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Inactivation of the retinoblastoma protein (pRb) by phosphorylation triggers uncontrolled cell proliferation. Accordingly, activation of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)/cyclin complexes or downregulation of CDK inhibitors appears as a common event in human cancer. Here we show that Pin1 (protein interacting with NIMA (never in mitosis A)-1), a peptidylprolyl isomerase involved in the control of protein phosphorylation, is an essential mediator for inactivation of the pRb. Our results indicate that Pin1 controls cell proliferation by altering pRb phosphorylation without affecting CDK and protein phosphatase 1 and 2 activity. We demonstrated that Pin1 regulates tumor cell proliferation through direct interaction with the spacer domain of the pRb protein, and allows the interaction between CDK/cyclin complexes and pRb in mid/late G1. Phosphorylation of pRb Ser 608/612 is the crucial motif for Pin1 binding. We propose that Pin1 selectively boosts the switch from hypo- to hyper-phosphorylation of pRb in tumor cells. In addition, we demonstrate that the CDK pathway is responsible for the interaction of Pin1 and pRb. Prospectively, our findings therefore suggest that the synergism among CDK and Pin1 inhibitors holds great promise for targeted pharmacological treatment of cancer patients, with the possibility of reaching high effectiveness at tolerated doses.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis NPR1/NIM1 is a key regulator of systemic acquired resistance (SAR), which confers lasting broad-spectrum resistance. Over-expression of Arabidopsis NPR1 or the NPR1 homolog 1 (NH1) in rice results in enhanced resistance to the pathogen Xanthomonasoryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), suggesting the presence of a related defense pathway in rice. We investigated this pathway in rice by identifying proteins that interact with NH1. Here we report the isolation and characterization of a rice cDNA encoding a novel protein, named NRR (for negative regulator of resistance). NRR interacts with NPR1 in the NPR1-interacting domain (NI25) consisting of 25 amino acids. NRR also interacts with NH1; however, NI25 was not sufficient for a strong interaction, indicating a difference between the rice and the Arabidopsis proteins. Silencing of NRR in rice had little effect on resistance to Xoo. When constitutively over-expressed in rice, NRR affected basal resistance, age-related resistance and Xa21-mediated resistance, causing enhanced susceptibility to Xoo. This phenotype was correlated with elevated NRR mRNA and protein levels and increased Xoo growth. Over-expression of NRR suppressed the induction of defense-related genes. NRR:GFP (green fluorescent protein) protein was localized to the nucleus, indicating that NRR may act directly to suppress the activation of defense genes. The fact that NRR compromises Xa21-mediated resistance indicates cross-talk or overlap between NH1- and Xa21-mediated pathways.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation have been reported to play important roles in plant cold responses. In addition, phospho-regulatory feedback is a conserved mechanism for biological processes and stress responses in animals and plants. However, it is less well known that a regulatory feedback loop is formed by the protein kinase and the protein phosphatase in plant responses to cold stress. Here, we report that OPEN STOMATA 1 (OST1) and PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE 2C G GROUP 1 (PP2CG1) reciprocally regulate the activity during the cold stress response. The interaction of PP2CG1 and OST1 is inhibited by cold stress, which results in the release of OST1 at the cytoplasm and nucleus from suppression by PP2CG1. Interestingly, cold-activated OST1 phosphorylates PP2CG1 to suppress its phosphatase activity, thereby amplifying cold signaling in plants. Mutations of PP2CG1 and its homolog PP2CG2 enhance freezing tolerance, whereas overexpression of PP2CG1 decreases freezing tolerance. Moreover, PP2CG1 negatively regulates protein levels of C-REPEAT BINDING FACTORs (CBFs) under cold stress. Our results uncover a phosphor/dephosphor-regulatory feedback loop mediated by PP2CG1 phosphatase and OST1 protein kinase in plant cold responses.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the mechanism underlying the polar auxin transport system, the pis1 mutant in Arabidopsis thaliana that is hypersensitive to N -1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), an auxin transport inhibitor was isolated and characterized. Whereas the pis1 mutant is normally sensitive to phytohormones, auxins, cytokinin and ethylene precursor, this mutant is hypersensitive to NPA over the broad spectrum of its effects such as growth of seedlings, root elongation, root gravitropism, root phototropism and root curling. This result indicates that the pis1 mutant is specifically affected in the polar auxin transport system. This result also defines a genetic factor controlling both gravitropism and phototropism, and strongly indicates the involvement of auxin transport during both tropic responses. NPA, 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) and 9-hydroxyfluorene-9-carboxylic acid (HFCA) represent different classes of auxin transport inhibitors. The pis1 mutation conferred hypersensitivity to both NPA and TIBA but not to HFCA. These results show the genetic separation of the actions of NPA/TIBA and of HFCA. The PIS1 gene product might be specifically involved in the response pathway of NPA/TIBA, leading to interference with auxin-efflux carriers, and might act as a negative regulator of the action of NPA/TIBA.  相似文献   

FGFRL1 is a member of the fibroblast growth factor receptor family. It plays an essential role during branching morphogenesis of the metanephric kidneys, as mice with a targeted deletion of the Fgfrl1 gene show severe kidney dysplasia. Here we used the yeast two-hybrid system to demonstrate that FGFRL1 binds with its C-terminal, histidine-rich domain to Spred1 and to other proteins of the Sprouty/Spred family. Members of this family are known to act as negative regulators of the Ras/Raf/Erk signaling pathway. Truncation experiments further showed that FGFRL1 interacts with the SPR domain of Spred1, a domain that is shared by all members of the Sprouty/Spred family. The interaction could be verified by coprecipitation of the interaction partners from solution and by codistribution at the cell membrane of COS1 and HEK293 cells. Interestingly, Spred1 increased the retention time of FGFRL1 at the plasma membrane where the receptor might interact with ligands. FGFRL1 and members of the Sprouty/Spred family belong to the FGF synexpression group, which also includes FGF3, FGF8, Sef and Isthmin. It is conceivable that FGFRL1, Sef and some Sprouty/Spred proteins work in concert to control growth factor signaling during branching morphogenesis of the kidneys and other organs.  相似文献   

The protein dlk, encoded by the Dlk1 gene, belongs to the Notch epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like family of receptors and ligands, which participate in cell fate decisions during development. The molecular mechanisms by which dlk regulates cell differentiation remain unknown. By using the yeast two-hybrid system, we found that dlk interacts with Notch1 in a specific manner. Moreover, by using luciferase as a reporter gene under the control of a CSL/RBP-Jk/CBF-1-dependent promoter in the dlk-negative, Notch1-positive Balb/c 14 cell line, we found that addition of synthetic dlk EGF-like peptides to the culture medium or forced expression of dlk decreases endogenous Notch activity. Furthermore, the expression of the gene Hes-1, a target for Notch1 activation, diminishes in confluent Balb/c14 cells transfected with an expression construct encoding for the extracellular EGF-like region of dlk. The expression of Dlk1 and Notch1 increases in 3T3-L1 cells maintained in a confluent state for several days, which is associated with a concomitant decrease in Hes-1 expression. On the other hand, the decrease of Dlk1 expression in 3T3-L1 cells by antisense cDNA transfection is associated with an increase in Hes-1 expression. These results suggest that dlk functionally interacts in vivo with Notch1, which may lead to the regulation of differentiation processes modulated by Notch1 activation and signaling, including adipogenesis.  相似文献   

The anaphase-promoting complex activated by CDC20 and CDH1 is a major ubiquitination system that controls the destruction of cell cycle regulators. Exactly how ubiquitination is regulated in time and space is incompletely understood. Here we report on the cell cycle-dependent localization of CDH1 and its regulation by phosphorylation. CDH1 localizes dynamically to the nucleus during interphase and to the centrosome during metaphase and anaphase. The nuclear accumulation of CDH1 correlates with a reduction in the steady-state amount of cyclin A, but not of cyclin E. A nuclear localization signal conserved in various species was identified in CDH1, and it sufficiently targets green fluorescent protein to the nucleus. Interestingly, a CDH1-4D mutant mimicking the hyperphosphorylated form was constitutively found in the cytoplasm. In further support of the notion that phosphorylation inhibits nuclear import, the nuclear localization signal of CDH1 with two phospho-accepting serine/threonine residues changed into aspartates was unable to drive heterologous protein into the nucleus. On the other hand, abolition of the cyclin-binding ability of CDH1 has no influence on its nuclear localization. Taken together, our findings document the phosphorylation-dependent localization of CDH1 in vertebrate cells.  相似文献   

The circadian clock controls the period, phasing, and amplitude of processes that oscillate with a near 24-h rhythm. One core group of clock components in Arabidopsis that controls the pace of the central oscillator is comprised of five PRR (pseudo-response regulator) proteins whose biochemical function in the clock remains unclear. Peak expression of TOC1 (timing of cab expression 1)/PRR1, PRR3, PRR5, PRR7, and PRR9 are each phased differently over the course of the day and loss of any PRR protein alters period. Here we show that, together with TOC1, PRR5 is the only other likely proteolytic substrate of the E3 ubiquitin ligase SCF(ZTL) within this PRR family. We further demonstrate a functional significance for the phosphorylated forms of PRR5, TOC1, and PRR3. Each PRR protein examined is nuclear-localized and is differentially phosphorylated over the circadian cycle. The more highly phosphorylated forms of PRR5 and TOC1 interact best with the F-box protein ZTL (ZEITLUPE), suggesting a mechanism to modulate their proteolysis. In vivo degradation of both PRR5 and ZTL is inhibited by blue light, likely the result of blue light photoperception by ZTL. TOC1 and PRR3 interact in vivo and phosphorylation of both is necessary for their optimal binding in vitro. Additionally, because PRR3 and ZTL both interact with TOC1 in vivo via the TOC1 N terminus, taken together these data suggest that the TOC1/PRR3 phosphorylation-dependent interaction may protect TOC1 from ZTL-mediated degradation, resulting in an enhanced amplitude of TOC1 cycling.  相似文献   

We have previously observed that metabolic oxidative stress-induced death domain-associated protein (Daxx) trafficking is mediated by the ASK1-SEK1-JNK1-HIPK1 signal transduction pathway. The relocalized Daxx from the nucleus to the cytoplasm during glucose deprivation participates in a positive regulatory feedback loop by binding to apoptosis signal-regulating kinase (ASK) 1. In this study, we report that Akt1 is involved in a negative regulatory feedback loop during glucose deprivation. Akt1 interacts with c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK)-interacting protein (JIP) 1, and Akt1 catalytic activity is inhibited. The JNK2-mediated phosphorylation of JIP1 results in the dissociation of Akt1 from JIP1 and subsequently restores Akt1 enzyme activity. Concomitantly, Akt1 interacts with stress-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (SEK) 1 (also known as MKK4) and inhibits SEK1 activity. Knockdown of SEK1 leads to the inhibition of JNK activation, JIP1-JNK2 binding, and the dissociation of Akt1 from JIP1 during glucose deprivation. Knockdown of JIP1 also leads to the inhibition of JNK activation, whereas the knockdown of Akt1 promotes JNK activation during glucose deprivation. Altogether, our data demonstrate that Akt1 participates in a negative regulatory feedback loop by interacting with the JIP1 scaffold protein.  相似文献   

By means of an RT-PCR approach we isolated a specific tyrosine phosphatase (FsPTP1) induced by abscisic acid (ABA) and correlated with seed dormancy in Fagus sylvatica seeds. To provide genetic evidence of FsPTP1 function in seed dormancy and ABA signal transduction pathway, we overexpressed this gene in Cape Verde Island ecotype of Arabidopsis thaliana, which shows the deepest degree of seed dormancy among Arabidopsis accessions. As a result, 35S:FsPTP1 transgenic seeds showed a reduced dormancy and insensitivity to ABA and osmotic stress conditions accompanied by a reduction in the level of expression of RAB18 and RD29, well-known ABA-responsive genes. Taken together, all these data are consistent with a role of this tyrosine phosphatase as a negative regulator of ABA signaling. In addition, phenotypes of FsPTP1 transgenic plants resemble those observed in ethylene constitutive mutants, accompanied by an increase in the level of expression of a key gene involved in ethylene signaling such as EIN2. All the data presented along the paper suggest that the effect of tyrosine phosphatases in ABA action during the transition from seed dormancy to germination may be through modulation of ethylene signaling.  相似文献   

Nakasako M  Iwata T  Matsuoka D  Tokutomi S 《Biochemistry》2004,43(47):14881-14890
Phototropin is a blue-light receptor of plants and comprises two light-receptive domains, LOV1 and LOV2, Ser/Thr kinase domain and one linker region connecting the LOV2 and the kinase domains. The LOV2 domain is thought to regulate predominantly the light-dependent autophosphorylation of the kinase domain, leading to cellular signaling cascades. In this study, we constructed recombinant LOV1, LOV2, and LOV2-linker polypeptides from phototropin 1 and phototropin 2 of Arabidopsis thaliana and studied their quaternary structures and light-dependent conformational changes by small-angle X-ray scattering. The molecular weights of the polypeptides determined from scattering intensities demonstrated the dimeric associations of LOV1 polypeptides of both isoforms. In contrast, while LOV2 and LOV2-linker polypeptides of phototropin 1 were homodimers, corresponding polypeptides of phototropin 2 existed as monomeric forms. Under blue-light irradiation, the LOV2-linker polypeptide of phototropin 1 displayed small but definite changes of the scattering profile. Through simulation of low-resolution molecular structures, the changes were likely explained as structural changes of the linker region and/or a movement of the region relative to the LOV2 domain. Light-induced profile changes were not observed in the Cys(512)Ala mutated LOV2-linker polypeptide of phototropin 1 losing the phototransformation capability. Thus, it was indicated that the photoreaction in the LOV2 domain probably caused the structural changes in the LOV2-linker polypeptide of phototropin 1. On the basis of the results, the interdomain interactions in phototropin are discussed.  相似文献   

We have studied the initial effects of adenovirus E1A expression on the retinoblastoma (RB) gene product in normal quiescent cells. Although binding of the E1A products to pRB could, in theory, make pRB phosphorylation unnecessary for cell cycle progression, we have found that the 12S wild-type E1A product is capable of inducing phosphorylation of pRB in normal quiescent cells. The induction of pRB phosphorylation correlates with E1A-mediated induction of p34cdc2 expression and kinase activity, consistent with the possibility that p34cdc2 is a pRB kinase. Expression of simian virus 40 T antigen induces similar effects. Induction of pRB phosphorylation is independent of the pRB binding activity of the E1A products; E1A domain 2 mutants do not bind detectable levels of pRB but remain competent to induce pRB phosphorylation and to activate cdc2 protein kinase expression and activity. Although the kinetics of induction are slower, domain 2 mutants induce wild-type levels of pRB phosphorylation and host cell DNA synthesis and yet fail to induce cell proliferation. These results imply that direct physical interaction between the RB and E1A products does not play a required role in the early stages of E1A-mediated cell cycle induction and that pRB phosphorylation is not, of itself, sufficient to allow quiescent cells to divide. These results suggest that the E1A products do not need to bind pRB in order to stimulate resting cells to enter the cell cycle. Indeed, a more important role of the RB binding activity of the E1A products may be to prevent dividing cells from returning to G0.  相似文献   

The enzymological properties of AtAurora1, a kinase responsible for the cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation of histone H3 at S10, and its cross-talk with other post-translational histone modifications, were determined. In vitro phosphorylation of H3S10 by AtAurora1 is strongly increased by K9 acetylation, and decreased by K14 acetylation and T11 phosphorylation. However, S10 phosphorylation activity is unaltered by mono-, di- or trimethylation of K9. An interference of H3K9 dimethylation by SUVR4 occurs by a pre-existing phosphorylation at S10. Hence, cross-talk in plants exists between phosphorylation of H3S10 and methylation, acetylation or phosphorylation of neighbouring amino acid residues. AtAurora1 undergoes autophosphorylation in vivo regardless of the presence of substrate, and forms dimers in planta . Of the three ATP-competitive Aurora inhibitors tested, Hesperadin was most effective in reducing the in vivo kinase activity of AtAurora1. Hesperadin consistently inhibited histone H3S10 phosphorylation during mitosis in Arabidopsis cells, but did not affect other H3 post-translational modifications, suggesting a specific inhibition of AtAurora in vivo . Inactivation of AtAurora also caused lagging chromosomes in a number of anaphase cells, but, unlike the situation in mammalian cells, Hesperadin did not influence the microtubule dynamics in dividing cells.  相似文献   

Zuo ZC  Meng YY  Yu XH  Zhang ZL  Feng DS  Sun SF  Liu B  Lin CT 《Molecular plant》2012,5(3):726-733
Arabidopsis cryptochrome 2 (CRY2) is a blue-light receptor mediating blue-light inhibition of hypocotyl elongation and photoperiodic promotion of floral initiation. CRY2 is a constitutive nuclear protein that undergoes blue-light-dependent phosphorylation, ubiquitination, photobody formation, and degradation in the nucleus, but the relationship between these blue-light-dependent events remains unclear. It has been proposed that CRY2 phosphorylation triggers a conformational change responsible for the subsequent ubiquitination and photobody formation, leading to CRY2 function and/or degradation. We tested this hypothesis by a structure-function study, using mutant CRY2-GFP fusion proteins expressed in transgenic Arabidopsis. We show that changes of lysine residues of the NLS (Nuclear Localization Signal) sequence of CRY2 to arginine residues partially impair the nuclear importation of the CRY2K541R and CRY2K554/5R mutant proteins, resulting in reduced phosphorylation, physiological activities, and degradation in response to blue light. In contrast to the wild-type CRY2 protein that forms photobodies exclusively in the nucleus, the CRY2K541R and CRY2K554/5R mutant proteins form protein bodies in both the nucleus and cytosol in response to blue light. These results suggest that photoexcited CRY2 molecules can aggregate to form photobody-like structure without the nucleus-dependent protein modifications or the association with the nuclear CRY2-interacting proteins. Taken together, the observation that CRY2 forms photobodies markedly faster than CRY2 phosphorylation in response to blue light, we hypothesize that the photoexcited cryptochromes form oligomers, preceding other biochemical changes of CRY2, to facilitate photobody formation, signal amplification, and propagation, as well as desensitization by degradation.  相似文献   

The role of phytochrome B2 (phyB2) in the control of photomorphogenesis in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) has been investigated using recently isolated mutants carrying lesions in the PHYB2 gene. The physiological interactions of phytochrome A (phyA), phytochrome B1 (phyB1) and phyB2 have also been explored, using an isogenic series of all possible mutant combinations and several different phenotypic characteristics. The loss of phyB2 had a negligible effect on the development of white-light-grown wild-type or phyA-deficient plants, but substantially enhanced the elongated pale phenotype of the phyB1 mutant. This redundancy was also seen in the control of de-etiolation under continuous red light (R), where the loss of phyB2 had no detectable effect in the presence of phyB1. Under continuous R, phyA action was largely independent of phyB1 and phyB2 in terms of the control of hypocotyl elongation, but antagonized the effects of phyB1 in the control of anthocyanin synthesis, indicating that photoreceptors may interact differently to control different traits. Irradiance response curves for anthocyanin synthesis revealed that phyB1 and phyB2 together mediate all the detectable response to high-irradiance R, and, surprisingly, that the phyA-dependent low-irradiance component is also strongly reduced in the phyB1 phyB2 double mutant. This is not associated with a reduction in phyA protein content or responsiveness to continuous far-red light (FR), suggesting that phyB1 and phyB2 specifically influence phyA activity under low-irradiance R. Finally, the phyA phyB1 phyB2 triple mutant showed strong residual responsiveness to supplementary daytime FR, indicating that at least one of the two remaining phytochromes plays a significant role in tomato photomorphogenesis.  相似文献   

We previously reported a photomorphogenic mutation of Arabidopsis thaliana, shy2–1D, as a dominant suppressor of a hy2 mutation. Here, we report that shy2–1D confers various photo-responsive phenotypes in darkness and the dark phenotypes of the mutant are affected by phytochrome deficiency. Dark-grown seedlings of the mutant developed several photomorphogenic characteristics such as short hypocotyls, cotyledon expansion and opening, and partial differentiation of plastids. When grown further in darkness, the mutant plant underwent most of the developmental stages of a light-grown wild-type plant, including development of foliar leaves, an inflorescence stem with cauline leaves, and floral organs. In addition, two light-inducible genes, the nuclear-encoded CAB and the plastid-encoded PSBA genes, were highly expressed in the dark-grown mutant seedlings. Furthermore, reduced gravitropism, a phytochrome-modulated response, was observed in the mutant hypocotyl in darkness. Thus, shy2–1D is one of the most pleiotropic photomorphogenic mutations identified so far. The results indicate that SHY2 may be a key component regulating photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis. Surprisingly, double mutants of the shy2–1D mutant with the phytochrome-deficient mutants hy2, hy3 (phyB-1) and fre1–1 (phyA-201) showed reduced photomorphogenic response in darkness with a longer hypocotyl, a longer inflorescence stem, and a lower level expression of the CAB gene than the shy2–1D single mutant. These results showed that phytochromes function in darkness in the shy2–1D mutant background. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

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