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In this report we describe a female neonate with 12p interstitial deletion (karyotype: 46,XX,del(12)(pter----p13.1::p11.2----cen----qter). In addition to severe psychomotor retardation, facial dysmorphism and Turner like stigmata, she presented marked hypoplasia of the external genitalia and right heart hypoplasia. Study of LDH activity showed a marked decrease of LDHB activity contrasting with an elevated LDHA.  相似文献   

In general, carriers of paracentric inversions are phenotypically normal, although individual reports describe like occurrence of infertility, miscarriages and mental retardation in inversion carriers. We present a family with paracentric inversion of 1p [karyotype: 46,XY/XY, inv(1)(p13.2p36.2)] in 7 of the 12 investigated family members. The index patient, a four year-old boy was referred for motor and mental retardation. The possible relationship between the paracentric inversion and the MR/MCA syndrome in the index patient of this family is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Two cases of hypertrichosis cubiti in combination with short stature, facial dysmorphias and retarded development are reported with a review of the literature. Hypertrichosis cubiti, the hairy elbows syndrome, consists of a localized form of long vellus hair on the extensor surfaces of the distal third of the upper arm and the proximal third of the forearm bilaterally. It can be associated with short stature and other physical abnormalities. The mode of inheritance has not been established yet; an autosomal recessive as well as an autosomal dominant inheritance trait are postulated.  相似文献   

Here we report on three new patients with neocentric small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMC) derived from chromosome 2, 13 and 15, respectively. The sSMC(13) and sSMC(15) had inverted duplicated shapes and the sSMC(2) a ring chromosome shape. All three cases were clinically severely abnormal. A review of the available sSMC literature revealed that up to the present 73 neocentric sSMC cases including these three new cases have been reported. Seven of these cases were not characterized morphologically; in the remainder, 80% had an inverted duplication, 17% a ring and 3% a minute shape. 81% of the reported neocentric sSMC carriers showed severe, 12% moderate and 8% no clinical abnormalities. In summary, we report three more neocentric sSMC cases, provide a review on all up to now published cases, highlight their special characteristics and compare them to centric sSMC.  相似文献   

Malignant blue nevus is a rare melanotic tumor of the skin arising from a pre-existing blue nevus. To date only few cases have been reported. The diagnosis of malignant blue nevus is frequently difficult. Generally accepted criteria do exist, but their application may be controversial. The present paper reports four new cases of malignant blue nevus with follow-up of 3-5 years. Our present data, along with those of the literature, suggest that malignant blue nevus may be more aggressive than generally thought.  相似文献   

Endobronchial lipoma is a benign tumour of the large bronchi occurring in middle-aged men. To the 38 successfully treated cases in the English literature a further 2 are added. The symptoms are those of obstructive pneumonitis mimicking bronchogenic carcinoma, and the result of delayed therapy may be bronchiectasis. Treatment includes local resection through a bronchoscope or a bronchotomy incision, or removal, if necessary, of the obstructed lobe or lung at thoracotomy. Smoking may be important in the pathogenesis of this tumour.  相似文献   

Summary Five females with duplication of the short arm of one chromosome 9 are reported, one tetrasomic and four trisomic for 9p. The tetrasomy is due to an isochromosome 9p while the trisomies are due in one case to an intrachromosomal duplication present in lymphocytes but not in fibroblasts, two are secondary to translocations with chromosomes 22 and 13 respectively, and one is a mosaic with a cell line with an additional deleted chromosome 9 present in lymphocytes and fibroblasts. This analysis indicates that duplications 9p may result in impairment of ovarian function. The phenotypic differences between trisomy and tetrasomy 9p are discussed.  相似文献   

In the present report, we summarize studies aimed at examining the reliability of chromosome heteromorphisms in analyses of chromosome 21 nondisjunction. We used two cytogenetic approaches--fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to repetitive sequences on 21p and traditional Q-banding--to distinguish chromosome 21 homologues and then compared the results of these studies with those obtained by DNA markers. Using a conservative scoring system for Q-banding and FISH heteromorphisms, we were able to specify the parental origin of trisomy in 10% of cases; in contrast, DNA marker studies were informative for parental origin in almost all cases. The results of the molecular and cytogenetic studies of parental origin concurred in all cases in which assignments were made independently using both techniques. However, in 4 of 13 cases in which the molecular studies contributed to the interpretation of the cytogenetic findings, the two results did not agree with respect to the meiotic stage of nondisjunction. A relatively high frequency of crossing-over on either the short arm or proximal long arm of chromosome 21 could explain these results and may be a mechanism leading to nondisjunction.  相似文献   

A supernumerary ring chromosome was found on amniocentesis performed for advanced maternal age. A review of the literature found 34 reports of supernumerary ring chromosome I which are compared to our case.  相似文献   

This article probably represents the first comprehensive attempt to review the fast growing literature dealing with mammalian hypothalamic neurones in long-term cultures. The bulk of the experimental data on this topic printed before the second half of 1978 deals with endocrine neurones, their development, their bioelectric properties, their biosynthetic capabilities and with mechanisms of hormone secretion. Most initial studies had been concerned with providing evidence that hypothalamic endocrine neurones preserve some of their characteristic properties in culture. The time has come to gain new insights into their functioning with the use of in vitro techniques that allow the composition of the external environment of the cells to the markedly altered.  相似文献   

Eleven new cases of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) are reported in organ transplant patients in France. The epidemiological, clinical, biological, diagnostic and therapeutic features are reviewed, based on these cases and 46 cases reported in the literature. VL was most commonly associated with renal transplantation (77% of the cases). Most patients were from Southern European countries. The main clinical symptom was fever. Leucopoenia and anaemia were the most frequent haematological disorders. Diagnosis was by direct finding of the parasite in smears of bone marrow (85.2%) or, by positive serology (90.9%). Without antileishmanial treatment, VL in transplant recipients was fatal. Treatment using either antimonials or amphotericine B gave similar cure rates of around 80% of the cases. But toxicity was higher for antimonials. Relapses occurred in 14.3%.  相似文献   

目的探讨滤泡树突细胞肉瘤(FDCS)的临床表现、病理形态、免疫组化、生物学行为和预后,提高对该病的认识。方法对2例滤泡树突细胞肉瘤进行报道,并结合临床资料、肿瘤大体及镜下特征、免疫组化标记结果及预后和国内外文献进行分析。结果2例FDCS,1例发生于颈部淋巴结,另1例发生于肠系膜,镜检肿瘤由梭形及卵圆形细胞组成,呈束状、漩涡状、编织状排列;免疫组化显示肿瘤细胞CD21、CD23和CD35阳性;患者预后不良。结论滤泡树突细胞肉瘤是一种罕见且容易误诊的低度恶性肿瘤,组织化学和免疫组化染色有助于该肿瘤的诊断及鉴别诊断,减少误诊。  相似文献   

11q- syndrome: three cases and a review of the literature.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report on three children with de novo terminal deletions of the long arm of chromosome 11 (11q-) and breakpoints in 11q23-q24. Eighty-nine other patients with partial monosomy 11q have been reported and were reviewed by us. Salient features of 11q- syndrome are psychomotor retardation, trigonocephaly, telecanthus/hypertelorism, broad depressed nasal bridge, micrognathia, low set abnormal ears, cardiac anomalies and hand/foot anomalies. Renal agenesis and anal atresia are reported first here. Supratentorial white matter abnormality on CT and MRI present in our second patient was reported in three patients. Increased mortality is caused by cardiac anomalies. A third of all patients with partial monosomy 11q had thrombocytopenia or pancytopenia and this seems to be related to the absence of band 11q23-q24. Seventy-six percent of patients have de novo deletions with breakpoints in 11q21-q25. There is no obvious correlation between the length of the deleted segment and the severity of the symptoms. In unbalanced chromosomal patterns with deletions of 11q involving bands 11q23-q24 the typical phenotype of 11q- syndrome remains recognizable. Deletions distal to 11q24.1 do not produce the typical 11q- syndrome.  相似文献   

Two new cases of cutaneous alternariosis with a review of the literature   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Two cases of cutaneous phaeohyphomycosis due to Alternaria tenuissima in patients affected with primitive myeloproliferative syndrome and lymphocytic lymphoma respectively are reported.Following a review of the specific literature, the authors discuss the etiopathogenic mechanisms, the clinical and histologic aspects of the lesions and the therapeutic problems.  相似文献   

E Orye  M Craen 《Humangenetik》1975,28(4):335-342
Two boys (W.M. and C.P.) are described, in each of whom a short-arm deleted C chromosome was apparently present. The clinical findings on W.M. are stenosis of the sagittal sutura associated with atrophy of the nervus opticus and mental retardation, and on C.P. osteogenesis imperfecta. An analysis of the G- and Q-banding patterns revealed in each patient a 12p-- chromosome. The deletion involved most of band p12 as shown by length measurements on G-banded chromosomes. Both cases were compared to proven and presumed cases of 12p-- from literature, but no common clinical phenotype could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Two new patients with pseudodiastrophic dysplasia are reported. Clinical and radiologic features, genetics, as well as, course and management of the disease are described for these two patients and seven others reported in the literature. Based also on histological findings, special emphasis is put on differential diagnosis with diastrophic dysplasia.  相似文献   

Six left atrial myxomas were detected at one hospital in a 15-month period. These tumours are not as rare as was once thought and they frequently cause systemic problems. The diagnosis may easily be missed, but echocardiography is a simple way of establishing the diagnosis. Excision of the tumour usually results in marked symptomatic improvement.  相似文献   

Summary The first case of true hexapody among the Octopoda, resulting from bilateral agenesis of one arm pair, is described for a malePteroctopus tetracirrhus. A case of decapody, with uniform development of all arms, is also reported for the first time for a maleOctopus briareus. Both conditions apparently result from developmental anomalies of the embryonic arm anlagen. A survey of other anomalous conditions relating to arm development and regeneration within the Cephalopoda is provided. A possible relationship of polyfurcation of arm tips in the Octopoda with regenerative processes in amphibian limbs leading to similar conditions is suggested.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that a specialized polarizing zone controls the pattern of the anterior-posterior axis during limb development in Xenopus has been tested by analysing the cellular contribution to supernumerary limbs. Supernumerary limbs were generated by grafting hindlimb buds contralaterally between X. borealis and X. laevis to appose anterior and posterior limb tissues. Cells derived from these two species of Xenopus are readily identified by staining with quinacrine. The analysis of cellular contribution showed that supernumerary limbs consist of approximately half anterior-derived (57%) and half posterior-derived (43%) cells. These data are not consistent with the polarizing zone theory but are consistent with the hypothesis that both supernumerary limbs and normally developing limbs arise from intercalary interactions between limb bud cells with different positional values.  相似文献   

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