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Single mating productivities (used as estimates of the relative number of sperm transferred) are highly correlated with several parameters used to quantify sperm competition in D. melanogster. Matings that result in the transferal of large numbers of sperm are associated with longer delay of female remating than are matings that transfer fewer sperm. Males that transfer larger numbers of sperm also suffer a smaller proportional reduction in reproductive success (smaller COST) than males transferring fewer sperm. The number of sperm transferred by a female's second mate is not related to the COST to the first male. However, there is a high positive correlation between the number of sperm transferred by the second male and P2 (the proportion of second male progeny following female remating). Thus, large sperm numbers apparently increase the reproductive success of males whether they mate with virgin or non-virgin females. Because female receptivity mediates these events, there is no need to invoke sperm displacement to explain the reproductive outcome of female remating.The timing of female remating is evaluated in terms of a receptivity-threshold model. This model suggests that female receptivity returns when some small, relatively constant, number of sperm remain in storage.  相似文献   

Sperm viability has been associated with the degree of promiscuity across species, as well as the degree of reproductive success within species. Thus, sperm survival within the female reproductive tract likely plays a key role in how mating systems evolve. In the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, however, the extent and cause of sperm death has been the subject of recent debate. Here, we assess sperm death within the female reproductive tract of D. melanogaster following single and multiple matings in order to elucidate the extent of death and its potential mechanisms, including an acute female response to mating, female age and/or sperm senescence. We found no evidence that sperm viability was influenced by an acute female response or female age. We also found that rival ejaculates did not influence viability, supporting recent work in the system. Instead, the majority of death appears to be due to the aging of male gametes within the female, and that at least some dead resident sperm remain in the female after multiple mating. In contrast to earlier in vivo work, we found that overall sperm death was minimal (8.7%), indicating viability should have a negligible influence on female remating rates.  相似文献   

In most insects, sperm transferred by the male to the female during mating are stored within the female reproductive tract for subsequent use in fertilization. In Drosophila melanogaster, male accessory gland proteins (Acps) within the seminal fluid are required for efficient accumulation of sperm in the female's sperm storage organs. To determine the events within the female reproductive tract that occur during sperm storage, and the role that Acps and sperm play in these events, we identified morphological changes that take place during sperm storage in females mated to wild-type, Acp-deficient or sperm-deficient males. A reproducible set of morphological changes occurs in a wild-type mating. These were categorized into 10 stereotypic stages. Sperm are not needed for progression through these stages in females, but receipt of Acps is essential for progression beyond the first few stages of morphological change. Furthermore, females that received small quantities of Acps reached slightly later stages than females that received no Acps. Our results suggest that timely morphological changes in the female reproductive tract, possibly muscular in nature, may be needed for successful sperm storage, and that Acps from the male are needed in order for these changes to occur.  相似文献   

Fiumera AC  Dumont BL  Clark AG 《Genetics》2007,176(2):1245-1260
We applied association analysis to elucidate the genetic basis for variation in phenotypes affecting postcopulatory sexual selection in a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster. We scored 96 third chromosome substitution lines for nine phenotypes affecting sperm competitive ability and genotyped them at 72 polymorphisms in 13 male reproductive genes. Significant heterogeneity among lines (P < 0.01) was detected for all phenotypes except male-induced refractoriness (P = 0.053). We identified 24 associations (8 single-marker associations, 12 three-marker haplotype associations, and 4 cases of epistasis revealed by single-marker interactions). Fewer than 9 of these associations are likely to be false positives. Several associations were consistent with previous findings [Acp70A with the male's influence on the female's refractoriness to remating (refractory), Esterase-6 with a male's remating probability (remating) and a measure of female offspring production (fecundity)], but many are novel associations with uncharacterized seminal fluid proteins. Four genes showed evidence for pleiotropic effects [CG6168 with a measure of sperm competition (P2') and refractory, CG14560 with a defensive measure of sperm competition (P1') and a measure of female fecundity, Acp62F with P2' and a measure of female fecundity, and Esterase-6 with remating and a measure of female fecundity]. Our findings provide evidence that pleiotropy and epistasis are important factors in the genetic architecture of male reproductive success and show that haplotype analyses can identify associations missed in the single-marker approach.  相似文献   

Sperm competition is an important fitness component in many animal groups. Drosophila melanogaster males exhibit substantial genetic variation for sperm competitive ability and females show considerable genetic variation for first versus second male sperm use. Currently, the forces responsible for maintaining genetic variation in sperm competition related phenotypes are receiving much attention. While several candidate genes contributing to the variation seen in male competitive ability are known, genes involved in female sperm use remain largely undiscovered. Without knowledge of the underlying genes, it will be difficult to distinguish between different models of sexual selection such as cryptic female choice and sexual conflict. We used quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping to identify regions of the genome contributing to female propensity to use first or second male sperm, female refractoriness to re-mating, and early-life fertility. The most well supported markers influencing the phenotypes include 33F/34A (P2), 57B (refractoriness) and 23F/24A (fertility). Between 10% and 15% of the phenotypic variance observed in these recombinant inbred lines was explained by these individual QTLs. More detailed investigation of the regions detected in this experiment may lead to the identification of genes responsible for the QTLs identified here.  相似文献   

In many species, males can influence the amount of resources their mates invest in reproduction. Two favoured hypotheses for this observation are that females assess male quality during courtship or copulation and alter their investment in offspring accordingly, or that males manipulate females to invest heavily in offspring produced soon after mating. Here, we examined whether there is genetic variation for males to influence female short-term reproductive investment in Drosophila melanogaster, a species with strong sexual selection and substantial sexual conflict. We measured the fecundity and egg size of females mated to males from multiple isofemale lines collected from populations around the globe. Although these traits were not strongly influenced by the male's population of origin, we found that 22 per cent of the variation in female short-term reproductive investment was attributable to the genotype of her mate. This is the first direct evidence that male D. melanogaster vary genetically in their proximate influence on female fecundity, egg size and overall reproductive investment.  相似文献   

The period of initial sperm storage and use by Drosophila melanogaster females is examined for effects of the seminal fluid enzyme esterase 6. Females mated to males differing in their level of esterase 6 activity were dissected from 5 min to 50 hr after the start of copulation and numbers of sperm contained in the uterus, ventral receptacle and paired spermathecae were counted. Of the 4000–6000 sperm transferred at copulation, about 700 are stored in the receptacle by 4 hr post mating and 400 in the spermathecae by 7 hr. However, sperm are released rapidly from storage organs following these peaks and may be found again in the uterus in numbers up to 100 or more. The rate of sperm release is closely related to the level of esterase 6 activity, suggesting that this seminal fluid enzyme is involved in sperm motility.  相似文献   

Much of sexual selection theory depends on assumptions about the genetic basis of variation in male mating success and sperm competitive ability. Despite intense interest in this topic, few genes have been identified that contribute to variation in these traits. Here we report the results of quantitative trait locus (QTL) analyses of mating success of male Drosophila melanogaster when exposed to virgin females, remating success of males with previously mated females, and both defense and offense components of sperm competition. We found two to four significant QTLs for remating success, but no QTLs for mating success, even though mating success was more genetically variable than remating success in the recombinant inbred lines used in this study. By combining these results with data from previous gene-expression experiments, we were able to identify three X-linked candidate genes for variation in remating ability. For two of these genes, QTL and expression data were completely concordant with respect to directionality of effects: high mating success was associated with high levels of gene expression and with beneficial QTL effects on the trait. We found equivocal evidence for genetic variation in sperm offense and defense in the recombinant inbred lines, and we did not find any significant QTLs for either sperm competition trait.  相似文献   

Length of the sperm flagellum and of the female's primary sperm-storage organ, the seminal receptacle (SR), exhibit a pattern of rapid correlated evolution in Drosophila and other lineages. Experimental evolution studies with Drosophila melanogaster indicate that these traits have coevolved through sexual selection, with length of the SR representing the proximal basis of female sire discrimination, biasing paternity according to sperm length. Here, we examine the impact of experimentally varying the developmental environment, including larval density and larval and adult nutrition, on sperm length, SR length and on the pattern of sperm precedence. Expression of SR length was far more sensitive to variation among developmental environments than was sperm length. Nevertheless, there was striking co-variation in sperm and SR length. The developmental environment of both females and second males, but not first males, significantly contributed to variation in male competitive fertilization success.  相似文献   

Summary Modified B S translocation males were developed at 26.0° C where univalentbearing gametes are recovered with less than half the frequency than at 18.0° C. Upon eclosion the males were stored for definite time periods at either temperature before mating individually to single y free-X females. the transfer cultures of the females show a higher frequency of recovery of univalent-bearing progeny regardless of the temperature or storage treatment of the male. In addition, postmeiotic temperature treatment does not appear to fundamentally alter the overall frequency of recovery of univalent-bearing gametes which is presumably determined by the developmental temperature of the male. A similar trend is observed for matings of y females to single X.YSYL/O males in which the males were developed and stored at 26.0° C; namely, a higher frequency of recovery of attached-XY gametes in the transfer cultures.  相似文献   

Clark SC  Sharp NP  Rowe L  Agrawal AF 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e37351
Condition-dependence theory predicts that sexual selection will facilitate adaptation by selecting against deleterious mutations that affect the expression of sexually selected traits indirectly via condition. Recent empirical studies have provided support for this prediction; however, their results do not elucidate the relative effects of pre- and postcopulatory sexual selection on deleterious mutations. We used the Drosophila melanogaster model system to discern the relative contributions of pre- and postcopulatory processes to selection against deleterious mutations. To assess second-male ejaculate competition success (P2; measured as the proportion of offspring attributable to the experimental male) and mating success, mutant and wild-type male D. melanogaster were given the opportunity to mate with females that were previously mated to a standard competitor male. This process was repeated for males subjected to a diet quality manipulation to test for effects of environmentally-manipulated condition on P2 and mating success. While none of the tested mutations affected P2, there was a clear effect of condition. Conversely, several of the mutations affected mating success, while condition showed no effect. Our results suggest that precopulatory selection may be more effective than postcopulatory selection at removing deleterious mutations. The opposite result obtained for our diet manipulation points to an interesting discrepancy between environmental and genetic manipulations of condition, which may be explained by the multidimensionality of condition. Establishing whether the various stages of sexual selection affect deleterious mutations differently, and to what extent, remains an important issue to resolve.  相似文献   

Yang Y  Lu X 《Biology of reproduction》2011,84(5):1005-1015
Motile cilia and flagella exhibit many waveforms as outputs of dynein activation sequences on the highly conserved axoneme. Motility change of sperm in the reproductive tract is difficult to study and remains an important area of investigation. Sperm typically execute a sinusoidal waveform. Increased viscosity in the medium induces somewhat unusual arc-line and helical waveforms in some sperm. However, whether the latter two waveforms occur in vivo is not known. Using green fluorescence protein imaging, we show that Drosophila sperm in the uterus move in circular foci via arc-line waves, predominantly in a tail-leading orientation. From the uterus, a small fraction of the sperm enters the seminal receptacle (SR) in parallel formations. After sperm storage and coincident with fertilization of the egg, the sperm exit the SR via head-leading helical waves. Consistent with the observed bidirectional movements, the sperm show the ability to propagate both base-to-tip and tip-to-base flagellar waves. Numerous studies have shown that sperm motility is regulated by intraflagellar calcium concentrations; in particular, the Pkd2 calcium channel has been shown to affect sperm storage. Our analyses here suggest that Pkd2 is required for the sperm to adopt the correct waveform and movement orientation during SR entry. A working model for the sperm's SR entry movement is proposed.  相似文献   

In promiscuously mating species, there is strong selection on males to maximize their share of paternity through both defensive and offensive means. This has been most extensively examined using the Drosophila melanogaster model system. In these studies, sperm competition has been examined by mating a virgin female to two consecutive males and then determining the fertilization success of both the first male (defending, P1) and the second male (offending, P2). Recent evidence suggests that male defense may be influenced by female mating history (i.e., virgin versus nonvirgin). Here, by mating females to males with three different genotypes, we show that female mating history does not affect male defensive or offensive abilities in sperm competition. We also show that, although female lifetime fecundity was not correlated with the number of times that she mated, it was reduced by increased exposure to males. These data indicate that measures of P1 and P2 previously reported in D. melanogaster may be robust to the specific mating history of the females used in these studies.  相似文献   

Correlations between male body size and phenotypes impacting post-copulatory sexual selection are commonly observed during the manipulation of male body size by environmental rearing conditions. Here, we control for environmental influences and test for genetic correlations between natural variation in male body size and phenotypes affecting post-copulatory sexual selection in Drosophila melanogaster. Dry weights of virgin males from 90 second-chromosome and 88 third-chromosome substitution lines were measured. Highly significant line effects (p<0.001) documented a genetic basis to variation in male body size. No significant correlations were identified between male body size and the components of sperm competitive ability. These results suggest that natural autosomal variation for male body size has little impact on post-copulatory sexual selection. If genetic correlations exist between male body size and post-copulatory sexual selection then variation in the sex chromosomes are likely candidates, as might be expected if sexually antagonistic coevolution was responsible.  相似文献   

A crucial factor determining sperm fertilization success in multiply mated Drosophila melanogaster females is the efficiency with which sperm are stored. This process is modulated by the accessory gland protein Acp36DE. In this study, we show that the effect of Acp36DE on sperm storage itself alters the outcome of sperm competition. As second-mating males, Acp36DE1 (null) males had significantly lower P2-values than Acp36DE2 (truncation) or Acp36DE+ (control) males, as might be expected as the null males' sperm are poorly stored. We used spermless males, which are null for Acp36DE, to show that, in the absence of sperm co-transfer, Acp36DE itself could not displace first-male sperm. The results therefore suggest that males null for Acp36DE suffer in sperm displacement because fewer sperm are stored or retained, not because Acp36DE itself displaces sperm. Acp36DE1 (null) males also gained significantly fewer fertilizations than controls when they were the first males to mate. Using spermless males, we also showed that significantly more second-male offspring were produced following the transfer of Acp36DE by spermless first-mating males. This implies that the transfer of Acp36DE itself by the first male facilitated the storage or use of the second male's sperm and that co-transfer with sperm is not necessary for Acp36DE effects on second-male sperm storage. Acp36DE may persist in the reproductive tract and aid the storage of any sperm including those of later-mating males or prime the female for future efficient sperm storage. Our results indicate that mutations in genes that affect sperm storage can drastically affect the outcome of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Recent studies have advocated a role for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in sperm competition. This is controversial because earlier theory and empirical work suggested that mitochondrial genetic variation for fitness is low. Yet, such studies dealt only with females and did not consider that variation that is neutral when expressed in females, might be non-neutral in males as, in most species, mtDNA is never selected in males. We measured male ability to compete for fertilizations, at young and late ages, across 25 cytoplasms expressed in three different nuclear genetic backgrounds, within a population of Drosophila melanogaster. We found no cytoplasmic (thus no mtDNA) genetic variation for either male offence or offensive sperm competitiveness. This contrasts with previous findings demonstrating cytoplasmic genetic variation for female fitness and female ageing across these same lines. Taken together, this suggests that mitochondrial genes do not contribute to variation in sperm competition at the within-population level.  相似文献   

The coordinated introduction of sperm and eggs is a prerequisite of high fertilization efficiency. In Drosophila melanogaster, as in most internally fertilizing animals, mated females store sperm prior to fertilization. Yet the regulation of sperm exit from these storage sites is poorly understood. To test one likely factor that could coordinate gamete availability, we quantified sperm exit from storage in three types of female: genetically matched females that were normal or eggless, and an additional wild-type control. Long-term depletion of sperm stores in normal females and eggless females occurs at similar rates. However, soon after mating, egg presence appears to accelerate the transition from one storage stage to the next. Since male ejaculate components and female factors contribute to sperm depletion, opportunities exist for both cooperation and conflict between the sexes in sperm storage dynamics.  相似文献   

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