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It has been observed that AU-rich sequences form homologous recombination hot spots in brome mosaic virus (BMV), a tripartite positive-stranded RNA virus of plants (P. D. Nagy and J. J. Bujarski, J. Virol. 71:3799–3810, 1997). To study the effect of GC-rich sequences on the recombination hot spots, we inserted 30-nucleotide-long GC-rich sequences downstream of AU-rich homologous recombination hot spot regions in parental BMV RNAs (RNA2 and RNA3). Although these insertions doubled the length of sequence identity in RNA2 and RNA3, the incidence of homologous RNA2 and RNA3 recombination was reduced markedly. Four different, both highly structured and nonstructured downstream GC-rich sequences had a similar “homologous recombination silencing” effect on the nearby hot spots. The GC-rich sequence-mediated recombination silencing mapped to RNA2, as it was observed when the GC-rich sequence was inserted at downstream locations in both RNA2 and RNA3 or only in the RNA2 component. On the contrary, when the downstream GC-rich sequence was present only in the RNA3 component, it increased the incidence of homologous recombination. In addition, upstream insertions of similar GC-rich sequences increased the incidence of homologous recombination within downstream hot spot regions. Overall, this study reveals the complex nature of homologous recombination in BMV, where sequences flanking the common hot spot regions affect recombination frequency. A replicase-driven template-switching model is presented to explain recombination silencing by GC-rich sequences.  相似文献   

Wild animals are a primary source of protein (bushmeat) for people living in or near tropical forests. Ideally, the effect of bushmeat harvests should be monitored closely by making regular estimates of offtake rate and size of stock available for exploitation. However, in practice, this is possible in very few situations because it requires both of these aspects to be readily measurable, and even in the best case, entails very considerable time and effort. As alternative, in this study, we use high-resolution, environmental favorability models for terrestrial mammals (N = 165) in Central Africa to map areas of high species richness (hot spots) and hunting susceptibility. Favorability models distinguish localities with environmental conditions that favor the species'' existence from those with detrimental characteristics for its presence. We develop an index for assessing Potential Hunting Sustainability (PHS) of each species based on their ecological characteristics (population density, habitat breadth, rarity and vulnerability), weighted according to restrictive and permissive assumptions of how species'' characteristics are combined. Species are classified into five main hunting sustainability classes using fuzzy logic. Using the accumulated favorability values of all species, and their PHS values, we finally identify weak spots, defined as high diversity regions of especial hunting vulnerability for wildlife, as well as strong spots, defined as high diversity areas of high hunting sustainability potential. Our study uses relatively simple models that employ easily obtainable data of a species'' ecological characteristics to assess the impacts of hunting in tropical regions. It provides information for management by charting the geography of where species are more or less likely to be at risk of extinction from hunting.  相似文献   

Abstract We consider a mathematical model for the coevolution of a plant's defense against herbivores and the herbivore's ability to exploit the plant. The result of coevolution is predicted using the phase portrait of trait value dynamics and contour plots of fitnesses. The following results are derived: (1) The fitnesses of both plant and herbivore are higher at an “armless” state in which both plant and herbivore invest a minimum amount of energy and/or resources in defense and feeding respectively, than at the coevolutionarily stable state (CSS); (2) Perpetual increase in the trait values of both species may occur when the marginal costs of defense and feeding abilities decrease as these abilities increase; (3) If the marginal costs of defense and feeding abilities increase as the abilities increase, there is a coevolutionary equilibrium with finite trait values; (4) There may be more than one coevolutionarily stable state (CSS).  相似文献   

Quantifying binding specificity and drug resistance of protein kinase inhibitors is of fundamental importance and remains highly challenging due to complex interplay of structural and thermodynamic factors. In this work, molecular simulations and computational alanine scanning are combined with the network-based approaches to characterize molecular determinants underlying binding specificities of the ABL kinase inhibitors. The proposed theoretical framework unveiled a relationship between ligand binding and inhibitor-mediated changes in the residue interaction networks. By using topological parameters, we have described the organization of the residue interaction networks and networks of coevolving residues in the ABL kinase structures. This analysis has shown that functionally critical regulatory residues can simultaneously embody strong coevolutionary signal and high network centrality with a propensity to be energetic hot spots for drug binding. We have found that selective (Nilotinib) and promiscuous (Bosutinib, Dasatinib) kinase inhibitors can use their energetic hot spots to differentially modulate stability of the residue interaction networks, thus inhibiting or promoting conformational equilibrium between inactive and active states. According to our results, Nilotinib binding may induce a significant network-bridging effect and enhance centrality of the hot spot residues that stabilize structural environment favored by the specific kinase form. In contrast, Bosutinib and Dasatinib can incur modest changes in the residue interaction network in which ligand binding is primarily coupled only with the identity of the gate-keeper residue. These factors may promote structural adaptability of the active kinase states in binding with these promiscuous inhibitors. Our results have related ligand-induced changes in the residue interaction networks with drug resistance effects, showing that network robustness may be compromised by targeted mutations of key mediating residues. This study has outlined mechanisms by which inhibitor binding could modulate resilience and efficiency of allosteric interactions in the kinase structures, while preserving structural topology required for catalytic activity and regulation.  相似文献   

Highlights? DSB hot spots for meiotic recombination are specified by largely unknown mechanisms ? Linear element proteins, required for most DSBs, are highly enriched at hot spots ? These proteins, the first known global hot spot determinants, bind without DSB formation ? Hot spot determination by these proteins provides a paradigm for crossover control  相似文献   

The coevolution theory proposes that primordial proteins consisted only of those amino acids readily obtainable from the prebiotic environment, representing about half the twenty encoded amino acids of today, and the missing amino acids entered the system as the code expanded along with pathways of amino acid biosynthesis. The isolation of genetic code mutants, and the antiquity of pretran synthesis revealed by the comparative genomics of tRNAs and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, have combined to provide a rigorous proof of the four fundamental tenets of the theory, thus solving the riddle of the structure of the universal genetic code. Presented at: International School of Complexity – 4th Course: Basic Questions on the Origins of Life; “Ettore Majorana” Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy, 1–6 October 2006.  相似文献   

Inorganic nitrogen (N) availability hot spots have been documented in many ecosystems, but major uncertainties remain about their prevalence, timing, and causes. Using a novel mathematical definition of hot spots, spatially explicit measurements of KCl-extractable inorganic N, 2-week soil incubations in the field, ion-exchange resins deployed for 1 year, and a set of associated biotic and abiotic variables, we investigated inorganic N availability hot spots within a 0.89 km2 alpine-subalpine ecosystem in the Colorado Front Range. Measurements of KCl-extractable NH4 + and NO3 taken on multiple dates showed that hot spots of N availability were present in some but not all parts of the study site and that hot spot location varied over the course of the season. Ion-exchange resins showed that over a 1-year period hot spots were important contributors to resin-available N at the landscape level, with 14% of resin locations accounting for 58% of total resin-extractable inorganic N. The KCl-extractable and resin-available inorganic N measurements showed that although spatial variation in the timing of hot spots (that is, hot moments) spreads the influence of short-term hot spots across the landscape to some extent, spatial variation in inorganic N availability is still important when integrated over 1 year. Resin-available N was poorly correlated with the biotic and abiotic variables that we measured, though we did observe that hot spots of resin-available N were twice as common below tree and shrub canopies than in herbaceous areas. Beyond this relationship with canopy structure, neither KCl-extractable nor resin-available inorganic N hot spots were closely related to plant species identity. Instead, the most effective predictor of KCl-extractable NH4 + was the size of the soil organic matter (SOM) N pool, with nearly all hot spots appearing in soils that had greater than 1.4% SOM N.  相似文献   

This study is dedicated to the environmental monitoring of radionuclides released in the course of the Fukushima nuclear accident. The activity concentrations of β -emitting 90Sr and β/γ-emitting 134Cs and 137Cs from several hot spots in Japan were determined in soil and vegetation samples. The 90Sr contamination levels of the samples were relatively low and did not exceed the Bq⋅g−1 range. They were up four orders of magnitude lower than the respective 137Cs levels. This study, therefore, experimentally confirms previous predictions indicating a low release of 90Sr from the Fukushima reactors, due to its low volatility. The radiocesium contamination could be clearly attributed to the Fukushima nuclear accident via its activity ratio fingerprint (134Cs/137Cs). Although the correlation between 90Sr and 137Cs is relatively weak, the data set suggests an intrinsic coexistence of both radionuclides in the contaminations caused by the Fukushima nuclear accident. This observation is of great importance not only for remediation campaigns but also for the current food monitoring campaigns, which currently rely on the assumption that the activity concentrations of β-emitting 90Sr (which is relatively laborious to determine) is not higher than 10% of the level of γ-emitting 137Cs (which can be measured quickly). This assumption could be confirmed for the samples investigated herein.  相似文献   



The retinal determination (RD) network is an evolutionarily conserved regulatory circuit that governs early events in the development of eyes throughout the animal kingdom. Ectopic expression of many members of this network leads to the transformation of non-retinal epithelia into eye tissue. An often-overlooked observation is that only particular cell-populations within a handful of tissues are capable of having their primary developmental instructions superseded and overruled.

Methodology/Preliminary Findings

Here we confirm that indeed, only a discrete number of cell populations within the imaginal discs that give rise to the head, antenna, legs, wings and halteres have the cellular plasticity to have their developmental fates altered. In contrast to previous reports, we find that all transformable cell populations do not lie within the TGFβ or Hedgehog signaling domains. Additionally neither signaling cascade alone is sufficient for non-retinal cell types to be converted into retinal tissue. The transformation “hot spots” that we have identified appear to coincide with several previously defined transdetermination “weak spots”, suggesting that ectopic eye formation is less the result of one network overriding the orders of another, as previously thought, but rather is the physical manifestation of redirecting cell populations of enormous cellular plasticity. We also demonstrate that the initiation of eye formation in non-retinal tissues occurs asynchronously compared to that of the normal eye suggesting that retinal development is not under the control of a global developmental clock.


We conclude that the subregions of non-retinal tissues that are capable of supporting eye formation represent specialized cell-populations that have a different level of plasticity than other cells within these tissues and may be the founder cells of each tissue.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Road mortality is often spatially aggregated, and there is a need for models that accurately and efficiently predict hot spots within a road network for mitigation. We surveyed 145 points throughout a 353-km highway network in New York State, USA, for roadkill of reptiles and amphibians. We used land cover, wetland configuration, and traffic volume data to identify features that best predicted hot spots of herpetofauna road mortality. We resampled 40 points an additional 4 times over 4 years to evaluate temporal repeatability. Both amphibian and reptile road mortality were spatially clustered, and road-kill hot spots of the 2 taxa overlapped. One survey provided a valid snapshot of spatial patterns of road mortality, and spatial patterns remained stable across time. Road-kill hot spots were located where wetlands approached within 100 m of the road, and the best predictor was a causeway configuration of wetlands (wetlands on both sides of the road). We validated causeways as predictors of road mortality by surveying 180 causeways and 180 random points across 5 regions (17,823 km2) of northeastern New York. Causeways were 3 times more likely than random locations to have amphibian and 12 times more likely to have reptile mortality present, and causeways had a 4 times higher total number of amphibian roadkill and 9 times higher reptile roadkill than did random points. We conclude it is possible to identify valid predictors of hot spots of amphibian and reptile road mortality for use when planning roads or when conducting surveys on existing roads to locate priority areas for mitigation.  相似文献   

Abstract   Broad scale survey distributions of fish are dominated by some extremely high catches. With a novel survey design we resolved the small-scale fish distribution in the spatio-temporal vicinity of these extreme hauls and showed that in the North Sea they generally do not occur in isolation. An additional case study where stomach contents of fish predators were analyzed revealed that they actually indicate aggregations of piscivorous fish predators on prey aggregations. We show that the predation impact can reach immense dimensions, an aggregation of more than 50 million juvenile cod (Gadus morhua) was entirely wiped out in 5 days by predatory whiting (Merlangius merlangus), aggregating on these juveniles in an area of approximately 18 km2. The consumption of only 32 hot spots of similar magnitude as observed in our study adds up to the average size of an incoming North Sea cod year class. These findings support the hypothesis of predation as the major source of mortality in young-of-the-year demersal fish species and questions the generality of fish aggregation as an effective anti-predator strategy. This study highlights the system-wide structuring force of small-scale predation hot spots and further points to the importance of a more realistic implementation of local high-intensity predation events in food web models. Electronic supplementary material:   The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A paper (Amirnovin R, J Mol Evol 44:473–476, 1997) seems to undermine the validity of the coevolution theory of genetic code origin by shedding doubt on the connection between the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids and the organization of the genetic code, at a time when the literature on the topic takes this for granted. However, as a few papers cite this paper as evidence against the coevolution theory, and to cast aside all doubt on the subject, we have decided to reanalyze the statistical bases on which this theory is founded. We come to the following conclusions: (1) the methods used in the above referred paper contain certain mistakes, and (2) the statistical foundations on which the coevolution theory is based are extremely robust. We have done this by critically appraising Amirnovin's paper and suggesting an alternative method based on the generation of random codes which, along with the method reported in the literature, allows us to evaluate the significance, in the genetic code, of different sets of amino acid pairs in biosynthetic relationships. In particular, by using this method and after building up a certain set of amino acid pairs reflecting the expectations of the coevolution theory, we show that the presence of this set in the genetic code would be obtained, purely by chance, with a probability of 6 × 10−5. This observation seems to provide particularly strong support to the coevolution theory. Received: 28 June 1999 / Accepted: 23 October 1999  相似文献   

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