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Erythrocytes could be used as physiological carriers of active compounds. Several substances can be loaded into erythrocytes by hypotonic dialysis methods. Furthermore, carrier erythrocyte membrane can be chemically modified in order to promote increased arrival of the loaded compound to macrophages. In this work, we have prepared erythrocytes loaded with etoposide. We found conditions to obtain high etoposide encapsulation yields with minor alteration of some cell parameters of these carrier erythrocytes. Etoposide loaded into erythrocytes is mainly localised in the cytoplasmic compartment. Membrane modification of etoposide-loaded erythrocytes with band 3 crosslinkers produces an increased incorporation of the drug into macrophages mainly by phagocytosis process. The toxic effect of etoposide conveyed in these carrier erythrocytes determined as DNA fragmentation in macrophages was higher than that shown by free etoposide added at the same concentration in the culture medium to macrophages. These results seem to indicate the usefulness of this model to deliver this anti-tumour compound to macrophages, which might be useful in therapy.  相似文献   

Normal mice are shown to harbor T cells that can be sensitized to proliferate against autologous red blood cells (RBC). These autoreactive cells were primed in vitro and in vivo with mouse as well as heterologous rat RBC, the in vivo administration of which has been previously shown to trigger the production of auto-RBC antibodies. Two broad classes of specificity are detected following priming: T cells cross-reactive for similar determinants coexpressed by mouse and rat RBC, and T cells specific for antigens restricted to self-RBC. These findings indicate that clonal deletion of self-RBC-reactive T cells is far from complete. The comparison of different in vitro and in vivo immunization protocols revealed the possible existence of several levels of immunoregulatory control which may prevent the expression of autoimmunity by these T cells.  相似文献   

Fractions of leaf extracts from 2 local types, labeledAloe vera (subsequently identified asAloe barbadensis Mill, andA. saponaria Haw.), were prepared by differential centrifugation and tested by in vitro assays for the presence of lectinlike activities and for effects on the attachment and growth of human normal and tumor cells. Fractions of extracts of fresh leaves and commercially “stabilized”Aloe vera gel had high levels of lectin-like substances measured by immunodiffusion and hemagglutination assays. Substances in fluid fractions from both fresh leaf sources were found to markedly promote attachment and growth of human normal, but not tumor, cells and to enhance healing of wounded cell monolayers. In contrast, fractions of “stabilized”Aloe vera gel were equally cytotoxic for human normal and tumor cells in vitro. Results from cell assays suggested that the observed growth promotion and wound healing effects of aloe substances in vitro may be analogous to what has been observed in vivo during healing of wounds and burns.  相似文献   

A suspension ofPlasmodium berghei obtained by lysis with saponin of red blood cells from an infected rat showed high hemolytic activity, when incubatedin vitro with normal rat red blood cells. The hemolysis was a temperature-dependent process and was dependent on the concentration of the parasite. Plasma ofPlasmodium berghei infected albino rats also possessed lytic activity.  相似文献   

Elaeocarpus sphaericus (Syn: E. ganitrus), in Ayurvedic Medicine commonly known as Rudraksha is known to have wide range of pharmacological activities. We reported previously the protective action of E. sphaericus in experimental bronchial asthma. The present study on rat mesenteric mast cell was undertaken to investigate the effect of E. sphaericus fruits on autacoid release. The petroleum ether (PE), benzene (BE), chloroform (CE), acetone (AE) and ethanol (EE) extracts of E. sphaericus fruits were found to have mast-cell stabilizing activity, substantiating the efficacy of E. sphaericus against bronchial asthma.  相似文献   

Plasmodium berghei: lipids of rat red blood cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A vast number of studies, including the authors' own research, support the important role polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) in the development of ascite tumors. The method of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (CL) was used to show the presence of two functionally different PMNL pools in a tumor-bearing organism: 1) "primed" PMNL, which circulate in the blood stream, and 2) "activated" PMNL, which are accumulated in the tumor zone and are capable of spontaneous CL. The purpose of the present investigation was to compare cytotoxic effects of primed and activated PMNL on tumor cells (ascite Ehrlich carcinoma (AEC), ascite Zajdel hepatoma) upon co-cultivation, as well as on normal cells of the organism, erythrocytes in vitro and in vivo. Upon stimulation with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), PMNL effectively damaged AEC cells within the first 24 h until PMNL apoptosis occurred. Upon further co-cultivation, the tumor cells grew in number, which suggest the participation of PMNL in tumor protection. When stimulated with PMNL, pools suppressed tumor growth in vitro, since in this case the cytotoxicity was due to both reactive oxygen species and proteolytic enzymes. As it has been shown earlier by the authors, the functional potential of PMNL increases many times during tumor growth, and we suggested that not only tumor but also normal cells could be damaged. In this connection, we have studied the cytotoxic effect of primed and activated PMNL on rat erythrocytes in vitro on their co-cultivation. On stimulation with PMA, the rate of lysis of erythrocytes by primed PMNL increase many times compared to the norm. The fMLP-stimulated cytotoxity was 1.5-2.0 times higher than in the norm. Activated PMNL without stimulation are capable of producing only a partial lysis of erythrocytes (5-7 %). In order to assess the cytotoxic action of PMNL on erythrocytes in vivo, the hemoglobin content in erythrocytes and blood plasm of rats was measured in the course of tumor growth. The hemoglobin content in erythocytes during growth tumor decreased from 135 +/- 10 to 85 +/- 5 g/l, whereas in the blood plasm the hemoglobin content gradually increased by almost two times. The results enable us to suggest that one of death causes of tumor-bearing organisms may be the cytotoxic action of PMNL on normal cells of the organism caused by hyperproduction of ROS.  相似文献   

We have suggested that red blood cell proteolytic systems can degrade oxidatively damaged proteins, and that both damage and degradation are independent of lipid peroxidation (Davies, K. J. A., and Goldberg, A. L. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 8220-8226. These ideas have now been tested in cell-free extracts of rabbit erythrocytes and reticulocytes. Exposure to oxygen radicals or H2O2 increases the degradation of endogenous proteins in cell-free extracts, as in intact cells. Various radical-generating systems (acetaldehyde or xanthine + xanthine oxidase, ascorbic acid + iron, H2O2 + iron) and H2O2 alone enhanced the rates of proteolysis severalfold. Since these extracts were free of membrane lipids, protein damage and degradation must be independent of lipid peroxidation. An antioxidant buffer consisting of HEPES, glycerol, and dithiothreitol inhibited the increased proteolysis by 60-100%. Mannitol caused a 50-80% reduction in proteolysis suggesting that the hydroxyl radical (.OH), or a species with similar reactivity, may be the initiator of protein damage. When casein or bovine serum albumin were exposed to .OH (generated by H2O2 + Fe2+, or COCo radiation) these proteins were degraded up to 50 times faster than untreated proteins during subsequent incubations with red cell extracts. Mannitol inhibited this increase in proteolysis only if present during .OH exposure; mannitol did not affect the degradative system. Although ATP increased the degradation of untreated proteins 4- to 6-fold in reticulocyte extracts, it had little or no effect on the degradation of proteins exposed to .OH. ATP also did not stimulate hydrolysis of .OH-treated proteins in erythrocyte extracts. Leupeptin did not affect the degradative processes in either extract; thus lysosomal or Ca2+-activated thiol proteases were not involved. We propose that red cells contain a soluble, ATP-independent proteolytic pathway which may protect against the accumulation of proteins damaged by .OH or other active oxygen species.  相似文献   

Some of the requirements for survival of human red blood cells were studied in vitro at 25 and 37 degrees C for 1--2 weeks. During the first week at 25 degrees C in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate medium with glucose, the cells at 2--5% hematocrit (HCT) maintained normal K+, Na+, and water contents with negligible hemolysis. After six days ion gradients decreased, preceded by decline of ATP. With adenosine, ATP was maintained for 1--2 weeks. Sustained in vitro survival of human red blood cells at 25 or 37 degrees C requires constant pHo and sufficient substrates to support a glycolytic carbon flux as well as a nitrogen flux via nucleotide turnover. In Earle's salts buffered with HEPES and supplemented with glucose, Eagle's essential vitamins, albumin, and antibiotics, suspensions at 0.1% HCT exhibited constant pH at 7.39 +/- 0.03 for at least two weeks at 37 degrees C. With glucose alone, ATP declined steadily to negligible levels despite constant pHo, but 0.1 mM adenine supported ATP for one week. Also, several amino acids partially prevented the decline of reduced glutathione during the first week at 37 degrees C. These results and current knowledge of red cell metabolism suggest a new defined medium for experiments requiring long term incubations, and extend the characterization of human red cell in vitro survival to a time period not previously studied.  相似文献   

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