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We have studied the nocturnal flight behaviour of the common swift (Apus apus L.), by the use of a tracking radar. Birds were tracked from Lund University in southern Sweden during spring migration, summer roosting flights and autumn migration. Flight speeds were compared with predictions from flight mechanical and optimal migration theories. During spring, flight speeds were predicted to be higher than during both summer and autumn due to time restriction. In such cases, birds fly at a flight speed that maximizes the overall speed of migration. For summer roosting flights, speeds were predicted to be lower than during both spring and autumn since the predicted flight speed is the minimum power speed that involves the lowest energy consumption per unit time. During autumn, we expected flight speeds to be higher than during summer but lower than during spring since the expected flight speed is the maximum range speed, which involves the lowest energy consumption per unit distance. Flight speeds during spring were indeed higher than during both summer and autumn, which indicates time-selected spring migration. Speeds during autumn migration were very similar to those recorded during summer roosting flights. The general result shows that swifts change their flight speed between different flight behaviours to a smaller extent than expected. Furthermore, the difference between flight speeds during migration and roosting among swifts was found to be less pronounced than previously recorded.  相似文献   

The early life stage of long-lived species is critical to the viability of population, but is poorly understood. Longitudinal studies are needed to test whether juveniles are less efficient foragers than adults as has been hypothesized. We measured changes in the diving behaviour of 17 one-year-old king penguins Aptenodytes patagonicus at Crozet Islands (subantartic archipelago) during their first months at sea, using miniaturized tags that transmitted diving activity in real time. We also equipped five non-breeder adults with the same tags for comparison. The data on foraging performance revealed two groups of juveniles. The first group made shallower and shorter dives that may be indicative of early mortality while the second group progressively increased their diving depths and durations, and survived the first months at sea. This surviving group of juveniles required the same recovery durations as adults, but typically performed shallower and shorter dives. There is thereby a relationship between improved diving behaviour and survival in young penguins. This long period of improving diving performance in the juvenile life stage is potentially a critical period for the survival of deep avian divers and may have implications for their ability to adapt to environmental change.  相似文献   

Observations were made on the activities of workers of the Oriental hornetVespa orientalis, during flight to and from the nest, on fully active days in months of maximal colony activities. Two types of flight out of the nest were recorded: flight for removal of dug-up soil and flight for foraging of buiding materials and food from the field. The flights of digger workers occur and peak around 1200, (with even slopes down to zero on both sides of the peak). The flight activity curve is gaussian and in accordance with the intensity of solar irradiation. Flight activities of foraging workers are limited in the morning hours but subsequently increase, the curve resembling that of the air temperature at 2m above the soil surface. The flight rhythm of digger hornets in the presence of 2 adjacent outles and the rhythm of activity of digger hornets of 2 abutting nests were also investigated. The results indicate a strong competition among the diggers for flight opportunity during periods of highest insolation intensity. Due to the correlation between the flight of digger hornets and the intensity of sun radiation, it is assumed that hornets do make use of solar energy for flight purposes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A 'pivot' flight actograph was combined with a rolling oviposition surface to characterize the flight and oviposition behaviour of velvetbean caterpillar moths, Anticarsia gemmatalis Hubner. Tethered, caged control females laid significantly more eggs that those flown on the actograph. Mated females laid more eggs than unmated ones. However, mating did not affect longevity nor fight frequency and duration. Laboratory-reared and wild-type females also did not differ signficantly in longevity and flight. Both laboratory and wild mated females laid most of their eggs during the first 7 days whereas unmated ones delayed their oviposition. None of the female types produced a definite hourly, daily or lifetime pattern in flight frequency or duration. Of the 7672 recorded flights, about 3% were greater than 0.5 h. 'Long' flights (>0.5h) were made by some females before oviposition, as in colonization migration, but most interspersed flight with oviposition, as in extended search migration.  相似文献   

We sought to determine the effect of variation in time-activity budgets (TABs) and foraging behavior on energy expenditure rates of parent black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla). We quantified TABs using direct observations of radio-tagged adults and simultaneously measured field metabolic rates (FMR) of these same individuals (n=20) using the doubly labeled water technique. Estimated metabolic rates of kittiwakes attending their brood at the nest or loafing near the colony were similar (ca. 1.3 x basal metabolic rate [BMR]), although loafing during foraging trips was more costly (2.9 x BMR). Metabolic rates during commuting flight (7.3 x BMR) and prey-searching flight (6.2 x BMR) were similar, while metabolic rates during plunge diving were much higher (ca. 47 x BMR). The proportion of the measurement interval spent foraging had a positive effect on FMR (R2=0.68), while the combined proportion of time engaged in nest attendance and loafing near the colony had a negative effect on FMR (R2=0.72). Thus, more than two-thirds of the variation in kittiwake FMR could be explained by the allocation of time among various activities. The high energetic cost of plunge diving relative to straight flight and searching flight suggests that kittiwakes can optimize their foraging strategy under conditions of low food availability by commuting long distances to feed in areas where gross foraging efficiency is high.  相似文献   

Bats are one of the most successful mammalian groups, even though their foraging activities are restricted to the hours of twilight and night-time. Some studies suggested that bats became nocturnal because of overheating when flying in daylight. This is because--in contrast to feathered wings of birds--dark and naked wing membranes of bats efficiently absorb short-wave solar radiation. We hypothesized that bats face elevated flight costs during daylight flights, since we expected them to alter wing-beat kinematics to reduce heat load by solar radiation. To test this assumption, we measured metabolic rate and body temperature during short flights in the tropical short-tailed fruit bat Carollia perspicillata at night and during the day. Core body temperature of flying bats differed by no more than 2°C between night and daytime flights, whereas mass-specific CO(2) production rates were higher by 15 per cent during daytime. We conclude that increased flight costs only render diurnal bat flights profitable when the relative energy gain during daytime is high and risk of predation is low. Ancestral bats possibly have evolved dark-skinned wing membranes to reduce nocturnal predation, but a low degree of reflectance of wing membranes made them also prone to overheating and elevated energy costs during daylight flights. In consequence, bats may have become trapped in the darkness of the night once dark-skinned wing membranes had evolved.  相似文献   

A new type of bird-borne data logger, which stores data from flight and depth sensors at pre-set intervals, was used to investigate the foraging pattern and diving behaviour of chick-rearing Razorbills Alca torda breeding on the islet of Græsholmen (central Baltic Sea, Denmark). The instruments recorded all relevant events in the 35 foraging trips accomplished by six different individual birds; a seventh bird, equipped with a direction recorder, provided information on directional preferences exhibited on seven different trips. A foraging trip usually consisted of a number of flights interrupted by a small number of dives probably performed to explore the site for prey availability. True foraging occurred during the last stops in the outbound trip, after which the bird returned to the nest with a single flight or a sequence of a few flights. The duration of nocturnal trips was significantly longer than diurnal trips, possibly due to a preference for the familiar marine environment shown by birds when they are not 'on duty' in the nest. The majority of dives consisted of V-shaped dives in which birds descend to a maximum depth and then start ascending. A clear diurnal variation of the dive depth, which never exceeded 43 m, was recorded. Our results show that the new types of recording devices can be used to answer basic questions about the foraging strategies of marine birds.  相似文献   

To investigate thermoregulatory adjustments at sea, body temperatures (the pectoral muscle and the brood patch) and diving behavior were monitored during a foraging trip of several days at sea in six breeding king penguins Aptenodytes patagonicus. During inactive phases at sea (water temperature: 4-7 degrees C), all tissues measured were maintained at normothermic temperatures. The brood patch temperature was maintained at the same values as those measured when brooding on shore (38 degrees C). This high temperature difference causes a significant loss of heat. We hypothesize that high-energy expenditure associated with elevated peripheral temperature when resting at sea is the thermoregulatory cost that a postabsorptive penguin has to face for the restoration of its subcutaneous body fat. During diving, mean pectoral temperature was 37.6 +/- 1.6 degrees C. While being almost normothermic on average, the temperature of the pectoral muscle was still significantly lower than during inactivity in five out of the six birds and underwent temperature drops of up to 5.5 degrees C. Mean brood patch temperature was 29.6 +/- 2.5 degrees C during diving, and temperature decreases of up to 21.6 degrees C were recorded. Interestingly, we observed episodes of brood patch warming during the descent to depth, suggesting that, in some cases, king penguins may perform active thermolysis using the brood patch. It is hypothesized that functional pectoral temperature may be regulated through peripheral adjustments in blood perfusion. These two paradoxical features, i.e., lower temperature of deep tissues during activity and normothermic peripheral tissues while inactive, may highlight the key to the energetics of this diving endotherm while foraging at sea.  相似文献   

1. Identifying the spatial scales at which top marine predators forage is important for understanding oceanic ecosystems. Several methods quantify how individuals concentrate their search effort along a given path. Among these, First-Passage Time (FPT) analysis is particularly useful to identify transitions in movement patterns (e.g. between searching and feeding). This method has mainly been applied to terrestrial animals or flying seabirds that have little or no vertical component to their foraging, so we examined the differences between classic FPT and a modification of this approach using the time spent at the bottom of a dive for characterizing the foraging activity of a diving predator: the southern elephant seal. 2. Satellite relayed data loggers were deployed on 20 individuals during three successive summers at the Kerguelen Islands, providing a total of 72 978 dives from eight juvenile males and nine adult females. 3. Spatial scales identified using the time spent at the bottom of a dive ( = 68.2 +/- 42.1 km) were smaller than those obtained by the classic FPT analysis ( = 104.7 +/- 67.3 km). Moreover, foraging areas identified using the new approach clearly overlapped areas where individuals increased their body condition, indicating that it accurately reflected the foraging activity of the seals. 4. These results suggest that incorporating the vertical dimension into FPT provides a different result to the surface path alone. Close to the Antarctic continent, within the pack-ice, sinuosity of the path could be explained by a high sea-ice concentration (restricting elephant seal movements), and was not necessarily related to foraging activity. 5. Our approach distinguished between actual foraging activity and changes in behaviour induced by the physical environment like sea ice, and could be applied to other diving predators. Inclusion of diving parameters appears to be essential to identify the spatial scale of foraging areas of diving animals.  相似文献   

Unmated male songbirds usually change their vocal behaviour when females enter their territories. Either the males court the females by changing the rate or pattern with which their normal long-ranging full songs are emitted, or they shift to special displays and long- or short-ranging vocalisations. In this study we quantified how female presence and behaviour affect the singing behaviour of male whitethroats. In the presence of a female the male frequently performed song flights, maybe to locate the female before it was courted, with sequences of diving-song displays. The courtship was interrupted by periods of perch songs. Female dscharp calls and short movements made the males initiate or resume courtship, whereas short horizontal jumps made the males intensify their courtship. Overall, the males changed their dual-function song activity in females' presence by emitting fewer perch songs and more flight songs. The quiet diving songs were only emitted during direct courtship of a female. The song types emitted immediately before, during, and after courtship are all highly variable, thus allowing for a quick assessment of the male's song repertoire. The courtship was also interrupted by periods of male woid calling, a call that is known to have a deterring effect on rival males. Bouts of woid calls were usually followed by song flights, again probably to locate the female that might have moved out of sight, or maybe to locate potential rival intruders. The latter was supported by an increased intrusion rate during female presence. Communicated by P. McGregor  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The tethered flight of the Queensland fruit fly, Dacus tryoni Frogg. (Diptera, Tephritidae), was investigated, and the duration of each flight during a 2-h experimental period was recorded. The pattern of flight was analysed, and related to the age, sex and origin of the specimens, and to the availability of host fruit during the rearing of the adults. The effect of adult crowding on the pattern of flight was also briefly examined. The results indicated that the origin of the flies had little effect on the pattern of flight; male and female flies showed different trends with respect to the proportion of short flights undertaken as the flies matured; and the availability of fruit had a marked effect on the pattern of flight in recently mature flies. These data are discussed with respect to the dispersive/non-dispersive movements of the flies postulated from previously documented field data. It is suggested that there is a characteristic pattern of tethered flight, which can be related to the absence of hosts in the immediate environment, and would be likely to lead to greater dispersal under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Diving animals must endeavor to increase their dive depths and prolong the time they spend exploiting resources at depth. Results from captive and wild studies suggest that many diving animals extend their foraging bouts by decreasing their metabolisms while submerged. We measured metabolic rates of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) trained to dive to depth in the open ocean to investigate the relationships between diving behaviour and the energetic costs of diving. We also constructed a general linear model to predict the oxygen consumption of sea lions diving in the wild. The resultant model suggests that swimming distance and depth of dives significantly influence the oxygen consumption of diving Steller sea lions. The predictive power of the model was tested using a cross-validation approach, whereby models reconstructed using data from pairs of sea lions were found to accurately predict the oxygen consumption of the third diving animal. Predicted oxygen consumption during dives to depth ranged from 3.37 L min− 1 at 10 m, to 1.40 L min− 1 at 300 m over a standardized swimming distance of 600 m. This equated to an estimated metabolic rate of 97.54 and 40.52 MJ day− 1, and an estimated daily feeding requirement of 18.92 and 7.96 kg day− 1 for dives between 10 and 300 m, respectively. The model thereby provides information on the potential energetic consequences that alterations in foraging strategies due to changes in prey availability could have on wild populations of sea lions.  相似文献   

Powered flapping flight has evolved independently in many differenttaxa. For flapping fliers, wingbeat parameters such as frequencyand amplitude are the primary determinants of these animals’energetic expenditure during flight. Here we present data onwingbeat frequency and amplitude for three New World thrushspecies during 15 entire nocturnal migratory flights over theMidwestern United States. Using continuous (non-pulsing) radiotransmitters, we were able to measure wingbeat frequency andrelative amplitude of wingbeats as well as the characteristicsof flap-pauses. Contrary to previous telemetric findings, allof the individuals we followed used both flapping-only and flap-pauseflight. During migratory flights, wingbeat frequency, effectivewingbeat frequency, and amplitude were highest during initialascent. Effective wingbeat frequency and amplitude were lowestduring final descent. We show that identification of speciesbased solely on characteristics of the wingbeat e.g., duringradar studies, can be difficult because variables such as wingbeatfrequency and amplitude, wingbeat pausing, and pattern of beatsand pauses vary between individuals of the same species andeven within individual flights. We also show that observed wingbeatfrequencies were lower than those predicted by theoretical models.We speculate that this may be because theoretical predictionsare generally based on (1) data from larger birds and (2) datafrom diurnal flights. We found that diurnal wingbeat frequenciesof thrushes were generally higher than were those during nocturnalmigratory flight. Finally, we suggest that rather than remainingat a single altitude during flight or climbing slightly as theoreticalmodels predict, thrushes often moved up and down in the aircolumn, perhaps searching for favorable atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

Foraging behaviour of bats is supposedly largely influenced by the high costs of flapping flight. Yet our understanding of flight energetics focuses mostly on continuous horizontal forward flight at intermediate speeds. Many bats, however, perform manoeuvring flights at suboptimal speeds when foraging. For example, members of the genus Rhinolophus hunt insects during short sallying flights from a perch. Such flights include many descents and ascents below minimum power speed and are therefore considered energetically more expensive than flying at intermediate speed. To test this idea, we quantified the energy costs of short manoeuvring flights (<2 min) using the Na-bicarbonate technique in two Rhinolophus species that differ in body mass but have similar wing shapes. First, we hypothesized that, similar to birds, energy costs of short flights should be higher than predicted by an equation derived for bats at intermediate speeds. Second, we predicted that R. mehelyi encounters higher flight costs than R. euryale, because of its higher wing loading. Although wing loading of R. mehelyi was only 20% larger than that of R. euryale, its flight costs (2.61 ± 0.75 W; mean ± 1 SD) exceeded that of R. euryale (1.71 ± 0.37 W) by 50%. Measured flight costs were higher than predicted for R. mehelyi, but not for R. euryale. We conclude that R. mehelyi face elevated energy costs during short manoeuvring flights due to high wing loading and thus may optimize foraging efficiency by energy-conserving perch-hunting.  相似文献   

Bone mineral and lean tissue loss after long duration space flight   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The loss of bone and muscle is a major concern for long duration space flight. In December of 1989, we established a collaboration with Russian colleagues to determine the bone and lean tissue changes in cosmonauts before and after flights on the Mir space station lasting 4-14.4 months. Eighteen crew members received a lumbar spine and hip DEXA scan (Hologic 1000W) before and after flight; 17 crew members received an additional whole body scan. All results were expressed as percent change from baseline per month of flight in order to account for the different flight times. The pre-and post-flight data were analyzed using Hotelling's T(2) for 3 groups of variables: spine, neck of femur, trochanter; whole body BMD and subregions; lean (total, legs, arms) and fat (total only). A paired t-test was used as a follow-up to the Hotelling's T(2) to identify the individual measurements that were significantly different. These data define the rate and extent of bone and lean tissue loss during long duration space flight and indicate that the current in-flight exercise program is not sufficient to completely ameliorate bone and muscle loss during weightlessness.  相似文献   

We compared the results of two biologging techniques used to study the foraging behaviour of a colony of small inshore predators, little penguins (Eudyptula minor). The first technique involved the use of satellite transmitters and diving loggers deployed on separate individuals, which has been the conventional method of tracking the movements and behaviour of this species for > 10 years. The second technique combined a diving logger and a global positioning system (GPS) logger deployed on the same individual, which is similar to the biologging methods presently being developed and used for many other species. We then considered the value of each technique as a conservation tool operating at the small scale (foraging area < 5000 ha and duration < 1 day).We found that the separately deployed satellite transmitters significantly underestimated the penguins' foraging area size. However, the size of the foraging area and other foraging parameters, such as total distance travelled, were influenced by the degree of GPS location sub-sampling. Furthermore, only the combined diving and GPS loggers could confidently describe the diving behaviour of the penguins in relation to the sea floor and identify that they were using small areas of conservation interest (shipping channel) inside their foraging area.Hence, the method employed to assess habitat use at fine scales can influence conservation measures that rely upon the data collected. We suggest that researchers fast-track their adoption of high resolution multi-loggers for increased data confidence when tracking animals at a fine scale, but also consider the potential effect of sampling rate on the calculation of parameters of interest.  相似文献   

Recent advances in tracking technology are based on the use of miniature sensors for recording new aspects of individual migratory behaviour. In this study, we have used activity data loggers with barometric and temperature sensors to record the flight altitudes as well as ground elevations during stationary periods of migratory songbirds. We tracked one individual of red‐backed shrike and one great reed warbler along their autumn migration from Europe to Africa. Both individuals performed their migration stepwise in travel segments and climbed most metres during the passage across the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert and least metres during the first flight segment in Europe. The great reed warbler reached its highest flight altitude of 3950 m a.s.l. during the travel segment from Europe to west Africa, while the red‐backed shrike reached 3650 m a.s.l as maximum flight altitude during its travel segment from Sahel to southern Africa. Both individuals used both lowlands and highlands for resting periods along their migrations. Furthermore, temperature decreased with increasing altitude during migratory flights for both individuals, highlighting the potential to determine flight duration from temperature measurements. Finally, we discuss how barometric data could be used to investigate birds’ responses to changes in air pressure as a cue for departures on migratory flights. This new technique, i.e. using a miniature data logger with barometric pressure sensor to estimate flight altitudes and ground elevations, will open up new avenues for research and importantly advance our understanding on how small birds behave during migratory flights.  相似文献   

To protect and restore wintering waterfowl habitat, managers require knowledge of routine wintering waterfowl movements and habitat use. During preliminary screening of Doppler weather radar data we observed biological movements consistent with routine foraging flights of wintering waterfowl known to occur near Lacassine National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), Louisiana. During the winters of 2004–2005 and 2005–2006, we conducted field surveys to identify the source of the radar echoes emanating from Lacassine NWR. We compared field data to weather radar reflectivity data. Spatial and temporal patterns consistent with foraging flight movements appeared in weather radar data on all dates of field surveys. Dabbling ducks were the dominant taxa flying within the radar beam during the foraging flight period. Using linear regression, we found a positive log-linear relationship between average radar reflectivity (Z) and number of birds detected over the study area (P < 0.001, r2 = 0.62, n = 40). Ground observations and the statistically significant relationship between radar data and field data confirm that Doppler weather radar recorded the foraging flights of dabbling ducks. Weather radars may be effective tools for wintering waterfowl management because they provide broad-scale views of both diurnal and nocturnal movements. In addition, an extensive data archive enables the study of wintering waterfowl response to habitat loss, agricultural practices, wetland restoration, and other research questions that require multiple years of data. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

M. G. Dyck  S. Romberg 《Polar Biology》2007,30(12):1625-1628
Polar bears, Ursus maritimus, throughout their range, are nutritionally dependent on ringed (Phoca hispida) and bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus), which are predominantly caught on the sea ice. Other marine prey species are caught and consumed, but less frequently. As the annual sea ice retreats, polar bears throughout their range are forced ashore, where they mostly live off their stored adipose tissue. However, while land-bound they have been observed catching birds and terrestrial mammals. Although polar bears evolved from brown bears (U. arctos), direct observations of polar bears diving for and catching fish have not been reported. Here, we document observations of a young male polar bear catching Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and Fourhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus quadricornis) by diving in Creswell Bay, Nunavut. We recorded six search bouts, where six fish were caught during dives, which were preceded by a snorkel. The average dive and snorkel length was (mean ± SD) 13 ± 5 and 6 ± 2 s, respectively.  相似文献   

This work generalizes the results of studies of calcium metabolism in the participants of long-term space flights of 30 to 438 days on the Salyut and Mir orbital stations during 1978–1998. The results of pre- and postflight examination of 44 cosmonauts (18 subjects participated twice in long-term space flights) were analyzed. After space flights of medium (of 3 to 6 months) and long (of 6 to 14 months) duration, the total blood calcium content was increased, mainly due to its ionized fraction; the blood level of parathyroid hormone was significantly increased and the level of calcitonin was decreased. The content of osteocalcin was increased after space flights. Calcium kinetics was studied using stable isotopes in three cosmonauts before, during, and after the 115-day flight. During the flight, intestinal absorption of calcium and its gastrointestinal excretion were decreased, whereas its renal excretion was increased. Early postflight intestinal absorption was, on average, lower than during the flight, whereas intestinal excretion increased. Both renal and intestinal excretion of calcium were not normalized 3.5 to 4.5 months after the glight. The mathematical models used for evaluating the rates of main calcium flows revealed increased bone tissue resorption that resulted in the negative bone balance during the flight. The conclusion about the decreased rate of bone tissue remodeling and its increased resorption was confirmed by biochemical data, including endocrine markers.  相似文献   

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