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The localisation of absorbed copper in the brown seaweeds Fucus vesiculosus L. and Fucus serratus L. was studied by X-ray microanalysis in the electron microscope. The metal was localised in the physodes of the photosynthetic and inner non-photosyn-thetic cells. No significant copper was found in the cell walls of these algae, which had been collected from sites which were continually polluted by run-off from old copper mines.  相似文献   

The seaweed Fucus serratus is hypothesized to have evolved in the North Atlantic and present populations are thought to reflect recolonization from a southern refugium since the last glacial maximum 18 000-20 000 years bp. We examined genetic structure across several spatial scales by analysing seven microsatellite loci in populations collected from 21 localities throughout the species' range. Spatial auto-correlation analysis of seven microsatellite loci revealed no evidence for spatial clustering of alleles on a scale of 100 m despite limited gamete dispersal in F. serratus of approximately 2 m from parental individuals. Pairwise theta analysis suggested that the minimal panmictic unit for F. serratus was between 0.5 and 2 km. Isolation by distance was significant along some contiguous coastlines. Population differentiation was strong within the Skagerrak-Kattegat-Baltic Seas (SKB) (global theta= 0.17) despite a short history of approximately 7500 years. A neighbour-joining tree based on Reynold's distances computed from the microsatellite data revealed a central assemblage of populations on the Brittany Peninsula surrounded by four well-supported clusters consisting of the SKB, the North Sea (Ireland, Helgoland), and two populations from the northern Spanish coast. Samples from Iceland and Nova Scotia were most closely aligned with northwest Sweden and Brittany, respectively. When sample sizes were standardized (N = 41), allelic diversity was twofold higher for Brittany populations than for populations to the north and threefold higher than southern populations. The Brittany region may be a refugium or a recolonized area, whereas the Spanish populations most likely reflect present-day edge populations that have undergone repeated bottlenecks as a consequence of thermally induced cycles of recolonization and extinction.  相似文献   

The presence of more than one type of mitochondrial DNA within the same organism (mtDNA heteroplasmy) has been reported in vertebrates, invertebrates, basidiomycetes and some angiosperms, but never in marine (macro)algae. We examined sequence differences in a 135‐base pair (bp) region of the nad11 gene in mitochondria of the intertidal rockweed, Fucus serratus, using single‐strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP). Each of 70 and 22 individuals from Blushøj (Denmark) and Oskarshamn (Sweden), respectively, displayed haplotypes 2, 3, and 4 (= mtDNA heteroplasmy), whereas only haplotype 2 was found in each of 24 individuals from locations in Spain, France, Ireland, Iceland and Norway. As Blushøj and Oskarshamn were among the last areas to emerge from ice cover during the Last Glacial Maximum (18 000–20 000 years bp ), the geographically specific heteroplasmy may represent a founder effect and therefore, a valuable marker for understanding the role of post‐Ice Age recolonization. Geographically specific heteroplasmy also has important implications in phylogeographical studies based on mtDNA sequences.  相似文献   

Protoplasts were isolated enzymatically from meristematic tissues of the brown algae, Fucus serratus, using a combination of 2% cellulase R-10 Onozuka, 0.5% macerozyme and 1% crude extract of gland gut of Aplysia vaccaria. The main factors affecting protoplast yield were identified. Protoplasts were produced in large quantities from apical region of thallus and from plantlets compared to mature explants. Yields were greatly improved by the addition of sodium citrate and bovine serum albumin in the enzymatic solution and could reach 5.8 × 106 protoplasts per gram of fresh wt. The applicability of these optimal parameters to other species Fucus vesiculosus was shown.  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of Cu2+ can have inhibitory effects on early development in plants and algae by targeting specific cellular processes. In the present study the effects of elevated Cu2+ on developmental processes in embryos of the brown algae Fucus serratus (Phaeophyceae) were investigated. Elevated Cu2+ was shown to inhibit fixation of the zygotic polar axis but not its formation. Actin localization was unaffected by elevated Cu2+ but polarized secretion, which occurs downstream, was inhibited. Significant differences in tolerance to Cu2+ were observed for polarization and rhizoid elongation of embryos derived from adults from Cu2+‐contaminated and uncontaminated locations. Moderate Cu2+ exposure inhibited the generation of cytosolic Ca2+ signals in response to hypo‐osmotic shocks. In contrast, cytosolic Ca2+ was elevated by treatments with high [Cu2+] and this coincided with production of reactive oxygen species. The results indicate that direct effects on signalling processes involved in polarization and growth may in part explain complex, concentration‐dependent effects of Cu2+ on early development.  相似文献   

The macrophytes Fucus serratus and Zostera marina form similar substrates for associated flora and fauna in shallow waters in Norway. While F. serratus forms a more or less continuous belt on rocky substrate along the coast, Z. marina forms disjunct populations on sandy or muddy bottoms. This study focused on the organisms associated with these two macrophytes in two localities in the Skagerrak region. In total, 130 taxa of epiphytic organisms were identified: 22 green algae, 41 red algae, 32 brown algae, eight diatoms and 27 sessile animals. One hundred and twenty-seven taxa of mobile macrofauna were registered. The dominant group was crustaceans, with amphipods as the order containing most species. Many species of both plants and animals preferred one or the other habitat. It is concluded that coastal macrophyte systems have high species diversity.  相似文献   

Patterns of nuclear and organelle inheritance among artificial hybrids of the seaweeds Fucus serratus and F. evanescens were detected using single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP). Three alleles were identified in the 231?bp rDNA-ITS1 gene (nuclear): two in F. serratus and one in F. evanescens. Alleles differed by 1–2?bp and all hybrids possessed one allele from each parent. Two haplotypes were present in the 288?bp Rubisco spacer (chloroplast), differentiated by a 33?bp indel. Two haplotypes differing by a single nucleotide were found in a 135?bp region of nad11 gene (mitochondrion). Both organelles are maternally inherited, as all hybrids contained the haplotypes of the parent contributing the egg. Although laboratory hybrids among Fucus spp. have been produced previously, this is the first time that both nuclear and cytoplasmic genetic markers have been used to document inheritance patterns. SSCPs analysed on an automated sequencer offer a rapid and powerful approach for identifying suspected hybrids from field samples, as well as a screen for intraspecific and intra-individual variation in DNA regions prior to confirmation of variations by sequencing.  相似文献   

To date, molecular markers have not settled the question of the specific status of the closely related, but phylogenetically unresolved, brown seaweeds, hermaphroditic Fucus spiralis and dioecious Fucus vesiculosus, nor their propensity for natural hybridization. To test the degree of species integrity and to assess effect of the mating system on the population genetic structure, 288 individuals coming from parapatric (discontinuous) and sympatric (contiguous) spatial configurations at two sites were genotyped with five microsatellite loci. Using a Bayesian admixture analysis, our results show that F. spiralis and F. vesiculosus comprise clearly distinct genetic entities (clusters) generally characterized by cosexual and unisexual individuals, respectively. Genetic diversity within each entity suggests that F. spiralis reproduces primarily through selfing while F. vesiculosus is characterized by an endogamous breeding regime. Nevertheless, aberrant sexual phenotypes were observed in each cluster, no diagnostic alleles were revealed and 10% of study individuals were intermediate between the two genetic entities. This pattern can be explained by recent divergence of two taxa with retention of ancestral polymorphism or asymmetrical, introgressive hybridization. However, given (i) coincident monomorphism at three loci in spiralis clusters and (ii) that significantly more intermediates were observed in sympatric stations than in parapatric stations, we argue that interspecific gene flow has occurred after divergence of the two taxa. Finally, we show that whether recently separated or recently introgressive, the divergent breeding systems probably contribute to species integrity in these two taxa.  相似文献   

Human‐induced ocean warming and acidification have received increasing attention over the past decade and are considered to have substantial consequences for a broad range of marine species and their interactions. Understanding how these interactions shift in response to climate change is particularly important with regard to foundation species, such as the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus. This macroalga represents the dominant habitat former on coastal rocky substrata of the Baltic Sea, fulfilling functions essential for the entire benthic community. Its ability to withstand extensive fouling and herbivory regulates the associated community and ecosystem dynamics. This study tested the interactive effects of future warming, acidification, and seasonality on the interactions of a marine macroalga with potential foulers and consumers. F. vesiculosus rockweeds were exposed to different combinations of conditions predicted regionally for the year 2100 (+?5°C, +?700 μatm CO2) using multifactorial long‐term experiments in novel outdoor benthic mesocosms (“Benthocosms”) over 9–12‐week periods in four seasons. Possible shifts in the macroalgal susceptibility to fouling and consumption were tested using consecutive bioassays. Algal susceptibility to fouling and grazing varied substantially among seasons and between treatments. In all seasons, warming predominantly affected anti‐fouling and anti‐herbivory interactions while acidification had a subtle nonsignificant influence. Interestingly, anti‐microfouling activity was highest during winter under warming, while anti‐macrofouling and anti‐herbivory activities were highest in the summer under warming. These contrasting findings indicate that seasonal changes in anti‐fouling and anti‐herbivory traits may interact with ocean warming in altering F. vesiculosus community composition in the future.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate photosynthetic differences between the marine, Norwegian Sea ecotype and the brackish, Bothnian Sea ecotype of F. vesiculosus and F. radicans and to see whether photosynthetic differences could be connected with the relative amounts of D1 protein (PSII), PsaA (PSI) protein and/or Rubisco. For this purpose, we tested if a higher photosynthetic maximum (P max) in the Atlantic Ocean ecotype of F. vesiculosus relative to the Baltic Sea ecotype, and an increase of the P max in Baltic Sea ecotype of F. vesiculosus at higher salinity, could be due to an increase in the relative amounts of Rubisco. The proteins have been evaluated on a relative basis. Immunoblot signals showed that the amount of Rubisco was higher in both ecotypes of F. vesiculosus than in F. radicans, but no differences could be detected between the two ecotypes of F. vesiculosus. The results suggest an uneven photosystem protein stoichiometry in Fucus, with more of the PSI protein PsaA relative to the PSII protein D1. The difference in P max between the two ecotypes of F. vesiculosus might be related to the difficulties for the algae to adapt to the environment in Bothnian Sea.  相似文献   

The sources of morphological variation in natural populations of Fucus distichus L. ssp. edentatus (De la Pyiaie) Powell and F. distichus L. ssp, evanescens (C. Agardh) Powell from New England were evaluated. Individuals from different populations were morphologically distinct as judged by population means and analysis of variance. A correlation between the plant's form and its habitat was established by field observation. The broadest material grows in calm estuarine habitats, while the narrowest plants occur in exposed, open coastal areas. Major differences in morphology also appear seasonally. In addition, microhabitat factors such as exposure to wave action and elevation explain some morphological variation. Cultured germlings from distinct populations of “evanescens” and “edentatus” type plants were outplanted to an experimental garden in order to ascertain whether the variation was heritable or environmentally induced. The latter experiments indicate that major differences in morphology are genetically determined.  相似文献   

It was demonstrated previously that polar and non-polar surface extracts of the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus collected during winter from the Kiel Bight (Germany) inhibited bacterial attachment at natural concentrations. The present study describes the bioassay-guided identification of the active metabolites from the polar fraction. Chromatographic separation on a size-exclusion liquid chromatography column and bioassays identified an active fraction that was further investigated using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. This fraction contained the metabolites dimethylsulphopropionate (DMSP), proline and alanine. DMSP and proline caused the anti-attachment activity. The metabolites were further quantified on the algal surface together with its associated boundary layer. DMSP and proline were detected in the range 0.12–1.08 ng cm?2 and 0.09–0.59 ng cm?2, respectively. These metabolites were tested in the concentration range from 0.1 to 1000 ng cm?2 against the attachment of five bacterial strains isolated from algae and sediment co-occurring with F. vesiculosus. The surface concentrations for 50% inhibition of attachment of these strains were always <0.38 ng cm?2 for DMSP and in four cases <0.1 ng cm?2 for proline, while one strain required 1.66 ng cm?2 of proline for 50% inhibition. Two further bacterial strains that had been directly isolated from F. vesiculosus were also tested, but proved to be the least sensitive. This study shows that DMSP and proline have an ecologically relevant role as surface inhibitors against bacterial attachment on F. vesiculosus.  相似文献   


A new ichnospecies of Caulostrepsis, namely C. spiralis, is described from the Miocene Grand Bay Formation of Carriacou (Grenadines, Lesser Antilles). It occurs in association with C. cretacea and a common progenitor, most likely a spionid polychaete annelid, was most likely for its production.  相似文献   

Using histological techniques together with transmission electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis, copper-containing granules (which also contain significant amounts of sulphur) have been observed in the cells of the malpighian tubules and in the subcuticular region of larvae of Plectrocnemia conspersa. It is suggested that the granules in both these regions are primarily pigment granules, which provide a mechanism for taking potentially toxic concentrations of copper (and possibly other metals) out of circulation. This mechanism of metal tolerance may in part account for the reported occurrence of larvae of P. conspersa in waters with elevated concentrations of trace metals.  相似文献   

A field study to determine the precise times of year at which three intertidal species of Fucus start to produce hyaline hairs and cease producing such hairs was conducted on the Isle of Man, U.K. Hairs were first observed during February, and within 6 days of their initial appearance, all tagged plants of all species at all tidal heights on the shore possessed hairs. Hair production continued until the beginning of October, at which time Fucus plants growing at the lowest stations (+ 3.0 m) had glabrous apical growth. Hair production continued later into the year for plants growing higher on the shore, and it was not until mid-November that glabrous apical growth was observed in all plants. Phosphate uptake rates of pilose (hairy) and glabrous (hairless) apical sections were measured in November 1988 for F. spiralis L. and in January 1989 for F. spiralis and F. serratus L., at phosphate concentrations ranging from 0.8 μM (ambient seawater) to 9.0 μM. In ambient seawater, pilose plants of F. spiralis removed phosphate 2–3 times faster than glabrous plants, whereas the uptake rates of pilose plants of F. serratus were about 50% greater than those of glabrous plants. The differences between uptake rates of pilose and glabrous plants of both species were smaller or nonsignificant at higher phosphate concentrations. The field and laboratory data are consistent with the hypothesis that hairs are formed in Fucus as a response to increased nutrient demand and that hairs facilitate the uptake of nutrients from seawater at concentrations typical of natural situations.  相似文献   

Motomura  T. 《Protoplasma》1994,178(3-4):97-110
Summary Processes of fertilization and zygote development inFucus distichus were studied by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy using anti- tubulin antibody and electron microscopy. Just after plasmogamy, sperm aster formation occurs during migration of a sperm nucleus toward an egg nucleus at the center of cytoplasm. Only sparse microtubules (MTs) exist around the egg nucleus. The sperm aster can be observed till karyogamy, but afterwards vanishes. Accompanying sperm aster formation, cortical MTs which are reticulately arranged develop further in the zygotes. In 4 h-old zygotes, characteristic structures which are composed of fine granular masses and consist of intermixed dense and lighter staining areas appear around the nucleus. These structures cannot be detected with anti- tubulin immunofluorescence microscopy. The two centrioles derived from the sperm separate and migrate to both poles. In 4 h-and 8 h-old zygotes, there are no defined MT foci around the zygote nucleus and MTs radiate from the circumference of it. In 12 h-old zygotes, each centriole has migrated to the poles and derivative centrioles are generated. The fine granular masses also migrate to both poles and finally disappear accompanying the appearance of numerous MTs radiating from the poles. Therefore, two distinct MT foci appear from 12 h onwards. Progressive stages of nuclear division were also examined with electron and immunofluorescence microscopy in 16 h-old zygotes. The sperm chloroplast with an eyespot and the sperm mitochondria with an intercristal tubular structure, which are distinctive from those of egg, can be detected after plasmogamy and karyogamy. The sperm chloroplast is still present in 16 h-old zygotes.  相似文献   

Many of the marine species that were introduced to the Baltic Sea during the Littorina stage (c. 8500–3000 years BP), e.g. Fucus vesiculosus and F. serratus, have adapted to the present low salinity. These marine species have gone from marine conditions into lower salinity environments. In this paper we ask why the recently discovered endemic brown alga Fucus radicans shows the opposite pattern. Fucus radicans is only present in the northern parts of the Baltic Sea, the low salinity Bothnian Sea (4–6 psu). Potentially, the fitness of F. radicans might be reduced in higher salinities if it is better adapted to brackish conditions. We hypothesize, however, that the southern distribution limit of F. radicans is set by biotic factors, e.g. competition with F. vesiculosus and higher grazing pressure by Idotea balthica and not by salinity. Our results show that the reproductive output of F. radicans is limited by low salinity (4 psu) but increases in higher salinities. However, the southern distribution limit, i.e. the northern Baltic Proper, is regulated by biotic factors, where the additive effects from shading by taller F. vesiculosus thalli and grazing on F. radicans by the isopod I. balthica limit the biomass production of F. radicans. We suggest that F. radicans still maintains marine traits due to its ability to propagate clonally and is restricted to the Bothnian Sea by interactions with F. vesiculosus and I. balthica. We also propose that increased precipitation due to climate change might affect the northern range limit and that the distribution of F. radicans could be expected to shift further south into the Baltic Proper.  相似文献   

Fucus serratus and F. evanescens commonly occur on Northern European shores. Nine microsatellite loci were developed for F. serratus (8–22 alleles, observed heterozygosities = 0.367–0.850) and one for F. evanescens (seven alleles, observed heterozygosity = 0.804). Cross‐amplification was apparent, as five F. serratus loci were polymorphic in F. evanescens and 2–5 were polymorphic in F. vesiculosus, F. distichus, and F. spiralis.  相似文献   

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