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This paper examines the biology and ecology of Helix lucorumL. which lives in mainland Greece, as well as its growth andsecondary production. A demographic study revealed that (a)3 cohorts exist at any time during the year (when adults ofall generations belong to the same cohort) (b) egg-laying andhatching occur during the months of July and August respectively,(c) the most rapid growth takes place during spring. Study ofH. lucorum genitalia in relation to age showed that the snailsaxe sexually mature 3 years after hatching, when the largestdiameter of their shell (D) is equal to or greater than 35 mm Von Bertallanffy's method suggests that Helix lucorum may liveup to 14 years or more in order to reach its possible maximumsize (48.80 mm) The study of relative growth of D in relation to Ps (peristomesurface) of Helix lucorum shows that D grows faster than Pswhen D12.50 mm; juveniles change their growth rate when theirD arrives at 22.05 mm, and growth becomes slower when adultsarrive at 36.27 mm Annual secondary production calculated by the size frequencymethod gave a mean annual density of 3.39 individuals per m2,a mean annual crop (biomass) of 4.04 g-m–2 and an annualproduction (P) of 5.02 g · m–2. The annual turnoverratio (P//b) is equal to 1.24 (Received 23 June 1987;  相似文献   

The life span of Lithophaga lithophaga was found to be >54 years when the annual growth lines in longitudinal shellsections were counted. The age determination was confirmed bya) length frequency histograms, b) the time taken for the formationof annual and reproduction rings and c) by determining the agein different parts of the shell. The age of individuals of thesame length varies, for example, individuals with a length of5.0 ± 0.2 cm range in age from 18–36 years. Theoldest individuals were found at depths of 1–5 m. Maximumgrowth (75%) was observed from the end of spring to the beginningof summer. The increase in length of the borehole, which was1.5 times greater than the length of L. lithophaga, was continuousand occurred at a faster rate in winter. Parameters, such as,shell length, age, axes, the occurrence of abnormal, white andpearlcontaining forms and wetflesh weight varied significantlywith depth. There was no variation in the ratio of boreholevolume/shell volume. On the basis of the above parameters, andalso the population density, each depth at which samples werecollected, was graded. Depths of 2–4 m were found to bethe most suitable for growth and habitation. Depths of 0–1m were most inhospitable due to strong wave action and the directeffect of the atmosphere. (Received 15 August 1994; accepted 17 March 1995)  相似文献   

Gonad maturation and sexuality in Ghanaian populations of Anadarasenilis were studied by means of macroscopic examination ofthe visceral mass, microscopic examination of smears of sexualproducts and by histological methods. Sexual differentiationinto either distinct male or female, begins at a shell lengthof 10–12mm. Only 1% or less have both ovary and testis.First spawnings take place at shell size 18–20mm. Althoughin tidal lagoons the sex ratio is 1:1, in the adverse conditionsof closed lagoons, the male to female ratio is about 1:2. Unbalancedsex ratios recorded in a population in Lagos, Nigeria, led aprevious worker to the conclusion that the species is a protandrichermaphrodite.It is argued here that hermaphroditism is an insignificant featurein A. senilis and that the species is basically gonochoristic(dioecious). * PRESENT ADDRESS: Department of Zoology, University Collegeof Swansea, Swansea SA2 8PP, Wales (Received 16 June 1981;  相似文献   

Microalgae from natural saline habitats in the southwestern United States were isolated and screened for rapid growth potential and ability to store intracellular neutral lipid, a precursor for renewable liquid fuel sources. After preliminary screening of isolated strains, Nitzschia communis (Rabenhorst) was selected for optimization of growth rate and lipid yield. Nitzschia communis was subjected to two media types (SERI I, II) with different major ion compositions designed to mimic natural saline groundwater aquifers in the arid Southwest. Growth rates were determined through 4 days of logarithmic growth, followed by 2 days of physiological stress (nitrogen deprivation) and subsequent measurement of neutral lipid accumulation. Poststress intracellular neutral lipid increases were documented by utilizing the fluorochrome Nile Red with fluorometric analysis and epifluorescent microscopy. Growth rate was slightly higher in SERI Type I medium, whereas lipid yield was higher in SERI Type II medium. Rapid growth and appreciable lipid yields were observed over a broad range of temperatures (20°–30° C) and specific conductances (10–70 mS·cm−1). The highest lipid yields were observed at elevated conductances (between 40 mS·cm−1 and 70 mS·cm−1). Substitution of individual salt concentrations from SERI Type II into SERI Type I medium indicated that increased lipid yield in Type I medium was associated with a reduction in MgCl2 concentration.  相似文献   

Estimates for the production of calcium carbonate by Halimeda spp. have been based on limited measures in small areas or over short periods, subsequently extrapolated over larger temporal and spatial scales. The accuracy of these extrapolations depends on the variations in time and space of the parameters used for the derivations of the production, which were evaluated in the present study for Halimeda incrassata (J. Ellis) J. V. Lamour. in the Puerto Morelos reef lagoon, Mexican Caribbean. Growth, biomass, and CaCO3 content of the branches of the thalli were determined at 1–3 monthly intervals from November 1997 until June 1999, using the marking technique with the coloring agent Alizarin Red‐S. Biomass exhibited great variability (V=25.4%), and fluctuations were closely related to changes in thallus density. Growth and CaCO3‐content changes were related to the solar cycle, having coefficients of 15.4% and 2.5%, respectively. Additionally, calcified biomasses of the thalli were determined over a large spatial (31 stations in ~7 km2 area) and time (6 y) scale. Spatial variability in calcified biomass was 59%, and the coefficient of variation attained its highest value (69%) for the samples collected over a 6 y period, from 1990 to 1996 (except 1995). Based on overall average values, branches of H. incrassata in the study area had a mean turnover of 30 d, with an annual production of 815 g CaCO3 per square meter.  相似文献   

The abundance, life span, growth and production of the mud snailsHydrobia minoricensis, H. ulvae and H. ventrosa in a semi-naturallagoon system were studied by taking monthly samples at threesites during 1991 and 1992. The most abundant species, H. minoricensisoccurred at mean densities of 12834 to 26264 snails m–2(10.7 to 25.8g dry weigh m–2), depending on the site.The least abundant species, H. ulvae, occurred at mean densitiesof 185 to 353 snails m–2 (3.2 to 2.2g dry weight m–2).The numerical abundance and biomass of the three Hydrobia specieswere positively related to the biomass of benthic macroalgae(P<0.01). Although H. ulvae egg capsules were recorded throughoutthe year, newly hatched snailsof this species were not observed,in contrast to the other two species. The early spring and summercohorts of H. minoricensis and H. ventrosa seemed to be themost numerous. The average life spans of these two species wereestimated to be about 18 and 13 months respectively. Annualproduction estimates for the whole lagoon system were 29.0 (6.3),5.5 (0.8) and 5.2 (1.0)g dry weight (ash-free dry weight) m–2yr–1 for H. minoricensis, H. ulvae and H. ventrosa respectively.The annual P/B ratio was about 2 for H. minoricensis and H.ventrosa. (Received 5 July 1994; accepted 5 October 1994)  相似文献   

毕克卷转虫Ammonia beccarii(Linnaeus,1758)是潮间带和陆架浅海沉积物中常见的底栖有孔虫类群,但因活体培养困难,国际间对其基础生物学研究甚少。本工作成功对A.beccarii建立了室内培养,采用食物移除法测定其对硅藻的摄食率,探讨了温度和食物浓度对其房室生长和摄食率的影响。实验显示A.beccarii成体每次繁殖可产生约50—100个子代幼体,2个月左右完成2个壳圈(约15个房室)的生长,达到成体的3—4个壳圈(20个房室以上)约需3—5个月。此外,A.beccarii的房室生长受不同培养温度的影响,20°C下房室长径和短径的增长皆快于15°C:15°C长、短径的平均增长率分别为0.99、0.93μm d-1;20°C壳体长、短径的平均增长率分别为2.21、2.10μm d-1,温度较低时壳体生长呈常见的椭圆形体态,温度升高壳体较大且胖圆。在温度为12、15、18、21、24°C和硅藻浓度200—1 000cells mm-2的培养条件下,A.beccarii的摄食率对硅藻浓度的响应模型各参数均有统计显著性,最大摄食率(Imax)和半饱和食物浓度(k)均随温度的升高而降低。随着温度的升高,Imax由12°C的1 014.23diatoms ind.-1 h-1降低到24°C时的656.26diatoms ind.-1 h-1,k由195.77diatoms mm-2降低到92.65diatoms mm-2,摄食率(I)的变化范围约为50—1 000diatom ind.-1 h-1。推测12—15°C可能为A.beccarii的最适温度范围,此温度也与野外调查黄、东海陆架表层沉积物中A.beccarii的丰度分布高值时的环境温度区间相符。本研究结果显示A.beccarii在海洋底栖生态系统中对摄食藻类具有一定的生态学功能,并具有喜好低温的特性。  相似文献   

The optimal conditions for the growth of two conspecific benthic diatoms were defined through factorial experimentation. We investigated the roles of light spectrum, nutrient availability, and culture conditions on the laboratory production of Cocconeis scutellum scutellum Ehrenb. and C. scutellum parva Grunow. Diatoms were cultivated in petri dishes, and inverted optical microscopy was used to periodically record their abundance. Growth curves were constructed from these data for each culture condition. In addition, at the end of the experiment we performed weight measurements to determine the total production for each of the considered conditions. We found that cultivation in nonsealed (NS) petri dishes (permitting gas exchange) represented the most productive technique. Cell density and biomass varied among light spectra, although this effect was inconsistent. For example, the Sylvania Gro‐Lux lamp (GL) produced the lowest cell density but highest biomass, suggesting that it may promote the production of larger cells. Surprisingly, of the culture media tested, f/2 (a media commonly used for the culture of diatoms) was the least productive. Diatom density and biomass were variably dependent on the combination of experimental culture conditions and strain used. These physical and chemical factors act mainly on given features of the diatom growth curve. These results permitted us to devise adequate culture protocols, to produce a biotechnologically important substance: a proapoptotic compound that specifically destroys the androgenic gland of a shrimp and could find novel applications in human medicine.  相似文献   

A strain Botryococcus braunii Kütz. that produces high levels of branched hydrocarbons (botryococcenes) was grown under different environmental conditions to investigate the relationship between growth and hydrocarbon production. Carbon dioxide concentration had the most significant influence on growth; 0.3% CO2-enriched cultures demonstrated a minimum mass doubling time of ca. 40 h, compared to ca. 6 days for ambient air cultures grown on the same buffered growth medium. The botryococcene fraction, which consisted of 10 identified compounds (CnH2n-10; n = 30–34), usually constituted ca. 25–40% of the culture dry weight under various growth regimes, including nitrogen- and/or phosphate-deficiencies. CO2 enrichment initially favored the production of the lower botryococcenes (C30–C32), whereas relatively slow-growing ambient air cultures accumulated C33 and C34 compounds. Colony color changed in response to different light intensities. High light increased the carotenoid/chlorophyll ratio, which resulted in orange colonies. Cultures exposed to low light intensity appeared green. This change in coloration was reversible over a period of a few days, and at no time were the linear hydrocarbons characteristic of the other form of the alga detected. Ostensible colony color is not, therefore, a reliable indicator of qualitative hydrocarbon content. Sequential solvent extraction experiments indicated that up to ca. 7% of the botryococcene fraction was intracellular and that the remainder was located within the colonial matrix. The internal (cellular) pool principally consisted of C30–C32 botryococcenes, whereas the external (colonial matrix) pool contained >99% of the C33 and C34 compounds, in addition to large amounts of the lower botryococcenes. These results, taken in conjunction with other data, are compatible with the hypothesis that the C30 botryococcene is the precursor, presumably via methylation, of the higher botryococcenes.  相似文献   

1. There is convincing evidence that a number of agents such as bacteria, viruses, endotoxins, foreign proteins, smokes and chemicals come into contact under physiological conditions with the lymphoid tissue associated with the gut and/or bronchial systems. Endogenous lectins and proteases may also act as mitogens on the central and peripheral immune system. 2. It is suggested that these agents act as inducers of interferon (and some also as immunogens), so that local production of interferon is turned on successively from cell to cell depending upon their responsiveness and upon the periodic inflow of inducers. 3. On the basis of a number of different features, it is proposed to distinguish between an ‘acute’ and a ‘physiological’ interferon response. In the latter, the interferon-producing cell influences the neighbouring cells by short-range humoral transmission (paracrine control) and possibly by cellular interaction, while the route of the general circulation is preferentially used in the former response. 4. It is suggested that the physiological interferon response, although previously overlooked, has great biological importance because production of interferon at strategic sites can maintain active defence systems essential for survival. 5. It is to be expected that the physiological interferon response, although amenable to experimental verification, may be difficult to detect. On the basis that interferon is normally absent from serum, it is suggested that most of the released immune-type interferon is either bound by cells surrounding the site of its synthesis or catabolized locally. 6. It is postulated that the progressive decline of the physiological interferon response with increasing age may represent one of the factors favouring the insurgence of autoimmune diseases and tumours in the process of ageing. It is also suggested that the involution of the thymus may in part be due to intrathymic production of interferon induced by proteases released from macrophages.  相似文献   

简述了在曲江县的气候条件下的牧草试种情况及适于在该县种植的一些牧草品种.并对曲江县的大气、水、土壤三方面的环境质量及其绿色食品生产标准作了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

The inter-and intratubular morphological variability in thedigestive diverticula of Littorina littorea and Mytilus edulishas been investigated by planimetric procedures. Five parametershave been measured: mean epithelial thickness (MET), mean diverticularradius [MDR], mean luminal radius (MLR), MLR/MET ratio and MET/MDRratio. The results indicate that irrespective of the patternof tubule organization within the digestive diverticula (whethertubule types are clustered or not), variability between individualsis greater than that between zones of the digestive gland. Thishas implications for the design of sampling strategies in investigationsof the morphology of digestive diverticula in physiologicaland pathological studies. The variability in the epithelialthickness within diverticular sections is of minor relevancein assessing the overall condition of the digestive gland inthese studies, because variability in epithelial thickness betweentubules is significantly greater than within tubules in bothspecies. (Received 10 March 1989; accepted 16 October 1989)  相似文献   

The frozen-niche-variation model was proposed to account for the coexistence of genetically related clones in naturally occurring unisexual populations. This model is based on two assumptions: 1) ecologically different clones have multiple independent origins from sexual ancestors; and 2) the population of sexual ancestors contains genetic variability for ecologically relevant traits. To test these assumptions, we produced 14 new “hemiclones” (nonrecombining haploid genotypes) of fish (Poeciliopsis: Poeciliidae). Our ability to synthesize many new hemiclones demonstrates the feasibility of multiple independent origins of nonrecombining genotypes. A substantial proportion (10–50%) of the phenotypic variation among hemiclones in size at birth, juvenile growth rate, and fecundity had a genetic basis. Thus, we conclude that multiple origins can give rise to an assemblage of genetically distinct hemiclones, each with a unique combination of life-history traits. Additionally, a comparative analysis of two natural hemiclones revealed that the synthetic strains represent a broad field of variation from which natural hemiclones can be selected.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the gonads of two endangered species of thegenus Margaritifera living in the Iberian Peninsula, Margaritiferaauricularia (Spengler, 1793) and Margaritifera margaritifera(Linnaeus 1758), based on macroscopic and histological observationsis presented. In both species, gonadal tissue occurs withinthe visceral mass without a specific location. In hermaphrodite specimens,male and female acini are mixed in the visceral mass but canbe clearly distinguished by detailed macroscopic study. The gonadaltopography and cycle of Margaritifera auricularia is described forthe first time, indicating that the species is a female hermaphroditeand that gametogenesis occurs from December to March. Fiftypercent of Margaritifera margaritifera specimens studied werehermaphrodites and 50% females. (Received 6 March 2000; accepted 5 June 2000)  相似文献   

2010年3月和5月分别在北部湾口附近采获鲀科Tetraodontidae兔头鲀属Lagocephalus鱼类标本2尾,经形态学和DNA条形码分析,鉴定为兔头鲀L.lagocephalus(Linnaeus,1758),系我国鱼类1新纪录种。并对新纪录种——兔头鲀的分类地位进行了探讨。研究标本保存于广东海洋大学水产学院。  相似文献   

Cross-comparisons of nectar production data are complicated because different workers use bags made of various materials to exclude animal visitors. Using clonal populations of Asclepias syriaca and A. exaltata in northern Virginia, we carefully measured the effects of four bagging treatments (bridal veil, pellon, paper, plastic) on microenvironment (temperature, relative humidity) and nectar production (volume, concentration, sucrose amount) over the course of a day. In general, bridal veil bags changed the microenvironment least relative to unbagged controls. Plastic bags resulted in higher temperatures and constantly higher relative humidities. Temperature and relative humidity were also elevated, though less dramatically, in paper and pellon bags. Under more humid conditions, flowers contained larger volumes of more dilute nectar. Therefore, researchers who wish to obtain nectar production data that reflect natural field conditions should use bridal veil, or a material with similar properties, to bag inflorescences. We also performed a watering experiment, involving the addition of the equivalent of a 10-cm rain to the A. syriaca plot. After watering, nectar volumes and sucrose amounts were increased approximately twofold.  相似文献   

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