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Regenerative medicine is the field concerned with the repair and restoration of the integrity of damaged human tissues as well as whole organs.Since the inception of the field several decades ago,regenerative medicine therapies,namely stem cells,have received significant attention in preclinical studies and clinical trials.Apart from their known potential for differentiation into the various body cells,stem cells enhance the organ's intrinsic regenerative capacity by altering its environment,whether by exogenous injection or introducing their products that modulate endogenous stem cell function and fate for the sake of regeneration.Recently,research in cardiology has highlighted the evidence for the existence of cardiac stem and progenitor cells(CSCs/CPCs).The global burden of cardiovascular diseases’morbidity and mortality has demanded an in-depth understanding of the biology of CSCs/CPCs aiming at improving the outcome for an innovative therapeutic strategy.This review will discuss the nature of each of the CSCs/CPCs,their environment,their interplay with other cells,and their metabolism.In addition,important issues are tackled concerning the potency of CSCs/CPCs in relation to their secretome for mediating the ability to influence other cells.Moreover,the review will throw the light on the clinical trials and the preclinical studies using CSCs/CPCs and combined therapy for cardiac regeneration.Finally,the novel role of nanotechnology in cardiac regeneration will be explored.  相似文献   

Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is the seventh most common cancer worldwide with high mortality rates. Amongst oral cavity cancers, tongue carcinoma is a very common and aggressive oral cavity carcinoma. Despite the implementation of a multimodality treatment regime including surgical intervention, chemo-radiation as well as targeted therapy, tongue carcinoma shows a poor overall 5-year survival pattern, which is attributed to therapy resistance and recurrence of the disease. The presence of a rare population, i.e., cancer stem cells (CSCs) within the tumor, are involved in therapy resistance, recurrence, and distant metastasis that results in poor survival patterns. Therapeutic agents targeting CSCs have been in clinical trials, although they are unable to reach into therapy stage which is due to their failure in trials. A more detailed understanding of the CSCs is essential for identifying efficient targets. Molecular signaling pathways, which are differentially regulated in the CSCs, are one of the promising targets to manipulate the CSCs that would provide an improved outcome. In this review, we summarize the current understanding of molecular signaling associated with the maintenance and regulation of CSCs in tongue squamous cell carcinoma in order to emphasize the need of the hour to get a deeper understanding to unravel novel targets.  相似文献   

Cancer chemotherapy efficacy is frequently impaired by either intrinsic or acquired tumor resistance.A fundamental problem in cancer research is identifying the cell type that is capable of sustaining neoplastic growth and its origin from normal tissue cells.In recent years,the cancer stem cell(CSC) theory has changed the classical view of tumor growth and therefore the therapeutic perspective.Overcoming intrinsic and acquired resistance of cancer stem/progenitor cells to current clinical treatments represents a major challenge in treating and curing the most aggressive and metastatic cancers.On the other hand,the identification of CSCs in vivo and in vitro relies on specific surface markers that should allow the sorting cancer cells into phenotypically distinct subpopulations.In the present review,recent papers published on CSCs in solid tumors(breast,prostate,brain and melanoma) are discussed,highlighting critical points such as the choice of markers to sort CSCs and mouse models to demonstrate that CSCs are able to replicate the original tumor.A discussion of the possible role of aldehyde dehydrogenase and CXCR6 biomarkers as signaling molecules in CSCs and normal stem cells is also discussed.The author believes that efforts have to be made to investigate the functional and biological properties of putative CSCs in cancer.Developing diagnostic/prognostic tools to follow cancer development is also a challenge.In this connection it would be useful to develop a multidisciplinary approach combining mathematics,physics and biology which merges experimental approaches and theory.Biological models alone are probably unable to resolve the problem completely.  相似文献   

Cancer stem cells (CSCs), a group of tumour cells with stem cell characteristics, have the ability of self-renewal, multi-lineage differentiation and tumour formation. Since CSCs are resistant to conventional radiotherapy and chemotherapy, their existence may be one of the root causes of cancer treatment failure and tumour progression. The elimination of CSCs may be effective for eventual tumour eradication. Because of the good therapeutic effects without major histocompatibility complex (MHC) restriction and the unique characteristics of CSCs, chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy is expected to be an important method to eliminate CSCs. In this review, we have discussed the feasibility of CSCs-targeted CAR-T therapy for cancer treatment, summarized current research and clinical trials of targeting CSCs with CAR-T cells and forecasted the challenges and future direction from the perspectives of toxicity, persistence and potency, trafficking, infiltration, immunosuppressive tumour microenvironment, and tumour heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Recent advances in stem cell biology have shed light on how normal stem and progenitor cells can evolve to acquire malignant characteristics during tumorigenesis. The cancer counterparts of normal stem and progenitor cells might be occurred through alterations of stem cell fates including an increase in self-renewal capability and a decrease in differentiation and/or apoptosis. This oncogenic evolution of cancer stem and progenitor cells, which often associates with aggressive phenotypes of the tumorigenic cells, is controlled in part by dysregulated epigenetic mechanisms including aberrant DNA methylation leading to abnormal epigenetic memory. Epigenetic therapy by targeting DNA methyltransferases (DNMT) 1, DNMT3A and DNMT3B via 5-Azacytidine (Aza) and 5-Aza-2’-deoxycytidine (Aza-dC) has proved to be successful toward treatment of hematologic neoplasms especially for patients with myelodysplastic syndrome. In this review, I summarize the current knowledge of mechanisms underlying the inhibition of DNA methylation by Aza and Aza-dC, and of their apoptotic- and differentiation-inducing effects on cancer stem and progenitor cells in leukemia, medulloblastoma, glioblastoma, neuroblastoma, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer and testicular germ cell tumors. Since cancer stem and progenitor cells are implicated in cancer aggressiveness such as tumor formation, progression, metastasis and recurrence, I propose that effective therapeutic strategies might be achieved through eradication of cancer stem and progenitor cells by targeting the DNA methylation machineries to interfere their “malignant memory”.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a highly regulated catabolic process in which superfluous,damaged organelles and other cytoplasmic constituents are delivered to the lysosome for clearance and the generation of macromolecule substrates during basal or stressed conditions. Autophagy is a bimodal process with a context dependent role in the initiation and the development of cancers. For instance,autophagy provides an adaptive response to cancer stem cells to survive metabolic stresses, by influencing disease propagation via modulation of essential signaling pathways or by promoting resistance to chemotherapeutics. Autophagy has been implicated in a cross talk with apoptosis. Understanding the complex interactions provides an opportunity to improve cancer therapy and the clinical outcome for the cancer patients. In this review, we provide a comprehensive view on the current knowledge on autophagy and its role in cancer cells with a particular focus on cancer stem cell homeostasis.  相似文献   

Stem cell therapy is a promising approach to clinical healing in several diseases. A great variety of tissues (bone marrow, adipose tissue, and placenta) are potentially sources of stem cells. Placenta-derived stem cells (p-SCs) are in between embryonic and mesenchymal stem cells, sharing characteristics with both, such as non-carcinogenic status and property to differentiate in all embryonic germ layers. Moreover, their use is not ethically restricted as fetal membranes are considered medical waste after birth. In this context, the present review will be focused on the biological properties, culture and potential cell therapy uses of placental-derived stem cells. Immunophenotype characterization, mainly for surface marker expression, and basic principles of p-SC isolation and culture (mechanical separation or enzymatic digestion of the tissues, the most used culture media, cell plating conditions) will be presented. In addition, some preclinical studies that were performed in different medical areas will be cited, focusing on neurological, liver, pancreatic, heart, muscle, pulmonary, and bone diseases and also in tissue engineering field. Finally, some challenges for stem cell therapy applications will be highlighted. The understanding of the mechanisms involved in the p-SCs differentiation and the achievement of pure cell populations (after differentiation) are key points that must be clarified before bringing the preclinical studies, performed at the bench, to the medical practice.  相似文献   

This review discusses the various regulatory charac-teristics of microRNAs that are capable of generating widespread changes in gene expression via post translational repression of many mRNA targets and control self-renewal, differentiation and division of cells. It controls the stem cell functions by controlling a wide range of pathological and physiological processes, including development, differentiation, cellular proliferation, programmed cell death, oncogenesis and metastasis. Through either mRNA cleavage or translational repression, miRNAs alter the expression of their cognate target genes; thereby modulating cellular pathways that affect the normal functions of stem cells, turning them into cancer stem cells, a likely cause of relapse in cancer patients. This present review further emphasizes the recent discoveries on the functional analysis of miRNAs in cancer metastasis and implications on miRNA based therapy using miRNA replacement or anti-miRNA technologies in specific cancer stem cells that are required to establish their efficacy in controlling tumorigenic potential and safe therapeutics.  相似文献   

Adult stem cells have a great potential to treat various diseases. For these cell-based therapies, adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) are one of the most promising stem cell types, including embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). ESCs and iPSCs have taken center stage due to their pluripotency. However, ESCs and iPSCs have limitations in ethical issues and in identification of characteristics, respectively. Unlike ESCs and iPSCs, ADSCs do not have such limitations and are not only easily obtained but also uniquely expandable. ADSCs can differentiate into adipocytes, osteoblasts, chondrocytes, myocytes and neurons under specific differentiation conditions, and these kinds of differentiation potential of ADSCs could be applied in regenerative medicine e.g., skin reconstruction, bone and cartilage formation, etc. In this review, the current status of ADSC isolation, differentiation and their therapeutic applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Adult stem cells have a great potential to treat various diseases. For these cell-based therapies, adipose-derived stem cells(ADSCs) are one of the most promising stem cell types, including embryonic stem cells(ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells(iPSCs). ESCs and iPSCs have taken center stage due to their pluripotency. However, ESCs and iPSCs have limitations in ethical issues and in identification of characteristics, respectively. Unlike ESCs and iPSCs, ADSCs do not have such limitations and are not only easily obtained but also uniquely expandable. ADSCs can differentiate into adipocytes, osteoblasts, chondrocytes, myocytes and neurons under specific differentiation conditions, and these kinds of differentiation potential of ADSCs could be applied in regenerative medicine e.g., skin reconstruction, bone and cartilage formation, etc. In this review, the current status of ADSC isolation, differentiation and their therapeutic applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Autophagy,the pathway whereby cell components are degraded by lysosomes,is involved in the cell response to environmental stresses,such as nutrient deprivation,hypoxia or exposition to chemotherapeutic agents.Under these conditions,which are reminiscent of certain phases of tumor development,autophagy either promotes cell survival or induces cell death. This strengthens the possibility that autophagy could be an important target in cancer therapy,as has been proposed.Here,we describe the regulation of survival and death by autophagy and apoptosis,especially in cultured breast cancer cells.In particular,we discuss whether autophagy represents an apoptosis-independent process and/or if they share common pathways. We believe that understanding in detail the molecular mechanisms that underlie the relationships between autophagy and apoptosis in breast cancer cells could improve the available treatments for this disease.  相似文献   

Salinomycin is a polyether antibiotic isolated from Streptomyces albus that acts in different biological membranes as a ionophore with a preference for potassium. It is widely used as an anticoccidial drug in poultry and is fed to ruminants to improve nutrient absorption and feed efficiency. Salinomycin has recently been shown to selectively deplete human breast cancer stem cells from tumorspheres and to inhibit breast cancer growth and metastasis in mice. We show here that salinomycin induces massive apoptosis in human cancer cells of different origin, but not in normal cells such as human T lymphocytes. Moreover, salinomycin is able to induce apoptosis in cancer cells that exhibit resistance to apoptosis and anticancer agents by overexpression of Bcl-2, P-glycoprotein or 26S proteasomes with enhanced proteolytic activity. Salinomycin activates a distinct apoptotic pathway that is not accompanied by cell cycle arrest and that is independent of tumor suppressor protein p53, caspase activation, the CD95/CD95L system and the proteasome. Thus, salinomycin should be considered as a novel and effective anticancer agent that overcomes multiple mechanisms of apoptosis resistance in human cancer cells.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem stromal cells(MSC)are characterized by the intriguing capacity to home toward cancer cells after systemic administration.Thus,MSC can be harnessed as targeted delivery vehicles of cytotoxic agents against tumors.In cancer patients,MSC based advanced cellular therapies were shown to be safe but their clinical efficacy was limited.Indeed,the amount of systemically infused MSC actually homing to human cancer masses is insufficient to reduce tumor growth.Moreover,induction of an unequivocal anticancer cytotoxic phenotype in expanded MSC is necessary to achieve significant therapeutic efficacy.Ex vivo cell modifications are,thus,required to improve anti-cancer properties of MSC.MSC based cellular therapy products must be handled in compliance with good manufacturing practice(GMP)guidelines.In the present review we include MSCimproving manipulation approaches that,even though actually tested at preclinical level,could be compatible with GMP guidelines.In particular,we describe possible approaches to improve MSC homing on cancer,including genetic engineering,membrane modification and cytokine priming.Similarly,we discuss appropriate modalities aimed at inducing a marked cytotoxic phenotype in expanded MSC by direct chemotherapeutic drug loading or by genetic methods.In conclusion,we suggest that,to configure MSC as a powerful weapon against cancer,combinations of clinical grade compatible modification protocols that are currently selected,should be introduced in the final product.Highly standardized cancer clinical trials are required to test the efficacy of ameliorated MSC based cell therapies.  相似文献   

Type 1 diabetes is characterized by the selective destruction of pancreatic beta-cells caused by an autoimmune attack. Type 2 diabetes is a more complex pathology which, in addition to beta-cell loss caused by apoptotic programs, includes beta-cell dedifferentiation and peripheric insulin resistance. beta-Cells are responsible for insulin production, storage and secretion in accordance to the demanding concentrations of glucose and fatty acids. The absence of insulin results in death and therefore diabetic patients require daily injections of the hormone for survival. However, they cannot avoid the appearance of secondary complications affecting the peripheral nerves as well as the eyes, kidneys and cardiovascular system. These afflictions are caused by the fact that external insulin injection does not mimic the tight control that pancreatic-derived insulin secretion exerts on the body's glycemia. Restoration of damaged beta-cells by transplantation from exogenous sources or by endocrine pancreas regeneration would be ideal therapeutic options. In this context, stem cells of both embryonic and adult origin (including beta-cell/islet progenitors) offer some interesting alternatives, taking into account the recent data indicating that these cells could be the building blocks from which insulin secreting cells could be generated in vitro under appropriate culture conditions. Although in many cases insulin-producing cells derived from stem cells have been shown to reverse experimentally induced diabetes in animal models, several concerns need to be solved before finding a definite medical application. These refer mainly to the obtainment of a cell population as similar as possible to pancreatic beta-cells, and to the problems related with the immune compatibility and tumor formation. This review will summarize the different approaches that have been used to obtain insulin-producing cells from embryonic and adult stem cells, and the main problems that hamper the clinical applications of this technology.  相似文献   

Cancer is a widespread worldwide chronic disease. In most cases, the high mortality rate from cancer correlates with a lack of clear symptoms, which results in late diagnosis for patients, and consequently, advanced tumor disease with poor probabilities for cure, since many patients will show chemo-and radio-resistance. Several mechanisms have been studied to explain chemo-and radio-resistance to anti-tumor therapies, including cell signaling pathways, anti-apoptotic mechanisms, stemness, metabolism, and cellular phenotypes. Interestingly, the presence of cancer stem cells(CSCs), which are a subset of cells within the tumors, has been related to therapy resistance. In this review, we focus on evaluating the presence of CSCs in different tumors such as breast cancer, gastric cancer, lung cancer, and hematological neoplasias, highlighting studies where CSCs were identified in patient samples. It is evident that there has been a great drive to identify the cell surface phenotypes of CSCs so that they can be used as a tool for anti-tumor therapy treatment design. We also review the potential effect of nanoparticles, drugs, natural compounds, aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitors, cell signaling inhibitors, and antibodies to treat CSCs from specific tumors. Taken together, we present an overview of the role of CSCs in tumorigenesis and how research is advancing to target these highly tumorigenic cells to improve oncology patient outcomes.  相似文献   

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