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The characteristics of transmembrane transport of 14C-labelled indol-3yl-acetic acid ([1-14C]IAA) were compared in Chlorella vulgaris Beij., a simple unicellular green alga, and in Chara vulgaris L., a branched, multicellular green alga exhibiting axial polarity and a high degree of cell and organ specialization. In Chara thallus cells, three distinguishable trans-plasmamembrane fluxes contributed to the net uptake of [1-14C]-IAA from an external solution, viz.: a non-mediated, pH-sensitive influx of undissociated IAA (IAAH); a saturable influx of IAA; and a saturable efflux of IAA. Both saturable fluxes were competitively inhibited by unlabelled IAA. Association of [3H]IAA with microsomal preparations from Chara thallus tissue was competitively inhibited by unlabelled IAA. Results indicated that up-take carriers occurred in the membranes at a much higher density than efflux carriers. The efflux component of IAA net uptake by Chara was not affected by several phytotropins (N-1-naphthylphthalmic acid, NPA; 2-(1-pyrenoyl)benzoic acid; and 5-(2-carboxyphenyl)-3-phenylpyrazole), which are potent non-competitive inhibitors of specific auxin-efflux carriers in more advanced plant groups, and no evidence was found for a specific association of [3H]NPA with Chara microsomal preparations. It was concluded that Chara lacked phytotropin receptors. Net uptake of [1-14C]IAA also was unaffected by 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid except at concentrations ( 10–1 mol · m–3) high enough to depress cytoplasmic pH (determined by uptake of 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione). Chlorella cells accumulated [1-14C]IAA from an external solution by pH-sensitive diffusion of IAA across the plasma membrane and anion (IAA) trapping, but no evidence was found in Chlorella for the occurrence of IAA carriers. These results indicate that carrier systems capable of mediating the transmembrane transport of auxins appeared at a very early stage in the evolution of green plants, possibly in association with the origin of a differentiated, multicellular plant body. Phytotropin receptors evolved independently of the carriers.Abbreviations CPP 5-(2-carboxyphenyl)-3-phenylpyrazole - DMO 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione - IAA indol-3yl-acetic acid - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid - PBA 2-(1-pyrenoyl)benzoic acid - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid We thank the Nuffield Foundation for the award of an Undergraduate Research Bursary to J.E.D.-F., Dr. G.F. Katekar, C.S.I.R.O., Canberra, Australia for generous gifts of phytotropins, and Mrs. R.P. Bell for technical support.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium rhizogenes (wild-type strains 8196 and 15834) transformation of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) intact seedlings grown in vivo, and 6–8-day-old excised cotyledons cultured in axenic conditions was investigated. Transformed (hairy) roots were successfully induced only on the excised cotyledons with the strain 8196, while intact seedlings failed to form hairy roots with either of the two different bacterial strains. Axenic hairy-root cultures established on MS medium without hormones grew vigorously. Mannopine was detected in all transgenic root clones examined. The peroxidase activity in transformed roots was higher compared with normal roots. Electrophoretic analyses of soluble proteins and isoperoxidases showed substantial differences between transformed and normal pumpkin roots.  相似文献   

Treatment of etiolated zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) hypocotyl tissue with sub-micromolar concentrations of the cationophore monensin rapidly (<20 min) inhibited the transport catalytic activity of the specific auxin-anion efflux carrier and reduced the inhibition of this carrier by the phytotropin N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA). Monensin inhibited the basipetal polar transport of indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) in long (30 mm) zucchini segments. At concentrations lower than 10–5 mol·dm–3 monensin did not affect uptake of the pH probe [2-14C]5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione (DMO) or that of the membrane-potential probe tetra[14C-phenyl]phosphonium bromide (TPP+), did not affect the response of IAA net uptake to external Ca2+ concentration and did not alter the metabolism of IAA. It was concluded that low concentrations of monensin inhibit transport through the Golgi apparatus of auxin efflux carrier protein and that the efflux carriers turn over very rapidly in the plasma membrane. Monensin pretreatment did not affect the saturable binding of [3H]NPA to microsomal membranes, indicating that the auxin-efflux catalytic sites and the NPA-binding sites are located on separate proteins. At higher concentrations (10–5 mol·dm–3) monensin inhibited both mediated uptake and mediated efflux components of IAA transport. This effect was at least in part attributable to perturbation by monensin of the driving forces for mediated uptake since high concentrations of monensin also reduced the uptake of DMO and TPP+.Abbreviations CH cycloheximide - DMO 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione - MDMP 2-(4-methyl-2,6-dinitroanlilino)N-methyl-propionamide - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid - TPP+ tetraphenylphosphonium ion We thank Mrs. R.P. Bell for technical assistance and Drs. G.F. Katekar and M.A. Venis for generous gifts of NPA. S.W. was supported by the U.K. Science and Engineering Research Council.  相似文献   

Embryogenic cultures of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) were initiated from mechanically wounded mature zygotic embryos on 2,4-D-containing MS medium, and on hormone-free, semisolid modified MS medium containing NH4Cl as the sole source of nitrogen. The habituated line was derived from the embryogenic tissue induced with 2,4-D and maintained on medium without growth regulators. Sustained subculturing of the three embryogenic lines on a medium with NH4Cl as the sole source of nitrogen enabled the establishment of highly uniform cultures in which no further development into mature embryo stages occurred. The tissue consisting of proembryogenic globules or globular stage embryos was maintained, without decline, for over six years. Globular embryos proceeded to maturity when a combination of reduced (NH4) and unreduced (NO3) forms of nitrogen was provided in the medium. Different nitrogen sources in the medium caused changes of medium pH during subculture in the pH range of 4.0-6.5. The tissue growth and embryo development were blocked on medium with pH adjusted and stabilized at 4.0 or at 3.2.  相似文献   

The effect of pectic oligomers (OG) on ethylene biosynthesis, electrolyte leakage (EL), and CO(2) production was studied in discs excised from zucchini fruit (Cucurbita pepo L.) and stored at 20 or 2.5 degrees C. At 20 degrees C, OG enhanced ethylene biosynthesis and had a transient effect on decreasing EL, but showed little effect on respiratory rate; both the amount and size of the oligomer were important in changing both ethylene synthesis and EL. At 2.5 degrees C, OG increased both ethylene biosynthesis and respiratory rate with a maximum effect at 100 microg of oligomer and peaking at 6 h; shorter oligomers demonstrated an even greater effect on ethylene biosynthesis, but differences were smaller in respiratory rate. EL at 2.5 degrees C was affected most by 1 microg of OG and by monomeric galacturonic acid, with transient increases that peaked at 8 h. We suggest a signaling role for OG in the early steps of cold acclimation or chilling injury.  相似文献   

Summary The AT-rich highly repeated satellite DNA of Cucurbita pepo (zucchini) and Cucurbita maxima (pumpkin) were cloned and their DNA structure was investigated. DNA sequencing revealed that the repeat length of satellite DNA in Cucurbita pepo is 349–352 base pairs. The percentage of AT-base pairs is about 61%. This satellite is highly conserved in restriction enzyme pattern and DNA sequence; sequence heterogeneity is about 10%. In contrast, the satellite DNA of Cucurbita maxima has a repeat length of 168–169 base pairs. This satellite is also rich in AT-base pairs (64%), existing in at least three different variants as revealed by restriction enzyme analysis and DNA sequencing. The sequence heterogeneity between these variants is about 15%. The two satellite DNAs showed no cross-hybridization to each other and sequence homology is only limited. Nevertheless, we found in the C. pepo genome a high amount of sequences resembling the satellite of C. maxima. In contrast, the satellite repeat of C. pepo is found in the C. maxima DNA only in a few copies. These observations were discussed with respect to satellite DNA evolution and compared to the data received from monocotyledonous species.  相似文献   

Summary Isoelectric focusing of proteins from single pollen grains of Cucurbita pepo L. has been developed for large scale study of pollen grain populations' heterogeneity. Forty to forty-five protein bands from one pollen grain are revealed after silver staining. Applications of this technique to pollen grain populations from different genotypes are described in this paper. Possible applications and limits of this technique are discussed with respect to plant breeding especially for the measure of gene frequencies in pollen grain populations.The work was partly supported by a grant from LIMAGRAIN and AGPM  相似文献   

Summary This study examines the assumption of the pollen competition hypothesis that genetic differences among microgametophytes lead to differences in pollen performance and result in non-random fertilization. In addition, we examined the assumption that pollen performance is genetically correlated with sporophyte vigor due to an overlap in gene expression between the two stages of the life cycle. The results from a pollen mixture experiment in which two cultivars of common zucchini were used show that the ability to sire seeds is nonrandom with respect to the cultivar of the pollen donor plant. The proportion of the progeny sired by the two cultivars is not independent of the region of the fruit where the seeds are produced. The progeny sired by the yellow cultivar outperformed the progeny sired by the green cultivar in a greenhouse study. In addition, the progeny sired by the yellow cultivar from the stylar region of the fruit germinated faster and had more leaf area than the progeny sired by the same cultivar from the peduncular end of the fruit. Thus, the most vigorous progeny are obtained from the stylar region of the fruit where the ovules are fertilized by the most vigorous microgametophytes.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of pollen selection for rapid pollen-tube growth on progeny vigor. First, we crossed a wild gourd (Cucurbita texana) to a cultivated zucchini (Cucurbita pepo cv Black Beauty) to produce an F1 and then an F2 generation. Half of the F1 seeds were produced by depositing small loads of C. texana pollen onto the stigmas of C. pepo. These small pollen loads were insufficient to produce a full complement of seeds and, consequently, both the fast- and the slow-growing pollen tubes were permitted to achieve fertilization. An F2 generation was then produced by depositing small loads of F1 pollen onto stigmas of F1 plants. The F2 seeds resulting from two generations of small pollen loads are termed the non-selected line because there was little or no selection for pollen-tube growth rate on these plants. The other half of the F1 and F2 seeds were produced by depositing large pollen loads (>10 000 pollen grains) onto stigmas and then allowing only the first 1% or so of the pollen tubes that entered the ovary to fertilize the ovules. We did this by excising the styles at the ovary at 12–15 h after pollination. The resulting F2 seeds are termed the selected line because they were produced by two generations of selection for only the fastest growing pollen tubes. Small pollen loads from the F2plants, both the selected and the non-selected lines, were then deposited onto stigmas of different C. pepo flowers, and the vigor of the resulting seeds was compared under greenhouse and field conditions. The results showed that the seeds fertilized by pollen from the selected line had greater vegetative vigor as seedlings and greater flower and fruit production as mature plants than the seeds fertilized by pollen from the non-selected line. This study demonstrates that selection for fast pollen-tube growth (selection on the microgametophyte) leads to a correlated increase in sporophyte (progeny) vigor.  相似文献   

Zucchini fruits were subjected to 2.5 or 10 degrees C for 16d, followed by transfer to 20 degrees C for 24h in order to evaluate the relationship between ripening pattern, measured as CO(2) evolution and ethylene (C(2)H(4)) production, and metabolic heat production (q). Chilling injury (CI) visible symptoms were evident after 8d at 2.5 degrees C, but none were recorded on fruits kept at 10 degrees C. In fruits held at 10 degrees C, q, C(2)H(4) production, and CO(2) evolution diminished in the course of 16d, whereas in those at 2.5 degrees C CO(2) evolution showed an early burst peaking at 8d. Both C(2)H(4) production and q also showed a burst at 2.5 degrees C but they started at 4 and 8d, respectively, and peaked at 12d. The results showed that irreversibility of chilling injury in zucchini could occur long before the appearance of visible symptoms, although the metabolic activity accompanying the irreversibility process was not noticeable by isothermal calorimetry.  相似文献   

Basipetal auxin transport along the zucchini hypocotyl requires the cell-to-cell translocation of this hormone. Several authors have demonstrated that naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) blocks auxin efflux. It is believed that NPA binds to a regulatory protein that modulates the activity of the carrier rather than to the carrier itself. A few regulatory mechanisms have been suggested but all lack strong supporting experimental evidence. Four classes of protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors (PTKIs) have been used to investigate the NPA perception pathway. First, six synthetic tyrphostins, inhibitors of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R), were shown to displace NPA on plasmalemma fractions. The most potent compound was (3,4-dihydroxybenzylidene)-thiocyanoacetamide (tyrphostin A47). The inactive counterpart of tyrphostin A47, (4-methoxybenzylidene)-malononitrile (tyrphostin A1), was unable to displace NPA. Tyrphostins did not inhibit auxin efflux but were antagonists of the inhibition of auxin efflux by NPA. Again, tyrphostin A47 was the most effective and tyrphostin A1 was inactive. Second, the flavonoid genistein, also an EGF-R inhibitor, showed an effect on NPA binding and NPA antagonism similar to the one for the tyrphostins. Daidzein, the inactive counterpart of genistein, was ineffective in displacing NPA and in antagonizing its inhibition of auxin efflux. Two other PTKIs, curcumin and lavendustin A, displayed similar characteristics. Calmodulin antagonists, protein serine/threonine kinase inhibitors, and phosphatase inhibitors were inactive. These results suggest that the NPA binding protein may be related to mammalian tyrosine kinases and may regulate the auxin efflux carrier by phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Summary Resistance to red pumpkin beetle in summer squash was found to be controlled by polygenes. Diallel and Triple test cross analysis revealed the preponderance of non-additive and additive gene effects for resistance respectively. Absence of epistasis for resistance was indicated by both tests.  相似文献   

Nepi M  Bini L  Bianchi L  Puglia M  Abate M  Cai G 《Annals of botany》2011,108(3):521-527

Background and Aims

Nectar is a very complex mixture of substances. Some components (sugars and amino acids) are considered primary alimentary rewards for animals and have been investigated and characterized in numerous species for many years. In contrast, nectar proteins have been the subject of few studies and little is known of their function. Only very recently have detailed studies and characterization of nectar proteins been undertaken, and then for only a very few species. This current work represents a first step in the identification of a protein profile for the floral nectar of Cucurbita pepo. In this regard, the species studied is of particular interest in that it is monoecious with unisexual flowers and, consequently, it is possible that nectar proteins derived from male and female flowers may differ.


Manually excised spots from two-dimensional (2-D) electrophoresis were subjected to in-gel protein digestion. The resulting peptides were sequenced using nanoscale LC–ESI/MS-MS (liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization/tandem mass spectrometry). An MS/MS ions search was carried out in Swiss-Prot and NCBInr databases using MASCOT software.

Key Results

Two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed a total of 24 spots and a different protein profile for male and female flower nectar. Four main proteins recognized by 2-D electrophoresis most closely resemble β-d-xylosidases from Arabidopsis thaliana and have some homology to a β-d-xylosidase from Medicago varia. They were present in similar quantities in male and female flowers and had the same molecular weight, but with slightly different isoelectric points.


A putative function for xylosidases in floral nectar of C. pepo is proposed, namely that they may be involved in degrading the oligosaccharides released by the nectary cell walls in response to hydrolytic enzymes produced by invading micro-organisms. Several types of oligosaccharides have been reported to increase the pathogenic potential of micro-organisms. Thus, it is possible that such a mechanism may reduce the virulence of pathogens present in nectar.  相似文献   

Direct N-terminal amino acid sequencing of the phloem protein 2 (PP2) from 3-month old Cucurbita pepo L. (pumpkin), purified by SDS-PAGE and blotted onto PVDF membrane, showed that the protein had a blocked N-terminus. However, after in situ cleavage of the polypeptide in a gel slice by cyanogen bromide, 75 residues of sequence on two cyanogen bromide fragments were determined. An oligonucle-otide probe based on this amino acid sequence was used to screen a cDNA library, constructed from mRNA of 3–5-day old seedling hypocotyls, in ZAP II. A cDNA clone (p11A) predicted an amino acid sequence of 218 residues, in full agreement with the sequences determined for two CNBr fragments of PP2, and suggests that the N-terminus of the protein is a blocked methionine residue which is cleaved off by CNBr. Two additional cDNA clones were sequenced but no heterogeneity in the PP2 sequence was found. The deduced amino acid sequence of C. pepo differs in nine residues from the recently published sequence of Cucurbita maxima (Bostwick et al., Plant Cell 4 (1992) 1539–1548). Southern blot showed that PP2 is encoded by a gene family with a relatively large number of members (estimated as 7–15 per haploid genome).  相似文献   

Correlatively inhibited pea shoots (Pisum sativum L.) did not transport apically applied 14C-labelled indol-3yl-acetic acid ([14C]IAA), and polar IAA transport did not occur in internodal segments cut from these shoots. Polar transport in shoots and segments recovered within 24 h of removing the dominant shoot apex. Decapitation of growing shoots also resulted in the loss of polar transport in segments from internodes subtending the apex. This loss was prevented by apical applications of unlabelled IAA, or by low temperatures (approx. 2° C) after decapitation. Rates of net uptake of [14C]IAA by 2-mm segments cut from subordinate or decapitated shoots were the same as those in segments cut from dominant or growing shoots. In both cases net uptake was stimulated to the same extent by competing unlabelled IAA and by N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid. Uptake of the pH probe [14C]-5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione from unbuffered solutions was the same in segments from both types of shoot. Patterns of [14C]IAA metabolism in shoots in which polar transport had ceased were the same as those in shoots capable of polar transport. The reversible loss of polar IAA transport in these systems, therefore, was not the result of loss or inactivation of specific IAA efflux carriers, loss of ability of cells to maintain transmembrane pH gradients, or the result of a change in IAA metabolism. Furthermore, in tissues incapable of polar transport, no evidence was found for the occurrence of inhibitors of IAA uptake or efflux. Evidence is cited to support the possibility that the reversible loss of polar auxin transport is the result of a gradual randomization of effluxcarrier distribution in the plasma membrane following withdrawal of an apical auxin supply and that the recovery of polar transport involves reestablishment of effluxcarrier asymmetry under the influence of vectorial gradients in auxin concentration.Abbreviations DMO 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione - IAA indol-3yl-acetic acid - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid This work was supported by grant no. GR/D/08760 from the U.K. Science and Engineering Research Council. We thank Mrs. R.P. Bell for technical assistance.  相似文献   

The transport of [14C]phenylacetic acid (PAA) in intact plants and stem segments of light-grown pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alderman) plants was investigated and compared with the transport of [14C]indiol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA). Although PAA was readily taken up by apical tissues, unlike IAA it did not undergo long-distance transport in the stem. The absence of PAA export from the apex was shown not to be the consequence of its failure to be taken up or of its metabolism. Only a weak diffusive movement of PAA was observed in isolated stem segments which readily transported IAA. When [1-14C]PAA was applied to a mature foliage leaf in light, only 5.4% of the 14C recovered in ethanol extracts (89.6% of applied 14C) had been exported from the leaf after 6.0 h. When applied to the corresponding leaf, [14C]sucrose was readily exported (46.4% of the total recovered ethanol-soluble 14C after 6.0 h). [1-14C]phenylacetic acid applied to the root system was readily taken up but, after 5.0 h, 99.3% of the recovered 14C was still in the root system.When applied to the stem of intact plants (either in lanolin at 10 mg·g-1, or as a 10-4 M solution), unlabelled PAA blocked the transport through the stem of [1-14C]IAA applied to the apical bud, and caused IAA to accumulate in the PAA-treated region of the stem. Applications of PAA to the stem also inhibited the basipetal polar transport of [1-14C]IAA in isolated stem segments. These results are consistent with recent observations (C.F. Johnson and D.A. Morris, 1987, Planta 172, 400–407) that no carriers for PAA occur in the plasma membrane of the light-grown pea stem, but that PAA can inhibit the carrier-mediated efflux of IAA from cells. The possible functions of endogenous PAA are discussed and its is suggested that an important role of the compound may be to modulate the polar transport and-or accumulation by cells of IAA.Abbreviations IAA indol-3yl-acetic acid - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid - PAA phenylacetic acid - IIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid  相似文献   

Plants have been regenerated from abnormal embryos with spongy cotyledons and albino sectors, derived from Cucurbita maxima and C. pepo F1 and BC1 hybrids. Shoot regeneration was induced directly from the cotyledons without an intervening callus phase on the medium without hormones. On the rooting medium, shoots continued to proliferate, which allowed for further multiplication in vitro. The number of plants obtained varied with genotype and ranged up to 65 plants per embryo.  相似文献   

Zechmann B  Müller M  Zellnig G 《Protoplasma》2006,227(2-4):197-209
The intracellular effects of GSH (reduced glutathione) and BSO (buthionine sulfoximine) treatment on glutathione content were investigated with immunogold labeling in individual cellular compartments of Cucurbita pepo L. seedlings. Generally, GSH treatment led to increased levels of glutathione in roots and leaves (up to 3.5-fold in nuclei), whereas BSO treatment significantly decreased glutathione content in all organs. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that glutathione levels in mitochondria, which showed the highest glutathione labeling density of all compartments, remained generally unaffected by both treatments. Since glutathione within mitochondria is involved in the regulation of cell death, these results indicate that high and stable levels of glutathione in mitochondria play an important role in cell survival strategies. BSO treatment significantly decreased glutathione levels (1) in roots by about 78% in plastids and 60.8% in the cytosol and (2) in cotyledons by about 55% in the cytosol and 38.6% in plastids. After a short recovery period, glutathione levels were significantly increased in plastids and the cytosol of root tip cells (up to 3.7-fold) and back to control values in cotyledons. These results indicate that plastids, either alone or together with the cytosol, are the main center of glutathione synthesis in leaves as well as in roots. After GSH treatment for 24 h, severe ultrastructural damage related to increased levels of glutathione was found in roots, in all organelles except mitochondria. Possible negative effects of GSH treatment leading to the observed ultrastructural damage are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of heat shock (HS) pre-treatment on the response tobenzyladenine were studied in two plant model systems (1) retardation ofsenescence of Arabidopsis thaliana L. Heyhn rosette leavesand (2) induction of greening of detached Cucurbita pepoL.cotyledons. N6-benzyladenine (BA) retarded senescence of rosetteleaves of Arabidopsis thaliana (L) Heyhn and briefpre-treatment with HS (3 at 37)essentially enhanced this cytokinin effect. BA stimulated cotyledon greening inCucurbita pepo L due to the activation of chlorophyllsynthesis. Brief cotyledon pre-heating at moderate temperatures (3 at 33–35) also enhanced thiscytokinin effect.  相似文献   

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