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The non-receptor tyrosine kinase c-Src plays a central role in a variety of cell signaling pathways that regulate cell growth, differentiation, apoptosis, and other important cellular processes. An 85-amino acid N-terminal deletion construct of c-Src (DeltaN85 c-Src) has been structurally characterized and used extensively in biochemical and biophysical studies. In this report, we have established a relatively rapid, simplified purification of DeltaN85 c-Src from recombinant baculovirus-infected insect cells. Q-Sepharose anion-exchange and aminophenyl-ATP affinity chromatography were used to isolate 5mg of >98% pure DeltaN85 c-Src from 900 mg of total soluble protein. The specific activity of DeltaN85 c-Src (20 U mg(-1)) was found to be >or = 5-fold greater than previously reported values. A lag in the autophosphorylation kinetics of DeltaN85 c-Src was observed, and the reaction occurred with observed first-order rate constants k1=0.20+/-0.01 min(-1) and k2=0.38+/-0.01 min(-1) under the experimental conditions used. Steady-state kinetic analysis of peptide phosphorylation by DeltaN85 c-Src gave Km values of 99+/-23 microM and 190+/-30 microM for the peptide and ATP substrates, respectively, and a value of k(cat)=17+/-2s(-1). Overall, we present a dramatically improved purification strategy that represents a simplified, relatively rapid protocol for the isolation of milligram quantities of DeltaN85 c-Src required for rigorous structure-function and inhibition studies that rely on a pre-steady-state kinetic approach.  相似文献   

Summary The isolation of related genes with evolutionary conserved motifs by the application of polymerase chain reaction-based molecular biology techniques, or from database searching strategies, has facilitated the identification of new members of protein families. Many of these protein molecules will be involved in protein-protein interactions (e.g. growth factors, receptors, adhesion molecules), since such interactions are intrinsic to virtually every cellular process. However, the precise biological function and specific binding partners of these novel proteins are frequently unknown, hence they are known as ‘orphan’ molecules. Complementary technologies are required for the identification of the specific ligands or receptors for these and other orphan proteins (e.g., antibodies raised against crude biological extracts or whole cells). We describe herein several alternative strategies for the identification, purification and characterisation of orphan peptide and protein molecules, specifically the synergistic use of micropreparative HPLC and biosensor techniques. These authors made equivalent contributions.  相似文献   

The isolation of related genes with evolutionary conserved motifs by the application ofpolymerase chain reaction-based molecular biology techniques, or from database searchingstrategies, has facilitated the identification of new members of protein families. Many of theseprotein molecules will be involved in protein–protein interactions (e.g. growth factors,receptors, adhesion molecules), since such interactions are intrinsic to virtually every cellularprocess. However, the precise biological function and specific binding partners of these novelproteins are frequently unknown, hence they are known as orphan molecules.Complementary technologies are required for the identification of the specific ligands orreceptors for these and other orphan proteins (e.g., antibodies raised against crude biologicalextracts or whole cells). We describe herein several alternative strategies for the identification,purification and characterisation of orphan peptide and protein molecules, specifically thesynergistic use of micropreparative HPLC and biosensor techniques.  相似文献   

An improved method for the single-step purification of streptavidin   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A new method for the preparation of a more efficient, stable iminobiotin-containing resin for the isolation of streptavidin was developed. CL-Sepharose was activated with p-nitrophenyl chloroformate, and the resultant carbonate derivative was reacted with diaminohexane. Subsequent reaction of the amino-containing resin with iminobiotin-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester (in an organic solvent) yielded the stable affinity resin. The capacity of this resin for either avidin or streptavidin was 12 mg per ml resin, and streptavidin could be purified in one step directly from the culture broth of Streptomyces avidinii. The biotin-binding protein isolated in this manner exhibited a major band at about 75 kDa and a minor band at about 150 kDa. Under denaturing conditions, a spectrum of subunit molecular weights ranging between 15 and 19 kDa was detected, the distribution of which depended upon the specific preparation.  相似文献   

An improved purification method for cytoplasmic dynein   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An improved method has been devised for the purification of cytoplasmic dynein from sea urchin eggs (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and S purpuratus). This protocol introduces three changes over a previously published procedure (Hisanaga and Sakai: J Biochem 93:87, 1983)--the substitution of diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-cellulose for hydroxylapatite chromatography, the elimination of sucrose density gradient centrifugation, and the use of phosphocellulose chromatography. These changes reduce the time and increase the efficiency of the purification procedure. The purified egg cytoplasmic dynein has enzymatic properties in common with axonemal dynein, including ionic specificity (Ca++ATPase/Mg++ ATPase = 0.8) and inhibition by sodium vanadate and erythro-9-2,3-hydroxynonyl adenine (EHNA). As assayed by silver staining of polyacrylamide gels, the cytoplasmic dynein is composed of two high molecular weight polypeptides (greater than 300 kilodaltons) that comigrate with flagellar dynein heavy chains, and lesser amounts of three lower molecular weight bands. None of these polypeptides appears to contain bound carbohydrate. The purification procedure can be modified slightly to allow the preparation of cytoplasmic dynein in only 2 days from as little as 3-5 ml of packed eggs, a 20-fold reduction over the previous method. This more rapid and efficient method will facilitate the investigation of cytoplasmic dynein in other systems where starting material is limited, including tissue culture cells and nerve axoplasm.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) are important signaling enzymes that control such fundamental processes as proliferation, differentiation, survival/apoptosis, as well as adhesion and motility. Potent and selective PTP inhibitors serve not only as powerful research tools, but also as potential therapeutics against a variety illness including cancer and diabetes. PTP activity-based assays are widely used in high throughput screening (HTS) campaigns for PTP inhibitor discovery. These assays suffer from a major weakness, in that the reactivity of the active site Cys can cause serious problems as highly reactive oxidizing and alkylating agents may surface as hits. We describe the development of a fluorescence polarization (FP)-based displacement assay that makes the use of an active site Cys to Ser mutant PTP (e.g., PTP1B/C215S) that retains the wild-type binding affinity. The potency of library compounds is assessed by their ability to compete with the fluorescently labeled active site ligand for binding to the Cys to Ser PTP mutant. Finally, the substitution of the active site Cys by a Ser renders the mutant PTP insensitive to oxidation and alkylation and thus will likely eliminate "false" positives due to modification of the active site Cys that destroy the phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

An improved method for purification of megacin A inhibitor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T Ochi  K Yano  T Amano 《Biken journal》1971,14(4):423-424

Ma H  Difazio S 《BioTechniques》2008,44(7):921-923
A high-throughput DNA sequencing method that generated high quality data was developed. A frame fashioned from a standard agarose gel combined with 0.1%-0.2% low-melting point (LMP) agarose gel was used to isolate the PCR product of interest. Collected PCR products were centrifuged without any reagents and the supernatants were directly used for a sequencing reaction. This method is simple and labor efficient, provides high quality sequences at a low cost, and bypasses problems with impure PCR products. This technique has been used for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery in Populus angustifolia trees.  相似文献   

Direct determination of the microwave absorption characteristics of biological molecules in solution by an optical heterodyne technique is described. A visibly transparent sample is irradiated in a spatially nonuniform manner with pulsed microwaves, and the spatial variation in temperature increase measured by detecting the phase chirp impressed on a single-frequency He-Ne laser beam passing through the heated region. Results for several liquids and solutions such as water, methanol, various saline solutions, and solutions of DNA and DNA sodium salt in water are described. Where direct comparison is possible the results agree very well with published values. A significant increase in the absorption of DNA solutions compared with pure water has been observed that is consistent with microwave absorption by the longitudinal mode of the double helix.  相似文献   

An improved high yielding procedure for the purification of myrosinase from Sinapis alba L. consisting of concanavalin A affinity chromatography followed by a chromatofocusing step is presented. The purified enzyme was homogeneous as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis and by analytical ultracentrifugation although the presence of at least three isoenzymes, with pI values from 5.05 to 5.15, was detected by isoelectric focusing. It was found that the enzyme has a molecular weight of 135.1 kg mol-1 and consists of two, possibly identical, subunits of molecular weight 71.7 kg mol-1. The structure of myrosinase was studied by circular dichroism. Contin analysis of the CD data indicates a mixed alpha-helix and beta-sheet conformation for the native protein a with approximately 19% alpha-helix and approximately 35% beta-sheet content. Denaturation with guanidinium chloride was found to be irreversible although the enzyme has excellent storage characteristics in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

Glucagon was expressed inEscherichia coli as a fusion protein including the glucagon sequence [Ishizakiet al. (1992),Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol.36, 483–486]. The high-level expression of a protein inE. coli often results in an insoluble aggregate called an inclusion body containing a fusion protein. In our previous report [Yoshikawaet al. (1992),J. Protein Chem. 11, 517–525], we solubilized this inclusion body by using guanidinium chloride. However, the existence of denaturant caused problems such as a low proteolytic activity for transforming the fusion protein into glucagon and complicated purification methods. We tried to improve the method to enable large-scale purification. At alkaline pH, the inclusion body could be solubilized to a high concentration and cleaved by amino acid-specific endopeptidases. By utilizing isoelectric precipitations as a new economical purification method for glucagon from intermediates, the glucagon obtained was shown to be over 99.5% pure by analytical RP-HPLC. The yield was almost equal that of our previous method, and the glucagon produced was chemically and biochemically equivalent to natural glucagon.  相似文献   

An improved method for purification of intact metagenomic DNA from soil has been developed using Q-Sepharose, which purified the DNA from phenolic and humic acid contaminants in a single step. The entire procedure for purification took only 45 min. A total of 81% of DNA was recovered after purification and there was 84% reduction in humic acid contents. The purified DNA was readily digested with restriction enzymes and can be further used for molecular applications.  相似文献   

Protein ubiquitination plays an important role in the regulation of many cellular processes, including protein degradation, cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, and DNA repair. To study the ubiquitin proteome we have established an immunoaffinity purification method for the proteomic analysis of endogenously ubiquitinated protein complexes. A strong, specific enrichment of ubiquitinated factors was achieved using the FK2 antibody bound to protein G-beaded agarose, which recognizes monoubiquitinated and polyubiquitinated conjugates. Mass spectrometric analysis of two FK2 immunoprecipitations (IPs) resulted in the identification of 296 FK2-specific proteins in both experiments. The isolation of ubiquitinated and ubiquitination-related proteins was confirmed by pathway analyses (using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis and Gene Ontology-annotation enrichment). Additionally, comparing the proteins that specifically came down in the FK2 IP with databases of ubiquitinated proteins showed that a high percentage of proteins in our enriched fraction was indeed ubiquitinated. Finally, assessment of protein–protein interactions revealed that significantly more FK2-specific proteins were residing in protein complexes than in random protein sets. This method, which is capable of isolating both endogenously ubiquitinated proteins and their interacting proteins, can be widely used for unraveling ubiquitin-mediated protein regulation in various cell systems and tissues when comparing different cellular states.  相似文献   

In a recent study, we have developed an ELISA method to quantify the mannose 6-phosphate receptor (MPR) proteins [J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 52 (2002) 111]. In the present study, we have used the goat MPR 300 antibody and peptide specific antibodies to human MPR 46 to develop simple and efficient immuno-affinity matrices, which can be used to purify the MPR proteins from goat liver in a single step. The identity of the immuno-affinity purified receptors is confirmed by their molecular masses as well as by their immunoreactivity.  相似文献   

Zinc-finger proteins (ZFPs) have long been recognized for their potential to manipulate genetic information because they can be engineered to bind novel DNA targets. Individual zinc-finger domains (ZFDs) bind specific DNA triplet sequences; their apparent modularity has led some groups to propose methods that allow virtually any desired DNA motif to be targeted in vitro. In practice, however, ZFPs engineered using this ‘modular assembly’ approach do not always function well in vivo. Here we report a modular assembly scoring strategy that both identifies combinations of modules least likely to function efficiently in vivo and provides accurate estimates of their relative binding affinities in vitro. Predicted binding affinities for 53 ‘three-finger’ ZFPs, computed based on energy contributions of the constituent modules, were highly correlated (r = 0.80) with activity levels measured in bacterial two-hybrid assays. Moreover, Kd values for seven modularly assembled ZFPs and their intended targets, measured using fluorescence anisotropy, were also highly correlated with predictions (r = 0.91). We propose that success rates for ZFP modular assembly can be significantly improved by exploiting the score-based strategy described here.  相似文献   

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