛选出AB-8大孔吸附树脂,用于分离虾壳中虾青素,同时利用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法测量虾青素的含量。结果表明,AB-8树脂对虾青素的吸附量为(24.17±0.5)mg/g,解吸率为95.2%,最大上样量(每g干树脂)以虾青素计为(23.07±0.2)mg,并确定用8倍量柱床体积的乙酸乙酯为洗脱剂,纯化所得虾青素的纯度为14.73%。  相似文献   

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