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A great number of natural substances affect the complement system in addition to its natural regulators. Among the complement effectors, the most important are inhibitors of the activation cascade. The necessity of searching for preparations capable of a purposeful effect on complement by inhibition of single stages of the activation cascade and without influence on its other functions is connected with the current importance of use in medicine of novel therapeutic regulators of the complement system. Important directions are the search for complement inhibitors that (a) interfere with the rejection of transplants; (b) can replace C1 inhibitor in hereditary angioedema; and (c) have a high anti-inflammatory activity in the therapy of rheumatic diseases, diabetes, and other autoimmune disorders. It is expedient to use the available techniques for the directed detection of the action of medicinal substances on complement, which allow the determination of their action on the complement system at various stages of the cascade of its activation.  相似文献   

The ancient origin of the complement system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The complement system has been thought to originate exclusively in the deuterostomes. Here, we show that the central complement components already existed in the primitive protostome lineage. A functional homolog of vertebrate complement 3, CrC3, has been isolated from a 'living fossil', the horseshoe crab (Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda). CrC3 resembles human C3 and shows closest homology to C3 sequences of lower deuterostomes. CrC3 and plasma lectins bind a wide range of microbes, forming the frontline innate immune defense system. Additionally, we identified CrC2/Bf, a homolog of vertebrate C2 and Bf that participates in C3 activation, and a C3 receptor-like sequence. Furthermore, complement-mediated phagocytosis of bacteria by the hemocytes of horseshoe crab was also observed. Thus, a primitive yet complex opsonic complement defense system is revealed in the horseshoe crab, a protostome species. Our findings demonstrate an ancient origin of the critical complement components and the opsonic defense mechanism in the Precambrian ancestor of bilateral animals.  相似文献   

补体系统的进化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
补体系统中的大多数组织成员有着特征性的结构域及其特有的结构域组合形式,这使得我们可以利用基因组数据研究分析补体系统的起源与进化。综合文献报道和数据分析,发现补体系统的某些结构域存在于低等的后口动物,甚至在原口动物中也有大量分布,但哺乳动物中特有的结构域组合方式只在后口动物中存在。这些揭示了补体系统拥有比适应性免疫更早的起源,完善的补体系统可能形成在后口动物中的无脊椎动物,而更为原始的补体系统雏形则在原口动物中已经出现。就近些年的研究成果作一综述,以期系统阐明补体系统的起源与进化。  相似文献   

动脉粥样硬化是由脂质和纤维在动脉内膜下的过度沉积造成的,脂代谢紊乱和免疫功能失衡是其最重要的发病机制.补体系统是固有免疫的重要组成部分,是炎症反应的关键启动因子,补体系统介导的免疫应答在动脉粥样硬化的发生中发挥着重要作用.众多研究表明,动脉粥样硬化斑块中存在多种补体成分以及活化产物,提示补体系统的活化和后续的级联反应是...  相似文献   

The complement (C) system is a potent innate immune defence system against parasites. We have recently characterised and expressed OmCI, a 16 kDa protein derived from the soft tick Ornithodoros moubata that specifically binds C5, thereby preventing C activation. The structure of recombinant OmCI determined at 1.9 A resolution confirms a lipocalin fold and reveals that the protein binds a fatty acid derivative that we have identified by mass spectrometry as ricinoleic acid. We propose that OmCI could sequester one of the fatty acid-derived inflammatory modulators from the host plasma, thereby interfering with the host inflammatory response to the tick bite. Mapping of sequence differences between OmCI and other tick lipocalins with different functions, combined with biochemical investigations of OmCI activity, supports the hypothesis that OmCI acts by preventing interaction with the C5 convertase, rather than by blocking the C5a cleavage site.  相似文献   

Gelonin, purified from the seeds of Gelonium multiflorum, using cation-exchange and gel-filtration chromatography was characterised for its purity, homogeneity and molecular weight by reverse-phase HPLC (RP-HPLC) and SDS-PAGE analysis. The HPLC purified gelonin was used for entrapment studies in the liposomes. Liposomes were prepared by reverse phase evaporation (REV) technique using three different types of lipid composition in the same molar ratio. The method resulted in 75–80% entrapment efficiency of gelonin in the liposomes. Entrapped and unentrapped gelonin was characterized for physico-chemical, immunochemical and biological properties. The immunoreactivity of entrapped gelonin was fully preserved but the ribosome-inactivating property was slightly inhibited. The method involved mild conditions, highly reproducible and the liposomes produced appeared to be stable for several months. It has important implications in the development of cell type specific cytotoxic agents where a chemical cross-linking is involved which significantly inhibits both immunoreactivity and ribosome-inactivating ability of the toxin.  相似文献   

The complement system defences against pathogenic microbes and modulates immune homeostasis by interacting with the innate and adaptive immune systems. Dysregulation, impairment or inadvertent activation of complement system contributes to the pathogenesis of some autoimmune diseases and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Vascular calcification is the pivotal pathological basis of CVD, and contributes to the high morbidity and mortality of CVD. Increasing evidences indicate that the complement system plays a key role in chronic kidney diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and aging-related diseases, which are closely related with vascular calcification. However, the effect of complement system on vascular calcification is still unclear. In this review, we summarize current evidences about the activation of complement system in vascular calcification. We also describe the complex network of complement system and vascular smooth muscle cells osteogenic transdifferentiation, systemic inflammation, endoplasmic reticulum stress, extracellular matrix remodelling, oxidative stress, apoptosis in vascular calcification. Hence, providing a better understanding of the potential relationship between complement system and vascular calcification, so as to provide a direction for slowing the progression of this burgeoning health concern.  相似文献   

Photosensitivity of a dispersion of phosphatidylcholine bilayer liposomes containing purified chlorophyll a was examined. The reduction of Cu(II) in the solution outside liposomes was observed upon illumination with visible light under anaerobic condition by means of ESR. The rate of photoreduction was significantly increased by a reductant, potassium ascorbate, localized in the solution of the opposite side of the membrane. The action spectrum of the reduction agreed with the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll a in the dispersion. The amount of bleached chlorophyll a was negligible compared with that of reduced Cu(II).These facts lead to the conclusion that the photoinduced redox reactions at both the membrane-solution interfaces are coupled with each other through the bilayer of each liposome.Kinetic analysis of the reactions based on a possible reaction scheme was carried out and some of the kinetic parameters were determined.  相似文献   

This paper describes construction of a nanosensory device for amplified detection of biologically important amines as chemical signals. The device was inspired by a biological signal transduction system, and was fabricated on an artificial cell membrane through self‐organization of the molecular components, such as a synthetic receptor and a natural enzyme. Selective recognition of biologically important amines was achieved by a synthetic receptor with a pyridoxal moiety, as evaluated by means of electronic absorption spectroscopy. The selectivity in detecting amines as chemical signals mainly depends on hydrophobicity of the amines. The event upon detecting the chemical signals was transmitted to an enzyme by a metal ion acting as a mediator species, and then the enzyme amplified the event by the catalytic reaction to obtain signal output. This paper is realization of a biomimetic signal transduction system using amines as chemical signals and may provide a useful guidepost for designing integrated nanosystems. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;105: 37–43. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to evaluate the whole body -radiation effect on tumor in the presence of free and liposome encapsulated AK-2123, a hypoxic cell radiosensitizer that has widely been used in combination with a number of cancer therapies such as thermotherapy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Entrapment efficiency of AK-2123 into liposome was determined by LASER Raman spectroscopy. Cancer induction in mice was carried out by repeated exposure of N-nitrosodiethylamine (DEN) in combination with partial hepatectomy. Parameters such as marker enzymes activities (GGT and AChE), rates of nucleic acid synthesis, viability modification factor and the histology of liver tissues monitored, supported the induction of cancer in liver. In addition, the effect of free as well as liposome encapsulated AK-2123 on haemopoietic parameters were also studied. It was observed that AK-2123 after incorporation into liposome afforded more efficient radiomodulatory effects than that of free AK-2123 as determined by the above-mentioned parameters. Neither free AK-2123 nor liposome encapsulated AK-2123 showed any detectable toxic effects on the mice. Thus, it is seen that treatment of cancer with a combination of radiation, a radiomodifier and a drug delivery system, opens a wide scope for exploitation for the improvement of existing cancer therapies. (Mol Cell Biochem 271: 139–150, 2005)  相似文献   

Cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) is a surfactant that binds strongly to bacteria and bacterial biofilms. In this study, fluorescence-based techniques were used to determine the penetration and adhesion of CPC when it was introduced in liposomes. In spite of a reduced adhesion as compared to pure CPC micelles, CPC-containing liposomes adhered significantly to the biofilms of Streptococcus mutans. In contrast, no binding was observed for liposomes that were composed of phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol. The influence of the charge of the liposome on its adhesion to biofilms was studied using cholesterol (Chol) and cholesterol sulfate (Schol). In spite of similar binding to the biofilms, positively charged CPC/Chol liposomes were located mainly in the core of the biofilm microcolonies, whereas the negatively charged CPC/Schol liposomes were mainly concentrated at their periphery. This effect may be attributed to the different availability of the CPC head group. In summary, this work demonstrates the high potential for tailoring drug nanovectors by modulating sterol selection in order to selectively target and bind biofilms.  相似文献   

Human milk stored over some period in vitro possesses certain cytotoxic properties, which require further studies. Cytolysis induced by stored human milk has now been further characterized, using rabbit red blood cells as targets, to determine the contribution of other components, particularly the complement system. Cytolysis was found to be temperature dependent, greatly enhanced by low concentrations of magnesium and calcium ions, but inhibited by moderate to excessive amounts of calcium ions, and by heating at 56 degrees C.  相似文献   

Summary The fluorescent potentiometric indicator diS–C3-(5) has been used to investigate changes in membrane potential due to assembly of the C5b-9 membrane attack complex of the complement system. EAC1-7 human red blood cells and resealed erythrocyte ghosts—bearing membrane-assembled C5b67 complexes—were generated by immune activation in C8-deficient human serum. Studies performed with these cellular intermediates revealed that the membrane potential of EAC1-7 red cells and ghosts is unchanged from control red cells (–7 mV) and ghosts (0 mV), respectively. Addition of complement proteins C8 and C9 to EAC1-7 red cells results in a dose-dependent depolarization of membrane potential which precedes hemolysis. This prelytic depolarization of membrane potential—and the consequent onset of hemolysis—is accelerated by raising external [K+], suggesting that the diffusional equilibration of transmembrane cation gradients is rate limiting to the cytolytic event. In the case of EAC1-7 resealed ghosts suspended at either high external [K+] or [Na+], no change in membrane potential (from 0 mV) could be detected after C8/C9 additions. When the membrane potential of the EAC1-7 ghost was displaced from 0 mV by selectively increasing the K+ conductance with valinomycin, a dose-dependent depolarization of the membrane was observed upon addition of C8 and C9. In these experiments, lytic breakdown of the ghost membranes was <5%. Conclusions derived from this study include: (i) measured prelytic depolarization of the red cell Donnan potential directly confirms the colloid-osmotic theory of immune cytolysis. (ii) The diffusional transmenbrane equilibration of Na+ and K+ through the C5b-9 pore results in a dose-dependent depolarization of the membrane potential (E m ) which appears to be rate-limiting to cytolytic rupture of the target erythrocyte. (iii) Enhanced immune hemolysis observed in high K+ media cannot be attributed to cation-selective conductance across the C5b-9 pore, and is probably related to the nearequilibrium condition of potassium-containing red cells when suspended at high external K+. These experiments demonstrate that carbocyanine dye fluorescent indicators can be used to monitor electrochemical changes arising from immune damage to the plasma membrane under both cytolytic and noncytolytic conditions. Potential application of this method to the detection of sublytic pathophysiological changes in the plasma membrane of complement-damaged cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Immune protection by the complement system critically depends on assembly of C3 convertases on the surface of pathogens and altered host cells. These short‐lived protease complexes are formed through pro‐convertases, which for the alternative pathway consist of the complement component C3b and the pro‐enzyme factor B (FB). Here, we present the crystal structure at 2.2‐Å resolution, small‐angle X‐ray scattering and electron microscopy (EM) data of the pro‐convertase formed by human FB and cobra venom factor (CVF), a potent homologue of C3b that generates more stable convertases. FB is loaded onto CVF through its pro‐peptide Ba segment by specific contacts, which explain the specificity for the homologous C3b over the native C3 and inactive products iC3b and C3c. The protease segment Bb binds the carboxy terminus of CVF through the metal‐ion dependent adhesion site of the Von Willebrand factor A‐type domain. A possible dynamic equilibrium between a ‘loading’ and ‘activation’ state of the pro‐convertase may explain the observed difference between the crystal structure of CVFB and the EM structure of C3bB. These insights into formation of convertases provide a basis for further development of complement therapeutics.  相似文献   

The stability of small unilamellar liposomes was investigated in human blood, in vitro. Using the carboxyfluorescein technique, interaction between the dye, the detergent Triton X-100, and an as yet unidentified component of human serum grossly interferes with the experiment and necessitates the use of other detergents, preferably sodium deoxycholate. Separation of liposomes and blood cells by centrifugation induces a small leakage from the liposomes and can lead to an underestimation of the real liposome stability. Upon incubation with whole blood, intact liposomes are absorbed nonspecifically to erythrocytes and internalized by leukocytes, the extent and kinetics of the former process being insenstive to the presence of metabolic inhibitors. The stability of liposomes is significantly enhanced in whole blood or in serum containing washed erythrocytes. Similarly, liposome stability in serum could be augmented be presaturating the serum lipoproteins with excess phospholipid. Our work adds support to previous notions that stable liposomes with high affinities for certain blood-cell components might be developed as suitable carrier systems for drug targetting in pathological disorders within the blood stream.  相似文献   

阳离子脂质体转染人类骨骼肌原代细胞的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨不同脂质体介导基因转染人类骨骼肌原代细胞的转染效率和基因的表达.将含有β-半乳糖苷酶LacZ结构基因的质粒,用三种不同的阳离子脂质体导入人类骨骼肌原代细胞中,通过X-Gal染色观察不同的转染效率.结果发现,Fugene 6转染效率最高,蓝染细胞达10%,其脂质体与DNA的最佳比例为3∶ 2.Fugene 6可有效地将外源基因导入骨骼肌原代细胞,而且外源基因可以长效高效地表达,有望用来作为基因治疗的载体.  相似文献   

The complement system (CS) plays a prominent role in the immune defense. The goal of this work is to study the dynamics of activation of the classic and alternative CS pathways based on the method of mathematical modeling. The principal difficulty that hinders modeling effort is the absence of the measured values of kinetic constants of many biochemical reactions forming the CS. To surmount this difficulty, an optimization procedure consisting of constrained minimization of the total protein consumption by the CS was designed. The constraints made use of published data on the in vitro kinetics of elimination of the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria by the CS. Special features of the problem at hand called for a significant modification of the general constrained optimization procedure to include a mathematical model of the bactericidal effect of the CS in the iterative setting. Determination of the unknown kinetic constants of biochemical reactions forming the CS led to a fully specified mathematical model of the dynamics of cell killing induced by the CS. On the basis of the model, effects of the initial concentrations of complements and their inhibitors on the bactericidal action of the CS were studied. Proteins playing a critical role in the regulation of the bactericidal action of the CS were identified. Results obtained in this work serve as an important stepping stone for the study of functioning of the CS as a whole as well as for developing methods for control of pathogenic processes.  相似文献   

扬子鳄幼鳄越冬时水分补充方式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对扬子鳄在越冬时水分补充方式,有两种意见。一种认为扬子鳄越冬后不再取食任何东西,其洞穴中的积水仅供湿润皮肤之用;另一种意见认为扬子鳄在此时仍能饮水,至少在越冬后期是如此。  相似文献   

The complement system is an innate immunity effector mechanism; its action is antagonized by a wide array of pathogens and complement evasion determines the virulence of several infections. We investigated the evolutionary history of the complement system and of bacterial‐encoded complement‐interacting proteins. Complement components targeted by several pathogens evolved under strong selective pressure in primates, with selection acting on residues at the contact interface with microbial/viral proteins. Positively selected sites in CFH and C4BPA account for the human specificity of gonococcal infection. Bacterial interactors, evolved adaptively as well, with selected sites located at interaction surfaces with primate complement proteins. These results epitomize the expectation under a genetic conflict scenario whereby the host's and the pathogen's genes evolve within binding avoidance‐binding seeking dynamics. In silico mutagenesis and protein–protein docking analyses supported this by showing that positively selected sites, both in the host's and in the pathogen's interacting partner, modulate binding.  相似文献   

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