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Survival estimates for Royal Terns in southern California   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT.   Once the most abundant large tern in California, populations of Royal Terns ( Thalasseus maximus ) are now greatly reduced statewide. However, these terns are still common in southern California where the population appears to be increasing. We estimated survival of this species, for which no robust estimate of survival is available, using mark-resighting data. Apparent survival of birds >3 yr of age was estimated to be ∼0.95; first-year survival was lower at 0.86. The lower survival estimate for first-year birds probably reflects increased mortality, but could also be a function of permanent emigration by individuals in this age class. The adult survival probability is the highest reported among terns and suggests that survival is playing an important role in the recovery of this tern population and that the current population growth is not solely due to immigration. Improvements in resighting protocols, marking technology, and mark-recapture methods are recommended to better use live resighting, dead recovery, and multistate data.  相似文献   

The effect of dairy pond water quality on mosquito biology was studied under laboratory conditions during 2004. Due to high turbidity and larval toxicity of raw water samples from dairy ponds with no mosquito breeding, water samples from both mosquito breeding and non-breeding ponds were filtered and diluted 5X with distilled water prior to being tested for sublethal effects on mosquito development. The diluted pond waters showed no significant deleterious effects on the overall development of Culex quiquefasciatus Say at 23.9 degrees and 26.6 degrees C. However, the 3rd and 4th instar larvae were significantly shorter and lighter in weight when reared in diluted water samples from mosquito non-breeding ponds. Similar effects were found on the developmental stages of Cx. tarsalis Coquillette. Data on water quality parameters of filtered pond waters showed higher levels of hexavalent chromium (4X), nitrites (10X), nitrates (2X), sulfates (5X), and salinity (2X) in water samples from non-breeding ponds. Based on these data, the presence of high levels of hexavalent chromium and sulfate appear to be responsible for the absence of mosquito breeding in some dairy ponds.  相似文献   

Roads present formidable barriers to dispersal. We examine movements of two highly mobile carnivores across the Ventura Freeway near Los Angeles, one of the busiest highways in the United States. The two species, bobcats and coyotes, can disappear from habitats isolated and fragmented by roads, and their ability to disperse across the Ventura Freeway tests the limits of vertebrates to overcome anthropogenic obstacles. We combine radio-telemetry data and genetically based assignments to identify individuals that have crossed the freeway. Although the freeway is a significant barrier to dispersal, we find that carnivores can cross the freeway and that 5-32% of sampled carnivores crossed over a 7-year period. However, despite moderate levels of migration, populations on either side of the freeway are genetically differentiated, and coalescent modelling shows their genetic isolation is consistent with a migration fraction less than 0.5% per generation. These results imply that individuals that cross the freeway rarely reproduce. Highways and development impose artificial home range boundaries on territorial and reproductive individuals and hence decrease genetically effective migration. Further, territory pile-up at freeway boundaries may decrease reproductive opportunities for dispersing individuals that do manage to cross. Consequently, freeways are filters favouring dispersing individuals that add to the migration rate but little to gene flow. Our results demonstrate that freeways can restrict gene flow even in wide-ranging species and suggest that for territorial animals, migration levels across anthropogenic barriers need to be an order of magnitude larger than commonly assumed to counteract genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

Question: What changes in species composition and cover have occurred in chaparral as a function of fire history across an ecoregion? Location: San Diego County, California, USA. Methods: Stands in which 40 mid‐elevation chaparral vegetation plots (each 400 m2 in area) were located in the 1930s were resurveyed in 2001. We stratified the stands into Infrequently versus Frequently burned (0–1 versus 2 or more fires recorded in the 91‐yr period), and Immature versus Mature (ã31 yr versus >31 yr since last fire), resulting in four groups. Ten stands were randomly selected from each of these groups for survey. Results: There were no major shifts in life form composition, e.g., live oak trees were not invading chaparral that had experienced little or no fire, nor were subshrubs or herbaceous species replacing shrubs in areas that had experienced more frequent fires. However, there was a notable increase in the frequency of the subshrub Eriogonum fasciculatum across all fire history groups. In the mature stands with infrequent fire, average cover of resprouting shrubs increased (from 72 to 91%) and cover of obligate seeding shrubs (species with fire‐cued germination) decreased (from 21 to 6%) significantly. Mature stands with frequent fire showed a significant decrease in resprouter cover (from 87 to 80%) and increase in obligate seeders (from 10 to 16%). Conclusions: While the tremendous changes in land use in southern California have been predicted to cause shifts in chaparral composition, these shifts are difficult to detect because species longevity and fire cycles are on the order of decades to a century. In this study, the expected trends could only be detected in groups that were mature at the time of the second survey.  相似文献   

Aims: A recent study that evaluated 22 methods for enumerating faecal indicator bacteria in sand recommended standardization to a preferred method, but all researchers involved in that study had extensive experience in processing sand samples. The purpose of this study was to evaluate how well the recommended method can be transferred to laboratories without such experience. Methods and Results: Eight southern California laboratories that rarely measure bacteria in sand processed six sand and three water samples in replicates to assess repeatability. Among‐laboratory variability was found to be less than within‐laboratory variability, with no significant differences in results among any of the laboratories. Moreover, within‐laboratory variability was comparable between the sand and water samples, indicating that the elution procedure added little additional method error even when performed by laboratories without prior experience. Conclusions: The simple extraction method for enumerating Enterococcus in beach sands was easily transferable to and repeatable among laboratories with little or no prior experience. Significance and Impact of the Study: The demonstrated success of technology transfer will further demonstrate the success of method standardization and adoption, aiding in understanding of how sands affect surface water quality.  相似文献   

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