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Ferritin, an iron storage protein, has been purified from the last larval hemolymph of Protaetia brevitarsis (coleoptera) by KBr density gradient ultracentrifugation and resource Q (anion exchange chromatography) using fast performance liquid chromatography (FPLC) system. The iron content of ferritin was determined by atomic emission spectroscopy and FereneS stain. Ferritin of P. brevitarsis is shown to have two different subunits presented on a SDSPAGE in normal (N) and ironinjected (I) hemolymph. SDS PAGE revealed that the ferritin consists of two major polypeptides of 27 and 28 kDa in normal hemolymph. Interestingly, however, 30 kDa subunit was substituted for 28 kDa when iron was injected into the hemolymph. Apporximate isoelectric points of 27 kDa, 28 kDa, and 30 kDa ferritin subunits were 6.7, 6.75, and 6.8, respectively. Ferritin of P. brevitarsis was detected by FereneS stain and confirmed by Western blotting using its polyclonal antibody. Other characteristics such as amino acid composition and Nterminal amino acid sequence were investigated. Amino acid composition of ferritin (N and I) was rich in alanine, glycine, glutamine or glutamic acid and serine, but poor in histidine, arginine, methionine and phenylalanine.  相似文献   

Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis (Kolbe) has been temporarily registered as a food material by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of Korea (MFDS). The current study aimed to discover small antithrombotic molecules from this edible insect. Five indole alkaloids, 5‐hydroxyindolin‐2‐one ( 1 ), (1R,3S)‐1‐methyl‐1,2,3,4‐tetrahydro‐β‐carboline‐3‐carboxylic acid ( 2 ), (1S,3S)‐1‐methyl‐1,2,3,4‐tetrahydro‐β‐carboline‐3‐carboxylic acid ( 3 ), (3S)‐1,2,3,4‐tetrahydro‐β‐carboline‐3‐carboxylic acid ( 4 ) and L‐tryptophan ( 5 ), were isolated from the insect. Among them, compounds 1 and 2 prolonged aPTT and PT and impaired thrombin and FXa generation on HUVEC surface. Moreover, these compounds inhibited platelet aggregation. Antithrombotic effects of compounds 1 and 2 were further confirmed in pre‐clinical models of pulmonary embolism and arterial thrombosis. Collectively, these results demonstrated that compounds 1 and 2 could be effective antithrombotic agents and serve as new scaffolds for the development of antithrombotic drug.  相似文献   

The Venezuelan scorpion Tityus discrepans is known to cause human fatalities. We describe the first complete proteomic analysis of its venom. By HPLC 58 different fractions were obtained and 205 different components were identified by MS analysis. Components having molecular masses from 272 to 57 908 amu were found. Forty homogeneous components had their N-terminal amino acid sequence determined by Edman degradation, from which two new peptides named TdK2 and TdK3 (meaning T. discrepans (Td) K(+) channel toxins 2 and 3) were fully characterized. The first contains 34 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 3451 amu, and the second has 36 amino acids with 3832 amu. Both peptides are tightly bound by three disulfide bridges. TdK2 was shown to block reversibly the Shaker B K(+)-channel expressed heterologously in Sf9 cells. The systematic number assigned to TdK2 is alpha-KTx-18.2 and that of TdK3 is alpha-KTx-18.3. Comparative analysis of the amino acid sequences found suggests that this venom contains peptides highly similar to those that block K(+) channels, as well as those that modify the gating mechanisms of Na(+) channels, found in other scorpions. Additionally, peptides similar to defensins were also identified.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of mouse liver NAD(P)H:quinone acceptor oxidoreductase (EC has been determined by tandem mass spectrometry and deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the cDNA encoding for the enzyme. The electrospray mass spectral analyses revealed, as previously reported (Prochaska HJ, Talalay P, 1986, J Biol Chem 261:1372-1378), that the 2 forms--the hydrophilic and hydrophobic forms--of the mouse liver quinone reductase have the same molecular weight. No amino acid sequence differences were found by tandem mass spectral analyses of tryptic peptides of the 2 forms. Moreover, the amino-termini of the mouse enzymes are acetylated as determined by tandem mass spectrometry. Further, only 1 cDNA species encoding for the quinone reductase was found. These results suggest that the 2 forms of the mouse quinone reductase have the same primary sequences, and that any difference between the 2 forms may be attributed to a labile posttranslational modification. Analysis of the mouse quinone reductase cDNA revealed that the enzyme is 273 amino acids long and has a sequence homologous to those of rat and human quinone reductases. In this study, the mouse quinone reductase cDNA was also ligated into a prokaryotic expression plasmid pKK233.2, and the constructed plasmid was used to transform Escherichia coli strain JM109. The E. coli-expressed mouse quinone reductase was purified and characterized. Although mouse quinone reductase has an amino acid sequence similar to those of the rat and human enzymes, the mouse enzyme has a higher NAD(P)H-menadione reductase activity and is less sensitive to flavones and dicoumarol, 2 known inhibitors of the enzyme.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

圆弧青霉碱性脂肪酶的分离纯化和特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
圆弧青霉突变株PG37 发酵液经离心、硫酸铵盐析、疏水层析、阴离子交换层析和凝胶过滤分离纯化得到了比活性为每毫克蛋白质5 200 u 的碱性脂肪酶, 纯化倍数16 .5 , 得率33.2% , 在聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)和SDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDSPAGE)上均呈现单一蛋白质条带。SDSPAGE 和凝胶过滤分别测得酶的分子量为27.5 kD和29 kD, 表明该酶以单体形式存在。N末端10 个氨基酸的序列测定结果为ATADAAAFPD, 与已知的碱性脂肪酶的N 末端序列没有同源性。酶学特性研究结果表明, 该酶的最适作用温度为25 ℃, 在30 ℃以下稳定,40 ℃处理20 min 仅残留30 % 酶活性;pH 稳定范围在6.5~10.5 , 最适pH 为10 .0 。低浓度的碱性蛋白酶对PG37 碱性脂肪酶活性的影响较小, 可同时添加在洗涤剂中。  相似文献   

Lactobacillus plantarum BM‐1 isolated from a traditionally fermented Chinese meat product was found to produce a novel bacteriocin that is active against a wide range of gram‐positive and gram‐negative bacteria. Production of the bacteriocin BM‐1 started early in the exponential phase and its maximum activity (5120 AU/mL) was recorded early during the stationary phase (16 hr). Bacteriocin BM‐1 is sensitive to proteolytic enzymes but stable in the pH range of 2.0–10.0 and heat‐resistant (15 min at 121°C). This bacteriocin was purified through pH‐mediated cell adsorption–desorption and cation‐exchange chromatography on an SP Sepharose Fast Flow column. The molecular weight of the purified bacteriocin BM‐1 was determined to be 4638.142 Da by electrospray ionization Fourier transform mass spectrometry. Furthermore, the N‐terminal amino acid sequence was obtained through automated Edman degradation and found to comprise the following 15 amino acid residues: H2N‐Lys‐Tyr‐Tyr‐Gly‐Asn‐Gly‐Val‐Tyr‐Val‐Gly‐Lys‐His‐Ser‐Cys‐Ser. Comparison of this sequence with that of other bacteriocins revealed that bacteriocin BM‐1 contains the consensus YGNGV amino acid motif near the N‐terminus. Based on its physicochemical characteristics, molecular weight, and N‐terminal amino acid sequence, plantaricin BM‐1 is a novel class IIa bacteriocin.  相似文献   

Two keratin-like proteins of 64 and 55 ku were purified from suspension cells of Daucus carota L.,and their partial amino acid sequences were determined.The homological analysis showed that the sequence from the 64 ku protein was highly homological to b -glucosidase,and that from the 55 ku protein had no significant homologue in GenBank.Using conservative sequence of animal IF proteins as primer,we cloned a cDNA fragment from Daucus carota L.Southern blot and Northern blot results indicated that this cDNA fragment was a single copy gene and expressed both in suspension cells and leaves.Homological analysis revealed that it had moderate homology to a variety of a -helical proteins.Our results might shed more light on molecular characterization of IF existence in higher plant.  相似文献   

Two keratin-like proteins of 64 and 55 ku were purified from suspension cells of Caucus carota L, and their partial amino acid sequences were determined. The homological analysis showed that the sequence from the 64 ku protein was highly homological to p-glucosidase, and that from the 55 ku protein had no significant homologue in GenBank. Using conservative sequence of animal IF proteins as primer, we cloned a cDNA fragment from Daucus carota L. Southern blot and Northern blot results indicated that this cDNA fragment was a single copy gene and expressed both in suspension cells and leaves. Homological analysis revealed that it had moderate homology to a variety of a-helical proteins. Our results might shed more light on molecular characterization of IF existence in higher plant.  相似文献   

Rhodocetin is a novel C-type lectin-related protein (CLP) purified from the venom of Calloselasma rhodostoma. Thus far, it is the only reported CLP whose and subunits are not linked by an interdisulfide bond. We report here the isolation of a variant of rhodocetin from a different source of venom. This variant of rhodocetin exhibited a different elution profile in reverse-phase HPLC as compared to the rhodocetin reported in our original publication [Wang et al., (1999), Biochemistry 38, 7584–7593]. Specifically, the subunit of the variant was eluted at a considerably lower percentage of acetonitrile, which suggested a less hydrophobic polypeptide chain as compared to the original rhodocetin. Using a combination of microcharacterization techniques such as peptide mapping, mass spectrometry, and amino acid sequencing, we identified an amino acid substitution, I63K, in the polypeptide chain that could account for the difference in elution behavior of the subunit. In addition, we also found a conserved E88D substitution in the chain which was not apparent during reverse-phase HPLC. However, neither of these substitutions resulted in the alteration of the functional properties of the rhodocetin variant.  相似文献   

Solid phase synthesis of BH4, the 26 amino-acid domain (6RTGYDNREIVMKYIHYKLSQRGYEWD31) of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein has been accomplished using Fmoc chemistry. The use of peculiar cleavage conditions provided high yields after purification such that tens to hundreds of mg could be obtained. A 15N-labelled version of the peptide could also be synthesized for NMR studies in membranes. The peptide purity was not lower than 98% as controlled by UV and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. The secondary structure was determined in water, trifluoroethanol (TFE) and in lipid membrane using UV circular dichroism. The peptide shows dominant beta-sheeted structures in water that convert progressively into alpha-helical features upon addition of TFE or membrane. The amphipathic character of the helix suggests that the peptide might have a structure akin to those of antimicrobial peptides upon interaction with membranes.  相似文献   

光滑鳖甲抗菌肽的原核表达条件优化及其抗菌活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】本研究旨在探索光滑鳖甲Anatolica polita borealis抗菌肽Ap AMP1015的最佳原核表达条件及其抗菌活性。【方法】利用生物信息学方法对得到的Ap AMP1015基因序列和蛋白结构进行分析,运用原核表达技术表达Trx A-Ap AMP1015融合蛋白,通过Western blot方法鉴定蛋白,并利用亲和层析的方法获得纯化的Trx A-Ap AMP1015融合蛋白,抑菌圈实验验证蛋白抗菌活性。【结果】克隆得到光滑鳖甲抗菌肽基因Ap AMP1015,其开放阅读框长387 bp,编码128个氨基酸,其中包含由19个氨基酸组成的信号肽和75个氨基酸组成的成熟肽。NCBI数据库同源序列比对结果显示该蛋白属Coleoptericin抗菌肽家族。确定了蛋白表达的最佳条件:0.1 mmol/L IPTG 150 r/min 25℃诱导4 h。肠激酶切割后的Ap AMP1015能够有效抑制大肠杆菌Escherichia coli的生长。【结论】克隆得到光滑鳖甲抗菌肽基因Ap AMP1015,获得了其编码蛋白的最优表达条件,研究发现Ap AMP1015能够有效抑制大肠杆菌的生长。本研究为光滑鳖甲抗菌肽Ap AMP1015的应用和进一步研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

鲢鱼轻酶解肌球蛋白的cDNA克隆及结构解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与栖息温度相关的鲢鱼两种轻酶解肌球蛋白重链(light meromyosin,LMM)同工型(低温型,sc-w;高温型,sc-s)的氨基酸序列解析结果表明:sc-w与sc-s在LMM的氨基酸序列上显示91.8%的同源性,但与已经报道的草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idella)低温型(gc10)有96.9%的...  相似文献   

A new antimicrobial peptide, cryptonin, was isolated and characterized from the adult Korean blackish cicada, Cryptotympana dubia. It consists of 24 amino acid residues and has a molecular weight of 2,704 Da on mass spectroscopy. The predicted alpha-helical structure analysis and increased helix percent in 40% trifloroethanol of cryptonin suggests that it belongs to the typical linear alpha-helix forming peptide. Binding of the biotin-labeled cryptonin at the surface of E. coli cells and increased influx of propidium iodide in E. coli after cryptonin treatment indicates that it kills microbial cells by binding bacterial cell surfaces and disrupting the cell permeability. Cryptonin showed strong antibacterial (MIC 1.56-25 microg/ml) and antifungal (MIC 3.12-50 microg/ml) activities against tested bacteria and fungi including two antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains; methicilin-resistant S. aureus and vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (MIC 25 microg/ml, each).  相似文献   

The tau protein plays an important role in some neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease (AD). Neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), a biological marker for AD, are aggregates of bundles of paired helical filaments (PHFs). In general, the alpha-sheet structure favors aberrant protein aggregates. However, some reports have shown that the alpha-helix structure is capable of triggering the formation of aberrant tau protein aggregates and PHFs have a high alpha-helix content. In addition, the third repeat fragment in the four-repeat microtubule-binding domain of the tau protein (residues 306-336: VQIVYKPVDLSKVTSKCGSLGNIHHKPGGGQ, according to the longest tau protein) adopts a helical structure in trifluoroethanol (TFE) and may be a self-assembly model in the tau protein. In the human brain, there is a very small quantity of copper, which performs an important function. In our study, by means of matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS), circular dichroism (CD), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, the binding properties of copper (II) ion to the R3 peptide derived from the third repeat fragment (residues 318-335: VTSKCGSLGNIHHKPGGG) have been investigated. The results show that copper ions bind to the R3 peptide. CD spectra, ultraviolet (UV)-visible absorption spectra, and MALDI-TOF MS show pH dependence and stoichiometry of Cu2+ binding. Furthermore, CD spectra and NMR spectroscopy elucidate the copper binding sites located in the R3 peptide. Finally, CD spectra reveal that the R3 peptide adopts a mixture structure of random structures, alpha-helices, and beta-turns in aqueous solutions at physiological pH. At pH 7.5, the addition of 0.25 mol eq of Cu2+ induces the conformational change from the mixture mentioned above to a monomeric helical structure, and a beta-sheet structure forms in the presence of 1 mol eq of Cu2+. As alpha-helix and beta-sheet structures are responsible for the formation of PHFs, it is hypothesized that Cu2+ is an inducer of self-assembly of the R3 peptide and makes the R3 peptide form a structure like PHF. Hence, it is postulated that Cu2+ plays an important role in the aggregation of the R3 peptide and tau protein and that copper (II) binding may be another possible involvement in AD.  相似文献   

Aims: To evaluate the potential use of MALDI-TOF MS for fast and reliable classification and identification of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from traditional fermented foods. Methods and Results: A total of 119 strains of LAB from fermented meat (nem chua) were analysed with both (GTG)(5) -PCR fingerprinting and MALDI-TOF MS. Cluster analysis of the profiles revealed five species represented by a single isolate both in (GTG)(5) -PCR and in MALDI-TOF MS; five species grouped alike for (GTG)(5) -PCR and for MALDI-TOF MS; however, differences in minimal similarity between the delineated (GTG)(5) -PCR and MALDI-TOF MS clusters could be observed; three species showed more heterogeneity in their MALDI-TOF MS profiles compared to their (GTG)(5) -PCR profiles; two species, each represented by a single MALDI-TOF cluster, were subdivided in the corresponding (GTG)(5) -PCR dendrogram. As proof of the identification potential of MALDI-TOF MS, LAB diversity from one fermented mustard sample was analysed using MALDI- TOF MS. PheS gene sequencing was used for validation. Conclusions: MALDI-TOF MS is a powerful, fast, reliable and cost-effective technique for the identification of LAB associated with the production of fermented foods. Significance and Impact of the Study: Food LAB can be identified using MALDI-TOF MS, and its application could possibly be extended to other food matrices and/or other food-derived micro-organisms.  相似文献   

朴冬花  姚磊  王玲  樊东 《昆虫学报》2008,51(3):342-348
利用昆虫几丁质酶对几丁质的调控作用破坏几丁质新陈代谢的平衡来防治害虫, 在生物防治策略中具有很大的发展潜力。从处于预蛹期的小地老虎Agrotls ipsilon (Hufnagel)体中肠内提取总的RNA, 经反转录, 利用cDNA末端快速扩增技术(RACE)获得了几丁质酶基因的cDNA序列。该基因序列已经登录GenBank并获得登录号为EU035316。该序列长度为2 823个碱基, 含有一个1 674个碱基的开放读码框。开放读码框编码558个氨基酸残基, 预测的分子量为62.5 kDa, 等电点5.12。推导得到的氨基酸序列含有2个N-位糖基化位点,20个O-位糖基化位点, 含有2个几丁质酶所具有的保守序列:N-端的催化区和C-端的几丁质结合区。氨基酸序列与其他昆虫, 特别是鳞翅目昆虫的几丁质酶高度同源。  相似文献   

NAP-1, a protein first isolated from mammalian cells, can introduce supercoils into relaxed circular DNA in the presence of purified core histones. Based on its in vitro activity, it has been suggested that NAP-1 may be involved in nucleosome assembly in vivo. We isolated a cDNA clone encoding a soybean NAP-1 homolog, SNAP-1. The SNAP-1 cDNA contains an open reading frame of 358 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular weight of 41 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence of SNAP-1 shares sequence similarity with yeast NAP-1 (38%) and human hNRP (32%). Notable features of the deduced sequence are two extended acidic regions thought to be involved in histone binding. SNAP-1 expressed in Escherichia coli induces supercoiling in relaxed circular DNA, suggesting that SNAP-1 may have nucleosome assembly activity. The specific activity of SNAP-1 is comparable to that of HeLa NAP-1 in an in vitro assay. Western analysis reveals that SNAP-1 is expressed in the immature and young tissues that were examined, while mature tissues such as old leaves and roots, show very little or no expression. NAP-1 homologs also appear to be present in other plant species.  相似文献   

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