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It is assumed that small herbivores produce negligible amounts of methane, but it is unclear whether this is a physiological peculiarity or simply a scaling effect. A respiratory chamber experiment was conducted with six rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus, 1.57 ± 0.31 kg body mass) and six guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus, 0.79 ± 0.07 kg) offered grass hay ad libitum. Daily dry matter (DM) intake and DM digestibility were 50 ± 6 g kg? 0.75 d? 1 and 55 ± 6% in rabbits and 59 ± 11 g kg? 0.75 d? 1 and 61 ± 3% in guinea pigs, respectively. Methane production was similar for both species (0.20 ± 0.10 L d? 1 and 0.22 ± 0.08 L d? 1) and represented 0.69 ± 0.32 and 1.03 ± 0.29% of gross energy intake in rabbits and guinea pigs, respectively. In relation to body mass (BM) guinea pigs produced significantly more methane. The data on methane per unit of BM obtained in this study and from the literature on the methane output of elephant, wallabies and hyraxes all lay close to a regression line derived from roughage-fed horses, showing an increase in methane output with BM. The regression, including all data, was nearly identical to that based on the horse data only (methane production in horses [L d? 1] = 0.18 BM [kg]0.97 (95%CI 0.92–1.02)) and indicates linear scaling. Because feed intake typically scales to BM0.75, linear scaling of methane output translates into increasing energetic losses at increasing BM. Accordingly, the data collection indicates that an increasing proportion of ingested gross energy is lost because relative methane production increases with BM. Different from ruminants, such losses (1%–2% of gross energy) appear too small in non-ruminant herbivores to represent a physiologic constraint on body size. Nevertheless, this relationship may represent a physiological disadvantage with increasing herbivore body size.  相似文献   

Histological examination of oesophagus and stomach specimens from 28 guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) revealed microbes associated with the epithelial surface of these organs. Layers of Gram-positive cocci were associated with oesophageal tissue in all the animals. Yeasts (Torulop-sid pintolopesii) were associated with stomach tissue in most animals 1 week of age or older.  相似文献   

To test whether there are differences between living lineages of domestic guinea pigs Cavia porcellus , we studied 118 specimens from six breeds collected along six Andean countries as well as 15 from the wild cavy species ( Cavia tschudii ). The mean weight and body length of 15 adult wild cavies (295±31 g, 242±8.3 mm) were significantly smaller than 25 creole guinea pigs from Bolivia and Chile (639±157 g, 287±23.7 mm, respectively). Eighteen laboratory/pet guinea pigs (including the English Pirbright breed) were also smaller (900±173 g, 308±21 mm) than 25 improved ones from Peru (Tamborada breed, 1241±75.4 g, 317±12 mm) and Ecuador (Auqui breed, 1138±65.5 g, 307±8 mm). Similar size increases appeared in the first axis of a principal component analysis of six skeletal measurements, recovering 84% of total variation. Phylogenetic and haplotype analyses of complete cytochrome b gene sequences consistently joined all 22 domestic individuals (13 shared unambiguous substitutions, 100% bootstrap in 1000 replicates), probably from a single first ancient domestication in the western Andes. Six laboratory/pet sequences were also joined within a common branch (six shared substitutions, 96% bootstrap), probably from a documented European second phase. By contrast, those from improved Auqui joined a northern creole subgroup (one shared substitution, 84% bootstrap), and those from Nativa and improved Tamborada clustered together and with a southern creole subgroup (four shared substitutions, 86% bootstrap); this suggests at least two independent modern events during a more complex third phase, producing two improved guinea pigs selected for size and meat. Cavia tschudii sequences showed some unexpected geographic variation.  相似文献   

Variation between the sexes during ontogeny is frequently overlooked in discussions of the phylogenetic patterns of adult sexual dimorphism. Different growth trajectories can produce identical degrees and direction of adult dimorphism and the possibility exists that similarities in adults may be the result of differing growth patterns, suggesting independent evolutionary pathways among species to the seemingly identical adult morphology. We quantified the sexual dimorphism in craniofacial skeletal growth of Cavia porcellus, the guinea pig, using longitudinally collected radiographs. Guinea pigs have male-biased sexual dimorphism in size and in growth parameters, despite literature reports to the contrary. These results, analyzed with equivalent data for five species of rodents, and two outgroups representing similarly sized mammals, a rabbit and a marsupial, indicate that some aspects of sexual differences in growth follow phylogenetic lines, while others are a function of whether the species has male- or female-biased dimorphism.  相似文献   

本文研究了秋冬季节淡水大米草(Spartina densiflora)沼泽中野生豚鼠(Cavia a perea)的丰度、繁殖和微生境利用,以及其对当地植被和棉鼠类(Sigmodontine)啮齿动物的影响。野生豚鼠喜好S.densiflora覆盖度高的生境。繁殖个体(成体)主要利用矮草为主的斑块,幼体则主要利用禾本科植物为主的斑块。结果说明,野生豚鼠微生境的利用受捕食风险和食物种类的影响。在淡水沼泽中,野生豚鼠的丰度、繁殖、体重和微生境利用没有季节性变化,它们对植物的取食和活动跑道的建造对植被结构和同域的啮齿类动物没有负面影响。通过对具有中度季节性变化的淡水生境中的豚鼠种群和具有高度季节变化的草地和路边中的豚鼠种群进行比较,表明野生豚鼠的种群动态以及豚鼠种群对植被和与其共生的啮齿动物群落的影响都受到冬季植被盖度的限制。  相似文献   

1. The activities of the drug-metabolizing enzymes, benzphetamine N-demethylase, 7-ethoxy-coumarin O-deethylase and dicoumarol oxidation have been measured in vitro in the liver of camels, guinea pigs and rats.2. In these species, levels of hepatic microsomal parameters namely microsomal protein, cytochrome P450, cytochrome b5 and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase have also been determined.3. In general, camels seemed to have the lowest enzyme activity when compared to rats and guinea pigs.4. Some sex differences were observed in the levels of enzymes studied. In rats and guinea pigs, males had higher benzphetamine N-demethylase than females. However, in camels and guinea pigs, females had higher 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylase when compared to males.  相似文献   

The analysis of haematological parameters is an important element of the assessment of the physiological condition of animals. Haematological parameters may change both under the influence of various external factors, and in the course of normal pregnancy, which has been found in various species of mammals, including rabbits. Our study showed statistically significant (p<0.05) changes in basic haematological parameters: RBC (decrease; 5.87±0.48 at day 15 vs. 5.42±0.32 T/L at day 26), MCH (increase; 1.35±0.04 before matching vs. 1.41±0.03 fmol at day 26), RDW (decrease; 15.77±1.80 at day 15 vs. 14.27±1.57% at day 26) MPV (increase; 5.17±0.31 at day 15 vs. 5.92±0.70 fL at day 26), WBC (decrease; 8.60±2.57 at day 15 vs. 4.94±0.88 G/L at day 26) and PLT (decrease; 398.17±91.67 before matching vs. 271.67±61.72 G/L at day 26) in Termond White rabbits and RBC (decrease; 6.18±0.68 before matching vs. 5.68±0.54 T/L at day 26), Hb (decrease; 8.00±0.90 before matching vs. 7.32±0.71 mmol/L at day 26), MCH (decrease; 1.32±0.05 at day 15 vs. 1.29±0.04 fmol at day 26) and WBC (decrease; 9.62±1.81 before matching vs. 5.85±2.23 G/L at day 26 as well as 9.58±2.35 at day 15 vs. 5.85±2.23 G/L at day 26) in Popielno White rabbits. Moreover, in the Popielno White rabbits we recorded a significant (p<0.05) decrease in the percentage of irregular erythrocytes at the end of pregnancy (11.00±10.02 at day 15 vs. 3.00±4.94 at day 26). The changes appear to be physiological but should be considered in studies using rabbits as model organisms.  相似文献   

The breeding of domestic rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) for human consumption has a long tradition in China. Infections that can affect the production of meat or even be transmitted from animals to humans are important to monitor, especially for public health reasons as well as for their impact on animal health. Thus, a total of 1,132 domestic rabbit sera from 4 regions in China were collected for serological screening for Encephalitozoon cuniculi and for Toxoplasma gondii by ELISA and modified agglutination test (MAT), respectively. Antibodies to E. cuniculi were detected in 248/1,132 (21.9%) sera tested while antibodies against T. gondii revealed a seroprevalence of 51/1,132 (4.5%). We believe that the present results are of epidemiological implications and public health importance due to the acknowledged susceptibility of humans to E. cuniculi and T. gondii infections. Therefore, routine screening tests of domestic rabbits are proposed considering the zoonotic potential of these parasites.  相似文献   

In this study spontaneous behavior and endocrine parameters were compared between the domestic guinea pig (Cavia aperea f. porcellus) and its wild ancestor, the cavy (Cavia aperea), to elucidate the process of domestication in this species. In 120 h of observation time the behavior of five groups of wild and seven groups of domestic guinea pigs, each consisting of one adult male and two adult females, was analyzed quantitatively. To assess the activities of the pituitary-adrenocortical (PAC), the pituitary-gonadal (PG), and the sympathetic-adrenomedullary (SAM) systems, serum cortisol, testosterone, epinephrine, and norepinephrine concentrations, as well as adrenal tyrosine hydroxylase activities, were determined in males of both forms. The following significant differences between wild cavies and domestic guinea pigs were found: the domesticated animals displayed less aggressive but more sociopositive and more male courtship behavior than their wild ancestors. In addition, they were distinctly less attentive to their physical environment than the wild cavies. The basal activity of the SAM system, as well as the reactivity of the SAM and the PAC systems, was distinctly reduced in the domesticated animals. In contrast, the basal activity of the PAC system did not differ between both forms. The activity of the PG system was significantly higher in males of the domestic guinea pig than in male wild cavies. Thus, in guinea pigs the process of domestication has led to typical behavioral traits-reduced aggressiveness, increased social tolerance-which have also been found in comparisons between wild and domestic forms of other species. The decreased reactivity of the organism's stress axes can be regarded as a physiological mechanism which helps domesticated animals to adjust to man-made housing conditions.  相似文献   

Adult rabbits were trapped in the spring on an area of grass and broom in the east of Scotland. They were ear-tagged and a sample of males and females were fitted with radio-collars. These were followed for two months to see whether they used burrows or ground cover for shelter during the day. Rabbits found on the surface were disturbed to see whether they bolted to burrows or stayed on the surface. The population was then re trapped to measure the population density, which was estimated to be 12.6 adults/ha in March, allowing for an apparent trapping bias against older females. One hundred and twelve burrow entrances/ha were counted from random quadrats. Males were more likely to be found on the surface than females, and rabbits that were more often on the surface were less likely to bolt to burrows when disturbed. Even when rabbits did bolt to burrows they frequently left them shortly afterwards and returned to the cover of the broom. Males that were most often found on the surface were lighter in weight than those found in burrows. This was not the case for females.  相似文献   

Monogastric herbivores such as the guinea pig depend on energy supply from enteric fermentation as short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) corresponding to 30-40% of their maintenance energy requirements. They evolved specific digestive system to adapt their indigenous microflora to plant polysaccharides fermentation. No information has been available about the adaptability of microbial fermentation in hindgut of the monogastric herbivorous to an animal protein diet. We investigated if the guinea pig can fully retrieve energy of an animal protein diet by hindgut fermentation compared with a plant protein diet. For comparison, we also studied two omnivores. End products of in vitro cecal fermentation (SCFA, ammonia and gases) were measured to judge how well an animal protein diet could be fermented. The animal protein diet resulted in the less intensive fermentation with increased feed intake and volume of cecal contents than the plant protein diet only in guinea pigs. This may be due to a limited capacity of the hindgut microflora to adapt to the substrate rich in animal protein. We also found that chick cecal contents produced methane at higher emission rate than ruminants.  相似文献   

1. Absorption of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), acetate, propionate, and butyrate was studied in simultaneously perfused proximal and distal segments of the colon in anaesthetized guinea pigs. 2. Acetate absorption rates increased linearly with concentration in both segments, indicating passive transport. 3. SCFA-clearance was independent of bulk luminal pH between pH 6.2 and 8.1 in the proximal and distal colon. SCFA-clearance was slightly higher in both segments at pH values less than 6. 4. The unexpected pH-independence of SCFA-absorption is attributed to the existence of a constant pH-microclimate at the surface of the colonic epithelium. 5. Relative permeabilities to acetate:propionate:butyrate were estimated as 1:1.19 +/- 0.03:1.27 +/- 0.05 in the proximal colon and 1:2.31 +/- 0.39:3.50 +/- 0.61 in the distal colon. The significance of these findings with respect to the pH-partition hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

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