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Stretch-induced damage to skeletal muscles results in loss of isometric tension. Although there is no direct evidence, loss of tension has been implicitly assumed to be the consequence of permanent loss of myofilament overlap in some sarcomeres ('sarcomere overextension'). Using isolated myofibrils of rabbit psoas muscle (n=38; 6 control and 32 test specimens) at 12-15°C, we directly tested the idea that loss of tension following stretch is caused by sarcomere overextension. Experimental myofibrils were maximally activated at the edge of the descending limb (sarcomere length ~ 2.9 μm) of the sarcomere length-tension relationship and then stretched by 1 μm sarcomere(-1) at a constant speed of 0.1 μms(-1)sarcomere(-1) to result in an average strain of 33.6 ± 0.9% (mean ± 1 SE). Myofibrils were immediately returned to the original lengths and relaxed. Isometric tension measured in a subsequent re-activation 3-5 min later was reduced by 24.6 ± 1.5% from its original value. In 22 out of the 32 test specimens, all sarcomeres maintained myofilament overlap, while in 10 myofibrils one or two sarcomeres were stretched permanently beyond myofilament overlap (>4.0 μm), and thus exhibited overextended sarcomeres. Loss of tension following stretch was significantly smaller in myofibrils with overextended sarcomeres compared to myofibrils with no overextended sarcomeres (19.5 ± 2.3% and 27.1 ± 1.8%, respectively; p=0.017). Combined, these results suggest that the loss of tension associated with stretch-induced damage can occur in the absence of sarcomere overextension and that sarcomere overextension limits rather than causes stretch-induced tension loss.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the Z-disc of the rabbit psoas muscle was elucidated by electron microscopy using negative staining technique. Conclusions summarized from this work are as follow: (a) Z-disc involves two layers of Z-filaments, i.e. connecting filaments, which bind thin filaments of adjacent I-discs in the Z-line region. These layers are spaced about 380 A apart. (b) Z-filaments measure 380 A X 30 A. (c) The angle between the connecting filaments and the thin filaments depends on ionic conditions and varies from 20 degrees to 90 degrees. (d) We conclude that alpha-actinin is a structural component of Z-filaments, since dimensions of Z-filaments and their interaction with thin filaments are similar to those of alpha-actinin.  相似文献   

Collins and Edwards (1971, Am. J. Physiol., 221:1130-1133) have shown that a tissue potential can be measured with microelectrodes in glycerinated muscle and that this potential is consistent with a Donnan equilibrium of small ions due to the concentration of net fixed electric charge on the contractile proteins. This approach has been combined with x-ray and light diffraction measurements of the muscle lattice dimensions, and the data are used to determine the thick filament charge and thin filament charge under a variety of different conditions. The thick filament charge is a function of the bathing solution, in particular its pH and ionic composition. These parameters are important in determining the volume of the equilibrium lattice and possibly are involved in the contraction mechanism itself.  相似文献   

The relaxing effect of vanadate on active contractile system is found to be completely absent from rigor skinned fibres with ADP even on their stretching up to the forces comparable with the active ones, though vanadate is likely to bind not very firmly with crossbridges not containing inorganic phosphate. Probable reasons of such distinction are considered. The complex actomyosin-ADP in the rigor fibres is supposed to have significantly lower free energy independently of its deformation than the one of the same composition in the active ones. Possible role of different actomyosin-ADP states in the mechanochemical cycle of crossbridge is discussed.  相似文献   

Fibre bundles of glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle about 0.5-1.0 mm thick were incubated in 5 mM tris-(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane (Tris), pH 8.0 for 5-20 hours at 4 degrees C. This treatment leads to selective removal of some proteins in the M-bands and H-zones of sarcomeres. Effects of extraction were analyzed on the basis of electron micrographs of longitudinal sections of muscle specimens, gel electrophoresis patterns of myofibrils and of the extracts, and measurements of the creatine kinase activity of myofibrils. In the X-ray diffraction patterns of the fibre bundles subjected to prolonged extraction a drastic decrease in the intensity of "442 A" and "223 A" meridional reflections and a considerably smaller decrease in the intensity of "212 A" meridional reflections were observed. The "147 A" meridional reflection remains practically unchanged. It was concluded that: (1) The reflections "442 A" and "223 A" were contributed mainly by diffraction on the minor proteins located in the central part of the thick filaments in between the C-zones. This is contrary to the widely accepted viewpoint according to which the appearance of "442 A" reflection is caused only by the C-protein component of the thick filaments. (2) The "147 A" meridional reflection is contributed mainly by C-protein and light meromyosin of the thick filaments.  相似文献   

Binding and location of AMP deaminase in rabbit psoas muscle myofibrils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is shown that an interaction exists between AMP deaminase (EC and myofibrils that is sufficiently strong (Kd congruent to 10(-10) M) for more than 99% of the binding sites for the enzyme to be filled in vivo. The binding is not strong enough, however, to stop removal of the enzyme during the extensive washing normally used in the preparation of myofibrils. Fluorescent antibodies to the enzyme label myofibrils close to the junction of the A- and I-bands. The invariance of the position of the antibody stripes at this site, over a range of sarcomere lengths, indicates that the enzyme is attached to the A-band. The intensity of the fluorescence declines in parallel with dissociation of the enzyme. In this muscle, the number of AMP deaminase binding sites per thick filament is approximately six, suggesting that the enzyme is located at a single axial position in each half A-band. Electron microscopy of negatively stained, antibody-labelled myofibrils reveals the distance between the AMP deaminase sites at opposite ends of an A-band to be 1.69(+/- 0.02 micron). Since the length of the A-band is 1.57 micron, the binding site for the enzyme must be significantly beyond where thick filaments have previously been thought to end.  相似文献   

The isometric tension of single fibers isolated from glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle was measured at various temperatures using Mg-ITP as a substrate. The tension developed in Mg-ITP decreased linearly as the temperature was reduced from 24 degrees C to 4 degrees C. Myosin formed the myosin--product complex predominantly via ATP hydrolysis at the burst site during Mg-ATP hydrolysis, irrespective of temperature, and the tension developed in Mg-ATP decreased linearly as the temperature decreased (Yoshida and Tawada (1976) J. Biochem. 80, 861). During Mg-ITP hydrolysis, myosin forms the myosin*-product complex predominantly at the burst site above 20 degrees C, while myosin forms the myosin*-substrate complex below 8 degrees C (Hozumi (1976) Eur. J. Biochem. 63, 241). However, the temperature dependence of tension development in Mg-ITP is linear, as with Mg-ATP, as mentioned above. This temperature dependence is not compatible with some muscle models which assume the formation of the myosin*-product complex by cross-bridges prior to combination with actin during contraction.  相似文献   

Direct measurements were made of the Ca distribution within sarcomeres of glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle fibers in rigor using electron probe x-ray microanalysis. Both analogue raster analysis and digital x-ray imaging were used to quantitate the Ca distribution along thick and thin filaments as a function of the concentration of free Ca2+. Even when corrected for the estimated contribution of Ca bound to thick filaments, the Ca measured in the region of overlap between thick and thin filaments significantly exceeded the Ca in the I-band at subsaturating concentrations of free Ca2+. At saturating levels of free Ca2+, the excess Ca in the overlap region was diminished but still statistically significant. The data thus suggest that the formation of rigor linkages exerts multiple effects on the binding of Ca2+ to thin filaments in the overlap region by increasing the affinity of troponin C for Ca2+ and possibly by unmasking additional Ca2+ binding sites. The data also show that the cooperativity invested in the thin filaments is insufficient to permit the effects of rigor cross-bridge formation on Ca2+ binding to propagate far along the thin filaments into the I-band.  相似文献   

Rabbit papillary muscles were ultrarapidly frozen, fractured, deep-etched, and rotary shadowed. These techniques revealed the interstitial space where the complex network of fine microthreads that connect myocytes to each other and to collagen fibrils can be seen in a three-dimensional array similar to scanning electron micrographs but at a resolution attainable in freeze-fracture microscopy.  相似文献   

Y Zhao  M Kawai 《Biophysical journal》1994,67(4):1655-1668
The effect of temperature on elementary steps of the cross-bridge cycle was investigated with sinusoidal analysis technique in skinned rabbit psoas fibers. We studied the effect of MgATP on exponential process (C) to characterize the MgATP binding step and cross-bridge detachment step at six different temperatures in the range 5-30 degrees C. Similarly, we studied the effect of MgADP on exponential process (C) to characterize the MgADP binding step. We also studied the effect of phosphate (Pi) on exponential process (B) to characterize the force generation step and Pi-release step. From the results of these studies, we deduced the temperature dependence of the kinetic constants of the elementary steps and their thermodynamic properties. We found that the MgADP association constant (K0) and the MgATP association constant (K1) significantly decreased when the temperature was increased from 5 to 20 degrees C, implying that nucleotide binding became weaker at higher temperatures. K0 and K1 did not change much in the 20-30 degree C range. The association constant of Pi to cross-bridges (K5) did not change much with temperature. We found that Q10 for the cross-bridge detachment step (k2) was 2.6, and for its reversal step (k-2) was 3.0. We found that Q10 for the force generation step (Pi-isomerization step, k4) was 6.8, and its reversal step (k-4) was 1.6. The equilibrium constant of the detachment step (K2) was not affected much by temperature, whereas the equilibrium constant of the force generation step (K4) increased significantly with temperature increase. Thus, the force generation step consists of an endothermic reaction. The rate constant of the rate-limiting step (k6) did not change much with temperature, whereas the ATP hydrolysis rate increased significantly with temperature increase. We found that the force generation step accompanies a large entropy increase and a small free energy change; hence, this step is an entropy-driven reaction. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that the hydrophobic interaction between residues of actin and myosin underlies the mechanism of force generation. We conclude that the force generation step is the most temperature-sensitive step among elementary steps of the cross-bridge cycle, which explains increased isometric tension at high temperatures in rabbit psoas fibers.  相似文献   

S Malinchik  S Xu    L C Yu 《Biophysical journal》1997,73(5):2304-2312
By using synchrotron radiation and an imaging plate for recording diffraction patterns, we have obtained high-resolution x-ray patterns from relaxed rabbit psoas muscle at temperatures ranging from 1 degree C to 30 degrees C. This allowed us to obtain intensity profiles of the first six myosin layer lines and apply a model-building approach for structural analysis. At temperatures 20 degrees C and higher, the layer lines are sharp with clearly defined maxima. Modeling based on the data obtained at 20 degrees C reveals that the average center of the cross-bridges is at 135 A from the center of the thick filament and both of the myosin heads appear to wrap around the backbone. At 10 degrees C and lower, the layer lines become very weak and diffuse scattering increases considerably. At 4 degrees C, the peak of the first layer line shifts toward the meridian from 0.0047 to 0.0038 A(-1) and decreases in intensity approximately by a factor of four compared to that at 20 degrees C, although the intensities of higher-order layer lines remain approximately 10-15% of the first layer line. Our modeling suggests that as the temperature is lowered from 20 degrees C to 4 degrees C the center of cross-bridges extends radially away from the center of the filament (135 A to 175 A). Furthermore, the fraction of helically ordered cross-bridges decreases at least by a factor of two, while the isotropic disorder (the temperature factor) remains approximately unchanged. Our results on the order/disordering effects of temperature are in general agreement with earlier results of Wray [Wray, J. 1987. Structure of relaxed myosin filaments in relation to nucleotide state in vertebrate skeletal muscle. J. Muscle Res. Cell Motil. 8:62a (Abstr.)] and Lowy et al. (Lowy, J., D. Popp, and A. A. Stewart. 1991. X-ray studies of order-disorder transitions in the myosin heads of skinned rabbit psoas muscles. Biophys. J. 60:812-824). and support Poulsen and Lowy's hypothesis of coexistence of ordered and disordered cross-bridge populations in muscle (Poulsen, F. R., and J. Lowy. 1983. Small angle scattering from myosin heads in relaxed and rigor frog skeletal muscle. Nature (Lond.). 303:146-152.). However, our results added new insights into the disordered population. Present modeling together with data analysis (Xu, S., S. Malinchik, Th. Kraft, B. Brenner, and L. C. Yu. 1997. X-ray diffraction studies of cross-bridges weakly bound to actin in relaxed skinned fibers of rabbit psoas muscle. Biophys. J. 73:000-000) indicate that in a relaxed muscle, cross-bridges are distributed in three populations: those that are ordered on the thick filament helix and those that are disordered; and within the disordered population, some cross-bridges are detached and some are weakly attached to actin. One critical conclusion of the present study is that the apparent order <--> disorder transition as a function of temperature is not due to an increase/decrease in thermal motion (temperature factor) for the entire population, but a redistribution of cross-bridges among the three populations. Changing the temperature leads to a change in the fraction of cross-bridges located on the helix, while changing the ionic strength at a given temperature affects the disordered population leading to a change in the relative fraction of cross-bridges detached from and weakly attached to actin. Since the redistribution is reversible, we suggest that there is an equilibrium among the three populations of cross-bridges.  相似文献   

Copulatory organs of eight species of the monophyletic taxon Childia were investigated in detail, using phalloidin fluorescence method and confocal microscopy. Childia species were shown to have one, two or several tubular stylets, conical to cylindrical in shape, composed of few to numerous needles. The musculature varied greatly, from the absence of seminal vesicle to extensively developed seminal vesicles with several additional types of specialized muscles. Ten copulatory organ characters were coded and mapped on the total evidence tree. The data obtained permitted to follow the evolution of the Childia stylet and to demonstrate that the structure of the stylet apparatus is largely consistent with the phylogeny of the group (CI=0.75). Possible function of different muscle specializations was discussed.  相似文献   

A method developed to study the effect of increased hydrostatic pressure on the isometric tension of a single muscle fibre is described and experiments done at room temperature (18-22 degrees C) on glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle fibres are presented. Increase of pressure (range 1-10 MPa) caused little change in tension transducer response when a muscle fibre was relaxed. However, there was a reversible depression of isometric tension with an increase of pressure when a fibre was maximally calcium-activated or in rigor; the depression was around 15% for active tension and 30% for rigor tension, for an increase of pressure of 10 MPa (ca. 100 atm).  相似文献   

The density distribution associated with two characteristic equatorial reflections of the X-ray diagram indicates a movement of myosin cross-bridge towards the lattice position occupied by the actin. The extent of this mass transfer depends on the concentrations of ATP and Ca++ in the medium. As cross-bridges are still moving away from the myosin filament backbone in fibres stretched to a sarcomere length where the two sets of filaments no longer overlap, simply on adding low levels of Ca++ ions, this suggests a Ca++-sensitive regulatory system on the myosin.  相似文献   

The pattern of muscles in the actively swimming predatory rotifer Asplanchnopus multiceps is revealed by staining with tetramethyl-rhodamine isothiocyanate (TRITC)-labelled phalloidin and confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). The major components of the musculature are: prominent semicircular muscles of the corona; paired lateral, dorsal and ventral retractors in the trunk; a network of six seemingly complete circular muscles and anastomosing longitudinal muscles in the trunk; two short foot retractors, originating from a transverse muscle in the lower third of the trunk. The sphincter of the corona marks the boundary between the head and the trunk. The muscular patterns in rotifers with different lifestyles differ clearly, therefore, the muscular patterns seem to be determined by the mode of locomotion and feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

By means of electron microscopy the longitudinal sections of chemically skinned fibres of rigorised rabbit psoas muscle have been examined at pH of rigorising solutions equal to 6, 7, 8 (I = 0.125) and ionic strengths equal to 0.04, 0.125, 0.34 (pH 7.0). It has been revealed that at pH 6.0 the bands of minor proteins localization in A-disks were seen very distinctly, while at pH 7.0 and I = 0.125 these bands can be revealed only by means of antibody labelling technique. At the ionic strength of 0.34 (pH 7.0) the periodicity of 14.3 nm in thick filaments was clearly observed, which was determined by packing of the myosin rods into the filament shaft and of the myosin heads (cross-bridges) on the filament surface. The number of cross-bridge rows in the filament equals 102. A new scheme of myosin cross-bridge distribution in thick filaments of rabbit psoas muscle has been suggested according to which two rows of cross-bridges at each end of a thick filament are absent. The filament length equals 1.64 +/- 0.01 micron. It has been shown that the length of thick filament as well as the structural organization of their end regions in rabbit psoas muscle and frog sartorius one are different.  相似文献   

Franklin Fuchs  Charles Fox 《BBA》1982,679(1):110-115
A simple double-isotope procedure has been developed for making simultaneous measurements of bound Ca2+ and relative force in glycerinated rabbit psoas bundles containing two fibers. With this preparation it is possible to study Ca2+-troponin interactions coincident with MgATP-induced force development. Over the free [Ca2+] range 6 · 10?8–1.2 · 10?5 M the bound Ca2+ varied from 0.25 to 1.65 μmol/g protein. The free [Ca2+] at half-maximal Ca2+ saturation was 2 · 10?7 M while that a half-maximal force was 5 · 10?7 M. Half-maximal Ca2+ saturation was associated with 20% maximal force. The force-[Ca2+] saturation curve showed a steep rise in slope at greater than half saturation. The observed relationship was consistent with a model in which multiple occupancy of troponin Ca2+-binding sites is essential for initiation of cross-bridge cycling.  相似文献   

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