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Polyporus accommodates morphologically heterogeneous species and is divided into six infrageneric groups based on macromorphological characters. On the other hand allied genera have macro- and microscopic characters similar to those of Polyporus. The phylogenetic relationships of Polyporus and allied genera were established from sequences of RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (RPB2), nuclear ribosomal large subunit (nucLSU) and mitochondrial ATPase subunit 6 (ATP6). The molecular phylogenetic trees confirmed that Polyporus is a polyphyletic genus and recognized six major clades (1-6) containing species of Polyporus and several allied genera. Among the clades one contained three infrageneric groups of Polyporus and two allied genera, Datronia and Pseudofavolus while one other contained group Polyporellus and Lentinus. Five of the six major clades contained species belonging to a single infrageneric group, Favolus, Melanopus, Polyporellus or Polyporus. This suggests that morphological characters used to define these groups have phylogenetic significance and reveals the need for a taxonomic revision of Polyporus and its allied genera.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the genera of Theaceae based on morphology   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This work represents the first phylogenetic analysis of all genera belonging to the plant family Theaceae (sensu lato). The study is based on 60 morphological characters derived from herbarium specimens and an extensive literature review of 37 genera (including the outgroup). In contrast to the results from molecular data, Theaceae is here found to consist of one clade in which the recognition of two families or subfamilies would leave Theaceae s.s. paraphyletic. Within that clade, Ternstroemiaceae is supported as monophyletic and includes Adinandra, Anneslea, Archboldiodendron, Balthasaria, Cleyera, Eurya, Euryodendron, Ficalhoa, Freziera, Symplococarpon, Ternstroemia and Visnea. The paraphyletic Theaceae s.s. includes Apterosperma, Camellia, Dankia, Gordonia, Pyrenaria, Schima, and Stewartia. Tetrameristaceae (Pentamerista and Tetramerista) are supported as a monophyletic family, with Pellicieraceae (Pelliciera) as sister group, and that clade is sister to the rest of the taxa. Bonnetiaceae (Archytaea and Bonnetia) and Kielmeyeroideae of the Clusiaceae (Caraipa, Haploclathra, Kielmeyera, Mahurea, Marila, and Neotatea) are also supported as monophyletic. Given the differences between the results obtained from morphological and molecular data, we consider that there is still a need for further research, including combined analyses.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):277-289

The phylogeny of the genus Bryum was studied using cladistic analyses under the maximum parsimony criterion of evolution of anatomical and morphological characters. Three analyses were made with 32 Bryum species plus 20 species from genera supposedly closely related to Bryum, and with Amblyodon dealbatus (Sw. ex Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp., Meesia uliginosa Hedw., and Leptostomum macrocarpum (Hedw.) Bach. Pyl., as outgroups. It is here suggested that under earlier systematic concepts the genus Bryum is paraphyletic. A clade with Bryum billarderi Schwägr., B. capillare Hedw., B. donianum Grev., B. russulum Broth. & Geh., Rhodobryum giganteum (Schwägr.) Paris, and R. keniae (Müll. Hal.) Broth. are circumscribed by spathulate stem leaves that are crowded in the stem apex, suggesting that the rosulate species of Bryum are more closely related to Rhodobryum than to the rest of Bryum. Stem leaf costae without stereids and spores that mature in the winter are synapomorphies for a clade with Anomobryum julaceum (P. Gaertn. et al.) Schimp. and Bryum argenteum (Hedw.). The tropical species B. cellulare Hook. and B. flaccum Wilson ex Mitt. appear in a clade with Plagiobryum zieri (Dicks. ex Hedw.) Lindb. and Synthetodontium pringlei Cardot. In one analysis, B. limbatum Müll. Hal., Epipterygium tozeri (Grev.) Lindb., Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Wilson, and Roellia roellii (Broth. ex Röll) H.A. Crum came out in a clade with Mniobryum atropurpureum (Wahlenb.) I. Hagen, Mnium hornum Hedw., Pohlia cruda (Hedw.) Lindb., P. longicollis (Hedw.) Lindb., and Pseudopohlia didymodontia (Mitt.) A.L.Andrews. It is here suggested that gametophytic features, such as the orientation and anatomy of the stem leaves and the appearance of vegetative propagules, are important for the internal relationships within the studied ingroup, whereas characters related to the sporophyte, especially those of the peristome, may obscure phylogenetic relationships. Most of the subgenera and the sections of Bryum, as defined by earlier authors, appear to be paraphyletic. However, due to the low stability of most clades it is suggested that analyses including anatomical, morphological, and molecular data are needed.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among genera of the Tetrabothriidae (Eucestoda)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cladistic analysis of the generic-level relationships within the family Tetrabothriidae was conducted. A single cladogram resulted from evaluation of 28 homologous transformation series representing 41 character states. The genus Tetrabothrius was recognized as plesiomorphic followed by Chaetophallus and Trigonocotyle. The latter was considered as the sister group for the remaining tetrabothriid genera of marine mammals. Anophryocephalus, Strobilocephalus, and Priapocephalus are among the most highly derived genera and are postulated as having close evolutionary affinities. Comparisons to previous explicit hypotheses for relationships among the genera indicated the present analysis was the most efficient phylogenetic statement (consistency index = 85.4%) for the 28 attributes evaluated. The recognition of Tetrabothrius as primitive and a natural grouping of Anophryocephalus, Strobilocephalus, and Priapocephalus in part confirmed results of previous studies of the Tetrabothriidae.  相似文献   

The chloroplast gene encoding ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate-carboxylase (rbcL) was sequenced for phylogenetic analysis of 13 species (10 genera) in the tribePolygonatae s.l. of theLiliaceae-Asparagoideae. The data were analysed using maximum parsimony and neighbour-joining methods. There were 233 phylogenetically informative sites out of 1368 base pairs compared. The results suggest that there are three monophyletic groups withinPolygonatae s.l. with high bootstrap confidence values. Group A representsPolygonatae s.str., with generaMaianthemum, Smilacina, Convallaria, Disporopsis, andPolygonatum. Group B containsUvularia andDisporum and group C includesStreptopus, Tricyrtis, Clintonia, andProsartes. The study suggests thatPolygonatae s.l. are not a monophyletic group, including at least three groups of different phylogenetic origin. Monophyly of the taxa within groups A, B, and C is supported by the high bootstrap confidence values (85–100%) of the bootstrap replications for both parsimony and neighbour-joining methods. The differences between each group (calculated as 100x base substitutions per site) were 6.99–9.03 for group A and B, 4.92–7.35 for A and C, and 6.66–7.57 for B and C.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationship of the genera Arthroderma and Nannizzia, was investigated by mitochondrial DNA analysis based on the restriction-fragment-length polymorphisms. Phylogenetic trees made on ten species. A. benhamiae, A. insingulare, A. quadrifidum, A. simii, A. vanbreuseghemii, N. fulva, N. grubyia, N. gypsea, N. incurvata and N. otae showed no definite distinctions between the genera Arthroderma and Nannizzia. These results support the conclusion of Weitzman et al. that the genera Arthroderma and Nannizzia are congeneric.  相似文献   

Comparative study of character evolution in the shorebirds is presently limited because the phylogenetic placement of some enigmatic genera remains unclear. We therefore used Bayesian methods to obtain a well-supported phylogeny of 90 recognized genera using 5 kb of mitochondrial and nuclear sequences. The tree comprised three major clades: Lari (gulls, auks and allies plus buttonquails) as sister to Scolopaci (sandpipers, jacanas and allies), and in turn sister to Charadrii (plovers, oystercatchers and allies), as in previous molecular studies. Plovers and noddies were not recovered as monophyletic assemblages, and the Egyptian plover Pluvianus is apparently not a plover. Molecular dating using multiple fossil constraints suggests that the three suborders originated in the late Cretaceous between 79 and 102 Mya, and at least 14 lineages of modern shorebirds survived the mass extinction at the K/T boundary. Previous difficulties in determining the phylogenetic relationships of enigmatic taxa reflect the fact that they are well-differentiated relicts of old, genus-poor lineages. We refrain from suggesting systematic revisions for shorebirds at this time because gene trees may fail to recover the species tree when long branches are connected to deep, shorter branches, as is the case for some of the enigmatic taxa.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses were conducted to determine the relationships between and characterize the morphological variation among three genera of Anacardiaceae:Bonetiella, Pseudosmodingium, andSmodingium. The first two genera are endemic to Mexico and the third to South Africa.Bonetiella andSmodingium are monotypic.Pseudosmodingium has eight species, six extant and two fossil, and all were included in the analyses. Fifty-six anatomical characters for leaves, wood, and fruit, as well as morphological characters, were considered. Our results indicate thatSmodingium is not closely related toPseudosmodingium andBonetiella, and that these last two genera are sister taxa.Pseudosmodingium is a monophyletic group and the two fossil species are related to species from the same geographical area of central Mexico where they were found. Fruit anatomical characters were significant at the generic level, while leaf anatomical characters were important at the species level inPseudosmodingium.
Resumen  En este trabajo se llevaron a cabo análisis filogenéticos para determinar las relaciones filogenéticas así como caracterizar la variación morfológica de tres géneros de Anacardiaceae:Bonetiella, Pseudosmodingium ySmodingium. Los dos primeros son endémicos a México y el terceroo a Sudáfrica.Bonetiella ySmodingium son monotípicos.Pseudosmodingium incluye ocho especies, dos fósiles y el resto vivientes, y todas fueron consideradas en los análisis. Se consideraron 56 caracteres tanto anatómicos como morfológicos de hojas, madera y frutos. Nuestros resultados indican queSmodingium no está cercanamente relacionado aPseudosmodingium yBonetiella, y que estos dos últimos géneros son taxa hermanos.Pseudosmodingium es un grupo monofilético y las dos especies fósiles están relacionadas a especies que crecen en las mismas áreas geográficas del centro de México, donde fueron descubiertas. Los caracteres anatómicos del fruto fueron significativos a nivel genérico, mientras que los de hoja fueron importantes a nivel de especies enPseudosmodingium.

We have analyzed the phylogenetic relationships of 52 species representing all defined species groups (J. J. Scheel, 1990, Atlas of Killifishes of the Old World, 448 pp.) of the African aplocheiloid fish genera Aphyosemion and Fundulopanchax in order to examine their interrelationships and to reveal trends of karyotypic evolution. The data set comprised 785 total nucleotides from the mitochondrial 12S rRNA and cytochrome b genes. The molecular-based topologies analyzed by both maximum parsimony and neighbor-joining support the monophyly of most previously defined species groups within these two killifish genera. The genus Aphyosemion is monophyletic except for the nested position of Fundulopanchax kunzi (batesi group; subgenus Raddaella) within this clade, suggesting that this taxon was improperly assigned to Fundulopanchax. The remaining Fundulopanchax species sampled were supported as being monophyletic in most analyses. Relationships among the species groups in both genera were not as strongly supported, suggesting that further data will be required to resolve these relationships. Additional sampling from the 16S rRNA gene allowed further resolution of relationships within Fundulopanchax, more specifically identifying the nonannual scheeli group as the basal lineage of this otherwise annual genus. Chromosomal evolution within Aphyosemion has been episodic, with the evolution of a reduced n = 9-10 metacentric complement having occurred in multiple, independent lineages. Polarity of chromosomal reductions within the elegans species group appears to support previous hypotheses concerning mechanisms of karyotypic change within the genus Aphyosemion.  相似文献   

A chloroplast DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis has been carried out on representatives species of Orchis (Orchidaceae) and of the allied genera Aceras, Dactylorhiza , and Anacamptis . One species of Cephalanthera and one of Serapias were used as outgroups. The consensus tree from a cladistic analysis showed that Orchis , as presently defined, is paraphyletic, as it contains also Aceras anthropophorum and Dactylorhiza saccifera . The genus Orchis is divided in two clades: one including O. laxiflora, O. papilionacea, O. coriophora , and O. morio in a ladderized sequence, the other showing D. saccifera at the base, followed by a clade in which a collapse of O. mascula, O. pauciflora, O. quadripunctata is sister group to a clade composed by O. italica, O. simia , and A. anthropophorum . These results, which agree to a great extent with literature evidence on chromosomes and isozymes, have been compared with various traditional systematic hypotheses for the genus.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic relationships among 20 species of Oriental torrent frogs in the genus Amolops and its allies from China and Southeast Asia based on 1346-bp sequences of the mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes. Oriental species of the tribe Ranini form a monophyletic group containing 11 clades (Rana temporaria + Pseudoamolops, R. chalconota, four clades of Amolops, Meristogenys, three clades of Huia species, and Staurois) for which the phylogenetic relationships are unresolved. The genus Amolops consists of southern Chinese, southwestern Chinese, Thai, and Vietnamese-Malaysian lineages, but their relationships are also unresolved. The separation of southern and southwestern lineages within China conforms to previous morphological and karyological results. Species of Huia do not form a monophyletic group, whereas those of Meristogenys are monophyletic. Because P. sauteri is a sister species of R. temporaria, distinct generic status of Pseudoamolops is unwarranted.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the coelomycetous fungus Pestalotiopsis and other closely related genera based on morphological characters has been equivocal. To gain insight in the phylogenetic relationships of Pestalotiopsis and its allies, part of the large subunit (28S) ribosomal DNA region was examined and compared with existing morphological information. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted using parsimony, distance, and likelihood criteria. Results of the analyses showed that Bartalinia, Pestalotiopsis, Seimatosporium, and Seiridium represent distinct monophyletic groups with high bootstrap support. However, Truncatella species are paraphyletic with Bartalinia, sharing a common ancestor. Pestalotia species sequenced clustered together with Pestalotiopsis. These genera should be recognized as distinct natural groups except for Monochaetia and Discosia, which need to be further resolved. Tree topologies are generally in concordance with previous morphological hypotheses, most notably the placement of all Pestalotia species, except the type P. pezizoides, in Pestalotiopsis. Well-supported clades corresponding to groupings based on conidial morphology were resolved and the relative importance of morphological characters for generic delimitation is discussed. Molecular data also provide further evidence to support the association of these coelomycetes with the Amphisphaeriaceae.  相似文献   

We infer for the first time the phylogenetic relationships of genera and tribes in the ecologically and evolutionarily well‐studied subfamily Nymphalinae using DNA sequence data from three genes: 1450 bp of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) (in the mitochondrial genome), 1077 bp of elongation factor 1‐alpha (EF1‐α) and 400–403 bp of wingless (both in the nuclear genome). We explore the influence of each gene region on the support given to each node of the most parsimonious tree derived from a combined analysis of all three genes using Partitioned Bremer Support. We also explore the influence of assuming equal weights for all characters in the combined analysis by investigating the stability of clades to different transition/transversion weighting schemes. We find many strongly supported and stable clades in the Nymphalinae. We are also able to identify ‘rogue’ taxa whose positions are weakly supported (the different gene regions are in conflict with each other) and unstable. Our main conclusions are: (1) the tribe Coeini as currently constituted is untenable, and Smyrna, Colobura and Tigridia are part of Nymphalini; (2) ‘Kallimini’ is paraphyletic with regard to Melitaeini and should be split into three tribes: Kallimini s.s., Junoniini and Victorinini; (3) Junoniini, Victorinini, Melitaeini and the newly circumscribed Nymphalini are strongly supported monophyletic groups, and (4) Precis and Junonia are not synonymous or even sister groups. The species Junonia coenia, a model system in developmental biology, clearly belongs in the genus Junonia. A dispersal‐vicariance analysis suggests that dispersal has had a major effect on the distributions of extant species, and three biotic regions are identified as being centres of diversification of three major clades: the Palaearctic for the Nymphalis‐group, the Afrotropics for Junoniini and the Nearctic for Melitaeini. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 86 , 227–251.  相似文献   

Abstract. The alcyonacean soft coral genera Sarcophyton and Lobophytum are conspicuous, ecologically important members of shallow reef communities throughout the Indo-West Pacific. Study of their ecology is, however, hindered by incomplete knowledge of their taxonomy: most species cannot be identified in the field and the two genera cannot always be distinguished reliably. We used a 735-bp fragment of the octocoral-specific mitochondrial protein-coding gene msh1 to construct a phylogeny for 92 specimens identified to 19 species of Lobophytum and 16 species of Sarcophyton . All phylogenetic methods used recovered a tree with three strongly supported clades. One clade included only morphologically typical Sarcophyton species with a stalk distinct from the polypary, poorly formed club-shaped sclerites in the colony surface, and large spindles in the interior of the stalk. A second clade included only morphologically typical Lobophytum colonies with lobes and ridges on the colony surface, poorly formed clubs in the colony surface, and interior sclerites consisting of oval forms with regular girdles of ornamental warts. The third distinct clade included a mix of Sarcophyton and Lobophytum nominal species with intermediate morphologies. Most of the species in this mixed clade had a polypary that was not distinct from the stalk, and the sclerites in the colony surface were clubs with well-defined heads. Within the Sarcophyton clade, specimens identified as Sarcophyton glaucum belonged to six very distinct genetic sub-clades, suggesting that this morphologically heterogeneous species is actually a cryptic species complex. Our results highlight the need for a complete taxonomic revision of these genera, using molecular data to help confirm species boundaries as well as to guide higher taxonomic decisions.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of some genera within the Phasianidae remains controversial. To demonstrate the phylogenetic relationships of four endemic genera (Tetraophasis, Ithaginis, Crossoptilon and Chrysolophus) and other 11 genera of Phasianidae in China, a total of 1070 nucleotides of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region genes were sequenced. There are 376 variable sites including 345 parsimony sites. The genetic distance ranged from 0.067 (Chrysolophus and Phasianus) to 0.181 (Perdix and Bambusicola) among the 15 genera. Maximum likelihood method was used to construct a phylogenetic tree, which grouped all the genera into two deeply divergent clades. Perdix was shown to be a non-partridge genus. Alternatively, it appears ancestral to either partridges or pheasants. The sibling taxa of the four endemic genera were Lophophorus, Tragopan, Lophura and Phasianus, respectively. Calibrated rates of molecular evolution suggested that the divergence time between the four genera and related taxa was 4.00–5.00 million years ago, corresponding to the Pliocene. Considering their molecular phylogenetics, fossil and geographical distribution patterns, the four endemic genera might have originated in the southwestern mountains in China.  相似文献   

A study was made on the phylogenetic relationships of species of the family Resedaceae, based on morphological features, chromosome meiotic behaviour, karyotype features, size and fertility of pollen grains, nucleotypic parameters, seed protein profiles and esterase isozyme patterns.For the comparison of the seed protein profiles among species a method was developed based on the presence or absence of the bands by means of a computer program. The dendrogram obtained by such a method is in line, to a great extent, with the clusters (sections) obtained within the family based on morphological features.Data on meiotic behaviour and on morphology, such as the type of fruit, carpel numbers and others, suggest that x=5 is the primitive basic chromosome number of this family. x1=6 and x2=7 are considered as secondary basic numbers derived from x=5 through aneuploid changes.The results support a proposed phylogenetic tree of the genera and sections of the genus Reseda represented in the European Flora.The principal phenomena that have operated in the evolution of the Resedaceae seem to be aneuploid changes, polyploidy and structural rearrangements. A trend towards DNA increase in the evolution of this group is also apparent.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA was performed on the genera Planococcus, Marinococcus, Sporosarcina and endospore-forming rods. In agreement with earlier 16S rRNA cataloguing data, Planococcus citreus and Sporosarcina ureae clustered with Bacillus pasteurii and other bacilli containing lysine in their cell walls. Sporosarcina halophila was shown to be genetically distinct from S. ureae and formed a loose association with the main Bacillus subtilis grouping. Marinococcus halophilus (formerly Planococcus halophilus) exhibited low levels of relatedness to all reference species examined and formed a distinct line of descent.  相似文献   

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