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The nation''s health maintenance organizations, preferred-provider organizations, independent practice associations, and similar managed-care efforts are not well positioned to take a leadership role in a nationwide universal access or national health insurance plan. They--with the possible exception of some large staff and group health maintenance organizations--have been unable to show uniformly that they can contain costs, provide better access or higher quality of care, and achieve greater patient satisfaction than fee-for-service endeavors. As the United States pursues universal access as a step toward national health insurance, the managed-care plans will continue to increase their numbers of subscribers. They will not, however, be able to enroll large numbers of the young, low-income employees and their dependents who account for most of the 63 million people uninsured sometime during each year. Under national health insurance, there might be an option for some health maintenance organizations to negotiate capitated payments. The vast majority of the nation''s physicians, however, will reluctantly embrace a centrally managed fee-for-service approach rather than a salary or capitated reimbursement method, leaving only a trace of the competitive managed-care plan theme in a future, primarily monolithic, national health care system.  相似文献   

孕产妇孕期保健及孕产妇健康对促进安全分娩和优生优育起着十分重要的作用,随着我国孕产妇保健工作的进一步完善及国家二胎政策的实施,现代临床医学所倡导的优生优育的观念已逐渐被社会广泛认可。然而,我国少数民族地区多有经济落后、地理位置偏僻、思想观念陈旧等问题,导致我国少数民族孕产妇孕期保健水平还比较低下,孕产妇健康状况有待改善。为预防少数民族地区出生缺陷,降低出生缺陷率,提高优生率,提高少数民族地区出生人口素质,通过完善医疗制度,改善医疗环境,合理营养干预及加强家庭访视等相关健康教育促进孕期保健,提高孕前检查的依从性,实现优生,孕产期健康教育可以降低整个孕期出现的危险因素,本文对我国少数民族的孕产妇孕期保健及健康做一综述。  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2009,15(6):612-623
ObjectiveTo review some of the persistent disparities in health and health care in the United States related to race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, with a focus on diabetes mellitus and obesity, and to discuss the role of endocrinologists in preventing these disparities.MethodsSome of the efforts made by the US government, such as public health strategies, to address health disparities are outlined, and statistics about diabetes and obesity are presented.ResultsThe elimination of health disparities, recognized as a national challenge for decades, is a national priority as defined in the national goals for Healthy People 2010. Health disparities refer to the differences in the quality of health and health care access and outcomes across racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. Such disparities may be related to the patient (education, socioeconomic status, environment, language), the health care system (location, structural barriers, financial resources), or the provider, including a lack of diversity in the health care workforce. Endocrinologists are responsible for the care of many patients with chronic diseases, including obesity and diabetes mellitus. Both of these chronic diseases are diagnosed with increased frequency in minority populations and are preventable, difficult to manage, and associated with many complications and high health care costs.ConclusionThe role of endocrinologists is to provide equitable, affordable, accessible, high-quality, timely, cost-effective, and culturally sensitive health care. They must be involved in population health decisions and development of optimal health care policy so that endocrine disorders can ultimately be prevented. In addition, they must educate themselves, their patients, and the community regarding maintenance of healthy lifestyles to prevent complications. (Endocr Pract. 2009;15:612-623)  相似文献   

This article examines Japanese Americans in Japan to illuminate how ‘Japanese American’ – an ethnic minority identity in the US – is reconstructed in Japan as a racialized national identity. Based on fifty interviews with American citizens of Japanese ancestry conducted between 2004 and 2007, I demonstrate how interactions with Japanese in Japan shape Japanese Americans’ racial and national understandings of themselves. After laying out a theoretical framework for understanding the shifting intersection of race, ethnicity, and nationality, I explore the interactive process of racial categorization and ethnic identity assertion for Japanese American transnationals in Japan. This process leads to what I call racialized national identities – the intersection of racial and national identities in an international context – and suggests that US racial minority identities are constructed not only within the US, but abroad as well.  相似文献   

The tensions between individual rights promised to US citizens and group discrimination targeted against African Americans and similar racial/ethnic groups constitute one enduring paradox of US society. This essay examines this paradox by exploring how a gendered family rhetoric contributes to understandings of race and US national identity. Using African American women's experiences as a touchstone for analysis, the article suggests that African American women's treatment as second-class citizens reflects a belief that they are 'like one of the family', that is, legally part of the US nation-state, but simultaneously subordinated within it. To investigate these relationships, the article examines 1) how intersecting social hierarchies of race and ethnicity foster racialized understandings of US national identity; 2) how the gendered rhetoric of the American family ideal naturalizes and normalizes social hierarchies; and 3) how gendered family rhetoric fosters racialized constructions of US national identity as a large national family.  相似文献   

Objective: Studies suggest that obesity's adverse impact on cardiovascular mortality may be reduced in African Americans relative to white Americans. We examined whether obesity's association with novel cardiovascular risk factors such as C‐reactive protein (CRP) also varies by race and ethnicity. Methods and Procedures: We analyzed data from 10,492 white, African‐American, and Hispanic‐American participants of the 1999–2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, who were aged 20 years and older, with a BMI ≥18.5 kg/m2 and CRP ≤10 mg/l. We fit sex‐specific multivariable models of the association of BMI or waist circumference with log CRP levels and tested for interactions of BMI or waist circumference with race/ethnicity. Results: Higher BMI was significantly associated with higher CRP in all racial/ethnic groups for both men and women (P > 0.05 for BMI–race/ethnicity interaction) before and after adjustment for age, education, and health behaviors. Larger waist circumference was also associated with higher CRP levels in all racial/ethnic groups before and after adjustment; among women, the relationship was strongest for Mexican Hispanics (P < 0.01 for waist circumference–race/ethnicity interaction). Results were similar after additional adjustment for medications that might affect CRP levels. Discussion: The association between obesity and CRP is at least as strong in African Americans and Hispanic Americans as in white Americans. Racial differences in the relationship between obesity and cardiovascular mortality are unlikely to be due to racial differences in obesity's impact on CRP.  相似文献   

The rapid growth and diversity of the older population have long-term implications for health care policies in the United States. Current policies designed for a homogeneous population are increasingly obsolete. To ameliorate obstacles that handicap many ethnic minority elders and to provide equal access to adequate and acceptable health care, several factors need to be considered. Enhanced data collection and analytic techniques are needed. The effects of race or ethnicity must be separated from other biologic, environmental, socioeconomic, cultural, and temporal factors on health status and behavior. Health care professionals and organizations serving minority elders must continue to expand their advocacy efforts to articulate the findings and their concerns to policymakers. Policymakers must understand and acknowledge the implications of an increasingly diverse society and determine what will constitute adequate, accessible, and acceptable health care within continuing fiscal constrains. Program planning, implementation, and evaluation methods must be revised to meet future health care needs effectively and efficiently.  相似文献   

This study examined both socioeconomic and cultural factors in explaining ethnic differences in monitoring, behavioral control, and warmth—part of a series of coordinated studies presented in this special issue. Socioeconomic variables included mother's and father's educational levels, employment status, home ownership, number of siblings in the household, and single parent status. Cultural factors included nationality or ethnicity, immigrant status of child, mother's/father's age of arrival in the United States, mother's/father's English language use with the child, child's native fluency, and cultural values for independence and interdependence. The sample consisted of 591 European American, 123 African American, 1,614 Asian American, and 597 Latino students in the ninth grade. All the ethnic minority groups were higher than European Americans on behavioral control, and Latinos were also higher than European Americans on monitoring. However, European Americans were higher on parental warmth than Asian Americans and African Americans. These ethnic group differences primarily remained even after controlling for the socioeconomic factors. Finally, in analyses looking within the Asian and Latino groups, differences in parenting were found within both groups due to nationality or ethnicity, youth's fluency in the native language, and cultural values of interdependence, although values of independence were also related to the parenting of Asian Americans.  相似文献   

Using a nationally representative sample of adults in the US, this study examines the majority and minority’s positive views of the country in terms of nativity status, race and ethnicity, and religion. The results suggest that the majority–minority differences vary by demographic characteristics and attitudes examined. Although non-US citizens have a lower level of regard for the US as the best country in which to be a citizen than their counterparts, they have no less favourable views in other respects. Among ethnic minorities, only blacks have more negative views of the US than whites do. While religious minorities also have less regard for the country than the majority, individuals with no religious affiliation hold lower levels of most national attitudes. These findings suggest that the associations between minority status and views of the country go beyond race and ethnicity, which previous research has overlooked.  相似文献   

Various measures of the health status of the population of the United States show there is considerable room for improvement. Compared with other industrialized nations, we are spending more for health care but our health is worse. These data form the basis for setting national priorities. Four selected policy issues are discussed, including access to medical care, maternal and child health care, the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and long-term care. Examination of these issues leads to the conclusion that universal and affordable health care is the major national health priority, requiring a commitment by the people of the United States and its leaders to develop a viable solution.  相似文献   

Much historical research on race, intelligence, and health was racist, unethical, and ineffective. The concepts of race and ethnicity are difficult to define but continue to be applied to the study of the health of immigrant and ethnic minority groups in the hope of advancing understanding of causes of disease. While a morass of associations has been generated, race and ethnicity in health research have seldom given fundamental new understanding of disease. Most such research is "black box epidemiology." Researchers have not overcome the many conceptual and technical problems of research into ethnicity and health. By emphasising the negative aspects of the health of ethnic minority groups, research may have damaged their social standing and deflected attention from their health priorities. Unless researchers recognise the difficulties with research into ethnicity and health and correct its weaknesses, 20th century research in this subject may suffer the same ignominious fate as that of race science in the 19th century.  相似文献   

IntroductionSelf-rated health is demonstrated to vary substantially by both personal socio-economic status and national economic conditions. However, studies investigating the combined influence of individual and country level economic indicators across several countries in the context of recent global recession are limited. This paper furthers our knowledge of the effect of recession on health at both the individual and national level.MethodsUsing the Life in Transition II study, which provides data from 19,759 individuals across 26 European nations, we examine the relationship between self-rated health, personal economic experiences, and macro-economic change. Data analyses include, but are not limited to, the partial proportional odds model which permits the effect of predictors to vary across different levels of our dependent variable.ResultsHousehold experiences with recession, especially a loss of staple good consumption, are associated with lower self-rated health. Most individual-level experiences with recession, such as a job loss, have relatively small negative effects on perceived health; the effect of individual or household economic hardship is strongest in high income nations. Our findings also suggest that macroeconomic growth improves self-rated health in low-income nations but has no effect in high-income nations. Individuals with the greatest probability of “good” self-rated health reside in wealthy countries ($23,910 to $50, 870 GNI per capita).ConclusionBoth individual and national economic variables are predictive of self-rated health. Personal and household experiences are most consequential for self-rated health in high income nations, while macroeconomic growth is most consequential in low-income nations.  相似文献   

BackgroundNational dementia guidelines provide recommendations about the most effective approaches to diagnosis and interventions. Guidelines can improve care, but some groups such as people with minority characteristics may be disadvantaged if recommended approaches are the same for everyone. It is not known if dementia guidelines address specific needs related to patient characteristics. The objectives of this review are to identify which countries have national guidelines for dementia and synthesise recommendations relating to protected characteristics, as defined in the UK Equality Act 2010: age, disability, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.Methods and findingsWe searched CINAHL, PsycINFO, and Medline databases and the Guideline International Network library from inception to March 4, 2020, for dementia guidelines in any language. We also searched, between April and September 2020, Google and the national health websites of all 196 countries in English and in each country’s official languages. To be included, guidelines had to provide recommendations about dementia, which were expected to be followed by healthcare workers and be approved at a national policy level. We rated quality according to the iCAHE guideline quality checklist. We provide a narrative synthesis of recommendations identified for each protected characteristic, prioritising those from higher-quality guidelines. Forty-six guidelines from 44 countries met our criteria, of which 18 were rated as higher quality. Most guidelines (39/46; 85%) made at least one reference to protected characteristics, and we identified recommendations relating to age, disability, race (or culture, ethnicity, or language), religion, sex, and sexual orientation. Age was the most frequently referenced characteristic (31/46; 67%) followed by race (or culture, ethnicity, or language; 25/46; 54%). Recommendations included specialist investigation and support for younger people affected by dementia and consideration of culture when assessing whether someone had dementia and providing person-centred care. Guidelines recommended considering religion when providing person-centred and end-of-life care. For disability, it was recommended that healthcare workers consider intellectual disability and sensory impairment when assessing for dementia. Most recommendations related to sex recommended not using sex hormones to treat cognitive impairment in men and women. One guideline made one recommendation related to sexual orientation. The main limitation of this study is that we only included national guidelines applicable to a whole country meaning guidelines from countries with differing healthcare systems within the country may have been excluded.ConclusionsNational guidelines for dementia vary in their consideration of protected characteristics. We found that around a fifth of the world’s countries have guidelines for dementia. We have identified areas of good practice that can be considered for future guidelines and suggest that all guidelines provide specific evidence-based recommendations for minority groups with examples of how to implement them. This will promote equity in the care of people affected by dementia and help to ensure that people with protected characteristics also have high-quality clinical services.

Tiffeny James and team investigate which countries have national guidelines for dementia, and synthesise recommendations relating to protected characteristics as defined in the UK Equality Act 2010.  相似文献   

In the Netherlands, non-Western ethnic minority women make their first antenatal visit later than native Dutch women. Timely entry into antenatal care is important as it provides the opportunity for prenatal screening and the detection of risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes. In this study we explored whether women''s timely entry is influenced by their neighborhood. Moreover, we assessed whether ethnic minority density (the proportion of ethnic minorities in a neighborhood) influences Western and non-Western ethnic minority women''s chances of timely entry into care differently. We hypothesized that ethnic minority density has a protective effect against non-Western women''s late entry into care. Data on time of entry into care and other individual-level characteristics were obtained from the Netherlands Perinatal Registry (2000-2008; 97% of all pregnancies). We derived neighborhood-level data from three other national databases. We included 1,137,741 pregnancies of women who started care under supervision of a community midwife in 3422 neighborhoods. Multi-level logistic regression was used to assess the associations of individual and neighborhood-level determinants with entry into antenatal care before and after 14 weeks of gestation. We found that neighborhood characteristics influence timely entry above and beyond individual characteristics. Ethnic minority density was associated with a higher risk of late entry into antenatal care. However, our analysis showed that for non-Western women, living in high ethnic minority density areas is less detrimental to their risk of late entry than for Western women. This means that a higher proportion of ethnic minority residents has a protective effect on non-Western women''s chances of timely entry into care. Our results suggest that strategies to improve timely entry into care could seek to create change at the neighborhood level in order to target individuals likely of entering care too late.  相似文献   

Coronary heart disease has been proved to be associated with a "high-risk" diet and with elevated blood cholesterol levels. The National Cholesterol Education Program has embarked on a campaign based on intensive medical treatment of 60 million Americans with high blood cholesterol levels, but the degree of benefit of dietary change or pharmaceutical intervention or both to reduce blood cholesterol values remains a subject of disagreement within the scientific community. Evidence from comparative international studies suggests that to lower coronary heart disease mortality substantially, dietary alterations and general societal changes must be greater than those possible under the National Cholesterol Education Program''s approach of physician-centered patient counseling. The nation''s priority to prevent coronary heart disease should be a public policy approach, the goal of which is to reduce for the entire population all coronary disease risk factors. In the dietary area, three proposals to reduce the availability of atherogenic foods are the use of warning labels on atherogenic foods, the prohibition of advertising for such high-risk foods, and the imposition of an excise tax on the same foods. We must confront the "TV-auto-supermarket society" that underlies our nation''s high rate of coronary heart disease.  相似文献   

Using genome-wide genotypes, we characterized the genetic structure of 103,006 participants in the Kaiser Permanente Northern California multi-ethnic Genetic Epidemiology Research on Adult Health and Aging Cohort and analyzed the relationship to self-reported race/ethnicity. Participants endorsed any of 23 race/ethnicity/nationality categories, which were collapsed into seven major race/ethnicity groups. By self-report the cohort is 80.8% white and 19.2% minority; 93.8% endorsed a single race/ethnicity group, while 6.2% endorsed two or more. Principal component (PC) and admixture analyses were generally consistent with prior studies. Approximately 17% of subjects had genetic ancestry from more than one continent, and 12% were genetically admixed, considering only nonadjacent geographical origins. Self-reported whites were spread on a continuum along the first two PCs, indicating extensive mixing among European nationalities. Self-identified East Asian nationalities correlated with genetic clustering, consistent with extensive endogamy. Individuals of mixed East Asian–European genetic ancestry were easily identified; we also observed a modest amount of European genetic ancestry in individuals self-identified as Filipinos. Self-reported African Americans and Latinos showed extensive European and African genetic ancestry, and Native American genetic ancestry for the latter. Among 3741 genetically identified parent–child pairs, 93% were concordant for self-reported race/ethnicity; among 2018 genetically identified full-sib pairs, 96% were concordant; the lower rate for parent–child pairs was largely due to intermarriage. The parent–child pairs revealed a trend toward increasing exogamy over time; the presence in the cohort of individuals endorsing multiple race/ethnicity categories creates interesting challenges and future opportunities for genetic epidemiologic studies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine whether there are too many hospital beds in London. DESIGN--Analysis of data from the Hospital In-Patient Enquiry, Mental Health Enquiry, health service indicators, and Emergency Bed Service. SETTING--England, London, and inner London. RESULTS--Hospital admission rates for acute plus geriatric services for London residents were very similar to the national values in all age groups. In the special case considered in the Tomlinson report--acute services in inner London--the admission rate was 22% above the value for England. However, the admission rate of inner deprived Londoners was 9% below that of comparable areas outside London. For psychiatry, admission rates in London roughly equalled those in comparable areas. When special health authorities were excluded, in 1990-1 there were 4% more acute plus geriatric beds available per resident in London than in England. Bed provision has been reduced more rapidly in London than nationally. Extrapolating the trend of bed closures forward indicates that beds (all and acute) per resident in London are now at about the national average. Data from the Emergency Bed Service indicate that the pressure on available hospital beds in London has been increasing since 1985. CONCLUSIONS--Data regarding bed provision and utilisation for all specialties by London residents do not provide a case for reducing the total hospital bed stock in London at a rate faster than elsewhere. Bed closures should take account of London''s relatively poorer social and primary health care circumstances, longer hospital waiting lists, poorer provision of residential homes, and evidence from the Emergency Bed Service of increasing pressure on beds. Higher average costs in London, some unavoidable, are forcing hospital beds to be closed at a faster rate in London than nationally.  相似文献   

The Supplement to the Surgeon General's Report on Mental Health documents that race, ethnicity, and culture are linked to the use of mental health services and the receipt of quality mental health care. The Supplement provides an elaborate discussion on how culture affects mental health care without a corresponding level of discourse on race. How race is handled in the Supplement suggests that it is still a sensitive topic and one that is difficult to address in a public report. This sensitivity parallels the difficulties that the social sciences have had in investigating issues of race. In this paper, we highlight some perspectives that have influenced the way race has been studied in the past and how these views reflect the general political climates of the eras that produced them.  相似文献   

M Gordon  P B Berger 《CMAJ》1996,155(4):404-406
Canada''s medicare system has provided Canadians with high-quality health care for almost three decades. Now Canadian health care appears to be at risk of losing the single-payer system, which is the premise on which medicare is built. As medicare comes under increasing financial pressure, many are calling for the introduction of private care as a means of bolstering our health care system and maintaining its quality. Although it appears alluring to some politicians, physicians and commentators, privatization could very well lead to the demise of the principles and practices of the Canadian health care system as we know it, with little clear benefit to the public or physicians.  相似文献   

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