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Nathan Muchhala 《Biotropica》2008,40(3):332-337
What causes flowers to diverge? While a plant's primary pollinator should strongly influence floral phenotype, selective pressures may also be exerted by other flower visitors or competition with other plants for pollination. Species of the primarily bat‐pollinated genus Burmeistera (Campanulaceae) frequently cooccur, with up to four species in a given site, and broadly overlap in flowering phenology, typically flowering throughout the year. The genus displays extensive interspecific variation in floral morphology in the degree that the reproductive parts (anthers and stigma) are exserted outside of the corolla, and species can be roughly classified as either long or short‐exserted. I tested two hypotheses regarding the functional significance of such variation: (1) exsertion lengths correspond to pollination by bat species of different sizes; and (2) variation serves to partition pollinator's bodies spatially and thus reduces interspecific pollen transfer. I captured bats in Ecuador to evaluate the identity and location of the Burmeistera pollen they were carrying. Results show that exsertion does not correspond to specialization on different pollinators; different bat species carried pollen of both flower types just as frequently. In support of the second hypothesis, pollen from flowers of different exsertion lengths was found to occur on different regions of bats' heads. This may serve to reduce competition for pollination among coexisting Burmeistera.  相似文献   

Astragalus cibarius and A. utahensis are common perennial species of a widespread legume genus. The pollination of Astragalus has been briefly discussed in the literature, but little work has been done on species in the intermountain West. This study was conducted from 1970–1973 in Utah with mixed and single species populations. The flowers of both species were homogamous and papilionaceous, but the species were different as to color, size, and ultraviolet reflectance. Astragalus cibarius usually flowered 10 days ahead of A. utahensis, but both species flowered earlier than most other plants in the community. Bagging experiments indicated both species were strongly allogamous. Exclosure studies indicated both species relied on insects as pollen vectors. Of the 44 insect species which were observed visiting flowers, only 14 carried Astragalus pollen, and the pollinator fauna varied between study sites. Pollen quantities and distributions on Diptera and Coleoptera indicated a poor potential for pollination. Floral structure, pollen distribution and quantity, and behavior implied that large bees of the families Apidae and Anthophoridae were the primary pollinators. These bees visited only one species of Astragalus when the plants occurred in mixed populations; this constancy may have been related to relative flower abundance. Non-pollinating floral foragers affect other phases of Astragalus life history.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Bromeliaceae is a species-rich neotropical plant family that uses a variety of pollinators, principally vertebrates. Tillandsia is the most diverse genus, and includes more than one-third of all bromeliad species. Within this genus, the majority of species rely on diurnal pollination by hummingbirds; however, the flowers of some Tillandsia species show some characteristics typical for pollination by nocturnal animals, particularly bats and moths. In this study an examination is made of the floral and reproductive biology of the epiphytic bromeliad Tillandsia macropetala in a fragment of humid montane forest in central Veracruz, Mexico.


The reproductive system of the species, duration of anthesis, production of nectar and floral scent, as well as diurnal and nocturnal floral visitors and their effectiveness in pollination were determined.

Key Results

Tillandsia macropetala is a self-compatible species that achieves a higher fruit production through outcrossing. Nectar production is restricted to the night, and only nocturnal visits result in the development of fruits. The most frequent visitor (75 % of visits) and the only pollinator of this bromeliad (in 96 % of visits) was the nectarivorous bat Anoura geoffroyi (Phyllostomidae: Glossophaginae).


This is the first report of chiropterophily within the genus Tillandsia. The results on the pollination biology of this bromeliad suggest an ongoing evolutionary switch from pollination by birds or moths to bats.  相似文献   

  1. Plant–bird pollination interactions evolved independently on different continents. Specific adaptations can lead to their restriction when potential partners from distant evolutionary trajectories come into contact. Alternatively, these interactions can be enabled by convergent evolution and subsequent ecological fitting.
  2. We studied the interactions between New World plants from the genus Heliconia, Asian plants of genus Etlingera and African sunbirds on a local farm in Cameroon. Heliconia spp. evolved together with hummingbirds and Etlingera spp. with spiderhunters —an oriental subgroup of the sunbird family.
  3. Sunbirds fed on all studied plants and individual plant species were visited by a different sunbird spectrum. We experimentally documented a higher number of germinated pollen grains in sunbird‐visited flowers of Etlingera spp. For Heliconia spp., this experiment was not successful and pollen tubes were rarely observed, even in hand‐pollinated flowers, where enough pollen was deposited. The analyses of contacts with plant reproductive organs nevertheless confirmed that sunbirds are good pollen vectors for both Heliconia and Etlingera species.
  4. Our study demonstrated a high ecological fit between actors of distinct evolutionary history and the general validity of bird‐pollination syndrome. We moreover show that trait matching and niche differentiation are important ecological processes also in semi‐artificial plant‐pollinator systems.

Although pollination networks between plants and flower visitors are diverse and flexible, seed production of many plant species is restricted by pollen limitation. Obligate outcrossers often suffer from low pollinator activity or severe interspecific competition for pollinator acquisition among co-flowering species. This study focused on seasonal changes in plant–flower visitor linkages in an alpine ecosystem and examined whether and how this seasonality affected the seed-set of Primula modesta, a self-incompatible distylous herb having long-tubed flowers. First, we recorded the linkages between plants and flower visitors along the snowmelt gradient. Then, pollination experiment was conducted to estimate the degree of pollen limitation over the course of flowering season of P. modesta. Flower visitors were classified by their tongue length based on the morphological matching with P. modesta flowers. As the season progressed, plant–visitor linkages became more diverse and generalized, and the visitation frequency to P. modesta flowers increased. In the later part of the season, however, the seed set of P. modesta was significantly reduced due to severe pollen limitation, presumably because of increased competition for long-tongued pollinators among co-flowering species. The present study revealed that pollinator availability for specialist species may be restricted even when plant–visitor linkages are diverse and generalized as a whole. In the case of P. modesta, morphological matching and competition for pollinators might be the main factors explaining this discrepancy.  相似文献   

The genus Rqfflesia includes about 13 species of parasitic flowering plants, among which are the largest known flowers. The flower with subtending scales is the only part of the plant external to the host and is produced solitary on roots (rarely stems) of the genus Tetrastigma (Vitaceae). Field studies were made of the pollination process in R. pricei, a species endemic to the Crocker Range in the Malaysian state of Sabah (northern Borneo). Pollination is mediated by carrion (bluebottle) flies of the genera Lucilla and Chrysomya. Experimental data indicate that both visual and olfactory cues are important in attracting flies to flowers. Flies (mostly female L. papuensis) obtain loads of the viscous liquid pollen matrix by visiting male flowers and entering anther grooves on the central column of the flower, precisely guided by ridges armed with hairs that force the fly into a position in which the pollen is positioned on the dorsal part of the thorax. “Windows” on the inside of the perigone diaphragm apparently help orient their flight inside flowers. Pollen-loaded flies visiting female flowers may enter the infradiscoidal sulcus formed by a broad ring of stigmatic tissue above and the expanded base of the column below. On entering the sulcus the fly is wedged in so tightly that pollen is rubbed off the thorax onto the stigma. Only large flies could be effective in picking up pollen from male flowers and transferring it to female flowers. The pollination syndrome is sapromyophily, in which the flower closely parallels trap flowers of several other plant families, although it is not a trap. The flower provides no reward for pollinators but deceives them by an apparent offering of food and possibly brood place. Rafflesia plants are extremely rare, perhaps in part because of infrequency of pollination, which requires neighboring male and female flowers simultaneously in bloom.  相似文献   

Species interactions are one dimension of a niche. Niche overlap arises when two species share an interaction partner. In pollination systems, environmental and biotic factors affect niche overlap. Here, we explored the effects of climate seasonality, plant and bat richness, morphological traits, and phylogenetic distance in shaping the niche overlap of Neotropical bat–plant pollination networks. We examined a dataset of 22 bat–plant pollination networks in the Neotropical region. We measured niche overlap in bats and plants with the Morisita-Horn index (ĈH) and used a SAR model to test the relationships between niche overlap and both abiotic and biotic factors. We found a lower niche overlap among bats in communities composed of phylogenetically distant bat species. Moreover, plant and bat overlap was lower in regions with higher precipitation seasonality. Our results indicate that climate seasonality and bat evolutionary history drive niche overlap in Neotropical bat–plant pollination interactions. These findings suggest that a higher precipitation seasonality promotes the emergence of temporal modules, which reduces niche overlap, likely due to seasonal species phenologies. Furthermore, the method used to record the interactions affects the degree of niche overlap. Interactions recorded with pollen samples tend to have higher niche overlap than direct observations. The responses of morphological traits and phylogenetic distances in bat niche overlap were uncoupled, suggesting an effect of historical processes independent of morphological traits. Our findings reinforce the importance of evolutionary history and ecological processes in imprinting patterns of interaction niche overlap.  相似文献   

Levels of specialization of the pollination systems were evaluated in 155 plant species from the Venezuelan Central Plain. In all, 29 pollination systems were found, resulting from various combinations of nine pollen‐vector types or pollinating agent classes. The number of pollen‐vector types composing a pollination system ranged from one to five. Ninety‐one species were pollinated by only a single pollen‐vector type; the frequency of pollination systems fell monotonically with increasing number of constituent pollen‐vector types. Some 30–40 per cent of bee‐, moth‐, beetle‐ and bat‐pollinated species were pollinated by that group of vectors alone. The highest incidence of co‐occurrence between pollen‐vector types was found for the combinations fly–wasp, butterfly–wasp, butterfly–fly, and to a lesser extent bird–butterfly, bat–bird, bat–moth and butterfly–moth. The average number of pollen‐vector types per plant species was significantly higher for trees and shrubs than for lianas and perennial herbs. The distribution of polyphily, oligophily, monophily and anemophily was significantly associated with life form and habitat. The relative frequencies of these types varied least through the year in the forest‐savannah ecotone and in the vegetation as a whole, reflecting the combination of life forms. There were significantly fewer night‐pollinated than day‐pollinated species. Day‐pollinated species tended to be polyphilous, and most of the night‐pollinated species were monophilous or oligophilous. Time of pollination activity was related to habitat. The relative importance of night pollination among life forms decreased from trees to perennial herbs. Plant species exclusively pollinated during the night reached a peak during the rainy season (May to November) for trees, lianas and perennial herbs. The data as a whole show that the relative frequency of polyphily, oligophily, monophily and anemophily, and the time of pollination activity are influenced by community structure and plant species richness, and may change from season to season. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 145 , 1–16.  相似文献   

To assess the pollen hosts of 60 western palaearctic bee species of the genus Colletes (Colletidae), we microscopically analysed 1336 pollen loads of collected females. Twenty‐six species (43.3%) were found to be specialized at the level of plant family, subfamily or genus. Thirty‐four species (56.7%) proved to be pollen generalists to varying degrees, visiting the flowers of up to 15 different plant families. Flowers of the subfamily Asteroideae (Asteraceae) are by far the most important pollen source, contributing 23.6% to the pollen‐plant spectrum of the whole bee genus. The high significance of Asteroideae pollen is due to the large number of specialists: 14 Colletes species belonging to four different taxonomic groups harvest pollen exclusively or predominantly on flowers of the Asteroideae. By striking contrast, Asteroideae pollen plays only a marginal role in the diets of the pollen generalists: it was recorded in only 2.7% of the pollen loads and in seven out of the 34 pollen generalists. Among the few generalists exploiting Asteroideae for pollen, three closely related species have ancestors which were possibly specialized on Asteraceae. The pattern of use of Asteroideae pollen by the Colletes bees supports recent findings that this pollen possesses unfavourable or protective properties, which render its digestion difficult, and suggests that bees need physiological adaptations to successfully utilize it. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 719–733.  相似文献   

Plant–pollinator interactions are critical to ecosystems. However, when artificial nectar feeders are available in an area, they could draw pollinators away from plants. We tested the effects of artificial nectar feeders in an Ecuadorian cloud forest on four aspects of bat–plant interactions: (1) bat relative abundance; (2) bat pollen loads; (3) flower visitation rates, and (4) breeding success of a bat‐pollinated species (Burmeistera glabrata). We divided the study site into areas close to (~30 m) and far from (~500 m) three different feeder sites. At each distance, we captured nectar bats (Anoura caudifer, Anoura cultrata, and Lonchophylla robusta) to estimate their relative abundance and to collect pollen from fur and fecal samples. We also videotaped flowers to estimate bat visitation rates and recorded different breeding success variables of B. glabrata. We found that areas close to feeders have higher relative bat abundance by a factor of 40. In spite of this, the presence of feeders did not affect bat pollen loads, nor the flower visitation rates and breeding success of B. glabrata. Interestingly, there were differences in pollen loads between the three bat species, in that L. robusta individuals rarely carried pollen and were only captured near feeders.  相似文献   

The resurrection plant Chamaegigas intrepidus Dinter (Scrophulariaceae) is a rare endemic species growing in ephemeral rock pools on isolated granite outcrops in Central Namibia. Previous studies suggested a high degree of gene flow within individual pools. Therefore, floral morphology, pollination and potential pollinators of the plant species were studied while the plants were at full flower set.The zygomorphous, intensively scenting flowers carry dense layers of trichomes (400–1600 mm−2) on the lower lip, similar to well-known oil-flowers. Four species of potential pollinators could be found. Two of them the Hymenoptera, Apis mellifera and Liotrigona bottegoi, were found to be rare, whereas beetles of the genus Condylops spec. (Condylops erongoensis and a new species) showed up with numbers up to 50 individuals m−2 in some pools, visiting the flowers most frequently. Individuals of Liotrigona and Condylops were proven to carry pollen of Chamaegigas after their flower visits. The results are discussed in relation to the genetic variability of the plant and the phenomenon of pollen limitation in rare plant species.  相似文献   

Pollen deposition and pollen tube formation are key components of angiosperm reproduction but intraspecific variation in these has rarely been quantified. Documenting and partitioning (populations, plants and flowers) natural variation in these two aspects of plant reproduction can help uncover spatial mosaics of reproductive success and underlying causes. In this study, we assess variation in pollen deposition and pollen tube formation for the endemic monoecious shrub Cnidoscolus souzae throughout its distribution range in Mexico, and determine how this variation is structured among populations, plants and flowers. We also infer the relative importance of pollen quantity and quality in determining pollination success in this species. While we found no evidence suggesting that pollen receipt limits C. souzae reproduction across 19 populations, we did find extensive variation in pollen load size and pollen tube number per flower. Total variation in pollen receipt and pollen tube number was mostly explained by intra‐individual and among‐population variance. Furthermore, pollen load size had a stronger effect on the number of pollen tubes at the base of the style than pollen germination rate, suggesting that pollen quantity may be more important than quality for pollen tube success in C. souzae. Our results suggest that both small within‐plant flower differences and broad‐scale differences in community attributes can play an important role in determining pollination success. We emphasise the need to evaluate patterns and sources of variation in pollen deposition and pollen tube formation as a first step in understanding the causes of variation in pollination success over broad spatial scales.  相似文献   

Most plants are pollinated passively, but active pollination has evolved among insects that depend on ovule fertilization for larval development. Anther‐to‐ovule ratios (A/O ratios, a coarse indicator of pollen‐to‐ovule ratios) are strong indicators of pollination mode in fig trees and are consistent within most species. However, unusually high values and high variation of A/O ratios (0.096–10.0) were detected among male plants from 41 natural populations of Ficus tikoua in China. Higher proportions of male (staminate) flowers were associated with a change in their distribution within the figs, from circum‐ostiolar to scattered. Plants bearing figs with ostiolar or scattered male flowers were geographically separated, with scattered male flowers found mainly on the Yungui Plateau in the southwest of our sample area. The A/O ratios of most F. tikoua figs were indicative of passive pollination, but its Ceratosolen fig wasp pollinator actively loads pollen into its pollen pockets. Additional pollen was also carried on their body surface and pollinators emerging from scattered‐flower figs had more surface pollen. Large amounts of pollen grains on the insects' body surface are usually indicative of a passive pollinator. This is the first recorded case of an actively pollinated Ficus species producing large amounts of pollen. Overall high A/O ratios, particularly in some populations, in combination with actively pollinating pollinators, may reflect a response by the plant to insufficient quantities of pollen transported in the wasps’ pollen pockets, together with geographic variation in this pollen limitation. This suggests an unstable scenario that could lead to eventual loss of wasp active pollination behavior.  相似文献   

Abstract Diurnal visitors to the flowers of many native plant species were identified in a wide range of Tasmanian sclerophyllous vegetation between September 1996 and April 1997. These foraging profiles were analysed to determine whether they were characteristic of various floral morphologies in predictable ways. It was found that although visitor profiles were sometimes consistent with classic pollination syndromes, these syndromes were unreliable predictors of floral visitors. Very few flowers were exclusively bird‐pollinated, and none were strictly fly‐, beetle‐, wasp‐, or butterfly‐pollinated. The majority of flowering plants were unspecialized in their morphology, and consequently hosted a diverse array of visitors. In addition, visitor profiles to congeners with similar floral morphologies, and even to conspecifics, differed between habitats. Altitude was a major factor in determining visitors, with flies being the most abundant visitors above 700 m. However, congeners in several genera of Epacridaceae, as well as the genus Correa, which differed in floral morphology also differed in visitor profiles. Tubular flowers were associated with birds, while flowers with more accessible nectar were visited by insects. The only taxa exhibiting a bee‐pollination syndrome that were largely visited by bees were the Fabaceae and Goodenia ovata Sm. Several species with purple or pink flowers were also predominantly visited by bees, but did not strictly conform to the melittophilous syndrome. In contrast, other flowers exhibiting an ostensibly mellitophilous syndrome hosted very few bees. Of these, species that occurred at high altitude were mainly visited by flies, while others received very few potential pollen vectors.  相似文献   

Removal of invasive species often benefits biological diversity allowing ecosystems’ recovery. However, it is important to assess the functional roles that invaders may have established in their new areas to avoid unexpected results from species elimination. Invasive animal-pollinated plants may affect the plant–pollination interactions by changing pollinator availability and/or behaviour in the community. Thus, removal of an invasive plant may have important effects on pollinator community that may then be reflected positive or negatively on the reproductive success of native plants. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of removing Oxalis pes-caprae, an invasive weed widely spread in the Mediterranean basin, on plant–pollinator interactions and on the reproductive success of co-flowering native plants. For this, a disturbed area in central Portugal, where this species is highly abundant, was selected. Visitation rates, natural pollen loads, pollen tube growth and natural fruit set of native plants were compared in the presence of O. pes-caprae and after manual removal of their flowers. Our results showed a highly resilient pollination network but also revealed some facilitative effects of O. pes-caprae on the reproductive success of co-flowering native plants. Reproductive success of the native plants seems to depend not only on the number and diversity of floral visitors, but also on their efficiency as pollinators. The information provided on the effects of invasive species on the sexual reproductive success of natives is essential for adequate management of invaded areas.  相似文献   

Most flowering plants depend on animal pollination. Several animal groups, including many birds, have specialized in exploiting floral nectar, while simultaneously pollinating the flowers they visit. These specialized pollinators are present in all continents except Europe and Antarctica, and thus, insects are often considered the only ecologically relevant pollinators in Europe. Nevertheless, generalist birds are also known to visit flowers, and several reports of flower visitation by birds in this continent prompted us to review available information in order to estimate its prevalence. We retrieved reports of flower–bird interactions from 62 publications. Forty‐six bird species visited the flowers of 95 plant species, 26 of these being exotic to Europe, yielding a total of 243 specific interactions. The ecological importance of bird–flower visitation in Europe is still unknown, particularly in terms of plant reproductive output, but effective pollination has been confirmed for several native and exotic plant species. We suggest nectar and pollen to be important food resources for several bird species, especially tits Cyanistes and Sylvia and Phylloscopus warblers during winter and spring. The prevalence of bird flower‐visitation, and thus potential bird pollination, is slightly more common in the Mediterranean basin, which is a stopover to many migrant bird species, which might actually increase their effectiveness as pollinators by promoting long‐distance pollen flow. We argue that research on bird pollination in Europe deserves further attention to explore its ecological and evolutionary relevance.  相似文献   

The majority of flowering plants, including many rare and threatened species, are pollinated by animals, but little is known of pollination and breeding systems of many endangered species. Polemonium caeruleum (Polemoniaceae) is a red‐listed species and is regarded as dichogamous, self‐compatible and bee pollinated. However, some studies show that it is visited by a vast assemblage of anthophilous insects from many taxonomic orders and that breeding systems vary greatly between closely related taxa of this genus. Over a period of 3 years we investigated breeding system, dichogamy, nectar secretion and composition, insect visitations and pollen loads in flowers of P. caeruleum in north‐eastern Poland to determine whether the reproductive biology of the plant explains its rarity. Contrary to published data, our study plants were self‐incompatible and showed a high degree of outcrossing. Our experimental work confirmed the occurrence of protandry in this species, revealed that nectar is sucrose‐dominant and proline‐rich and, for the first time for Polemoniaceae, that nectar secretion and nectar sugar concentration in flowers of P. caeruleum is female‐biased. Although flowers were visited by at least 39 species of insects from five taxonomic orders, overall the plant exhibited many characters associated with bee pollination, and analysis of insect performance showed that bumblebees and honeybees are the key pollinators; occasionally hoverflies and butterflies may also be involved. We conclude that, in terms of pollination system, P. caeruleum demonstrates high apparent generalization, but low realized generalization, and is a functional specialist, as most pollinators belong to a single functional group (guild). Its conservation status, at least in our study population, cannot be explained in terms of the biological properties of its breeding or pollination systems; rather, the present decline of the species is caused by habitat loss. However, if this process and bumblebee decline in Europe continue, P. caeruleum populations may diminish in numbers and density and, owing to the self‐incompatibility of the species, quickly become severely pollen‐limited, thereby accelerating further local extinctions. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 92–107.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the factors that limit reproduction is critical to an understanding of plant ecology, and is particularly important for predicting population viability for threatened species. Here, we investigated the pollination biology of a globally threatened plant, Polemonium vanbruntiae, using hand-pollination experiments in four natural populations to determine the degree of pollen limitation. In addition, we investigated the mating system and extent to which plants can self-fertilize by comparing geitonogamously and autonomously self-fertilized plants with purely outcrossed and open-pollinated plants. In contrast to several of the more common species of Polemonium, we found no pollen limitation in any of the four populations of P. vanbruntiae over two years. The lack of pollen limitation was best explained by the capacity for P. vanbruntiae to both geitonogamously and autonomously self-fertilize, unlike some of its more common congeners. Geitonogamously selfed flowers set equivalent numbers of seeds when compared to purely outcrossed and open-pollinated flowers. However, autonomously selfed flowers produced significantly fewer seeds, demonstrating that pollinators play an important role as inter- and intra-plant pollen vectors in this system. Our results support the reproductive assurance hypothesis, whereby the ability to self assures fertilization for plants in small populations. Self-compatibility in Polemonium vanbruntiae may decrease extinction risk of isolated populations experiencing a stochastic pollinator pool within a restricted geographic range. In addition, a mixed-mating strategy, including the ability for clonal reproduction, may explain the ability for this rare species to persist in small, fragmented populations.  相似文献   

The interactions between Helicteres ovata flowers and the bat Glossophaga soricina were observed in south eastern Brazil. During bat visits, pollen is unselectively spread over small areas of the visitors' body (which is uncommon for a bat flower). Seemingly related to this limitation of pollen availability, the variable orientation of the stigma makes it able to pick up grains scattered on almost any part of the bat's body. Day visitors were two hummingbird species which do not pollinate the flowers. Most Brazilian Helicteres species have red flowers with a long androgynophore. The few modifications departing from the bird flower type within the genus suggest, together with the problem of pollen placing and collecting, that H. ovata is a recent derivate from the ornithophilous stock.  相似文献   

Generalized pollination systems may be advantageous on island systems or regions of substantial disturbance. We examined whether or not specialization breakdown has occurred in a presumably bat‐pollinated columnar cactus, Pilosocereus royenii, on Puerto Rico, an island subjected to periodic hurricanes. The flowers show characteristics related to bat pollination including nocturnal anthesis, morphology, and amount and quality of nectar reward. The cactus produces flowers whose styles are temporally and mechanically separated from its anthers and do not self‐pollinate. Hand manipulations indicated that it is partially self‐incompatible or suffers some inbreeding depression. In 217 h of observations conducted biweekly over the course of 1 yr, P. royenii received visits from bats, moths, bees, and birds, but the only effective pollinator was the carpenter bee, Xylocopa mordax. Only four bat visits were recorded, all prior to stigma receptiveness. Floral morphology of P. royenii was significantly more variable than that of other bat‐pollinated species of the genus. We propose that infrequent bat visits are a consequence of a population crash and that floral variability is due to either relaxed selection for bat pollination or a transitional stage from bat pollination to bee pollination.  相似文献   

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