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R Woodgate 《Mutation research》1992,281(3):221-225
Using a specialized transducing lambda phage, the umuDC operon of Escherichia coli was deleted and replaced with the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene. The delta (umuDC)595::cat mutation was subsequently transferred by generalized P1 transduction into a variety of genetic backgrounds. It is concluded that the UmuDC proteins, which are normally required for inducible mutagenesis, are not essential for cell survival.  相似文献   

Screening of a collection of temperature-sensitive mutants of Escherichia coli for defects in phospholipid metabolism led to the isolation of a mutant deficient in cardiolipin synthesis. The defective gene, named cls, is closely linked to the trp marker and maps at about Minute 27 on the E. coli chromosome. After transfer of cls to a defined genetic background by transduction, the mutant has the following properties as compared to an isogenic wild type. Exponentially growing cells show a reduction in cardiolipin content by a factor of at least 15 (less than 0.2 mol % of the total phospholipids). A crude membrane fraction derived from the mutant is unable to synthesize cardiolipin from phosphatidylglycerol in vitro. The mutant has no distinctive phenotype regarding its growth properties, membrane-associated respiratory functions, or the ability to insert bacteriophage M13 coat protein into the cell envelope. The cls mutation confers a 5-times reduction in the turnover of the phosphate moiety of phosphatidylglycerol.  相似文献   

A mutation has been characterized in Escherichia coli which results in temperature-sensitive expression of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity and antigen. The enzyme produced by the mutant strain at a permissive temperature or by cells treated with chloramphenicol at nonpermissive temperatures had normal activity and stability in extracts. Since phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase had a monomeric structure, the mutation probably affects the synthesis, rather than the structure or assembly, of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary A strain which carries a mutation conferring clorobiocin resistance and temperature sensitivity for growth was isolated from Escherichia coli K12. Genetic mapping and the molecular weight of the gene product suggest that the mutation is in the cou gene, specifying a sub-unit of DNA gyrase. Nuclear organisation and segregation and placement of septa are grossly abnormal in the mutant at 42°C. RNA synthesis and initiation of DNA replication are also affected at the restrictive temperature but the rate of DNA chain elongation continues almost undisturbed.  相似文献   

We have analysed an Escherichia coli temperature-sensitive mutant with altered messenger RNA stability, and it was found that: (1) the unstable fraction of pulse-labelled RNAs decayed with a half-life at 42 °C of about two minutes in the parent strain PA3092; the half-life was 11 to 12 minutes in the mutant HAK75. Puromycin enhanced the decay rate about twofold in both PA3092 and HAK75; the addition of chloramphenicol inhibited the degradation significantly in both strains. The rate of ribosomal RNA accumulation in the mutant cells at 42 °C did not differ from that in the wild-type cells. (2) Sedimentation analysis by sodium dodecyl sulphate/sucrose density-gradient centrifugation of bulk mRNA as well as tryptophan mRNA of the wild-type strain showed the expected rapid reduction in the size and level of those mRNA molecules at three minutes and five minutes respectively, after addition of rifampicin at 42 °C. In contrast, the cells of HAK75 retained almost full-length trp mRNA and bulk mRNA at 5 to 12 minutes after the addition of rifampicin at 42 °C, even though the total level of radioactivity in the mRNA fraction had decreased to about 60 to 75% of the initial activity. (3) Even though mRNA molecules were chemically protected at the non-permissive temperature in the mutant, the functional decay of both β-galactosidase and tryptophan synthetase occurred at a rate comparable to that in the parental strain. (4) We isolated temperature-resistant revertants from the mutant at a frequency of 5 × 10?8, and these revertants (TR1 and TR2) had the normal decay rate of unstable RNA.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive mutant of Escherichia coli is described. At the nonpermissive temperature there is a 12-fold reduction in the rate of rRNA synthesis, while tRNA and mRNA syntheses are affected to only a slight extent. Both protein and DNA syntheses also continue at nearly the normal rate. The mutation appears to affect the synthesis of 16S and 23S rRNA equally and has no detectable affect on rRNA maturation. The temperature-sensitive lesion appears to be caused by a single point mutation lying between minutes 21 and 27. It is suggested that this mutation seems to define a new genetic locus involved in the regulation of rRNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis and function of phospholipids in Escherichia coli   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

Fuchs RP  Fujii S 《DNA Repair》2007,6(7):1032-1041
Duplication of DNA containing damaged bases is a challenge to DNA polymerases that normally replicate with high speed, high accuracy and high processivity undamaged templates only. When a replicative DNA polymerase encounters a chemically altered base that it is unable to copy, a process called translesion synthesis (TLS) takes place during which the replicative polymerase is transiently replaced by a so-called specialized or lesion bypass polymerase. In addition to the central players that are the replicative and translesion DNA polymerases, TLS pathways involve accessory factors such as the general replication processivity factor (i.e. the beta-clamp in prokaryotes and PCNA in eukaryotes). In Escherichia coli, besides the beta-clamp, RecA plays a fundamental role as a co-factor of Pol V the major bypass polymerase in this organism. An integrated view of TLS pathways necessarily requires both genetic and biochemical studies. In this review we will attempt to summarize the insights into TLS gained over the last 25 years by studying a frameshift mutation hot spot, the NarI site. This site was initially discovered by serendipity when establishing a forward mutation spectrum induced by a chemical hepatocarcinogen, N-2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF). Indeed, this chemical carcinogen covalently binds to DNA forming adducts with guanine residues. When bound to G* in the NarI site, 5'-GGCG*CC-, AAF induces the loss of the G*pC dinucleotide at a frequency that is approximately 10(7)-fold higher than the spontaneous frequency. In vivo studies showed that the NarI mutation hot spot is neither restricted to the NarI sequence itself, nor to the carcinogen AAF. Instead, the hot spot requires a sequence containing at least two GpC repeats and any of a family of aromatic amides and nitro aromatic compounds that form a large class of human carcinogens. Genetic analysis initially revealed that the NarI frameshift pathway is SOS dependent but umuDC (i.e. Pol V) independent. More recently, DNA Pol II was identified as the enzyme responsible of this frameshift pathway. Concurrently the AAF adduct in the NarI site can be bypassed in an error-free way by Pol V. The NarI site thus offers a unique possibility to study the interplay between two specialized DNA polymerases, Pol II and Pol V, that can both extend replication intermediates formed when the replicative Pol III dissociates in the vicinity of the damage. Full reconstitution of the two pathways led us to highlight a key feature for TLS pathways, namely that it is critical the specialized DNA polymerase synthesizes, during the course of a single binding event, a patch of DNA synthesis (TLS patch) that is long enough as to "hide the lesion induced distortion" from the proofreading activity upon reloading of the replicative DNA polymerase (or any exonuclease that may get access to the primer when the specialized DNA polymerase detaches). The beta-clamp, to which all DNA polymerases bind, plays a critical role in allowing the specialized DNA polymerases to synthesize TLS patches that are long enough to resist such "external proofreading" activities.  相似文献   

A strain of Escherichia coli with a mutation in the promoter proximal gene ( uncI ) of the unc operon has been constructed by using a new gene replacement method. The mutation is a deletion of a defined sequence of 196 base pairs. It was constructed by homologous integration and segregation of a ColE1-derived recombinant plasmid containing the mutation, in a temperature-sensitive polA strain. The mutant strain is phenotypically unc+ but has a reduced growth yield compared to a normal sibling strain.  相似文献   

角鲨烯因其具有良好的抗氧化功能而被广泛应用于食品、医药、化妆品、工业应用等领域。本实验在大肠杆菌中构建角鲨烯合成途径,通过对其合成途径中关键限速酶(1-脱氧-D-木酮糖-5-磷酸合酶和异戊烯基二磷酸异构酶)过表达的方法进行初步调控,使角鲨烯的产量提升了近三倍。之后采用单因素试验对其发酵培养基和培养条件进行优化,以此来提高角鲨烯的产量。优化发酵条件后,使用最优发酵培养基——TB培养基,在最佳发酵条件:37℃,220r/min培养至OD600约为1.2时加入终浓度为0.1mmol/L的IPTG诱导剂,25℃条件下诱导48h,角鲨烯产量可达73.88mg/L。  相似文献   

274 N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG)-induced forward mutations in the lacI gene of an Escherichia coli RecA- strain were cloned and sequenced. Base substitutions accounted for 264 mutations and consisted of 261 G:C----A:T transitions (including one double mutant with two G:C----A:T transitions separated by 25 base pairs), two A:T----G:C transitions and one A:T----T:A transversion. Therefore, 263 of the 274 mutations (all the transitions) can be explained as a result of the direct mispairing of O6-methylguanine, and O4-methylthymine residues during DNA synthesis. The source of the transversion is not known. The remaining mutations, one 16-base pair deletion, two -1 frameshifts and 7 frameshifts at the lacI frameshift hotspot, are located in runs of identical bases or flanked by directly repeated DNA sequences and can therefore be explained by template slippage events during DNA synthesis. The observed distribution of mutations recovered is identical to that found in a RecA+ background indicating little involvement of RecA function in MNNG-induced mutation. Analysis of neighbouring base sequence revealed that the G:C----A:T transition was 6 times more likely to be recovered if the mutated guanine residue was preceded by a purine rather than a pyrimidine. A most striking aspect of this distribution concerns particular residues in the core domain of the lac repressor protein. Within this domain the great majority of mutations generate nonsense codons or alter Gly codons.  相似文献   

Suppressors of a UGG missense mutation in Escherichia coli   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
As part of our investigation of tRNA structure-function relationships, we isolated and preliminarily characterized translational suppressors of the tryptophan codon UGG in a trpA missense mutant of Escherichia coli. the parent strain also contained two other mutant alleles relevant to the suppressor search; these were supD, which codes for a serine-inserting amber suppressor tRNA, and gly V55, the gene for a GGA/G-reading mutationally altered glycine tRNA. On the basis of map location, reversed-phase (RPC-5) column chromatography of glycyl-tRNA, and codon response, several classes have been distinguished so far. The number of suppressors in each class, their codon responses, and their apparent genic identities, respectively, are as follows: class 1--4 suppressors, UGG, supD; class 2--12 suppressors, UGG, glyU; class 3--9 suppressors, UGA and UGG, glyT; class 4--2 suppressors, UGG, glyT; class 5--7 suppressors, UGG, gly V55. Besides these, one suppressor retains supD activity, but so far its map location has not been distinguished from that of supD. Another suppressor clearly does not map near supD or any of the glycine tRNA genes mentioned. These last two suppressors may represent novel missense suppressors such as misacylated tRNA's or mutationally altered aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, tRNA modification enzymes, or ribosomes. Finally, three other suppressors were obtained from a strain containing glyT56, the gene for an AGA/G-reading form of glyT tRNA. All three occurred at the expense of glyT56 activity and exhibited the the transductional linkage to argH that is characteristic of glyT.  相似文献   

An expression method has been developed to produce soluble cationic polypeptides in Escherichia coli while avoiding inclusion body deposition. For this technique the recombinant product is linked through a thrombin or factor Xa susceptible bond to the amino-terminal domain of the precursor of eosinophil major basic protein (MBP). This N-terminal domain is strongly acidic and is apparently able to shield eosinophils from the potentially injurious activities of MBP. It was reasoned that constructs of this acidic domain with small heterologous cationic proteins expressed in E. coli could result in soluble expression while preventing trafficking and packaging into insoluble inclusion bodies. This has been demonstrated using four examples: complement C5a, CCL18, fibroblast growth factor-β, and leukemia inhibitory factor, whose isoelectric points range from 8.93 to 9.59. Further general applicability of this technique has been shown by using two different expression systems, one which encodes an amino-terminal oligo-histidine leash, and another that codes for an amino-terminal glutathione-S-transferase. Thus the utility of coupling MAP to cationic polypeptides for the purpose of soluble heterologous protein expression in E. coli has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Localized mutagenesis and selection for streptomycin resistance were utilized to isolate a chloramphenicol resistance mutation in Escherichia coli K-12 linked to the strA (rpsL) locus. Bacteriophage P1 transduction verified the map position of the new resistance mutation at 72 min, placing it within a dense cluster of ribosomal protein genes. The map position differs from that of known cmlA and cmlB mutations, which map at 18 and 21 min, respectively. Ribosomes prepared from chloramphenicol-resistant and -sensitive isogenic transductants were analyzed in vitro for activity in formation of N-formylmethionyl-puromycin, polyphenylalanine, and polylysine in the presence of inhibitory concentrations of chloramphenicol. Comparisons were also made of 14C-chloramphenicol binding to 70S ribosomes and of the two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis pattern of ribosomal proteins from each strain. There was no detectable difference between ribosomes from sensitive and resistant strains as measured by these assays. Enzymatic modification by chloramphenicol acetyltransferase is not responsible for the observed phenotype.  相似文献   

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