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Functional Evolution of Prolactin and Growth Hormone in Lower Vertebrates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Some aspects of prolactin and growth hormone biology in fishesand amphibians are considered, including the nature of the secretorycells, the regulation of their activity, the chemistry of thehormones, and their physiological activity in relation to hydromineralmetabolism and to growth and development. Inasmuch as most ofthe information is derived from only a small number of teleostand amphibian species, a broad evolutionary biology is difficultto derive without information from other fish groups especially,and a survey must be confined largely to a comparative biologyof some representative higher bony fishes with some representativeanurans and urodeles.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2012,18(5):e121-e126
ObjectiveTo describe the case of a patient with an unusual plurihormonal pituitary adenoma with immunoreactivity for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), growth hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, prolactin, an α-subunit.MethodsWe report the clinical, laboratory, imaging, and pathology findings of a patient symptomatic from a plurihormonal pituitary adenoma and describe her outcome after surgical treatment.ResultsA 60-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with headaches, blurry vision, fatigue, palpitations, sweaty hands, and weight loss. Her medical history was notable for hyperthyroidism, treated intermit with methimazole. Magnetic resonance imaging disclosed a pituitary macroadenoma (2.3 by 2.2 by 2.0 cm), and preoperative blood studies revealed elevated levels of TSH at 6.11 mIU/L, free thyroxine at 3.6 ng/dL, and free triiodothyronine at 6.0 pg/mL. She underwent an uncomplicated transsphenoidal resection of the pituitary adenoma. Immunostaining of tumor tissue demonstrated positivity for not only TSH but also growth hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, prolactin, and α-subunit. The Ki-67 index of the tumor was estimated at 2% to 5%, and DNA repair enzyme O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase immunostaining was mostly negative. Electron microscopy showed the ultrastructural phenotype of a glycoprotein-producing adenoma. Postoperatively, her symptoms and hyperthyroidism resolved.ConclusionThyrotropin-secreting pituitary adenomas are rare. Furthermore, recent reports suggest that 31% to 36% of adenomas may show evidence of secretion of multiple pituitary hormones. This case emphasizes the importance of considering pituitary causes of thyrotoxicosis and summarizes the clinical and pathology findings in a patient with a plurihormonal pituitary adenoma. (Endocr Pract. 2012;18:e121-e126)  相似文献   

Antibodies elicited by novel synthetic peptide antigens derived from a highly conserved domain of the growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) of vertebrates were developed using the multiple antigen peptide approach. The sequence of the antigens is located near the carboxy-terminus in the D domain of the GH and PRL in a cluster of 11 and 10 conserved amino acids, respectively, within a sequence of 18 residues. The synthetic peptides were manually synthesized, purified by high-performance liquid chromatography, and the corresponding antibodies, elicited in rabbits, were cross-reacted with the GH and PRL of a variety of mammalian (human, bovine, ovine, pig, and equine) and nonmammalian (chicken, coho salmon, chum salmon, rainbow trout, catfish and striped bass) vertebrates. The cross-reactivity between the immunogen and its corresponding antigen was tested by immunobloting using either GH or PRL. The GH and PRL of the organisms tested cross-reacted specifically with the corresponding antibody. Chicken and fish GH and PRL showed stronger antibody cross-reactivity than that observed in mammalian sources. These results demonstrate the utility of peptide-derived polyclonal antibodies in the detection of native and recombinant GH and PRL of a variety of vertebrates. Received June 1, 1998; accepted November 13, 1998.  相似文献   


A radioligand/receptor binding assay was developed using homologous hormones to distinguish between bovine growth hormone (bGH) and bovine prolactin (bPRL) receptors in liver and mammary tissue of lactating cows. Mammary and liver tissues were homogenized in 0.3 M sucrose and centrifuged at 100,000 x g over a 1.3 M sucrose density gradient. Membranes from the 0.3 - 1.3 M sucrose interface were incubated with 1 ng of iodinated bGH or bPRL for 20 h at 22°C in the presence of increasing concentrations of native bGH or bPRL. High affinity receptor binding sites were found for bPRL in liver and mammary tissue membranes (Ka=3.2 and 1.3 × 108 1/mol with 34 and 63 fmol receptors/mg liver and mammary membrane protein, respectively) and for bGH only in liver tissue (Ka=1.8 × 109 1/mol, 18 fmol receptors/mg membrane protein). Receptor number estimates were 3 and 11 times higher in mammary and liver tissue using a heterologous hGH system indicating that heterologous systems may overestimate the number of receptors in bovine tissue. The absence of demonstratable bGH receptors in lactating bovine mammary tissue supports in vitro results of others with isolated mammary tissue indicating that the positive effect of bGH on milk production in intact cows is via an indirect mechanism.  相似文献   

The promise and the problems associated with using radioimmunoassays(RIA's) for mammalian prolactins (PRL's) and growth hormones(GH's) for the measurements of these hormones in the blood offoreign species (mammalian and nonmammalian) are considered.When crossreactivity is found with the plasma of a foreign speciesin heterologously applied RIA's for these hormones of mammalianorigin, one can have little confidence about the nature of thecrossreacting material that is being measured. Extensive analysisis necessary to establish that a particular RIA system measuresthe PRL or GH in a foreign species. The question of whether RIA's for PRL and GH give physiologicallymeaningful measurements of the blood levels of these hormonesis considered. In the case of PRL, analysis of our own resultsand data in the literature raises serious questions about thephysiological validity of existing RIA's for mammalian PRL's.Evaluation of the available information on RIA's for mammalianGH discloses that there is no basis for concluding that anyof them give measurements of the circulating levels of the hormonethat are physiologically meaningful. It is also apparent thatthe physiological significance of the radioreceptor assays forPRL and GH remains to be established. From analysis of discrepancies between bioassay and RIA estimatesof PRL and GH levels in adenohypophysial tissue, incubationmedium, and plasma or serum, and of studies on the metabolismof purified and secreted forms of both hormones, it is suggestedthat the major intraglandular forms of PRL and GH are in factprohormones.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2023,29(7):546-552
ObjectiveCurrent studies on the effect of high growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 on thyroid function are inconsistent. The aim was to explore the effect and potential mechanism of high GH/IGF-1 on thyroid function by analyzing the changes of thyroid function in patients with growth hormone–secreting pituitary adenoma (GHPA).MethodsThis was a retrospective cross-sectional study. Demographic and clinical data of 351 patients with GHPA who were first admitted to Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, from 2015 to 2022 were collected to analyze the relationship between high GH/IGF-1 levels and thyroid function.ResultsGH was negatively correlated with total thyroxine (TT4), free thyroxine (FT4), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). IGF-1 was positively correlated with total triiodothyronine (TT3), free triiodothyronine (FT3), and FT4 and negatively correlated with TSH. Insulin-like growth factor–binding protein (IGFBP)-3 was positively correlated with TT3, FT3, and FT3:FT4 ratio. The FT3, TT3, TSH, and FT3:FT4 ratio of patients with GHPA and diabetes mellitus (DM) were significantly lower than those with GHPA but without DM. With the increase of tumor volume, thyroid function gradually decreased. GH and IGF-1 were correlated negatively with age in patients with GHPA.ConclusionThe study emphasized the complex interaction between the GH and the thyroid axes in patients with GHPA and highlighted the potential effect of glycemic status and tumor volume on thyroid function.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the time-dependent interactive effects of daily injections of prolactin (PRL) and corticosterone (CORT) on the activation of lymphocyte function and inhibition of tumor growth in vivo in mice. BALB/c mice were injected subcutaneously with EMT-6 fibrosarcoma cells (a murine connective tissue tumor cell derived from mammary gland), and then different groups of animals were treated with PRL (1μg/g body weight [BW] ip) at Oh, 4h, 8h, 12h, 16h, or 20h after CRT (1 μg/g BW ip) daily for 10 days. Different control groups were vehicle treated or treated with either hormone alone. Mice were kept in constant light 1 week before and during injections and in a 14:10 light-dark cycle thereafter. Tumor progression was monitored for up to 21 days after the cessation of treatment, and thereafter spleen lymphocytes were harvested and tested for mitogen-triggered proliferation. Prolactin administration at 8h or 16-20h after cortico-steroid treatment reduced tumor volume by 77% and 49%, respectively, relative to vehicle-treated controls. Other time relations of hormone treatment were ineffectual. Further studies indicated that the immunosuppressant cyclosporin A (CSA) substantially stimulated tumor growth; this effect was completely abrogated by a simultaneous 8h related hormone treatment. However, the 8h hormone treatment was ineffective in inhibiting tumor growth in T-cell-deficient nude mice. Spleen lymphocytes from tumor-bearing (TB) mice showed an elevated basal proliferative capacity stimulated by concanav-alin A (ConA; a stimulus for T-cell proliferation) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS; a stimulus for B-cell proliferation) compared to non-TB mice. Spleen lymphocytes from TB mice treated with CORT and PRL at 8h intervals exhibited an increased spontaneous (as well as LPS- and ConA- triggered) proliferation (by 104%, 48%, and 70%, respectively) compared with vehicle control TB mice. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis of splenocytes from hormone-treated animals indicated a 34-100% increase in the CD4+ (e.g., T helper cell) population. Treatment of animals with either hormone alone did not inhibit tumor growth or stimulate immune function relative to vehicle controls. The daily rhythms of plasma PRL, CORT, and thyroxine were all substantially altered by the presence of tumor in these mice. These results indicate that appropriately timed daily treatment of PRL and CORT can attenuate tumor growth, in part, via activation of antitumor immune mechanisms. Collectively, these data suggest that circadian neuroen-docrine activities must be temporally organized appropriately to inhibit tumor growth.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the time-dependent interactive effects of daily injections of prolactin (PRL) and corticosterone (CORT) on the activation of lymphocyte function and inhibition of tumor growth in vivo in mice. BALB/c mice were injected subcutaneously with EMT-6 fibrosarcoma cells (a murine connective tissue tumor cell derived from mammary gland), and then different groups of animals were treated with PRL (1μg/g body weight [BW] ip) at Oh, 4h, 8h, 12h, 16h, or 20h after CRT (1 μg/g BW ip) daily for 10 days. Different control groups were vehicle treated or treated with either hormone alone. Mice were kept in constant light 1 week before and during injections and in a 14:10 light-dark cycle thereafter. Tumor progression was monitored for up to 21 days after the cessation of treatment, and thereafter spleen lymphocytes were harvested and tested for mitogen-triggered proliferation. Prolactin administration at 8h or 16-20h after cortico-steroid treatment reduced tumor volume by 77% and 49%, respectively, relative to vehicle-treated controls. Other time relations of hormone treatment were ineffectual. Further studies indicated that the immunosuppressant cyclosporin A (CSA) substantially stimulated tumor growth; this effect was completely abrogated by a simultaneous 8h related hormone treatment. However, the 8h hormone treatment was ineffective in inhibiting tumor growth in T-cell-deficient nude mice. Spleen lymphocytes from tumor-bearing (TB) mice showed an elevated basal proliferative capacity stimulated by concanav-alin A (ConA; a stimulus for T-cell proliferation) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS; a stimulus for B-cell proliferation) compared to non-TB mice. Spleen lymphocytes from TB mice treated with CORT and PRL at 8h intervals exhibited an increased spontaneous (as well as LPS- and ConA- triggered) proliferation (by 104%, 48%, and 70%, respectively) compared with vehicle control TB mice. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis of splenocytes from hormone-treated animals indicated a 34-100% increase in the CD4+ (e.g., T helper cell) population. Treatment of animals with either hormone alone did not inhibit tumor growth or stimulate immune function relative to vehicle controls. The daily rhythms of plasma PRL, CORT, and thyroxine were all substantially altered by the presence of tumor in these mice. These results indicate that appropriately timed daily treatment of PRL and CORT can attenuate tumor growth, in part, via activation of antitumor immune mechanisms. Collectively, these data suggest that circadian neuroen-docrine activities must be temporally organized appropriately to inhibit tumor growth.  相似文献   

This report describes the use of clonal strains of rat pituitarytumor cells to study the regulation of prolactin and growthhormone production. Emphasis is placed on the effects on prolactinproduction of the hypothalamic tripeptide pGlu-His-ProNH2, alsocalled thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH). TRH binds to specificcellular receptors and stimulates initially the release of previouslysynthesized prolactin; several hours later it stimulates thesynthesis of prolactin. Several kinds of experimental resultsare consistent with the hypothesis that cyclic AMP mediatesthe TRH-stimuIated release of prolactin. However, all of theeffects of TRH on these cells in culture are not mimicked bycyclic AMP analogs, for TRH decreases growth hormone productionwhile it increases the synthesis of prolactin, and the analogdibutyryl cyclic AMP increases the production of both hormones.  相似文献   

从斜带石斑鱼垂体提取总。RNA,再取其50ng合成SMART cDNA。从所构建的垂体SMART cDNA质粒文库中筛选到生长激素/催乳素基因家族的2个成员的全长cDNA片段:生长激素(GH)基因全长为938bp,编码204个氨基酸;催乳素基因(PRI.)全长为1429bp,编码212个氨基酸。采用计算机软件Mega 2和CLUSTAL W1.64b对9种鱼的生长激素/催乳素基因家族的3个成员(GH、PRL和生长催乳素SL)的氨基酸序列进行系统分析,构建NJ分支系统树,对于序列中的插入/缺失位点则采用Pairaise Deletion,1000次自展(Bootstrap)分析计算各节点支持率。根据3个基因的氨基酸序列构建的系统树表明,石斑鱼与金头鲷、金鲈和牙鲆聚成一类,虹鳟与大马哈鱼聚成一类,鲫鱼与鲶鱼聚成一类,鳗鲡成另外一类。根据石斑鱼全长cDNA推断的氨基酸序列比较表明,SL相对GH和PRL有较高的保守性。石斑鱼的GH、PRL和SL的氨基酸同源性在24%~31%,但其C-端的氨基酸同源性较高,尤其是C-端的3个Cys是严格保守的。其中SL与GH的同源性(30.8%)高于与PRL的同源性(25.6%),GH和PRL的同源性最低(24.1%)。  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2008,14(2):143-154
ObjectiveTo identify key factors that influence compliance and persistence in patients receiving growth hormone (GH) therapy and to promote the development of interventions to support continuous GH use.MethodsA 134-question survey was conducted involving 158 adult patients, 326 adolescents or teens, and 398 parents of children currently receiving or previously treated with GH. Questions explored perceptions about GH deficiency and treatment outcomes, quality of training received for administration of injections, and disruptions affecting compliance and persistence with therapy. Compliance was defined by a categorical assessment of frequency of missed GH doses for specific reasons. Persistence was defined as continuing GH therapy with no interruption.ResultsOn the basis of their responses to questions about potential reasons for missing GH doses, patients were categorized by level of compliance into 3 segments—highly compliant, occasionally noncompliant, or noncompliant and skeptical. Noncompliance with GH therapy (that is, classification in one of the last 2 segments) ranged from 64% to 77% among the 3 age-groups evaluated, with teens having the highest rate of noncompliance. Misperceptions about the consequences of missed GH doses, discomfort with injections, dissatisfaction with treatment results, and inadequate contact with health-care providers (along with other factors) were strongly associated with noncompliance. Survey questions related to these factors were considered useful for identifying patients requiring additional support or intervention to improve compliance.ConclusionRoutine education should emphasize therapeutic end points and their relationship to compliance with GH therapy in an effort to convince and empower patients with GH deficiency to use self-care strategies to achieve their treatment goals. (Endocr Pract. 2008;14: 143-154)  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2014,20(1):46-51
ObjectiveTo evaluate the adherence to growth hormone (GH) therapy and identify the influencing factors and outcomes in children.MethodsA total of 217 GH-naïve patients in 6 pediatric endocrinology clinics were enrolled in the study. Structured questionnaires were filled out and patients were evaluated at the initiation and 3rd, 6th, and 12th months of therapy. Patients were categorized into 4 adherence segments based on percentage of doses omitted at each evaluation period, classified as excellent if 0%, good if 5%, fair if 5 to 10%, and poor if > 10%.Results:There was a decrement in adherence to GH therapy during the study period (P = .006). Patients who showed excellent and good adherence to therapy had better growth velocity and growth velocity standard deviation scores (SDSs) (P = .014 and P = .015, respectively). A negative correlation between growth velocity SDS and number of missed injections was also observed (r = − .412; P = .007). A positive correlation between delta insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) SDS and growth velocity was demonstrated (r = .239; P = .042). IGF-1 levels were significantly higher in patients who showed excellent and good adherence to therapy (P = .01). Adherence was better in boys than in girls (P = .035), but adherence rates were not associated with age, cause of GH treatment, socioeconomic status, person who administered the injections, type of injection device, or GH product.ConclusionPoor adherence to GH therapy was common in our group of patients and was one of the factors underlying suboptimal growth during therapy. Before considering other problems that can affect growth, clinicians should confirm good adherence to therapy. (Endocr Pract. 2014;20:46-51)  相似文献   

目的:探讨激素替代疗法联合六味地黄丸对女性更年期综合征患者血清雌二醇、催乳素及临床疗效影响。方法:选取2014年6月~2015年12月我院诊治的女性更年期综合征患者120例为研究对象,根据随机数字对照表分为对照组(60例)与试验组(60例)。对照组给予口服六味地黄丸治疗,试验组在对照组基础上联合倍美力治疗。比较两组的临床疗效、血清雌二醇、催乳素水平的变化。结果:两组患者潮热出汗、感觉异常、失眠、焦躁、忧郁、肌肉痛及关节痛症状评分及总评分均较治疗前明显降低(P0.05),试验组上述症状及总评分较对照组降低更为显著(P0.05);对照组血清雌二醇水平较治疗前无明显差异(P0.05),试验组血清雌二醇水平较治疗前显著升高(P0.05),两组血清催乳素水平均较治疗前降低(P0.05),且试验组血清催乳素水平明显较对照组低(P0.05)。结论:激素替代疗法联合六味地黄丸可显著提高女性更年期综合征患者的临床疗效,升高血清雌二醇水平同时降低催乳素水平。  相似文献   

目的:研究重组人生长激素对重度烧伤的应用治疗效果。方法:选取重度烧伤患者42例。根据随机数表法,将所有患者分为观察组(n=21)和对照组(n=21),观察组在对照组的基础上给予重组人生长激素治疗。结果:对照组术后24 h血红蛋白及总蛋白水平均低于实验组,差异无统计学意义(P0.05);对照组术后1周血红蛋白水平为(95.57±11.41)g/L,低于实验组的(137.91±14.29)g/L(t=3.726,P0.001);对照组术后2周血红蛋白水平为(80.89±11.38)g/L,低于实验组的(131.28±13.47)g/L(t=3.917,P0.001);实验组术后1周总蛋白水平为(61.47±5.19)g/L,高于对照组的(39.18±2.76)g/L(t=3.927,P0.001);实验组术后2周总蛋白水平为(55.78±6.38)g/L,高于对照组的(36.81±5.17)g/L(t=3.847,P0.001)。实验组术后24h的TNF-α和IL-6高于对照组,差异无统计学意义(P0.05);实验组术后2周的TNF-α、IL-6均明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.001);实验组术后2周的TNF-α、IL-6均明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.001);观察组的住院时长为(47.82±7.46)天,显著低于对照组的(79.36±8.10)天(t=4.275,P0.001);观察组的供皮区、植皮区、深Ⅱ度痂下愈合时间均显著低于对照组的,差异有统计学意义(P0.001)。结论:rh GH对重度烧伤的疗效非常显著,值得在临床中推广。  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2015,21(11):1240-1247
Objective: To identify early follow-up measures that will predict the dynamics of prolactin (PRL) decrease and adenoma shrinkage in men harboring macroprolactinomas.Methods: A single-center historical prospective study including a consecutive group of 71 men with pituitary macroadenomas (≥10 mm) and hyperprolactinemia (PRL >7 times the upper limit of normal &lsqb;ULN]) treated medically with cabergoline. Comparisons of PRL normalization rates were performed according to PRL levels achieved at 6 months, maximal adenoma shrinkage during follow-up, and other patient characteristics. Correlations were analyzed to identify characteristics of PRL suppression dynamics.Results: PRL levels after 6 months of treatment correlated positively with current PRL levels (r = 0.74; P<.001), with time to PRL normalization (r = 0.75; P<.001), and with adenoma diameter following treatment (r = 0.38; P = .01). Adenoma shrinkage depicted by first magnetic resonance imaging on treatment correlated with maximal adenoma shrinkage during follow-up (r = 0.56; P = .006). Five patients had nadir PRL levels ≥3 times the ULN (51 ng/mL) and showed slower response to cabergoline treatment, with consistently higher PRL levels compared with responding patients throughout follow-up (mean 6-month PRL levels, 519 ± 403 ng/mL versus 59 ± 118 ng/mL; P<.001).Conclusion: Six-month PRL level might serve as a surrogate marker for PRL normalization and adenoma shrinkage dynamics among men harboring macroprolactinomas.Abbreviations: CAB = cabergoline MRI = magnetic resonance imaging PRL = prolactin RMC = Rabin Medical Centre ULN = upper limit of normal  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2012,18(2):209-218
ObjectiveTo compare the response in quality of life (QoL) to growth hormone (GH) replacement in women with GH deficiency (GHD) and a history of acromegaly with that in women with GHD of other causes.MethodsFifty-five women with GHD were studied: 17 with prior acromegaly and 38 with other causes of GHD. We compared two 6-month, randomized, placebo controlled studies of GH therapy in women with hypopituitarism conducted with use of the same design—one in women with a history of acromegaly and one in women with no prior acromegaly. QoL was assessed with the following questionnaires: the QoL-Assessment of Growth Hormone Deficiency in Adults (AGHDA), the Symptom Questionnaire, and the 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36).ResultsThe 2 groups had comparable mean pretreatment age, body mass index, and QoL scores and comparable mean GH dose at 6 months (0.61 ± 0.30 versus 0.67 ± 0.27 mg daily). After 6 months of GH replacement therapy, women with GHD and prior acromegaly demonstrated a greater improvement in AGHDA score, four SF-36 subscales (Role Limitations due to Physical Health, Energy or Fatigue, Emotional Well-Being, and Social Functioning), and the Somatic Symptoms subscale of the Symptom Questionnaire than did women with GHD of other causes. Poorer pretreatment QoL was associated with a greater improvement in QoL after administration of GH.ConclusionIn this study, GH replacement therapy improved QoL in women with GHD and a history of acromegaly but not in women with GHD due to other hypothalamic and pituitary disorders. Further studies are needed to determine the long-term risks versus benefits of GH replacement in patients who develop GHD after definitive treatment for acromegaly. (Endocr Pract. 2012;18:209-218)  相似文献   

目的:明确LRIG2蛋白在人催乳素腺瘤细胞中的表达与定位。方法:采用免疫细胞化学方法检测LRIG2蛋白在人催乳素腺瘤原代细胞中表达情况,人胶质瘤细胞系U87细胞设为阳性对照。结果:LRIG2蛋白在原代培养的人催乳素腺瘤细胞中高表达(86.6±2.15)%,与其在U87细胞中表达率无明显统计学差异;同时免疫细胞化学结果提示LRIG2蛋白在人催乳素腺瘤细胞中定位于胞浆,也与其在U87细胞中表达一致。结论:LRIG2蛋白在人催乳素腺瘤细胞中高表达,定位于胞浆,提示其可能在垂体腺瘤发生、发展过程中发挥作用,为进一步研究垂体腺瘤发生机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

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