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During the early stages of atherogenesis, as well as during in vitro cultivation, smooth muscle cells modulate from a contractile to a synthetic phenotype. This process includes the loss of myofilaments and the formation of an extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum and a large Golgi complex; it leads to decreased contractility and the commencement of cell growth and secretion of extracellular matrix components. In this paper, the effects of nicotine on adult rat arterial smooth muscle cells cultivated in vitro were studied by transmission electron microscopy and 3H-thymidine autoradiography. The results show that the drug speeded the initial rate of transition of the cells from contractile to synthetic phenotype in primary culture. Further, it stimulated the initiation of DNA synthesis in growth-arrested secondary cultures. Its effect was independent of other mitogens and additive to that of serum. The influences of nicotine, both on the modulation of the smooth muscle phenotype and the initiation of DNA synthesis, occurred at concentrations lower than those obtained in the blood after smoking and could contribute to the role of smoking as a risk factor for atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

1. The intra- and extracellular distribution of fibronectin and laminin was studied by immunofluorescence in cultures of rabbit and human arterial smooth muscle cells. 2. Basement membrane (BM)-like material was isolated from the cell layer of arterial smooth muscle cells cultures and analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting. The major 220-240 kD component of arterial BM-like material was identified as fibronectin. Also a 200 kD fibronectin band was observed. 3. The 200 kD subunit of laminin was contained in isolated BM-like material, but no slower migrating laminin chains were detected. 4. Collagens were prepared from pepsinized BM-like material. The band pattern as resolved by SDS-PAGE and silver staining suggested that type IV collagen is the major collagen of arterial BM-like material.  相似文献   

Collagen, fibronectin, and nonfibrous protein biosynthesis were examined in cultures of rabbit arterial smooth muscle cells grown on tissue culture plastic precoated either with rabbit plasma fibronectin or bovine serum albumin. Cells seeded into fibronectin-coated wells appeared to reach confluence more quickly than counterparts grown on albumin-coated surfaces. Measurement 3H-thymidine incorporation into DNA by these cultures suggested that this was probably a consequence of more rapid and efficient cell attachment rather than an increased rate of proliferation of smooth muscle cells grown on fibronectin. In preconfluent cultures, the rates of collagen and fibronectin biosynthesis were reduced to 34 and 57%, respectively, on a per-cell basis in cultures grown on fibronectin-coated surfaces compared with cells grown on albumin-coated plasticware. In preconfluent cultures grown on fibronectin-coated surfaces, a greater percentage of the total fibronectin synthesized was incorporated into the cell layer. The distribution of newly synthesized collagen between culture medium and cell layer, however, was not affected by alteration of substratum composition. There was no difference in the rate of synthesis of noncollagen proteins between the two groups of preconfluent cells. In postconfluent cultures the rates of collagen and fibronectin biosynthesis were equivalent in both albumin- and fibronectin-treated cultureware. In preconfluent cultures, analyses of procollagens showed that the overall amounts of both types I and III procollagens were reduced in fibronectin-treated wells, indicating the reduction in collagen synthesis to be general and not type-specific. Although type V procollagen biosynthesis was not detected in either preconfluent group, it was found in postconfluent cultures. The reduction of fibronectin synthesis in cells grown in fibronectin-coated wells was significant as early as 4 hours after plating. Together, these findings suggest that cultured arterial smooth muscle cells are capable of deriving information from their substratum and regulating the biosynthetic rates of extracellular matrix components in response to the immediate needs of the cell.  相似文献   

Cultured aortic smooth muscle cells originated from healthy and atherosclerotic rabbits produce prostaglandins (namely prostacyclin) at a basal state. Prostaglandin secretion is dramatically reduced in atherosclerotic cells. This impairment was not correlated with any alteration of acyl hydrolase activities and probably involved a decrease of cyclooxygenase activities.  相似文献   

Human arterial smooth muscle cells growing in tissue culture, in contrast to rat cells, preferentially bind and take up large, lipid-rich lipoproteins (125I-labeled low density and very low density lipoproteins) in comparison to the known difference in the propensity of these two species to develop atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Arterial smooth muscle cells from rabbit aortic media were grown in first subcultures on hydrophilized and collagen-coated silicone membranes which were then subjected to directional cyclic stretches and relaxations at a frequency of 50 times/min. The membranes were stretched 2, 5 and 10% beyond their resting length. Cells on unstretched and stationary membranes in the same chamber served as controls. The cells which were stretched with an amplitude of 2% remained in random orientation after 14 days of continuously performed cyclic stretching. The cells which were stretched 5% for 12 days orientated at an angle of 61 +/- 9 degrees to the direction of stretching, while the cells which were stretched with an amplitude of 10% for 6 days orientated at an angle of 76 +/- 5 degrees. The cells on the stationary and unstretched membranes remained in random orientation. We were able to confirm that the angle of orientation is reversible, i.e. preorientated cells changed their orientation during application of another stretching amplitude. The results suggest that stretching of the artery wall by blood pulsation may be a factor influencing the orientation of smooth muscle cells within the media of the artery wall and of those smooth muscle cells which proliferate into the subendothelial space after mechanical injury of the endothelium or electrical stimulation of the artery wall. An apparatus is presented which produces cyclic and directional mechanical stimuli similar to those which may occur in the artery wall.  相似文献   

The effect of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) on synthesis of basement membrane collagen in cultured smooth muscle cells was evaluated. DMSO promoted phenotypic modulation of cells from the synthetic state to the contractile state accompanied by formation of basement membranes. By immunofluorescence using monospecific antibody against type IV collagen, type IV collagen was identified not only in the cell cytoplasms but intensely along the cell surfaces in the cultures treated with DMSO for 7 days, as compared with untreated cultures. Electron microscopic immunohistochemistry revealed the presence of type IV collagen both in the basement membrane region and in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of DMSO-treated cells. Such an enhancement of type IV collagen synthesis appears to be expressed as a result of the phenotypic changes of smooth muscle cells to the contractile state modulated by DMSO.  相似文献   

Prolonged exposure of cultured arterial smooth muscle cells to 1% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) resulted in a remarkable increase in cytoplasmic microtubules and an appearance of bundle-like aggregates of microtubules associated with ribosomes (microtubule-ribosome-complex). In this complex, fine filaments of 8 to 16 nm diameter were interspersed, some of which displayed continuity with the microtubules and were studded with a single array of ribosomes. The microtubule-ribosome-complex may represent an unusual aggregate of microtubules containing incompletely polymerized forms of newly synthesized tubulin induced by prolonged effect of DMSO.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide substance P, a known mitogen for human blood T-lymphocytes, now is shown to stimulate proliferation of embryonic rat aortic smooth muscle cells of the A7r5 line, at concentrations of 10(-9) M to 10(-6) M. Neurotensin (NT), that has vascular and smooth muscle activity similar to SP, failed to induce proliferation of A7r5 cells. At proliferation-enhancing concentrations, SP increased the concentration of cytosolic Ca2+ in A7r5 cells, suggesting activation of the phosphatidylinositol pathway. Binding of [125I]-substance P to A7r5 cells reached equilibrium rapidly at 4 degrees C, and was saturable, implying that the activation of smooth muscle cells by SP is a receptor-mediated process.  相似文献   

The effects of cell density and growth upon fluid phase endocytosis were investigated in quiescent and growing cultures of monkey arterial smooth muscle cells. Cells were maintained in a quiescent state of growth in 5% plasma-derived serum. Subsequent exposure of subconfluent cultures to the specific mitogens, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), or to whole blood serum, resulted in up to 4-fold increases in the rate of fluid endocytosis/cell. The changes began several hours after entry into G1 phase of the cell cycle and continued through S. The fraction of cells entering the growth cycle was variable (PDGF=FGF>EGF) and a close correlation existed between the rate of endocytosis and the fraction of [3H]thymidine-labelled cells (r = 0.929, p<0.01). At a range of cell densities, the rate of fluid endocytosis/cell was similar in sparse, confluent and post-confluent cultures of quiescent cells; in contrast, in growing cells there was density-dependent inhibition of endocytosis. Furthermore, when quiescent cells were in contact with each other and were then exposed to mitogens, the growth response was diminished and there was only a 25–50% increase in the rate of endocytosis, even in the presence of high concentrations of growth factors.These studies indicate that the influence of cell density upon fluid endocytosis in arterial smooth muscle cells is indirect in that it represents a secondary effect of decreased mitogenic response to specific growth factors.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of mineralocorticoids on beta-adrenergic receptors in cultured arterial smooth muscle cells. Mineralocorticoid (aldosterone) treatment resulted in a significant increase in beta-adrenergic receptors measured by [3H]dihydroalprenolol (DHA) binding. This effect required at least 20 hours of incubation with aldosterone and was completely blocked by cycloheximide (10 micrograms/ml), indicating protein synthesis was required for this response. Aldosterone at the concentration range of 10(-8)-10(-6) M increased [3H]DHA binding, but was ineffective at 10(-9) M. Scatchard analysis of [3H]DHA binding revealed that the observed significant increase in binding was due to an increased number of binding sites (P less than 0.05), and that the affinity was unchanged. The aldosterone (1 x 10(-8) M) effect was completely blocked by the combination of RU 38486 (10(-6) M) and spironolactone (10(-7) M), but not by the glucocorticoid antagonist RU 38486 alone. While basal c-AMP levels were not changed by aldosterone (10(-6) M) treatment, the isoproterenol (10(-6) M) stimulated level of c-AMP was significantly higher in cells treated with aldosterone (P less than 0.05). We conclude that aldosterone, acting through the mineralocorticoid receptor, has a direct effect on arterial smooth muscle cells mediated through modulation of beta-adrenergic receptors of these cells.  相似文献   

Rabbit and bovine arterial smooth muscle cells (SMC) and human skin fibroblasts were lysed by freezing and thawing in the presence of protease inhibitors (PI). The supernatant was assayed for growth stimulating activity (GSA), and it stimulated the growth of SMC and fibroblasts, but not human and bovine endothelial cells. GSA was sensitive to heat and trypsin treatment, stimulated DNA synthesis after a lag time of 12-15 hours, and exhibited marked size and charge heterogeneity when subjected to gel chromatographies. GSA differed from many other known growth factors, mainly platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), through the behavior on ion exchange chromatography, the heat sensitivity and the lack of decline in activity in the presence of anti PDGF antibodies. The data suggests that several growth stimulating proteins can be obtained through the lysis of SMC or fibroblasts with possible implications for atherosclerosis and wound healing.  相似文献   

 Transition from a contractile to a synthetic phenotype appears to be an early key event during the development of intimal thickening after arterial wall injury. We examined the expression of osteopontin mRNA, proliferation, and phenotypic properties of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in rabbit neointima after balloon denudation and in primary culture. A strong osteopontin mRNA signal was detected in the thickened intima 1 week after balloon denudation and in the surface layer of the intima 2 weeks after balloon denudation. Ki-67 immunohistochemistry showed that osteopontin mRNA expression increased when SMCs entered the proliferating phase in the intima. Rabbit arterial SMCs on type I collagen after 1 day of primary culture with growth factors, as well as freshly isolated cells, were in the G0 phase (contractile phenotype) and did not express osteopontin mRNA. After 3 days of culture, most cells entered the G1B phase (synthetic phenotype) and expressed osteopontin mRNA. In the absence of growth factors, most cells transferred to the G1A phase (intermediate phenotype) after 3 and 7 days, but did not express osteopontin mRNA. Our findings indicate that the osteopontin gene provides a marker that can be used to distinguish the phenotypic properties of vascular SMCs. Accepted: 22 November 1996  相似文献   

Induction of Fibronectin (FN) gene expression by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) isoforms in rat thoracic aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC) was examined. PDGF-BB enhances FN levels in SMC cultures in a time- and concentration-response fashion. PDGF-AA and PDGF-AB show no effect on FN levels. The effects of insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) on PDGF-BB-induced FN levels were examined. No additivity of FN levels is observed between PDGF-BB and insulin and/or IGF-I. Experiments also show that PDGF-BB enhances FN mRNA levels, implying that acquisition of additional FN mRNA units accounts for the increase in FN levels. Induction of FN and FN mRNA levels by PDGF-BB could be one of the initial events in vascular SMC proliferation and extracellular matrix expansion, leading to atherosclerosis and hypertension.  相似文献   

Transient changes in the concentration of intracellular free calcium are associated with the transduction of primary signals and the subsequent employment of Ca2+ as a second messenger in a multitude of cell types. These transients, typically monitored with the calcium-sensitive fluorescent dye Fura-2, are known to occur with a time course in the order of seconds. In order to accurately monitor such rapid changes in intracellular free calcium concentration in both single cells and simultaneously in several cells in a single field, we have developed a digital fluorescence imaging system based on a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. We report here on the detailed kinetics of calcium increases in cultured arterial swine smooth muscle cells in response to the agonist ATP.  相似文献   

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