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Workers of Paraponera clavata, a common Neotropical ant, collect both nectar and insect prey. Previous reports show that nectar accounts for up to 90 percent of the ants’ food loads, while calculations suggest that nectar contributes only 10 percent of colonies’ energy supply. We assessed the trophic source of carbon and nitrogen in adult workers using stable isotope analysis. Carbon in adult workers was largely derived from plant sources. Worker nitrogen isotopic ratios varied significantly among colonies and were enriched compared to prey. Prey nitrogen isotope ratios suggest considerable intercolonial variation in diet, with some colonies collecting prey from lower trophic levels than other colonies. The importance of nectar as a source of metabolic carbon in adult worker biomass, coupled with the high frequency of nectar collection, supports the conclusion that omnivory is a key to supporting this species’ biomass in Neotropical wet forests.  相似文献   

Summary: The size of the nesting cavity and the nature of the nest-building material can constrain colony growth in eusocial insects. Rocks protect colony members against extreme temperatures as well as serve as a supplementary source of heat, thereby maintaining optimal conditions for brood development. The frequency distribution of available rocks and those occupied by colonies of Rhytidoponera metallica in the Avon River State Forest, Victoria, Australia, showed that colonies of R. metallica avoided nesting under small rocks (<200 cm2). A strong correlation between colony size and rock size indicates that nesting under a larger rock promotes colony growth. Laboratory choice experiments revealed that workers are capable of recognizing larger rocks from external physical characters (dimension). Field data indicates that colonies leave nests frequently, with nest abandonment peaking in the summer months.  相似文献   

Summary We examine how cost and benefit components of resource profitability affect recruitment in the giant tropical ant, Paraponera clavata. To vary resource profitability, we changed the quantity of artificial nectar baits presented to foragers and the distance of nectar baits from the nest. Both distance to and amount of resource affected quantitative aspects of recruitment. At increased distances foragers were less likely to recruit, and fewer workers were recruited to the resource area. The amount of nectar affected the tendency of foragers to recruit, but had no effect on the number of ants recruited. Variation in resource distance was also associated with qualitative changes in recruitment strategy. Foragers at distant sites recruited from the canopy rather than from the nest, and often transferred nectar to other workers for transport to the nest. Nectar transfer and extra-nidal recruitment significantly reduced the time required for resource collection. It may also have increased the ability of workers to specialize in specific foraging tasks. A portion of the colony's foraging force specialized spatially by remaining in distant foraging areas without returning to the nest. The flexible recruitment system of P. clavata increases colonial net energetic gain rates by concentrating foraging effort on resources yielding the highest net energetic rewards, and increases the competitive abilities of individual colonies at resource sites by decreasing collection times.  相似文献   

Lee A. Dyer  Ted Floyd 《Oecologia》1993,96(4):575-582
To evaluate the role of predation in the evolution of diet specialization and to determine the effectiveness of various larval defenses, we offered lepidopteran larvae to colonies of the tropical ant Paraponera clavata. We recorded behavioral and physical characteristics of prey items and used log-linear models to analyze their importance as deterrents to predation by P. clavata. The most important determinant of probability of prey rejection by P. clavata was a prey's diet breadth; specialists were rejected by the ants significantly more than generalists. Other less important, but significant, predictors of prey rejection included ontogeny, morphology and chemistry. Late instar caterpillars were rejected more frequently than early instars, hairy caterpillars were rejected more frequently than caterpillars with other morphologies, and one caterpillar species with an unpalatable extract was rejected more frequently than two species with palatable extracts.  相似文献   

The prevalence and impact of a specialized microfungal parasite (Escovopsis) that infects the fungus gardens of leaf-cutting ants was examined in the laboratory and in the field in Panama. Escovopsis is a common parasite of leaf-cutting ant colonies and is apparently more frequent in Acromyrmex spp. gardens than in gardens of the more phylogenetically derived genus Atta spp. In addition, larger colonies of Atta spp. appear to be less frequently infected with the parasite. In this study, the parasite Escovopsis had a major impact on the success of this mutualism among ants, fungi, and bacteria. Infected colonies had a significantly lower rate of fungus garden accumulation and produced substantially fewer workers. In addition, the extent of the reduction in colony growth rate depended on the isolate, with one isolate having a significantly larger impact than two others, suggesting that Escovopsis has different levels of virulence. Escovopsis is also spatially concentrated within parts of ant fungus gardens, with the younger regions having significantly lower rates of infection as compared to the older regions. The discovery that gardens of fungus-growing ants are host to a virulent pathogen that is not related to any of the three mutualists suggests that unrelated organisms may be important but primarily overlooked components of other mutualistic associations.  相似文献   

Giving-up times in resource patches by workers of the giant tropical ant,Paraponera clavata, are associated with travel time and reward volume but not reward concentration. The discovery of an artificial nectar reward stimulates local search which is centered around the initial reward site. Longer giving-up times increase the likelihood that a worker will find a second reward, but the search appears to be more effective for renewed rewards at the same location than for nearby rewards. When workers are near the colony, larger rewards cause the workers to stop searching and to initiate recruitment behavior. At patches distant from the nest, the threshold in reward volume for recruitment is much higher. These results are consistent with expectations for search strategies when energy expenditure in search is minimal, resources are renewable, and recruitment can occur.  相似文献   

Summary: Queens of the pharaoh's ant Monomorium pharaonis (L.), like several other ant species, feed on larval secretions as their main nourishment and their fecundity is positively correlated with the number of large larvae present in the nest. The surplus of secretions produced by larvae is stored in a temporary caste of replete workers, which comprises young workers who remain in the nest and store liquid nourishment. Repletes are characterised by a conspicuously large gaster, caused by large amounts of liquid food stored in the crop, from which it may be regurgitated and distributed among colony members. In this study, repletes of pharaoh's ants were demonstrated to be functioning as buffers, smoothing fluctuations in availability of high quality food to the reproductive queens when larvae are scarce or missing, thus temporarily keeping up the egg production of queens.¶In undisturbed two-queen colonies with 20 large worker larvae and 30 workers (15 young and 15 old workers), approximately 10 repletes developed (one replete per two larvae). Development of older workers into repletes, when some or all repletes had been removed from the colonies, demonstrated that their temporal polyethism exhibits great plasticity in this trait.¶This study confirmed that, in pharaoh's ants, the regulation of fecundity depends not only on the food flow to the queen from larvae or from repletes but also on an unknown larval stimulus.¶The term crop repletes is suggested for replete workers which use their crop to store nourishment, as opposed to fat-body repletes, which store nourishment in their fat body.¶The presence of brood tending crop repletes in nests in several European ant species of Leptothorax, Myrmica, and Lasius, show that repletism is a common trait in ants, and that it may play an important role in regulation of nutrition in ant colonies, as demonstrated in Monomorium pharaonis.  相似文献   

Summary. Aspects of the sociobiology of the native Australian stingless bee Trigona carbonaria (Hymenoptera, Meliponini) were investigated using highly variable microsatellite markers. The queen mating frequency was estimated by examining genotypes of samples of workers from five colonies across three to five microsatellite loci. In each case, results were consistent with the workers being progeny of a queen mated with a single male. Microsatellite analysis of haploid males from two of the colonies suggested they predominantly arose from queen-laid eggs. As workers are more related to sons-of-workers than to sons-of-queens in monandrous colonies, this is somewhat surprising, and suggests that there may be colony-level costs associated with worker reproduction, or that queens are able to regulate worker reproduction via the ritualized cell provisioning and oviposition process. Males from another T. carbonaria colony were found to be diploid.  相似文献   

Ian Billick 《Oecologia》2002,132(2):244-249
While it is commonly assumed that variation in worker sizes within a single ant colony increases colony efficiency, there is little causal evidence of a link between worker size variation and colony performance. I tested whether the range of worker sizes within colonies of the ant species Formica neorufibarbis affected new worker production. Removing large workers from colonies lowered the rate of new worker production. A study of unmanipulated colonies indicated that colonies did not maintain a full range of worker sizes; mean worker head widths varied from 0.89-1.24 mm. Colonies naturally missing large workers did not have lower rates of worker production, suggesting that the relative size, not the absolute size, of workers within colonies was important. These are the first results to directly link the range of worker sizes to a component of colony fitness in a natural setting.  相似文献   

Summary: The reproductive strategy between queen-right and orphaned colonies of Myrmica kotokui was compared. The ratio of orphaned colonies reached about 30 percent in the field. Although colony size was significantly smaller in orphaned colonies, the mean body size and mean ovariole length of the workers were significantly larger than those in queen-right colonies. The reproductive individuals in orphaned colonies were also significantly larger than those in queen-right colonies. Only 38.5 % of the orphaned colonies, however, contained eggs during the reproductive season, compared to 100 % of the queen-right colonies. This indicates that worker reproduction under natural conditions is relatively low, even in orphaned colonies.  相似文献   

Summary. As Lasius niger societies grow from incipient nests to mature colonies, their foraging strategies shift from the individual exploitation of food sources to mass recruitment. Colony size instead of age is the key factor that shapes the exploratory and foraging responses of Lasius niger: a drastic reduction (or increase) of the population elicits an activity profile similar to that observed in younger (or older) societies of the same size. As a colony grows, the proportion of patrollers significantly decreases while the proportion of conveyors remains rather constant. As regards the energetic return, it increases with incipient nest size due to the replacement of minims by ordinary workers of larger crop capacity. We also demonstrate that minims of incipient nests modulate their trail-laying behaviour according to the social context, in this case the colony size. During their ontogenesis, L. niger colonies exhibit a progressive integration of individual foragers into a network of communication, the adaptive significance of which is discussed.  相似文献   

Theoretical models suggest that subordinate competitors may rely on strong colonization ability and/or high persistence (e.g., the ability to resist invasion) as a strategy to coexist with competitively dominant species. While strong colonization ability among subordinate competitors has been widely documented, we know less about the role of persistence in facilitating species coexistence. In upland East Africa, four species of acacia-ants (Crematogaster sjostedti, C. mimosae, C. nigriceps, Tetraponera penzigi) compete for possession of Acacia drepanolobium host trees. Despite a strong dominance hierarchy, the four acacia-ant species coexist at fine spatial scales. Here we present evidence that T. penzigi, the least aggressive competitor, modifies host trees in two ways that reduce the probability of aggressive takeover by neighboring colonies. First, T. penzigi workers destroy virtually all leaf nectaries on their host trees. Second, T. penzigi workers create and maintain entryways into their swollen thorn domiciles that are too small to allow entry by their Crematogaster competitors. In a 2Ƕ factorial experiment, we manipulated nectar availability and swollen-thorn entryway size to determine the influence of these factors on the probability of aggressive displacement by a dominant competitor (C. mimosae) in staged conflicts. Addition of artificial nectaries and enlargement of swollen-thorn entryways on T. penzigi-occupied trees increased the probability of aggressive displacement of T. penzigi by C. mimosae from swollen thorns 14-fold and 8-fold, respectively. Further, empty saplings with nectaries destroyed by T. penzigi workers were colonized by half as many C. mimosae workers as saplings where nectaries were left intact. Our results demonstrate that T. penzigi's unusual strategy of nectary destruction and the maintenance of small entryways in swollen thorns produce priority effects, effectively reducing the probability that T. penzigi colonies will be displaced from host trees by more dominant competitors.  相似文献   

Summary: Honey bee queens have been shown to mate with a high number of males, but the evolutionary advantage of this high degree of polyandry is still unclear. Mating data from a number of different Apis species and subspecies are needed to help explain polyandry in honey bees. Pupae of four colonies of Apis mellifera sicula from Sicily were genotyped on three polymorphic microsatellite loci. The genotypes of the queens and fathering drones from these colonies were deduced from the genotypes of the pupae. We found no evidence for polygyny, at least we can exclude more than one functional queen, even super-sister queens, if maternity contributions are equal. The four queens mated with at least 5 to 12 (mean: 9.3 - 3.0 SE) drones. We estimate the error in our determination of the mating frequency that is caused by limited genetic resolution of the marker loci to be less than 1 mating given that Hardy-Weinberg assumptions are satisfied. However, the drones the single queens mated with may be a non-random sample of the whole population, so that detection error may be more severe. The average pedigree relatedness among workers within the colonies was estimated to be 0.341. These results are within the range of those found in other A. mellifera subspecies and Apis species except A. dorsata. We speculate that mating frequency may be positively correlated with drone density.  相似文献   

Summary: Pre-nesting foundresses of Belonogaster petiolata (Degeer) displayed a continuous variation in body size and ovarian development, wherein the majority (96%) of females possessed well-developed or developing ovaries. The latter indicates that most foundresses, including those that ultimately become subordinates in multiple-foundress colonies, have the potential to lay eggs when they first initiate or join nests. Relatively small differences in ovarian development between associated females at the start of the nesting season became pronounced over the course of the pre-emergence and early pre-matrifilial period concurrently with the differentiation of their roles as queens or subordinates. In pre-matrifilial colonies, ovarian development of queens was significantly greater than that of subordinates. Dominance rank and ovarian development among subordinates in pre-matrifilial colonies were not correlated, probably due to advanced ovarian regression in these females. The majority (96.5%) of foundresses from three successive nesting seasons were inseminated and would therefore have been capable of laying female-producing (i.e. worker- and queen-destined) eggs. Although queens of B. petiolata were not significantly larger than subordinates, they were the largest females in 41% of colonies. Similarly, #-foundresses were larger on average than %-foundresses. This indicates that body size may contribute to social and reproductive dominance, but is probably of secondary importance compared with hormonal and nutritional factors. These and previously published findings from B. petiolata suggest that the fitness benefits of associating with other foundresses during colony foundation may be largely mutualistic, and favoured by individual selection in addition to kin selection.  相似文献   

Paraponera clavata workers engage in a period of local search after encountering a small amount of artificial nectar. Giving-up times from local search are not distributed normally; there is a strong skew to longer times. There is no statistically significant relationship between the amount of time required to collect the food and the subsequent search time. Giving-up time in response to the first reward presented to an ant is positively correlated with that ant's response to a second such reward. However, giving-up times diminish when an ant is presented with a series of rewards. Local search is a function of individual strategies, which remain relatively constant in the short term.  相似文献   

Paxton  R. J. 《Insectes Sociaux》2000,47(1):63-69
Summary: Stingless bee queens have for long been assumed to mate once on a nuptial flight, early in life. To evaluate critically monandry in one stingless bee, Scaptotrigona postica, worker offspring (adults or brood) were genetically analysed with microsatellite loci, five of which were developed specifically for the species. Marker loci were highly variable; unbiased estimates of heterozygosity were > 0.5. "Foreign" workers, either those having drifted from other colonies (circa 2%) or those of a replacement queen, were identified with the genetic markers and removed from further analysis. Worker genotypes were consistent with some queens having mated once and others having mated with up to six different males. Scaptotrigona postica queens are therefore facultatively polyandrous. Effective mating frequencies, me, were generally lower than the number of patrilines observed. Relatedness estimates of nestmates from individual colonies concurred with those derived from direct counts of the number of patrilines and their proportional representation. Putative genotypes of a colony's queen and her mates were deduced from those of her workers. Queens were generally not related to their mates. For one polyandrous queen, her six mates were related to each other, possibly because of numerically biased representation of males from different colonies at mating sites. However, males at an aggregation outside a colony came from numerous colonies.  相似文献   

Summary: Ninety-eight nests of various growing stages of Provespa anomala were found in the lowlands of Sumatra, Indonesia, from August to January. Its colony cycle is considered to be annual, with nests built throughout the year. There were two types of early nests before the emergence of workers, one with a worker number of less than 63 and the other of more than 231. The former were new nests, each containing a new queen and were built by reproductive swarming, whereas each of the latter was possibly re-built by an old queen and an absconding swarm. Ten swarming colonies were attracted by an oil-lamp light; these consisted of a copulated queen with immature oocytes in the ovary and 55 workers on average. No males, or workers stylopized by Xenos provesparum were observed either in colonies before worker emergence or in swarms coming flying into the light. Differences between swarming in Provespa, polygyny and nest relocation in Vespa, and those in swarm-founding Polistinae are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary: An important evolutionary characteristic of the formicine subfamily Ponerinae is the occurrence of various alternative reproductive tactics within single species. In Platythyrea punctata Smith, 1858, queens, gamergates and parthenogenetic workers co-occur in the same species. Morphological queens, both alate and dealate, were present in only 29 percent of the colonies collected in Florida, but absent from colonies collected in Barbados and Puerto Rico. One of the six queens which were dissected (three alate and three dealate) was found to be inseminated but not fertile. Instead, in most queenless colonies, a single uninseminated worker monopolized reproduction by means of thelytokous parthenogenesis, i.e., it produced female offspring from unfertilized eggs. A single mated, reproductive worker (gamergate) was found dominating reproduction in the presence of an inseminated alate queen in one of the Florida colonies. Thelytokous parthenogenesis was examined in artificial groups of virgin laboratory-reared workers, where one worker typically monopolized reproduction despite the presence of several individuals with elongated ovaries. In 16 colonies collected in Florida, a total of 66 individuals differed morphologically from queens and workers. Their thorax morphology varied from a worker-like to an almost queen-like structure. We refer to these individuals as "intercastes" (sensu Peeters, 1991a). The remarkable complexity of reproductive strategies renders P. punctata unique within ants.  相似文献   

Male ants have long been thought to leave the nest, swarm, mate and die in quick succession (male aggregation syndrome). However, the ancestors of the ants likely used female calling, where females advertise with pheromones for longer lived and presumably free living males. In this study, male lifespan was compared in four species from a Panama rain forest. Males of two species with aggregation syndrome (Atta colombica and Azteca sp.) lived only days after collection at a light trap, and their lifespan failed to increase when supplied sugar water ad libitum. In contrast, two species with female calling syndrome (Ectatomma ruidum and Paraponera clavata) lived up to 116 days when fed. These results link male lifespan to mating systems, and provide a framework to examine variation in how ant colonies invest in males.  相似文献   

Summary: Genetic theory predicts that workers in monogynous ant colonies with singly-mated queens should capitalize on higher relatedness with sisters than with brothers by altering the sex investment ratio of a colony in favor of females. Sex investment ratios, however, may also be influenced by the amount of resources available to colonies, in part because more mating opportunities might be obtained by investing scarce resources in males, which are much smaller than queens. Female larvae that reach a critical size by a particular point in development become queens while underfed larvae develop into workers, so workers could potentially influence the sex investment ratio of a colony by selectively feeding female larvae. In a previous experiment on the ant, Aphaenogaster rudis, colonies increased female sex investment after their diet was supplemented with elaiosomes, a lipid-rich food gained from a seed dispersal mutualism. In order to investigate the mechanisms producing this shift, we radio-labeled Sanguinaria canadensis elaiosomes with fatty acids and compared uptake among castes within a colony. The experiment was performed in both the laboratory and field. Lab colonies produced female-biased sex investment ratios, while field colonies mainly invested in males. We hypothesize that this discrepancy is related to differing levels of background food availability in the lab and field. The results of the elaiosome distribution experiment do not support a hypothesis that elaiosomes play a qualitative role in queen determination, because all individuals in a colony receive this nutrient. There is, however, support for the hypothesis that elaiosomes have a quantitative effect on larval development because larvae that accumulated more radio-label from elaiosomes tended to develop into gynes (virgin queens), while other female larvae developed into workers.  相似文献   

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