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A new species of the xylomyid genus Solva Walker, 1859, S. richterae N. Krivosheina sp. n., is described from Sumatra. Larvae were found in decaying wood. The only reared female is characterized by the following combination of characters: black body with yellow humeral spots, wide yellow band along notopleural suture, yellow scutellum, coppery-reddish dense hairs on frons including area in front of antennae, and black hind trochanter. The larval morphology of the new species is typical of the representatives of Solva.  相似文献   

Chablisea concave sp. n. and C. Varicolor sp. n. from China are described and illustrated. A key to the world species of the genus is provided. Type specimens are deposited in the Parasitic Hymenoptera Collection of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China (ZJUH).  相似文献   

Two new species of the pyralid genus Pyrausta Schrank, 1802, P. anastasia Shodotova, sp. n. from southern Siberia and P. alexandra Shodotova, sp. n. from the Transcaucasia, are described. P. anastasia sp. n. is very similar to P. chrysitis (Butler, 1881) in coloration and the wing pattern, but differs in the darker brown fore wings, a wider pale yellow band on the hind wing, and the structure of the aedeagus. P. alexandra sp. n. is very similar to P. falcatalis (Guenée, 1854) in coloration and the wing pattern, but differs in the darker brown wings, in the number of pale yellow spots on the fore and hind wings, and in the structure of the male and female genitalia. The holotypes and paratypes of both species are deposited in the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg).  相似文献   

The genus Tambja previously included 24 described species. Fournew species, T. tentaculata n. sp., T. gabrielae n. sp., T.zulu n. sp. and Tambja victoriae n. sp., from the Indo-Pacificare described. Tambja tentaculata n. sp., from Guam, is theonly known species in the genus with well developed, dorsolaterallygrooved, oral tentacles. Its inner lateral teeth have a bifidinner cusp with two long, sharp denticles. The oral tentaclesof T. tentaculata are more typical of Roboastra species, whilethe shape of the inner lateral teeth is more typical of Tambja.Nevertheless, the arrangement of the two cusps of the innerlateral teeth and the presence of a rachidian tooth withoutdenticles and with a central notch at the anterior edge, typicalof the species of the genus Tambja, suggest the placement withinthis genus. Tambja gabrielae n. sp., from Indonesia and PapuaNew Guinea, has dark green to dark brown ground colour withbright yellow patches scattered on the body. Tambja zulu n.sp. from Durban, South Africa, is characterized by a black groundcolour with slender yellow longitudinal lines. Tambja victoriaen. sp. is a new species from Papua New Guinea and Australiathat has frequently been misidentified as Roboastra arika, characterizedby its blue body colour and yellow lines. The four species aredistinguishable based on differences in body coloration, ofcharacters of the radula and of the reproductive system. Anoverview on distinguishing features of all known Indo-PacificTambja species is presented. (Received 21 June 2004; accepted 20 January 2005)  相似文献   

郑哲民  曾慧花  欧晓红 《昆虫学报》2010,53(10):1153-1156
本文记述中国郑蚱属Zhengitettix昆虫6种, 包括采自云南的1新种, 即三角郑蚱Zhengitettix triangularis sp. nov. 此新种近似于海南郑蚱Z. hainanensis Liang, 1994, 但主要区别为: 颜面隆起纵沟的宽度等于触角基节的宽度; 触角着生于复眼下缘之间; 后突到达后足胫节顶端1/3处; 后翅超过后突顶端; 后足胫节黑色。并附有郑蚱属分种检索表和地区分布。模式标本分别保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室及西南林业大学云南森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室。  相似文献   

A new genus, Tiaobeinia n. gen., and two new species, T. bisubula n. sp. and T. emeiensis n. sp., breeding on bamboo in Southwest China, are described and illustrated. Based on the nature of the face, the apical veins of forewing and hindwing, the hind femur macrosetal formula, the valve, the subgenital plate, and the style, this genus should belong to the subfamily Mukariinae. The related genus Ratfronta Chen & Li 1997, placed previously in subfamily Nirvaninae, is noted in the present paper. A new combination, F. grandis (Ishihara 1961) n. comb., transferred from the genus Mohunia Distant, is proposed. Keys to the species of the new genus Tiaobeinia and the genus Flatfronta are provided. The importance of those groups as pests on bamboo is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

记述中国带斑叶蜂属Emphytopsis Wei & Nie 1新种:斑唇带斑叶蜂Emphytopsis maculoclypea Wei sp. nov.。该新种与刻胸带斑叶蜂E. punctata Wei & Nie, 1998以及单带带斑叶蜂E. unimaculata Wei, 2011近似,但新种的唇基端部、后眶后缘黑色;中胸前侧片上部和中后足基节腹侧具显著黑斑;单眼后区平坦,不高于上眶;单眼后区侧沟十分微弱;锯腹片中部锯节的纹孔线下域高宽比约等于1.8(后两种唇基、后眶后缘、中胸前侧片上部和中后足基节腹侧均无黑斑;单眼后区稍隆起,明显高于上眶;单眼后区侧沟显著;锯腹片中部锯节的纹孔线下域高宽比约等于1.4)。文中还编制了带斑叶蜂属世界已知种检索表。  相似文献   

A second species of the genus Sciaphyes Jeannel is reported from Japan. The new species, S. kawaharai sp. n., can be easily distinguished from other Japanese Cholevine by the lack of eyes and hind wings. S. kawaharai sp. n. was collected in the nests of lesser white-toothed Shrew, Crocidura suaveolens (Pallas 1811) (Insectivora: Soricidae), therefore its habitat is pholeophile.  相似文献   

记述采自云南省突眼蚱属 1 新种,即龙陵突眼蚱 Ergatettix longlingensis sp. nov.。该新种近似于拟齿股突眼蚱。主要区别为:1)触角着生于复眼下缘之下;2)前胸背板沟前区侧隆线略收缩;3)前胸背板后突到达后足股节顶端;4)后翅到达后突顶端;5)后足股节上侧中隆线具二叶状突;6)后足股节下侧外面非黑色;7)后足胫节暗褐色。文中附有中国突眼蚱属分种检索表。模式标本现保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

An illustrated catalogue is given of the family Ratardidae in the world fauna which includes 10 species from 3 genera. A new species, Callosiope elenae Yakovlev sp. n., is described from Lampang Province, Thailand. Externally, the new species differs well from the type species of the genus, C. banghaasi. The fore wing of C. elenae sp. n. has a pattern of alternating wide black bands against pure white background (in C. banghaasi, the fore wing is strongly darkened, without bands). The hind wing of C. elenae sp. n. shows a pattern of large dropshaped black smears at the wing edge and a more or less expressed spotted pattern in the discal and postdiscal areas (in C. banghaasi, the hind wing is completely black, with no pattern). A new synonymy: Ratarda marmorata Moore, 1879 = Ratarda guttifera Hering, 1925 syn. n. and a new status: Ratarda mora javanica Roepke, 1937 stat. n., are established. Ratarda excellens (Strand, 1917) is recorded in the fauna of Thailand for the first time.  相似文献   

Coccophagus brachypterus sp. n. is described from Malaysia. The new species differs from the closely related C. silvestrii Compere in the black hind femur and blackish largest part of hind tibia. The new species is also characterized by shortened fore wings with the apices not reaching the abdominal apex.  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Pseudorchestes Bedel are described. Pseudorchestes olgae sp. n. known only from the Dzhanybek Research Station is similar to Ps. abdurakhmanovi Korotyaev, 1993 from Daghestan and Southwestern Kazakhstan but differs in the narrower frons, sparse white scales on the frons and on the underside of the head, longer and narrower antennal club, less strongly curved hind tibia, and larger size. Pseudorchestes tschernovi sp. n. from the Lower Volga River basin, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan differs from all the known congeners, except for Ps. convexus sp. n. from the Trans-Altai Gobi (Mongolia), in the strongly reduced wings which are only half as long as the elytra, and from the latter species, in the longer rostrum, paler antennae and legs, wide and apically excised scales on the elytra, and in the antennal club short and ovate in both sexes and lacking dense velvety pubescence in the male.  相似文献   

记述新疆蝗属1新种,黄胫新疆蝗Xinjiangacris flavitibis sp. nov.。新种近似于红胫新疆蝗Xinjiangacris rufitibisZheng,1993,但区别于后者为:前翅超过后足股节顶端;肘脉域宽为中脉域宽的3倍:后足股节下侧黄色后足胫节黄褐色。模式模本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

The genus Stephanus Jurine (in Panzer) is newly recorded from Japan and is represented by a new species. S. anijimensis sp. nov. from Anijima Island of the Ogasawara Islands. This species resembles S. tridentatus van Achterberg & Yang from the Oriental part of China, but can be distinguished by the combination of following characters: pronotum with a cavity under pronotal fold (cavity absent in S. tridentatus); hind femur comparatively slender, 4.8–5.1 times as long as maximum width (about 4.1 times in S. tridentatus); apical 0.5 of hind femur black or blackish‐brown (more or less yellowish in S. tridentatus). This new species was not found from other islands of the Ogasawara Islands, in which fauna is being severely endangered mainly due to predation by the introduced green anoles. Recently, it was introduced into Anijima Island in March 2013 and thus the extinction risk of this species is very high on this island.  相似文献   

A new genus and new species of mantidflies, Doratomantispa burmanica n. gen., n. sp. (Neuroptera: Mantispidae), is described from Burmese amber. Diagnostic characters of the new genus are small body size, trichosors present around entire wing margin except basally, protarsus 5-segmented with paired, simple claws but no aroleum, profemur bearing six cuticular spines, inner surface of protibia with row of peg-like protrusions, Sc meets R1 in region of pterostigma, costal space greatly narrows toward wing apex, with 16 veinlets in costal space on front wing while costal veinlets on hind wing are replaced by trichosors and CuP absent in hind wing. The abdomen of the mantidfly is filled with large spheres resulting from a possible rickettsial infection. Phoretic heterostigmatid mites are adjacent to the wings of the fossil.  相似文献   

系统研究了龙州蝗属,共记述10种,其中包括1新种,即贵州龙州蝗Longzhouacris guizhouensis sp.nov.,该新种近似于斑角龙州蝗L.annulicornis Lu,LiYou,2000,主要区别为:1)前胸背板沟前区长为沟后区长的2.16倍;2)前翅到达第3腹节背板中部;3)后足跗节爪间中垫长为爪长的1.5倍;4)雄性尾片三角形,顶尖;5)触角基半黄褐色,端半暗褐色;6)前翅前半黑褐色,后半淡褐色;7)后足胫节黄绿色。文中附有分种检索表。新种的模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述采自中国海南省的长吻蚜蝇属Lycastris 1新种:黄盾长吻蚜蝇L. flaviscutatis, sp. nov..新种模式标本保存于陕西理工学院陕西省资源生物重点实验室.  相似文献   

A new monotypical genus with a new species, Phormotegus lenociniosus gen. et sp. n., is described from Argentina. The new genus is closely related to the genera Taosa Distant and Brachytaosa Muir, but differs from them in the reticulate venation of the submacropterous fore wings with outcurved apices and in the unique position of the hind wings projecting laterally from the apices of the fore wings.  相似文献   

A complex of about 40 Palaearctic species of the genus Campodorus with long haired ovipositor sheath and with entirely rufous or white-banded hind tibia is considered and keyed. Twenty-one new species are described. The species with the pale rufous hind tibia have black hind coxa and trochanters, most of them also have rather long genae and scabrous mesopleura. The majority of these species are distributed in subarctic Siberia: C. yakutator sp. n., C. minutor sp. n., C. arctor sp. n., C. atripes sp. n., C. pequenitor sp. n., C. mordax sp. n., C. lucidator sp. n., C. subarctor sp. n., C. nikandrovskii sp. n., and C. genator sp. n. C. suomi sp. n. is described from northern Finland, C. labytnangi sp. n., from Kola Peninsula, the Polar Ural, and Transbaikalia, and only C. gallicator sp. n., from France (? Alps). The species with a white band on the hind tibia are mostly boreal; most of them have red coxae and trochanters (except for C. sakhalinator sp. n. and C. taigator sp. n.), rather short genae, and granulate mesopleura. In this group, eight new species are described: C. atrofemorator sp. n., C. barbator sp. n., C. sakhalinator sp. n. (all from the southern part of the Russian Far East), C. taigator sp. n. (southern Siberian), C. ciliator sp. n., C. melanopygus sp. n., C. marginator sp. n., and C. boreator sp. n. (European-Siberian).  相似文献   

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